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Information about the linux operating system. Linux operating systems

Distributions / Not demanding on resources

Linux distributions that are not demanding on computer resources. Distributions can run on weak computers and consume little RAM.

Some distributions are already "sharpened" for weak platforms, and some require manual compilation and configuration. The downside of speed is usually a simpler interface, no effects, and possibly more complex installation and configuration.

MX Linux

MX Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Debian Stable.

React OS

ReactOS is a free and open source operating system compatible with Windows drivers and programs.


Xubuntu is an Ubuntu-based distribution that uses the Xfce desktop environment. The distribution kit has a good set of pre-installed software, a high-quality interface and can work on relatively weak computers.


Manjaro is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux that has a simple graphical installer and a "preinstalled" graphical environment (XFCE, Openbox, and others). Manjaro is much easier to install than Arch Linux. The distribution uses its own repositories, but is compatible with the AUR (Arch User Repositories).


SliTaz is a very small Linux distribution for computers with low amounts of random access memory (RAM) and older computers. The distribution image occupies only 35 megabytes and is fully loaded into RAM, providing high speed. SliTaz can be installed on a hard drive or run in LiveCD mode.

Damn Small Linux

Damn Small Linux (DSL) is a very small Linux distribution. Literally translating the name of the distribution kit - devilishly small Linux.

Linux Mint (linux mint)

The size of the distribution kit is only 50Mb. Damn Small Linux is designed to be used on weak (older) computers, as it consumes very few resources.

Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Linux is a tiny Linux distribution that runs very fast. The size of the iso image is only about 12 megabytes. The distribution can run on very weak computers. The distribution does not contain built-in software. Tiny Core Linux is hardly suitable for beginners, as it requires Linux experience.

Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux is a small, fast and feature rich Linux distribution. The size of the distribution kit is only about 85Mb. Contains a large set of installed programs and has a full graphical interface. Able to run from LiveCD and run entirely from RAM. Not demanding on computer resources.


Lubuntu is a lightweight distribution based on Ubuntu with an LXDE graphical environment. Designed mainly for use on weak computers.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a stable, fast Linux distribution that can be completely customized. Designed for advanced Linux users. Uses only stable versions of packages. The distribution is optimized for i686 and x86-64 architectures.


Gentoo is a fast Linux distribution that installs packages from source. Gentoo aims to be as flexible as possible.

Distributions based on:

Linux Mint - Linux champion!

Today I downloaded Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon, release candidate (see the official site). Since before that I also had Linux Mint 16, at first glance nothing has changed, except for the desktop wallpaper, where instead of the inscription Linux Mint 16, the inscription Linux Mint 17 admires. But this, of course, is only the outside.

And so at least the fact that Linux Mint 17 is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has changed - a version of Ubuntu with long-term support (how to install Ubuntu described HERE).

So this system can not be reinstalled for at least 2 years.

I will not describe the installation of Linux Mint 17, since it is installed as standard, you can read about it in the article about installing Linux. I installed everything without problems, I think that you will not have problems either. What is interesting in this candidate release?

Since this is a release candidate, it still has some bugs, many of which will disappear when updates are installed.

Important information about Linux Mint 17:

Login screen freezes when logging in in German. (Unlucky Germans :(
The NVIDIA Optimus video card is not working yet. (But this is sadness, since I have just such a video card. But they reassure that YET :)
EFI Support - Extensible Firmware Interface. (I didn’t understand whether it works or not, and how it will affect the work? You just wrote a phrase and whatever you want, then think)
Requires PAE kernel installation for 32-bit systems.

OS Linux. What is Russian "Linux": description, characteristics and reviews

(Well, I don’t know, I downloaded the 32-bit version, 4 gigabytes of RAM shows.)
There are also other flaws...

System requirements for Linux Mint 17:

Need x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires 64-bit processor. Linux Mint 32-bit runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended for comfortable use).
5 GB disk space (20GB recommended).
Video card capable of at least 800×600 resolution (1024×768 recommended).
CD/DVD drive or USB port.

I don’t know if it’s worth setting everything up or waiting for the release of a stable version in which everything will be corrected? I'm just tormented by vague doubts that just by installing updates, all the jambs will not be removed. I will do this: in this article I will describe all the steps for installing additional programs that I usually use, and when reinstalling, I will save all the downloaded packages so that I can quickly download everything later.

(All packages are stored in the /var/cache/apt/archives directory - you can save the contents of the folder before reinstalling to a USB flash drive, so that you can download them there again later. Then you will not need to download them again from the Internet when installing and updating programs.)

The first thing to do after installation is to add the necessary additional repositories that are not in Linux Mint or if there is a more recent repository. Although, one can praise Linux Mint for having its own repository, which contains a lot of additional software from third-party manufacturers. But I usually put the following repositories in the same way:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vincent-c/cherrytree sudo add-apt-repository ppa:me-davidsansome/clementine sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andrew-crew -kuznetsov/xneur-stable sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slytomcat/ppa sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway

Now I will install my favorite programs that are not installed by default in Linux Mint. I will not describe each program, as I write more for myself, and besides, many programs are well known. (I already wrote about many programs and just put links to articles about them) I am writing the installation with one command, since it will then be easier to install everything again with a possible reinstallation of the system.

sudo apt-get install lekhonee-gnome ttf-mscorefonts-installer filezilla geany pinta docky gxneurclementine yd-tools wine1.7cherrytreevirtualbox-4.3 google-earth-stable skypeopera nemo-dropbox tilda deluge chromium-browser tasque parcellite bumblebee-nvidia unetbootin-translations unetbootin

Something like this, maybe I forgot, but if I remember, I'll add it later. And what additional programs do you install?

Yes, and for those who are not at all in the subject, here is a short video about the most popular Linux at the moment. Have you regretted buying your Windows yet? It's time to start :)

Linux operating system, why is it better?

Operating system Linux Why did I choose her? Why don't I use the world's most popular Windows 7, or the successor Windows 8? Which operating system is better, Windows or Linux? Of course, a special conversation is required about Windows 8, since the system is still new and very unusual for many. But, perhaps, after updates and the return of the start button, she will find her fans.

And so most people are quite satisfied with these operating systems, they have everything they need. But in fact, there are reasons to use the Linux operating system, and not just me. What are they? Here are my PERSONAL observations.

1. The Linux operating system is virus-free

The first thing that attracts many, and me personally, is the absence of viruses. Here some say that there are no viruses in Linux just because it is not widespread and hackers are simply too lazy to write them. I won't argue, but I don't quite agree with this.

Linux is on almost all servers and on the computers of millions of ordinary users. If everything were so simple, then there would be quite a few smart people to write viruses. Moreover, hacking servers is the first favorite pastime of hackers. Yes, there are rootkits that break Linux servers, but this is not relevant for home computers.

Someone may argue with me here, but I can draw such conclusions even on the basis that no antivirus company makes an antivirus for SPECIFICALLY Linux. No, each antivirus has versions of antiviruses for Linux, but they are designed to search for and neutralize Windows viruses.

2. Linux operating system is free

You should not think that all Linux users are miser, and that is why they use Linux. But the fact is that the FULL version of the same Windows 7 or 8 costs VERY well. And under the license, you can install one version on one computer.

Linux operating systems

What if I have 3 computers? Plus, you have to buy every NEW version of Windows if you want to stay on top of new technologies from Microsoft. And that's good money too.

But even this is not a problem, one could buy and forget. But there is only one Windows, and there are a lot of Linux distributions, and they can be downloaded, installed and tested for FREE. And here we come to the third advantage of the Linux operating system.

3. The Linux operating system is diverse

There are several basic modifications of the Linux operating system and many of their modifications for every taste. In addition, for each version, you can install one of the many working environments. If you want, put Gmone, if you want KDE, if you want LXDE, and so on, or you can choose everything at once and choose when you log in.

In general, for creative people there is just a HUGE field for experimentation. But that's not all. All programs for Linux are also free and at the same time do not contain the MIRACLES of toolbars that are so fashionable to build into software today.

4. The Linux operating system has a repository

Yes, Windows also has a lot of programs, and probably even more than Linux. But I like Linux's very approach to installing software that can be installed from the trusted repository of their software manager. And there is no need to crawl through warez sites that are teeming with viruses and obscene banners.

Of course, when switching from Windows, it may be unusual that analogues of programs are called differently, but over time you get used to it.

5. Linux operating system is more convenient

And this is my personal opinion. I worked both there and there, and I can say that the interface of the same Gnome is much more convenient than Windows 7. For example, when installing programs in Linux, each program occupies the right section in the menu and is then very easy to find.

In Windows, everything falls into a heap, and if you have a lot of programs, then it is very difficult to find the right one later. And there are a lot of such SMALL things, but they ultimately create convenience at work.

6. Linux operating system has all drivers

It probably happened to you that when you connected new equipment, Windows saluted that there was no necessary driver and the equipment did not work. In Linux, all drivers are built into the kernel, and as a rule, any new hardware immediately starts working. If you put in Windows 7 a new flash drive for it, then it will install the driver for a couple of minutes, while Linux will connect it in 2 seconds.

And there is another funny situation. You install Windows for the first time, but it does not find a driver for the network card. But to download a driver for it, you need to connect to the Internet. Vicious circle. In Linux, I have never encountered this, the network card has always worked out of the box.

7. Linux operating system encrypts the drive

I'm not paranoid, but I understand perfectly well how important it is to keep your documents and passwords from prying eyes. When installing Linux (particularly Ubuntu), you are immediately prompted to encrypt your home folder. And now, if your laptop falls into the wrong hands, he will not be able to extract files from it. Yes, in Windows this can also be done using third-party programs, but all this is more complicated and few people think about it until it's too late.

Probably the list could be continued, but even this is enough for you to understand why the Linux operating system is installed on all my computers. But on the other hand, I don't want to convince anyone to switch to Linux, since it's like with religion, a person must get to this himself. And then it will be his decision, with which he will live and work.

If you know more advantages of the Linux operating system, then tell us about them in the comments. Tell us about the cons, they certainly exist ...

Many who begin to learn the world of Linux are interested in the question: “ What Linux distributions are there and what to choose?», « Where can I download a Linux distribution? ". It is natural not to describe all variants of distributions, and their properties. Therefore, we will make a general version, according to the list and the merits of each:

Debian (GNU/Linux)- the oldest distribution, which is one of the most popular today, serves as the basis for many other distributions. A strict approach to including non-free software.

How to install linux ubuntu

The development of this distribution is carried out by specialists from all over the world.

Download Linux/Linux Debian distribution from the official website:

ubuntu- a distribution kit based on Debian GNU / Linux, which gained popularity in a short time. The main developer and sponsor is Canonical Ltd. The principle of this system is ease of use and development. There is both a minimal build and a server build.

Download Linux/Linux Ubuntu distribution from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

Linux Mint- this distribution was developed on the basis of Ubuntu, and later there were variants based on Debian with the repositories of the testing branch by default. It should be noted that Linux Mint is fully compatible with Ubuntu. And also includes Adobe Flash, Java and more.

Download Linux distribution/Linux Mint from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

Mageia- based on Mandriva Linux since 2010. At the same time, the bulk of the distribution's developers were former employees of Mandriva itself. The development of Mandriva Linux itself has been discontinued.

Download Linux distribution / Linux Mageia from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

Fedora- the distribution is developed by RedHat Corporation, which releases solutions based on the free Linux operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (distributed by an annual subscription) and Fedora (distributed freely).

Download Linux distribution / Linux Fedora from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

CentOS is another distribution based on the free source of Red Hat's commercial distribution of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Updates happen fairly frequently, resulting in an easily maintainable, reliable, predictable, and scalable Linux environment.

Download Linux distribution / Linux CentOS from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

openSUSE- a distribution kit developed by the well-known company Novell. Won its niche thanks to easy setup and maintenance, based on YaST (proprietary utility for operating system configuration and package installation/upgrade).

Download the Linux/Linux openSUSE distribution from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

Gentoo- a distribution for experienced Linux users (experts). It is assembled entirely from source codes, which speaks of its flexibility and performance. Sometimes called a meta distribution.

Download the Linux/Linux Gentoo distribution from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

Arch Linux- a distribution kit for those who are ready to constantly install new updates and receive the latest versions of programs. Focuses on competent users.

Download the Linux/Linux Arch Linux distribution from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

We also note the builds of PCLinuxOS, SlackWare and the famous FreeBSD:

Download Linux distribution / Linux PCLinuxOS from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

Download Linux distribution / Linux SlackWare from the official site:
*Link will open in a separate window!

Download the Linux/Linux FreeBSD distribution from the official website:
*Link will open in a separate window!

All this is a small list of the most popular Linux distributions. I do not want to offend anyone by the absence of other distributions, they exist and deserve the right to exist, but for a beginner, the ones described above are enough. Therefore, the answer to the question: What Linux distributions are there? - listed above.

Personally, I want to add on my own, for any beginner, the most optimal would be: Ubuntu and Debian. And then you can consider more complex options. There are many and they are constantly changing, but for starters - start with these!

Describe the virtues linux can be long, but the description linux impossible without an explanation of what they are: free software; development linux; security linux.

What is linux

linux- multi-user network operating Unix-like system with network window graphics system X Window System. linux supports open systems standards and network protocols Internet and compatible with systems Unix, DOS, MS Windows. All components of the system, including source texts, are distributed with a license for free copying and installation for an unlimited number of users. linux Widespread on various platforms Intel and is gaining ground on a number of other platforms ( DEC AXP, Power Macintosh and etc.).

Development linux performed by Linus Torvalds ( Linus Torvalds) from the University of Helsinki and an uncountable team of thousands of netizens Internet, employees of research centers, foundations, universities, etc.

Free Software

Core linux, the main components of the system, most user applications are free software. They can be run on any number of computers, transferred without restrictions for money or free of charge, receive the source texts of these programs and make any corrections to them.

The freedom of software has ensured its widespread use and interest in it from thousands of developers. Main programs for linux released under license GNU General Public License, which not only guarantees freedom, but also protects it, allowing further distribution of programs only under the same license. So the kernel code linux, compilers, libraries glibc, custom shells KDE And GNOME cannot be used to build closed source applications. This is the fundamental difference linux from free OSBSD (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD), fragments of which are included in the family Windows and even became the basis MacOS X. linux includes many developments BSD, but compilers and system libraries are developed as part of the project GNU.

Development linux

Unlike Windows, MacOS and commercial UNIX- similar systems, linux does not have a geographic development center. There is no company that owns this OS; there is not even a single coordinating center. Programs for linux- the result of the work of thousands of projects. Some of these projects are centralized, some are concentrated in firms, but most bring together programmers from around the world who know each other only through correspondence. Anyone can create their own project or join another and, if successful, the results of the work will become known to millions of users. Users take part in testing free software, communicate directly with developers, which allows them to quickly find and fix bugs and implement new features.

It is this flexible and dynamic development system, which is impossible for closed source projects, that determines the exceptional cost-effectiveness linux. Low cost of free development, well-established testing and distribution mechanisms, attraction of people from different countries with different visions of problems, protection of the code by a license GPL, all of which have contributed to the success of free software.

Of course, such a high development efficiency could not fail to interest large companies that began to open their projects. So there were Mozilla (Netscape, AOL), (Sun), free clone Interbase (Borland), SAP DB (SAP). IBM contributed to the transfer linux to their mainframes.

On the other hand, open source significantly reduces the cost of developing closed systems for linux and allows you to reduce the price of the solution for the user. That's why linux has become a platform often recommended for products such as Oracle, DB2, Informix, SyBase, SAP R3, Domino.


Linux OS inherited from UNIX reliability and excellent protection system. The file access control system allows you not to be afraid of many viruses that terrorize the world Windows OS. However, there are no programs without errors, and linux is no exception. However, due to the openness of the source code of the programs, any specialist can carry out its audit without non-disclosure agreements and the need to work within the walls of the company that hired him. That is why protection errors are detected particularly efficiently and quickly corrected. The mechanism for notifying and correcting security errors was created by the community linux, it involves specialists from development companies and independent programmers.

Opportunities provided Linux OS

Linux OS:

  • makes it possible to have a modern operating system free of charge and legally;
  • has high speed;
  • works reliably, stably, completely without freezes;
  • not susceptible to viruses;
  • allows you to fully use the possibilities of modern PC removing the limitations inherent DOS And MS Windows on the use of machine memory and processor(s) resources;
  • effectively manages multitasking and priorities, background tasks (long calculation, modem e-mail transmission, floppy disk formatting, etc.) do not interfere with interactive work;
  • allows you to easily integrate your computer into local and global networks, incl. in Internet; works with networks based on Novell And MS Windows;
  • allows you to run the applications presented in the download format of other OS- various versions Unix, DOS And MS Windows;
  • ensures the use of a huge number of various software packages accumulated in the world Unix and freely distributed along with the source texts;
  • provides a rich set of tools for developing application programs of any complexity, including client-server class systems, object-oriented, with a multi-window text or graphical interface, suitable for both linux, as well as in others OS;
  • gives the user and especially the developer a wonderful training base in the form of rich documentation and source codes for all components, including the core of the OS;
  • gives everyone who wants to try their hand at development, organize communication and collaboration through Internet with any of the developers Linux OS and make your contribution by becoming a co-author of the system.

Who and why might need Linux OS

In use linux for various reasons, users of different categories may be interested. It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list. However, here are some examples:

  • linux- full 32-bit (64-bit on the platform DEC AXP) operating system that uses the computer to its full potential. linux easily turns a personal computer IBM PC workstation;
  • the price gain is very large, since in addition to saving on hardware, software in linux comes with a free license allowing free unlimited copying of the system;
  • winnings on software alone can range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. For many users in Russia, a free license is the only way to legally equip themselves with a complete set of software;
  • big interest linux presents for consumers and developers of application systems that require: a multi-platform compiler, a powerful multi-window debugging system, emulators and compatibility systems. All this is in linux;
  • scientists and technical writers linux offers:
    • document processor LyX, which uses the concept of logical design and allows you to create beautiful, well-structured documents;
    • publishing systems TeX And Scribus.

Interaction between a person and a “computer” takes place through a tool called an operating system. The evolution of operating systems, starting with DOS, going through Unix, would have rested on Windows MS if the unix-like Linux OS had not been “born” - the Linux operating system.

Official introduction of the Linux operating system

The Linux operating system is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable - ‘Linux.

When asked what a Linux operating system is, I answer, Linux is a POSIX compliant, Unix-like operating system with X Window System for managing workstations and personal computers.

linux icon - penguin:

What is especially valuable, Linux supports standards and protocols, and is also compatible with Unix, DOS, Windows Microsoft axes.

What is simply priceless, the Linux operating system is completely free, distributed with a free copy and free installation license for any number of users.

Developed by Linux Linus Benedict Torvalds, the city of Helsinki, Finland, was born on December 28, 1969.

Nuances of terminologies

Actually NO, a boxed version of Linux that you can download from somewhere and install on your computer. The term "Linux" refers to a group of ever-growing consumer operating systems based on the (kernel) Linux. It is these "axes" that you can pick up and install on your computer. Their official name is:

A family of Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, including a specific set of utilities and programs from the GNU project (GNU's Not UNIX).

Linux distributions

I will arbitrarily (without ranking) list the “top ten plus” popular Linux OS:

  • ubuntu: Linux-based distribution;
  • Linux Mint: Ubuntu-based distribution;
  • Debian: Linux-based distribution;
  • Manjaro Linux: friendly, based on Linux architecture;
  • elementary OS: visually similar to Mac;
  • Zorin OS: visually similar to Windows;
  • Fedora: for computers version of "Fedora Workstation";
  • CentOS: free alternative to "RedHat Linux";
  • OpenSUSE: "old man" for all users;
  • Arch Linux: for advanced users;
  • Slackware: Slaka is the oldest Linux distribution;
  • redhat: for exchanges and financial institutions.

As you can see from this far from complete list of distributions, Linux is a base for creating custom operating systems with various content. It is worth noting. Despite the fact that Linux is free, some distributions are paid and work on donations (donate), for those. support.

Pros of Linux

In addition to being free, the main advantage of Linux distributions is security. There are no viruses in this environment. The second plus is the low memory consumption, as a result of the system performance.

There are no constant updates, as on Windows, there is no feeling that you constantly owe something, as on Windows, there are no brakes, Windows.

Linux operating system cons

Make no mistake, if you have been studying and working on Windows all your life, it will not be easy to jump to Linux. Here it is important to choose a distribution kit for your purposes with good documentation.

For example, if in Windows you need to click on three or four icons to open a folder with documents, then on most Linux you need to manually enter the path to this folder. The operation is similar to that of the Windows command line.


I hope I managed to tell what the Linux operating system is in simple language. It is simply not possible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better Linux or Windows. Today, Linux distributions have won the "love" and the hosting market. Most of the software hosting services are based on Linux.

Linux Mint (linux mint) is a free operating system that today beats all imaginable and unimaginable records of popularity all over the world. The process of using the operating system has become even simpler and more convenient even for an unprepared user who has just begun to master the basics of computer literacy or simply decided to switch to another OS. Linux Mint is based on another popular operating system, Ubuntu Linux, which is also free to download.

The popularity of this version of the OS is high not only among Russian-speaking users, but throughout the world - it is in the TOP-3 of the most famous and popular free Linux distributions.

A distinctive feature of this distribution is that all Linux programs that run on Ubuntu can be used on Mint without any problems. Compatibility is almost one hundred percent.

Regarding system requirements, then you should not worry - if you have more than 512 megabytes of RAM and a hard disk of 20 gigabytes, then you can safely download Linux and install it on your laptop or personal computer (PC).

This is an indisputable plus for users, because there are many different programs on the Internet and special repositories (official databases with software): there are over thirty thousand of them in the official source alone, and if you add unofficial ones, then the numbers just go off scale.

This compatibility extends to the entire set of tips, algorithms for solving problems, answers to questions about the operation of utilities that can be found on various portals and specialized forums, as well as in communities. programs for Linux and numerous FAQ sections.

It is worth noting that more than one hundred and forty-three million people live in the Russian Federation, and many of them use this particular version, so the audience we are talking about is truly impressive. Based on this, it will not be difficult to configure at your discretion, and if difficulties arise, then many will be able to suggest what and how to do.
Recall that the basis of free is Ubuntu, so the latest releases from the latter come out much earlier, and the releases from the first OS are already placed taking into account the errors and defects identified earlier. Thus, users are offered an already updated, better and more thoughtful version of the software.

The appearance and interface of Mint is strict and democratic, with well-thought-out logic and the necessary functionality. There are developed applications, and not just those inherited from the "ancestor".

Additional bonus- this is the presence of audio and video codecs, which will allow you to immediately watch movies and listen to music without installing additional software.

A characteristic feature inherent in Mint and distinguishing it from analogues that offer affordable software out of the box is maximum ease of use for users of any level of computer literacy.

It is not at all difficult to understand it, and most importantly, it is not at all time-consuming. Even those who are used to working with another operating system (Windows or MacOS), when switching to (in Russian), quickly adapt to its user-friendly interface, which is convenient and well-designed.

But simplicity does not at all mean the absence of complex functions for performing highly specialized tasks, and even more so does not affect the speed of working with complex projects. , as a representative of the UNIX family, is the carrier of the modern OS functional set. This already includes various 3D effects when opening drop-down menus, etc., which very little use the system resources of the computer.

The graphical shell can be any of the most common ones - Gnome, KDE4, Xfce, LXDE, etc.
In that version Linux Mint(in Russian), which you can download for free from our website, the Gnome desktop is used as the most simple and undemanding PC system resources.

This distribution is aimed at users with diametrically opposed needs. It is suitable for beginners in working with a computer, for those who prefer this program to the previous ones, as well as for those who do not want to take a long time to install the necessary software, since everything you need is already installed. And if such a need arises, you can always deliver the necessary software directly from a special package manager that is included in the distribution.

MirSovetov decided to correct this oversight. We present to your attention a series of articles that will be entirely devoted to Linux!

To be fair, Linux is not an operating system. This is just the core of the system. Here is a simple analogy. The core of the system is the foundation of the building. And the graphical environment (desktop, shortcuts, dialog boxes) and programs are the walls, the roof and everything else. Without a foundation, it will not be possible to build walls; without a core, there will be no system.

And on this very core, a lot of operating systems have been created. Several hundred, about 600 according to various estimates! Each of these systems individually is called a distribution. Or just Linux. The most famous of them are ubuntu(ubuntu), mint(mint), Debian(debian), Gentoo(Gentu or Gentoo), Fedora(Fedora) and others.

Interestingly, many distributions were built on top of other distributions. Here Ubuntu is based on Debian and Mint is based on Ubuntu. So, we can say, for example, Ubuntu Debianovna. But these are already such “professional” jokes.

All Linux outwardly differ little from the same Windows or Mac OS. Here, too, there is a window interface, shortcuts, icons, icons. You can safely work in office programs, watch sites on the Internet, communicate via Skype, play games and so on. The main differences are inside, in the system code. But an ordinary user is unlikely to get into the source files.

Distributions differ in their purpose. There are those tailored for maximum user convenience: the same Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary OS, Fedora. Some have the most flexible settings: Gentoo, Slackware (you can just slack), Arch (Arch). Even the installation is completely dependent on the user: he himself chooses the components he needs only. Therefore, the system on a particular computer will run faster. There are security-focused distributions and many more.

By the way, Android is also based on the Linux kernel! Although Linux-based systems occupy only a couple of percent of the desktop computer market, most smartphones and tablets run on Android!

Immediately it is worth mentioning the important difference between Linux and Windows. In Linux, the user has the ability to completely change the interface of the system. Not just change icons and theme, but change the interface completely! You can change the so-called user environment. There are quite a few of them: Gnome, xfce, KDE, LXDE, Unity, Cinnamon, MATE and many others. However, we will talk about them later.

In the meantime, I would like to talk a little about the history of the creation of the Linux kernel. Many years ago, back in 1987, Professor Andrew Tanenbaum wrote the book Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. As an illustration for a textbook, he wrote an operating system Minix(minix).

Among those who read this book was the Finnish student Linus Torvalds. For some time he used Minix, but found many shortcomings in it. In particular, Minix was single-tasking (it could only run one program). Gradually, Linus improved and improved Minix on his computer. Later, already in 1991, Torvalds finished work on his own kernel, which was called Linux.

Of course, a bare core by itself means nothing. It requires a "user environment" - an interface, programs, and so on. And here lies the most interesting. At the same time, Richard Stallman was working on a free system called GNU. She had this very environment, but ... there was no core! Linus, using the capabilities of the GNU GPL license (in fact, this is a license for free use and modification of the program), "attached" the environment to his kernel. The system was born GNU/Linux. Linus chose a penguin as her symbol, "well-fed and contented."

Advantages and disadvantages of Linux systems

Today, Linux is used in a variety of areas. Defense systems use Linux. The most powerful supercomputers in the world run on Linux. The largest servers that "accept" hundreds of thousands of visitors to sites run on Linux. Because it is the most reliable and secure system.

And, perhaps, the most important feature of Linux is that it absolutely free, like most programs for it! Yes yes exactly! You don't owe the developers a dime! The vast majority of distributions are distributed free of charge. There are only a few paid ones, for example, RHEL. But it is usually purchased by the owners of business firms.

“And what do developers live on?”, You ask. They receive money through paid technical support, for example, the sale of souvenirs, paid services: cloud services, music stores and others.

From all this follows another advantage - no piracy. Forget about keygens, cracks and other bad things. You can not poke around in file hosting and pump out viruses and trojans from there. In Linux, everything is much simpler: I opened the "Application Center", wrote the name of the program you need, clicked "Install". Well, or opened the official website of the developer. Everything!

There is one question that worries Windows users a lot: “How are things with office programs on Linux?”. No need to worry, Microsoft Office can be completely replaced with a free office suite libreoffice(formerly known as Open Office). It works with text (Writer editor), presentations (Impress), spreadsheets (Calc). There are no compatibility issues with different file formats.

Unfortunately, most Windows programs don't work on Linux: Photoshop, AfterEffects, 3DS Max, and more. But there are also free analogues - Gimp for Photoshop, Blender for 3DS Max. Of course, the functionality of the same Gimp cannot be compared with the functionality of Photoshop. But, on the other hand, what part of the capabilities of the brainchild of Adobe does the average user use? You can also correct the color balance, contrast, crop the image and apply a couple of simple filters in Gimp.

We note right away that you can run programs from Windows to Linux using a single application. MirSovetov will talk about it in one of the following articles, do not miss it.

There is another drawback. On Linux, there are sorely lacking "powerful" AAA-class (very-highest-class) games. Well, the same Valve is taking some steps. Ported the entire Half-Life, Portal, Left 4 Dead to Steam for Linux. Even the game console is made on Debian. But let's be honest: only a small part of the games are available so far. Bye. And then we'll see.

There is another interesting point in working with Linux. In Windows, problems are solved in the following way: “An error has come out; I remembered the instruction of a friend / tutorial, pressed such and such buttons and forgot. In Linux, everything is different: “An error has come out; I know how it all works, fixed this and that, installed the missing component / changed the settings, forgot forever. Linux can be configured once and for all. Literally for one-two-three days to adjust for yourself, and then the system works for years.

Now I want to say a few words about the distribution ubuntu. A couple of years ago it was the most popular distro, with about 20 million people using it every day. Now Mint has taken the lead, but let's see what happens in the future.

The Ubuntu developer is Canonical (from the word "canon" - an example, a standard) led by a South African entrepreneur (and he is also a space tourist!) Mark Shuttleworth. Ubuntu is translated from South African as "humanity". In South Africa, this is a whole ideology, according to which their state is being built. As they say, "A person with ubuntu is open to other people."

Why is Ubuntu so popular among users? This system is initially aimed at user convenience. Here you have several distribution options ( Kubuntu with KDE shell, Lubuntu- with LXDE, Xubuntu for weak computers - with xfce, edubuntu- a distribution specifically for schools). In regular Ubuntu, by the way, the Unity graphical environment (Unity) is used.

After installation, the user receives a ready-to-use system. The required set of programs is immediately installed: media player, browser, office suite, email client, and so on.

She looks like this. Well, not Ubuntu itself, but the Unity interface. Its key feature is the launcher (Launcher) tightly “nailed” to the edge. There is no Start button here, in this Unity is similar to Windows 8. But there is Dash (dash or dash), in which you can search for installed programs and files, as well as search for something on Google, Wikipedia and so on.

Another feature of Unity is global menu. Usually the application menu is under the title bar (all those "File", "Edit" ...). Everything is different here. This menu goes to the top panel and appears if you only move the mouse cursor over this panel. In the beginning it is unusual, but when you get used to it, it becomes very convenient.

Each version of Ubuntu is designated as follows: 9.04, 12.04, 13.10. The first two digits are the year the version was released, the last two are the month. New versions are released every six months: in April and October. Every two years (10, 12, 14) comes out in April LTS-version. It has a longer support period, higher reliability, a minimum of bugs and errors.

Well, the final word. Speaking from my own experience as an Ubuntu user. Using Linux in general and Ubuntu in particular is a lot of fun. The questions and exclamations of friends and acquaintances are very pleasing: “Oooh, what kind of Windows do you have? What else is Ubuntu? Cool looks. Are the tanks here? Give me one too!"

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