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Information technologies and people in the modern world. Information technology in modern society

In list distinctive properties information technology, it is advisable to highlight the following seven most important.

    Information technologies make it possible to activate and effectively use the information resources of society, which today are the most important strategic factor in its development. Experience shows that the activation, dissemination and effective use of information resources (scientific knowledge, discoveries, inventions, technologies, advanced experience) allow you to obtain significant savings in other types of resources: raw materials, energy, minerals, materials and equipment, human resources, social time.

    Information technology allows you to optimize and in many cases automate information processes which in last years occupy an increasing place in the life of human society. It is well known that the development of civilization is taking place in the direction of the formation of an information society, in which the objects and results of labor of the majority of the employed population are no longer material values, but mainly information and scientific knowledge.

    Information processes are important elements other more complex production or social processes. Therefore, very often information technologies also act as components of the corresponding production or social technologies... Moreover, they, as a rule, implement the most important, “intellectual” functions of these technologies.

    Information technology today plays exclusively important role in ensuring information interaction between people, as well as in training and dissemination systems mass media... In addition to the already traditional means of communication (telephone, telegraph, radio and television), electronic telecommunication systems, e-mail, facsimile transmission of information and other forms of communication are increasingly used in the social sphere. These funds are quickly assimilated by the culture of modern society, as they not only create great convenience, but also remove many production, social and everyday problems.

    Information technologies occupy a central place today in the process of intellectualization of society, the development of its educational system and culture. In almost all developed and many developing countries, computer and television technology, learning programs on optical disks and multimedia - technologies are becoming common attributes not only of higher educational institutions, but also of ordinary schools of the primary and secondary education system.

    Information technologies now play a key role in the processes of obtaining and accumulating new knowledge. At the same time, replacing traditional methods information support scientific research through the accumulation, classification and dissemination of scientific and technical information, new methods come, based on the use of newly discovered opportunities for information support of fundamental and applied science, which are provided by modern information technologies.

    The importance of the development of information technologies, which is fundamentally important for the modern stage of development of society, lies in the fact that their use can provide significant assistance in solving global problems of mankind and, above all, problems associated with the need to overcome the global crisis of civilization experienced by the world community. After all, it is the methods of information modeling of global processes, especially in combination with the methods of space information monitoring, can provide today the possibility of predicting many crisis situations in regions of heightened social and political tension, as well as in areas of ecological disaster, in places of natural disasters and major technological accidents, which are heightened for society.

Turbin Anatoly

The basic concept of computer science. The basic concept of information technology. Receiving, accumulating and storing information. Information technologies in the life of a modern person. ... ... The role of information technology in the formation of online television. ... The use of information technology in teaching.


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The role of informatics and information technology in modern world
Turbin Anatoly MOU Secondary School No. 8, 11 "S"
Information technology is the science of methods of obtaining, accumulating, storing, transforming, transferring and using information. It includes disciplines related to information processing in computing machines and computer networks: both abstract, such as the analysis of algorithms, and quite specific, for example, the development of programming languages. The term computer science originated in the 60s in France for the name of the field of automated information processing, as the fusion of the French words information and automatique (F. Dreyfus, 1972). The concept of computer science is relatively new in the vocabulary of modern man. Despite its widespread use, its content remains unclear due to its novelty. Intuitively, it is clear that it is associated with information, as well as its processing on computers. This is confirmed by the existing legend of the origin of this word: it is believed that it is composed of two words - INFORMATION and automatics (as a means of transforming information). Research topics in computer science are questions: what can and cannot be implemented in programs and databases (the theory of computability and artificial intelligence), how can solve specific computational and information problems with maximum efficiency (the theory of computational complexity), in what form should information of a specific type (structures and databases) be stored and restored, how programs and people should interact with each other ( user interface and programming languages ​​and knowledge representation), etc.
Basic concept of computer science
Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, as well as creating data, including using computing technology. In recent years, information technology is most often understood Computer techologies... In particular, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information. Specialists in computer technology and programming are often called IT specialists. According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of efficiently organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems. IT itself requires complex training, high upfront costs, and knowledge-intensive technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of software, the formation of information flows in the systems of training specialists. The main features of modern IT: computer processing of information according to specified algorithms; storage of large amounts of information on computer media; transmission of information over long distances in a limited time.
The basic concept of information technology
We can no longer imagine life without a computer, without a mobile phone, without the Internet. Everything that we see around us is more and more created with the use of information technology. rapid development of modern society, global computerization is an integral part of people's lives. Information technologies have become the main component of both the world economy as a whole and other individual spheres of human activity. Industry, education, healthcare, public administration: everything is based on the use of information technology. With an increase in the speed of information transfer, a lot of opportunities arise, without the help of which it is already difficult to imagine your life. With each century, decade and year, the volume of information accumulated by humanity increases, and its role in human life also grows. A person creates devices that allow him to receive information that is inaccessible to him in direct sensations (microscopes, telescopes, thermometers, speedometers, various sensors, etc.). Receiving information is called input. In a personal computer, special input devices are responsible for entering information: a keyboard, a scanner, a digitizer, a microphone, a mouse, and much more. A person stores information in own memory(internal operational information) and on external media: paper, magnetic tape, disks, etc. Our inner memory not always reliable. A person often forgets something. Information on external media is stored longer and more reliably. It is with the help of external media people pass on their knowledge from generation to generation. In order to be able to reuse information in the future, so-called external (in relation to human memory) information carriers. In the modern world, databases on electronic media(servers of companies, enterprises, etc.)
Receiving, accumulating and storing information
The need of a person to communicate with the people around him, that is, to express and convey information, led to the emergence of language - the most ancient information technology. This was followed by the invention of writing, libraries, printing, mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, television and, finally, computers and the Internet. Especially the importance of information technology has increased with the invention of the computer - a machine for receiving, processing, storing and issuing information. The widespread use of computers has provided a person with new opportunities for searching, receiving, accumulating, transferring and, most importantly, processing information. Initially, the computer was created as a tool for automating computations. However, gradually, the functions of almost all previous means of communication were added to its computing capabilities, turning it into the main tool for building a modern information society. The next milestone in the development of information technology was the possibility of creating computer networks. And as their highest manifestation - the Internet, a global computer network, which makes it possible for each user to have information capabilities the entire network and simultaneously transmit your information to all its users. This made it possible for any owner of a personal computer to join the information resources of all mankind and even contribute to them, create one common bank of information for all users of this network. However, there is a negative side to the emergence of a global computer network - people communicate less and less “live”, but on the other hand, users who are at a great distance from each other can communicate, and this is a huge advantage in the modern world.
Information technologies in the life of a modern person
In the context of the development of modern society, information technologies have penetrated deeply into all spheres of human activity. So, in industry, information technologies are used not only to estimate stocks of raw materials, components, finished products, to carry out new developments, but also to reduce marketing research to track demand for various types of products, find new partners. As you know, the efficiency of office management robots largely depends on on the level of communication between citizens, businesses and other governing bodies. Therefore, in the office management information technologies allow the simultaneous use of information, organizational, legal, socio-psychological, personnel and other indicators, which makes it easier for the robot and the organization of the management process itself. The use of such methods significantly speeds up the robot in difficult areas of analytical work, for example, during the assessment of the situation in difficult situations, preparation and generation of reports and references. Moreover, all accounting transactions at enterprises are based on the use of information technology. Due to the increase in the speed of information exchange, it became possible to carry out heavy mathematical calculations in just a few seconds. We see the widest application of IT in industry on the example of using the system computer-aided design(CAD) CAD is an automated system that implements information technology for performing design functions, is an organizational and technical system designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a complex of technical, software and other means of automating its activities.
The importance of information technology in industry
The importance of information technology in industry
The main goal of CAD development is to increase the efficiency of engineers' labor, including: reducing the labor intensity of design and planning; reduction of design time; reducing the cost of design and manufacture, reducing operating costs; improving the quality and technical and economic level of design results; reducing the cost of full-scale modeling and testing. Achieving the goals of creating a CAD system is ensured by: automation of documentation; information support and decision-making automation; use of parallel design technologies; unification design solutions and design processes; reuse of design solutions, data and developments; strategic design; replacement of full-scale tests and prototyping by mathematical modeling; improving the quality of design management; application of methods of variant design and optimization. currently it is no longer possible to imagine the functioning of most enterprises without the use of CAD. it industrial enterprises industries such as aircraft, shipbuilding, automotive, foundry, heavy, medium and light engineering, construction, precision instrument making, nuclear industry, etc.
In medicine, the term IT is used in a narrower sense, implying the use of a certain computer system to solve these problems. Currently such computer system, as a rule, includes a computer itself, a program (or a set of programs) that registers, processes and provides information to a doctor, a database storing information about examinations performed, means for receiving and transmitting the accumulated information to another user.
Automation allows: to reduce the labor intensity of work on the management and control of resources by reducing the performance of people with routine duties; create the prerequisites for the rational organization of the production process at the enterprise; increase the speed and quality of patient care; improve the efficiency and culture of work; increase the efficiency of management; increase the efficiency of operational decision-making; expand the range of services provided to the patient; improve the possibilities of long-term planning and forecasting.
It should also be noted such an effect as a reduction in the time spent on making managerial decisions due to a reduction in a large number of paper flows. Improving the quality of managerial decisions in terms of accuracy, depth of analysis of the controlled phenomenon, process or subject, feedback.
The role of information technology in medicine
The use of the latest equipment in medicine made it possible to give the most accurate diagnosis the patient. Wide range the equipment produced is used in all areas of medicine.
Here are some examples: The universal diagnostic ultrasound cardiology system ACUSON Sequoia 512 with a set of sensors allows you to see the anatomy and physiology of the patient with a completely new look and provides early diagnosis of pathological changes. The high-tech and compact CARDIOVIT AT-101 electrocardiograph can be used both in polyclinics and in hospitals. Ability to work in a network with data uploading to XML format allows it to be integrated into medical systems. In cosmetology, the Thermage has revolutionized the concept of modern methods rejuvenation. Many patients want to tighten their skin without resorting to surgery. This can now be done in 30 minutes, which previously required many hours of plastic surgery and months of recovery. The CLINOMAT TIETON X-ray machine (Italray) is designed to perform all traditional fluorographic examinations. A wide range of anatomical programs (more than 600 programs) allows the operator to automate the selection of parameters when examining various departments.
The role of information technology in medicine
In connection with the increase in the speed of information exchange, it became possible to transmit a large amount of information, including a television stream. A little time has passed since the beginning of the first broadcasts of Internet television. However, for a short period of using Internet television, a large audience has appeared. And now it is difficult to imagine the Internet without television broadcasting. Usage satellite dish it is not necessary equipment for watching TV programs, for this it is enough to use a laptop connected to an Internet access point. With implementation wireless access, the dependence on the Internet connection point has decreased. At the moment, television can be transmitted from almost anywhere in the world. According to experts' forecasts, by 2013 the total share of transmitted to the network online audio and digital video will account for about 98% of the total flow of information sent. Digital TV broadcasting is gaining momentum and over time, this dynamic becomes more and more distinct. The flourishing of commercial television channels that appeared for the first time was a rather significant stage in the formation of the domestic television industry, but a noticeable leap has occurred in recent years. Development took place immediately with the introduction of high-speed Internet access. Since that time, the high-speed channel to the global network has become accessible to all, the rapid progress of online TV broadcasts was no longer held back. And development Russian-speaking network at the same moment reacted to the expansion of opportunities that appeared in a large number, online television equipment. Notable TV channels became even more convenient for viewing, and web TV broadcasts also delight the Russian-speaking audience living in other countries. You can watch online TV almost everywhere. This became possible thanks to the development digital technologies web television.
The role of information technology in the formation of online television
All domestic secondary educational institutions have recently been equipped with computer labs, which make it possible not only to conduct full-fledged computer science lessons, but also to use various types of modern technology... Multimedia projectors and interactive whiteboards installed in classrooms make it possible to more clearly present the studied material to students. The main sign of the development of information technology at school is the intensive use of those. next generation teaching aids in guidelines for lessons and extracurricular activities, the desire of teachers to master new equipment. This direction in increasing knowledge is called "Information and communication technologies" (ICT). It is quite possible to use this technique when studying any school subject.
The use of information technology in teaching
The experiment shows that the competent use of ICT by the teacher significantly increases the interest of students in the subject. Displaying a visual aid on the screen using multimedia projector, help the teacher to better present the process and results of the experiments, use virtual excursions in different geographic zones and the best museums in the world. Students have every chance to see with their own eyes how rich the flora and fauna of the country is by seeing panoramic shots, shots of a living creature or natural phenomenon, as well as observing astronomical objects.
The use of information technology in teaching
Here are some examples of the use of ICT. It is possible to show children how day and night exist on Earth at the same time by using the output of images from webcams in the appropriate time zones. You can show the progress of chemical reactions on the screen with the participation of the substances used in them by linking the scales and interactive whiteboard between themselves. The use of ICT is very active by technology teachers. Now students have every chance to see clear drawings, high-quality slides and films about the history of fashion, styles, and interiors. To study in different areas, The Internet offers a huge number of master classes that arouse sincere interest in children.

For information technologies of our days, the stages are characterized by: 1) user work in the data manipulation mode (no need to “remember and know”, but it is enough to choose from the “offered menu”); 2) paperless document processing (only the final version of the document is recorded on paper); 3) interactive mode of solving problems with ample opportunities for users; 4) the possibility of collective use of documents on the basis of a group of computers, united by means of communication; 5) the possibility of adaptive restructuring of the form and method of presenting information in the process of solving problems

ACS is a "man-machine" system that ensures the effective functioning of the control object, in which the collection and processing of information necessary for the implementation of control functions is carried out using automation and computer technology. automated systems management (ACS).

Information technology: concept, essence, types. In the Russian Federation, this area is regulated by Federal Law 149 of July 27, 2006 On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection, which contains certain concepts adopted in this area of ​​human activity.

1) information - information (messages, data), regardless of the form of their presentation and existence; 2) information technology - processes, methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information and ways of implementing such processes and methods; 3) information system - a set of information contained in databases and information technologies and technical means ensuring its processing; 4) information and telecommunications network - a technical system designed to transmit information over communication lines, access to which is carried out using IT-technology; It is necessary to possess the following concepts, which are used by this law:

5) information owner - a person who independently created information, or who received it on the basis of a legal agreement on certain grounds; 6) access to information - the ability to obtain information and use it; 7) confidentiality of information - a mandatory requirement for any users and performer who has access to information not to transmit certain information without the consent of its owner; 8) provision of information - actions aimed at obtaining information by a certain circle of persons or transferring information to a certain circle of persons;

9) dissemination of information - actions aimed at obtaining information by an indefinite circle of persons or transferring information to an indefinite circle of persons; 10) electronic message - information transmitted or received by the user of the information and telecommunication network; 11) documented information - information recorded on a material medium by documenting information with requisites that make it possible to determine the information enshrined in legislative acts; 12) operator of an information system - a citizen or a legal entity carrying out activities for the provision, use of an information system, including the processing of information contained in a database.

Conclusion: information technology is a process of implementing clear rules and operations with primary data to obtain and develop information for the user. The main tools for implementing IT are hardware, software and, of course, software that everything in the aggregate allows you to transform information into a new, maximally unified and everyday quality.

As for basic IT, it is technical means, designed to organize the process of processing and transfer of information. Subject technologies are used in professional fields (financial, statistical and, of course, in the tourism sector), since a connection is established and a sequence of actions is established to obtain a specific result in a specific field of activity. Providing information technologies are used to process information, i.e. these are either different platforms with the problem of specific thematic integration, in which case a single standard interface is used.

1. IT for data processing, i.e. programming systems or spreadsheets(DBMS); 2. IT for processing textual information; 3. IT graphics processing; 4. IT processing animation, video, sound, etc .; 5. IT for knowledge processing, namely expert systems. 6. Taken together, all these IT form an integrated system with a huge ability to process various types of information. IT has a system and application interface. Based on the type of information being processed, IT is divided into:

1) Hardware-software tools that provide graphical display and information exchange. 2) The system interface is a set of methods for interacting with a computer using an operating system, which can be implemented with customization. 3) The command interface is the easiest to use and implements the system prompt for command input. 4) WIMP interface windows image menu pointer - displays program images and action menus. And the choice of the icon using the pointer, of course. 5) The speach image language knowledge interface moves a request from one search image along semantic semantic links. 6) The application interface implements some functional information technology. By interface we mean:

in informatics

Information technology in society. Information Society Concept

1. Information technology and society

Mobile phones

Information technology in the media

Information technology in education

Information Society Concept

Signs of the information society

List of used literature and sources on the Internet

Information technology and society

Information technology (IT, from the English information technology) is a class of areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing a huge flow of information using computer technology.

The main features of modern IT:

computer processing of information;

storage of large amounts of information on machine media;

transmission of information to any distance in the shortest possible time.

Modern material production and other areas of activity are increasingly in need of information services, processing huge amount information. Universal a technical means of processing any information is a computer that plays the role enhancer of the intellectual capabilities of a person and society in general, and communication means using computers are used to communicate and transfer information. The emergence and development of computers is a necessary component of the process of informatization of society. Until the early 1980s, information technologies were mainly represented by large computers and were used for the needs of only half of the corporate "pyramid", since, due to their high cost, it was impossible to automate the solution of managerial problems. The automation of repetitive information processing processes was comparable to the automation of manual labor based on the use of machines that replaced people.

Mobile phones

Perhaps the most striking example of the embodiment of the achievements of modern information technologies in real life became cellular telephone... Today, a cell phone is no longer just a phone with which you can call anywhere in the world from anywhere, but small computer... The developers have built almost all modern achievements into a modern cell phone, and today it can easily replace us: notebook, organizer, mp3 player, camera, allows you to play mobile games, enjoy by e-mail and the Internet, to shop in stores. The telephone has also become an element of prestige.

If we talk specifically about the technology of access to information, then today there are most of all mobile phones in the world: about three billion. This is significantly more than fixed telephones, of which there are billion three hundred million, which is much more than the number of computers. There are 850 million computers for three billion cell phones. Television sets, which seem to be the most affordable mass media, are still only two billion with three billion cell phones. It turns out that the cell phone is the most popular and widespread tool for accessing information, disseminating information and even storing it. This shows what effect it has mobile phone on the development of the information system.

informational communication technology society

Information technology in the media

At the present stage of development of information and communication technologies and the Internet, the media have new opportunities. The Internet creates a new public space that opens up great opportunities for global communication. Such globalization, of course, had a significant impact on the development of the media.

Another important point- this is digitization or digitalization, that is, the translation of the content of the media into digital form. As a result, a text that acquires a new one becomes a common unit for all media. digital measurement... If we talk about traditional media, they widely use the Internet for their distribution, both in the region and in the world.

Nevertheless, in the conditions of the rapid development of new information and communication technologies, there will undoubtedly be significant changes in traditional media - in print, radio, television, in access to them, in delivery methods and, probably, in content.

The radio feels the most relaxed. Audio speech is easily transmitted via the Internet; to receive a radio signal, it is enough to have a computer and a sound card. Today radio stations posted on the Internet can be heard all over the world.

The most difficult thing is on television. Time spent by Internet users browsing television programs, has decreased. The Internet provides separate access to sports, music and many other programs that have traditionally been watched on television.

Printing has a fairly strong position, primarily because the combination of different types of information in a single television or computer version does not cancel the text. Moreover, radio and television broadcasts are usually posted on the Internet in two forms - audiovisual and text. Often materials from the Internet are printed out for reading. With all this, a newspaper or magazine has great advantages, since the information published there, as a rule, has been worked out by highly qualified specialists, as a result of which the reader receives carefully analyzed, well-processed information.

With the advent of the global network, fundamentally new media have emerged - electronic newspapers. An electronic newspaper has a number of features. One of them is that this newspaper is constantly updated, often well illustrated and, as a rule, there are no finished articles in it. An article or story ends when the event ends. In this sense, journalists in a newspaper living on the Internet must work constantly and their articles are written in such a way that the last phrase could always be supplemented. Of course, interesting feature electronic newspapers are also hypertext layout, which allows you to quickly search various materials, find links, and in this sense, reading an electronic newspaper turns out to be more meaningful, more meaningful and, perhaps, more diverse. If we talk about other features of an electronic newspaper, then it is efficiency. Often electronic newspapers are ahead of not only print, but also television in terms of the speed of appearance of their materials.

New electronic means mass media coexist with traditional ones, surpassing them in the speed of delivery of materials to readers, in the ease of access to them right from home. But they are inferior to the print press in the duration of their existence.

Information technology in education

Currently created and implemented in educational process enough big number software and technical developments that implement individual information technologies. Improving the quality of education when using information technologies in education is due to:

· greater adaptation of the student to teaching material taking into account their own capabilities and abilities;

· the possibility of choosing a method of mastering the subject that is more suitable for the student;

· regulation of the intensity of training at different stages educational process;

· self-control;

· access to previously unattainable educational resources Russian and world level;

· figurative visual form of presentation of the studied material;

· a modular construction principle that allows replicating individual components of information technology;

· development of self-study.

Currently, various areas of the use of information technologies in education are widely used. Such as:

· computer textbooks designed to form new knowledge and skills;

· diagnostic or test systems designed to diagnose, evaluate and test knowledge, abilities and skills;

· simulators and simulation programs;

· laboratory complexes, which are based on modeling programs that provide the student with the opportunity to use a mathematical model to study a certain reality;

· expert systems designed to teach decision-making skills based on accumulated experience and knowledge;

· databases and knowledge bases in various fields, providing access to the accumulated knowledge;

· applied and instrumental software tools that ensure the implementation of specific educational operations

Most of the educational software products are analogs of existing textbooks. It is more correct to use information technology to study processes and phenomena that do not lend themselves to visual research and study on the basis of existing educational technologies... Another area of ​​application of information technology is home education. The Internet has become widespread in the field of education. Internet resources are extremely extensive from computer textbooks, encyclopedias to cheat sheets. The range of applications of the Internet extends from independent work before distance education, and the range of users includes both students and teachers. Most educational institutions have their own websites.

Rising energy costs, as well as environmental considerations, are paying more and more attention to the energy consumption of computing facilities. According to research National Laboratory Berkeley (USA) computing facilities in the United States consumed in 2005 1.2% of the total (for the whole World the corresponding figure is 2%).

Considered different methods energy saving:

· Active use of energy management tools. This refers to the shutdown of certain subsystems when the computer is in a passive state.

· Organization of conferences and seminars in a virtual environment (video conferencing), saving aviation kerosene.

· The use of servers with energy efficient processors and other components, such as quad-core CPUs, can save up to 40% in power capacity.

· Implementation of virtualization. One server implements the work of several operating systems, which in practice allows more efficient use of computing resources.

· Development and implementation technical solution, with built-in power management. This technology is expected to reduce energy consumption by 25%.

· Application 2.5 " hard drives instead of 3.5 "

· Using two-processor servers instead of two single-processor ones

Simple, no-cost measures when designing new information centers can save 20-50% of electricity costs, and systemic measures will bring savings up to 90%.

One of the methods of saving energy costs is the system of initialization of loading and shutdown of machines through local area network WOL(Wake-on-LAN). V last time computing tools have appeared on the market that themselves control the use of various subsystems and external devices, and if the system is not busy long time, it is automatically disconnected from the power supply.

Information society

An information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

Scientists believe that in the information society, the process of computerization will give people access to reliable sources of information, save them from routine work, will provide a high level of automation of information processing in the industrial and social spheres. The driving force behind the development of society should be the production of an information product, not a material product. The material product will become more information-intensive, which means an increase in the share of innovation, design and marketing in its value.

In an information society, not only production will change, but the whole way of life, the system of values, the importance of cultural leisure in relation to material values ​​will increase. Compared with industrial society, where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, intelligence and knowledge are produced and consumed in the information society, which leads to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person will need the ability to be creative, and the demand for knowledge will increase.

The material and technological base of the information society will be various kinds of systems based on computer technology and computer networks, information technology, telecommunications.

Signs of the information society

1.Awareness by society of the priority of information over another product of human activity.

2.The fundamental principle of all areas of human activity (economic, industrial, political, educational, scientific, creative, cultural, etc.) is information.

.Information, on the other hand, is a product of the activity of a modern person.

.Information in its pure form (in itself) is a subject of purchase and sale.

.Equal opportunities in access to information for all segments of the population.

.Security of the information society, information.

.Intellectual property protection.

.Interaction of all structures of the state and states among themselves on the basis of ICT.

.Control information society from the state, public organizations.

List of used literature and sources on the Internet:

Information Technologies website (

Yan Zasursky - Article "From e-society to mobile "

Yan Zasursky - Article "The Internet and New Mass Media"

5. Semenov Yu.A. - « General principles of building data transmission channels and networks »

Information technology in modern society

During the entire preceding XX century. history in the development of human civilization material objects remained the main subject of labor. Activities outside of material production and services, as a rule, belonged to the category of non-productive costs. The economic power of the state was measured by the material resources that it controlled.

At the end of the XX century. information is becoming the main subject of labor in social production in industrialized countries. Information object for industrial systems more and more claims to be the main dominant. Information has become a commodity with all its inherent properties. There is an information industry, national informational resources (IR), there is a transition from an industrial economy to an information-based economy.

The technical re-equipment of enterprises is carried out on the basis of the introduction of modern computing technology, industrial robots, new technological processes... One of the directions is the introduction of modern information technologies(IT), represented as a set of information technology processes (ITP).

Information technology - a set of processes for collecting, transferring, processing, storing and communicating information to users, implemented using modern means.

Beyond the starting point of development human society usually take the time when people began to create tools of labor and hunting. Over the millennia, one problem has been solved: to multiply more and more various tools and machines that increase the muscular strength of a person. Attempts to create tools that enhance the natural capabilities of a person to process information have remained very weak until recently. The first such attempts include the Abacus pebbles - this is a board divided into strips where pebbles move, as in Russian abacus for arithmetic calculations.

The accumulation of knowledge has noticeably increased with the discovery by man of the technology of long-term storage of information on a material carrier. This is how the first stage of IT development began. Almost 99% of their historical path, people dealt only with material objects. The entire period of time during which people began to register information images, and then to process them, does not account for even one percent of the total human civilization. Six thousand years ago, the first clay tablets appeared, which are material carriers of coded information about the accumulated knowledge and achievements. Since that time, the writing is being counted. The invention of the printing press (1445, Johann Gutenberg) had a huge impact on the pace of development of technological civilization, which led to the information revolution.

In 1833, the English mathematician Charles Babbage first decided to create a mechanical computing machine using the principle program control... A hundred years later, in 1945, under the guidance of the American mathematician John von Neumann, general principles the functioning of universal computing devices, relevant for modern computers... 1945-1947 on the basis of the electronic tubes the first computers were created.

End of XX century characterized by the transition of advanced countries to a qualitatively new stage of technological development, which is commonly called the information age. Material costs for storing, processing and transferring information begin to exceed similar costs for energy. The main problems of management in a modern developed industrial state are that the total volume of information requiring processing is growing. And this, in turn, requires further development information technologies.

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