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  • Information technologies and platforms for the development of is. Educational and methodological material on the topic: funds of assessment tools for the interdisciplinary course "information technologies and platforms for the development of information systems

Information technologies and platforms for the development of is. Educational and methodological material on the topic: funds of assessment tools for the interdisciplinary course "information technologies and platforms for the development of information systems

Development tools application solutions are a very important part of the personal computer platform. The popularity of the platform depends on the flexibility, wealth, convenience and reliability of these tools. A platform without application development tools for it ceases to exist.

All platform providers supply and development tools applied solutions in one form or another. Operating system manufacturers offer all kinds of compilers and interpreters, database management systems, communication systems (for example, e-mail). Of course, solutions for popular operating systems are offered not only by vendors, but also by other vendors.

For platforms where the ability to develop solutions directly on them is limited (for example, for cell phones), manufacturers offer development tools operating under a popular and powerful operating system (Windows, Linux). In addition to these tools, a target platform emulator is provided on which you can debug your solution without using the target platform directly.

Currently, solutions are gaining popularity that ensure the independence of the developed application solutions not only from the hardware component of the platform, but also from the operating system. The most popular solutions of this kind are Java and Net.

The main idea of ​​these platforms is to create a "virtual machine" - a special software package that operates on a specific hardware platform and on a specific operating system. The application program is processed virtual machine which translates "virtual instructions" into platform-specific instructions. As a result, it turns out that the program for the virtual machine functions on many bundles "hardware - operating system"without rework. The only condition is the availability of a virtual machine for a specific software and hardware solution. The most common hardware-independent platform is Java.

There is a certain class of software products - constructors, the use of which is limited to any subject area. These products implement not only basic functionality, but also flexible means of creating solutions in a specific field of activity. Such software products are often referred to as application platforms.

An application platform is understood as a runtime environment and a set of technological solutions used as a basis for building a certain range of applications. In fact, applications are based on multiple platforms in a layered environment. It is important that the platform provides the developer with a certain model, as a rule, isolating him from the concepts and details of lower-level technologies and platforms.

The key quality of the application platform is the sufficiency of its means to solve the problems facing business applications. This ensures that there is good consistency among all the technologies and tools that the developer uses. Another important point is standardization. The presence of a single application platform for a large number of applied solutions contributes to the formation of a common "cultural layer" that includes both people (programmers, analysts, users) and methodology (typical data structures, algorithms, user interfaces). Relying on this "cultural layer", the developer spends a minimum of effort to find the necessary solution in almost any situation, from the inclusion of a new specialist in the project and ending with the implementation of any subsystem of a business application according to a typical methodology.

A typical representative of special application platforms is the 1C: Enterprise system. The system itself is a flexible, customizable constructor that provides the solution developer with "more applied" methods and tools compared to traditional programming languages, that is, such a platform is a set of different mechanisms used to automate economic activities and not depending on specific legislation and accounting methodology.

There are complex application systems of the scale of corporations, which are the basis for the reliable conduct of large business, the so-called ERP-systems (Enterprise Resource Planning Systems). These systems are also an application platform that can be flexibly configured in its own subject area.

2.5. Platform selection criteria

Choosing a platform is an extremely difficult task, which consists of two parts:

There are several reasons due to which it is rather difficult to assess the capabilities of the platform with the selected set of components that are included in the system:

  • such an assessment predicts the future: expected combination of devices, future use of software, future users;
  • the configuration of hardware and software is associated with the definition of many inherently heterogeneous system components, as a result of which the complexity increases rapidly;
  • the speed of technological improvements in hardware, functional organization of the system, operating systems is very high and is constantly growing. By the time a component is widely used and well understood, it is often viewed as obsolete.
  • information available to the consumer about hardware, operating systems, software is of a general nature. The structure of the hardware that powers software systems has become so complex that experts in one area are rarely experts in another.

The choice of a particular platform and configuration is determined by a number of criteria. These include:

  1. Cost-performance ratio.
  2. Reliability and resiliency.
  3. Scalability.
  4. Software compatibility and portability.

Cost-performance ratio. The emergence of any new direction in computing is determined by the requirements of the computer market. Therefore, computer designers do not have one single goal. A mainframe or supercomputer is expensive because cost performance has to be ignored in order to achieve these goals when designing high-performance designs. Another extreme example is a low-cost design, where performance sacrificed to achieve low cost. This area includes personal computers. Between these two extremes, there are constructions based on the relationship cost - performance, in which developers find a balance between cost parameters and performance. Typical examples of these types of computers are mini computers and workstations.

Reliability and resiliency. The most important characteristic of a hardware platform is reliability. Improving reliability is based on the principle of preventing malfunctions by reducing the rate of failures and failures through the use of electronic circuits and components with a high and ultra-high degree of integration, reducing the level of interference, light modes of operation of circuits, ensuring thermal modes of their operation, as well as by improving methods for assembling equipment parts of a personal computer.

The introduction of fault tolerance requires redundant hardware and software. The structure of multiprocessor and multicomputer systems is adapted for automatic reconfiguration and provides the ability to continue the operation of the system after a malfunction occurs. Reliability includes more than just hardware, but also software... The main goal of improving the reliability of systems is the integrity of the data stored in them.

Scalability must be supported by the architecture and design of the computer, as well as by appropriate software tools.

The addition of each new processor in a truly scalable system should yield predictable and predictable throughput at an affordable cost. Really real increase in productivity difficult to estimate in advance, since it largely depends on the dynamics of the behavior of applied problems.

The scalability of the system is determined not only by the hardware architecture, but also depends on the inherent properties of the software. A simple transition, for example, to a more powerful processor can overload other system components. This means that a truly scalable system must be balanced in all respects.

Software compatibility and portability. Currently, one of the most important factors determining modern trends in the development of information technology is the orientation of computer equipment suppliers to the application software market. This is primarily due to the fact that it is ultimately important for the end user software, allowing to solve its problems, and not the choice of one or another hardware platform. The transition from homogeneous networks of software-compatible computers to the construction of heterogeneous networks, including computers from different manufacturers, radically changed the point of view on the network itself: from a relatively simple means of exchanging information, it turned into a means of integrating individual resources - a powerful distributed computing system, each the element of which best suits the requirements of a specific application.

This transition has put forward a number of new requirements:

Firstly, such a computing environment should allow flexible changes in the number and composition of hardware and software in accordance with the changing requirements of the tasks being solved.

Secondly, it should provide the ability to run the same software systems on different hardware platforms, i.e., provide software portability.

Thirdly, this environment must ensure that the same human-machine interfaces can be used on all computers in a heterogeneous network.

The fund of assessment tools (FOS) is understood as a set of methodological and control measuring materials intended for assessing competencies at different stages of students' training, as well as for their intermediate certification for compliance (or non-compliance) with the level of training to the requirements of the corresponding FSES SPE upon completion of the stages of mastering an interdisciplinary course ( hereinafter - MDK) and are focused on checking the quality of knowledge of students who have mastered its full course.



State budgetary professional educational institution

Moscow city

Technical Fire and Rescue College

named after the Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksymchuk


on an interdisciplinary course

"Information technologies and platforms for the development of information systems" (MDK.02.01) of the professional module "Development of information systems "(PM.02)

for the specialty 230401 Information systems (by industry)




The fund of assessment tools (FOS) is understood as a set of methodological and control measuring materials intended for assessing competencies at different stages of students' training, as well as for their intermediate certification for compliance (or non-compliance) with the level of training to the requirements of the corresponding FSES SPE upon completion of the stages of mastering an interdisciplinary course ( hereinafter - MDK) and are focused on checking the quality of knowledge of students who have mastered its full course.

FOS is an integral part of educational and methodological documents that ensure the implementation of a specific OOP.

Objectives of FOS for the interdisciplinary course "Information technologies and platforms for the development of information systems":

Assessment of the achievements of students in the process of studying an interdisciplinary course in accordance with the developed and adopted criteria for each type of control;

Managing the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge, abilities, skills and the formation of competencies defined in the FSES SPE by students in the relevant area of ​​training (specialty);

Control and management of the process of achieving the goals of the implementation of the PLO, defined in the form of general cultural and professional competencies of students;

Assessment of the ability of students to creative activity, providing solutions to new problems associated with the lack of specific special knowledge and the lack of generally accepted algorithms for professional behavior in quasi-real activities;

Ensuring the correspondence of learning outcomes to the tasks of future professional activity through the improvement of traditional and the introduction of innovative teaching methods in the educational process.

The purpose of FOS for the interdisciplinary course "Information technology and platforms for the development of information systems" is to test the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of future vocational school graduates necessary for:

Knowledge of the main types and procedures of information processing, models and methods for solving information processing problems;

Knowledge of service-oriented architectures, CRM systems, ERP systems;

Knowledge of platforms for creating, executing and managing an information system;

Ability to use tools for information processing;

Participation in the development of technical specifications;

Formation of reporting documentation based on the results of work;

The use of standards in the preparation of software documentation;

using the criteria for assessing the quality and reliability of the information system.

The basic principles of FOS for the interdisciplinary course "Information technologies and platforms for the development of information systems":

Consistency (a systematic approach to the formation of knowledge and skills, the cyclical nature of assessment);

Reliability (accuracy, degree of consistency, stability, stability of assessment results);

Correspondence of the content of the materials of the assessment tools to the level and stage of training;

Availability of clearly formulated evaluation criteria for each control activity;

Maximum objectivity of the used assessment procedures and methods;

The use of FOS not only as a means of assessment, but also training.



on the interdisciplinary course "Information technologies and platforms for the development of information systems"

for specialty230401 "Information systems (by industry)"


Topic name

Development level



Control and evaluation tool

Current control

Intermediate certification

be able to:

  • carry out mathematical and informational formulation of information processing tasks, use information processing algorithms for various applications.


  • main types and procedures of information processing, models and methods for solving information processing problems.




Topic 1.2. IS subsystems. Basic conceptual principles of functioning and construction. Subsystems for ensuring the operability of the IS.Information, technical, software, mathematical and other types of support. Their characteristics and composition

Practical work No. 1.Analysis of information, technical, software, mathematical and other IS support

Control oral (written) survey on the topic 1.2




Topic 2.2. IP software and its classification. Server and client software IS. Optimization of the choice of software for IS software.

Practical work No. 2.Optimization of the choice of the composition of IP software for a specific subject area

Obligatory test

(5 semester of study, 36 hours of classroom lessons)






Practical work No. 3.Installation of IP server software on hardware servers and its further maintenance. Features of the installation of software IC.

Obligatory test

(5 semester of study, 36 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • solve applied problems of intelligent systems using static expert systems, real-time expert systems;






Topic 3.1. Server software IS and its types. Management servers (network operating systems) and tasks solved with their help.

Practical work No. 4.

Obligatory test






Topic 4.2. Administration of the server software, the techniques used.

Practical work No. 5. Installation and configuration of DNS, DHCP servers.

Obligatory test

(6 semester of study, 60 hours of classroom lessons)







Topic 4.3. Standard and specialized software packages and administration utilities.

Practical work No. 6. Creating a domain and configuring ActiveDirectory. Creation and management of user, group objects. Security Policy Office. User profile management.

Control oral (written) survey on the topic 4.3

Obligatory test

(6 semester of study, 60 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:










Topic 5.1. Operation of the LAN server software and its features. Operating system management using the console.

Change the type and scope of a security group. Manage group accounts using automation tools.

Control oral (written) survey on topic 5.1

Obligatory test

(6 semester of study, 60 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • solve applied problems of intelligent systems using static expert systems, real-time expert systems.


  • language specifications, creating a graphical user interface (GUI), file I / O, creating a network server and a network client.







Practical work No. 8.Adding the computer to the ActiveDirectory domain. Management of computer accounts using specialized snap-in.

Obligatory test

(6 semester of study, 60 hours of classroom lessons)

Topic 5.2. Setting up and operating a file server. Configuring and operating an information server and security servers.

Practical work No. 9. Troubleshooting computer accounts.

Configuring the NTFS file permission system.

File system access control.

Working with the console. Performance and Task Manager.

Obligatory test

(6 semester of study, 60 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • solve applied problems of intelligent systems using static expert systems, real-time expert systems.








Topic 6.1. Types of client software. Interaction of server and client software. Typical client software and its characteristics.

Practical work No. 10. Development of a Web application for interaction of client software with remote databases.

Control oral (written) survey on the topic 6.1

Obligatory test

(6 semester of study, 60 hours of classroom lessons)






Practical work No. 11.Obtaining information about COM objects from the system registry and resource files. Using the COM servers of the Microsoft Office package.

Obligatory test

(6 semester of study, 60 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • use the languages ​​of structured, object-oriented programming and scripting languages ​​to create independent programs, develop a graphical interface for the application.


  • object oriented programming.








Topic 7.1. The procedure for installing and maintaining client software. Use of generic client software. COM technology.

Practical work No. 12.


Topic 8.1. Tasks and possibilities of adaptation of the client part of the software. Adaptation of the client side of the software for solving the task.

Practical work No. 13.JavaScript, CGI programming of interactive user interfaces.

Control oral (written) survey on topic 8.1


(7 semester of study, 65 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:


  • platforms for creating, executing and managing an information system;
  • main processes of development project management.









Topic 9.1. Automation tools for the design and development of corporate systems, their main types and classification.

The life cycle stages they support.

Practical work No. 14. Study and application of automation tools for the design and development of corporate systems (Ramus,Rational Rose, Paradigm Plus, SELECT)

Control oral (written) survey on topic 9.1


(7 semester of study, 65 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • solve applied problems of intelligent systems using static expert systems, real-time expert systems.


  • platforms for creating, executing and managing an information system.






Topic 10.1. Software platformMicrosoft.NET ; Characteristics, multi-profile of the platform, its use in the production of industrial corporate systems.

Practical work No. 15. Using the Microsoft.NET software platform in the development of industrial corporate systems.

Control oral (written) survey on the topic 10.1


(7 semester of study, 65 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • use the languages ​​of structured, object-oriented programming and scripting languages ​​to create independent programs, develop a graphical interface for the application.


Language specifications, creating a graphical user interface (GUI), file I / O, creating a network server and a network client.









Practical work No. 16. Studying and working with tools for building a graphical user interface.


(7 semester of study, 65 hours of classroom lessons)

Topic 11.1. Development of a graphical user interface. Techniques and methods.

Practical work No. 17. Development of data entry forms for corporate applications within a specific task.

Control oral (written) survey on the topic 11.1


(7 semester of study, 65 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • solve applied problems of intelligent systems using static expert systems, real-time expert systems.


  • service-oriented architectures, CRM systems, ERP systems.









Topic 12.1. Features of the development of distributed enterprise-type applications. MicrosoftRemoting technology.

Practical work No. 18. Development of a highly reliable and secure distributed using MicrosoftRemoting technology

Control oral (written) survey on topic 12.1


(7 semester of study, 65 hours of classroom lessons)

be able to:

  • create an application development project and formulate its tasks, perform project management using tools.


platforms for creating, executing and managing an information system.












Topic 13.1. Web service concept. Microsoft tools used to create services.

Practical work No. 19. Implementation of a web service using Microsoft technologies and tools


Defense of the course project

Topic 14.1. Features and problems of building corporate applications based on a service-oriented architecture. Adaptation of the general concept to the technological specifics of the Microsoft environment and tools

Practical work No. 20. Development of an application using Windows Communications Foundation technology

Control oral (written) survey on the topic 14.1


Defense of the course project

(8 semester of study, 40 hours of classroom lessons)

Exam tickets

in the 8th semester 4 courses

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

"__" ____________ 2016


/ V. S. Khodchenko /


by discipline

4 course, 8 semester

"I approve"

Deputy director

"__" ___________ 2016

/ ____ / Vishnevsky I.N. /

  1. Client software. Escort order.

  2. IP architecture. IS structures (physical, logical, software, functional) and their relationship.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Considered at the meeting of the PCC, minutes No. _____

"__" ____________ 2016


/ V. S. Khodchenko /


by discipline


4 course, 8 semester

"I approve"

Deputy director

"__" ___________ 2016

/ ____ / Vishnevsky I.N. /

  1. Typical client software and its use.

  2. Information, technical, software, mathematical and other types of support. Their characteristics and composition.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Considered at the meeting of the PCC, minutes No. _____

"__" ____________ 2016


/ V. S. Khodchenko /


by discipline


4 course, 8 semester

"I approve"

Deputy director

"__" ___________ 2016

4 course, 8 semester

"I approve"

Deputy director

"__" ___________ 2016

/ ____ / Vishnevsky I.N. /

  1. Creation of interactive user interfaces using CGI technology.
  2. Installation of IP server software on hardware servers and its further maintenance.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Considered at the meeting of the PCC, minutes No. _____

"__" ____________ 2016


/ V. S. Khodchenko /


by discipline


4 course, 8 semester

"I approve"

Deputy director

"__" ___________ 2016

/ ____ / Vishnevsky I.N. /

  1. Tasks of adaptation of the client part of the software.
  2. Organization of work of IS software in local networks. Features of customization and maintenance. TCP / IP protocol applied to IP.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Teacher __________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Course project topics

in the discipline "Information technologies and platforms"

in the 8th semester 4 courses

  1. Development of an information system project for an Internet trading company.
  2. Development of an ATM information system project.
  3. Development of a project for an information system for financial management of the organization's assets.
  4. Development of a project for an information system for the selection, recruitment and maintenance of labor resources.
  5. Development of a project of an information system for managing the supply of material resources
  6. Development of a project for an information system for managing banking operations.
  7. Development of the project of the information system of the state registration company.
  8. Development of the project of the information system of the state service for social support of the unemployed.
  9. Development of a project for an information system for managing prices, supplies and equipment for a retail grocery store.
  10. Development of a project for an information system for processing a customer order in an Internet company, including order processing and verification, and payment processing.
  11. Development of a project for an information system for ticket trade in transport.
  12. Development of a project for an information system for registration and processing of medical information on the example of blood pressure tests and blood tests.
  13. Development of a project for an information system for trading automation.
  14. Development of an information system project for a small communications enterprise.
  15. Development of a project for an automated workstation for the head (manager) of a division of an organization in the information network.
  16. Development of an information system project for accounting for the supply of materials for the production process of an enterprise.
  17. Development of the project of the information system "Organization of the educational process in an educational institution."
  18. Development of the project of a subsystem for registration of travel certificates in the information system
  19. Development of a project of an information system of a motor transport company
  20. Development of a project of an information system for recording contracts and monitoring their execution
  21. Development of a project of an information system for accounting and optimization of transport costs at the enterprise
  22. Development of a project of an information system for recording piece-rate wages
  23. Development of a project for an economist's workstation for forecasting purchases at a wholesale enterprise
  24. Development of a project for an information system to support exchange trading
  25. Development of a project of an information system for accounting for material resources of an enterprise
  26. Development of a project for a warehouse accounting automation subsystem
  27. Development of a project for a subsystem of automation of accounting of payments under contracts
  28. Development of a project for an information system for recording the receipt and sale of goods in retail trade
  29. Development of a project for a subsystem for accounting for the sale of goods in wholesale
  30. Development of a project for an information system for automating cash transactions of a trading enterprise
  31. Development of a project of an information system for the automation of accounting for the outflow of funds from the settlement account of an organization
  32. Development of a project for an information system for automating the accounting of time-bonus wages in an organization
  33. Development of a project for an information system for the automation of accounting for the receipt and disposal of low-value and fast-wearing items in a commercial organization
  34. Development of a project for an information system for automating the accounting of receipts and disposals, fixed assets at the enterprise
  35. Development of a project for an information system for accounting for currency exchange
  36. Development of a project of an information system for accounting of stocks of an enterprise
  37. Development of a project for an information system for accounting for barter transactions
  38. Development of a project for an information system for accounting for purchases of goods from the population
  39. Development of a project of an information system for recording real estate transactions
  40. Development of a workstation project for an employee of the credit department of a bank
  41. Development of a project for an information system for maintaining a register of shareholders in a bank
  42. Development of a project of an information system for accounting for securities at an enterprise
  43. Development of a project for a subsystem for accounting for the internal movement of materials
  44. Development of a project for a subsystem for accounting for bank debtors
  45. Development of a project for a subsystem for accounting for goods import operations
  46. Development of a project for an information system for automating accounting of payments for accommodation in a hostel
  47. Development of a project for an information system for automating the accounting of sales and furniture delivery costs
  48. Development of a project for a subsystem for accounting for depreciation of fixed assets
  49. Development of an information system project for the hotel.
  50. Development of an information system project for a travel agency.
  51. Development of an information system project for the library.
  52. Development of an information system project for a car dealer.
  53. Development of an information system project for a hospital.
  54. Development of an information system project for a company selling computer equipment.
  55. Development of an information system project for a furniture dealer.
  56. Development of an information system project for the educational part of the college
  57. Development of an information system project for a company selling food products. Popov 4 is 03
  58. Development of an information system project for ordering plane tickets.
  59. Development of an information system project for a company that sells spare parts for cars.
  60. Development of an information system project for a video rental point.
  61. Development of an information system project for the College's admissions committee.
  62. Development of a project for an information system for a pharmacy.
  63. Development of an information system project for a company selling household appliances.
  64. Development of a project for an information system for a parking lot.
  65. Development of an information system project for a music CD store.
  66. Development of an information system project for ordering train tickets.
  67. Development of an information system project for a company engaged in the repair of household appliances. Medvedev 4 is 03
  68. Development of an information system project for the vehicle fleet.
  69. Development of an information system project for the personnel department of the company.
  70. Development of an information system project for the educational part of a music school.
  71. Development of a project of an information system for keeping records of people living in a student hostel.
  72. Development of an information system project for a polyclinic.
  73. Development of an information system project for a bookstore.
  74. Development of an information system project for the Center for the Study of a Foreign Language.
  75. Development of an information system project - a telephone directory for the College.
  76. Development of an information system project for a supermarket.
  77. Development of an information system project for a real estate agency.
  78. Development of an information system project for housing and communal services.
  79. Development of an information system project for the rescue team.
  80. Development of an information system project for the airport.
  81. Development of an information system project for the railway station.
  82. Development of a project for an information system of a trading and purchasing area for placing orders without bidding
  83. Development of a project for an information system for electronic monitoring
  84. Development of a project for an information system for a distribution network
  85. Design of the information system "Mail".
  86. Development of a project for an automated information system for accounting for equipment at an enterprise.
  87. Development of a project for an automated information system for the management and implementation of projects in low-rise construction.
  88. Development of a project for automation of accounting of objects of structured cable networks of an enterprise.
  89. Development of a project for a monitoring system for information resources of the Internet.
  90. Development of a model of the information system of a travel company
  91. Development of an information system for working with customers of a car service.
  92. Development of an automated information system for maintaining electronic medical records of patients.
  93. Development of a web service for evaluating the ergonomics of website user interfaces.
  94. Development of a web service for testing students.
  95. system "Tutor".
  96. Development of a project information systems " Time tracking of employees of GBOU SPO TPSK 57 "
  97. Development of the project of the Internet site "School of Programming"
  98. Website project development online store selling PCs and components.
  99. Development of an information system project for a driving school.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


1. The content of the material is fully disclosed within the scope of the program.

2. The definitions are clearly and correctly given and the content is disclosed.

3. A comparative analysis has been carried out.

4. The answer is independent, the answer used the knowledge acquired earlier (intersubject connections).


1. Revealed the main content of the material.

2. Basically, the definitions and concepts are given correctly.

3. The answer is independent.

4. The material is presented incompletely, in the answer made inaccuracies, the sequence of presentation is violated.

5. Minor inaccuracies in the conclusions and use of terms are allowed.


1. The main content of the material has been mastered, but it is presented fragmentarily, not always consistently.

2. Definitions and concepts are not clearly given.

3. Errors in conclusions were made.

4. Inability to use the knowledge gained earlier.


1. The main content of the educational material is not disclosed.

2. Not given answers to additional questions of the teacher.

3. Gross errors in definitions were made.

Teacher Ruzankova I.A.

columns 1,2 "Learning outcomes - mastered skills, learned knowledge"; "PC, OK" is filled in in accordance with section 4 of the work program "Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline"

columns 3,4 "Name of the topic", "Level of mastering the topic" is filled in in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of the work program "Thematic plan and content of the discipline"

the approximate composition of the CBS for the current control of knowledge, skills of students in sections and (or) topics of academic disciplines and intermediate certification.

Formulation of the problem.

The IS includes various components: computing, peripheral, software, information, communication and technological. There are a lot of possible options for each component, which gives many outcomes for the design of the system as a whole and its development. In this regard, as the basis of IP, some established complexes of basic tools are usually considered, which are now called platforms. Any platform is based on computing and basic software. All other decisions in the system largely depend on the choice of these components.

In different parts of a complex system, different platforms can be used: some - as servers of different levels, others - at the workstations of users and employees of information departments as workstations. The choice of platform options is a key decision in the design of an information system.

In fact, this is always an important and complex problem that needs to be solved when building any IS for the most varied purposes. If the task is set more strictly - to substantiate the optimality of the chosen platform options, then its formulation and solution require sufficiently voluminous and science-intensive research (formation of models, determination of optimality criteria, as well as modeling, in some cases quite laborious). There are no uniform recommendations for solving these problems. Some firms use efficient versions of systems in which, due to the transfer of basic operations from a central machine to workplaces, the degree of parallelization of the computational process increases. Others, on the other hand, prefer consolidated central systems that provide parallelization of processes through better control and, at the same time, a high degree of information security.

Structure options.

In addition to the variety of possible combinations of means that can be used as the basis for IS, it is necessary to take into account the many options for organizing the system, technological processes that can be implemented in the system, and the standards corresponding to them, as well as the variety of personnel and management decision strategies.

Economic indicators serve as natural criteria in the problems of choosing solutions for the development of the system. In these, the main variables may be costs. The costs of purchasing and installing a complex of hardware, software and other means do not exhaust all costs. Personnel training, preparation and maintenance of premises, development of application programs, support of technology and other purposes also require funds, so the chosen simple option may turn out to be suboptimal, taking into account all the associated costs, i.e. by TSO.

In these conditions, reducing the problem to a choice between a simple central and a distributed system also does not reflect the situation in its entirety. So, according to the analytical company ITG, the central system based on the IBM ES / 9000 mainframe with a network of 50 or more IBM PCs has clear advantages over the distributed one: the average total cost of one PC user workplace in this system is about 2 times lower, and the average the total cost of a transaction is about 7-10 times lower than on the network.

The complete downsizing has been left behind, and the opposite process is already underway. It is recognized that the centralized maintenance of computer resources with a large number of users is more economically profitable than the distributed one. According to ITG, for financial systems, the cost per user per year for a decentralized system based on UNIX servers is $ 11.6 thousand, when using one UNIX server - $ 4.9 thousand, and the IBM S mainframe / 390 - $ 3.4K (this refers to the 500 user tier; with 1000 users, the S / 390 advantage is even greater).

According to the large systems department of IBM Eastern Europe, as the number of users grows in a distributed system, the cost of one workplace increases, while in a centralized system, on the contrary, it falls. In addition, the release of new processors leads to a decrease in the cost of 1 MIPS: at the beginning of 1999 this price in different systems was already 5-6 thousand dollars and is decreasing more and more. This leads to a corresponding reduction in the threshold for the number of seats, at which the maintenance of one seat in systems based on the S / 390 mainframe is less than in a distributed system, and the use of the mainframe becomes more profitable. At the beginning of 1999, this border was at the level of 100 jobs.

The cost of e-mail per year per person with the number of users from 1 to 5 thousand dollars in decentralized systems based on Windows NT is $ 287, in centralized systems based on NT - $ 149, on UNIX-based systems - $ 116 and on S / 390 base - $ 88.Total cost of ownership (TCO) per year per user working with online transaction processing applications centralized servicing UNIX servers is almost $ 5.5 thousand, and for mainframes - about $ 3.1K Distributed Windows NT-based systems are less cost effective.

True, when trying to apply this statistics to Russian conditions, one must remember the domestic specifics. Here, first of all, one should take into account the relatively lower level of wages in our country, while the cost of labor in the "American" estimate makes a decisive contribution to the total costs with a large number of users. Many other cost items are also related to the level of wages in the industry. Yet the desire for centralization is evident. So, in March 2000, the superserver SUN Entegrrise 10,000 was installed in the administration of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties in Moscow. It includes:

- 16 Ultra SPARC 400 MHz processors;

- 8 GB of RAM;

- 127 GB StorEdge A 5200 main disk array;

- the operating system Solaris 7;

- Oracle DBMS 8.1.

About 4 thousand users are connected to the "Unified State Register of Taxpayers" subsystem.

A seminar held in Krasnoyarsk in 2000 showed that in this region customers are showing interest in systems even older than RISC servers, for example, the AS / 400 and S / 390 platforms.

At the same time, the trend of downsizing of systems is clearly preserved. However, the need of the top management of the system for its high security and manageability from the center cannot be met by cheap and affordable PC-based systems and leads to the choice of systems based on UNIX or more powerful architectures typical for medium-sized machines (for example, IBM AS / 400) , or even mainframes (like IBM ES / 9000).

Developing a client-server strategy is a striving to combine the merits of both approaches: with powerful tools in the workplace, have a manageable and secure system as a whole. There are also some peculiarities along this path.

So, when moving from a two-tier computing architecture, including a server and a client workstation, to a three-tier one, which also includes an intermediate application server, both the cost of developing systems and the total price of DBMS licenses, if they decrease, are not very much. The cost of maintaining applications is reduced significantly: instead of installing and configuring software on each workstation (albeit remotely, as it happens in the two-tier version), the system administrator of the three-tier system will install and configure the application only on servers. Loading of client interfaces to workstations will happen automatically; therefore, the number of full-time administrators can be reduced.

In these conditions, the enterprise, which is going to purchase a new "client-server" application, the question arises:

which is more profitable - buy a two-tier system and hire two more system administrators to maintain it, or purchase a three-tier system, at the same time buying one more computer to install the application server, and hire only one new system administrator? The answer largely depends on what is cheaper - the server or the worker.

Another important factor in these conditions is the need to take into account the prospects for the development of the system. As users set tasks, resource requirements increase and the system is loaded above its nominal parameters, reducing the quality of work. In practice, many requirements can be effectively met by both powerful low-end computers and low-power high-end computers: for example, a powerful PC or UNIX machine, UNIX machine or AS / 400; AS / 400 or ES / 9000. As a rule, all families of machines allow a significant increase in resources (performance, memory capacity, number of processors) inside themselves, called scaling, which is always cheaper than changing platforms. This allows the system to exist for a fairly long time within the same platform.

The transition from one platform to another for any system is not painless and requires efforts, time and funds, in some cases very significant. The enterprise loses in income, while sometimes the entire system undergoes significant transformations. On this basis, the choice of older models of the computer family seems to be risky due to the prospect of quickly using the possibilities of their expansion.

For many years, IP in our country has been developing on the basis of uniform standard solutions. In the 90s. various platform options have already appeared, and the choice of a platform for the system seems to be a task of multi-criteria optimization, taking into account specific conditions.

Concluding this section, we can once again highlight the following main features of the current period and, most likely, a fairly long-term perspective of the production of these funds:

- creation of a single world informatization market;

- the disappearance of borders in the activities of companies;

- continuous development of the technological base of all components of the system, mutual penetration of various technologies;

- no sharp boundaries between production sectors:

- the same basic elements are used, software and information means are compatible, respectively, etc .;

- blurring the boundaries between firms (numerous corporate projects, joint ventures, mergers and mutual sprouting of firms, partial participation in capital);

- "denial of negation": the creation and introduction of new products with better characteristics significantly undermines the interest in those that are still on sale. Thus, the main components of IT - operating environments, systems for working with data, tools for creating application programs and complex applied systems, as well as computing means - ensure the creation of tenacious structures that allow for all-round development.

Of particular note is the increase in power and the improvement of the operational characteristics of powerful computers, on the one hand, and the significantly increased power of medium, mini- and microcomputers, on the other hand. As a result, on the basis of the latter, it became possible to build and develop such information systems and technologies for which powerful and superpowerful universal computers were previously used.

Main literature: A.V. Senkevich Computer architecture and computing
systems: Textbook for medium prof. education. - 2nd
ed., 2015.
Gvozdeva T.V., Balllod B.A. Design
information systems., 2011.

Information systems implementation management. ,
Grekul V.I., Denischenko G.N., Korovkina N.L.
Information systems design. 2nd ed.
Series: Fundamentals of Information Technology, 2013.
Soloviev I.V., Mayorov A.A. Design
information systems, 2011.

Additional sources:

Vasiliev A.A. Izbachkov Yu.S. Petrov V.N. Telina I.S.
Information systems / - 30th ed. - SPb: Peter, 2011.
Vasiliev R.B., Kalyanov G.N. et al. Development management
information systems. - M .: Hot Line-Telecom, 2011
Golenishchev E.P., Klimenko I.V. Information Support
management. Series Higher Education. M .: Phoenix, 2010.
Danilin A., Slyusarenko A. Architecture and strategy. "Yin" and
"yang" information technology Internet University
information technology -, 2009.
Pirogov V.Yu. Information systems and databases.
Organization and design. Series Educational literature
for universities. SPb .: BHV-Petersburg, 2009.
GOST 24.103-84. A set of standards for automated
systems. Automated systems. Automated
control systems. General Provisions

Internet resources

On-line testing training system - -
Single window of access to educational resources. - central library
educational resources - library of the federal portal
"RUSSIAN EDUCATION" - public Internet library - everything about management and IT - Internet, IT, software

1. Architecture of information systems

1.1 Concepts of IP Architecture
1.2 IS structures (physical, logical,
software, functional) and their
1.3 IS subsystems.
1.4 Basic conceptual principles
functioning and building.
1.5 Support subsystems
operability of the IS.
1.6 Informational, technical,
software, mathematical and other types
1.7 Their characteristics and composition.

2. Hardware and software IC platforms

2.1 IS server platforms and their
hardware and software
2.2 Characteristics of the hardware-software platform of the IP and their types.
2.3 IP software and its
2.4 Server and client
IP software
2.5 Optimizing software selection
composition of IS support.

3. Web programming

3.1 Basics of website and web application development
3.2 Web technologies
3.4 HTML5. Client basics
3.5 JavaScript from scratch
3.6 PHP Basics
3.7 Databases

4. Creation of a graphical user interface

4.1 Development of graphic
user interface.
4.2 Techniques and methods.
4.3 WindowsForms class library
4.4 Library objects.
4.5 The order of construction of input forms
data for enterprise applications
with a specific example.

5. Creation of web services

5.1 The concept of a web service.
5.2 Tools
Microsoft used in creation
5.3 Development of service-oriented corporate

10.1.1 Concepts of IP Architecture

Architecture is the organizational structure of a system.
Information system architecture - a concept
defining model, structure, functions performed and
the interconnection of the components of the information system.
Architecture is the basic organization of a system,
embodied in its components, their relationship with each other and
with the environment, as well as the principles that determine
system design and development.
Architecture is a set of meaningful decisions about
software system organization, recruitment
structural elements and their interfaces, using
which the system is assembled.
The architecture of a program or computer system -
it is the structure or structures of the system that include
program elements visible from the outside properties of these elements
and connections between them.
Architecture is the structure of an organization and its associated
system behavior.
System software architecture or
set of systems consists of all important design decisions for
about program structures and interactions between these
structures that make up systems.

11. Two groups of subsystems in the AIS structure:

AIS architecture is called
distribution of functions according to its
subsystems and components, precise
defining the boundaries of these subsystems and
their interaction on management and
data as well as distribution
storage and execution of these subsystems
and components on various computers,
combined into a local
or the global computer network.
Two groups of subsystems in the AIS structure:
functional subsystems
supporting subsystems


Under the architecture of software systems
we will understand the set of solutions
organization of the software system;
selection of structural elements,
components of the system and their interfaces;
behavior of these elements in
interaction with other elements;
combining these elements into subsystems;
architectural style defining
logical and physical organization
systems: static and dynamic
elements, their interfaces and how they are


The choice of IC architecture influences
the following characteristics:
IC performance - quantity
work performed in the IS per unit
System response time to requests
user (system response time).
Reliability - the ability to fail-safe
functioning for a certain
period of time.


Legislators of standards international organizations:
SEI (Software Engineering Institute),
WWW (World Wide Web Consortium),
OMG (Object Management Group),
Java Developers Organization -
JCP (Java Community Process),
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers) and others.





on an interdisciplinary course

"Information technologies and platforms for the development of information systems" (MDK.02.01) of the professional module "Development of information systems "(PM.02)

for the specialty 09.02.04 Information systems (by industry)


Options for compulsory test work

in the 4th semester 2 courses

Ruzankova I.A.

  1. File system access control.

Teacher _________________________________ Ruzankova I.A.

  1. Administration of the server software, the techniques used.
  2. Manage group accounts using automation tools.

Teacher _________________________________ Ruzankova I.A.

  1. Troubleshoot computer accounts.

Teacher _________________________________ Ruzankova I.A.

Questions to complete the mandatory test

In the discipline "Information technology and platforms"

in the 4th semester 2 courses

  1. Describe the principle of analyzing information support for IP.
  2. Describe an algorithm for choosing the composition of IP software for a specific subject area.
  3. User and system requirements.
  4. Comparative analysis of available file servers.
  5. Control and monitoring of networks built on the basis of the TCP / IP protocol stack using the utilities of the Windows operating system.
  6. Administration of the server software, the techniques used.
  7. Configuring the security system. Analysis of the logs of the system and server applications.
  8. Operation of the LAN server software and its features.
  9. Setting up and operating a file server.
  10. Manage group accounts using automation tools.
  11. Troubleshoot computer accounts.
  12. File system access control.

Criteria for assessing students' knowledge


1. The content of the material is fully disclosed within the scope of the program.

2. The definitions are clearly and correctly given and the content is disclosed.

3. A comparative analysis has been carried out.

4. The answer is independent, the answer used the knowledge acquired earlier (intersubject connections).


1. Revealed the main content of the material.

2. Basically, the definitions and concepts are given correctly.

3. The answer is independent.

4. The material is presented incompletely, in the answer made inaccuracies, the sequence of presentation is violated.

5. Minor inaccuracies in the conclusions and use of terms are allowed.


1. The main content of the material has been mastered, but it is presented fragmentarily, not always consistently.

2. Definitions and concepts are not clearly given.

3. Errors in conclusions were made.

4. Inability to use the knowledge gained earlier.


1. The main content of the educational material is not disclosed.

2. Not given answers to additional questions of the teacher.

3. Gross errors in definitions were made.

Teacher _______________________________________ Ruzankova I.A.

columns 1,2 "Learning outcomes - mastered skills, learned knowledge"; "PC, OK" is filled in in accordance with section 4 of the work program "Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline"

columns 3,4 "Name of the topic", "Level of mastering the topic" is filled in in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of the work program "Thematic plan and content of the discipline"

the approximate composition of the CBS for the current control of knowledge, skills of students in sections and (or) topics of academic disciplines and intermediate certification.

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