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Information technologies in modern life of society. Information technology in society

Today, global changes are taking place in the world community, caused by the penetration of information technologies into all spheres of life. Tourism as a sphere of economy, activity and employment of people did not remain aloof from this trend. Information technologies, penetrating the business, change management technologies, help to get answers to any questions about the state of affairs and make operational decisions in a matter of seconds.

Informatization is one of the most striking features of the system of social relations in developed countries. Mankind has reached a stage in the development of civilization in which information (knowledge) plays a decisive role in all spheres of human activity. At the same time, information becomes the most important factor in economic growth in modern society.

The next revolutionary stage in the informatization of society is associated with an extraordinary increase in the use of global computer networks. The worldwide computer network Internet is developing so rapidly that the number of its subscribers and the volume of information resources almost double every year. The tourism business does not remain aloof from this boom. Automation and the widespread use of electronic technology are becoming one of the most urgent tasks in the tourism industry. Creation of powerful computer systems for booking accommodation and transport facilities, excursion and cultural and recreational services, introduction of the latest technology in the field of tourism, information on the availability and accessibility of certain types of trips, routes, tourism potential of countries and regions - the whole range of these issues, taking into account the development integration processes is put on the agenda of the current and future activities of the World Tourism Organization (WTO).

Information technology is a concentrated expression of scientific knowledge, information and practical experience presented in a project form (in a formalized form suitable for practical use), which makes it possible to rationally organize one or another fairly frequently repeated information process. At the same time, savings in labor, energy or material resources necessary for the implementation of this process are achieved.

As a general criterion for the effectiveness of any type of technology, you can use the savings in social time, which is achieved as a result of their practical use. The effectiveness of this criterion is especially well manifested in the example of information technology.

The need to save social time directs our attention, first of all, to technologies associated with the most massive information processes, the optimization of which, it seems, should give the greatest savings in social time precisely due to their wide and repeated use.

Among the distinctive properties of information technologies that are of strategic importance for the development of society, it seems appropriate to single out the following most important ones.

Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development.

Information technologies make it possible to optimize and, in many cases, automate information processes, which in recent years have taken an increasing place in the life of human society.

Information processes are important elements of other more complex production or social processes. Therefore, very often information technologies act as components of the corresponding production or social technologies.

Information technologies today play an extremely important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in the systems of preparation and dissemination of mass information.

These funds are quickly assimilated by the culture of our society, since they not only create great conveniences, but also remove many production, social and domestic problems caused by the processes of globalization and integration of the world community, the expansion of domestic and international economic and cultural ties, the migration of the population and its increasingly dynamic movement around the planet.

International and domestic tourism is a powerful industry in trade in services.

Turbin Anatoly

Basic concept of computer science. The basic concept of information technology. Receipt, accumulation and storage of information. Information technologies in the life of modern man. . . The role of information technology in the development of online television. . The use of information technology in education.


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The role of computer science and information technology in the modern world
Turbin Anatoly MOU secondary school No. 8, 11 "C"
Informatics is the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information. It includes disciplines related to information processing in computers and computer networks: both abstract, such as the analysis of algorithms, and quite specific, such as the development of programming languages. information, as a fusion of the French words information and automatique (F. Dreyfus, 1972). The concept of informatics is relatively new in the lexicon of modern man. Despite its widespread use, its content remains unclear due to its novelty. It is intuitively clear that it is connected with information, as well as with its processing on computers. This is confirmed by the existing legend about the origin of this word: it is believed that it is composed of two words - INFORMATION and automation (as a means of information transformation). Research topics in computer science are questions: what can and cannot be implemented in programs and databases (computability theory and artificial intelligence), how it is possible to solve specific computational and information problems with maximum efficiency (computation complexity theory), in what form information of a specific type (structures and databases) should be stored and restored, how programs and people should interact with each other ( user interface and programming languages ​​and knowledge representation), etc.
Basic concept of computer science
Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, as well as creating data, including the use of computer technology. Recently, under information technology more often understand computer technology. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information. Specialists in computer technology and programming are often called IT specialists. According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for the effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. IT itself requires complex training, high initial costs and knowledge-intensive technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of software, the formation of information flows in specialist training systems. The main features of modern IT are: computer processing of information according to specified algorithms; storage of large amounts of information on machine media; transmission of information over long distances in a limited time.
The basic concept of information technology
We can no longer imagine life without a computer, without a mobile phone, without the Internet. Everything that we see around us is more and more created with the use of information technology. In the context of the rapid development of modern society, global computerization is an integral part of people's lives. Information technology has become the main component of both the global economy as a whole and other individual areas of human activity. Industry, education, health care, public administration: everything is based on the use of information technology. With an increase in the speed of information transfer, a lot of opportunities arise, without the help of which it is already difficult to imagine one's life. With each century, decade and year, the amount of information accumulated by mankind increases, and its role in human life also grows. A person creates devices that allow him to receive information that is not available to him in direct sensations (microscopes, telescopes, thermometers, speedometers, various sensors, etc.). Receiving information is called input. In a personal computer, special input devices are responsible for entering information: a keyboard, a scanner, a digitizer, a microphone, a mouse, and much more. A person stores information in his own memory (internal operational information) and on external media: paper, magnetic tape, disks, etc. Our internal memory is not always reliable. A person often forgets something. Information on external media is stored longer, more reliably. It is with the help of external media that people pass on their knowledge from generation to generation. In order to be able to repeatedly use information in the future, so-called external (in relation to human memory) information carriers are used. In the modern world, databases on electronic media (servers of companies, enterprises, etc.) are an integral part of information storage.
Receipt, accumulation and storage of information
The human need to communicate with the people around him, that is, to express and transmit information, has led to the emergence of language - the oldest information technology. This was followed by the invention of writing, libraries, printing, mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, television and, finally, computers and the Internet. Especially the importance of information technology has increased with the invention of the computer - a machine for receiving, processing, storing and issuing information. The widespread use of computers has provided man with new opportunities for searching, receiving, accumulating, transmitting and, most importantly, processing information. Initially, the computer was created as a means of automating calculations. However, gradually, the functions of almost all previous means of communication were added to its computing capabilities, turning it into the main tool for building a modern information society. The next milestone in the development of information technology was the possibility of creating computer networks. And as their highest manifestation - the Internet, a global computer network that enables each user to have the information capabilities of the entire network and simultaneously transmit their information to all its users. This made it possible for any owner of a personal computer to join the information resources of all mankind and even contribute to them, to create one common information bank for all users of this network. However, there is a negative side to the emergence of a global computer network - people are less and less communicating "live", but on the other hand, it has become possible to communicate with users located at a great distance from each other, and this is a huge advantage in the modern world.
Information technology in the life of modern man
In the conditions of the development of modern society, information technologies have deeply penetrated into all spheres of human activity. So, in industry, information technologies are used not only to estimate the stocks of raw materials, components, finished products, to carry out new developments, but also allow you to reduce marketing research to track demand for various types of products, find new partners. As you know, the effectiveness of office management robots largely depends on the level of communication between citizens, enterprises and other governments. Therefore, in the service management, information technologies allow the simultaneous use of information, organizational, legal, socio-psychological, personnel and other indicators, which makes it easier for the robot and the organization of the management process itself. The use of such methods significantly speeds up the work in complex areas of analytical work, for example, during the assessment of the situation in difficult situations, the preparation and generation of reports and certificates. At the same time, all accounting operations in enterprises are based on the use of information technology. Due to the increase in the speed of information exchange, it became possible to carry out heavy mathematical calculations in just a few seconds. We see the widest use of IT in industry using the example of computer-aided design (CAD). CAD - an automated system that implements information technology for performing design functions, is an organizational and technical system designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a set of technical software and other means of automating its activities.
Importance of information technology in industry
Importance of information technology in industry
The main goal of creating CAD is to increase the efficiency of engineers' work, including: reducing the complexity of design and planning; reduction of design time; reducing the cost of design and manufacture, reducing operating costs; improving the quality and technical and economic level of design results; reducing the cost of full-scale modeling and testing. Achieving the goals of creating CAD is ensured by: automation of documentation; information support and decision-making automation; use of parallel design technologies; unification of design decisions and design processes; reuse of design solutions, data and developments; strategic design; replacement of full-scale tests and prototyping by mathematical modeling; improving the quality of design management; application of alternative design and optimization methods. At the moment, it is already impossible to imagine the functioning of most enterprises without the use of CAD. These are industrial enterprises in such industries as aircraft building, shipbuilding, automotive, foundry, heavy, medium and light engineering, construction, precision instrumentation, nuclear industry, etc.
In medicine, the term IT is used in a narrower sense, implying the use of some computer system to solve these problems. At present, such a computer system, as a rule, includes a computer itself, a program (or a set of programs) that registers, processes and provides information to a doctor, a database that stores information about the examinations performed, and means for receiving and transmitting the accumulated information to another user.
Automation allows you to: reduce the complexity of work on the management and control of resources by reducing the performance of routine duties by people; create the preconditions for the rational organization of the production process at the enterprise; increase the speed and quality of patient care; increase the efficiency and culture of work; improve management efficiency; increase the efficiency of operational decision-making; expand the range of services provided to the patient; improve the possibilities of long-term planning and forecasting.
It is also necessary to note such an effect as a reduction in time spent on making a management decision due to a reduction in a large number of paper flows. Improving the quality of management decisions from the standpoint of accuracy, depth of analysis of a controlled phenomenon, process or subject, the presence of informing feedback.
The role of information technology in medicine
The use of the latest equipment in medicine has made it possible to give the most accurate diagnosis of the patient in a short period of time. A wide range of manufactured equipment is used in all areas of medicine.
Here are a few examples: The universal diagnostic ultrasound cardiological system ACUSON Sequoia 512 with a set of sensors allows you to see the anatomy and physiology of the patient with a completely new look and provides early diagnosis of pathological changes. The high-tech and compact electrocardiograph CARDIOVIT AT-101 can be used both in clinics and in hospitals. The ability to work in a network with uploading data in XML format allows it to be integrated into medical systems. In cosmetology, Thermage has turned the notion of modern methods of rejuvenation. Many patients want to tighten their skin without resorting to surgery. Now it can be done in 30 minutes, which previously required many hours of plastic surgery and months of recovery. The X-ray machine CLINOMAT TIETON (Italray) is designed to perform all traditional fluorographic studies. A wide selection of anatomical programs (more than 600 programs) allows the operator to automate the selection of parameters when examining various departments.
The role of information technology in medicine
In connection with the increase in the speed of information exchange, it became possible to transmit a large amount of information, including a television stream. A little time has passed since the beginning of the first broadcasts of Internet television. However, for a short period of using Internet television, a large audience has appeared. And now it is difficult to imagine the Internet without television broadcasting. The use of a satellite dish is not a mandatory equipment for watching TV, for this it is enough to use a laptop connected to an Internet access point. With the implementation of wireless access, the dependence on the point of connection to the Internet has decreased. At the moment, television transmission can be carried out from almost anywhere in the world. According to experts, by 2013 the total share of audio and digital video transmitted to the network online will be about 98% of the total information flow transmitted. Digital TV broadcasting is gaining momentum and over time, this dynamic becomes more and more distinct. The heyday of the commercial television channels that appeared for the first time was a rather significant stage in the development of the domestic television broadcasting industry, however, a tangible leap occurred in recent years. The development took place immediately with the introduction of high-speed Internet access. Since that time, a high-speed channel to the global network has become available to everyone, the rapid progress of online television broadcasts has now not been restrained. And the development of the Russian-language network at the same time reacted to the expansion of opportunities that appeared in large numbers, online television equipment. Well-known television channels have become even more convenient to watch, and web broadcasts also delight Russian-speaking audiences living in other countries. You can watch online TV almost everywhere. This became possible thanks to the development of digital web-television technologies.
The role of information technology in the development of online television
All domestic secondary educational institutions have recently been equipped with computer classes, which allow not only full-fledged computer science lessons, but also the use of various types of modern technology in the process of learning and testing knowledge. Multimedia projectors and interactive whiteboards installed in the classrooms make it possible to more visually present the studied material to students. The main sign of the development of information technology in the school is the intensive use of those. teaching aids of a new generation in the methodological recommendations for conducting lessons and extracurricular activities, the desire of teachers to master new equipment. This direction in increasing knowledge is called "Information and Communication Technologies" (ICT). It is quite realistic to use this technique in the study of any school subject.
The use of information technology in education
The experiment shows that the competent use of ICT by the teacher significantly increases the interest of students in the subject. Transferring visual aids on the screen using a multimedia projector helps the teacher to better present the process and results of experiments, use virtual tours of different geographical areas and the best museums in the world. Students have every chance to see for themselves how rich the flora and fauna of the country are by seeing panoramic shots, footage of a living being or a natural phenomenon, as well as observing astronomical objects.
The use of information technology in education
Here are some examples of the use of ICT. It is possible to show children how day and night exist on Earth at the same time using the output of images from webcams in the corresponding time zones. You can show the passage of chemical reactions on the screen with the participation of the substances used in them by linking the scales and the interactive whiteboard to each other. The use of ICT is very active among technology teachers. Now students have every chance to see clear drawings, high-quality slides and films about the history of fashion, styles, and interiors. For learning in various fields, the Internet offers a huge number of master classes that arouse sincere interest among the children.

Among the distinctive properties of information technology, it is appropriate to single out the following seven most important ones.

    Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development. Experience shows that the activation, dissemination and efficient use of information resources (scientific knowledge, discoveries, inventions, technologies, best practices) allow for significant savings in other types of resources: raw materials, energy, minerals, materials and equipment, human resources, social time.

    Information technologies make it possible to optimize and, in many cases, automate information processes, which in recent years have taken an increasing place in the life of human society. It is well known that the development of civilization takes place in the direction of the formation of an information society, in which the objects and results of the work of the majority of the employed population are no longer material values, but mainly information and scientific knowledge.

    Information processes are important elements of other more complex industrial or social processes. Therefore, very often information technologies act as components of the corresponding production or social technologies. At the same time, they, as a rule, implement the most important, "intelligent" functions of these technologies.

    Information technologies today play an extremely important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in the systems for the preparation and dissemination of mass information. In addition to the already traditional means of communication (telephone, telegraph, radio and television), electronic telecommunications systems, e-mail, facsimile transmission of information and other types of communication are increasingly being used in the social sphere. These funds are quickly assimilated by the culture of modern society, as they not only create great conveniences, but also remove many industrial, social and domestic problems.

    Information technologies today occupy a central place in the process of intellectualization of society, the development of its educational system and culture. In almost all developed and in many developing countries, computer and television equipment, curricula on optical discs and multimedia technologies are becoming familiar attributes not only of higher educational institutions, but also of ordinary schools in the primary and secondary education system.

    Information technologies now play a key role also in the processes of obtaining and accumulating new knowledge. At the same time, the traditional methods of information support of scientific research by accumulating, classifying and disseminating scientific and technical information are being replaced by new methods based on the use of newly opened opportunities for information support of fundamental and applied science, which are provided by modern information technologies.

    The importance of the development of information technologies for the present stage of development of society is fundamentally important because their use can provide significant assistance in solving global problems of mankind and, above all, problems related to the need to overcome the global crisis of civilization experienced by the world community. Indeed, it is the methods of information modeling of global processes, especially in combination with the methods of space information monitoring, that can already today provide the ability to predict many crisis situations in regions of increased social and political tension, as well as in areas of environmental disaster, in places of natural disasters and major technological accidents, representing enhanced for society.


The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies that penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education. At present, a new education system is being formed in Russia, focused on entering the global information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process, associated with the introduction of adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which should be adequate to modern technical capabilities, and contribute to the harmonious entry of the child into the information society. Computer technologies are designed to become not an additional "weight" in training, but an integral part of a holistic educational process, significantly increasing its effectiveness.

Over the past 5 years, the number of children who know how to use a computer has increased by about 10 times. As most researchers note, these trends will accelerate regardless of schooling. However, as revealed in many studies, children are mostly familiar with gaming computer programs, use computer technology for entertainment. At the same time, cognitive, in particular educational, motives for working with a computer are approximately in twentieth place. Thus, the computer is not used enough to solve cognitive and educational problems.

One of the reasons for this situation is related to the fact that computer technologies in school have not yet found their proper application. In schools where children are taught on the computer, not all of its capabilities are fully realized. Most primary school teachers are not even familiar with computer technology and have no idea how to use it in teaching. Lessons using a computer in most cases are taught by computer science teachers, who, due to the specifics of their training, poorly represent the conditions that must be observed when using computer technology in teaching specific subjects.

The problem of the widespread use of computer technologies in the field of education in the last decade has attracted increased interest in domestic pedagogical science.


Modern material production and other areas of activity are increasingly in need of information services, the processing of a huge amount of information. A universal technical means of processing any information is a computer, which plays the role of an amplifier of the intellectual capabilities of a person and society as a whole, and communication tools using computers serve to communicate and transmit information. The emergence and development of computers is a necessary component of the process of informatization of society.

Informatization of society is one of the patterns of modern social progress. This term is more and more insistently replacing the term "computerization of society", which was widely used until recently. Despite the outward similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.

With the computerization of society, the main attention is paid to the development and implementation of the technical base of computers that ensure the prompt receipt of the results of information processing and its accumulation.

When informatizing society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and timely knowledge in all types of human activity.

Thus, "informatization of society" is a broader concept than "computerization of society", and is aimed at the speedy mastery of information to meet their needs. In the concept of “informatization of society”, the emphasis should be placed not so much on technical means as on the essence and goals of socio-technical progress. Computers are the basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication technologies is a society's response to the need for a significant increase in labor productivity in the information sector of social production, where more than half of the working population is concentrated. For example, more than 60% of the able-bodied population is employed in the information sphere in the United States, and about 40% in the CIS.

From a modern point of view, using the phone in its early years looks pretty ridiculous. The leader dictated the message to his secretary, who then sent it from the phone room. A phone call was received in a similar room of another company, the text was recorded on paper and delivered to the addressee. It took a long time before the telephone became such a common and familiar way of communication, so that they began to use it, the way we do it today: we ourselves call the right place, and with the advent of cell phones, a specific person.

Nowadays, computers are mainly used as a means of creating and analyzing information, which is then transferred to familiar media (for example, paper). But now, thanks to the widespread use of computers and the creation of the Internet, for the first time you can use your computer to communicate with other people through their computers. The need to use printed data to share with colleagues is eliminated in the same way that paper has disappeared from telephone conversations. Today, thanks to the use of the Web, can be compared to the time when people stopped writing down the text of telephone messages: computers (and their communication with each other via the Internet) are already so widespread and familiar that we are starting to use them in fundamentally new ways. WWW is the beginning of the path on which computers will truly become means of communication.

The Internet provides an unparalleled way to obtain information. Anyone with access to the WWW can get all the information it contains, as well as powerful search tools. Opportunities for education, business and the growth of mutual understanding between people are simply overwhelming. Moreover, the Web technology allows information to be distributed everywhere. The simplicity of this method is unparalleled in history. In order to make your views, goods or services known to others, you no longer need to buy space in a newspaper or magazine, pay for time on television and radio. The Web makes the game a level playing field for governments and individuals, for small and large firms, for manufacturers and consumers, for charities and political organizations. The World Wide Web (WWW) on the Internet is the most democratic medium of information: with its help, anyone can say and hear what is said without intermediate interpretation, distortion and censorship, guided by certain limits of decency. The Internet provides a unique freedom of personal expression and information.

Similar to the use of company internal phones to connect employees with each other and the outside world, the Web is used both for communication within the organization and between organizations and their consumers, customers and partners. The same Web technology that enables small firms to make themselves known on the Internet can be used by a large company to communicate the current status of a project over an internal intranet, allowing its employees to always be more knowledgeable and therefore more responsive than small ones. , nimble competitors. The use of an intranet within an organization to make information more accessible to its members is also a step forward from the past. Now, instead of storing documents in a confusing computer archive, it is now possible (under the control of security tools) to easily search for and describe documents, link to them, and compile indexes. Thanks to Web technology, business, as well as management, becomes more efficient.

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