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Information technology in the professional. Information Support


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Information technology in professional activity

for the specialty 38.02.01 "Economics and Accounting" (advanced and basic training) (by industry)

Lecturer at the Samara College of Finance and Economics - a branch of the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"

E.A. Platkovskaya

Section 1. Information and communication technologies in automated processing financial information. 4

Introduction. 4

Concept, classification, basic principles, methods and properties of information technology. Possibilities of using information and telecommunication technologies in professional activities. 4

Topic 1.1. Information technologies in the processing of economic information 14

Basic methods and means of processing, storage, transmission and accumulation of information. Purpose and principles of using system and application software. 14

The main functions of a modern office automation system. Composition and characteristics of the e-office package. Processing of economic information by word processors. Business text document. Styles of paperwork. Templates and forms. Tables in text documents. Implementation and linking of objects, complex documents. Using business graphics for visualization text information. 21

The capabilities of the spreadsheet system for analysis, planning, forecasting the economic activities of an enterprise and solving economic problems. Calculation of indicators, application standard functions, creating calculated conditions. Information filtration, consolidation, pivot tables, summing up the interim results. Business Graphics Tools - Visualize results with charts. Solving accounting problems in a spreadsheet system. 31

Legal reference systems (SPS) in the professional activities of an economist, accountant. The main functions and rules for working with the ATP Search capabilities of the ATP. Processing of search results. Working with the content of documents. Joint use of ATP and information technology. 52

Topic 1.2. Communication technologies in the processing of economic information 65

The main components of computer networks, principles of packet data transmission, organization internetworking... Application electronic communications in the professional activity of an accountant. Services of local and global networks. Intranet and Internet. Information search technology on the Internet. Organization of work with e-mail. 65

Automated office systems, their types and functions. Information technology of office work and workflow. Economic document, types and forms of presentation. Submission of documents in in electronic format... Pattern recognition technologies. Electronic document and electronic copy. Legal status of an electronic document, digital signature. Document flow based on e-mail. The use of local network resources. 88

Topic 1.3. Methods and means of protecting financial information. 111

Main threats and methods of support information security... Principles of information protection from unauthorized access. Legal Aspects use of information technology and software. Legal regulation in the field of information security. 111

Anti-virus information protection. 125

Section 2. Information systems for automation of accounting. 140

Topic 2.1. Specialized software for collecting, storing and processing accounting information. 140

Areas of automation of accounting activities. Purpose, principles of organization and operation of accounting information systems, their comparative characteristics. 140

Topic 2.2 Technology of work with accounting automation software. 149

The main functions, modes and rules for working with the accounting program. Setting up an accounting program for accounting. Contextual help, work with documentation. The structure and interface of specialized software. 149

Basic rules for ensuring information security of the accounting software complex. Conservation and restoration information base. 163

Section 1. Information and communication technologies in automated processing of financial information


Concept, classification, basic principles, methods and properties of information technology. Possibilities of using information and telecommunication technologies in professional activities.

Informatization of modern society and, in particular, educational activities characterized by improvement processes and mass distribution modern information and communication technologies (ICT). In the field of education, these technologies are actively used to transfer information and ensure interaction between teacher and student in modern systems of open and distance education. A modern teacher should not only have knowledge in the field of their subject, but also be able to apply ICT in their professional activities.

Word " technology"(from Greek) in the most general sense means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. In a narrower sense, technology is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge, implemented in techniques labor, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, ways of connecting them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. The modern understanding of this word includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case, information and telecommunication technologies can be considered technologies aimed at processing and transforming information.

Information and communication technology (ICT) Is a generalized concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods and algorithms for information processing. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software, and telecommunications equipment, along with information posted on them.

Information technology can be classified from various points of view:

· Depending on the area of ​​the tasks being solved;

· Depending on the objective activity;

· Depending on the type of information being processed;

· Depending on the type of user interface;

· Depending on the degree of interaction, etc.

Here are some examples of the classification of information technologies

Computer like technical device processing of economic information, purpose, composition, basic characteristics of the computer.

A personal computer is a universal technical system. His configuration(equipment composition) can be flexibly changed as needed. However, there is a concept basic configuration, which is considered typical. This kit usually comes with a computer. The basic configuration is subject to change. Currently, four devices are considered in the basic configuration:

system unit;




System unit

The system unit is the main unit within which the most important components are installed. Devices located inside the system unit are called internal, and devices connected to it externally are called external. External additional devices for input, output and long-term storage of data are also called peripheral


Monitor - device visual presentation data. This is not the only possible, but the main output device. Its main consumer parameters are: screen mask size and pitch, maximum image refresh rate, protection class.

Monitor size measured diagonally between opposite corners of the CRT tube. The unit of measurement is inches. Standard sizes: 14 "; 15"; 17 "; 19"; twenty; 21 ". Currently, the most versatile are 15" and 17 "monitors, and 19-21" monitors are desirable for graphics operations.


Keyboard is a keyboard control device for a personal computer. Serves for input alphanumeric (signed) data, as well as control commands. The combination of monitor and keyboard provides the simplest user interface. WITH a keyboard is used to control a computer system, and a monitor is used to get a response from it.

PC classification by purpose

PC general purpose - designed for the mass consumer for entertainment, education and work.

Professional PCs- are used in the scientific field, to solve complex information and production tasks where high performance is required, efficient transfer of large amounts of information, a sufficiently large capacity of RAM.

Electronic office concept

TO office tasks include the following:

· Office work;

· Control over the execution of documents;

· making report;

· search for information;

· Input and updating of information;

· Scheduling;

· Exchange of information between departments of the enterprise.

In the listed tasks, a number of standard typical procedures are performed:

· Processing of incoming and outgoing information;

· Collection and subsequent analysis of data;

· data storage.

Electronic office is called a software and hardware complex designed for processing documents and automating the work of users in control systems. The electronic office includes the following hardware:

· Personal computers, networked;

· Printing devices;

· Means of copying documents;

· scanner;

· Projection equipment for presentations.

Recently, electronic offices have become more and more widespread, the equipment and employees of which may be located in different premises. The need to work with documents, materials, databases of the enterprise at home, in a hotel, vehicles led to the emergence virtual offices.

Information technology of virtual offices is based on:

· On the possibility of round-the-clock access to the local network of the office through the global computer network;

· On mobile computer technologies (laptops, pocket computers, smartphones).

V virtual office employees of the organization, regardless of where they are, can exchange information in real time, carry out their job duties, and solve office tasks.

Economic, accounting calculations are also performed in offices, and the problems of analyzing the financial condition of firms are solved.

To implement the above tasks, it is advisable to use not separate programs, but integrated software packages... The integrated package for electronic office includes software products that interact with each other at the data exchange level.

The main hallmark of the programs that make up an integrated package is a common user interface that allows you to use the same techniques for working with different applications in the package. The generality of the interface reduces the cost of user training. In addition, the price of a set of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than the total cost of individual applications.

The purpose of integrated office suites is to provide office and enterprise employees with a wide range of tools for everyday collaboration, automate routine operations, and help in complex solution of enterprise tasks.

An example of an integrated office suite (Microsoft Office).

An example of an integrated office suite is the package Microsoft Office, which comes in several flavors, including a varying number of applications. The main applications of the package are:

· Word - word processor;

· Excel - spreadsheet processor;

· Access - database management system;

· PowerPoint - presentation preparation system;

· Outlook - personal information manager;

· FrontPage - an editor designed to create web pages;

· PhotoDraw - a graphic editor for creating business graphics;

· Publisher - desktop publishing system;

· Small Business Tools - specialized tools for business analysis;

· Internet Explorer - browser (web browser).

Microsoft Word is a powerful word processor that is a handy tool for creating complex text documents that include mathematical formulas, tables, pictures, diagrams, as well as objects prepared in other applications of the Microsoft Office suite.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet processor that provides powerful tools for creating complex spreadsheets and implements a wide range of calculations. Contains advanced tools for mathematical and logical data processing.

The functions of a spreadsheet processor include:

· Creation and editing of spreadsheets;

· Creation of interconnected spreadsheet documents;

Inputting formulas that perform mathematical and logical operations over data in cells of spreadsheets;

· Structuring and organizing lists of data in spreadsheets (in fact, the implementation of some functions of the DBMS);

· Construction of diagrams and graphs of various types;

Creation of summary spreadsheets, including with the involvement of information from external bases data;

· Development of macros for managing spreadsheets;

Design of spreadsheets, their printing, import and export of spreadsheet files, etc.

Using a spreadsheet processor in spreadsheets, you can perform various engineering, statistical, economic, accounting, financial calculations, carry out complex economic analysis, simulate and optimize various situations.

Microsoft Access is a database management system. Today it is one of the most popular desktop database applications.

Microsoft Outlook is a personal information manager that provides the following features:

· Processing of e-mail messages;

· Scheduling appointments and meetings;

· Managing contacts and tasks;

· Access to documents stored in personal folders and documents located on local and network drives.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation preparation system. Presentations can be used in training, seminars, conferences, etc.

Computer technologies for preparing text documents

Systems for preparing text documents can be divided by functional content into the following classes:

· Text editors;

· Word processors;

· Desktop publishing systems.

Text editors provide input, modification and saving of character text that does not require formatting, i.e. changing the font, text color, etc. The result of a text editor is an ASCII text file (ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - American Standard code for information exchange).

Text editors allow:

♦ type text, delete one or more lines, copy them or move to another place in the text;

· Insert groups of lines from other texts, detect all occurrences of a certain group of characters;

· Save typed text, print text on different types of printers using standard printing programs in one font within the document.

Turbo Editors, which provide convenient tools for creating, compiling, debugging, and executing programs in programming languages ​​(for example, Pascal), fall into this category.

Word processor - is a system for preparing complex text documents, which, in its internal representation, supplies the text special codes- markup.

From the point of view of user friendliness, one of the most important properties of word processors is full compliance of a hard copy of a document with its image on the screen.

Among the functions of word processors are:

· Formatting of the text, while the changes made by the user are immediately reflected in the document;

The possibility of a preliminary description of the structure of the future document, in this description parameters such as the size of paragraph indents, typeface and font size, the position of headings are set, line spacing, number of columns of text, location and way of numbering of footnotes, etc .;

· The ability to automatically check spelling and get hints when choosing synonyms;

· The ability to enter and edit tables and formulas with their display on the screen in the form in which they will be printed;

· The ability to combine documents in the process of preparing text for printing;

· The ability to automatically compose a table of contents and index.

Desktop publishing systems (NIS) are not a more perfect continuation of word processors, since they have a completely different subject area. Desktop publishing is essentially a layout tool. They are intended not so much for creating large documents as for the implementation of various types of printing effects.

NIS differ from word processors in that they have more extensive control over the preparation of text. All NIS implement functions that are absent in most word processors, for example, compression and expansion of lines; rotation of the text, text flow around the picture along an arbitrary path, etc.

There are professional level NIS and entry level NIS. Systems of the first group are designed to work on editions of documents with a complex structure, such as an illustrated magazine. Professional-level systems include QuarkXPress, PageMaker. It is hardly advisable to use such expensive and difficult-to-learn systems for those specialists who, due to their occupation, only occasionally need to prepare documentation, a letter or an advertisement beautifully and fairly quickly.

Systems of the second group are usually used to create a newsletter or simple advertising booklet. Packages in this category are aimed at the beginner and the user who devotes only part of their working time to publishing. The entry-level NIS includes Microsoft Publisher, Pageplus.

Microsoft Office 2007 applications were designed to work together, so it is possible to combine text from Word with Excel tables and formulas from Microsoft Equation 3.0 and so on. There are several ways to use data generated by one application in another application.

The following technologies are used for data sharing by Microsoft Office applications: static copying; embedding and linking objects.

Data import. When you import, data from a source document (created in one application) is copied to a recipient document (created in another application). Copying is done using filters, which are programs that convert data from one format to data in another format. Microsoft Office 2007 applications have a wide range of different filters.

Linking and Embedding (OLI) is one of the effective ways data exchange between Microsoft Office applications. The main differences between binding and embedding are where the data is stored and how the data is updated after it has been placed in a document.

A linked object is data (an object) created in one file and inserted into another file with support for linking between files. The linked object can be updated at the same time as the original file is updated. The linked object is not part of the file in which it is inserted.

An embedded object is data (object) inserted into a file. The embedded object becomes part of the file. At double click the embedded object is opened with the program in which it was created.

Copying, linking and embedding can be done using the clipboard. To do this, copy the data in the source document, and then in the recipient document, execute the Edit - Paste special and select the Link or Paste option.

The second method of linking and embedding objects is carried out using the "Insert Object" dialog box, which is invoked by the Object command on the Insert menu.

Current cell and screen

Current (active) called a cell in a spreadsheet in which in this moment the cursor is located. The address and content of the current cell are displayed in the input line of the spreadsheet. Moving the cursor both along the input line and across the screen is carried out using the cursor movement keys.

The capabilities of the monitor screen do not allow showing all spreadsheet... We can view different parts of the spreadsheet by moving around it with the arrow keys. With this movement across the table, new rows (columns) automatically appear on the screen instead of those from which we leave. The part of the spreadsheet that we see on the monitor screen is called the current (active) screen.

Window, workbook, sheet

The main objects of information processing - spreadsheets - are placed by a spreadsheet processor in independent windows, and opening or closing these tables is, in fact, opening or closing the windows in which they are located. The table processor makes it possible to open many windows at the same time, thereby organizing a "multi-window mode" of work. Exists special teams that allow you to change the relative position and size of windows on the screen. Windows that are in currently we see on the screen are called current (active).

Workbook is a document containing several sheets, and which can include tables, charts or macros. You can create a book for joint storage in memory of the sheets of interest and indicate how many sheets it should contain. All sheets of the workbook are saved in one file. Note that the term "workbook" is not standard. For example, the Framework Tabular Processor uses the concept of Frame instead.

Data types used in spreadsheets

Input types

In each cell, the user can enter data of one of the following possible types: symbolic, numeric, formulas and functions, as well as dates.

Character (text) data are descriptive. They can include alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. Their first character is often an apostrophe, and sometimes quotation marks or a space.

Example. Character data:

Statement of bonus accrual Zin-509-01 Group

Numeric data cannot contain alphabetic and special characters, since they are used with mathematical operations... The only exceptions are the decimal point (comma) and the number sign in front of it.

Example. Numerical data:

Formulas... The contents of the cell visible on the screen may be the result of calculations performed according to the formula available, but not visible in it. A formula can include a number of arithmetic, logical and other operations performed with data from other cells.

Example. Suppose that the cell contains the formula + B5 + (C5 + 2 * E5) / 4. In the normal mode of displaying the table on the screen, you will not see the formula, but the result of calculations on it over the numbers contained in cells B5, C5 and E5.

Functions... A function is a program with a unique name, for which the user must specify specific values ​​for the arguments of the function, which appear in parentheses after its name. A function (just like a number) can be considered a special case of a formula. Distinguish between statistical, logical, financial and other functions.

Example. The cell contains a function for calculating the arithmetic mean of a set of numbers located in cells B4, B5, B6, B8. in the following form:

@AVG (B4 .. B6, B8).

Dates... Dates are a special type of input. This data type provides functions such as adding a number to a date (converting a date forward and backward) or calculating the difference between two dates (the length of a period). Dates have an internal (for example, a date can be expressed as the number of days from the beginning of 1900 or the ordinal number of a day in the Julian calendar) and an external format. The external format is used to enter and display dates. The following types of external date formats are most commonly used:

- MMM – DD – YY (Jan – 04–95);

- MMM-YG (Jan-95).

Attention! The type of input data contained in each cell is determined by the first character, which should not be interpreted as part of the data, but as a mode switch command:

· If a cell contains numbers, then their first character is either a digit, or a decimal point, or a number sign (plus or minus);

· If a cell contains a formula, then its first symbol must be selected in a certain way in accordance with the specifics of a particular spreadsheet processor. For this, a left parenthesis, a number sign (plus or minus), an equal sign, etc. are often used;

· If the cell contains character data, its first character can be a single (apostrophe) or double quotation mark, as well as a space.

Boolean data is used in Boolean formulas and functions. Data of this type is displayed in the current cell as follows: if any nonzero number (integer or fractional) is entered, then after pressing the key this cell will display "True". Zero is displayed in the corresponding cell as False.

This data representation is related to the concept of a boolean variable, which is used in Boolean algebra. One serves to describe statements that can take one of two possible meanings: "true" (logical one) or "false" (logical zero).

Formatting numeric data in cells

You can use various formats presenting numerical data within the same spreadsheet. By default, numbers are right-aligned in the cell. Some spreadsheets provide for a change to this rule. Let's consider the most common formats for presenting numeric data.

Basic format is used by default, ensuring that numeric data in cells is written in the same way as they are entered or calculated.

Format with a fixed number of decimal places provides representation of numbers in cells with a specified precision, determined by the number of decimal places after the decimal point (decimal point) set by the user. For example, if the formatting mode is set to two decimal places, then the number 12345 entered in the cell will be written as 12345.00, and the number 0.12345 - as 12.

Percentage format provides the representation of the entered data in the form of percentages with a% sign (in accordance with assigned amount decimal places). For example, if the precision is set to one decimal place, then when you enter 0.123, the screen will display 12.3%, and when you enter 123 - 12300.0%.

Monetary format provides a number representation where every three digits is separated by a comma. In this case, the user can set a certain precision of representation (with rounding to an integer or two decimal places). For example, the entered number 12345 will be written in the cell as 12.345 (rounded to the nearest whole number) and 12.345–00 (two decimal places).

Scientific format, used to represent very large or very small numbers, provides two components to represent input numbers:

- a mantissa that has one decimal place to the left of the decimal point, and a certain (determined by the user-specified precision) number of decimal places to the right of it;

- order of number.

Example. The entered number 12345 will be written in the cell as 1.2345E + 04 (if the specified precision is 4 digits) and as 1.23E + 04 (if the precision is 2 digits). The number 0000012 in scientific format will have the form 1.2E – 06.

Function types used

Calculations in tables are made using formulas. The result of the calculation is placed in the cell containing the formula.

A formula begins with a plus sign or left parenthesis and is a collection of mathematical operators, numbers, references, and functions.

When calculating with the help of formulas, the order of performing arithmetic operations accepted in mathematics is observed.

Formulas are made up of operators and operands in a specific order. Data are used as operands, as well as references to individual cells or blocks of cells. Operators in formulas refer to actions performed on operands. Depending on the operators used, a distinction is made between arithmetic (algebraic) and logical formulas.

The following arithmetic operators are used in arithmetic formulas:


- subtraction,

* multiplication,

/ division,

^ exponentiation.

Each formula in a spreadsheet contains several arithmetic operations on its components. The sequence of performing arithmetic operations has been established. First, exponentiation is performed, then multiplication and division, and only after that, subtraction and addition. If you choose between operations of the same level (for example, between multiplication and division), then you should perform them from left to right. The normal order of operations is changed by introducing parentheses. Operations in parentheses are performed first.

Arithmetic formulas can also contain comparison operators: equal (=), not equal (< >), more (>), less (<), не более (<=), не менее (>=). The result of calculating an arithmetic formula is a number.

Logical formulas can contain the specified comparison operators as well as special logical operators:

# NOT # - logical negation "NOT",

# AND # - logical "AND",

# OR # - logical "OR".

Boolean formulas determine whether an expression is true or false. True expressions are assigned a numerical value of 1, and false ones - 0. Thus, the evaluation of the logical formula ends up with the evaluation of "True" (1) or "False" (0).

Example. Here are some examples of calculating arithmetic and logical formulas using the following data:

Formula Result Explanation
= A1 + B1 * 3 The contents of cell B1 are multiplied by 3, and the result is added to the contents of cell A1. (The multiplication is done first.)
= A2 – B3 + C2 –3 The contents of cell B3 are subtracted from the contents of cell A2, and then the contents of cell C2 are added to the result. (Addition and subtraction as actions of the same level are performed from left to right).
= B2 / (C1 * A2) The contents of cell C1 are multiplied by the contents of A2, and then the contents of cell B2 are divided by the result. (Any actions in parentheses are performed first.)
= B1 ^ C1 – B2 / A3 The content of cell B1 is raised to the power determined by the content of cell C1, then the quotient of dividing the content of cell B2 by the content of cell A3 is determined. The resulting quotient is subtracted from the first result. (Exponentiation is performed first, then division and only then subtraction).
= A1> 0 # OR # C3> 0 Since the contents of cells A1 (3> 0) and C3 (6> 0) are positive numbers, the entire expression is assigned a numerical value of 1 (True).

By default, a spreadsheet calculates formulas as you enter them, recalculates them every time the input data is changed, formulas can include functions.


A function is understood as the dependence of one variable (y) on one (x) or several variables (x1, x2, ..., xn). Moreover, each set of values ​​of the variables x1, x2, ..., xn will correspond to a single value of a certain type dependent variable y. Functions are entered into the table as part of formulas or separately. The following types of functions can be represented in spreadsheets:

· Mathematical;

· Statistical;

· Text;

· brain teaser;

· Financial;

· Date and time functions, etc.

Math functions perform various mathematical operations, such as calculating logarithms, trigonometric functions, converting radians to degrees, and so on.

Statistical functions perform operations to calculate parameters random variables or their distributions, represented by many numbers, for example, standard deviation, mean, median, etc.

Text functions perform operations on text strings or a sequence of characters, calculating the length of the string, converting capital letters to lowercase, etc.

Logic functions are used to construct logical expressions, the result of which depends on the truth of the tested condition.

Financial functions are used in complex financial calculations, for example, determining the discount rate, the amount of monthly payments for repaying a loan, determining depreciation charges, etc.

All functions have the same notation and include the function name and a comma-separated list of arguments in parentheses. Here are some examples of the most common functions.

Example 8. SUM (List) - statistical function for determining the sum of all numerical values in the List. The list can consist of cell and block addresses, as well as numeric values.

SUM (A3..E3, 230)

AVERAGE (List) - statistical function of determining the arithmetic mean of all values ​​listed in the List.

AVERAGE (5, 20, 10, 5)

AVERAGE (B10..B13, B17)

MAX (List) is a statistical function, the result of which is the maximum value in the specified List.

Human society came to such a situation when information and its sources confidently entered everyday life, because it is impossible to imagine even a second without a stream of information data.

It is no secret that information is quite expensive, which is confirmed by the transition of a large number of workers from the production sphere to the information sphere.

Over time, the concept of "information" began to acquire the connotation of modern high technologies and developments, which led to the emergence of the abbreviation "IT" - information technology. The use of information technology is an integral process Everyday life, regardless of whether in question about rest or work. To understand the importance of IT today, let us turn to the concept of this phenomenon.

Information technology is a set of measures, methods, technical means, information and production processes that ensure the constant collection, storage, processing and output (display, transfer) of information.

Informatization of society leads to the internationalization of production. The foreign trade balance of the relevant professional knowledge serves as an indicator of the technical power of the state, and this is precisely what the concept of information technology is associated with. It is realized through the market for licenses of production products, various know-how, as well as consultations on the use of high technology products.

Due to the evolution of the world market, a country is gaining an advantage, which is engaged in the sale of high-tech products, including modern professional knowledge and the latest technologies. There is an active trade in an invisible product in the form of knowledge, culture, stereotypes of behavior are actively imposed. This is the reason why information, creativity and knowledge act as a strategic resource in the information society. And since talents are not created, there is a need for the formation of culture, that is, the conditions in which talents can develop and flourish. The influence of computer technologies is enormous here, expressed in distance learning, computer games, and videos.

Purpose information system is the storage, search and delivery of data on requests from users. For example, the essence of an economic information system is the processing of relevant information. The subject area here is statistics, accounting, insurance, credit and financial, banking, as well as other types of commercial activities. To use an economic information system in the workplace, it must be designed using information technology. It could be an electronic office, Email, spreadsheets and word processors, and more. The trend of creating information technologies accessible to users continues.

It turns out that the workplace uses both information technologies in the economy, which are developed by designers, and information technologies, which make it possible to automate activities at their workplace.

State policy in the field of information technology use is designed to create the necessary conditions to ensure the consistency of actions of federal government bodies in the formation and implementation of programs and projects of informatization.

As seen above, IT covers all areas of our daily life and is an integral part of almost any process and relationship. Summarizing the above, we came to the logical conclusion that the use of information technologies in various spheres and industries makes it possible to broadly classify the knowledge available about them, which allows us to highlight their main areas: production and business, research and scientific and technical, cultural, entertainment and educational ...

The classification of information technologies helps to determine the most active areas of implementation and use of IT: raising the level of public awareness of modern information resources; increasing the efficiency of production and various works by introducing automation and optimizing information processes; increase in active information relations between people; development of education and cultural education systems; intellectualization of society. In any case, the basis of all processes is information - the exchange of information, data between objects of relations (people, devices, etc.). The quality of life and work efficiency depend on the efficiency and quality of such interaction on data exchange.


State budgetary educational institution

specialty 080114 "Land and property


group 3Z-1, 3Z-2, 3Z-3

1. The essence and significance of modern information technologies in professional activities 3

2. The need for informatization and computerization
professional activity 3

3. Computer technologies: main types and their characteristics 4

4. Information processes 5

5. Information systems. Basic concepts and definitions 6

8. Decision support systems 11

9. Information Support different stages process control 12

10. Modeling information systems 13

11. General characteristics and classification of modern software
funds 14

13. Application software 16

14. Software for solving problems of land and property
relationships 18

15. Communication Mapping 19

16. Digital and electronic cards 20

17. Data Structures 21

18. Technologies of using database management systems 22

19. Technical means of information technology 23

20. Device of communications and networks 24

21. Internet as a global information system 25

22. Multimedia tools. Multimedia computer 27

23. Office equipment, rules of use and safety measures 28

Literature 30


Information is one of the most valuable resources of society.

Information technology- a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (Primary information → information product).

The purpose of information technology- the production of information for its analysis by a person and based on it, making a decision to perform an action.

The main properties of information technology:

ü expediency,

ü presence of components and structure,

ü interaction with the external environment,

ü integrity,

ü development in time.

The introduction of a personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication have determined a new stage in the development of information technology.

Characteristics of modern information technologies:

ü complex problem solving;

ü object-oriented approach;

ü integration (docking, interconnection) with other software products;

ü wide range of applications;

ü network organization information structures;

ü flexibility of the process of changing both data and setting tasks;

ü predominance of interactive (dialog) user interaction during the operation of computer technology;

ü implementation of an intelligent human-machine interface, decision support systems, information and advisory systems

IT value:

ü an important stimulus for the development of all spheres of human activity;

ü contribute to the development of scientific knowledge;

ü allow to conduct marketing research to forecast demand for various types of products, find new partners and much more;

ü significantly facilitate the work and organization of the management process itself, especially during the analysis and assessment of the operational situation in difficult situations, preparation and generation of reports and certificates;

ü allow you to easily access the information of interest.


The need for informatization and computerization professional activity is due to the following factors:

ü information is the primary resource that helps to solve any issues arising in life;

ü information potential can be used repeatedly by both teams and individual workers;

ü constant increase in the volume of information; a large amount of information leads to the need to develop means for its cost-effective and convenient storage;

ü increasing role of information in organizational management;

ü high level of secrecy of information resources

Informatization and computerization of professional activity contributes to:

ü improvement of the information support system of enterprise management;

ü efficiency in obtaining information;

ü increasing the efficiency of analytical research;

ü improving the quality of the workforce;

ü successful organization of the production process itself;

ü increasing production efficiency;

ü reliable storage and transmission of information.

A complete transition to the electronic form of information is still impossible for a number of objective reasons caused not by the limitations of modern information technologies (they are already quite ripe for this and have in their arsenal all the necessary tools), but by factors external to them (legislation, inertia thinking, insufficient level of computerization on average in the country). Therefore, speaking about the concept of building complex information systems, one cannot fail to mention such an urgent problem today as the combination of electronic and paper documents in an enterprise's workflow.


The introduction of a personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage in the development of information technology and, as a result, a change in its name due to the addition of one of the synonyms: "new", "computer" or "modern".

The classification of information technology depends on the classification criterion. The criterion can be an indicator or a set of features that affect the choice of a particular information technology.

Classification by interface organization(a set of techniques for interacting with a computer)

ü Command- involves the issuance of an invitation on the screen to enter a command;

ü Wimp- (Window-window, Image-image, Menu-menu, Pointer-pointer);

ü SILK- (Speech-speech, Image-image, Language-language, Knowledge-knowledge). In this interface, when playing a speech command, there is a transition from one search image to another, according to semantic links.

Operating system classification

ü one-program - support batch and dialog modes of information processing (for example, MS DOS);

ü multiprogram - allow to combine dialog and batch information processing technologies (for example, WINDOWS);

ü multiuser (network operating systems) - carry out remote processing in networks, as well as dialog and batch technologies in the workplace (for example, NETWARE).

Classification by type of information

ü text editors;

ü graphic editors;

ü tabular processors;

ü multimedia programs;

ü integrated packages;

ü database management systems;

ü computer-aided design systems

Classification by media type,

ü paper (input and output documents);

ü paperless (network technology, modern office equipment, electronic documents).

All ITs have the following attributes:

ü information carriers;

ü communication channels;

ü information outlines;

ü information signals;

ü data, information, etc.

All of them are described by such characteristics as reliability, efficiency, information noise, redundancy, etc.

Classification of information technologies for solving problems:

ü information technology of data processing;

ü information technology of an automated office;

ü information technology of decision support;

ü information technology expert systems.

Common types of software products are used as information technology tools: word processors, publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic calendars, and functional information systems.


Information are called process associated with certain operations (actions) on information, during which the content of information or its form may change.

Any management process is associated with information exchange, which consists in the cyclical implementation of the following procedures:

ü collecting information about the current state of the managed object;

ü analysis of the information received and comparison current state with the desired;

ü development of control action in order to transfer the controlled object to the desired state;

ü transfer of control action to the object.

The control process implies the presence of feedback, i.e. information flow directed from the object to the subject. Feedback allows you to establish how effective the control impact on the object is.

Basic information processes:

ü receiving,

ü broadcast,

ü storage

ü data processing.

Their implementation generates other information processes.

For example, obtaining information can be associated with its search, storage - with accumulation; when transmitting information, care must be taken to protect it from destructive influences.

All processes require some form of information presentation, which determines the process - coding... He accompanies all other processes and is the link between them.

Information processes are not isolated, but cyclically occur in unity and interconnection with each other.

Data storage

Information cannot exist without its carrier. Carrier -it direct storage environment

Computing technology provides tremendous opportunities for storage information in compact form: electronic, magnetic, optical media. Characteristics of media: information capacity, access time to information, storage reliability, uptime.

Transfer of information

In the process of transferring information, there is always a source and receiver(recipient of) information.

Information is transmitted by communication channel going from source to destination as a sequence signals constituting information message.

Information from the source is converted into the form and form available to the communication channel, and then decoded into the form and form that the receiver can understand.

During transmission, information can be lost, distorted due to interference and harmful effects. The reasons for such influences can be of a technical nature (overloads, vibrations, electric and magnetic fields, temperature drops, pressure, ambient humidity), and a consequence of human intervention.

Data processing it is the transformation of information with a change in its content or form of presentation.

Editing text, mathematical calculations, logical reasoning are examples of procedures for changing the content of information.

Organizing information, encrypting or translating texts into another language - changing the form.

Coding is also one of the options for processing information.

Information processing can be carried out formally, according to the rules or a given algorithm.


Information system- an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used to store, process and issue information in order to achieve the set goal.

It is necessary to understand the difference between computers and information systems. Computers equipped with specialized software are the technical base and tool for information systems. An information system is inconceivable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications.

Tasks creation and use of an information system for any organization:

ü the structure of the information system, its functional purpose must be consistent with the goals of the organization;

ü the information system must be controlled by people, understood and used in accordance with basic social and ethical principles;

ü production of reliable, reliable, timely and systematized information.

Processes ensuring the operation of an information system for any purpose:

ü input of information from external or internal sources;

ü processing of input information and presentation of it in a convenient form;

ü output of information for presentation to consumers or transfer to another system;

ü Feedback- this is information processed by the people of this organization to correct the input information.

Properties information system:

ü can be analyzed, built and controlled on the basis of general principles of systems construction;

ü is dynamic and developing;

ü when building it is necessary to use a systematic approach;

ü Output is information on the basis of which decisions are made.

The structure information system is a collection of its individual parts, called subsystems. Subsystem- This is a part of the system, allocated according to some attribute. The general structure of an information system can be considered as a set of subsystems, regardless of the scope. In this case they say about the structural feature of the classification, and the subsystems are called providing. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of supporting subsystems

Information Support- a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows circulating in an organization, as well as a methodology for building databases. The purpose of the information support subsystem is to generate and issue reliable information for making management decisions.

Technical support- a set of technical means intended for the operation of the information system, as well as the corresponding documentation for these means and technological processes

Mathematical and software- a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of the complex of technical means.

Organizational support Is a set of methods and means that regulate the interaction of workers with technical means and among themselves in the process of developing and operating an IS.

Legal support- a set of legal norms that determine the creation, legal status and operation of information systems, regulating the procedure for obtaining, transforming and using information.

Let's compare the concepts of information technology and information system. The implementation of the functions of an information system is impossible without knowledge of the information technology oriented towards it. Information technology can exist outside the sphere of the information system.

Thus, information technology is a more capacious concept that reflects the modern understanding of the processes of information transformation in the information society. In a skillful combination of two information technologies - management and computer - the key to the successful operation of the information system.
Information technology is a set of clearly defined purposeful actions of personnel to process information on a computer.
Information system - a human-computer system for decision support and production of information products, using computer information technology.


Information systems can be classified according to various criteria.

Classification of information systems based on the structure of tasks

Structured (formalized) task- a task where all its elements and relationships between them are known.

In a structured task, it is possible to express its content in the form mathematical model, which has an exact solution algorithm. Such tasks usually have to be solved many times, and they are of a routine nature. The purpose of using the information system to solve structured tasks is to fully automate their solution, that is, to reduce the role of a person to zero.

Unstructured (not formalized) task- a task in which it is impossible to select elements and establish links between them.

Partially structured task

Information systems used to solve partially structured tasks are divided into two types: creating management reports and focused mainly on data processing (search, sorting, filtering).

The more accurate the mathematical description of the problem, the higher the possibilities of computer data processing and the less the degree of human participation in the process of its solution. This determines the degree of automation of the task.

Classification by degree of automation

Handheld ICs characterized by the absence of modern technical means of information processing and the performance of all operations by a person. For example, about the activities of a manager in a company that does not have computers, we can say that he works with manual IS.

Automatic ICs perform all information processing operations without human intervention.

Automated ICs imply the participation in the process of information processing both a person and technical means, with the main role being assigned to a computer. In the modern interpretation, the term "information system" necessarily includes the concept of an automated system.

Automated ISs, given their widespread use in the organization of management processes, have various modifications and can be classified, for example, by the nature of the use of information and by the scope.

Classification by the nature of information use

Information retrieval systems produce input, systematization, storage, issuance of information at the request of the user without complex data transformations. For example, an information retrieval system in a library, in railway and air ticket offices.

Information-solving systems carry out all operations of information processing according to a certain algorithm. Among them, it is possible to classify according to the degree of influence of the resulting information on the decision-making process and distinguish two classes: managers and advisers.

IS managers generate information on the basis of which a person makes a decision. These systems are characterized by the type of tasks of a computational nature and the processing of large amounts of data. An example is a system for operational planning of production, an accounting system.

Advisory ISs generate information that is taken into account by a person and does not immediately turn into a series of concrete actions. These systems have a higher degree of intelligence, since they are characterized by the processing of knowledge, not data.

Classification by scope

Process control IC (TP) serve to automate the functions of production personnel. They are widely used in the organization to maintain technological process in the metallurgical and engineering industries.

Computer-aided design (CAD) ICs designed to automate the functions of design engineers, designers, architects, designers when creating a new technique or technology. The main functions of such systems are: engineering calculations, creation of graphic documentation (drawings, diagrams, plans), creation of project documentation, modeling of designed objects.

Integrated (corporate) IS are used to automate all functions of the company and cover the entire cycle of work from design to sales of products. The creation of such systems is very difficult, since it requires a systematic approach from the standpoint of the main goal, for example, making a profit, conquering a sales market, etc. This approach can lead to significant changes in the very structure of the company, which not every manager can decide on.


To make effective management decisions in the context of the dynamic development of a market economy, an enterprise needs an expedient information support system that objectively reflects the current economic situation.

Fully automated information system or AIS it is a collection of various software and hardware tools that are designed to automate any activity related to the transmission, storage and processing of various information.

Automated information systems represent, on the one hand, a kind of information system or IS, and on the other hand, are an automated AS system, as a result of which they are often called AS or IS.

In automated information systems, the following are responsible for storing any information:

ü external drives, built-in memory devices, disk arrays - at the physical level;

ü Database management systems (DBMS), file system of the operating system (OS), storage systems for multimedia, documents, etc. - at the program level.

Modern automated information systems allow:

ü work with huge amounts of data;

ü store any data for a rather long time period;

ü link several components, which have their own specific local goals, objectives and various methods of functioning, into one system for working with information;

ü significantly reduce the cost of access and storage to any data we need; increase the productivity of all staff;

ü improve the quality of customer service;

Formation of specifications is accompanied by the release of the PMIS project, of which the models are an integral part. This step usually takes into account the constraints that need to be considered in the PMIS models.

The third level of analysis - implementation - is associated with the specific implementation of the PMIS project at the enterprise.

ü tips and advice,

ü simplicity and ease of setting.

Service software - it is a set of software products that provide the user with additional services in working with a computer and expand the capabilities of operating systems.

By functionality, service tools can be subdivided into tools that improve the user interface, protect data from destruction and unauthorized access, restore data, speed up data exchange, archive-de-archiving programs, and antivirus tools.

Antivirus protection software provides diagnostics (detection) and treatment (neutralization) of viruses. The term "virus" denotes a program that can multiply by introducing itself into other programs, while performing various undesirable actions.

The most common antivirus programs in Russia are DRWeb, NOD32. WinZip and WinRAR are examples of archivers.

Under maintenance programs is understood as a set of software and hardware tools for diagnosing and detecting errors during the operation of a computer or a computing system as a whole.

They include diagnostic tools and test control of the correct operation of the PC and its separate parts, as well as special programs for diagnostics and control of the computing environment of the information system as a whole, including software and hardware control, which automatically checks the system's performance.

An example of a test program is Doctor program Hardware, CheckIt package for Windows.


Application software intended for the development and implementation of specific tasks (applications) of the user.

The application software runs under the control of the underlying software, in particular operating systems. They are a powerful tool for automating tasks solved by the user, almost completely freeing him from the need to know how a computer performs certain functions and procedures for processing information.

The following types of application software are distinguished:

ü general purpose;

ü method-oriented software;

ü problem-oriented software;

ü software for global networks;

ü Software for the organization (administration) of the computing process.

General purpose application software is a universal software product designed to automate the development and operation of functional tasks of the user and information systems in general.

This class includes:

ü editors;

ü spreadsheets;

ü database management systems (DBMS);

ü integrated packages;

ü Saze-technologies;

ü shells of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems.

Editor called RFP, designed to create and modify texts, documents, graphics and illustrations. Editors by their functionality can be subdivided into text and graphic editors and publishing systems.

Text editors are used to process textual information. The most widely used text editors are Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, ChiWriter, MultiEdit, AmiPro, Lexicon.

Graphic editor are intended for processing graphic documents, including diagrams, illustrations, drawings, tables. The most famous are the following graphic editors: PaintBrush, Boieng Graf Fanvision, CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.

Publishing systems combine the capabilities of text and graphic editors, have advanced capabilities for the formation of stripes with graphic materials and subsequent printing. These systems are focused on use in the publishing industry and are called layout systems. Examples of such systems are Adobe PageMaker and Ventura Publisher.

Spreadsheet is a program for processing numerical data in tables. Data in a table is stored in cells at the intersection of columns and rows. Cells can store numbers, character data, and formulas. Formulas set the dependence of the value of some cells on the contents of other cells. The most popular spreadsheet is MS Excel.

To work with databases, special software is used - database management systems (DBMS). Database (DB) is a collection of specially organized data sets stored on disk. Database management includes data entry, correction and data manipulation, i.e. adding, deleting, extracting, updating and other operations.

Integrated packages is called software that combines various software components of general-purpose application programs. They usually include a text editor, spreadsheet, graphics editor, DBMS, several other programs, and a communication module. Of the available integrated packages, the most common ones can be distinguished: MS Office, Framework, Startnave.

CASE technology it is used to create complex information systems, usually requiring the collective implementation of a project, in which various specialists participate: system analysts, designers and programmers. Of the CASE technologies available on the market, the following software products can be distinguished: ADW, BPwin, CDEZ Tods, Clear Case, Composer.

Expert systems - These are systems for processing knowledge in a highly specialized field of preparing user solutions at the level of professional experts. Expert systems are used to predict situations, diagnose the state of the company, target planning, and control the functioning process. Expert-Ease can serve as examples of expert systems shells used in economics.

Method-oriented application software differs in that in its algorithmic basis, any economic and mathematical method for solving the problem is implemented. Examples of such programs are Time Line, Microsoft Project, Sure Trak, Open Plan Professional.

Problem-oriented application software - these are software products designed to solve a problem in a specific functional area.

From the whole variety of problem-oriented software, one can single out groups intended for the complex automation of control functions in industrial and non-industrial spheres, as well as applied software packages (PPP) for subject areas.

The main purpose global computer networks is to ensure convenient, reliable user access to geographically distributed network resources, databases, message transfer. For organizing email, teleconferencing, electronic board announcements, ensuring the secrecy of transmitted information in various global networks, standard (in these networks) application software packages are used. An example is software for global network Internet: Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer; MS Outlook Express.

In practice, sometimes there are original problems that cannot be solved by the existing application programs. In this case, the results are obtained in a form that does not satisfy the end user. Then using programming systems or algorithmic languages original programs are developed, taking into account the requirements and conditions for solving specific problems of the organization.


All computers can be divided into several categories:

ü basic desktop PCs - universal desktop PCs;

ü mobile computers - pocket (hand-held) and notebooks, or tablets, PCs (laptops), as well as wearable (put-on) computers and telephones-computers;

ü specialized PCs - network computers, workstations and high-level servers;

ü supercomputer systems.

A typical desktop personal computer consists of a system unit, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse.

The most important part of a computer is a system unit containing a processor and RAM, the heart and brain of a PC, a hard disk (hard drive), a floppy drive, a CD-ROM and several so-called ports - boards equipped with connectors for connecting additional devices to a computer: for printing - a printer, for communication with other computers - a modem, for inputting images into a computer - a scanner and some other devices.

In practice, an important point in working with a computer is the preservation of information. For this, in addition to traditional floppy disks and CD-disks, recordable CD-R and CD-RW discs are used. . DVD burners (DVD-R) and rewriters - DVD-RW .

To specialized PCs includes network computers, workstations and high-level servers.

Networked computers and the application server run their own proprietary OS. The entry-level server is designed to support a local area network of up to 40 users. Multiprocessor workstations and high-end servers typically have two to eight most productive processors, at least two power supplies, contain large amounts of RAM and disk memory.

A certain range of tasks is beyond the power of personal computers and high-performance servers. Among the areas of application supercomputers one can note atomic and nuclear physics, meteorology, seismology, mathematical modeling.

The main core of the supercomputer is a powerful computer complex, which combines up to 12 dual-processor servers based on the latest Intel models Pentium.

To reduce the likelihood of trouble due to power surges, it is better to supply power to the computer and peripheral devices through a surge protector.


Computer network is a set of computers interconnected through data transmission channels that provide the user with means of information exchange and collective use of network resources (hardware, software and information).

The use of computer networks makes it possible to solve the following tasks of processing and storing information in conditions modern enterprise:

ü formation of a single information space capable of covering all users of the enterprise and providing them with information created in different time and using different software;

ü Ensuring an effective system for accumulating, storing and searching information on the current work of the enterprise, as well as on what was done some time ago (archival information) by creating a global database;

ü increasing the reliability of information and the reliability of its storage by creating a fault-tolerant information system;

ü ensuring the timely processing of documents and building on the basis of this an operating system for analyzing, forecasting and assessing the situation in order to make an optimal decision and develop a development strategy.

All networks, regardless of complexity, are based on the principle of information sharing. The very birth of computer networks was caused by a practical need - the ability to share data.

Existing networks in terms of coverage of users can be classified as follows: global (WAN), regional (MAN) and local. (LAN)

Global computing networks unite users located at a considerable distance from each other. In general, a computer can be located anywhere in the world. This circumstance makes it economically impossible to lay communication lines to each computer, therefore, existing communication lines are used, for example, telephone lines and satellite communication lines. Subscribers of such networks can be located at a distance of 10 thousand. km. Typically WAN speeds range from 9.6 Kbps to 45 Mbps.

Regional computer networks unite different cities, regions and small countries. Subscribers can be located bkm. At present, each such network is a part of some global network and does not differ in specificity in relation to global networks. Typical MANs operate at speeds from 56 Kbps to 100 Mbps.

Local area networks(LAN, or unite computers, as a rule, of one organization, which are located compactly in one or several buildings. The size of local networks does not exceed several kilometers (up to 10 km). As a physical communication line in such networks, twisted pair, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable For example, a typical LAN takes up space the same as a single building or small science town and operates at speeds from 4 Mbps to 2 Gbps.

All devices connected to the network can be divided into three functional groups: workstations, network servers and switching nodes.

Work station(workstation) is a personal computer connected to a network on which a user performs his work. Each workstation processes its local files and uses its own operating system, but has network resources available to it.

Network Server(server) is a computer connected to a network and providing certain services to network users, such as data storage common use printing documents.

TO switching nodes networks include the following devices: repeaters, switches (bridges), routers and gateways.

To speed up the transfer of information between computers in the local network, special network controllers and all computers on the network are running the network software.

Computers interact indirectly through various communication devices: hubs, modems, bridges, switches, routers, multiplexers. Depending on the type, the communication device can operate either only at the physical layer (repeater), or on the physical and channel (bridge), or on the physical, channel and network, sometimes capturing the transport layer (router).

The main advantage of working in a local network is the use of shared network resources in multi-user mode: disks, printers, modems, programs and data stored on public disks, as well as the ability to transfer information from one computer to another.


The global computer network Internet is the largest internetworking network in the world (network of networks). The Internet (Internet) is a worldwide information network.

The global computer network Internet is not a new type of physical network. It is actually a method of interconnecting physical networks and a set of networking conventions that allow computers to communicate with each other.

The Internet is currently based on high-speed backbone networks. Independent networks are connected to the backbone via network access points NAP (Network Access Point). Independent networks are considered as autonomous systems, that is, each of them has its own administration and proprietary routing protocols. Dividing the Internet into autonomous systems allows you to distribute information in the topology of the entire network and greatly simplify routing.

An autonomous system must consist of at least 32 smaller networks. Typically, autonomous systems are large national networks... Examples of such networks are the EUNet network covering the countries of Central Europe, the RUNet network - the Russian network. Autonomous networks can form companies specializing in the provision of Internet access services - providers. Such a provider is, for example, Relcom in Russia.

Inside autonomous system data is transferred from one network to another until it reaches an interface with another autonomous system. Data exchange is possible only if there is an agreement on the provision of transit between the autonomous systems. For this reason, the time of access to the same resource for users of different autonomous systems may differ significantly.

An important parameter that determines the quality of the Internet is the speed of access to resources. She is determined throughput communication channels within the autonomous system and between them.

The Internet is multifaceted, and it is impossible to clearly define what it is. WITH technical point of view, the Internet is an association of transnational computer networks operating on a wide variety of protocols, connecting all kinds of computers, physically transmitting data via telephone wires and optical fiber, via satellites and radio modems.

Each computer connected to the Internet has its own unique IP address, on the basis of which the IP protocol transmits packets over the network. It is extremely inconvenient for a person to use numeric IP addresses, therefore, in practice, ordinary symbolic addresses were introduced. For this purpose, the domain name system DNS is used, which has hierarchical structure... So, for Russia, the first-level domain is named ru, and for the United States - us.

Thanks to the rapidly developing Internet technologies, the information resources of the Web are connected more and more closely. Today we view the Internet as a single system of resources. These are chat rooms - chats, newsgroups, network news, forums, FTP file transfer service, e-mail, IP telephony, and even e-commerce.

World Wide Web (WWW - World wide Web) is the most popular and interesting service on the Internet, a popular and convenient tool for working with information. The most common name for a computer on the Internet today is www, more than half of the Internet's data traffic comes from WWW. Www is a worldwide repository of information in which information objects linked by the structure of hypertext. Hypertext - it is primarily a system of documents with cross-references, a way of presenting information using links between documents. Since the WWW system allows these documents to include not only text, but also graphics, sound and video, a hypertext document has become a hypermedia document.

Browser is a kind of window on the WWW. To see the untold riches of the Web, you need to have a special window that is "cut through" by the viewer - the browser (sometimes in the literature it is called the "browser").

The Internet is remarkable in that the Web and its services have become widespread in the life of society. They turned out to be so good that a river of information flowed into the bed of the Internet.

The Internet did not solve the problem of storing and organizing information, but it solved the problem of its transmission, made it possible to get any information anywhere, anytime and as much as necessary. He provided a wonderful opportunity for free communication without borders.


Multimedia(MM) is a complex of information and technical means based on computer systems that allows a person to communicate with applied computer systems, more fully using their capabilities of visual, auditory, tactile (sensation from contact with objects) perception. This is achieved by playing high-quality graphics, video and sound on a computer, using a microphone, television camera, special manipulators, etc. to enter information into a computer. Multimedia is a technology that allows you to combine data, sound, animation and graphic images, translate them from analog form to digital and back.

If we talk about multimedia as some kind of information presentation technology, then two aspects should be mentioned - hardware and software.

The hardware side of multimedia can be represented as by standard means(graphics adapter, monitor, sound card, CD-ROM drive, etc.) and additional (video card with TV input / output, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD drives, etc.)

The software side of multimedia can be divided into purely applied (the applications themselves, providing the user with information in one form or another), as well as specialized, which includes the tools used to create multimedia applications. This category includes professional graphics editors, video editors, tools for creating and editing audio information, etc.

Most modern computers come with pre-installed CD-ROM drives, sound cards and powerful graphics adapters. To be able to take advantage of all of these media-enabled hardware, your computer must have an operating system that supports all of these devices. The most prominent example is Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows Millenium. Architectural solutions in the multimedia extension Windows 9x allow you to play digitized video, audio, MIDI.

Windows 9x is a 32-bit operating system with preemptive multitasking and multithreading support. Thanks to this, more high-quality reproduction information from various sources, and a large number of built-in drivers for multimedia devices greatly facilitate the work on modern computers of various configurations.

MCI (Media Control Interface) introduces multimedia applications operating in Windows 9x environment, a hardware-independent interface for managing various devices. This interface supported by device drivers that interpret and execute MCI commands that are sent to them, such as play, pause, stop, etc. MCI contains a basic set of commands for a large number of multimedia devices.

Requirements that characterize a multimedia computer:

ü pleasant appearance;

ü wireless keyboard and mouse;

ü sufficient power to play any multimedia file;

ü Tv-tuner for viewing and recording terrestrial or cable TV and radio;

ü low noise;

ü HDMI-out (the ability to connect a computer to a modern plasma or LCD-TV


Office equipment must comply with all norms and standards that apply in the industry. This makes it possible to produce high-quality products in an office environment that equates to a professional level. With the help of office equipment on the basis of the office, you can equip a full-fledged mini-printing house, which will provide a full cycle of production of various printing products necessary for the office. Various equipment allows you to quickly produce forms and documents. At the same time, the time of the office staff and the company's money are significantly saved.

Functional classification of office equipment:

printer, copier, fax machine, scanner, multifunctional device (with a combination of functions printer - scanner - fax - copier).

Types of printers used

ü matrix;

ü jet;

ü laser.

Benefits of using inkjet printers:

ü low cost of printing;

ü the ability to print high quality photographs and color images;

ü high speed of printing;

ü quiet operation of the printer;

ü low consumption of electricity.

Also, some models of this type of printers allow you to display images on film, CDs, fabrics, and not only on paper.

The disadvantages of using an inkjet printer include:

ü high cost of consumables (special paper and cartridges);

ü Copies printed on plain paper are exposed to strong moisture and light;

ü high cost of one copy.

Benefits of using a laser printer:

ü the ability to print large volumes;

ü low level printing noise;

ü resistance of printed documents to moisture and light;

ü low cost of printing one copy.

The disadvantages of using include:

ü high price the printer itself;

ü small radiation.

Before purchasing a printer, you need to determine what type of printing is needed first. Inkjet printers are used primarily for small volume home color printing - best given view printers are suitable for printing illustrated documents and color photographs. However, when printing large volumes, which in turn leads to high consumption of ink, the use of inkjet printers becomes economically unprofitable.

Therefore, if you only need black and white printing in volumes from 150 to 200 sheets per month, you must give preference when buying laser printer... In all other cases, you can use an inkjet printer.

Types of copiers:

ü monochrome office copiers

ü color copiers

ü digital duplicators

ü engineering copiers

ü multifunctional copiers

An approximate list of functions and characteristics of copiers (the higher the productivity of the machine, the, as a rule, the wider the range of its functions):

ü number of copies per minute;

ü capacity of the original feeder;

ü availability of an automatic (duplex automatic) device for feeding originals;

ü presence of a bypass tray (side feeder of materials for copying); most often labels, films, covers, photo paper, thick paper are fed through the side feeder - bypass tray;

ü possibility of two-sided copying (including for A3 format);

ü availability and quantity set values increase (decrease); for example A4 - in A5; A3 - in A4; A5 - to A4 and so on;

ü number and capacity of paper trays;

ü format of copies;

ü modes of variable and automatic contrast;

ü automatic selection of paper;

ü power consumption - in operating mode, in standby mode;

ü warm-up time;

Functions and characteristics of faxes:

ü transmission speed (seconds per page);

ü data compression (message processing device), memory register;

ü resolution when scanning and transmitting messages;

ü storage capacity;

ü speed of scanning into memory (pages per second);

ü combination of transmission and scanning operations (saves user time);

ü automatic number selection alphabetically;

ü group dialing;

ü reliability of supply of originals (paper);

ü possibility of copying;

ü printing speed;

ü automatic reduction for acceptance (copying) of long documents or exceeding standard sizes;

Faxes can operate on thermal paper (outdated models) and on plain paper, be multifunctional machines (also have the functions of a printer, scanner, copier), have an inkjet or laser technology for the printing device.

Functions and characteristics of scanners:

ü availability of an automatic feeder;

ü scanning from glass and through an automatic feeder;

ü scanning speed;

ü resolution;

ü software;

Shredders papers (shredders) have different degrees of shredding. Shredders with the highest degree of shredding are used to destroy classified documents.

Laminators- select devices of the required format. Booklet makers, staplers are used for documents with many pages. Slide projectors, multimedia projectors.


1. Mikheeva, technology in professional activity [Text]: a tutorial for environments. prof. Education / - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 384p.

2. Internet resources

http: // www. - Economic information systems

http: // ***** - Information systems

http: // ru. wikipedia. org / wiki - Help system

http: // www. ***** - Geographic information systems

What is information technology

Technology is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor methods, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. Therefore, technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of a production or non-production, primarily, management process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition, information technology is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for the effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems. Information technologies themselves require complex training, high initial costs and high technology. Their introduction must begin by creating software, the formation of information flows in the systems of training specialists

The role of modern information technology in the training of a specialist information computer multimedia training

People of each new generation must develop so that they can effectively and in a fairly short time master not only the technology that has already been created by previous generations, but also the one that will appear in the future. They must be prepared for further development science and technology. In other words, now, as never before, the education and upbringing of the younger generation must be future-oriented. Of course, the principle of the continuity of education and upbringing (their orientation towards life in the society of the future) is general principle for all ages. But the current rates of scientific and technological progress are in no way comparable to those that were before and, presumably, will continue to increase.

Currently, there is a process of rapid development and implementation. computer technology in all spheres of human activity. This is especially true in key areas such as economics, education, medicine and industry. Computerization entails the need to acquire the ability to quickly and correctly receive, store and transmit information, and use it rationally. This is facilitated by the process of informatization of education, which is the introduction into educational institutions media, information products and educational technologies based on these tools.

The modern information society with its complex, high-tech and rapidly changing production, developed infrastructure, makes qualitatively new requirements for the training of specialists of various profiles. SSU graduates are required not only to have fundamental basic training that will help them understand complex production, but also to be information technology ready, namely:

* knowledge of information technology tools and the ability to handle them; * ability to collect, evaluate and use information; * high adaptability, expressed in the ability to adapt to information loads caused by the renewal of means of production; * communication and the ability to work in a team;

* ability for self-education and the need for regular professional development.

* enhancement of creative and intellectual components learning activities;

* integration of various types of educational activities. At the same time, the specificity of the subject area of ​​future professional activity should be reflected in the solution of specific applied problems with the help of modern information tools, such as: * educational multimedia systems;

* programs of control and self-control of knowledge; * use of information technologies in the organization and implementation of scientific research; * use of information technology for conferences.

At the first stage of training, a computer for a student is the subject of educational activity, during which knowledge about the operation of a computer is acquired, programming languages ​​are studied, and the skills of an operator are mastered.

At the second stage, this subject actually turns into a means of solving educational or professional problems, into an instrument of everyday activity. This transition of an object into a means and determines the development of human activity and thinking, presupposes a restructuring of habitual actions, forms and methods of activity.

The computer renders exclusively big influence on all aspects of the educational process: on the content of the educational material, and on teaching methods, and on the educational tasks used, and on the motivation of students, etc.

Moving from the general to the specific, I want to note that, as a teacher of computer science, I have to make my personal contribution to the informatization of the educational process at the initial stage of acquaintance and mastering of computer technology. Former schoolchildren come to us with varying degrees of training, different experiences and skills in information technology. It is necessary to equalize the current situation as far as possible. It is required to help "beginners" overcome their fear of technology, master the basic skills of communicating with a computer, as well as eliminate the stereotype that the computer in modern reality is only a means of entertainment.

Students of all specialties of the first year study the theoretical foundations of computer science, programming languages, hardware implementation of a computer system, principles of building computer networks, search resources of the global Internet. During the laboratory workshop, students get acquainted with the main software packages for general and special purposes: word processor, a spreadsheet processor, graphic editors, DBMS, presentation graphics package, Web browsers, service utilities.

In addition to educational activities, students in the future use information technology in an independent and research work... This is the decision and registration of tests, term papers, the search for information for the preparation of abstracts in various disciplines, participation in olympiads and research work.

In the future, students move on to the study of special disciplines with a certain basic training.

The society's need for qualified specialists who own an arsenal of computer technology is turning into a leading factor in educational policy. After all, the activities of people increasingly depend on their awareness and ability to effectively use information. For a free orientation in information flows, a modern specialist of any profile must be able to receive, process and use information using computers, telecommunications and other means of communication. In recent years, one of the main problems that the teaching staff of the college has been working on is the role professional and business qualities of a specialist. The main directions of solving this problem are: * computerization of the educational process;

* new in information technologies of education; * information culture as a component of the professional culture of a specialist; * the role and place of electronic textbooks in self-education of students;

* organization independent work students using a PC; * experience in computer control of knowledge;

* the effectiveness of the use of multimedia technologies in the educational process.

According to UNESCO, with auditory perception, 15% of language information is fixed, with visual perception - 25% of visual information, hearing and seeing at the same time, a person remembers 65% of the information that is communicated to him.

The use of multimedia technologies has basically two purposes. The first is to facilitate the assimilation and memorization of educational material. Ushinsky K.D. argued that "the more sense organs take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fit into our mechanical nervous memory, the more reliably they are retained by it and are then easier to reproduce." The second goal is the individualization of the learning process.

Multimedia technologies in an educational institution should become both a way to optimize the educational process, and an object for study, in order to future specialist could make optimal use of them.

Ensuring the required level information culture a specialist cannot be the goal of only one academic discipline, it is necessary to introduce modern information technologies in all special disciplines, which requires a certain level of professional training of the teaching staff, his acquaintance with the potential capabilities of these technologies, the ability to use these opportunities in their practical and scientific activities. This moment is very relevant and pedagogically significant, since students in fact, that is, in the process of educational and training sessions, conducting scientific research, etc., should see and experience the advantages and capabilities of modern information technologies.

The development trends of the modern education system are inextricably linked with the widespread introduction of various forms and methods of active learning into the educational process.

More and more actively implemented Computer techologies training in our college. Over the past years, a complex of testing computer programs for disciplines has been developed and applied. This makes it possible to quickly and impartially control the knowledge, skills and abilities of students during their preparation for individual classes, at the end of the training module, semester, as well as when passing exams.

Experience in using programmed knowledge control, especially using personal computers, allows you to highlight its positive aspects, namely: * increases the objectivity of the assessment of student knowledge;

* the role of the teacher is changed, which is freed from the function of "punishment" associated with the assignment of marks. The teacher ceases to be a source of negative emotions, but acquires the role of a consultant, a persistent feedback arises: teacher - student - teacher; * the psychological atmosphere in study groups improves, the concept of "favorites" automatically loses its meaning; * the efficiency of obtaining assessment results increases sharply in comparison with others methods (oral and written questioning); * the possibility of hints and cheating is eliminated.

In the practice of our college, certain traditions are formed and the main forms of information technology are developing. This is a complete set of a special set of educational and methodological materials: computer electronic textbooks and computer training programs in disciplines, multimedia lectures, tests for quality control of knowledge and for self-control, guidelines on the implementation of laboratory, coursework, control works, network learning technologies, including the use of computer networks.

The main use of local and global computer network in the college is: control over the implementation of laboratory practice and final control, information search and participation in information exchange, distribution of reference information, comprehensive information support of educational activities.

The use of a computer in educational activities makes it possible to rethink traditional approaches to the study of many issues. academic disciplines... Learning information brings more than just new things to learning technologies computer facilities teaching, but also methods, approaches of informatics to the analysis and modeling of learning systems. This approach to informational training of students contributes to the systematic formation of knowledge and skills of professional work, improves the quality of training of specialists.

In addition to all the positive factors and innovations that information technologies have brought, one cannot fail to note their negative consequences. Students began to turn less to print publications, read less, and, consequently, think, draw independent conclusions, and make decisions.

I would like to note that the computer and information technology are only a tool, but not a universal tool that can replace all areas of educational activity. Thus, summing up all of the above, I will allow myself the following conclusion: the introduction of information technologies in the educational process should be qualitatively substantiated and not a substitute everywhere, but a complementary factor in the system of modern education.

The professional activity of a person is closely related to software products and information technologies, since it is they that make the work of a specialist comfortable, fast and as efficient as possible. Today, every professional activity is carried out on the basis of a software and hardware environment. The more modern information technologies are used in professional activities, the more efficient and productive the labor process.

Information technologies in professional activities Software products and information technologies allow to provide reliable and safe work, both for computer technology and for the employee information system. They allow to carry out efficiently and efficiently processing, sorting and storage necessary information and data of work activities, help to facilitate the functions of the employee by automating certain work processes. Today, the activities of economists, managers, accountants, agents and other specialists are automated. The number of automated workstations is increasing every day, as automated processes make it possible to carry out professional activities more accurately, clearly and quickly.

Firewall Firewall A firewall is a system or combination of systems that allows you to divide a network into two or more parts and enforce a set of rules that determine how packets travel from one part to another. As a rule, this boundary is drawn between the local network of the enterprise and the INTERNET, although it can also be drawn within the local network of the enterprise. This way the firewall allows all traffic to pass through. For every packet that passes through, the firewall decides to let it pass or discard it. In order for the firewall to make these decisions, it needs to define a set of rules.

Packet Filters Packet filter firewalls decide whether to allow a packet or discard by looking at the IP addresses, flags or TCP port numbers in the header of this packet. The IP address and port number are network and transport layer information respectively, but packet filters use application layer information as well. all standard services in TCP / IP are associated with a specific port number. To describe the rules for the passage of packets, tables are compiled.

Application servers Firewalls with application servers use specific service servers - TELNET, FTP, etc. (proxy server) that run on the firewall and pass all traffic related to this service through itself. Thus, two connections are formed between the client and the server: from the client to the firewall and from the firewall to the destination.

Application-level servers The use of application-level servers allows you to solve an important problem - to hide from external users The structure of the local network, including information in the headers of mail packets or Domain Name System (DNS). Another positive quality is the ability to authenticate at the user level (authentication is the process of confirming the identity of something; in this case, it is the process of confirming whether the user is really who he claims to be). The most common servers for the following services: terminals (Telnet, Rlogin) file transfer (Ftp) e-mail (SMTP, POP3) WWW (HTTP) Gopher Wais X Window System (X11) Printer Rsh Finger news (NNTP), etc.

Connection-level servers A connection-level server is a translator of TCP connections. The user connects to a specific port on the firewall, and then the firewall connects to a destination on the other side of the firewall. During a session, this translator copies bytes in both directions, acting like a wire.

Link-level servers As a rule, the destination is specified in advance, while there can be many sources (one-to-many connection). Different configurations can be created using different ports. This type of server allows you to create a translator for any user-defined TCP-based service, control access to this service, and collect statistics on its use.

Conclusion Conclusion The advantages of packet filters include the following: relatively low cost flexibility in defining filtering rules a small delay in the passage of packets Disadvantages of this type firewalls are as follows: the local network is visible (routed) from the INTERNET packet filtering rules are difficult to describe; very good knowledge of TCP and UDP technologies is required; spoofing (the attacking system impersonates another using its IP address) there is no user-level authentication

Conclusion Conclusion The advantages of application-level servers include the following: the local network is invisible from the INTERNET when the firewall fails, packets stop passing through the firewall, thus there is no threat to the machines protected by it; protection at the application level allows a large number of additional checks thereby reducing the likelihood of hacking by exploiting holes in the user-level authentication software, an immediate warning system of a hacking attempt can be implemented. The disadvantages of this type are: higher cost than packet filters; inability to use RPC and UDP protocols; performance is lower than for packet filters.

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