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Information technology and people in the modern world. Information technology in the modern world

At the present stage, computer information technologies are distinguished - this is a system of methods and ways of collecting, storing, accumulating, searching, processing and issuing information at the request of users using means computer science.

For information technology of our days, the stage is characterized by:

    the user's work in the data manipulation mode (no need to "remember and know", but just select from the "suggested menu");

    paperless process of processing documents (only the final version of the document is fixed on paper);

    interactive mode of solving problems with ample opportunities for users;

    the possibility of collective use of documents on the basis of a group of computers, united means of communication;

    the possibility of adaptive restructuring of the form and method of presenting information in the process of solving problems

For information processing, automated control systems (ACS) are used.

ACS - a "man-machine" system that ensures the effective functioning of the control object, in which the collection and processing of information necessary for the implementation of control functions is carried out using automation and computer technology

The main direction of improving the management system at all levels in modern conditions has become the massive use of the latest computer and telecommunications equipment, the formation of highly efficient information and management technologies on its basis. New information technologies based on computer technology require radical changes in the organizational structures of management, its regulations, human resources, documentation system, recording and transmission of information. Of particular importance is the introduction of information management, which significantly expands the possibilities of using information resources. The development of information management is associated with the organization of a knowledge and data processing system, its consistent development to the level of integrated automated control systems, covering vertically and horizontally all levels and links of the organization's activities.

In recent decades, management systems in highly developed countries, in particular, in the USA and Japan, are guided by creative information technologies of the so-called third level. They cover a complete information cycle - the development of information (new knowledge), their transfer, processing, use to transform a new object, achieve new higher goals.

Information technologies of the third level mean the highest stage of computerization of the control system, allow you to use the PC in the creative process, combine the power of the human mind and the power of electronic technology. Full integrated informatization of the management system involves the coverage of the following information and management processes: communication, collection, storage and access to the necessary information, information analysis, support for individual activities, programming and solving special problems

Thus, modern information technologies have come a long way in their development and much more needs to be improved. In the future, it is envisaged to involve artificial intelligence technologies for decision-making and the wider use of multimedia tools (complex presentation of information). It is believed that it is the Internet as a kind of information technology that will become the basis of the 21st century as a century information technologies.

Information society. Status and trends in the development of information technologies and their impact on the life of society and the citizen. electronic services, e-government, e-inclusion, e-business, telemedicine and other facets information society.

The development of modern society is impossible without information technology, which allows us to talk about a new phase of social development, which is called the "Information Society". The concept of the information society was developed by many outstanding scientists of the world, such as W. Martin, M. Castells, M. McLuhan, Y. Masuda, T. Stoner. The author of this term is considered to be a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yu. Hayashi.

The information society is such a stage in the development of society when the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has a significant impact on the main social institutions and areas of life:

      • economics and business,
      • public administration,
      • education,
      • social services and medicine,
      • Culture and art.

Communication means - telephony, radio, television, Internet, traditional and electronic means mass media is the technological basis of the information society.

Let's see how the information society can manifest itself in various areas of our lives.

Economic: information is used as a resource, service, product, source of added value and employment, e-business is being developed. No need to send a representative to a business partner from another region, documents are certified by electronic digital signature. No need to waste time choosing a product, just browse the catalog e-shop. You do not need to visit the tax office to submit tax returns. No need to waste time on the road to get the job done (for some types professional activity). You do not need to go to the ticket office to buy a train ticket, it is enough to order and pay for it remotely.

Political: freedom of information leading to the development of e-democracy, e-government, e-government. To express your opinion on a particular issue or to form a group of like-minded people to implement any initiative, just go to the appropriate site on the Internet. For getting public service it is enough to remotely fill out the request form, and through certain time receive required document in your mailbox. E-government will be discussed in more detail in the next lecture.

The electronic state is a way to increase the efficiency of the state, based on the use of information systems. This implies that with the use of ICT, the executive (e-government) and legislative authorities (e-parliament, e-democracy), as well as the judiciary (e-justice) function.

It can be said that in currently the process of formation of the electronic state is underway, as evidenced by the emergence single portal e-democracy Russian Federation
( The system of "Electronic Democracy" makes it possible to participate in the adoption of managerial decisions, public discussions of official documents and control over the activities of government bodies.

Social: information acts as an important stimulator of changes in the quality of life. To get a consultation with a specialist, the patient does not need to go to medical Center, but it will be enough to leave your documents on the portal and at the appointed time get in touch with the specialized doctor (telemedicine). To get help in emergency, it is enough to use a single number emergency services(for example, the “Care” system, which will be discussed in more detail in one of the following lectures). To collect a student for school, it is enough to download a set of textbooks from the regional educational portal and save them in an e-book.

Cultural: recognition of the cultural value of information (eg UNESCO Digital Heritage project). To find literature on a topic of interest, it is enough to use electronic catalog any library throughout the country. To visit a foreign museum, it is enough to visit the corresponding website. To get an education at any university in the world, you need to turn to its resources distance learning.

We can say that the information society in most manifests itself in countries that are characterized as a "developed post-industrial society" (Japan, USA, Western Europe).

Here are some dates, strategies and programs. In March 2000, the European Union adopted a 10-year working strategy for economic, social and environmental renewal, called the "European Research Area" (ERA - "European Research Area"). The goal of this strategy is the transition of the EU to a knowledge-intensive economy, which should become the most dynamic and competitive in the world.

One of the projects stimulating intensive economic development and strengthening the EU's position on international market, has become the largest political project "Electronic Europe" (eEurope), within the framework of which many programs can be implemented both within the EU member states and at the level of the European Commission.

In 2000, the G8 leaders adopted the Okinawa Charter for a Global Information Society. The charter points out the importance of the development of the information society for improving the well-being of citizens and the development of the economy as a whole. It explains how new technologies and their diffusion are today a key driving element social economic development countries. The Charter also points to the need to introduce national and international strategies for the implementation of the tasks set.

The concept of the “knowledge society” supported by UNESCO, which emphasizes humanistic principles, can be considered a development of the ideas of the information society. Economic and social functions capital are moving to information, and the core social organization becomes a university as a center of production, processing and accumulation of knowledge. It is emphasized that in the "knowledge society" the priorities should be the quality of education, freedom of expression, Universal access to information for all, respect for cultural and linguistic diversity.

The development of the information society inevitably leads to the fact that many specialists work in the field of production and dissemination of information. This requires not only new skills and new knowledge, but also a new mindset, desire and opportunity to learn throughout life.

Unfortunately, in our country there is still an insufficient level of development of the information technology industry, which leads to lagging behind the world leaders. The formation of the information society in Russia is hindered by the insufficient level of dissemination of basic skills in the use of information technologies both among the population as a whole and among state and municipal employees.

The problems hindering the increase in the effectiveness of the use of information technologies in order to improve the quality of life of citizens are of a complex nature. Their elimination requires significant resources, coordinated implementation of organizational changes and ensuring the consistency of actions of public authorities.

As a result of the implementation of the federal target program " Electronic Russia(2002-2010)”, a certain backlog was created in the field of introducing information technologies into the activities of public authorities and organizing the provision of public services.

Since the development of the information society is a platform for solving problems of a higher level - modernizing the economy and social relations, ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens and releasing resources for personal development, the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society and Government program"Information Society (2011-2020)" (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Components of the Information Society program

The activities of the Program in accordance with the Strategy should provide the following results:

Formation of a modern information and telecommunications infrastructure, provision on its basis quality services and ensuring a high level of accessibility for the population of information and technologies;
improving the quality of education, health care and social protection population based on information technology;

Improving the system of state guarantees of constitutional rights of man and citizen in the information sphere, increasing efficiency government controlled and local self-government, the quality and efficiency of the provision of public services;

Development of the economy of the Russian Federation based on the use of information technologies, increasing labor mobility and ensuring employment of the population;

Improving the efficiency of public administration and local self-government, the interaction of civil society and business with public authorities, the quality and efficiency of the provision of public services;

Development of science, technology and technology, as well as training of qualified personnel in the field of information technology;

Preservation of the culture of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, strengthening of moral and patriotic principles in the public mind, as well as the development of a system of cultural and humanitarian education;
countering the use of the potential of information technology to threaten Russia's interests.

Currently, the technical and economic aspects of the formation of the information society come to the fore. Unfortunately, the social and humanistic aspects of this process are still developing insufficiently.

It should be noted that such a complex socio-economic phenomenon as information inequality is widespread in Russia. Many localities and social groups do not yet have access to information technology and are falling out of the information society. To solve this problem, a set of measures is needed, including not only the development of telecommunications infrastructure, but also the elimination of the "information illiteracy" of citizens, assistance to low-income segments of the population in the acquisition of computer equipment, and the creation of public access points.

Thus, in modern world information technologies have a significant impact on the life of society and the citizen in all spheres of public life. In Russia, with the support of the state, the process of formation of the information society is taking place: the federal target program "Electronic Russia" has been implemented, the "Strategy for the Development of the Information Society" and the state program "Information Society" have been adopted.


Exercise 1.1
Read the article "Russia needs e-democracy" (
Please formulate your attitude towards Internet democracy and the idea of ​​electronic voting.

Exercise 1.2
Watch the video "Electronic Services: Tested on Yourself" (
How do you assess the situation in which the journalist found himself?
Do you have experience in getting electronic services? Positive or not?


On the topic: "Information technologies and their role in society"

Student group TR-12

Mustafaeva Timur

Information technologies and their role in society

Information society

Information Society-this is the historical phase of post industrial society in which information and knowledge become the main products of production


-increasing the role, knowledge of information technology in society

- an increase in the number of people employed in the field of information technology and telecommunications and also in the production of information products and services

- increase in the share of the ICT industry in the structure of GDP

-Increasing informatization of society using telephony, radio, TV, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media

Currently, we can talk about three types of intellectual capabilities of the so-called man-machine systems. They are based on the same processes - information. The intellect, having at its core an information substrate, has the ability to regulate and determine the development of subjective-objective relations. The growth of formalized objects of intellect due to the informatization of various spheres of human activity makes it possible to intensify the development of science and practical development of reality, creates the prerequisites for a more optimal purposeful development of society, its relationship with the natural environment. However, it is possible to realize these prerequisites only with a combination, mutual complementation of the formalized and fundamentally non-formalizable components of the intellect, the integral development of all its aspects.

One of the means of managing the development of intelligence and increasing its organization at the present stage is the informatization of society, based primarily on the development of information technology. Information technology forms the cutting edge of scientific and technological progress, creates an information foundation for the development of science and all other technologies. The main determining incentives for the development of information technology are the socio-economic needs of society. It is known that economic relations leave their mark on the process of development of technology and technology, either giving it space or holding it back within certain limits. In turn, the social impact of technology and technology on society comes primarily through labor productivity, through the specialization of labor tools and and, finally, through the performance of human labor functions by technical means. The objectification of labor, technological functions of a person gradually led to the elimination of the subjective basis of technical devices.

So, before mechanization and automation, the technological process was subject to the measure of human subjective capabilities. In this regard, there is no doubt that the transition to automated production is a movement to the highest sphere of objectification of human technological functions. It can be assumed that the evolution of technology, in general, continues the natural evolution. If the development of stone tools helped to form human intelligence, metal ones increased the productivity of physical labor (so much so that a separate layer of society was freed for intellectual activity), machines mechanized physical labor, then information technology is designed to free a person from routine mental labor, to strengthen his creative capabilities.

Technique and technology in their development have evolutionary and revolutionary stages and periods. Initially, there is usually a slow gradual improvement. technical means and technology, the accumulation of these improvements, which is evolution. These accumulated improvements in a certain period cause fundamental qualitative changes, the replacement of obsolete technical means and technologies with new ones using different principles. The latter becomes possible due to the penetration into technology of new scientific ideas and principles from natural science. The essence of the technological revolution lies in the technical development of scientific discoveries, on their basis, technical inventions that cause a revolution in the means of labor, types of energy and the need for a transition to new methods of production.

It is known that until the 18th century, technology developed mainly without scientific methodology and inventors continued to look for<вечный двигатель>, alchemists believed in the mysterious transformation of metals. At the same time, starting from the Renaissance, new moments in the development of technology are increasingly manifested, due to the needs of practice and the corresponding intensification of the process of mastering scientific knowledge.

The realization during this period of the fact that the possibilities of technology can immeasurably increase with the use of scientific discoveries was essential. The philosophical justification for the need for an alliance between science and technology was given by F. Bacon. the idea that technology ceased to develop spontaneously, based only on the intuition of individual inventors, the technical development of nature, due to the use of scientific methodology, acquired completely new features.

The influence of science on technology first went along the line of increasing the efficiency of well-known technical inventions - water, wind, steam engines, improving transmission methods, etc. later, as research laboratories were created directly in production, the flow of scientific ideas into technology increased. Technical development of nature by the end of the XIX century. became organically connected with the successes of natural science.

The use of scientific ideas and discoveries in the process of technical development of nature is an outstanding phenomenon. If a person could still empirically, by the method<проб и ошибок>operate mechanical and thermal and to some extent chemical forms of motion and invent on this basis various devices, then without science it would be fundamentally impossible to master other forms of movement, use electricity, nuclear energy etc.

In the course of the development of natural science, properties and relations of objects of reality that are outside direct interaction with the subject are revealed. The revealed characteristics of objects initially matter as a scientific discovery. Subsequently, however, the results of these discoveries are directly or indirectly used in engineering and technology. Strange as it may seem at times, abstract, idealized objects and logical-mathematical means lead to results that in one way or another make a decisive contribution to the technical exploration of nature. Suffice it to recall that the theoretical studies of Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz led to the emergence of electrical and radio engineering, research in the field of the structure of the atom led to the creation of atomic technology, microelectronics owes its appearance to works on solid state physics, etc.

Scientific knowledge of reality, expanding the possible paths of technical development, is increasingly becoming its necessary condition and foundation. Technique is largely determined by the characteristic of the science of a given time.<парадигмой мышления>, common research methods and approaches. In this regard, the following fact is noteworthy. Technical systems up to the present day were considered in isolation, as closed systems (without taking into account the consequences of their influence on external environment). This made it possible to significantly simplify their design and focus on the main thing - improving technical and economic indicators. Such consideration of a technical system does not require the development of special methods, means of accounting for the consequences of its impact on the natural environment. Practical awareness of the ancient philosophical concept -<все связано со всем>- began in this area mainly due to the discovery of negative environmental results of technical activities.

The influence of science was also significantly reflected in the organization of production technology. Practically until now, the production of various things is based on the isolation of elements from the raw materials and synthesizing (combining) them in a certain way. The unused part of the raw material is considered unnecessary and is released into the environment. In this regard, various industries can be considered as the implementation by technical devices of methods for dividing the feedstock into<нужное>And<ненужное>and synthesizing<нужного>in accordance with the set goals. This leading technological method in modern production has moments of similarity with the specifics of the approach to the object in scientific knowledge.

The emergence of a number of new technologies occurred in the 20th century, especially since its second half: biotechnology for the organic synthesis of artificial substances with desired properties, the technology of artificial structural materials, the membrane technology of artificial crystals and ultrapure substances, laser, nuclear, space technologies, and, finally, information technology .

Before moving on to a more detailed consideration of information technology, we give a definition of the concept<технология>which, in our opinion, is very universal. Technology is the management of natural processes, aimed at creating artificial objects: it is effective insofar as it manages to create the necessary conditions for the necessary processes to proceed in the right direction and direction. Here<естественные процессы>are controlled not only for the purpose of transforming the composition, structure and form of matter, but also for fixing, processing and obtaining new information.

The entire history of technological progress, from the mastery of fire to the discovery of nuclear energy, is the history of the consistent subjugation of the ever more powerful forces of nature to man. The tasks that have been solved for thousands of years can be reduced to the multiplication of the energy power of mankind by various tools and machines. Compared to this total process, attempts to create tools that enhance the natural capabilities of a person in information processing, ranging from abacus stones to Babbage's machine, are hardly noticeable.

In the early stages of human history, in order to synchronize the actions performed, a person needed coded communication signals. The human brain solved this problem without any artificially created tools: human speech developed. Speech was also the first essential carrier of human knowledge. Knowledge was accumulated in the form of oral stories and in this form was passed on from generation to generation. The natural human ability to accumulate and transfer knowledge received the first technological support with the creation of writing. The initiated process of improving the information carrier and tools for its registration continues to this day: stone, bone, wood, clay, papyrus, silk, paper, magnetic and optical media, silicon...

We can agree that writing became the first historical stage of information technology.

The second stage is the emergence of printing. The development of the sciences, stimulated by printing, accelerated the rate of accumulation of professional knowledge. Knowledge materialized through the labor process into machine tools, machines, technologies, etc., became a source of new ideas and fruitful scientific directions. The cycle: knowledge - science - social production - knowledge closed, and the spiral of technological civilization began to unwind with increasing speed. Thus, book printing for the first time created the information prerequisites for the accelerated growth of productive forces. But the true information revolution is associated primarily with the creation of electronic computers in the late 40s, and since that time the era of the development of information technology, the material core of which forms microelectronics, has been calculated.

Microelectronics forms the element base of all modern means of receiving, transmitting and processing information, control and communication systems.

Microelectronics itself originally arose precisely as a technology: it was possible to form all the main elements in a single crystalline device. electronic circuits. Further, the all-embracing process of miniaturization: a decrease in the geometric dimensions of the elements, which ensured both the improvement of their characteristics and the growth of their number in an integrated circuit.

In the early period of the development of new technology (1960s), the principles of designing machines and devices remained unchanged. In the 1970s, when technology began to really turn into microtechnology, it became possible to place large functional blocks of a computer, including its central core - a processor - within a single chip. There was a microprocessor direction in the development of computer technology. The microprocessor is both a machine and an element. By the early 80s performance personal computers has reached hundreds of thousands of operations per second, supercomputers - hundreds of millions of operations per second, the world fleet of machines has exceeded 100 million machines.

At this turn, to realize the potential of the development of microelectronics and microtechnology, fundamentally new solutions were required in all areas of information technology. It is technologically more difficult to reduce the size of transistor parts; the performance of devices is approaching the upper limit, and power consumption is approaching the lower limit; computer design requires a fundamentally new understanding of the basic functions and architecture of machines. As one of the solutions to the problems, a fundamentally new approach to the design of integrated circuits was developed (L. Conway and M. Mead) - structural design, which is carried out not from elements to a device, but from general scheme last to the elements. The main role here is played by design automation systems (CAD).

A very important property of information technology is that for it information is not only a product, but also a raw material. Moreover, the electronic modeling of the real world, carried out in computers, requires the processing of an immeasurably larger amount of information than the final result contains. The more perfect the computer, the better electronic models and the more accurate is our prediction of the natural course of events and the consequences of our actions. Thus, electronic modeling becomes an integral part of the intellectual activity of mankind.

Mapping<электронного мозга>with the human led to the idea of ​​creating neurocomputers - computers that can learn. The neurocomputer acts in the same way as a person, i.e. looks at information repeatedly, makes many mistakes, learns from them, corrects them, and finally successfully copes with the task. Instead of using an algorithm, the neural network creates its own rules by analyzing various results and examples, i.e. neurocomputers are not based on the von Neumann principle (where a clear algorithm is required). Neurocomputers (currently 13 are in operation) are used for pattern recognition, perception of human speech, handwritten text, etc. So, the neural network allows you to recognize the drawing of a human finger with 95% accuracy at various positions, scale, and even small damage.

Modeling neural networks is one of the most exciting areas of modern scientific research. Each successful step along this path helps people understand the mechanism of the processes underlying our psyche and intellect. This path can lead from microtechnologies to nanotechnologies and nanosystems, which still belongs to the realm of science fiction. The birth of new technologies has always been revolutionary, but, on the other hand, technological revolutions have not destroyed classical traditions. Each previous technology created a certain material and cultural base necessary for the emergence of the next one.

Speaking about the development of information technology, we can distinguish a number of stages, each of which is characterized by certain parameters.

The initial stage of the evolution of information technology (1950-1960) is characterized by the fact that the means of interaction between humans and computers were based on languages ​​in which programming was carried out in terms of how it is necessary to achieve the goal of processing (i.e., as a rule, machine languages) . The computer is available only to professional programmers.

The next stage (1960-1970) is characterized by the creation of operating systems that allow processing several tasks generated by different users. The main goal in this case was to ensure the highest utilization of machine resources.

The third stage (1970-1980) is characterized by a change in the criterion for the effectiveness of automated data processing - human resources for the development and maintenance of software have become the main resource. Distribution of mini-computers. Interactive mode of interaction of several computer users.

The fourth stage (1980-1990) marks a new qualitative leap in software development technology. Its essence boils down to the fact that the center of gravity of technological solutions is transferred to the creation of tools that provide interaction between users and computers at the stages of creating a software product. The key element of the new information technology is the representation and processing of knowledge. Knowledge bases and expert systems are being created. Widespread use of personal computers.

It is possible to assume a slightly different stage of development modern means information processing (enlarging the well-known division of machines into generations, microelectronic, when each computer was unique; intermediate, when there were many ways for the development of computer technology, from a multiprocessor supercomputer to widely available minicomputers; 3) modern, when along with structural and hardware improvement Computers of all earlier classes, a powerful class of personal computers has been formed, focused on meeting the daily needs of a person for information, and a class of embedded microprocessor devices,<интеллектуально>transforming a wide variety of technical devices - from mechanical tools to robots and television cameras.

The evolution of all generations of computers occurs at a constant pace - 10 years per generation. Forecasts assume that these rates will be maintained until the beginning of the 21st. In addition to the proximity of the physical limits of miniaturization and integration, the saturation of the pace is explained by fundamental social reasons. Each change of generations of funds information technology and technology requires retraining and a radical restructuring of the engineering thinking of specialists, the replacement of extremely expensive technological equipment and the creation of more and more mass computing technology.

This establishment of constant evolutionary rates is of a very general nature, especially since the advanced field of engineering and technology determines the characteristic time rhythm of technical development as a whole.

Information technology has an integrating property in relation to both scientific knowledge in general and to all other technologies. It is the most important means of implementing the so-called formal synthesis of knowledge. In computer-based information systems, a kind of formal synthesis of heterogeneous knowledge takes place. Computer memory in such systems is, as it were, an encyclopedia that incorporates knowledge from various areas. This knowledge is stored and exchanged here due to its formalization. The emerging expansion of the possibilities of programming qualitatively different knowledge allows us to expect in the near future a significant rationalization and automation of scientific activity. At the same time, the introduction of science as a fundamental basis in modern technologies requires such a volume and quality of computational activity that cannot be carried out by any traditional means, except for the means offered by modern computers.

A special role is given to the entire complex of information technology and technology in the restructuring of the economy towards science intensity. This is explained by two reasons. First, all the industries included in this complex are themselves science-intensive (the factor of scientific and theoretical knowledge is becoming increasingly important). Secondly, information technology is a kind of converter of all other sectors of the economy, both industrial and non-industrial, the main means of automating them, qualitatively changing products and, as a result, transferring partially or completely into the category of science-intensive.

Related to this is the labor-saving nature of information technology, which is realized, in particular, in the management of many types of work and technological operations.

Angelina Sirotenko | 16 September 2018

long stories

Nowadays it is very difficult, even almost impossible to imagine your life without various modern technologies, gadgets and electronic devices. They have become an integral part of people's lives and are used in various human activities, in all spheres of human life, such as economic, political, social, spiritual. Technological progress continues to develop, and every day we can observe innovations and improvements in electronic engineering, new discoveries in the information sphere, the great influence of information and Internet technologies in people's lives. Sometimes it is even unthinkable to realize that in the past a person lived without electronic technologies and access to them. If we turn to the scientific point of view, then information technologies represent the entire accumulated experience of mankind in a universal form suitable for practical use. They are used in science, business, education, work, even industry and materials production, medicine, architecture, modeling and many other areas of human activity. I would like to analyze in detail the role of modern technologies in the field of people's education.

Innovations in the process of education continue to be firmly entrenched in society. The most common example can be considered that they made it possible for students to switch to remote system education. This is very convenient, as there are a certain number of people who cannot attend educational institutions for health reasons. And in the distance learning system, they can receive education without leaving home. Technologies also develop continuous education, activating the mental activity of students. Due to them, the academic mobility of schoolchildren and students increases, thanks to which you can quickly navigate in the learning environment, find the right areas and forms of activity, to assimilate the latest technology. In my opinion, the use of foreign languages in many fields of study, there is a development of scientific and educational contacts, active use World Information computer network Internet.

People have always adhered to the point of view that Russian education is the best and most successful among the methods and systems for obtaining knowledge in other countries. But the foreign system eventually resorted to the trend of computerization in the development of education, that is, to the use of new modern learning technologies, telecommunication networks global scope. However, our country also began to improve education and came to this method. I believe that this is correct, and the development of education in Russia should be continuously developed, thereby ensuring the attraction of many schoolchildren and students even from other countries. For this to happen, it is important to use technology and IT technologies in studies. I can also add my point of view that the use of ICT (information and computer technology) in educational standards brings students and teachers to a new high level. They allow people to get a huge amount of essential information, which is a very expensive resource these days.

Our society is called post-industrial, or in other words "information", that is, a society that is replacing the industrial and based on the widespread use of informatics: computers, various bases data, etc. In our time, there is a process of informatization, the consequence of which, continuing the concept of post-industrial society, will be the transition from an industrial society completely to an information one. Previously, information was transmitted from generation to generation orally, then the written form was connected, and now it happens with the help of computer technology.

In conclusion, I can say that it is true in the 21st century modern technologies are directly related to our lives. Even if not every person has the opportunity to purchase a computer, then definitely each of us has a phone with which we communicate with each other. This is great helper for us, since over time our relatives and friends can move to live in another city, and we need to keep in touch with them, and various equipment and technologies will always be able to help us. I can give many examples from my own life. Many of my friends whom I met in various camps and educational centers live in various cities of Russia, and only a computer, telephone and social media help us remember each other, follow each other's lives, share photos, videos and other information. I consider the development of technologies to be very correct, although they bring not only benefits to people, but also some harm to health, in particular, to vision, posture and the psyche. They must be improved so that with their help society has achieved tremendous progress in all spheres of life.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation





discipline Information technology management of socio-cultural activities

The role of information technology in modern society

Completed by a student of 44 groups

Vasyatkina Alisa Sergeevna

Checked: Doctor ped. Sciences,

Redkina Natalya Stepanovna

Novosibirsk 2015


1.2 Types of information



In the history of society, it is possible to single out several stages that human society went through in stages in its development. These stages differ in the main method of ensuring the existence of society and the type of sources used by man and playing a leading role in the implementation this method. These stages include: the stages of gathering and hunting, agricultural and industrial. In our time, especially developed countries of the world are at the final stage of the industrial stage of the formation of society. They carry out the transition to the next stage, the one that is called "information". In this society, information plays a decisive role. The infrastructure of society is formed by the methods and means of collecting, processing, storing and sharing information. Information becomes a tactical source.

Consequently, since the 2nd half of the 20th century in the civilized world, the main, determining factor in the socio-economic formation of society has become the transition from the "prophetic economy" to the "knowledge economy", there has been a significant increase in the importance and role of information in solving virtually all problems of the world community.

This is convincing evidence that the scientific and technological revolution is slowly turning into an intellectual and information revolution, information is becoming not only a subject of communication, but also a profitable commodity, an absolute and effective modern means of organizing and managing social production, science, culture, education and socio-economic the formation of society as a whole.

Thus, informatization is a cumulative process information support socio-economic formation of society on the basis of modern information special technologies and appropriate technical means.

And consequently informatization of society has become a priority, and its importance in society is constantly increasing.

The goal is to study the role of information technology in modern society.

Consider the concept of information technology;

Explore the types of information;

Analyze the role of information technology in modern society.


informatization society society automated

1.1 The concept of information technology

Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware tools combined in a technological chain that provides the collection, processing, storage, transmission and display of information.

The purpose of the functioning of this chain, i.e. information technology is to reduce the complexity of the processes of using an information resource and increase their reliability and efficiency.

The effectiveness of information technology is ultimately determined by the qualifications of the subjects of informatization processes. At the same time, technologies should be as accessible to consumers as possible.

It is possible to classify information technologies from various points of view. For example:

Information technology can be distinguished by the type of information processed. The division is rather conditional, because most information technology allows you to support other types of information. For example, in word processors simple settlement activity is also possible, and spreadsheet processors process not only digital information, but can also generate graphs. However, each type of technology is mainly focused on working with information of a certain type. Modification of the elements that make up information technology makes it possible to form new technologies in various computer environments.

Information technologies can be divided into providing (IT) and functional (FIT).

Supporting technologies are information processing technologies that can be used as tools in various subject areas. At the same time, they can provide a solution to ask a different plan and varying degrees of complexity. ITEs can be divided into classes of tasks, depending on the class of ITEs used different types components and software tools. When combining ICUs on a subject basis, the problem of system integration arises, i.e. cast various technologies to a single standard interface.

Functional information technology (FIT) is a modification of supporting technologies for tasks of a certain subject area, i.e. subject technology is implemented. Subject technologies and information technology influence each other. For example, the emergence of plastic cards as carriers financial information fundamentally changed subject technology. At the same time, a completely new information technology had to be created. But, in turn, the opportunities presented by the new IT have influenced the subject technology of plastic media (in the field of their protection, for example).

1.2 Types of information

Information can be divided into the following types:

Scientific information. This is natural information that correctly reflects the unbiased validity of the nature of the thinking society.

Scientific information is divided into areas of acquisition or implementation (technical combat, political, and so on); by appointment: group and special; by type of media: on paper - documentary, on magnetic tape, in computer memory.

Technical information. It is applied and noticed in the decision latest challenges(design, scientific and technical processes, and so on).

Scientific - Technical information- the community of the first two.

Scientific and technical information - it circulates in the field of material - technical production.

Planning and financial information has integral data on the progress of production, financial features.

Knowledge is considered to be the top tier of information. Skills arise as a result of theoretical and practical work. Information repeating the type of skills is distinguished by the highest level of structure. As society develops, information as a community of technological knowledge is transformed into a base information service society in all aspects of its work.

On par with energy, useful fossils, etc. information is the source of society. As scientific and technological progress moves, the information informant becomes an unusually main state source. The effectiveness of the industrial exploitation of information sources describes the financial strength of the state.

The scientific and technical base for the formation and operation of information sources is made by the computer industry. However, the transfer of labor sources from the spheres of physical production to the information one leads to an era of "information collapse".

Now the amount of information coming into the industry, management, science reaches restless values. This can lead to an "information explosion", in other words, such a crazy rise will stop very quickly. It is permissible to demonstrate approximations to collapse:

The time of doubling the size of information, selected scientific skills - 2-3 years.

The physical costs of saving, transferring and processing information are higher than energy costs.

The tier of radio emission in some areas of the territory approaches the tier of radio emission from the sun.

In that information state society is very valuable effective use of information sources. 3 leading branches are responsible for the use of information sources: computer technology, industrial electronics and interconnection play the same role for developed countries, in fact, before that, a difficult industry was played.

Active information informants - there is that part of the state information sources, which in one form or another is available to users on a trading basis. The ratio of the size of active information sources to the general size of state information sources is one of the essential financial characteristics of the state of the state.


2.1 Informatization of society and properties of information technologies

Informatization of society is a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant activity in the field of social production is the collection, accumulation, processing, storage, transfer, use, production of information, carried out on the basis of modern means of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as various means information exchange and exchange.

Information technologies can be considered as an element and function of the information society, aimed at regulating, maintaining, maintaining and improving the management system of the new network society. If for centuries information and knowledge were transferred on the basis of rules and regulations, traditions and customs, cultural patterns and stereotypes, today the main role given to technology.

Information technology streamlines the flow of information on the global, regional and local levels. They play a key role in shaping the technostructure, in enhancing the role of education, and are being actively introduced into all spheres of socio-political and cultural life, including home life, entertainment and leisure.

Properties of information technology:

Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development.

Information technology makes it possible to optimize and, in many cases, automate information processes that last years occupy an increasing place in the life of human society.

Information processes are important elements other more complex production or social processes.

The formation of the information society in the country is inextricably linked with education in this society. In the history of mankind, it was at least, two revolutions to improve the quality and accessibility of education. The two previous revolutions simultaneously expanded the possibilities of education as a system, adding new facilities and changing its structure.

It is social specialists who should be the first to respond to these changes in society. Social educators and social workers, as specialists of various social services, complement and develop the multifaceted activities of educational institutions, healthcare, culture, sports, public organizations, interact with them, performing an integrative function in the relationship of state-public structures with the family, personality. The emergence of such specialties as "social pedagogy" and " social work» allows you to solve several interrelated tasks: the formation of a worldview that is adequate to the current stage of social and economic development of our country and the world as a whole, the awareness of each person of his place in life, including professional self-determination; implementation of social adaptation based on the ability to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty; development of communication skills and abilities to build their relationships with various social structures. A social pedagogue has to work with a wide variety of categories of the population: children, the disabled, the elderly, which places high demands on his professional training. Significant assistance in this case can be provided by modern information technologies, without which he simply cannot do today. And the sooner the social educator and the computer "make friends", the more effective his pedagogical activity will be.

The ability to apply modern information technologies in their activities is becoming one of the main components of the professional training of any specialist, including a specialist in the social sphere.

Information technology has entered all spheres of our life. The computer is a means of increasing the efficiency of the learning process, is involved in all types of human activity, is indispensable for the social sphere.


The functioning and development of the social sphere is impossible without the exchange of information. The introduction of modern computer information technologies in the social sphere is determined by the complication of socio-economic processes in society, their increasing dependence on information and organized information flows, the impossibility in modern conditions to solve social, economic, managerial and other tasks when processing information manually. Automated processing, storage and dissemination of social information using modern computer and telecommunication means can improve the quality of social information, its accuracy, objectivity, efficiency and, as a result, the possibility of making effective and timely management decisions.

The emergence, development and functioning of information technologies is accompanied by the process of informatization, which is “an organized socio-economic and scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations based on formation and use of information resources”.

Analyzing the role and importance of information technologies for the current stage of development of society, we can draw well-founded conclusions that this role is strategically important, and the importance of these technologies will increase rapidly in the near future. It is these technologies that today play a decisive role in the field of technological development of the state. The arguments for these conclusions are a number of unique properties of information technologies, which put them in a priority position in relation to industrial and social technologies.


1. Grinevich N.D. "Informatics and information technologies", BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2003

2. Emelyanov S.V., "Information technologies and computing systems", Editorial URSS, 2004

3. Levin V.I., "History of information technologies" BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Internet University of Information Technologies -, 2007

4. Fedorova N., " Information Systems Academy, 2010

5. Yadov G.B. Information and society// Around the world. - 2004. - No. 2.

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