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Incognito to advertise your personal data. Browser incognito mode: what it is and how to use it

When working on the Internet, using any browser for this, the user will leave behind information that is stored in cache files. To work without saving any data on the Internet, you can use the incognito mode. When working in private mode, virtually no data will be stored on the system. In this mode, history, downloads and other data are not recorded, and cookies will be deleted automatically after closing the browser.

Incognito in different browsers

If you are working with Google chrome, then you can turn it on with the key with three stripes located in the right upper corner browser. After the appearance of a special context menu it is necessary to select the item "New window in". A window should open, in the upper left corner of which there will be an image of a person. This means that your browser is operating in private mode. Below there will be a message stating that you are using this particular mode.

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular browsers. He also has such a mode of operation. You need to go to the "Tools" panel. When the corresponding menu appears, you need to select the "Start" item. You can call incognito mode in this browser by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P. After that, a window will appear to confirm that you will use the browser in this particular mode. Now in the upper left corner of the browser the inscription "Private Browsing" should appear.

V Opera browser you need to click on the Opera icon and select the "Tabs and Windows" button in the menu that appears. Then you can create either "Private Tab" or "Private Window". A notification will appear stating that you are working in private mode. V in this case the tab icon will change. Private mode will be different from normal.

As for the browser Internet Explorer, to enable private browsing, open the Tools tab and select InPrivate Browsing. In other versions of the same product (from 8 onwards), a similar mode is activated by pressing the "Security" button or the gear icon. In each version, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P. V InPrivate mode the corresponding caption will be displayed in the upper left corner of the window.

Exiting incognito mode can be simple - you just need to close all windows (tabs) that work in this mode.

Anything you do on the Internet can be used against you!

Often we don't even know how much confidential information we trust to the browser. But behind his friendly guise there is a spy essence. He could have handed us over with giblets to anyone who has access to a computer, if not for a single means ...

It's about incognito mode, which makes the web browser "forget" network action user - do not save the history of visited sites, do not remember the entered data, do not display the names of downloaded files. Let's talk about how to enable incognito mode in the browser, in which cases it will be useful to you, and in which it will not.

What incognito can and cannot

Incognito mode or private browsing web pages will keep your activities private from people who have access to your computer other than you, such as family members or work colleagues. Always use it to visit sites with authorization if you do not go to them from a personal PC, but at a party or public place... So you will avoid leakage of entered logins and passwords into the wrong hands.

Also, when browsing privately:

  • third-party plugins and browser extensions are disabled, which may interfere with the display of content on some sites;
  • no data is collected about your interests to show targeted ads that can give other users what you want to hide;
  • the auto-detection of resource visitors stops working, which will give you the opportunity to log in to one website under different accounts(v normal mode- under one, in private - under another);
  • the counters of the user's limit actions are not saved, that is, by closing and reopening the private window, you can re-participate in the vote, put several likes instead of one, etc.

However, please note that incognito does not spoof your IP address and does not provide anonymity on the Internet. With its help, you will not get to blocked web resources and will not protect confidential data when transferring over the network. In addition, created bookmarks and files that you downloaded in a private browser window remain on your hard drive. If you do not take care of hiding them, they will be available to everyone who uses the computer with you.

How to enable incognito mode in popular browsers

Google chrome

Privacy enable function (" New incognito window") v Google web browser Chrome is in the main menu, accessed by clicking the Configure & Control button in the upper right corner. Or by pressing the Shift + Control + N key combination.

The private window (reduced in the screenshot) has a characteristic dark background with "spy" attributes:

Yandex browser

To open a private browsing window in the Yandex browser, click the "Yandex Browser Settings" button in the form of three bars on top panel. Desired item the menu is called “ Incognito mode". Also, it opens by pressing Shift + Control + N, just like in Google Chrome.

The view of the private window also differs from the usual one in its characteristic design:

Mozilla Firefox

The transition to incognito in Firefox is also done through the main menu, the button of which, as in most web browsers, is located at the top right. The menu item is called " New private window". The keyboard shortcut is Shift + Control + P (Latin).

The reduced private window of the "fire fox" looks like this:

It includes, among other things, a slider to disable website trackers that collect information about what users are doing online.


The peculiarity of the transition to private in the Opera browser lies only in the fact that its main menu opens not from the right, but from the left side. The required item is called " Create a private window". It is also created by the key combination Shift + Control + N - as in Chrome browsers and Yandex.

The reduced window looks like this:

For those who need even more privacy, the browser offers a built-in VPN service in combination with incognito.

Internet Explorer

Privacy mode in Internet Explorer is opened through the menu " Safety". The required item bears the name " ViewInPrivate". In addition, the keyboard shortcut Shift + Control + P opens it, just like in Firefox.

This material will be aimed at novice travelers in the open spaces World wide web... In it, we will go through such a browser function as incognito mode: what is its meaning and how to use it.

What is incognito mode?

So let's try to understand what incognito mode is. Incognito mode is special treatment, enabled by the user's own efforts, with the help of which the browser functions for "remembering" information from the visited web resources are deactivated. All information is deleted from the browser automatically after the tab is closed. Below information is in the form of the following:

  • browsing history;
  • information from forms for filling;
  • cookies;
  • various site data (cache).

Among novice users, there is a belief that incognito mode is called that way, that with its help you can remain completely unnoticed on the network. However, this is far from the case. Your actions in incognito mode can be seen by the administrators of the sites you visit, the administrator of your network (if you are in one) and even an Internet provider. Among other things, although all files you downloaded in incognito mode are deleted from the browser records, they remain on the computer.

A logical question arises: why then use incognito mode if I remain more than visible on the Internet? Well, this mode rather suitable for local use. For example, incognito mode is ideal if you want to surf the Internet from someone else's browser and do not want to "litter" in it. However, the incognito mode still gains popularity thanks to the endless stream of jokes about its use when viewing pornography on the Internet, for which, by the way, it is ideal.

How do I use incognito mode?

Okay, so how can you activate (or enter) this mode on a particular browser? This is extremely simple: with a browser open, press the CTRL + SHIFT + N key combination. This combination usually works on the set most popular browsers... For example, it will definitely work on Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox. Apart from this combination, you can always find incognito mode in the menu of any browser. It is also worth noting that the incognito mode in some browsers may be called a little differently, for example, a private window, however, the functionality will remain the same.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. What does the word incognito mean? What it is? Do you know? Most likely you know, but I will explain it for the sake of order. This word is derived from the Italian word incognito, which means - not be recognized (remain unknown)... Synonyms for this word in some way can be the words: anonymously, secretly, under a different name (mask).

For instance, famous people can be incognito in public places, using grimm, a pseudonym and other tricks for this. Such a regime sometimes turns out to be very convenient for them, because it allows them to exist without attracting attention to themselves.

But incognito mode it is necessary not only for famous people to escape the attention of the crowd. The most ordinary users Internet, anonymity also seems very attractive, because you do not need to be afraid of the consequences of your actions. When you communicate on forums and even in social networks, you often use not your real name, but instead of real photo to feel calmer on the Internet, without fear of expressing your views or thoughts of "getting your head on."

Browser developers, understanding the need for users to hide traces of some of your online activities(earlier it was necessary for this and), added a mode called "Incognito" (as it is called in the Yandex browser and Google Chrome). When activated, all your traces of visiting certain sites, downloading files, etc. will be automatically removed from your browser history. Let's see how it all works and what it can be useful for?

What is incognito mode for and how does it work?

I think what to explain for what you or anyone else may need Incognito mode no need. This is especially true when you share a computer with someone else. Of course, you can use different Accounts, but few people are concerned about fiddling with their configuration and constant login / logout.

And so, in the "invisible" mode (it is available in almost all modern browsers, but it can be called in different ways - "incognito" it is called only in Chrome and Yandex browser, and, for example, in Opera - it is " private mode", But not the point) you do not have to worry, for example, that your" neighbor "on the computer will also have access to it. And it will not be possible to track the history of your surfing the Internet through the browser (the cache, cookies, entered passwords, form data, etc. are erased).

How does Incognito mode work? Pretty simple. You open a new window of your browser (Chrome or Yandex) in this mode (it is easy to distinguish it from the usual one by the appeared icon of the person in dark glasses- in Chrome on the left, and in the Yandex browser to the right of the tab bar).

At the same time, other windows of the same browser may remain working as usual. All pages that you open in the anonymous window will not be registered in the browsing history, and after closing these windows track the sites you visited, and those files that were downloaded will not be possible. And you don't need to clean anything on purpose - just close the private window and that's it. Whisper!

Attention! A browser running in an Incognito session really will not leave traces of your "surfing", but this does not mean that it will not be possible to find you if you want to. It's just protection from your boss or relatives, but not from any kind of "authorities" and hackers. The fact is that the data about your visits remains on the sites themselves where you were (in the logs), as well as at the Internet provider through which you access the Internet. Consider this, just in case.

How to enable Incognito mode in Yandex Browser and Chrome

Again, pretty simple. I'll make a reservation right away that the private mode is provided not only in versions of browsers for a computer, but also in their mobile incarnations. So, if you want to activate "invisibility" on a computer or laptop, then:

If you have, then there you can also turn on the Incognito mode if you want. On Android or iOS, you will need to click on the "Menu" button (with three dots in the case of Android and three stripes in the case of iOS) and select the now traditional menu item " New inset incognita".

V mobile version Yandex browser private mode is not yet provided. Alas and ah.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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In this article I will show you how to enter incognito mode or how to enable incognito mode in different browsers and on different operating systems... More precisely, on Windows and Android. Incognito mode is the so-called private mode, using which you can be sure that no one will be able to track your actions.

Features for incognito mode:

  • Website visit history is not saved
  • File download history is not saved, but downloaded files are successfully saved on the computer
  • Cookies are deleted immediately after closing all open windows private mode
  • No way to open a closed tab
  • This does not change the IP address.

Enable private mode in Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

InPrivate in Microsoft Edge

Incognito mode appeared in Microsoft Edge v latest updates Windows 10. But in order not to repeat itself, they gave it the name InPrivate. But in fact, this is the same private mode that is available in other browsers.

How to open incognito mode on your phone

Most smartphone users use Chrome and Opera to surf the Internet. Therefore, here I will show you how to enter incognito mode in these mobile browsers.

And so to go into incognito mode in Chrome on Android, you just need to press a button in the browser Functions(three points located from top to bottom) and select New incognito tab.

To open a private tab in Opera, You need to go to open tabs and swipe right to switch to private tabs... Then press + to open a new private tab.

You can also see how to enable incognito mode in a browser on a computer.

That's all. In this article, I showed you how to enter incognito mode on your computer and phone. I hope the article was useful for you. You can now sit in in social networks from two accounts in one browser. Well, now no one will know your secrets. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and share the article on social networks.

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