How to set up smartphones and PCs. Informational portal

Information plays an important role. Restructuring the world economy

  • Zubairova Lilia Akhmetovna, bachelor, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article examines the role and place of information and information systems in the modern world. The problems of information and information management are studied.

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  • Analysis of the "mathematical model" category for improving the methodological system of teaching mathematics
  • The use of a hardware and software complex based on sensors of a satellite navigation system to determine the parameters of the ship's pitching

Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. It is a well-known saying that the one who owns information also owns the world. Sometimes certain information is worth more than life.

Since ancient times, the collection and systematization of information about the world around us helped a person to survive in difficult conditions - from generation to generation, experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothes and medicines were passed on. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex. Over time, large amounts of data about the world around them contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, the whole society as a whole - a person was able to learn how to manage various types of matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more essential. Today, the role of information in a person's life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the more he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more he has respect in society.

Knowing the world around, a person constantly deals with information. It helps a person to correctly assess the events that are taking place, to make a deliberate decision, to find the most successful option for their actions. Accordingly, whoever possesses the greatest amount of information on any issue is always in a more advantageous position compared to others.

Information is one of the main decisive factors in determining the development of technologies and resources in general. In this regard, it is very important to understand not only the relationship between the development of the information industry, computerization, information technology with the informatization process, but also to determine the level and degree of influence of the informatization process on the sphere of management and human intellectual activity.

A lot of attention is paid to the problems of information in general and management as an information process, which is associated with the following objective processes:

  • humanity is experiencing an information explosion. The growth of information circulating and stored in society came into conflict with the individual capabilities of a person to assimilate it;
  • development of mass communication processes;
  • the need to develop a general theory of information;
  • development of cybernetics as a science of management;
  • penetration of information technologies into the spheres of social life;
  • the problem of the prospects for the development of mankind as an integrity makes it necessary to raise the question of the criteria for progress in modern conditions.

In all this, such a concept as the information environment is also important. In the course of his activities, a person actively interacts with the information environment, while receiving new knowledge from it, generating the acquired knowledge into information, which he places in the information environment.

Any business entity is characterized by a certain information environment in which it is immersed. This information environment reflects the level of development of an economic entity and determines certain principles of information behavior of people in communication with each other.

In addition, it should be noted that the exclusive role of information in modern scientific and technological progress has led to the understanding of information as a resource, just as necessary and important as energy, raw materials, financial and other resources. Information has become a subject of purchase and sale, i.e. information product, which, along with information constituting the public domain, forms the information resource of society.

As a commodity, information cannot be alienated like material products. Its purchase and sale has a conditional meaning. Passing to the buyer, it remains with the seller. It does not disappear in the course of consumption.

At present, the dissemination of information in the information sector of the economy cannot be imagined without the use of new information technologies. The moment in time has already passed when new information technologies were developed mainly for the internal needs of an organization. Now information technology has become an independent and rather profitable type of business, which is aimed at meeting the diverse information needs of a wide range of users.

In the modern world, the role of informatics, means of processing, transmission, accumulation of information has grown immeasurably. The means of informatics and computer technology now largely determine the scientific and technical potential of the country, the level of development of its national economy, the way of life and human activity.

For the purposeful use of information, it must be collected, transformed, transmitted, accumulated and systematized. All these processes associated with certain operations with information will be called information processes. Receiving and transforming information is a necessary condition for the life of any organism. Even the simplest single-celled organisms constantly perceive and use information.

As a result of scientific and technological progress, mankind has created more and more new means and methods for collecting, storing and transmitting information. But the most important thing in information processes - processing, purposeful transformation of information was carried out until recently exclusively by humans.

At the same time, the constant improvement of technology, production has led to a sharp increase in the amount of information with which a person has to operate in the process of his professional activity.

The development of science and education has led to the rapid growth of the amount of information and human knowledge. If at the beginning of the last century the total amount of human knowledge doubled approximately every fifty years, then in subsequent years - every five years.

The way out of this situation was the creation of computers, which greatly accelerated and automated the process of information processing.

A computer is on the desktop of a specialist in any profession. It allows you to contact any part of the world by special computer mail, connect to the funds of large libraries without leaving your home, use powerful information systems - encyclopedias, study new sciences and acquire various skills with the help of training programs and simulators. He helps the fashion designer to design patterns, the publisher to compose text and illustrations, the artist to create new paintings, and the composer to music. An expensive experiment can be completely calculated and simulated on a computer.

The development of methods and methods for presenting information, technology for solving problems using computers, has become an important aspect of the activities of people of many professions.


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Whoever owns the information owns the world. A well-known phrase that reflects the actual state of affairs in the world. Indeed, people who know more than others have an advantage over them. It has always been this way, several thousand years ago, and it is so now. How important is the role of information in modern society and how to learn to filter the stream that falls on each of us every day?

In order to fully answer the questions posed, let's see what data sources we have at our disposal. If several centuries ago knowledge and experience were passed from mouth to mouth, with the help of books, letters, messengers, then with the development of technology, the method of receiving and transmitting information has become more diverse. Today, a person has endless possibilities in the study of almost any material. The main resource that limits our knowledge is the individual skill of absorbing new things, as well as the most important resource - time. If you try to define the role of information for modern society, then the phrase that sounded at the beginning of the article will be most appropriate here. The less you know, the less power you have, the worse you navigate in space, in what is happening, the worse you own the world, your own in the first place.

It is not necessary to study absolutely all the news of incidents every day, read smart books all day long, or try to learn a foreign language that you will never put into practice. It is important to find a "middle ground" so that your life is fulfilling and does not need regular repairs due to a lack of important data. Each of us chooses an area where he will try to realize himself. Based on this, your process of obtaining information should be built.

And yet, modern society is developing at an incredible speed and it is very difficult to keep track of the amount of data that technological progress dictates. For this, it is important to be able to filter unnecessary knowledge. For example, exclude from your life the TV with its empty programs, tons of annoying ads and purchased TV channels. The Internet is now available to everyone, so it is enough to choose worthy resources for yourself that will objectively tell what events in the World have occurred over the past day. Also on the worldwide network there are many useful sites where you will quickly get the information you are interested in, you can not only pump your basic skill, but also gradually learn how to filter garbage. And, believe me, there is a lot of it.

The efficiency of obtaining information, the ability to not only absorb it, but also to use it in practice, in everyday life are extremely important for a modern person, for a successful and prosperous society as a whole. Unfortunately, the majority continue to fall prey to information noise, which is becoming more powerful every year. It is intensity that is the second most important determining factor. The speed of obtaining information, the speed and the ability to process and use it. To do this, it is not enough just to read books or newspapers, you need to keep up with the times, to become familiar with modern technologies, so that one day you will not miss something important. For example, it will not hurt anyone to regularly study economic news in order to save their business from bankruptcy in time or save a family from a hungry life in the event of a system collapse.

The choice of information sources is another point worth paying attention to. Often people trust everything that they write on the Internet, what they talk about on TV, forgetting that the mechanisms of manipulation will never stop working for the benefit of those in power. Take the time to choose reliable sources for yourself that will give you food for thought. Books, newspapers, magazines, movies, TV channels, Internet sites - all require filtering and careful selection.

Information - information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties, state, allowing to reduce the degree of uncertainty of knowledge about these objects. Data - can be viewed as signs or recorded observations that are not yet used but only stored. If it is possible to use them to reduce uncertainty about something, the data becomes information. The computer works with data, and the user with information. ... Information can be: text, sound, numerical, graphic, video. Measurement of data is based on the way data is encoded - when it is processed on a computer in a binary number system. The size is measured in:

bit (zero or one), byte = 8bit, kilobyte = 1024 bytes, megabyte = 1024 kg, gigabyte = 1024 megabytes. It is stored in the computer's memory. RAM - information currently used, ROM - unchangeable, system information, VCU - external storage devices

Information has become one of the most important strategic, managerial resources, along with resources - human, financial, material. Its production and consumption constitute a necessary basis for the effective functioning and development of various spheres of social life, and, above all, the economy. And this means that not only sources of information in any part of our planet become available to everyone, but also the new information generated by them becomes the property of all mankind. In modern conditions, the right to information and access to it are of vital value for all members of society. The growing role of information in society has become the subject of scientific comprehension. Theories have been put forward explaining its place and significance. The most popular are the theories of the post-industrial and information society.

Natural methods. Sensory-based techniques. Logical thinking. Imagination, comparison, juxtaposition, analysis, forecasting, etc.

Hardware methods. Hardware methods are always devices (devices). Tape recorders, telephones, microscopes, video recorders, etc. From the point of view of computer science, these devices perform a common function - they convert data from a form that is inaccessible to natural human methods into a form accessible to them. Not always some devices can process data created by other devices. In such cases, special data conversion devices are used, and they do not talk about transforming the data form, but about converting their format (modems, household video cameras).

Programmatic methods. The widespread introduction of computer technology makes it possible to automate the processing of various types of data using a computer. A computer is a special type of device that simultaneously combines hardware and software methods for processing and presenting information. These methods constitute the subject area of ​​computer science.

If we assume that information is a dynamic object that does not exist in nature by itself, but is formed during the interaction of data and methods, and exists as long as this interaction lasts, and the rest of the time is in the form of data, then we can give such a definition :

Information is the product of the interaction of data and methods, viewed in the context of that interaction.

Contextual (adequate) is the method that is generally accepted for working with data of a certain type. This method should be known to both the data creator and the information consumer.
For graphic data (illustrations), the observation method based on vision is contextual. In this case, visual or graphic information is meant. For text data, a contextual reading method is implied, based on vision, knowledge of the alphabet and language. In this case, one speaks of textual information.

For data presented in the form of radio waves, hardware methods for converting data and consuming information using a radio or TV are contextual. Therefore, the concepts of television information, news program, news release, etc. are often used.

For data stored in a computer, transmitted over networks, hardware and software methods of computing are contextual. They are also called information technology tools, which are included in the subject area of ​​informatics. In this case, the concept of computer information is used.

Information concepts: technical, biological, social. Definition of information in a technical concept. Information and data. Classification of information by forms, types, characteristics and properties.

Types of information are the result of an informational approach to different levels of organization (movement) of matter. If we leave aside inanimate nature, where the informational approach is unproductive, three Levels are identified:

1) social, corresponding to human society;

2) biological, represented by wildlife;

3) machine, covering an artificially created "second nature" and, above all, information technology.

Biological information covers three kinds of objects: first, sensory-visual images (perceptual images) of material objects, formed by means of the senses and stored in the memory of a living being; secondly, the signals that animals exchange during zoocommunication; thirdly, DNA molecules, in the structures of which the image of the future organism and the program for its synthesis are encoded. Accordingly, three types of biological information are distinguished: sensory (perceptual), zoocommunication, and genetic. Genetic information represents messages within genetic communication

Machine information is represented in the form of energy radiation (signals) or machine-readable records of the display of material objects and control programs. Machine-readable records, for example, optical discs, magnetic CDs, which are carriers of textual and audiovisual information, simultaneously refer to social information messages.

Social information is a meaningful communication message in the light of an informational approach. This definition implies that a meaningful message can be a carrier of knowledge, emotions, motives (all these are meanings), and therefore the latter fall into the content of social information. In other words: social information is a message that makes sense. These messages can be called "information" or simply "information" and as a result, the elementary communication scheme (Fig. 1.1) is transformed and the elementary scheme of information impact (Fig. 3.1), which is one of the options for interpreting semantic communication.

in technology, information is understood as messages transmitted in the form of signs or signals; in this case there is a source of messages, a receiver (receiver of messages), a communication channel;

Data is a collection of information recorded on a specific medium in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. Transformation and processing of data provides information.

Information is the result of transforming and analyzing data. The difference between information and data is that data is fixed information about events and phenomena that are stored on certain media, and information appears as a result of data processing in solving specific problems. For example, databases store various data, and upon a specific request, the database management system provides the required information.

Types of information:






Electromagnetic (information of electromagnetic waves).

From the point of view of informatics, the most important are the following general qualitative properties: objectivity, reliability, completeness, accuracy, relevance, usefulness, value, timeliness, comprehensibility, accessibility, brevity, etc.

Objectivity of information. Objective - existing outside and independently of human consciousness. Information is a reflection of the external objective world. Information is objective if it does not depend on the methods of fixing it, someone's opinion, judgment.
Example. The message "It's warm outside" carries subjective information, and the message "It's 22 ° C outside" carries objective information, but with an accuracy that depends on the error of the measuring instrument.
Objective information can be obtained using serviceable sensors and measuring instruments. Reflecting in the mind of a person, information can be distorted (to a greater or lesser extent) depending on the opinion, judgment, experience, knowledge of a particular subject, and thus cease to be objective.

Reliability of information. Information is reliable if it reflects the true state of affairs. Objective information is always reliable, but reliable information can be both objective and subjective. Reliable information helps us make the right decision. Inaccurate information may be due to the following reasons:

deliberate distortion (misinformation) or unintentional distortion of a subjective property;

distortion as a result of interference ("damaged phone") and insufficiently accurate means of fixing it.

Completeness of information. Information can be called complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions. Incomplete information may lead to an erroneous conclusion or decision.

The accuracy of information is determined by the degree of its proximity to the real state of an object, process, phenomenon, etc.

Relevance of information - importance for the present, topicality, urgency. Only timely information can be useful.

Usefulness (value) of information. Usefulness can be assessed in relation to the needs of its specific consumers and is assessed according to the tasks that can be solved with its help.

State University of Management
Institute of Management in Industry and Energy
Group MO 1-2

Discipline: ENOIT
"The role of information in modern society"

Completed by: Abramov A.I
The main signs of a post-industrial or information society are associated with an increase in the amount of information that circulates around a person. Every day, every hour, every minute the amount of information in the world increases, due to the growth of the amount of information. These are TV, Radio, Internet and other media, we can also see the growth of Internet information. This channel of information has recently become more and more important. It is worth noting that the latest events in the Middle East and North Africa took place precisely due to the development of high technologies and the potential for civic engagement. All this forms a new civic outlook that affects the social, economic, and political spheres.
Recently, there has been a tendency to disclose classified information, which cannot but rejoice, for example, the WikiLeaks project. But on the other hand, it can affect someone's interests, which in turn can lead to legal prosecution. It would be very correct if information disclosed in this way, about violations of the law or any other illegal actions, would have been obtained by itself in a legal way. In science, more and more you can find the so-called problem of the "future". What will happen next? What prospects does this post-industrial society open to us? What light do we see at the end of the tunnel? What is there to abyss, or a bridge to the other side? Unknown.

    Elfin Toffler on information.
Alvin Toffler is one of the largest American writers and futurists, known for his work on the digital revolution, information revolution and technological revolution.
Alvin Toffler was born on the eve of the Great Depression, and his experience of economic stagnation and the inequalities that it creates has had a profound effect on him. Therefore, during his student years, Alvin was one of the activists of the left movement. After graduating from university in 1949, Alvin and his wife Heidi worked in a factory on a production conveyor line. Apparently, their interest in union activities was stimulated not only by left-wing beliefs, but also by a desire to become familiar with industrial technologies and their impact on people's daily lives.
E. Toffler decided to devote himself to science and from 1965 to 1970 he worked as a teacher at various universities.
Toffler's understanding of the relationship between technology and socio-economic change took shape in the 1960s, when IBM commissioned him for an article on the long-term social and organizational implications of computer adoption. It was during this period that some of the fundamental ideas of the scientist's subsequent works were born.
For the first time, some of the topics of his research were outlined in the article "The future as a way of life" ("The future as a way of life"). The main ideas in it were the thoughts of E. Toffler that in the future the rate of change, apparently, should increase and that the result of this process will be a deep disorientation of people who are not prepared for the onset of future events. In order to describe the feeling of fear that will be experienced by societies "stuck" in the past, E, and X. Tofflers introduced a special concept of "future shock".
Alvin Toffler's Future Shock became an immediate international bestseller and has continued to attract many readers ever since. In it, E. Toffler proved to be not only one of the outstanding futurologists of our time, but also a brilliant popularizer of ideas about the information society. His scientific achievements have been recognized all over the world, and his works have received numerous awards in countries such as China, France, Italy and the United States.
The explosion of information has created an external environment in which the future becomes practically indistinguishable in the present. The transience has become the main feature of our life and has led to a radical change in all its spheres - from the economic to the purely personal. According to E. Toffler, governments and business representatives should have been prepared for anything and not expect anything similar to what happened in the past in the future. Today, this point of view has a significant impact on management theory, but in the early 1970s. E. Toffler's idea of ​​the irreversibility of changes was viewed as strange and eccentric. In the book "The Third Wave", E. Toffler tried to develop a comprehensive scheme of awareness aimed at creating what he called a new post-industrial civilization of changes.
He is currently an Honorary Doctor of Literature, Law, Science and Management, a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Both Tofflers are Distinguished Associate Professors at the National Defense University in Washington.
    Stages of development of society
At the present time, more and more we begin to feel pressure from the media and other sources of information. We feel that she is beginning to play an important role in the life of society. And it has an impact on all spheres of society. It is possible to obtain various information about each social phenomenon or individual, which will undoubtedly influence our attitude towards something or someone. That is, information has a reputation impact.
Let's try to define the term "information". The term "information" comes from the Latin word "informatio", which means information, clarification, presentation. Claude Shannon, an American scientist who laid the foundations of information theory - a science that studies the processes associated with the transmission, reception, transformation and storage of information - considers information as a removed uncertainty of our knowledge about something.
Information is a designation of the content received from the external world in the process of our adaptation to it and our senses adapting to it. Information is not a characteristic of a message, but of the relationship between the message and its consumer. Without the presence of a consumer, at least a potential one, it makes no sense to talk about information. This definition of information was given by Norbert Wiener, the "father" of cybernetics, a science directly dealing with information. Cybernetics is the science of general laws governing processes and information transfer in various systems, be it machines, living organisms or society.
What are the features of the role of information in our society?
According to Alvin Toffler's book The Third Wave, which is part of a trilogy, he shows that there are three leaps in nature. The first wave is agrarian. It came about as a result of the agrarian revolution, which changed the culture of hunters and gatherers. People during this period of time were busy with the development of agriculture. At the same time, capitalist relations in society were poorly developed. The interests of the community predominated here. There was a common fund. In the political structure, there was a leader - the head of the tribe, whose interests were higher than the interests of everyone else. Information in this society was expressed only in the exchange of farming experience.
The formation of certain traditions and cultural customs in such a society was based on legends, tales, epics. That is, the main cultural reference was the ancestors (parents).
Then the second wave took place - as a result of the industrial revolution, the development of science, technology and technology. Or in one word Scientific and technical revolutions (STC).
What was typical at this time?
The development of industries, the nuclear type of the family, the conveyor system of education, corporatism. At this stage, the role of information increases dramatically. For factories, manufactories, factories, competent and experienced personnel were needed who would be able to master the technique of production. The division of labor, as the main leading factor in labor production, has led to the need to create schools, colleges and institutes. That is, a consistent and clear learning structure. Of course, at this stage of the life of society, the main source of information is not the ancestors (parents), but the institution of education. He becomes a trendsetter and determines the vector of development of the environment. State bodies also began to pay close attention to it, realizing its importance. The family lifestyle has also changed.
An industrial society is emerging - this is a society in which industrialization took place, which created new technological foundations for its development. The term belongs to Saint-Simon, was used by Comte to contrast the new, emerging economic and social order with the old, pre-industrial one. Modern theories of industrial society are a form of technological determinism.
Distinctive features of an industrial society:
1. Establishment of the industrial technological order as dominant in all social spheres (from economic to cultural).
2. Changes in the proportions of employment by industry: a significant reduction in the share of people employed in agriculture (up to 3-5%) and an increase in the share of those employed in industry (up to 50-60%) and services (up to 40-45%).
3. Intensive urbanization.
4. The emergence of a nation-state, organized on the basis of a common language and culture.
5. Educational revolution. The transition to universal literacy and the formation of national education systems.
6. Political revolution leading to the establishment of political rights and freedoms (primarily electoral rights).
7. Growth in the level of consumption ("consumption revolution", the formation of a "welfare state").
8. Changing the structure of working and free time (the formation of a "consumer society")
9. Changes in the demographic type of development (low birth rate, mortality, increased life expectancy, aging of the population, ie, an increase in the share of older age groups).
The third wave, according to Toffler, is now taking place in the most developed countries of the world. It is characterized by an intellectual revolution that has taken place. The so-called post-industrial society.
This concept was first proposed by D.Bell in 1962. It recorded the entry in the late 50s and early 60s. developed Western countries that have exhausted the potential of industrial production, into a qualitatively new stage of development. It is characterized by a decrease in the share and importance of industrial production due to the growth of the services and information sectors. The production of services is becoming the main area of ​​economic activity.
On the basis of these changes, there is a rethinking of all the basic characteristics of an industrial society, a fundamental change in theoretical guidelines. Thus, a post-industrial society is defined as a "post-economic", "post-labor" society, i.e. a society in which the economic subsystem loses its decisive importance, and labor ceases to be the basis of all social relations. Economic growth ceases to act as the main, especially the only reference point, the goal of social development. The emphasis is shifting to social, humanitarian problems. The priority issues are the quality and safety of life, self-realization of the individual. New criteria of welfare and social well-being are being formed.
Post-industrial society is also defined as a “post-class” society, reflecting the disintegration of stable social structures and identities characteristic of an industrial society. If previously the status of an individual in society was determined by his place in the economic structure, i.e. By class belonging to which all other social characteristics were subordinated, now the status characteristic of an individual is determined by many factors, among which education and the level of culture play an increasing role (what P. Bourdieu called "cultural capital").
Information can replace a huge amount of material resources and becomes the main material for workers, who are freely united in associations. Mass consumption offers the opportunity to purchase cheap, customer-specific products that are distributed across small niches. The boundaries between the seller (manufacturer of goods and (or) services) and the buyer (consumer) are erased - the "prosumer" can satisfy all his needs himself.

3. People images

    Let's call the post-industrial society "new era". In this new era, Alvin Toffler sees the following features. So the "new era" is characterized by frequent changes in personality - images that influence our behavior, our culture. In other words, these are idol people, those people whom they try to be equal to and resemble certain social groups and individuals. People start to imitate them. For example, most adolescent girls want to become models. They perceive the cultural image, or the simulacrum tries to be like them. Here is what Toffler himself writes about this: “These people-images, both living and fictional, play an essential role in our life, creating models of behavior, roles and situations according to which we draw conclusions about our own life. Whether we like it or not, we learn from their actions. We learn from their victories and defeats. They give us the opportunity to "try on" different social roles and lifestyles without the consequences that would entail such experiments in real life. The rapid flow of personalities-images cannot but contribute to an increase in the instability of the personal parameters of many real people who experience difficulties in choosing a lifestyle.
    It is interesting that personality-images are dependent on each other. Each has a role to play in a “social drama,” which sociologist Orrin Klapp says is largely a product of new communication technologies. This social drama, in which celebrities are increasingly crowding out and displacing each other, according to Clapp, exacerbates the instability of the leadership system. “Unexpected complications, disappointments, struggles, crimes, scandals provide material for the entertainment of the public and turn the wheel of political roulette. The whims of public opinion are replacing each other at a staggering speed ...
    According to Klapp, we are witnessing a "rapid change of symbolic leaders"
    This statement, however, can be significantly expanded: what is happening is not just a quick change of real people or fictional characters, it is a change in the images and structure of the image in our minds. Our relationship with images, which are a reflection of reality and the basis on which we build our behavior, are becoming more and more short-term, transient. There is a revolution of the entire knowledge system in society. The concepts and terms in which we think change at an accelerated pace, and in the same way the rate of formation and destruction of images increases. "
    Summing up the above, it should be noted that Alvin Toffler focuses on the transience of the change of these people-images, the source of information about which is precisely the media, in other words, communication technologies.
4. Press information
Each of us, according to cultural canons, has a mentality. The fundamental principle of personality, which allows you to see the world. And appreciate your place in this world. This allows you to institutionalize yourself, and, accordingly, your relationships between individuals. To develop rules and norms for interaction in society, to adopt cultural dogmas, traditions and customs, which will undoubtedly help to define themselves as members of a certain group of people.
“Not a single mental model of the surrounding world is a purely personal work. Although some of the mental images are built on the basis of personal observation, more and more of them are based on information supplied by the means of communication and by people around them. Thus, the degree of accuracy of the mental model reflects to some extent the general level of knowledge of the society. Gradually, new knowledge, new concepts, new ways of thinking come into conflict with outdated ideas and concepts, displacing them.
If society itself remained unchanged, the individual would not feel the need to revise his own system of ideas and images in order to link it with the latest knowledge functioning in society. As long as a society is stable or changes slowly, the images on the basis of which it builds its behavior can also change slowly. But in order to exist in a rapidly changing society, in order to keep pace with rapid and diverse changes, an individual must revise his set of images at a rate that would correlate with the pace of these changes. He must bring his model in line with the requirements of the present. With a delay, the individual's response to changes becomes inadequate, and his Activity encounters more and more obstacles and does not bring the desired results. Constant pressure forces the individual to adhere to the general pace.
At present, changes in a technological society are taking place so quickly and inevitably that yesterday's truths suddenly turn out to be fiction, and most of the most gifted and intelligent members of society admit that it is extremely difficult to cope with an avalanche of new knowledge, even in a very narrow field. "
Thus, new knowledge alters old knowledge. The media are constantly and persistently creating new images, and ordinary people who are looking for help in the increasingly difficult social conditions are trying to keep up with them. At the same time, events - regardless of scientific research as such - also destroy the old structure of images. In education, politics, economic theory, medicine, international relations, new images - wave after wave - destroy our defenses and mental model of reality. The result of this constant bombardment with new images is the accelerated displacement of old images, an increase in mental "carrying capacity" and a new deep sense of impermanence, fragility of knowledge itself. "

3. Accelerating the pace
“Trying to transmit more and more messages saturated with image-carrying information at an ever-increasing speed, communication specialists, artists, etc., deliberately make efforts to ensure that every moment of the work of the media carries the greatest possible information and emotional load.”
Recently, we have seen an enormous flow of information which falls on people, people tend to choose interesting information for themselves, clicking the TV, switching radio stations, browsing sites. We form the principle of “selectivity” - it is important for us what we are “interested in” It is by this criterion that we select information. And the main task of PR-specialists, advertising specialists, is to attract attention, and as a result, for all the time that our attention is focused on the necessary object, to give out as much information as possible.
“The same acceleration tendency is evident even in music. At a recent conference of composers and computer specialists in San Francisco, it was said that over the past centuries in music there has been "an increase in the amount of acoustic information transmitted over a given period of time." It is known that modern musicians perform Mozart, Bach and Haydn at a faster pace than when they were created. So, we are busy speeding up Mozart. "

4. Language change
“If our images of reality are changing faster and faster, and the process of transferring images is accelerating, then parallel changes should affect the systems of codes that we use. The language is also being transformed. According to linguist Stuart Berg Flexner, editor-in-chief of The Dictionary of the English Language (Random House), “the words we use are changing faster these days, and not only at the slang level, but at all levels. The speed at which words come into use and go out of use is growing rapidly. And this is apparently true not only for English, but also for French, Russian or Japanese. "
Words come into and out of the language so quickly, because in modern conditions any new word can be introduced into general use with extraordinary speed.
This is another trend noted by Alvin Toffler.

5. Stress test
“Thus, the mental model should be viewed not as a static“ library ”of images, but as a living being with energy and activity. Tirelessly, as we scan our environment with our senses in search of information related to our needs and desires, we constantly reorganize and "fine-tune" our mental model.
At every moment of time, countless images disappear into the abyss of the forgotten. Others enter the system and are embedded in one structure or another. At the same time, we retrieve the images, “use” them, and put them back into the system, possibly to another place. We constantly compare the images, establish connections between them, change their mutual position. It is these processes that are included in the concept of "mental activity". The changes shaking society widen the gap between our perceptions and what we really are, between images and the reality that these images are supposed to reflect. When this gap is relatively small, we can more or less rationally adapt to changes, we can react rationally to new conditions, that is, we remain in touch with reality. When the gap is large, we lose the ability to adapt, react inadequately, fail, retreat, and finally panic. At its most extreme, when the gap widens excessively, the person develops psychosis and may even die.
To maintain an acceptable size of this gap and the ability to adapt, we try to update our system of images, keep up with the times, we are constantly retraining. The acceleration of the processes taking place in the external world causes the acceleration of the processes of individual adaptation.
The process of formation and classification of images is ultimately a physiological process, dependent on certain characteristics of nerve cells and chemical components of the body. New discoveries, new technologies, a new social structure of the external world bring into our life "acceleration of turnover", a reduction in the duration of connections and relationships. External changes require an acceleration of the pace of daily life. They require a new level of adaptive capacity. And they create the preconditions for a serious social illness - a shock of the future. "
In other words, at the present time we receive so much new information, and so often we compare it with the information already available in our consciousness that there is a dissonance in the mental system. Discomfort occurs. Mental energy is expended, but it soon comes to an end. Explicit and close. And our abilities, not yet fully utilized consciousness, do not keep pace with the "speed of light".
In my essay, I touched upon the problem of the post-industrial (information) society, namely the problem of the growth of information in the modern information society. Currently, the development of communication technologies contributes to the growth of the volume of information. This is undoubtedly a plus. The downside is that we cannot process them. We simply do not physically keep up with the flow of information that arises in the environment.
On the other hand, we know about the low utilization of the capabilities of the brain. Most likely, as a result of adaptation to the new information environment, we will be able to access those, so far closed, abilities. But this is just ahead.
And now we have information as a product that is exchanged in various spheres of society.
For example, in the financial market, the main factor in the change in the price of shares of enterprises is not reporting (although it is also the main, but not the main factor), but information about the possibilities and probabilistic outcomes of those events that are associated with this company. So, if the information is positive, then the shares will come out in plus. And if negative, then negative.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that, despite the impending futuro shock, it is important for a person to remain a person, and not a robot or a mechanism sharpened to perform routine, monotonous procedures. Now, in the first half of the 21st century, the role of information in a person's life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the more he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more he has respect in society.
And the most, probably, the main thing is to competently organize your work, your rest. So that the body is not constantly in an "overheated" state, otherwise an "explosion" will occur. Which will entail terrible consequences for a person, but not for society at first, but over time, negative consequences will affect for many decades.


    Toffler "Future Shock"
    Toffler "The Third Wave"

Along with material, instrumental, energy and other resources, it directly depends on the information resource. Information in the life of society is in constant and steady growth. This is especially true for industry, trade, education, financial and banking system.

Information at the service of technology

The role of information in the life of society is very important. Thanks to it, the volume of production increases, the products manufactured, the materials used, technological equipment become more complex, the external and internal relations of the enterprise expand.

Management becomes because:

  • in an era, the growth of information, both stored in public "bins" and new, constantly circulating, exceeds human capabilities for its assimilation;
  • mass communication processes are developing;
  • general information theory requires careful development;
  • cybernetics has become the science of management;
  • information technologies penetrate into all spheres of social life;
  • the role of information in the life of society requires study, since it very actively self-organizes all living and inanimate nature on Earth, and research has confirmed this;
  • information potential and information resources are becoming more and more relevant in the formation of the economy;
  • the progress of modern conditions and the prospects for the development of mankind as a whole will not do without a single information space.

Information environment

The conductor, transformer, disseminator of information, and at the same time the main source of the reasons for activity is the information environment. For the sake of activity and the success of all its processes, a person is forced to actively interact with his own kind in order to receive new knowledge from information flows, generate new knowledge on their basis and, again, send it along the waves of the same flows to each addressee of his information environment.

Information in the life of society is as necessary a resource as raw materials, energy, financial and others. Moreover, information is now an object of purchase and sale. Information product - resource Information, even when sold, does not disappear in the process of consumption. This is an eternal resource.

Information market

Information in the life of society has become so important, the information sector is driven by such large and varied flows that it influenced the formation of the information market.

Information technology has become an independent and profitable type of business aimed at meeting the needs of any circle of users. A person has the ability to instantly connect to any information array. These are encyclopedias and reference books, databases, operational reports, legislative acts, analytical reviews - anything you like, an ocean of information in the life of society, coming from regional, national, international systems. Its use naturally helps to run a successful business.

The role of information in the life of society and the state is great, but the modern development of technology allows you to look wider. Building a business on a global scale on the Internet is a very real opportunity, since access to global political, scientific, and technical information is open.

Man in the information field

What today determines the level of scientific and technical potential of entire countries, as well as the development of their national economy? of course. The role of information in the life of society is so important. Individuals and states are not even able to challenge her harsh sentence: the world community knows both the country's policy and the activities of an individual.

To use information purposefully, you need to collect, transform, transmit, accumulate and systematize it. These are the so-called information processes. Everyone knows that information is necessary for the life of even unicellular organisms (temperature, water composition, for example).

All living orgasms not only perceive information, but also share it. Receiving, transforming, accumulating and transmitting information among people is called informational activity.

Examples of information in the life of society

For many millennia, people have valued only material objects as objects of labor: from an ax to a steam engine. Labor was associated with the processing and processing of some things using energy by transforming it. Gradually, the people were faced with management issues. Without the accumulation of processed data, taking into account the accumulated experience and knowledge, it is impossible to manage any labor process. There are professions tied exclusively to informational activities, from priests and military leaders to chroniclers and scientists.

The exchange of information became really relevant after the invention of book printing. This immediately influenced the development of education, science, and the growth of production. The driving force of progress is information in the life of society. The conclusion suggests itself.

Organizing and organizing

Further, as it developed, society constantly found people to process and accumulate information. The volume of knowledge grew, varied experience was updated and accumulated, libraries and archives appeared. There was so much information in the mountains of manuscripts and books, and it was so diverse that ordering and systematization became necessary. Classifiers, subject and alphabetical indexes appear in libraries - a new role of information in the life of society.

And the states were forced to reckon with the flows of information, as these flows grew and expanded. For the correct management of the economy, legal proceedings, the maintenance of the army, it was certainly necessary to have more and more new means and methods, more and more sophisticated, in order to collect and store information, process and transfer information.

Increase in the volume of information

The rapid improvement of technical production has dramatically increased the flow of information and human knowledge in general. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, the volume of human knowledge became twice as large in half a century, then it was further updated in five years.

Required automation. This is how the computer appeared. The role of information in the life of society is to briefly or in detail introduce specialists in any industry into the course of the matter. A computer is used not only for processing numerical information, but also in design bureaus, business and absolutely any production. Methods and methods of providing information began to occupy an important place in the activities of people of many professions.

The role of information in the life of society, state, organization and individual

The challenge of the time was the formation of the global information field.
Four main features of its formation have become the foundation of the information community.

  • The role of information in the life of society has changed, knowledge has acquired the most important aspect, information saturation has increased unprecedentedly in management, economic and many other spheres of activity, socio-economic development without information and knowledge has become impossible.
  • The information industry has developed into a dynamic, prestigious and profitable industry that provides leadership in the global economy.
  • A developed market infrastructure has emerged in the consumption of information and services, not only the professional activity of a person is affected, but also household.
  • Social organization and cooperation have undergone great changes, centralized hierarchical structures have been replaced by flexible network organizations that quickly adapt to innovative development.

The idea of ​​an information society

The ongoing changes in the information space are due to some facts. Here are examples of information in the life of society, in a temporary component.

  • The connection between technical developments and science was finally formed by the middle of the twentieth century, and hence the sharp growth of science-intensive technologies and the general dynamics of production.
  • Events have ceased to be local, despite the territorial remoteness, that is, there is a globalization of changes in society.
  • Political, economic, military activities have become colossally complicated, therefore information in the life of society is pictures of the near future: cybernetics, the study of all working operations, system analysis - the perception of the whole world through information achievements.
  • Communication and information technologies have led to the emergence of completely new forms of economic and social activity - telework, e-commerce, telemedicine, distance education, even e-democracy.

So, has the information in the life of society prompted the proper conclusion to create a new worldview? Certainly. In 1991 alone, America spent much more money on the purchase of communications equipment than for industrial equipment. And the number of farmers fell from 80% to forty. But in the information field, the people increased to 54% of literally four. Therefore, the information society is one where there are more processors of information than those who process raw materials and materials.

Restructuring the world economy

Since the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, the organizational structure of enterprises and interfirm communication has undergone a radical reformatting. Organizational measures took place in order to adapt to changes in the institutional, economic, technological aspects of the activities of firms.

Vertical hierarchical structures have moved to flexible network forms of organization. Networks have assumed the formative basis - both the internal organization of modern corporations and the system of interaction with partners: corporate alliances, inter-company networks, etc. The same movement took place in the service sector and administrative bodies.

The Internet is becoming the environment for work, communication and recreation. How many interesting information has brought to the life of society: Prokhorov with the "Civic Platform", the nationwide observation of the lunar eclipse online. The world that the Internet has offered to people is truly huge.

And how revenues from global e-commerce are growing! In the two thousandth year - 185 billion dollars, and in three years already almost one and a half trillion. The modern economy can already be defined, like society, by the word "network". Powerfully conquers bridgeheads information in the life of society, in short.

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