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Information Technology. in the study of complex internal and external interactions of dynamic systems in order to optimize them

Course work

In the discipline "Management Theory"

"The use of information technology in management

(for example, LLC "Electroremont") "

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… ... 3

1.1 The concept and classification of information technology ..................... 6

1.2 Elements and means of using information technologies in management …………………………………………………………… 11

1.3 Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of creating an information system at an enterprise ………………………………………… ........ 17

Chapter 2 Research of information technologies in the organization of LLC "Electroremont"

2.1 General characteristics of the organization of LLC "Electroremont" ....... ...... 23

2.2 Analysis of the enterprise information system …………………… ... 26

2.3 Assessment of the impact of information technology on the effectiveness of the organization ............................................................. 29

2.4 Recommendations for improving information technology in the organization ………………………………………………………. .. 38

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… 42

References …………………………………………………………… ... 46

Appendices …………………………………………………………………… ... 47


In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the adoption of numerous personnel decisions in the field of human resource management in various organizations. The development and adoption of such decisions are inextricably linked with the processes of information processing. The higher the effect of using HR information, the more objective decisions will be made by managers on a wide variety of HR problems. Among the most important problems associated with the use of modern technologies in the information environment of an enterprise, it is necessary to include the lack of the necessary theoretical and methodological substantiation and practical recommendations provided by the latest computer tools in the field of human resource management. In this regard, there is a need to generalize and disseminate the experience accumulated in the field of application of modern technologies both in Russia and abroad. The current achievements of the developed countries of Europe, as well as the USA, Canada, Japan and other countries are the result of a long and careful improvement of various methods of human resource management and the use of the latest computer technologies (1, p. 20). The relevance of the study lies in the fact that today there are searches for new forms and methods of increasing labor efficiency, including through the use of modern information technologies in the field of personnel work. These processes are based both on the analysis and reevaluation of traditional ideas about the sphere of management in general, and on the conduct of relevant scientific research. The absence of the latter in their systematized and purposeful form led to the choice of the topic of this study, aimed at improving the process of human resource management in the organization. In connection with today's informatization of Russia, there is an acute problem of choosing the optimal software for the successful existence of a company, and in today's market of software products, fierce competition is formed and the number of software produced in the field of personnel and human resources management is quite large. The use of modern software in the work of personnel workers significantly increases the efficiency of labor activities of personnel at all levels of enterprise management. This can be explained by the fact that in the last decade, information flows have increased manifold, which has a significant impact on the most well-grounded decisions in the field of human resource management. To systematize the processes in human resource management at the moment, it is required to review the software that the market offers to the heads of HR services and the HR manager, as well as to determine in which tasks the software products offered today will be indispensable. The object of the research is modern information technologies in the field of human resource management and in personnel work. The subject of the research is to identify trends in the development of information technology in human resource management. The purpose of this work:

Study of theoretical and methodological foundations and conceptual provisions for increasing the efficiency of human resource management using information technologies,

Study of information technologies used in the activities of the organization,

To solve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Define the role of information technology in human resource management,

· To analyze the application of information technologies on the example of the activities of the organization LLC "Electroremont",

Chapter 1 Information technology in management.

1.1 Concept and classification of information technology.

The term "information technology" itself is based on the concept of "technology", which is quite stable and appeared in scientific and technical circulation in connection with the problems of organizing production. In one of the modern encyclopedic dictionaries, the following definition of this concept is given: Technology (from the Greek téchne - art, skill, skill and ... logic) , a set of techniques and methods for obtaining, processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products or products carried out in various industries, in construction, etc .; a scientific discipline that develops and improves such techniques and methods. T. (or technological processes) are also called the operations of extraction, processing, processing, transportation, warehousing, storage, which are the main component of the production process. Modern production also includes technical control of production. (4) Information, considered as a resource, determines the emergence of information technology. With this in mind, the following definition of information technology can be formulated: Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware tools, united in a technological chain that provides collection, processing, storage, distribution and display of information in order to reduce the labor intensity of the processes of using an information resource, as well as increasing their reliability and efficiency.

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Course work

by discipline Management

Application of new information technologies in enterprise management

3rd year student of correspondence course

Alexey Kucheryavykh

Naro-Fominsk, 2012

1. Basic concepts of information technology

2. Problems of introducing information technologies in modern Russia

3. Ways to solve problems and organize effective management

3.1 Video conferencing

3.2 Internet

3.3 Internet

4. Present and future of IT technologies in management


1. Basic concepts of information technology

In my work, I explain what IT technologies are, what they are for and how they help in modern management.

Information technology (IT)- a process using a set of methods and means for the implementation of operations of collection, registration, transfer, accumulation and processing of information on the basis of software and hardware for solving management problems of an economic entity.

Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and fields of activity related to the technologies of data management and processing, including the use of computer technology. Recently, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of efficiently organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems. IT itself requires complex training, high upfront costs, and knowledge-intensive technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of software, the formation of information flows in the systems of training specialists.

The information technology industry deals with the creation, development and operation of information systems. Information technologies are called upon, based and rationally using modern achievements in the field of computer technology and other high technologies, the latest means of communication, software and practical experience, to solve problems on the effective organization of the information process to reduce the cost of time, labor, energy and material resources in all areas human life and modern society. Information technologies interact and are often part of the service sector, management, industrial production, social processes

Information technology systematically organized for solving management problems, a set of methods and means for the implementation of operations of collection, registration, transfer, accumulation, search, processing and protection of information based on the use of advanced software, used computer technology and communication, as well as the methods by which information offered to customers.

Management activity in any organization is also based on the processing of information and the production of new information, which makes it possible to speak about the availability of technology for converting initial data into result information.

Information technology is a system of methods and methods for collecting, transferring, accumulating, processing, storing, presenting and using information based on the use of technical means.

Information technology in accordance with the difference in information processes can be classified into technologies:

Collecting information;

Information transmission;

Information processing;

Information storage;

Presentation of information;

Use of information

Each specific information process can be implemented by a separate technology using its own technological base, hardware management system and organizational and methodological support.

Information is one of the most valuable resources along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals and others, which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processing of materials, can be perceived as a technology. Then the following definition is valid.

Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

The goal of material production technology is to produce products that satisfy the needs of a person or a system.

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and making, on its basis, a decision to perform an action.

The main features of modern IT:

· Structurality of standards for digital data exchange algorithms;

· Extensive use of computer storage and provision of information in the required form;

· Transfer of information through digital technologies over almost unlimited distances.

Management activity is based on the implementation of almost all of the listed types of information technologies in accordance with the sequence and content of individual stages of the decision-making process. Therefore, modern information technologies for management activities are based on the integrated use of various types of information processes on the basis of a single technical complex, the basis of which is computer technology. In this regard, very often modern or new information technologies are understood as computer technologies.

The development of information technology is progressing at an accelerating pace. So, until the second half of the XIX century. Information technology was based on paper, ink and accounting, statistical, accounting books. Communication (communication) is carried out by sending documents to the addressee: columns, scrolls - by courier. The productivity of information processing was low: each letter was made manually, accounting and settlement books were not only kept manually, but were also copied everywhere to create an information base for higher management bodies - Moscow orders.

Major changes in information technology of this period were played by the transition from parchment to paper, which led to changes in the technology of paperwork, their acquisition into documentary processes, created the basis for the formation of office accounting and reference arrays.

At the end of the 19th century, manual information technology was replaced by mechanized technology. Inventions of the typewriter, telegraph, telephone - all this served as the basis for changes in the creation, replication, processing of management information and, as a result, work productivity. But mechanized technology did not lead to significant changes in the organized structure of existing institutions, in the technology of working with documents.

The introduction of electrical technology, based on the widespread use of electric typewriters with replaceable fonts, significant RAM, plain paper copiers, tape recorders, and dictaphones have improved office operations by improving the quality, quantity, and speed of document processing. Many institutions are still working on electrical technology.

The appearance in the second half of the 1960s of an electronic computer on the periphery of office activities, computing centers began to shift the emphasis in information technology to processing not the form, but the content of information. This was the beginning of the formation of electronic, or computer, technology.

With the advent of personal computers, the rapid increase in their speed, memory capacity, software, the idea of ​​control automation is fundamentally modernized. But it becomes obvious that the most modern computing machine in the foreseeable future will not be able to replace humans.

At present, we are talking about a structural human-machine control unit that optimizes in the process of work: the capabilities of computers are expanded due to the structuring by the user of the tasks to be solved and the replenishment of its knowledge base, and the capabilities of the user - due to the automation of those tasks that were previously expedient to be transferred to a computer by economic or technical reasons. The availability of acquisitions, the possibility of multipurpose use introduces computer technology into the standard office workflow.

As part of the complex of technical means for providing information technologies, computer equipment and organizational equipment are allocated. Modern office computer equipment can be divided into personal computers and corporate computers. Corporate computers are multi-user systems with a central unit with large computing power and significant information resources, to which a large number of workplaces are connected with minimal equipment.

management information internet management

2. Problems of introducing information technologies in modern Russia

Currently, there is an increase in the influence of new information technologies on all management decisions. However, there are a number of objective factors that have a constraining effect on the pace of their implementation in Russia, which include, for example, the following: economic instability, "gaps" in legislative support, insufficient education of management personnel in the field of information technology, a shortage of information specialists, insufficient state funding of research and practical developments related to new information technologies, while there is still a clear lag in comparison with the West in the development of computer technology and communications.

Nevertheless, the integration of Russia into the global information space cannot but contribute to the introduction of automation into all management processes, including personnel management. The current level of development of automation in the management sphere is accompanied by a number of problems, which at the moment are not fully prepared, probably, not a single domestic enterprise.

The first and, perhaps, the main problem is the lack of competence of both the management of all levels of enterprise management and ordinary employees in the management sphere in relation to automation issues. Even a fairly large percentage of them do not have a proper understanding of the various specialized packages of applied programs that allow solving the most complex management problems. And the computer is perceived as a tool exclusively for performing current settlement and accounting operations, as well as for preparing the necessary documents using a standard text editor and spreadsheet processor. Of course, management does not need to know the details, but it should be informed about the functionality of the respective software products and their potential use in their enterprise. Specialists pay attention to the fact that currently the content of the spheres of activity of personnel in the organization has changed, increased professional requirements are imposed on employees who must not only process information on computers, but also have an idea of ​​the state of affairs in related areas and be able, if necessary, to solve various management tasks.

They also draw attention to the fact that the educational level of workers in industry and construction is not high enough and is characterized by the following indicators: “... 21% have higher education, and 28% have neither higher nor secondary specialized education ... The overwhelming majority of workers - Practices that are not trained in either higher or secondary specialized educational institutions. It is also noted that there is an age problem among workers, in industry and construction, every fifth of them already has a retirement or pre-retirement age. As a result, the inability of workers in this area to formulate their requirements for the corresponding software product and evaluate management packages from functional, informational and technological positions, and therefore, choose the one that most fully meets the needs of a particular enterprise.

This problem can be solved only through general retraining of management personnel. Although an employee in the field of management should be able to solve not only short-term highly specialized tasks, but also quite professionally understand the features of computer technologies at the user level.

The second problem is adherence to the traditional management approach. And although many managers and specialists understand that time requires new approaches to the implementation of most tasks, they are in no hurry to put them into practice. This applies to both typical tasks and fundamentally new tasks.

The third problem is the analysis of the existing management system at the enterprise. Despite the fact that this problem has been discussed in sufficient detail in the literature and the need for this kind of research has been repeatedly proven by domestic and foreign scientists, enterprises are very reluctant to agree to carry out such work, and only when it can no longer be avoided. For example, the implementation of such work is a prerequisite for the implementation of corporate management systems (CMS). Any professional developer, overcoming, as a rule, resistance from the client, still deals with this issue. KSU designers, for example, IT Co. (BOSS series packages) or Galaktika Corporation (Galaktika package) and others have their own original techniques for these purposes, which are not available, however, for widespread use.

The fourth problem is the organizational restructuring of the enterprise in both the manufacturing and management sectors. Although most corporate software packages provide customization to the existing organizational structure, nevertheless, it cannot be argued that it is rational to "adapt" the package to the needs of the existing organization. The classical approach says that it would be more correct to first investigate the existing management system, then develop recommendations for its improvement, implement them, and only after that start automating management activities.

According to the data collected by the IDC Consulting Director in Russia and the CIS for 2010, in terms of cash expenditures on IT equipment, Russia was among the top ten leading countries in the world, behind the developed countries of Western Europe and the United States by 3-5 times in terms of IT expenditures. equipment per capita. Much less is spent in Russia on the purchase of software per capita, at this point of expenditure Russia lags behind the United States 20 times, from the leading countries of Western Europe - 10 times, and from the world average - by 55%. For the provision of IT services in 2010, Russia took only 22nd place and yielded to the world average by 66%.

According to IT specialists, the main problem in the development of IT technologies in Russia is the digital divide between various Russian regions. According to 2010 statistics, the lag in this area of ​​such regions as Dagestan and Ingushetia, in comparison with Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk region, Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs, even tends to increase in some indicators. Since the lack of IT specialists and the general educational level of the population in the lagging regions in comparison with the advanced ones, in 2010 it already reached a ratio of 1 / 11.2; despite the fact that school access to the Internet in lagging and advanced regions had a lower ratio - 1 / 2.2.

IDC analysts have compiled a report with forecasts for expenditures and the direction of trends in financial flows in the development of information technology in Russia in 2011-2015. According to IDC forecasts, over this five-year period, the average annual growth rate of spending on information technology in Russia will be 11.6%. In 2015, the annual expenditure of funds for the development of information technology will reach 41.1 billion US dollars.

3. Ways to solve problems and organize effective management

Currently, in the modern world there is a huge number of information technologies, programs for the intensity of implementation, retraining of personnel and rationalization of enterprise management.

The first thing that will help a modern manager is refresher courses and various trainings. The courses are attended both by those who already hold the position of IT director in companies, and those who are only striving to take these positions. Someone needs to systematize the accumulated experience, but someone wants to get new knowledge. Training of managers in the field of information technology, leading the implementation of information systems, determining the policy of developing information technology at the enterprise, making strategic decisions on business management based on advanced information management technologies.

The specificity of Russia is that, as a rule, the IT position is occupied by specialists who started their careers as system administrators or programmers. They are well versed in information technology, but not everyone understands business well. One of the main objectives of the training is to teach students to speak in a language understandable to business.

Many companies in our country use basic programs depending on the type of business. If we consider in more detail, it is better to see it in the products of the 1C company:

* 1C: Accounting 8

* 1C: Trade Management 8

* 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8

* 1C: Document flow

* 1C: Management of a small firm 8

* 1C: Integrated Automation 8

* 1C: Enterprise 8. Manufacturing enterprise management

* 1C: Consolidation 8

* 1C: Corporate Finance Management

* Licenses 1C: Enterprise 8

* 1C: Enterprise 8. A set of applied solutions for 5 users

* 1C: Enterprise 8. Web-extension 1.1

* Joint products 1C and Microsoft

* 1C: Managing 8 Standard

Change and transition of document flow and provision of information within the organization, between remote branches and regulatory authorities also helps to speed up the process of exchange and provision of information. This allows you to optimize the working time of employees, promotes faster decision-making, and significantly reduces financial costs.

The transition to electronic and digital forms of information exchange is a paramount task in modern management. Moreover, it is vital in the field of government. Moreover, such a State as the Russian Federation with its vast territory and many Subjects of the Federation. For example, the decision to switch to electronic document management:

The entire document flow and the issuance of regulations should be converted into electronic form, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He expressed this opinion today, communicating with employees of the tax service. The head of government also expressed the opinion that the development of identification systems in Russia is not going fast enough. “I have a feeling that the process of developing an electronic digital signature in our country is going sluggishly somehow, not like other processes,” he said. “I have a feeling that there are no major changes in this area,” Medvedev added.

“Document flow, the issuance of normative acts should ultimately be converted into electronic form,” the head of the Russian government said. “Some of the documents, which are very small, should perhaps remain duplicated in paper form, but these are exclusive things, such as laws, presidential decrees, government regulations - as they say, for history. "

Documents for the regions, according to the prime minister, do not need to be issued in paper form at all.

Medvedev recalled that at one time he uttered a rather harsh phrase, which he still considers absolutely fair. "A civil servant who is unable to create an electronic document, who is afraid to open a computer, is subject to dismissal from the civil service," he said. According to the prime minister, if 20 years ago computer literacy was exotic, today it is part of modern literacy. Medvedev stressed that today "the vast majority of people are able to figure it out, the question is how to stimulate them."

Russian citizens could receive an electronic digital signature at the same time as their passport, says Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “It would be useful for this to be so, but for this we need to think over a road with oncoming traffic,” the head of government said during a meeting with employees of the Federal Tax Service.

Answering the tax authorities' question about whether he considers it possible to issue an electronic digital signature to all citizens of Russia at the same time they receive general civil passports, Medvedev said that he considered it correct, however, in his opinion, citizens themselves should be interested in obtaining a digital signature. “In principle, this would be correct, because we are now generally engaged in identifying a citizen and simplifying his life,” Medvedev said.

The head of the Federal Tax Service Mikhail Mishustin objected that the systems are developing very efficiently. In particular, he recalled that about 75% of companies currently submit tax reports electronically using a digital signature.

3.1 Videoconference

The next most important element of modern information technology is the system Conference calls... Or a way to get information through a simultaneous video conference. This type of communication is used both at the level of Heads of State and Government, and at the level of organizations with remote branches and divisions.

Videoconference is a field of information technology that simultaneously provides two-way transmission, processing, transformation and presentation of interactive information over a distance in real time using hardware and software computing technology. This is a telecommunication technology for the interactive interaction of two or more remote subscribers, in which it is possible between them to exchange audio and video information in real time, taking into account the transfer of control data.

Videoconference is used as a means of prompt decision-making in a given situation; in emergency situations; to reduce travel expenses in geographically distributed organizations; increasing efficiency; conducting trials with remote participation of convicts, as well as one of the elements of telemedicine and distance learning technologies.

In many government and commercial organizations, video conferencing brings great results and maximum efficiency, namely:

* reduces travel time and associated costs;

* accelerates decision-making processes in emergency situations;

* reduces the time for consideration of cases in courts of general jurisdiction;

* increases labor productivity];

* solves personnel issues and socio-economic situations;

* makes it possible to make more informed decisions by attracting additional experts, if necessary;

* allocates resources quickly and efficiently, and so on.

To communicate in the videoconference mode, the subscriber must have a videoconferencing terminal device (codec), a videophone or other computer technology. As a rule, the complex of video conferencing devices includes:

* central device - a codec with a video camera and a microphone, providing encoding / decoding of audio and video information, capturing and displaying content;

* device for displaying information and playing sound.

A personal computer with video conferencing software can be used as the codec.

Communication channels, that is, the transport data transmission network, play an important role in video conferencing. To connect to communication channels, IP or ISDN network protocols are used.

There are two modes of videoconferencing, which allow two-way (point-to-point) and multilateral (multipoint) video conferences.

As a rule, point-to-point video conferencing meets the needs only at the initial stage of technology implementation, and quite soon there is a need for simultaneous interaction between several subscribers. This mode of operation is called “multipoint” or multipoint video conferencing. To implement this mode, you need to activate a multipoint license in the codec, provided that the device supports this function, either a special video server MCU (Multipoint Control Unit), or a hardware and software control system.

To implement video conferencing, the head (decision-maker) of the organization needs to determine the main purpose of the application: holding meetings, recruiting personnel, efficiency in decision-making, exercising control, distance learning, consulting doctors, holding court hearings, interrogating witnesses, and so on. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the basic rules of video conferencing:

* guaranteed high-speed communication service or dedicated communication channels only for videoconferencing sessions;

* stable and reliable power supply for telecommunication equipment and video conferencing;

* optimal noise and echo-absorbing features of the room in which the video conferencing equipment will be installed;

* correct location of video conferencing equipment in relation to the light background of the room;

* Correct setting of telecommunication equipment and video conferencing to maintain the quality of communication services with the prioritization of data transmission;

* competent service technical personnel;

* technical support and subscription for equipment updates through a supplier certified by the manufacturer;

3.2 NetInternet

The Internet - Unlike the Internet, it is an organization's internal private network. Typically, the Internet is a miniature Internet that is built on the use of the IP protocol to exchange and share some of the information within this organization. These can be lists of employees, lists of phone numbers of partners and customers. Most often, this term means only the visible part of the Internet - the internal website of the organization. Based on the basic protocols HTTP and HTTPS and organized according to the principle of a client-client, the Internet site is accessible from any computer through a browser. Thus, the Internet is a "private" Internet, limited by the virtual space of a single organization. The Internet allows the use of public communication channels included in the Internet (VPN), but at the same time it provides protection of transmitted data and measures to prevent penetration from outside to corporate nodes.

Applications on the Internet are based on the use of Internet technologies, and in particular Web technologies: HTML hypertext, HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and CGI Server Application Interface. The constituent parts of the Internet are Web servers for statically or dynamically publishing information, and browsers for viewing and interpreting hypertext.

The term "Internet" first appeared on April 24, 1995, in Digital News & Review, of which he was technical editor, in an article titled "Internets fuel growth of Internet access tools."

The Internet is built on the same concepts and technologies that are used for the Internet, such as client-server architecture and the Internet protocol stack (TCP / IP). All of the well-known Internet protocols are found on the Internet, such as HTTP (web services), SMTP (email), and FTP (file transfer). Internet technologies are often used to provide modern interfaces for the functions of information systems that host corporate data.

The Internet can be thought of as a private version of the Internet, or as a private extension of the Internet that is restricted by an organization through a firewall. The first Internet websites and home pages began to appear in organizations in 1990-1991. However, according to unofficial sources, the term Internet was first used in 1992 in institutions such as universities and corporations working in the technical field.

The Internet is also contrasted with the Extranet; Internet access is provided only to employees of the organization, while the Extranet can be accessed by customers, suppliers, or other persons approved by management. In Extranet technology, in addition to the private network, users have access to Internet resources, but at the same time special measures are taken for secure access, authorization, and authentication.

The company's Internet does not have to provide access to the Internet. When such access is provided, it usually happens through a network gateway with a firewall, shielding the Internet from unauthorized external access. The network gateway often also provides user authentication, data encryption, and often virtual private network (VPN) connectivity for off-site employees so they can access company information, computing resources, and internal contacts.

Obvious benefit of usingInternet

High productivity when working together on some common projects

Easy access of personnel to data

· Flexible level of interaction: you can change business schemes of interaction both vertically and horizontally.

· Instant publication of data on the Internet resources allows specific corporate knowledge to always be kept in shape and easily obtained from anywhere in the company, using the technologies of the Web and hypermedia. For example: job descriptions, internal policies, standards, newsletters, and even on-the-job training.

· Allows to implement a common corporate culture and use the flexibility and versatility of modern information technology to manage corporate work.

Advantages of a website on the Internet over client-server architecture client programs

* It is not required to install the client program on users' computers (a browser is used as it). Accordingly, when the functionality of the corporate information system changes, updating the client software is also not required.

* Reducing the time spent on routine operations for entering various data, thanks to the use of web forms instead of exchanging data by e-mail

* Cross-platform compatibility - standard browser on Microsoft Windows, Mac, and GNU / Linux / * NIX.


The network can be hacked and used for hacker purposes

· Unverified or inaccurate information published on the Internet leads to confusion and misunderstanding.

· In a free interactive space, illegitimate and offensive materials may be distributed.

· Easy access to corporate data can provoke its leakage to competitors through an unscrupulous employee.

· The operability and flexibility of the Internet requires significant development and administration overhead.

3.3 Internet

Of course, one of the most important types of information technology is Internet.

The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks built on the basis of IP and IP packet routing. The Internet forms a global information space, serves as the physical basis for the World Wide Web (WWW) and many other data transmission systems (protocols). It is often referred to as the World Wide Web and the Global Network, as well as simply the Network], sometimes abbreviated names are used in everyday life, no.

Currently, the word "Internet" most often means the World Wide Web and the information available in it, rather than the physical network.

By mid-2008, the number of users regularly using the Internet was about 1.5 billion people (about a quarter of the world's population). Together with the computers connected to it, the Internet serves as the basis for the development of the information society. The Internet allows you to keep abreast of events anywhere in the world as a leader and an ordinary employee. Allows you to engage in remote control.

As the means of communication developed, the automation of office technologies attracted the interest of specialists and managers, who saw in it an opportunity to increase their productivity. The introduction of new information technologies is intended not to replace the traditional personnel communication system (meetings, phone calls, orders), but to supplement it. This will ensure a rational distribution of managerial work and the best provision of information to managers and managers.

Information technology is attractive for managers of all management levels as it maintains intra-organizational communication of personnel and provides this personnel with new means of communication with the external environment.

4. Present and future of IT technologies in management

In my work, I have displayed only a part of the currently available information technologies. These technologies can be both technological and at the level of knowledge, skills and literacy of a modern manager. And this area of ​​management does not stand still, constantly evolving.

It should be understood that it is quite natural for information technologies that they become outdated and replaced by new ones:

The telegraph transferred all its functions to the telephone

Mail is gradually being replaced by express delivery

Fax has transferred most of its functions to email

When introducing new information technology in an organization, it is necessary to assess the risk of lagging behind competitors as a result of its inevitable obsolescence over time, since information products, like no other types of material goods, have a high rate of replacement by new types and versions.

If in the process of introducing a new information technology this factor is not given due attention, it is possible that by the time the organization is transferred to a new information technology, it will already become outdated and it will be necessary to take measures to modernize it. Such failures show the absence or weak elaboration of the methodology for using information technology.

All this turns the integration process into a very laborious task and requires a thorough systematic approach to the design and implementation of information technologies. However, the result is flexible systems that allow, on the one hand, to increase efficiency, to ensure the possibility of parallel work. On the other hand, to minimize possible errors in the most critical areas by optimizing data flows and automating routine work.

The main tasks solved by the implementation of IT technologies in modern production are the acceleration and maximum automation of exchange processes between all participants in the production cycle. When implementing IT solutions, inevitable changes affect almost all stages of the technological process.

In the process of introducing IT technologies, one has to face a number of difficulties of a different nature. A one-time transition to a new technological process is difficult and often impossible due to the high costs of equipment, software and training of specialists. Integration problems with the existing fleet of "classic" equipment may arise. In addition, there are problems of "psychological barrier", general lack of preparation of users and service personnel.

In fact, we can talk about the emergence of distributed corporate production complexes. You should also expect an increase in the quantity and, more importantly, the quality of software on the Russian market. More and more Western manufacturers are discovering the Russian market, adding new, Russified products to the few (but by no means always bad) domestic developments. Progress in this area instills confidence in the emergence of high-quality products that can meet almost any technical and technological requirements of the rapidly developing Russian management.

References and sources

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2. Tronin YN \ Information systems and technologies in business: Alfa-Press \ M. - 240s. 2005 ISBN 5-94280-140-1

3. Scott Burkun \ The Art of IT Project Management \ Peter: St. Petersburg - 432. ISBN 978-5-388-00543-4

4. management: Per. from 3rd eng. ed. - (Series "Management for a Leader"). Moscow: INFRA-M, 2002.347 p.

5. Eliferov V.G., Repin V.V. Business processes: regulation and management. Moscow: IFRA-M, 2005.319 p.

6. Management of the XXI century / Ed. S. Chowdhary: Per. from English - (Series "Management for a Leader"). Moscow: INFRA-M, 2002.448 p.

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Information technologies control is a set of methods and means of searching, collecting, processing, storing, transferring and protecting information and knowledge for solving control problems based on software and computer and telecommunication equipment. In modern management, automated information technologies are increasingly used, i.e. management technologies implemented with the use of hardware and software.

The main functions modern information technologies for enterprise management - searching, collecting, processing, storing the necessary data, generating new information, solving optimization problems (Fig. 15.1). At the same time, the task is not only to automate the laborious, regularly repeated routine operations of processing a large amount of data, but also to obtain fundamentally new information through data processing, which is necessary for making effective management decisions.

The development of information technologies for managing an organization is preceded by a detailed survey and analysis of the managed object, tasks and management structure, content and information flows. Based on this analysis, an information model for managing an organization is developed, which fixes the relationship between data processing tasks and new flows of information. Then the choice of technical means is made and the corresponding information technology is developed.

Information technologies are beginning to play a leading role in managing the development of virtually any socio-economic process. The efficiency of social production is largely determined by the degree of use of information processing means (computers, copiers, telephones, software), the density of the flow of inventions of new products and new technologies using computer programs. That is why added value is a product of information transformations. However, one should not think that information technology

Rice. 15.1.

are limited to the technical side of the matter (computers, telecommunications, the Internet, multimedia technologies, etc.). The main thing in new information technologies is not networks and technical capabilities, but the desire of staff to bring something new to their organization, as well as a commitment to cooperation on the part of partners, consumers and contractors.

In the economy of any developed country or region, information management becomes the basis of any improvement, any advancement. The information component begins to dominate any production and any business. The development of the information component is both a factor, an indicator and a result of the development of a country or region. The information and communication capabilities of a country or region become the driving force behind their development. In other words, the development of information infrastructure becomes a factor of attraction and development of business activity. Computer networks, computing technology, computer design, communication facilities today are what they were at the end of the 19th century. railways - a catalyst and factor in the socio-economic development of the whole society. Information, knowledge today is the most important resource for the development of any socio-economic system, and the maturity of information technologies, technologies for mastering, transferring and using knowledge determines the pace of development.

Information technology significantly expands management capabilities, since it provides managers with the latest methods of processing and analyzing economic and social information necessary for making informed management decisions.

The use of information technology significantly reduces the cost of other types of society's resources. At the same time, information technologies not only save resources, but also lead to fundamentally new solutions that begin to form the essence of public life. Many types of modern activities cannot be carried out outside of information technology. A significant part of people, commas in social production, use computers in their work. At the same time, computers have entered our lives relatively recently. Older people still remember how in large organizations there were machine bureaus, in which specially trained typists typed texts on typewriters.

In modern labor activity, people are increasingly using the Internet as a universal means of finding the necessary information and exchanging it. They also use mobile phones with their Internet connectivity features.

Information technology has changed the content of the work of many people. For example, a financial advisor cannot carry out his activities without following the global financial trends online. In the activities of the supermarket, a significant share is the processing of information about the movement of commodity mass, about the movement of stocks and about fluctuations in demand for certain goods.

Currently, in the practice of managing commercial firms, a variety of systems are used that are offered by software manufacturers. Among them, the most common are the following.

  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems ... This is a class of integrated management systems, which is a unified centralized database, a single application and a common user interface for managing financial and economic activities. They cover such areas of the enterprise as planning and forecasting, sales management, inventory management, production management, procurement, finance, etc. (repairs, management reporting, consolidation).
  • Customer relationship management systems CRM (Customer Relationship Management). This is a class of systems for managing the external relations of an enterprise. CRM customer relationship management systems include management techniques to improve sales performance. Many of the achievements of modern marketing are reflected in such systems. They provide management of the company's relationship with its customers (customers), partners, dealers and the outside world. It is a tool for automating the work of marketing, sales and customer service departments, as well as a set of additional services in the form of corporate portals, call centers, online help desks for customers, corporate knowledge bases, etc. Information support systems for analytical activities BI (Business Intelligence). These systems serve as a repository of analytical data; they also include a set of information processing tools. They are a data warehouse with a set of tools for retrieving data from ERP and other systems and methods for subsequent analysis of the collected data. Modern information technologies have an essential feature: if at the dawn of their appearance, information processing automation tools were mainly applied to already existing management procedures, then recently the situation has radically changed. Information technologies are becoming a kind of catalyst for the dissemination of advanced management experience and modern management technologies. At the same time, they optimize business processes in accordance with the latest achievements of management theory and practice.

The main result that the customer receives is an effective enterprise management system based on networked computer technologies. By optimizing business processes, mechanisms for supporting management decisions, it is possible to obtain additional resources for development and serious competitive advantages.

These are not always complex and ramified systems; sometimes they help people in very ordinary and routine activities. For example, consider the information system in the hotels of the Grecotel chain. This system was created for the Olympics held in Greece, and was further developed during its operation in many hotels of this chain.

Hotels of the Grecotel chain are large hotels, most of them are positioned as hotels for holidays on the coast. During lunch, several hundred people visit the restaurant at the same time, each of whom counts on personal service. And each guest receives just such a service - fast, efficient, personalized.

Instead of a notebook, each waiter has a compact personal computer connected via a Wi-Fi wireless communication system to the central server of the hotel. After the waiter has accepted the order from the client, it is instantly transferred to special interfaces in the kitchen and in the buffet, where orders are completed. Then the generated order is delivered to the restaurant hall with the indication of the client's table. At the same time, an invoice is automatically generated, which the client pays at the end of the period of stay at the hotel. With the help of this online information system, you can also find out when the client has settled, when he is going to leave the hotel, whether he has previously used the services of this hotel chain, where he permanently resides, what services he received at the hotel and how much he has to pay for them.

The system solves several problems at once. First, the order is processed much faster than using traditional technology. The accuracy of order fulfillment is also improved. The number of waiters required is reduced, and the entire work of the restaurant is rationalized. It becomes possible to daily control the activities of not only the entire hotel, but also separately restaurants and bars. Moreover, online you can monitor the activities of the entire hotel chain at once.

This system can be attributed, on the one hand, to the ERP system, and on the other, to the CRM system, since it has the functions of collecting personal information about each client in order to individualize the service.

This example is also very indicative in that the system, being quite new in 2004, ceased to be such by 2010. In one of Bern's squares in the summer of 2010, in a small restaurant focused on quick personalized service for tourists, one could see a semblance of the system that was the pride of the managers of one of the best hotel chains just 6 years ago. In other words, information management technologies are rapidly developing and quickly becoming obsolete. Innovation in management is growing so rapidly today that it can match the pace of innovation in nanotechnology or in genetic engineering.

Management information systems are actively used not only in the management of corporations, but also in state and municipal management, in the management of universities, government and public organizations. Within the framework of the so-called electronic government, each city dweller can, through the Internet, not only receive the necessary information about the work of city organizations, but also send a request, print a particular document, and take part in a survey of residents. In other words, the information technology used in urban governance promotes democracy and brings city officials closer to city dwellers.

Systems that ensure the use of new information management technologies are being actively introduced into the practice of Russian organizations. Due to the high rates of development of information technologies in the last decade, Russia was able to reduce the lag behind developed countries in terms of the level of informatization of the economy and society.

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Use of modern information technologyoology in the management of the organization

Now it is already impossible to imagine a modern organization without information technologies and telecommunications, which open up new opportunities and potential in all areas of application. In the current conditions, effective management is a valuable resource of the organization, therefore, increasing the efficiency of management activities, becomes one of the departments for improving the activities of the enterprise as a whole. The most obvious way to improve efficiency is to automate it. In this regard, there is an acute problem of choosing the optimal software for the successful existence of a particular company, and in today's market of software products, fierce competition is formed and the number of released software in the field of management is quite large. information telecommunications resource management

The purpose of information technology management is to meet the information needs of all employees of the company, without exception, dealing with decision-making. It can be useful at any level of government. Information technology management should be consistent with its goals and ensure the production of reliable, reliable, timely information. In order to select the appropriate information technology system, it is necessary to understand the structure, functions and policies of the organization, management objectives and decisions. Information technologies and systems become an integral part of the organization, influencing its structure, governing bodies, standard procedures, personnel.

The main goal of automated technology is to receive information of a new quality through the processing of primary data, on the basis of which optimal management decisions are developed. This is achieved by ensuring the relevance and consistency of information, the use of modern technical means for the implementation and functioning of qualitatively new forms of information support for the activities of the management apparatus. Information technology copes with a significant increase in the volume of processed information and leads to a reduction in the processing time and is the most important component of the process of using information resources in management.

The functions of the information management system include solving problems of strategic and tactical planning, accounting and operational management of the organization. The bulk of tasks, which include accounting and material accounting, tax planning, control, etc. It is solved by means of secondary processing of operational management data. Such accounting is a mandatory additional means of control. The use of information management systems allows: due to the operational collection, transmission and processing of information to increase the degree of validity of decisions; in a market economy, ensure timely decision-making on the management of an organization, enterprise, firm; coordinate decisions that are made at different levels of management and in different departments; to raise the growth of labor productivity, reduce non-production losses, etc.

In organizations, enterprises or firms, the management apparatus analyzes situations in the internal and external environment, as well as makes decisions on strategic and short-term planning. The implementation of the tasks of strategic and short-term planning is carried out at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. Each level requires certain information support, which is implemented on the basis of information technology.

In order for the activity to bring results, it is necessary to use modern information technology. The area of ​​application of information technologies in management and economics is based on modern computers and advanced communication tools, it is quite extensive and diverse. This allows organizations, enterprises and firms to receive the necessary information on time and in full. Information processes that take place in business entities are based on the use of different technological solutions, due to which today, information is an important, valuable and expensive resource that saves labor costs and financial resources.

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Characteristics and purpose

The purpose of information technology management is to meet the information needs of all employees of the company, without exception, dealing with decision-making. It can be useful at any level of government.

This technology is focused on work in the environment of an information management system and is used when the tasks to be solved are less structured when compared with the tasks solved using information technology for data processing.

Management IS are ideal for meeting similar information needs of employees of different functional subsystems (departments) or levels of company management. The information they provide contains information about the past, present and probable future of the company. This information takes the form of regular or ad hoc management reports.

To make decisions at the level of management control, information should be presented in an aggregated form so that trends in data change, the reasons for deviations that have arisen and possible solutions are visible. at this stage, the following data processing tasks are solved:

· Assessment of the planned state of the control object;

· Assessment of deviations from the planned state;

· Identification of the reasons for deviations;

· Analysis of possible solutions and actions.

Information technology management aims to create different types of reports.

Regular reports are created in accordance with a set schedule that determines the time of their creation, for example, a monthly analysis of the company's sales.

Special reports are created at the request of managers or when something unplanned happened in the company.

Both those and other types of reports can take the form of summarizing, comparative and extraordinary reports.

V summarizing in reports, data are combined into separate groups, sorted and presented as subtotals and final totals for individual fields.

Comparative reports contain data obtained from various sources or classified according to various criteria and used for comparison purposes.

Emergency reports contain data of an exceptional (extraordinary) nature.

The use of reports to support control is particularly effective when implementing so-called variance control.

Deviation management assumes that the main content of the data obtained by the manager should be deviations of the state of the company's economic activities from some should be deviations of the state of the company's economic activities from some established standards (for example, from its planned state). When using the principles of variance management in the company, the following requirements are imposed on the reports generated:

· A report should be generated only when a deviation has occurred;

· Information in the report should be sorted by the value of the critical indicator for the given deviation;

It is advisable to show all deviations together so that the manager can grasp the existing connection between them;

· The report must show the quantitative deviation from the norm.

Main components

The main components of management information technology are shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. The main components of IT management.

Input information comes from operational-level systems. The output information is formed in the form management reports in a form convenient for making a decision.

The content of the database is transformed with the help of appropriate software into periodic and ad-hoc reports, which are sent to the specialists involved in decision-making in the organization. The database used to obtain the specified information must consist of two elements:

1. data accumulated on the basis of the evaluation of the transactions carried out by the firm;

2. plans, standards, budgets and other regulatory documents that determine the planned state of the object of management (division of the company).

Office automation

Characteristics and purpose

Historically, automation began in manufacturing and then spread to the office, initially aiming only at automating routine secretarial work. With the development of communication tools, the automation of office technologies interested specialists and managers, who saw in it an opportunity to increase their labor productivity.

Office automation (Fig. 3) is intended not to replace the existing traditional personnel communication system (with its meetings, phone calls and orders), but only to supplement it. Used together, both of these systems will provide rational automation of managerial work and the best provision of information for managers.

Rice. 3. The main components of office automation.

An automated office is attractive to managers at all levels of management in the firm, not only because it maintains internal communication between staff, but also because it provides them with new means of communication with the external environment.

Office automation information technology- organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with the external environment based on computer networks and other modern means of transferring and working with information.

Office automation technologies are used by managers, specialists, secretaries and office workers, and they are especially attractive for group problem solving. They increase the productivity of secretaries and office workers and enable them to cope with the increasing volume of work. However, this advantage is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool. Improving the decisions made by managers as a result of their better communication can ensure the economic growth of the firm.

Currently, several dozen software products for computers and non-computer hardware are known that provide office automation technology: word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, electronic calendar, audio mail, computer and teleconferencing, video text, image storage, as well as specialized management programs: document management, control over the execution of orders, etc.

Non-computer tools are also widely used: audio and video conferencing, facsimile communication, copier and other office equipment.

Main components

Database... A mandatory component of any technology is a database. In an automated office, the database concentrates data on the firm's production system, just like in data processing technology at the operational level. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the company. Specialists must be proficient in the basic technological operations of working in a database environment.

Example. The database collects data on daily sales, transmitted by the sales agents of the firm to the main computer, or information on weekly shipments of raw materials.

Information about the exchange rate or quotations of securities, including the shares of this company, can be received daily from the exchange by e-mail, which are daily adjusted in the corresponding database array.

Information from the database enters the input of computer applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, computer conferences, etc. Any computer application in an automated office provides employees with communication with each other and with other firms.

The information obtained from the databases can also be used in non-computer hardware for transmission, replication, storage.

Word processor... It is a kind of application software designed for creating and processing text documents. It allows you to add or remove words, move sentences and paragraphs, set format, manipulate text elements and modes, etc. When the document is ready, the employee rewrites it into external memory, and then prints it out and, if necessary, transmits it over a computer network. Thus, the manager has at his disposal an effective form of written communication. Regular receipt of letters and reports prepared with the help of a word processor enables the manager to constantly assess the situation in the company.

Email... Electronic mail (E-mail), based on the network use of computers, enables the user to receive, store and send messages to their partners on the network. Only one-way communication takes place here. This limitation, in the opinion of many researchers, is not too important, since in fifty cases out of a hundred office calls by telephone are only intended to obtain information. To ensure two-way communication, you will have to send and receive messages by e-mail or use another method of communication many times.

E-mail can provide the user with different options depending on the software used. In order for the message to be sent to be available to all e-mail users, it must be placed on a computer notice board, if you wish, you can indicate that this is private correspondence. You can also send a shipment with notification of its receipt by the addressee.

When a firm decides to implement email, it has two options. The first is to buy your own hardware and software and create your own local network of computers that implement the e-mail function. The second possibility is related to the purchase of an e-mail service, which is provided by specialized communications organizations for a periodically paid fee.

Audio mail... This is a mail for the transmission of messages by voice. It resembles e-mail, except that instead of typing a message on a computer keyboard, you send it through your phone. Also, by phone you receive the sent messages. The system includes a special device for converting audio signals to digital code and vice versa, as well as a computer for storing audio messages in digital form. Audio mail is also sold online.

Audio messaging mail can be used successfully for group problem solving. For this, the sender of the message must additionally indicate the list of persons to whom the message is intended. The system will periodically call all the specified employees to send them a message.

The main advantage of audio mail over e-mail is that it is simpler - you do not need to enter data from the keyboard when using it.

Table processor... It, like a word processor, is a basic component of the information culture of any employee and automated office technology. Without knowledge of the basics of the technology of work in it, it is impossible to fully use a personal computer in their activities. functions of modern software environments of table processors allow performing numerous operations on data presented in tabular form. Combining these operations on common grounds, the most numerous and used groups of technological operations can be distinguished:

· Data entry both from the keyboard and from databases;

· Data processing (sorting, automatic formation of totals, copying and transferring data, various groups of operations for calculations, data aggregation, etc.);

· Output of information in printed form, in the form of imported files to other systems, directly to the database;

· High-quality design of tabular forms of data presentation;

· Multifaceted and high-quality design of data in the form of diagrams and graphs;

· Carrying out engineering, financial, statistical calculations;

Carrying out mathematical modeling and a number of other auxiliary operations

Any modern table processor environment has a means of transferring data over the network.

Electronic calendar... It provides another opportunity to use the network version of the computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. The manager (or his secretary) sets the date and time of a meeting or other event, views the resulting schedule, and makes changes using the keyboard. The technical and software of the electronic calendar is fully consistent with the analogous components of e-mail. Moreover, the calendar software is often an integral part of the email software.

The system additionally makes it possible to access the calendars of other managers as well. She can automatically match meeting times with their own and schedules.

The use of an electronic calendar turns out to be especially effective for managers at the highest levels of management, whose working days are scheduled for a long time in advance.

Computer conferences and teleconferences. Computer conferences use computer networks to exchange information between members of a problem-solving group. Naturally, the circle of people with access to this technology is limited. The number of participants in a computer conference can be many times greater than that of audio and video conferencing.

In the literature, you can often find the term teleconference... Teleconferencing includes three types of conferences: audio, video, and computer.

Videotext... It is based on the use of a computer to obtain a display of text and graphic data on a monitor screen. There are three options for decision-makers to receive information in the form of video text:

· Create video text files on their own computers;

· To conclude an agreement with a specialized company to gain access to the video text files developed by it. Such files, specially intended for sale, can be stored on the servers of the company providing such services, or delivered to the client on magnetic or optical disks;

· Enter into agreements with other companies to gain access to their video text files.

The exchange of catalogs and price lists (price lists) of their products between companies in the form of video text is now becoming increasingly popular. As for the companies specializing in the sale of video text, their services are beginning to compete with such printed products as newspapers and magazines. So, in many countries it is now possible to order a newspaper or magazine in the form of video text, not to mention the current summaries of stock information.

Image storage... In any company it is necessary to store a large number of documents for a long time. The number can be so large that storage, even in the form of files, causes serious problems. Therefore, the idea arose to store not the document itself, but its image (image), and store it in digital form.

Storing images (imaging) is a promising office technology and is based on the use of a special device - an optical image recognizer, which allows converting the image of a document or film into digital form for further storage in the external memory of a computer. The image saved in digital format can be displayed in its real form on the screen or printer at any time. Optical discs with huge capacities are used to store images. So, about 200 thousand pages can be recorded on a five-inch optical disc.

It should be recalled that the idea of ​​storing images is not new and was implemented earlier on the basis of microfilms and micro-posters. The creation of this technology was facilitated by the emergence of a new technical solution - an optical disc in combination with digital image recording.

Audio conferencing... They use audio communication to maintain communication between geographically remote employees or divisions of the company. The simplest technical means of realizing an audio conference is a telephone connection, equipped with additional devices that enable more than two participants to participate in a conversation. The creation of an audio conference does not require a computer, but only involves the use of two-way audio communication between its participants.

The use of audio conferencing makes decision-making easier, cheap and convenient. The efficiency of audio conferencing is improved when the following conditions are met:

· The employee organizing the audio conference must first provide the opportunity for all interested parties to participate in it;

· The number of conference participants should not be too large (usually no more than six) to keep the discussion within the framework of the problem under discussion;

· The conference program must be communicated to its participants in advance, for example, using facsimile communication;

· Before starting to speak, each participant must introduce themselves;

· Conference recording and storage should be organized;

· The recording of the conference should be printed and sent to all participants.

Video conferencing... They are designed for the same purposes as audio conferencing, but using video equipment. They also require a computer. In the course of a video conference, its participants, who are far from each other at a considerable distance, can see themselves and other participants on the television screen. Simultaneously with the television image, sound is transmitted.

While video conferencing can help reduce travel and travel costs, most businesses use it for more than that. These firms see them as an opportunity to involve the maximum number of managers and other employees geographically remote from the head office in solving problems.

There are three most popular configurations for building video conferencing:

· one-way video and audio communication ... Here, video and audio signals only go in one direction, for example, from the project manager to the executors;

· one-way video and two-way audio communication ... Two-way audio communication allows conference participants, receiving video, to exchange audio information with the participant transmitting video;

· two-way video and audio communication ... This most expensive configuration uses two-way video and audio communication between all conference participants, usually with the same status.

Fax communication... This communication is based on the use of a fax machine capable of reading a document at one end of the communication channel and displaying its image at the other.

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