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Information technologies for documentary support of management activities. Head of Computer Technology Documentation Management

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Information technologies for documentary support of management activities.

LectureDocument management systems

1. Model of enterprise document flow.

2. Electronic document management systems.

3. Automation of document flow.

1. Enterprise document flow model

The transfer of information at all levels of the hierarchy is carried out by sending and delivering documents on paper or on floppy disks, in which case additional personnel are involved. The quantitative aspect of information is also different, and, as the analysis shows, the largest amount of data flows to the manufacturing and technology sector and to management.

The quality assessment of information exchange can be performed using the following workflow model.

The main areas of workflow automation are: support for factual information, the ability to work with full-text documents, support for the flow of documents - which define three-dimensionalspace of properties (Fig. 1), where any software product of a given class moves along a certain trajectory, passing through various stages in its development.

Rice. one.

The first axis (F) characterizes the level of organization of storing factual information, which is tied to the specifics of a particular type of activity of a company or organization.For example: when purchasing material assets, the accompanying documents (invoices, acceptance certificates, receipt warehouse orders, etc.) are registered as operational documents, the attributes of which are very important for making management decisions. Information from operational documents is used for complex analytical and synthetic processing, and, in a particular case, can be obtained by the user through the reporting system.

F* = Ftotal / Fauto.

The second axis (D) - full-text documents, reflects the need to organize interaction: the formation and transfer of goods, services or information both inside the enterprise and outside it.Along with factual information, these documents contain semi-structured information that is not subject to automated analytical processing, such as, for example, force majeure factors and the procedure for making claims in case of violation of the terms of the contract.

D* = Dtotal / Dauto.

The third axis (R) introduces a third dimension into the workflow space - the regulation of the processes of passing documents,namely: a description of what procedures, when and how should be performed. The basis for positioning about a given axis is a set of formal signs (attributes) and a list of operations.

R* = Rtotal / Rauto.

A point in space (F, D, R) determines the state of the workflow system. The position of this point depends on the level of development and the stage of implementation of the document management system at the enterprise, as well as on its specifics and the very scale of the business.

Having presented the workflow model in this way, it is possible, for example, knowing the current state of affairs with the organization of office work at each specific enterprise, to clearly imagine in which directions it is necessary to move further, what is missing at the moment and how to organically use existing automation systems.For example, in one of the Moscow banks a large array of factual data was accumulated, for the processing of which a modern DBMS was used, deployed on powerful, fault-tolerant servers - everything, it would seem, should be fine. However, when working with internal documents, there was a duplication of information: situations arose when "no one seemed to be to blame," and the bank from time to time loses profitable clients. The reason is that the point representing the position of the workflow system for this organization had rather large coordinates on the "F" axis and, possibly, on the "D" axis, but the value of the coordinate on the "R" axis was close to zero. A concrete solution in this case may be to consider the implementation of a regulation management system. At the same time, there is no need to worry about the DBMS ("F" axis) or electronic archives ("D" axis) - we are only talking about changing the value of the coordinates along the "R" axis.

In the general case, as already noted, the process of office automation in an enterprise can be represented as a curve in a three-dimensional space of coordinates F, D, R. Moreover, the steeper this curve, the faster the modernization process goes, and the higher the values ​​of all three coordinates, the higher the level of automation at the corporation and, as a result, the fewer problems it has with organizing its own activities.

Axes "F" and "D" determine the specifics of the organization's activities, regulated by the position of the third coordinate (R) of the document flow model space. At the same time, the model does not depend on the document processing technology adopted at the enterprise - everything is decided only by the purpose of the activity, be it a government organization, a trading company or an industrial firm.

In general, three types of organizations can be distinguished:

trade company: purchase, mark-up, sale, profit - the main object of activity;

budgetary organization: the main activity is the formation of documents;

industrial enterprise: purchasing raw materials, processing, creating a new product, selling, making a profit. The purpose of the activity is the operation.

If the task of an organization is to form documents, for example, the mayor's office, court or ministry, then its position in the model will occupy a fairly high position relative to the "F" and "D" axes. By the way, today the most popular applications are those focused on automating the activities of state and government administrative structures - the main purpose of which is to prepare documents.

However, if we consider the activities of a commercial firm, whose task is the production of material values ​​(to accept raw materials, transform, create a new product, sell it, receive proceeds), then here already all three coordinates should have balanced values.

2. Electronic document management systems

EDMS provide the process of creation, access control and distribution of large volumes of documents in computer networks, as well as provide control over the flow of documents in the organization.

Electronic document flow includes: the creation of documents, their processing, transfer, storage, output of information circulating in an organization or enterprise, based on the use of computer networks. In general, it is customary to understand the management of electronic document flow as the organization of the movement of documents between departments of an enterprise or organization, groups of users or individual users. At the same time, the movement of documents does not mean their physical movement, but the transfer of rights to their use with the notification of specific users and control over their execution.

A document is the main unit of information, and the entire existence of a document management system is devoted to storing a document, its properties and the history of its life, as well as actually ensuring its life.

The main purpose of the EDMS is to organize the storage of electronic documents, as well as work with them.(in particular, their search both by attributes and by content). The EDMS should automatically track changes in documents, deadlines for the execution of documents, the movement of documents, and also control all their versions and subversions. An integrated EDMS should cover the entire business cycle of an enterprise or organization - from setting a task to create a document to writing it off to the archive, provide centralized storage of documents in any format, including complex compositional documents. EDMS should combine disparate document flows of geographically remote enterprises into a single system. They must provide flexible document management both by rigidly defining traffic routes and by freely routing documents. In the EDMS, a strict delimitation of users' access to various documents should be implemented, depending on their competence, the position held and the powers assigned to them. In addition, the EDMS should be adjusted to the existing organizational and staff structure and the system of office work of the enterprise, as well as integrate with existing corporate systems.

The issue of EDMS classification is rather complicated due to the rapid development of the market for these systems. Moreover, since 2001, the concept of "Enterprise Content Management (ECM)" rather than electronic document management. The ECM concept offers many business benefits. An ECM system that integrates all content and process-oriented technologies within an enterprise provides a common infrastructure for managing its workflow, minimizing the need to deploy and support multiple technologies to implement various business functions. The essence of this approach (also called infrastructural) is that corporate content doesn't have to be owned by just one application or system. It should be available for many applications and freely redistributed between them. An important property of the ECM infrastructure (including the corresponding applications of most vendors in the industry) is its independence from a single universal content store... The ECM infrastructure integrates many specialized (or legacy) data repositories (even from competing vendors), including but not limited to electronic product document repositories, e-mail, Web content repositories, file systems, and even database management systems. In this way, ECM infrastructure provides a common integration (or virtualization) layer for each data repository(allowing you to query them from anywhere throughout the enterprise), thereby minimizing the need to integrate electronic document management systems and content management systems from multiple vendors. In addition, with the help of the ECM infrastructure, such corporate content management services are implemented as personalization, access control, user rights management, etc. (which simplifies the administration and maintenance of the ECM system).

According to IDC analysts, currently there are the following main types of EDMS (while some of the EDMS can simultaneously belong to several types, since they have the corresponding functions for them):

EDM focused on business processes (business-process EDM).They are at the heart of the ECM concept. Systems of this type (EDMS) are designed for specific vertical and horizontal applications (sometimes they also have industry applications). EDMS systems provide the full lifecycle of working with documents, including working with images, management of records and workflows, content management, etc. EDMS systems provide storage and retrieval of 2-D documents in original formats (images, CAD files, spreadsheets and others) with the ability to group them into folders. The most famous developers of EDMS systems are Documentum (Documentum system), FileNet (Panagon and Watermark systems), Hummingbird (PC DOCS system), etc. its activities in the implementation of such functions in the EDMS as template management, dynamic presentation management and Web content publishing. It should be noted that while almost all EDMS systems provide a good level of implementation of repositories and library services for managing electronic content (such as images and office documents), each of them is strongest in its area. For example, in systems from companies Open Text and iManage, office document management is most well developed. In turn, systems from Tower Technology, FileNet, IBM, and Identitech are particularly strong in managing high-volume product images.

Corporate EDM (enterprise-centric EDM). Systems of this type provide the corporate infrastructure (available to all corporate users) for creating documents, collaborating on them, and publishing them. The basic functions of corporate EDMS are similar to those of the EDMS focused on business processes. As a rule, corporate EDMS is not focused on use only in any specific industry or on solving a narrow problem. They are being introduced as company-wide technologies. The development and promotion of corporate EDMS is carried out by Lotus (Domino.Doc system), Novell (Novell GroupWise), Open Text (LiveLink system), Keyfile, Oracle (Context system), iManage, etc.

Content management systems.Systems of this type provide content creation, content access and management, content delivery (down to the level of sections of documents and objects for their subsequent reuse and compilation). The availability of information not in the form of documents, but in the form of smaller objects makes it easier to exchange information between applications. Web content management requires the ability to manage various content objects that can be included in a Web presentation (for example, HTML pages and Web graphics). In addition, Web content management requires the ability to create presentation templates that enable dynamic content to be presented and personalized (based on user preferences, user profiles, etc.). Content management systems from Adobe, Excalibur, BroadVision, Documentum, Stellent, Microsoft, Divine, Vignette, etc. are known in the world market.

Information management systems - portals.Such systems provide information aggregation, information management and delivery over the Internet / intranet / extranet. With their help, it is possible to accumulate (and apply) experience in a distributed corporate environment based on the use of business rules, context and metadata. Portals also provide standard Web browser access to a range of e-commerce applications (typically through an ERP system interface). Examples of portals are Excalibur, Oracle Context, PC DOCS / Fulcrum, Verity, Lotus (Domino / Notes, K-Station).

Imaging systems.With their help, the information scanned from paper carriers is converted into electronic form (usually in TIFF format). This technology is at the heart of the translation into electronic form of information from all legacy paper documents and microfilms. The basic functions of a standard image processing system include: scanning, storage, a number of image search capabilities, and more.

Workflow management systems.Systems of this type are designed to provide routing of workflows of any type (definition of file routing paths) within corporate structured and unstructured business processes. They are used to improve the efficiency and controllability of corporate business processes. Workflow management systems are usually purchased as part of a solution (for example, EDMS systems or PDM systems). Here we can mention such developers as Lotus (Domino / Notes and Domino Workflow systems), Jetform, FileNet, Action Technologies, Staffware.

EDMS components

All EDMS contain mandatory standard components: storage of cards (attributes) of documents; storage of documents; components that implement the business logic of the system.

Document Attribute Store

The document attribute store is intended for storing a "card" - a set of fields that characterize a document. Usually in the EDMS there is a concept of the type of documents (for example, a contract, specification, letter, etc.) and each type has its own card. Cards of different types have mandatory fields common to all documents, and special fields related to documents of this type.

In addition to the concept of a document type, it is possible to assign categories to documents, and one document can belong simultaneously to several categories. Categories can be arranged in a category tree.

To organize the storage of cards, there are three possible solutions: using your own storage, a standard DBMS, or tools of the environment on the basis of which the DBMS is built.

Document storage

To implement the document storage, again, there are two approaches: storage in the file system or in a specialized storage of the EDMS. From the point of view of the pragmatic user, there is not much difference between these approaches, if we evaluate them as a whole. But there are still some features.

Storing in the file system lowers the degree of security when differentiating access, since the file system may not support the security model that is implemented in the EDMS itself. Therefore, it is necessary to endow the EDMS with its own access rights, so that the files saved by it will be inaccessible to any of the users directly. And the EDMS maintains its own list of users with access rights, organizing access to files through these rights. At the same time, the access system becomes complicated to maintain and not completely impeccable from the point of view of information security. File encryption during storage is often used to provide additional security. In addition, almost all EDMS use random file naming, which greatly complicates the search for the desired file when trying to bypass the system. I must say that most EDMS store files in the file system.

Business level

At the level of business logic, significant differences are found between different EDMS. Actually, all the described components, although they can be arranged in different ways, differ in the degree of complexity, but at the same time are functionally similar. The business logic of different systems can differ dramatically, and this is exactly what should be of most interest when familiarizing with the electronic document management system. A number of fundamental components can be distinguished, from which, like cubes, the functionality of any SED is formed:

management of documents in the repository.Includes procedures for adding and removing documents, saving versions, transferring them to the archive, maintaining the archive, etc.;

search for documents.It consists of a search by attributes, a visual search in various trees in which documents are laid, a search in the full text, a semantic search, etc .;

routing and execution control.Provides the delivery of documents within the framework of business procedures in the organization. Document routes can be flexible and rigid. In the case of flexible routing, the next recipient of the document is determined by the employee who is currently in charge of the document. In the case of rigid routing, the path of the documents is determined in advance based on some logic. The routing function is not present in all ERMS. Usually, to avoid confusion, systems without routing facilities are called electronic archives. Execution control is an integral part of routing. In fact, the route is defined in terms of the travel path and time intervals for document execution by each of the participants in the travel process. The execution of a document means the performance of an action related to the document by each of the participants within the framework of his official powers;

reports. Serve as an analogue of office journals of documents. Using various reports, you can see, for example, the total time spent by employees working on a specific document, the speed of passage of documents by departments, etc.;

administration.Support for the operation of the system itself, setting its parameters, etc.

The place of the EDMS in the information system of the enterprise

The main functions of the EDMS: ensuring the controllability and transparency of the enterprise, as well as the accumulation of knowledge and knowledge management. In the modern world, these two tasks are becoming more and more critical. For example, in the prime cost of a Mercedes car, only 30% are direct production costs, and the rest is compensation for the cost of developing a car, that is, the cost of the activities of engineers and managers, therefore, the main resource for reducing costs lies in optimizing their activities.

The degree of efficiency of using the EDMS is determined by the extent to which documents (unstructured information) determine the information content of an enterprise's activities. It is obvious, for example, that for a purely trade organization, the main content is structured data contained in databases. Perhaps such an organization needs to keep contracts, but it is unlikely that it will come to the implementation of the EDMS. However, if a trade organization grows to a trading monster with a chain of stores in dozens of cities and complex logistics, its own production of semi-finished products, then sooner or later you will have to think about implementing an ERP system. At the next stage, the number of wholesale buyers and large customers may grow to such a scale that you will have to think about implementing a CRM. And only if at the same time the management apparatus grows to a hundred people, parallel non-core projects will appear, diversification tasks will arise, and the task of introducing an EDMS will arise. At the same time, some systems may have to be integrated so that the CRM system has links to letters, contracts and copies of incoming orders that are stored in the EDMS.

In some cases, the integration of these systems is even closer - the EDMS can serve as an integrating transport for transferring documents between the systems that generate them and the systems that consume them, in the case when a direct connection at the level of structured data between these systems is not needed. Suppose an enterprise has CRM and ERP systems, and it is required that CRM records quarterly reports from the ERP on deliveries of goods to a specific customer, supplemented, possibly, with expert comments. It is clear that such reports are most conveniently stored in the EDMS. Thanks to the integration of ERP and EDMS, the document will be automatically created and saved. Thanks to the integration of EDMS and CRM, it is possible to automatically attach a document to the card of a specific client. And all these operations can happen automatically. (We emphasize that the given example is purely speculative and, in fact, may not have practical meaning; the integration of any information systems makes sense only when its purpose is clearly understood.)

Typical requirements for EDMS

If you follow the letter of the standard for drawing up a technical assignment, the requirements that a typical user can impose on a typical electronic document management system can be described as follows.

The electronic document management system must:

§ ensure reliable storage of documents and their descriptions;

§ ensure the life cycle of the document (its creation, storage of versions, publication, blocking access to the seized document, transfer of the document for storage in the archive);

§ allow the user to assign various types of documents, create and edit cards for them;

§ maintain a hierarchy of categories for efficient document search;

§ search for documents based on information from the card, as well as the full text;

§ ensure the separation of access to documents at the level of individual users, according to the role principle, and on the basis of the hierarchical structure of the organization;

§ support HSM technology;

§ log all events related to the work of users and the system itself;

§ advanced administration tools are required;

§ support remote access to information.

Advanced systems should support:

§ cluster technologies to ensure smooth operation;

§ geographically distributed organizations;

§ encryption algorithms for storing and transmitting data;

§ digital signature.

Architecture requirements:

§ the presence of a dedicated application server;

§ the presence of a thin client;

§ support for accessing documents using a browser.

§ multi-platform for scalability;

Requirements for openness and integration with other systems:

§ integration with tools for streaming document input;

§ integration with office applications;

§ integration with email;

§ availability of a developed programming interface (API);

§ integration with standard directory services (for example, LDAP) for maintaining and synchronizing the list of system users;

§ the ability to adapt the user interface for specific tasks;

§ the ability to supplement the system with your own specialized components;

§ in the case of using an external database for storing document attributes, it is necessary to have a detailed description of the data structure and means of working with different DBMS.

3. Automation of document flow

Document management system RS Doc based on Oracle Collaboration Suite

Tasks to be solved:

combining documents into logical blocks,

providing archival storage and retrieval of documents.


● small and medium business;

● government agencies;

● support services;

● IT companies.

Hardware platform х86, Itanium, AMD.

Software platform Windows, Solaris, Linux.

Functionality electronic document management systems RS-Doc:

● efficient work with large amounts of data and the possibility of unlimited expansion of the volumes of stored and processed information;

● high degree of protection of stored and transmitted information;

● scalability and portability to any platform;

● simplicity of software configuration and administration;

● organization of arbitrary routes for the passage of documents.

The electronic document management system RS-Doc is implemented on the basis of Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g using BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) technology, which allows large-scale integration with business applications.

Oracle Content Services provides every employee in an organization with a comprehensive, integrated document lifecycle management solution. Oracle Content Services is built on a robust Oracle server infrastructure, leveraging the Content Management SDK, a proven toolkit with over 2000 users. Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g will provide very easy-to-use functionality in familiar Windows web interfaces, Portal, E-Business Suite applications, and other environments.

Document input

The RS-Doc system allows you to organize streaming document input using high-speed scanners and a recognition system. In this case, the document is automatically placed in the Oracle 10g DBMS.

Document search

The problem of end-to-end information retrieval is extremely relevant in the context of the use of heterogeneous formats and an increase in the volume of unstructured data. The information necessary for making decisions can be found anywhere: in corporate databases (in a structured form), on websites, in documents scattered across many file servers, in mail messages. Searching for documents in the RS-Doc system is a unified mechanism for searching and extracting data from all information resources of a company and all components of the workflow. The search system, organized in the RS-Doc electronic document management system, allows you to organize a search not only by key parameters, but also to search within a document. At the same time, more than 250 data formats are supported.

Storage of documents

Internet technologies and built-in portal technologies make it easy to integrate the document management system with the corporate portal. The three-tier architecture of the system allows you to effectively use a single document storage in a geographically distributed organization.

All documents and files uploaded to the RS-Doc electronic document management system are stored in the Oracle 10g database. This allows you to make daily backups of the entire volume of documents, as well as recover lost data within a certain time interval. Administrators can configure Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g to comply with corporate document retention policies by automatically saving or disposing of documents. For example, the person in charge of a company may prescribe a company's content management policy electronically. Documents with certain characteristics can be stored indefinitely, while documents with other characteristics can be disposed of periodically.

Keeping business records :

● file plan: control of operational restrictions on records and their hierarchical creation and management

● web services that are supported for integration with financial or Oracle E-Business Suite applications

● supporting registry objects, including simple and versioned document management

● the ability to search for registration records

● intuitive web interface for users who manage registrations

● Integration with file storage management products that offer WORM capabilities for registration records


The electronic document management system RS-Doc allows you to organize a fault-tolerant and scalable solution based on Oracle RAC and Oracle GRID technologies.

Integration with the corporate portal

The electronic document management system RS-Doc is based on the technology of the corporate portal, and also contains the functionality of the means of collective work of users, such as:

● email

● corporate and personal calendar

● corporate portal

● system for setting tasks and monitoring their implementation

Ability to create multiple sites

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g provides for the creation of multiple secure sites within a single instance of the product. Each of these sites will have their own set of "tools" (ie business processes, categories, etc.) and will be essentially isolated from other sites. For example, the CIO can now create different file management systems for different regional offices, all on a single set of hardware and software, thus dramatically reducing infrastructure costs.

Electronic digital signature

An electronic digital signature (EDS) is a requisite of an electronic document designed to protect this electronic document from counterfeiting. EDS is formed as a result of information transformation using cryptographic information security (CIP) and allows you to identify the owner of the signature key certificate, as well as to establish the absence of distortion of information in an electronic document.

The presence of an electronic digital signature in the RS-Doc system allows you to replace the traditional seal and signature, guaranteeing the authorship and invariability of the document after it is signed. The electronic digital signature mechanism allows you to sign any version of an electronic document, recording and storing information about who and when signed. The list of users who are allowed to sign documents of this type is set separately for each type of electronic documents.

Providing secure access to documents

Security enhancements in Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g include:

folder level security and documents: Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g develops the Shared Folder-level security mechanism in Oracle files, adding access protection at the folder and document level, so the manager can now accurately determine the users who are allowed to access certain folders and documents and their access level

● Group and Role based access control: access control can be applied to all content objects and security levels, additional access permission attributes are also available for further customization, for example, the project manager can now create a group of users involved in specific project work, and assigns access to target folders and documents for this group

● virus scanning and scanning: Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g can be combined with external virus scanners for automatic and manual scanning of viruses - the virus scanning function can be configured to start automatically after a successful entry into the document archive (via upload, registration, saving or protocol transfer); virus scanning can be invoked manually to view objects already in the archive, so a company can now license and integrate Symantec's viewer engine with Oracle Content Services so that documents submitted to Oracle Content Services are automatically scanned.

Oracle BPEL Process Manager

Oracle Business Process Execution Language Process Manager (BPEL PM) is a standard for building business processes from a set of heterogeneous services that radically reduce the complexity and cost of integration projects. Oracle BPEL Process Manager offers an easy-to-use, yet feature-rich environment for visual design, implementation, and control of business processes. The functionality of already existing systems becomes a kind of constructor, a set of fragments that, when connected in the correct order, form a single environment, the state of which can be fully controlled and visualized.

Implementation effect

● the responsibility of each employee for the fulfillment and completion of any task given to him is increased, since he knows that the task will not be forgotten, it will certainly be accepted and checked

● management can evaluate the workload and efficiency of staff work, since information about all tasks is recorded in the system and at any given time you can see who is constantly delaying tasks, who is performing the most tasks, etc.

● document flow is accelerated, which is reflected in the speed and quality of customer service, and this is a direct way to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise

● interchangeability of employees is ensured, since all unsolved tasks and documents are registered in the system

● raising the level of corporate culture, which directs each employee to achieve the overall goals of the enterprise

● improving the efficiency of collaboration with information

● increasing the level of customer service

● reduction of the cost of ownership of the software and hardware complex


The introduction of electronic document management will be effective for those enterprises that have:

● the management apparatus and workflow are quite large and complex (for a small business, electronic workflow can even slow down processes, not to mention the effectiveness of investments)

● the company's management is ready to restructure business processes aimed at their optimization and clear regulation, since without this work, the introduction of electronic document management is impossible

● the management aims to introduce electronic document management to improve the efficiency of enterprise management, and not to facilitate the work of individual departments (for example, the office).

Design, development and implementation of a document flow and enterprise resource management system based on the Lotus Domino platform

Tasks to be solved

Document flow and enterprise resource management systems, which ensure the collective work of employees of the entire enterprise in a single information space, solve the following main tasks:

● increasing the speed and quality of decision making

● increasing the manageability of the organization

● increasing the rate of dissemination of knowledge within the organization

● improving the security of storage and transmission of information

● reduction in the share of overhead costs

● provision of external document flow

Document management and enterprise resource management systems:

● support collaboration

● increase the efficiency and productivity of personnel

● ensure the constant availability of information to the company's decision-makers

● allow to reduce the expenditure of funds for non-production needs

● make the work of geographically distributed companies simple and efficient

● enable employees to perform functional duties and have access only to the documents necessary for work in accordance with the roles in the system

● ensure the security of stored information

● improve the quality of work with partners and clients

● increase the rate of dissemination of knowledge within the company


Companies with a large staff in need of workflow automation.

Hardware platform

Platforms supported by IBM software products.

Software platform

Lotus Domino 5.xx, 6.xx, 7.xx.


The main capabilities of the enterprise document management and resource management system can be formulated as a list:

● registration of incoming, outgoing correspondence

● full cycle of documents approval

● formation and execution of orders

● internal document flow of the organization

● storage and updating of data about the structure, employees and contractors of the organization
● work with contracts and external contacts of the organization

● management of projects in progress in the organization

● simple and quick implementation of various orders and applications

● preparation of various events

● maintenance of the material base of the organization

● unified storage of company documents

● personnel subsystem

When implementing document management and enterprise resource management systems, R-Style Company works according to the following scheme:

● survey of the organizational structure of the enterprise, identification of the main business processes, workflows and a formal description of the flow of documents

● drawing up a nomenclature of documents, forming reference books and classifiers, drawing up instructions

● adaptation or revision of the system based on the information obtained at the stage of the survey

● software installation and configuration, trial operation

● final configuration of the system, taking into account the shortcomings identified during trial operation

● training of the organization's personnel

Implementation effect

Optimization of the company's document flow and reduction of non-core costs.


This solution represents both the development of a document management system and enterprise resource management "from scratch", and the revision of existing systems for the needs of a particular customer.

Integration projects on Lotus Notes / Domino

KSK's approach to building corporate information projects based on Lotus Notes / Domino technology

Lotus Notes / Domino functions in a corporation

Lotus Notes / Domino performs 4 main functions in a corporation:

Corporate email.

2. Automation of document-oriented tasks.

3. Transport information system.

4. Web - solutions.

Unified Lotus Notes / Domino infrastructure in the organization

one). Corporate email

Implementation of Lotus Notes / Domino technology is justified even when it is used as a corporate e-mail system.

This system can be described as reliable, scalable, secure and manageable. There are organizations in which more than 100 and even 200 thousand employees are united by the Lotus Domino messaging system. This means that as your organization expands, the Lotus Domino infrastructure can also be expanded without encountering technical constraints. When it comes to security, Domino offers the most powerful mail security system on the Internet today.

In addition to e-mail, Lotus Domino contains tightly integrated group calendaring and scheduling systems.

Many companies start building their email infrastructure by implementing MS Exchange. However, as deployments scale up and the need to automate teamwork tasks is identified, some of these companies are beginning to migrate to Lotus Domino. For this purpose, special procedures have been developed for migration from MS Exchange to Lotus Domino. KSK has accumulated extensive experience in performing migrations in large corporations.

The migration scheme can be represented as follows

2). Automation of document-oriented tasks

At the heart of Lotus Notes / Domino is object storage known as the Notes Storage Facility (NSF). The main unit of data storage is a separate document, and its structure is determined by a form containing a set of fields of various types. For example, a document related to customer service might include the date, customer name, customer identification number, operator name, a text field to describe the customer's request, and a status field for the request. Notes uses indexed views to display lists of documents, navigators and full-text indexes to find documents, and agents to automate business processes.

Another fundamental mechanism of Lotus Notes / Domino is the replication mechanism, which solves 2 main tasks:

Support for geographically distributed work (synchronization of data and applications);

Support for mobile users (synchronization of mail, data and applications).

Replication in Lotus Notes/ Domino is unique in its functionality and granularity: it runs at the level of individual fields and is highly customizable. It is characterized by the following properties: bidirectional; selectivity; replication between servers and between servers and clients; data replication and application design. In addition, replication can be carried out over various communication channels: from ordinary city telephone lines to high-speed local (global) networks.
Together, the replication engine and Notes mail form an integrated Lotus Notes / Domino messaging system that serves as the basis for building workflow and workflow automation applications.
With an integrated messaging system, document databases, and embedded development tools, customers and application developers gain a powerful platform for developing document-based systems.

The KCK company has developed and offers on the market the document management system KCK DocLogic. DocLogic is modular. A more detailed description of DocLogic is given below.

Despite the large number of ready-made applications for Lotus Notes / Domino, most of the applications running for customers around the world have been developed to order. This is due to the specifics of the business of each of the customers, as well as the use of different technologies and solutions. Almost any corporate project based on Lotus Notes / Domino assumes the use of both ready-made solutions and custom development.

KSK is a leading Russian company in the field of corporate projects based on Lotus Notes / Domino and the development of custom applications. The company has completed a large number of projects for foreign and Russian customers.

3). Transport information system

Lotus Notes / Domino has the ability to exchange data with other information systems. To this end, Lotus has developed a whole range of integration technologies, some of which are built into Lotus Notes / Domino, and some are implemented as standalone products. Integration products and technologies include:

The LotusScript Data Object Library is a collection of LotusScript classes, methods, properties, and events that provide access to relational and traditional databases using ODBC;

Built-in Domino Enterprise Connector Services (DECS) technology, which allows you to create applications that combine Domino data and DBMS without programming;

Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) - a separate server that allows administrators to centrally plan and conduct bulk data exchange in periodic synchronization or transactions mode between Lotus Domino and DBMS, including the IBM DB2 family, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL and other ODBC-compatible databases;

Domino Connectors, which enable communication between Domino applications and enterprise resource management (ERP) systems, transaction monitors, and directory services.

The above integration capabilities, coupled with a powerful replication engine (especially on low-speed networks), give Domino a good reason to use Domino as a top-notch middleware or transport system.

4). Web solutions

Lotus Domino is a Web server that supports the HTTP and HTTPS standards. In addition to performing the functions of a standard Web server, Lotus Domino can convert Notes documents to HTML on the fly and present them to the Internet user. This way, the information for your Web site will not be stored as HTML files on the file system, but as documents in the Domino database.

This means that you can use all the powerful Lotus Notes / Domino development tools and make your Domino applications and data available to Internet / Intranet users at no additional overhead. In this case, all Domino services, such as document indexing, categorization, full-text search, replication, scheduled and triggered agents automatically become available to the creator of your Web server.

By doing this, you can make the content process of your Web site almost self-contained. The webmaster will not have to constantly manually update the site content and will cease to be the bottleneck of this process. Since the data source for the Web site is a Lotus Notes / Domino database, the authors of the documents themselves have the option to publish them to the Web site. At the same time, due to the means of coordination and automation of workflows (workflow), the process of approving documents for publication on the Web is automatically supported, notifying authors and those responsible for the need to make changes, updates or deletions.

Business history of the formation and development of the enterprise. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the management documentation support. Automation of strategic decision making in JSC. Formation of requirements for the electronic document management system.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education



Department of General, Strategic, Information Management and Business Processes


Information and documentation support for making strategic decisions in the organization (for example, OJSC "Rodina")

Specialty 032001.65 Documentation and documentation support of management

Specialization "documenting the activities of state authorities and local self-government", correspondence course

Student Anastasia Viktorovna Bagmut

Krasnodar 2013

Strategic decision, information and documentation support, performance indicators, EDMS, document flow.

The purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of JSC Rodina's activities in the field of information and documentation support for making strategic decisions through the introduction of an electronic document management system.

The object of the research is OJSC "Rodina".

As a result of the study, a set of measures was developed to improve the efficiency of the system of information and documentation support for OJSC Rodina, and a project for the implementation of an EDMS was developed.

  • Introduction
    • 2. System analysis of the state of the preschool educational institution in JSC "Rodina" and assessment of its effectiveness
      • 2.2 Analysis of the current documentation system
      • 2.3 Statement of problems of development of the system of information and documentation support of management in JSC "Rodina". Selection of topical problems in the development of information and documentation support when making strategic decisions
    • 3. Development of technology for information and documentation support for strategic decision-making at OJSC "Rodina"
      • 3.1 Selection and development of an information system project for making strategic decisions
      • 3.1.1 Formation of requirements for the electronic document management system
      • 3.2 Selecting criteria and indicators and assessing the effectiveness of the proposed design solution
      • 3.3 Economic justification of the developed project
    • Conclusion
  • List of sources used



For 20 years in our state there has been a market economy, the transition to which meant that the leaders had to learn how to manage on their own, and not on orders from “above”. One of the elements of independent management of the enterprise is the adoption of management decisions.

Automation of workflow allows any organization to speed up the work process, to stay ahead of competitors when making both operational and strategic decisions.

The implementation of the EDMS ensures the well-coordinated work of all departments; simplifies work with documents, increases its efficiency and efficiency of access to information. Consequently, the automation of workflow is necessary in any organization, regardless of the scale and type of ownership, because the use of EDMS increases the competitiveness of the company in the market for goods and services.

Management decisions at the enterprise cover all aspects of its activities: preparation of production, production itself, sales, work with personnel, finance, etc.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the importance of the problem of providing documentation for the organization at the stage of making strategic decisions. The development of uniform requirements for the workflow system, the identification of a full set of normative functions of performers and management mechanisms at each stage of the document life cycle (project formation, preparation, registration, execution, transfer to the archive) are also not an easy task.

In the course of the final qualification work, the main directions of the activities of the Open Joint Stock Company "Rodina" (hereinafter OJSC "Rodina") were studied and analyzed for documenting and organizing work with documents in order to identify their features.

The object of the research is OJSC "Rodina" - an agro-industrial complex located in st. Chelbasskaya, Kanevsky District, Krasnodar Territory.

The subject of the research is the process of information and documentation support for making strategic decisions at OJSC "Rodina".

The purpose of the final qualification work is to increase the efficiency of JSC "Rodina" in the field of information and documentation support for strategic decision-making through the introduction of an electronic document management system.

Based on this, a number of tasks are built:

1) disclosing the essence of the concept "organization of information and documentation support for strategic decision-making" and identifying the features of the current stage of development of preschool educational institutions;

2) characteristics of the regulatory framework for information and documentation support of management;

3) evaluation of the effectiveness of the current preschool educational institution at OJSC "Rodina";

4) development of a set of measures to improve the efficiency of the IDOU system for making strategic decisions;

5) an assessment of the economic efficiency of the proposed implementations.

When writing the final qualifying work, 51 sources were used. First of all, the regulatory, methodological and legislative framework was studied and analyzed. In addition, the theoretical and methodological basis of the research was formed by the works of such famous authors as G.N. Zatsepina, T.V. Kuznetsova, Yu.N. Stolyarov, D.V. Arutyunova, G. Ya. Goldstein and others.

The empirical base of the study was made up of materials from professional periodicals, Internet resources, internal (local) acts and documents of OJSC "Rodina".

In accordance with the tasks set, the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and three appendices.

The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical foundations of strategic management and office work in the organization. The regulatory and legal framework for documentary support of management is described, the current state of information support for making strategic decisions in an organization is shown.

The second chapter in its content is an analysis of the economic and economic activities of JSC "Rodina". The system of information and documentary support of the organization's activities is described, the main problems in the documentary support of strategic decision-making are shown.

The third chapter is the development of proposals for improving the information and documentation support for the activities of JSC "Rodina" in making strategic decisions, which includes several sections: automation of the organization's workflow, as well as the expected conclusions from the proposed changes.

1. Theoretical foundations of information and documentation support for strategic decision-making

1.1 The essence of the concept of "strategic management" and its current state

Strategic management is an integrated system for setting and implementing the strategic goals of an enterprise, based on predicting the environment and developing ways to adapt to its changes, as well as impact on it.

Strategy is an image of organizational actions and management approaches used to achieve organizational goals and objectives of the organization.

In modern management science, some features of strategic management are distinguished:

1. The goal of a modern organization is to adapt to change. Due to the need to take into account the dynamics of the external environment, there are two directions for the development of strategic management:

Regular strategic management, which is a logical development of strategic planning and consists of two complementary subsystems: the subsystem for analysis and planning of the strategy and the subsystem for the implementation of the strategy;

Real-time strategic management - solving unexpected strategic problems. It develops in industries where changes in the external environment occur with high frequency and unpredictable.

Organizations are forced to simultaneously refine the strategy and address the strategic challenges that have arisen.

2. The purpose of strategic management is development, i.e. change not only quantitative, but also qualitative characteristics. For example, strategic decisions include decisions on the reconstruction of an organization, the introduction of new products and technologies, and entry into new sales markets.

3. The product of strategic management is the organization's potential, which consists of resources and sources of their replenishment, connections, position and the organizational system as a whole. Potential also characterizes the most efficient use of resources to achieve the goal. On the other hand, potential is a source of formation of the organization's competitive advantage, and, therefore, needs constant development and improvement.

4. As additional features of strategic management, there are:

Flexible response to impulses from the external environment;

Implementation of timely changes in the organization;

Relying on human potential;

Consumer orientation;

Long-term prospects through competitive advantages;

Consideration of an array of data, rather than its individual components;

Ensuring the company's competitiveness in the future.

1) problems associated with the goals of the company, which are aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization by ensuring the relationship of goals, resources and results;

2) problems associated with the elements of the organization, if these elements are necessary to achieve the goals, but at the moment are absent or available in insufficient volume;

3) problems associated with external factors.

Thus, strategic management is a modern tool for managing the development of an organization aimed at increasing potential by achieving competitiveness in the face of increasing changes in the external environment and the associated uncertainty.

Strategic management is such management that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orientates production activities to customer requests, responds flexibly and makes timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow to achieve competitive advantages, which together makes it possible for the organization to survive in the long term, while achieving their goals.

The objects of strategic management are organizations, strategic business units and functional areas of the organization.

The subject of strategic management is:

Problems that are directly related to the overall goals of the organization.

Problems and solutions associated with any element of the organization, if this element is necessary to achieve the goals, but is currently absent or insufficiently available.

Problems related to external factors that are out of control.

“Problems of strategic management most often arise as a result of the action of numerous external factors. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken in choosing a strategy, it is important to determine what economic, political, scientific, technical, social and other factors influence the future of the organization. "

Figure 1 shows the key characteristics of the strategic aspect of managing an organization in comparison with operational (day-to-day) management.

Figure 1 - key characteristics of the strategic aspect of the organization's management in comparison with the operational (current) management

Let's consider the main characteristics of strategic decisions. There are nine such characteristics:

1) strategic decisions reflect the management's point of view of what the organization should be like and what it should do;

2) strategic decisions are designed to assist the organization in ensuring interaction with the external environment. The organization constantly adjusts to the changing environment;

3) strategic decisions take into account the organisation's own resources and help ensure precise alignments between business activities and available resources;

4) strategic decisions include the idea of ​​a big change in the organization's work system;

5) strategic decisions are extremely complex and involve varying degrees of uncertainty. They imply that the organization must make assumptions about upcoming events based on not very reliable information;

6) strategic decisions require a comprehensive approach to managing the organization;

7) strategic decisions have a long-range scope. They are long-term and long-term;

8) strategic decisions are involved in the assessments and expectations of key members of the company within the organization (shareholders, directors, etc.). Many researchers argue that the strategy of an organization is a reflection of the relationships and opinions of influential internal members of the company;

9) strategic decisions seriously impact resources and operations. They influence the resource base of an organization and trigger waves of lower-level organizational decisions.

Thus, making strategic decisions is a vital task for an organization of any size and field of activity. Competent documentation of this process is the key to legally correct and expedient decisions.

1.2 Regulatory framework for the formation of a system of documentary support of the organization's activities

The organization of documentary support for making strategic decisions of an enterprise is a set of measures aimed at creating and maintaining the conditions necessary for the implementation of effective management of the activities of the management of the enterprise to document the development and implementation of actions leading to a long-term excess of the level of performance of the organization over the level of competitors.

The task of legislative consolidation of the main provisions on the organization and maintenance of general office work in order to create the minimum necessary and sufficient number of documents in cases requiring documentary confirmation of events and facts is always relevant.

The complex of federal normative and methodological materials on documentary support is made up of Federal laws, orders and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, state and international standards.

As you know, there are 3 levels of normative legal acts (RLA) (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 - The structure of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation

Relations arising from the formation and use of information resources are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection".

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 27.02.2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" regulates the conditions for using an electronic digital signature in electronic documents, subject to which an electronic digital signature in an electronic document is recognized as equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document. This law defines the conditions for the use of an electronic digital signature, the specifics of its use.

In addition, one cannot fail to mention the Federal Law Federal Law of 22.10.2004 No. 125-FZ “On archival affairs in the Russian Federation”.

One of the fundamental documents in the field of normative regulation of activities for documentation support is the order of the USSR Main Archives of May 25, 1988 No. 33 "State system of documentation support for management." This document is a set of principles and rules that establish uniform requirements for documenting management activities and organizing work with documents in government bodies and contains a set of requirements and provisions that contribute to the development of unified approaches to both traditional and automated document management systems.

GSDOU streamlines the organizational structure of document management in organizations by solving issues of building standard preschool services, organizing the technological process for creating and processing documentation, helps to resolve a number of automation problems, create and process documents and includes regulations and rules of a nationwide scale and significance. At the same time, being essentially state-owned, the system is also oriented towards application in non-state structures in all its aspects.

The rules of office work in federal executive bodies also contribute to solving technological problems of documentation. This standard establishes the composition of the details, the rules for the preparation of organizational and administrative documents, which fix the decisions of administrative and organizational issues. The rules, presenting requirements for the unification of the elements of documentation, greatly facilitates the creation of standard, unified and unified processes of both traditional and automated documentation, storage and transmission of documented information.

The specifics of the activities for the management documentation support presupposes the significant role of standards. So, the standard GOST R 51141-98. “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions ”forms the conceptual apparatus of this field of activity. The terms specified in this standard should be used in all types of documentation. The substantive basis of the standard is formed by three sections: "General concepts", "Office work" and "Archival business".

The list of standard administrative archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local self-government bodies and organizations, indicating the storage periods, includes documents generated when documenting the same type (common to all) administrative functions performed by institutions, organizations and enterprises, regardless of their functions, level and scale of activity, forms of ownership. The list serves the purposes of preserving, organizing and replenishing the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and is intended to determine the storage time of documents, their selection for permanent storage or destruction. It should also be used in the preparation of nomenclatures of cases, in the formation of cases, in the development of classification schemes for documents in the creation of search systems in office work, in the development of departmental lists.

With the beginning of the widespread use of information technology in office work, this area has become multifaceted and rapidly changing, which is immediately reflected in the relevant national and international standards. As information technology develops, document management standards are continuously improving, covering a wide range of functions, processes and even individual methods, describing them in varying degrees of detail - from high-level concepts to specific technological processes.

GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Document management. General requirements "defines the basic principles of document management, regardless of the types of media and technologies used. Unfortunately, there is still no similar standard for organizing long-term storage, although to some extent its role is played by ISO 14721: 2003 "Basic model of an open archival information system".

The next level includes standards governing individual procedures and types of work. This can also include requirements for the functionality of specialized electronic systems for document management and for archival storage of electronic documents, as well as for the "clerical" functionality of business applications.

This array of regulatory information is based on standards that regulate various methods and technologies used in document management systems: file formats, media for long-term storage of information, metadata, exchange and interaction protocols. The standards are intended for a fairly wide range of professionals. Users of standards for document management can be conditionally divided into two groups: specialists in the field of office work and archiving and specialists in other areas who, by the nature of their business, create, use and store documents.

Recently, the developers of both national and international standards have been focusing on the following areas of standardization:

Requirements for electronic document management systems (EDMS);

Ensuring long-term preservation of legally significant electronic documents;


Functional requirements for electronic document management systems (in our terminology - for electronic document management systems) are developed mainly in the interests of government agencies. Such requirements serve as a guideline (and sometimes a mandatory requirement) in the procurement of appropriate systems for government agencies, which makes it possible to maintain a unified technical policy in the public sector and create the necessary conditions for interagency cooperation. At the same time, these requirements are often used by commercial organizations when conducting their purchases, choosing from them the provisions they need.

It should be noted that work is underway in Russia to unify domestic norms and international standards. So, the European requirements MoReq2 developed in 2008 (by order of the European Commission and the EU government) are of interest.

A new trend in world practice has become the emergence of requirements for the minimum set of functionality for document management required for business systems (accounting, resource management and business processes, etc.) - in contrast to the requirements for full-scale specialized systems for document management.

So, according to the standard developed in the USA, DoD 5015.2-STD "Standard of Requirements for EDMS of the US Department of Defense", version 3 of April 25, 2007 provides a set of requirements for the functionality of document management systems that are necessary for government agencies to comply with the provisions of laws on the protection of personal data and access to government information. These are, first of all, the possibilities:

Select documents containing personal data and / or subject to disclosure under the law on freedom of access to state information;

Register requests from citizens regarding their personal data, as well as requests from citizens and organizations for access to state information; to form appropriate electronic dossiers containing documents created in the course of processing these requests;

Manage documentation on the disclosure of personal and state information;

Collect the necessary statistical data and generate relevant reports;

Support the creation of censored versions of disclosed documents and their storage in conjunction with the original documents.

The standard, in addition, now includes a section with the requirements for ensuring interaction between the EDMS when transferring electronic documents from one system to another.

The MoReq2 specification is the second version of the Model Requirements (MoReq), which is the new European “de facto” standard for electronic document management systems. MoReq2 is already quite influential in the area of ​​electronic document management, and this influence will only increase in the future. The reasons for this lie in the following:

It targets all sectors, not just government agencies;

It is an international standard used throughout Europe as well as Asia, North and South America;

It describes functionality that goes far beyond document management itself;

In the course of its development, a huge international discussion of the project was organized by specialists from many countries of the world.

The guidance contained in this standard will help you understand the requirements for office management, organizational and business fundamentals for performing conversion and migration processes, issues of technological planning, monitoring and control of the execution of processes. It describes the activities, components, and specific methodologies for converting and migrating documents from one document management system to another, including topics such as workflow management, testing, version control, and verification.

Standard GOST 7.1-84. “Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and rules for drawing up "contains requirements to ensure the preservation of the authenticity and authenticity of electronic documents during their conversion from one electronic document storage system to another. While the long-term preservation of electronic documents is not directly addressed, they are highly related to the conversion task, since many long-term preservation strategies involve some form of conversion.

Part I of the standard addresses decisions related to planning a conversion program and dealing with office issues. Part II is devoted to a discussion of the actual conversion process. Applications include:

Tables that summarize the "clerical" requirements; driving forces and risks associated with the conversion process; control and management measures, stages of the conversion process;

More resources to help those responsible for conversions.

The introduction of the draft standard states: “Increasingly, information that has been created, entered and stored electronically is used as evidence of business activity. Such evidence may be required in the event of contractual disputes or in court. This Technical Report identifies good practice for the electronic storage of business or other information in a graphical form. Accordingly, compliance with these recommendations is of interest to the organization even when the reliability of the stored information is not disputed. "

A revised edition of ISO 15836: 2009 Information and Documentation - Dublin Metadata Core was published in 2009. ISO 15836: 2009 establishes a resource description standard known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. ISO 15836: 2009 does not limit the concept of a resource, but it is most often used to describe books and documents.

This standard is one of the most popular universal metadata systems and was developed in the late 1990s. initiated by the World Wide Web Consortium. Its popularity is due to the fact that the description model based on the "Dublin Core" does not exclude the possibility of using various other linguistic means. In addition, no special training is required to apply the Dublin Core, unlike traditional library formats.

GOST R ISO 23081-1-2008 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Document management processes. Metadata for documents. Part 1. Principles "is the second modern Russian standard in the field of document management. The standard was prepared by the All-Russian Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Affairs on the basis of an authentic translation of the international standard ISO 23081-1: 2006 "Information and documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records - Part 1. Principles". This document answers the questions: what is metadata, what are metadata and how to use them to manage documents in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007. The standard establishes the framework for the creation, management and use of records management metadata, and explains the principles behind their management. It highlights the importance of document management metadata in business processes and describes the various roles and types of metadata that support business and document management processes. The standard also establishes a framework for managing this metadata.

Thus, we can conclude that the legislative basis for the management documentation support is a huge array of Russian and international documents, while standards play a special role due to the specifics of the subject of regulation. The main trend of recent years is the desire to unify national standards for documentation support, the development of international normative acts, which, in the context of globalization and the growing interconnection of the information space, will optimize communication processes.

Another pronounced trend is the gradual digitalization of the entire documentation support system. The possibility of using world experience in working with documents, primarily electronic, can both significantly reduce the time required for the implementation of electronic document management in our organizations, and speed up the process of creating archives of legally significant electronic documents.

1.3 Information technology for making strategic decisions in the organization

Organizations of various types and spheres of activity can be represented as a business system in which economic resources are transformed into goods and services through various organizational, technical and social processes.

In the course of the activity of any business system, it is influenced by environmental factors (competitors, customers, suppliers, government agencies, partners, owners, banks, exchanges, etc.) and internal factors, which are mainly the result of the adoption of one or another managerial solutions.

The process of making managerial decisions is considered as the main type of managerial activity, that is, as a set of interrelated, purposeful and consistent managerial actions that ensure the implementation of managerial tasks.

The purpose and nature of the organization's activities determine its information system and information technology automation, as well as the type of processed and produced information product, on the basis of which the optimal management decision is made.

The effectiveness of managerial decision-making in the context of the functioning of information technologies in organizations of various types is due to the use of various tools for analyzing the financial and economic activities of enterprises. There are four groups of tasks solved by the company:

1) the first circle of tasks is focused on providing economic information to users external to the company - investors, tax authorities, etc. Most often, the analysis uses indicators obtained on the basis of data from standard accounting and statistical reporting, as well as other sources of information;

2) the second circle is associated with the tasks of analysis, designed to develop strategic management decisions for business development. The information base should be wider, but within the framework of sufficiently highly aggregated indicators characterizing the main trends in the development of an individual firm or corporation;

3) the third circle of analysis tasks is focused on the development of tactical decisions. Its information base is extremely wide and requires the coverage of a large number of private highly detailed indicators characterizing various aspects of the operation of the control object;

4) the fourth circle of tasks is associated with the tasks of operational management of an economic object in accordance with the functional subsystems of an economic object. To solve these problems, current operational information about the state of the economic object and the external environment is used.

The main functions of the management apparatus of various organizations are to analyze situations in the company and the external environment and make decisions on strategic and short-term planning of its activities.

Implementation of planned decision-making tasks is carried out at the strategic, tactical and operational (operational) levels.

Each of these levels requires a certain information and documentation support, which is implemented on the basis of information technology. In accordance with the levels of decision-making in the functioning of information technology, three contours can be distinguished: long-term strategic planning, medium-term tactical planning and operational regulation of the organization's activities:

1) the strategic level is focused on top managers. Due to the organization of information technology, access to information is provided that reflects the current state of affairs in the company, the external environment, their relationship and necessary for making strategic decisions. The main objectives of the strategic management level are:

Determination of the system of priorities for the development of the organization;

Assessment of promising directions for the development of the organization;

Selection and assessment of the necessary resources to achieve the set goals.

In accordance with these areas, information technology provides top management with prompt, convenient access and sorting of information by key factors that allow assessing the degree of achievement of the company's strategic goals and forecasting its activities for the long term. The peculiarities of the information technology of the contour of long-term planning and analysis of the predicted functioning is the construction of aggregated models of the development of the organization, taking into account the activities of adjacent production and economic complexes.

Models of this circuit of information technology functioning should take into account:

Features of the development of market relations in the country;

Possible promising types of products (goods and services) related to the profile of the organization or enterprise;

Potential types of production resources that can be used to create new types of products (goods, services);

Promising technological processes for the manufacture of new types of products (goods and services).

Consideration of the listed factors in the model of information technology functioning is based mainly on the use of information external to the organization's activities. Thus, IT must have a developed communication environment (including the Internet) to receive, accumulate and process external information.

A distinctive feature of the functioning of IT in the long-term strategic planning contour, based on the use of aggregated models, should be considered the decisive role of the management personnel themselves in the decision-making process. A high level of uncertainty and incompleteness of information increases the importance of the subjective factor as a basis for decision-making. At the same time, automated information technology acts as an auxiliary tool that provides the main prerequisite for organizing the activities of the management apparatus.

Thus, information technologies to support the strategic level of decision-making help the top management of the organization to solve unstructured tasks, the main of which is to compare the changes taking place in the external environment with the existing potential of the company.

The main tools for supporting the work of senior management are the strategic information systems being developed for the implementation of the strategic long-term goals of the organization's development.

At present, a general concept for the implementation of strategic information systems has not yet been developed due to their target and functional versatility. There are three trends in their use:

The first is based on the assumption that goals and strategies for achieving them are first formulated, and only then does the automated information technology adapt to the strategy worked out in advance;

The second trend is that the organization uses the strategic information system in the formulation of goals and strategic planning;

The third trend is based on the methodology for synthesizing the two previous trends - embedding a strategic information system into the existing information technology with the combination of developing a concept for the development of an organization in the management level of the company.

Information technologies are designed to create a common environment for computer and telecommunications support for strategic decisions in unexpected situations;

2) the tactical level of decision-making is based on automated data processing and the implementation of models that help to solve individual, mostly poorly structured tasks (for example, making decisions about investments, sales markets, etc.). The main objectives of the tactical leadership level are:

Ensuring the sustainable functioning of the organization as a whole;

Capacity building for the development of the organization;

Creation and adjustment of basic work plans and schedules for the implementation of orders based on the potential accumulated in the process of development of the organization.

To make tactical decisions, information technology must provide middle managers with the information necessary to make individual or group tactical decisions. Usually, such decisions are important at a certain time interval (month, quarter, year).

The tactical level of decision-making by the middle management is used for monitoring (constant tracking), control, decisions and administration. The main functions that are performed on the basis of automated information technology are: comparing current indicators with past ones, compiling periodic reports for a certain period, providing access to archived information, making tactical management decisions, etc.

The functioning of information technology in the framework of medium-term tactical planning is based on the use of models that reflect real factors and conditions for the possible development of the activities of organizations and enterprises, to a large extent the external requirements of suppliers and consumers are taken into account. However, in this contour, external information exactly corresponds to the possible and practically implemented directions of development of organizations and enterprises, which increases the level of certainty of the data and the model of the management system.

To support the adoption of tactical decisions in the information technology of the company, such tools as databases, knowledge processing systems, decision support systems, etc. are used.

One of the tools for making tactical decisions today are decision support systems that serve semi-structured tasks, the results of which are difficult to predict in advance. Decision support systems have a fairly powerful analytical apparatus with several models. The main characteristics of such systems are:

Possibility of solving problems, the development of which is difficult to predict;

Availability of modeling and analysis tools;

The ability to easily change the setting of the problems being solved and the input data;

Flexibility and adaptability to changing conditions;

A technology that is as user-friendly as possible;

3) the operational (operational) level of decision-making is the basis of all automated information technologies. At this level, a huge number of current routine operations are performed to solve various functional tasks of an economic object. Operational management is focused on achieving the goals formulated at the strategic level through the use of potential determined at the tactical level. At the same time, the following are among the most important priorities of operational management:

Making a profit through the implementation of activities planned in advance using the accumulated potential;

Registration, accumulation and analysis of deviations from the planned production progress;

Development and implementation of solutions to eliminate or minimize unwanted deviations.

The functioning of information technology in the contour of current planning and operational regulation occurs in conditions of certainty, completeness of information and often in real time information processing.

Information technologies provide specialists at the operational level with information products necessary for making daily operational management decisions. The purpose of information technology tools at this level is to respond to inquiries about the current state of the firm and control the information flows of the organization, which corresponds to operational management.

Information technology, supporting management at the operational level, is the link between the organization and the external environment. The operational level also supplies data for the remaining control levels. The tools at the operational management level have little analytical power. They serve the specialists of the organization who need daily, weekly information about the state of affairs both within the company and in the external environment. Their main purpose is to track daily operations in the organization and periodically generate highly structured summary standard reports.

Basic information needs at the operational level can be met with the help of standard functional and problem-oriented hardware and software tools for textual, tabular, graphical and statistical data processing, electronic communications, etc.

Thus, information support in making strategic decisions occupies a rather significant niche, since it contributes not only to making a profit through the implementation of activities planned in advance, but also the registration, accumulation and analysis of deviations from the planned production progress, as well as the development and implementation of solutions to eliminate or minimize unwanted deviations from the business plan.

2. System analysis of the state of the preschool educational institution in JSC "Rodina" and assessment of its effectiveness

2.1 Analysis of the business history of the formation and development of JSC "Rodina"

OJSC Rodina is an agricultural enterprise located in the village of Chelbasskaya, Kanevsky District, Krasnodar Territory.

Open Joint Stock Company "Rodina" in its current organizational and legal form was established on 03.09.1998. The enterprise operates on the basis of the Charter, the current version of which was approved by Minutes No. 2 of 25 November 2010.

In accordance with the charter, the purpose of the formation of JSC "Rodina" is to meet public needs for work, products, services of the Company, profit from the creation of competitive goods, works and services, while the Company has civil rights and bears civil obligations necessary for the implementation of any activities not prohibited by federal laws.

The legal address of OJSC "Rodina": Krasnodar Territory, Kanevsky District, Art. Chelbasskaya, st. Krasnaya, 119. The company was assigned a taxpayer identification number (TIN) 2334006686, the entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was made on September 19, 2002, OGRN: 1022303977376.

The company is a legal entity, can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise any property and personal non-property rights provided by legislation for open joint-stock companies, bear obligations, on its own behalf make any transactions permitted by law, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. Also, OJSC Rodina owns a separate property recorded on its independent balance sheet, owns, uses and disposes of it in accordance with the goals of its activities and the purpose of the property.

The authorized capital of OJSC Rodina is 21,019,506 (twenty one million nineteen thousand five hundred six) rubles, divided into 20,019,506 (twenty million nineteen thousand five hundred six) ordinary registered shares with a par value of 1 (one) ruble each and 1,000,000 ( one million) preferred registered shares with a par value of 1 (one) ruble each.

In accordance with clause 7.2 of the Articles of Association of OJSC Rodina, the company has the right to place, in addition to the outstanding shares, 140 136 542 (one hundred forty million one hundred thirty six thousand five hundred forty two) ordinary registered shares with a par value of 1 (one) ruble each, for the total amount at a par value of 140 136 542 (one hundred forty million one hundred thirty six thousand five hundred forty two) rubles and 7,000,000 (seven million) pieces of preference registered shares with a par value of 1 (one) ruble each, for a total amount at a par value of 7,000,000 ( seven million) rubles (declared shares).

Open joint-stock company "Rodina" was transformed from CJSC "Rodina", earlier, in the Soviet era, the collective agricultural enterprise of the same name of the Kanevsky district.

Since 2000, OJSC Rodina has been part of the Steppe group of companies of OJSC Concern Stella and is one of the largest agricultural enterprises producing crop and livestock products in the Kanevsky District (see Figure 4).

As can be seen from the above diagram, the Steppe Group of Companies includes eight agricultural enterprises located in the Kanevsky, Leningradsky and Pavlovsky districts of the Krasnodar Territory. The main activities of OJSC Rodina are:

Cultivation of grain and leguminous crops;

Growing of oilseeds;

Growing sugar beets;

Cultivation of forage crops;

Harvesting vegetable feed;

Breeding cattle;

Production of meat and food by-products of cattle and pigs;

Milk production;

Wholesale trade in grain, seeds and feed for farm animals.

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Figure 3 - Place of OJSC Rodina in the overall structure of OJSC Concern Stella

OJSC Rodina has shown high rates of development only in recent years, after joining the Group of Companies. Until the early 2000s, this was one of the most "problematic" farms in the region. In 1999 alone, the net loss received by the company amounted to 13 million rubles. Joining the Stela concern made it possible to significantly update the agricultural machinery park, in particular to purchase equipment with a train of implements, which made it possible to introduce the most modern technologies in fodder production, animal breeding, crop production, and attract large-scale investments to update the production base. Already in 2006, OJSC Rodina entered the Agro-300 club, which unites the largest agricultural enterprises in Russia, and in 2011, according to Danone and OJSC Unimilk, the dairy farm of OJSC Rodina, which is part of the Steppe Group of Companies , took the first place in terms of quality indicators of milk among the producers of the Krasnodar Territory.

By 2012, the volume of milk production at Rodina JSC reached 40 tons per day, the herd of cattle was almost completely renewed, due to the acquisition of livestock in Germany and the USA, two existing ones were reconstructed and the construction of a new commercial dairy farm was started.

The organizational and managerial structure of OJSC Rodina is shown in Figure 4. The above diagram shows that the supreme governing body of the Company is the General Meeting of Shareholders. Ordinary meetings are held once a year. The Board of Directors manages the current activities. The sole executive body is the General Director of the Company, elected for a term of three years.

The analysis of the organizational structure of the JSC shows that the personnel management department, legal and engineering departments, as well as the secretariat of the agricultural firm (general department) are directly subordinated to the general director. In addition, the General Director has four deputies who are in charge of certain areas of work. The financial director is subordinated to the planning and economic department, the centralized accounting department in which all information is collected on the divisions of the enterprise, headed by the chief accountant.

The technical director manages the activities of the construction and energy repair sites, car garages, repair shops. In addition, he is in charge of a software engineer for networking. In fact, the functions of the deputy general director for the relevant areas are performed by the chief livestock technician, who manages the entire livestock complex and the chief agronomist overseeing the activities of the plant growing workshop.

Figure 4 - Organizational structure of JSC "Rodina"

This structure makes it possible to carry out the production activities of the investigated enterprise most effectively and to fulfill the tasks facing it.

The main activity of the agricultural firm is the production and sale of agricultural products: cereals, oilseeds, beet growing, other areas of crop production, meat and dairy cattle breeding. At the moment, the agrofirm has farmland with a total area of ​​6474 hectares. The staff of the agricultural company in 2012 amounted to 342 people.

The main financial and economic indicators of the activities of OJSC Rodina are presented in Appendix A. The analysis of the main financial and economic indicators was carried out on the basis of the company's financial and production accounting data. As can be seen from the above data, the revenue of OJSC Rodina as a whole for the period is increasing, but the dynamics of revenue growth is not progressive (see Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Dynamics of revenue indicators of JSC "Rodina" in 2009-2012, thousand rubles.

An analysis of the company's resources shows that the number of personnel is quite stable. In 2010, it is reduced by 4 people, but then it starts to increase. The highest growth rates in the number of personnel were in 2011 and 2012. - about 5.5%. As a result, as of 01.01.2013, the average headcount is 342 people.

The material resources of the enterprise also gradually increase, but if the volume of current assets during the period increases by more than 69%, then the volume of fixed assets increases only by 18%. This is due to the specifics of accounting at agricultural enterprises - the growth in the volume of working capital is associated with a large-scale renewal of the herd of cattle recorded in the inventory accounts. The average annual volume of resources affects the indicators of capital productivity and turnover. So, on 01/01/2010 the return on assets was 1.26 rubles, and on 01/01/2013 it increased to 1.45 rubles. The turnover ratio reached its maximum value in 2010, and in 2011-2012. decreased slightly (see Figure 6).

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Book: Lecture Notes Documentary


The document serves many functions. State standard 16.487-83 defines a document as a material object with information fixed in a man-made way for its transmission in time and space, defines the general function of a document as a carrier of information. This document function is especially important in operational management. After using the document in the current work, it performs another important function - it acts as a historical source. These features attracted the attention of management workers and archivists. Governing bodies, institutions of power must interact in their work.

During the period of restructuring of the management system, the document performs a number of theoretical functions that are applied within the scientific disciplines of document management and archival research.

Management technology, reduced to a simple scheme, can be represented in the form of decision-making, organization of its implementation and control over its implementation. Such a scheme can be used both in the case of the simplest one-time event, and in the organization of complex nationwide sectoral systems. These systems will differ in the degree of preparation of decision-making, the organization of its implementation (personnel, finance, supply, implementation, etc.) and the organization of control over implementation. In all cases, the specified parts must be installed.

Any decision does not arise out of nothing, it can only be made on the basis of information on this issue. In this case, two important conditions should be noted: firstly, the information must be timely, and secondly, it must be sufficient to make the necessary decision. If the information arrived late, you lose the opportunity to take part in any actions, events. That is, the opportunity or chance is lost. On the other hand, if the information is insufficient or you only half know something,

your decision may be not only not the best, but even erroneous, since you did not take into account all the factors.

Currently, the amount of information is doubling every three years. This is due to the development of society. Any subject or each person individually can exist only when there is an exchange of information. In the conditions of market relations, the economic situation is rapidly changing, commercial enterprises "survive" only if they know in a timely manner what, when, how and how much it costs. Information has long been a commodity. Who owns the information, he owns the situation, and vice versa.

This testifies to significant changes in the organization of information resources in society, shows that information and a document, as its carrier, influence all aspects of management, as well as the functioning of various structures that affect the final result in the economic sphere.

Information and documentation service acts as the main (main) security (service) management function, the implementation of which requires special - professional knowledge. The efficiency and clarity in the activities of any subject depend on how this work is organized.

Information and documentation support is carried out by special structural units: business management, general department, office, secretariat (or assistant secretary). These units should be staffed with specialists. The assistant secretary must also have specialized education, depending on the level of the leader and his level of training.

The work of any administrative apparatus, like any work in general in our time, must be carried out subject to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor. That is, this means that there is no work that does not need to be properly organized, and the person performing this work must be familiar with the peculiarities of its implementation. To do this, the work must be divided into certain components - from the most complex to the simplest operations. Each part must be worked out, that is, it must be organized in the best possible way, since there are no trifles in any work, everything must be thought out. The scientific organization of labor consists of such thoughtful, correctly organized operations. How to correctly perform this or that work is determined by regulatory and methodological documents.

In the field of management, they mainly work with information and documents that act as its carriers. Document-object and the result of labor in the field of management.

Working with information and documentation support consists of the same operations. It is carried out only by some subjects by traditional methods (manually), by others - by means of mechanization and automation. But all the stages of working with documents remain. Therefore, any elementary literate employee of the administrative apparatus must not only correctly draw up and execute documents, but also know what types of work are performed with them.

Any work today is being improved by introducing new machines and processes. In the field of management, only work with documents can be mechanized and the processing of information contained in documents can be automated.

But machine document processing has its own requirements. Regarding the documents, the requirements for their format, the order of execution, the presentation of the text.

The document can also be divided into the simplest constituent parts (requisites) and in each part there are rules for the most correct writing and design. These rules are enshrined in DSTU 4163-2003. The requirements for paperwork are also described in sufficient detail in the management documentation system, since in all documents the same constituent parts (details) can be distinguished by examining the procedure for drawing up and issuing these details (spelling of the address, dates, approval stamps, approval, conclusion procedure, etc. ). These requirements are established by DSTU 4163-2003.

Only one-time action is drawn up with one document. Documents act in close interaction with each other and form a documentation system. The state standard defines the documentation system as a set of interrelated documents in a certain field of activity.

There are systems of financial, primary and accounting documentation of budgetary objects and entities, accounting and monetary documentation, organizational and administrative, etc. Thus, each manager must be able to withdraw and know the system of documentation with which he works. For example, an employee of the personnel department must know and be able to draw up and execute all personnel documents,

as well as contracts and labor agreements. But the most common are organizational and administrative documents that any manager has to deal with. This includes such organizational documents as the charter, regulations, instructions, administrative documents-orders, orders, instructions, decisions, decisions; information and reference acts, certificates, reports and explanatory notes, as well as the most common types of official documents - letters, telegrams, telephone messages. Each type of the named documents has its own peculiarities in the design and presentation of the text, which are not difficult to study.

The procedure for working with documents is also divided into certain stages. Each stage has its own techniques for the best implementation. This work begins with the receipt and primary processing of documents. This stage is independent of the method of information transmission: by mail, in person, telegraph, fax. As a rule, this work is carried out centrally and consists of purely technical operations, detailed in the rules and instructions.

Registration of documents is an important stage. During the registration process, records are kept of received documents, but the most important thing is to record indicators about the document, which allow organizing control over its implementation and information and reference work with documents, i.e. during the registration process, a data bank is laid about the documents that circulate in the object or subject.

The next stage is closely connected with the registration of documents - control over the implementation. Correctly organized urgent control allows you to know at any time what needs to be done, and helps the subject to effectively plan his working day.

The organization of information and reference work also depends on the formulation of registration of documents. The information and documentation service or the secretary is required to issue a certificate in a few minutes: where, with whom, at what stage of work is any document, and also answer the question: which documents contain information on a particular problem that interests you. Registration can be done manually - on cards or automated - on a computer. The technology for registering documents is well described in the regulatory and methodological manuals.

After initial processing and registration, the document is sent for execution. This stage is associated with the problem of the direct flow of the document movement. The movement of the document to the performer, reflecting the management organization system. With a clear distribution of responsibilities and delegation of authority, the document immediately goes to execution. With a centralized management system, when the manager takes upon himself the solution of all, even small issues, each document goes to him for resolution and then goes to execution. The prepared document will go, thus, from the bottom up - from the contractor, with numerous approvals, to the head for signature. The movement of the document is clearly reflected by the operagram and allows you to see all the repeated and unnecessary operations.

The next stage is the current storage of documents. Any document, after the information recorded in it has been used in the management process, performs the function of storing and accumulating information so that this information can be returned to when the need arises. For this, the documents must be placed so that the required document can be found in a matter of minutes. Since there are many documents that are deposited in the process of the subject's work, their organization in the current storage requires a preliminary classification, that is, distribution into groups (cases) for their prompt search. For the distribution of documents on cases, the simplest classifier is being developed - the nomenclature of cases. This is a systematized list of the headings of cases that are conducted in the subjects.

The nomenclature is the most important document. A well-drawn up nomenclature of cases allows you to have a well-established current storage of documents. However, the compilation of the nomenclature requires special knowledge. Many years of experience in compiling nomenclatures allows us to assert that only a clerical specialist or an archivist can draw up an nomenclature. If the subject cannot himself competently draw up the nomenclature, you need to contact. to the archival service. Case covers are started according to the nomenclature. The design of the covers and the distribution of documents within the files should also be carried out taking into account special rules.

Drawing up a nomenclature of cases, the formation of cases and their safety associated with the examination of the value of documents. Expertise is understood as the determination of the practical and scientific value of documents, the determination of the terms of their storage. Depending on the value of the documents, they can have different storage periods: short-term (up to 10 years), long-term storage (mainly, these are personnel documents that are stored for 25-75 years) and permanent. The storage periods for documents can be determined in special reference books, which are called "Lists of documents by storage time". They are standard and departmental. A standard list exists for management documents, scientific and technical documentation, film and photographic documents; departmental lists for almost all spheres of activity (culture, health care, cinematography, agriculture, etc.). The departmental list covers in more detail the documents that are created in the course of the activities of a certain area. The storage periods for documents are determined when forming cases, since it is not allowed to form documents of permanent and temporary storage periods in one case. Otherwise, the documents will have to be rearranged. The procedure for the examination and registration of its results are well described in the regulatory and methodological documents.

1, finally, the final stage of working with documents is the preparation of cases for long-term storage or for submitting them to the archive. In operational work, as a rule, cases are used for two years - the current year and the last. Cases for previous years must be processed and transferred to the subject's archive (if any) or transferred for storage to another cabinet. The processing of cases is carried out in accordance with the established rules. If this work is carried out regularly, every year, the affairs of the subject will be in perfect order and the search for the necessary files and documents will not be difficult.

The procedure for the preparation and execution of documents and the organization of all stages of work with them are described in sufficient detail in the regulatory and methodological documents. Each subject or object should have a package of documents, and if they are large - in each structural unit.

Archivists who monitor the activities of objects or subjects must, first of all, provide advice, determine what regulatory and methodological documents should be in the subject or object, with the help of which you can find the answer to many questions regarding the preparation, processing, organization of documents.

The package of regulatory and methodological documents consists of two parts. The first part should contain national regulatory and methodological documents, the set of which should be sold in full in archival institutions not only in the center, but also in the field. These documents include:

State system of documentation support

management. Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and

services of documentation support.

Typical instruction on reference knowledge in objects and subjects.

Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork.

Basic rules for the work of departmental archives.

List of typical documents that are created in the process

activities of state committees, objects, subjects with the definition of terms

their storage.

It is useful for subjects who deal with any citizens' appeals to have a "Standard Regulations on Record Keeping on Issues of Appeals, Applications and Complaints of Citizens to State Administration Bodies and Enterprises", which defines the procedure and methodology for working with this category of documents.

The second part of the package is formed from the organizational, regulatory and methodological documents of the subject itself. It includes:

Charter or regulation about an object or subject.

Regulations on the structural unit (if the subject has a branched structure).

Job descriptions of employees of structural divisions.

Instructions for the conduct of the affairs of this subject.

Nomenclature of cases.

Table of forms of documents of structural divisions or

subject as a whole.

Regarding the last three documents, the instruction on office work should be concretized for a given subject by its examples, the nomenclature of cases and a table of forms of documents with sample documents that can be developed on a self-supporting basis or be employees of the local archival service.

12. 2.8. Requirements for the text of the document
13. 2.9. Drawing up organizational and administrative documents

Against the background of the widespread introduction of information and telecommunication technologies in Russian organizations, both state and commercial, there is a serious interest in automating the preparation and work with documents and the introduction of computer technologies for preschool educational institutions. Evidence of this is the rapid growth of the Russian market for such technologies and document management systems (DMS). This is confirmed by the scope of work under the federal program "Electronic Russia" and similar regional programs. However, the introduction of electronic document management requires solving not so much technological, as organizational and legal problems, and mainly in an evolutionary way.
Obviously, paper and electronic documents will coexist on an equal footing for a considerable time, therefore, the DMS used in organizations should provide support for both electronic and traditional (paper, photo, film, etc.) document flow and the process of rational transition from one to another.
The organization of public administration in Russia has always been a problem - a huge country, the high cost of managerial decisions and a cumbersome administration apparatus, required the creation of a certain system that minimized the consequences of ineffective and irrational decisions. It was built on the separation of the functions of substantive execution of documents and execution control. Control over the movement and execution of documents was entrusted to special people - clerks, who recorded information about incoming, outgoing and internal documents, resolutions (instructions) on documents and their implementation, as well as movement (transfer) and archiving of documents within the organization. The technology of such a system is based on:

  • instructions for office work;
  • nomenclature of cases;
  • registration card (RK) of the document;
  • card indexes combining sets of RC;
  • document transfer logs;
  • control cards.
Upon receipt of an official document in the organization, its acceptance and control, registration (in the journal or RK) and the imposition of a resolution, filling in the control card (if necessary) and transferring it to the official (or persons) for execution are provided. Therefore, an official can get information about what documents he has for execution, by what deadlines are suitable, etc. When executing a document (when all instructions for it have been completed), he is sent to the case, and then his RK and the document itself are placed in archive. The regulation of such a system through instructions and standards made it possible and relatively uncomplicated to automate it, i.e. transition to appropriate computer technologies and databases.
True, legal and organizational collisions arose here in connection with the need to manage access rights to information about documents, which made the direct use of Western COURTS problematic (even if we do not take into account their fabulous cost). As a result, in the 1990s, quite a few Russian systems of varying degrees of complexity appeared, providing the functionality described above - from the simplest filing cabinets to fairly developed products close to boxed ones (Cinderella, Delo-96, etc.), as well as a whole complex of add-ons over Lotus Notes.
All of them, with varying degrees of completeness, ensured the processes of document registration, resolution accounting, execution control, document search by various requisites, generation of all kinds of reports, etc. The most advanced systems also made it possible to organize accounting of the movement of paper documents. Thus, office automation systems were intended to support the activities of office personnel, and not officials, and ensured work with RK documents, and not with the documents themselves. Note that such systems are still relevant today. At the same time, the computer technologies of the preschool educational institution must provide:
  • support for the work of not only the personnel of the preschool educational institution, but also officials;
  • the ability to attach document files to the WG;
  • the possibility of expanding the composition of attributes in the RK for special types of documents;
  • support for collective work on documents and their preliminary consideration during sighting;
  • the ability to search through the text of documents;
  • the ability to use document templates, construct texts from established turns, gain access to regulatory documents (regulatory legal acts and technical regulatory legal acts).
The following approaches to the formation of document files are applicable:
  • documents can be obtained in the form of files directly from performers and authors;
  • documents can be scanned at the entrance, and then work with their electronic images;
  • documents can be obtained from the relevant information funds (information systems, databases, websites, portals).
The first approach can be used when there is a heavy document flow between organizations and when the appropriate contractual relationship is established. This approach is applicable for document flow between the parent organization and its remote structures or subordinate organizations. In this case, both the RC of the document (to simplify registration) and the document file itself are sent using the agreed protocol (usually by e-mail). For reliability, the document and its RK are often encrypted and (or) signed with an EDS. The paper original is sent by regular mail.
Thus, a class of technologies has emerged that can be called paper-electronic, when almost all work within an organization is carried out with document files within the framework of a certain automated system. Paper documents in this technology are often scanned immediately upon registration, and then they work with an electronic version (in the form of an image file - as a rule, there is no need to recognize it before text). The original itself is then placed in the file and is no longer used.
The introduction of this technology allows
  • speed up the movement of documents throughout the organization;
  • guarantee the timely consideration of documents;
  • ensure effective control over the execution of documents;
  • to increase the efficiency of work of both individual officials and the organization as a whole;
  • reduce the cost of duplicating, transferring and storing copies of paper documents;
  • to provide performers of documents with the opportunity to use the most complete documentation base.
But paper originals continue to exist in this technology - they are still printed, signed, sent out, take up space and consume resources.
When the workplaces of all employees are automated and paper-electronic technology is introduced, there is a need for further improvement and abandonment of paper originals, at least for those documents whose life cycle takes place in the organization (internal documents). But even here a number of technological issues arise (the presence and use of EDS, their number, the presence and use of certification centers, information security and information protection), and legal issues (legal force and evidence of electronic documents, their official status, submission of electronic documents to inspection authorities ). Taking this into account, the electronic document management system should provide:
  • storing in the system and sending files of documents signed by EDS;
  • availability of digital signatures for officials;
  • preparation of electronic documents, including the necessary procedures for "electronic" endorsement and signing;
  • giving electronic documents the status of official documents.

Topic 2. 3 Information technologies for documentary support of management activities Educational questions: 1. Information and documentation support for management as a technological process 2. Document-oriented information systems 3. Features of document flow at various enterprises 4. Organization of electronic document flow

1. Information and documentation support of management as a technological process As you know, the management process includes a certain set of typical technological operations for: n collection and processing of information contained in documents; n preparation of a management decision, its adoption and documentation, communicating to performers; n execution of the decision and control of execution; n collection of information about performance, information transfer via vertical and horizontal channels; n storage and retrieval of information. Each of the listed operations is implemented in a subject, documentary form, created both traditionally (manually) and with the help of a computer. In practice, undocumented management decisions are, in essence, auxiliary, operational and organizational and are preliminary in nature.

In the process of a person's labor and social activities, documents arise that record, reflect and consolidate complex informational connections between people and their various formations. Each separate document is a single documenting act as an independent technological process. At the same time, the activities of individual organizations, industrial enterprises are actively reflected by a set of interrelated, interdependent and organically interacting documents, which are united by the basic concept of the documentation system. The Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" defines the concept of a "document" as information recorded on a material medium with details that allow it to be identified. A document is a tangible medium on which some information is applied that reflects the state of the system, or a decision made with a strictly established content in a regulated form. It has two distinctive properties: multifunctionality and the presence of legal force. Among the functions that are implemented with the help of the document include registration of primary information or a decision made, transmission, processing and storage of information. The presence of legal force is provided by the requisite signature of the person responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the document.

The most generalized and integral system is the nationwide documentation system, which includes virtually all types of documents created and implemented on a national scale. This system, in turn, is formed by a variety of subsystems, which are classified according to subject, geographic, functional, hierarchical and other essential features. So, functional systems include planning, reporting and statistical, supply and marketing and financial documentation, inherent in all, without exception, the governing bodies of the national economy of Russia. Sectoral documentation systems reflect the organizational aspects of sectoral (departmental) management bodies, which include the activities of ministries, departments, departments and departments of the federal, regional and local levels of government. With the introduction of electronic computing technology and automated workstations (AWP) into the processing of documentary information, the concept of information and documentation management support has become legitimate, which includes an organized set of works on receiving, processing, storing and issuing information and documents to the consumer (subscriber) as its material carriers.

With the introduction of computer technology into the documentation processes, the technological chain changes, since the specialist and the manager get the opportunity to work both with the full text of the document and with fragments containing the necessary information. The introduction of modern information technologies and office equipment into documentary processes is quite effective, but it requires compliance with at least two basic conditions: uniformity of formats and rational construction of document processing technology, in which operations of the same type would be concentrated in one place. The effectiveness of information management systems is ensured by significant volumes of typical organizational and technological procedures in 1) information processing, 2) decision-making, and 3) the use of a set of automated workstations.

Information management system (IMS) is a set of organizational, technical, technological and methodological management tools (PC, telephone, fax, etc.), providing a workplace (furniture, safes, etc.), professionalism of managers and production specialists, general literacy and information culture, documentation support system and information itself. The workflow system in the processes of information and documentation support plays an essential role in the formation of the external and working environment that provides the so-called information comfort: obtaining the right information at the right time. In the process of information and documentation support, the subject of management is called upon to separate the valuable information from the "noise", to highlight the priority part that allows you to analyze the real state of the system and prepare an informed decision. Speaking about the most essential characteristics of information, it seems appropriate to single out: volume (quantity), reliability (truthfulness), value, richness (information content), openness (reliability). The volume of perceived information includes three levels: the level of information redundancy and, information deficit, the required level of information.

The reliability of information is associated with the process of adequacy of reflection of real information in the total volume of perceived information. Experts in the field of informatization note the presence of three levels of reliability: absolute (100%), reliable (more than 80%), negative (less than 80%). Reliability largely depends on the technology of document flow, implemented in the means of mechanization and automation: the less human labor is used in the collection, processing, transmission and storage of information, the higher its reliability. It is known from practice that the most contradictory information can be obtained about the same event, depending on the technology and aspects of its analytical and synthetic processing. The experience of the documentation support services confirms that the reliability of information significantly depends on the time parameters of the implementation of document flow. So, the delay of absolutely reliable information can lead to its absurdity (for example, information about the stock price on the stock exchange). The value of information from an economic point of view is characterized by a decrease in the cost of various kinds of resources (energy, materials, time, finances) for making the right decision.

The value has four levels: zero (without saving resources), medium (reducing the cost of increasing profits by more than 10%), high (more than half), superhigh (more than 10 times). Value defines information as an economic category (goods that have a use value). Of great value are, for example, production simulation models that allow a manager to reasonably foresee the possible consequences of alternative decisions made. As a rule, information services of the middle value level are rendered by consulting firms, realizing that valuable information is a successfully sold product. An example of zero value is information that duplicates known, outdated, or reports false, unnecessary information for making a management decision.

2. Document-oriented information systems Let us consider the basic concepts found in the framework of office work and documentation support of management: Documentation support of management (DOU) covers the issues of documentation, organization of work with documents in the process of management and systematization of their archival storage. n Documentation is the creation of documents, that is, their preparation, execution, approval and production. n Office work - a set of measures for documentary management (DOW) of an enterprise or organization. It is sometimes said that the preschool educational institution is the main function of office work. n Organization of work with documents - ensuring the movement, search, storage and use of documents. n

Systematization of archival storage of documents - determination of the rules for storing information created in an organization, its search and use to support management decisions and business procedures. n n Document flow - the movement of documents within the preschool educational institution. Business procedure - a sequence of certain operations (work, tasks, procedures) performed by employees of organizations to solve a problem or goal within the framework of the activities of an enterprise or organization. n The electronic archive solves the problem of systematizing the archival storage of electronic documents within the framework of the preschool educational institution. n Business procedures are responsible for running a business or performing a target function and are a way to carry out the practical management of businesses and institutions.

Electronic archive In Russia, the term "electronic archive" is one of the national features of Russian electronic office work. In the West, the term “datawarehouse” is more popular. In our country, apparently, data is basically understood as the content of documents and records in a database. Hence the popularity of the clerical term "archive". In office work, the archive is responsible for organizing the storage of documents and is one of the three main office work tasks: creation, processing technology and systematization of documents. We often hear that some "archiving system ideally solves the tasks of organizing document flow." This cannot be, since documents are moved (the essence of the workflow) within the framework of the solution of all three problems, and not only within the framework of the systematization of archival storage.

Office automation systems in Russia The main solutions for office work and business procedures can be roughly divided into four main categories (not including tools for creating documents and data warehouses): n workflow systems (business procedures automation); n groupware systems; document management systems (mainly provide registration, storage and retrieval of documents); n e-mail systems (used to exchange documents). n Now this division is rather arbitrary due to the fact that some systems combine all these and some other technologies.

The most rational way to automate business procedures is to create a common information environment for them, within which employees can collaborate (that is, jointly solve business problems) and exchange messages. Therefore, the most important element of the automation of a preschool educational institution are e-mail systems. Organization of work with documents is an important part of management processes and managerial decision-making, which significantly affects the efficiency and quality of management. The process of making a managerial decision includes obtaining information; its processing; analysis, preparation and decision making. These components are closely related to the management documentation. To obtain an economic effect, first of all, the quality of information is important, which is determined by its quantity, efficiency, degree of complexity and cost. If the enterprise does not have a clear work with documents, then, as a result, management deteriorates, since it depends on the quality and reliability, the speed of receiving and transmitting information, the correct setting of the information service, the clear organization of the search, storage and use of documents.

There are three main tasks solved in office work (DOE). Documentation (preparation, execution, approval and preparation of documents). n Organization of work with documents in the process of management (provision of traffic, control of execution, storage and use of documents). n n Systematization of the archive of documents. It should be noted that the documentary support of management has a direct impact on the quality of management decision-making, so it needs to be constantly improved.

With the growth of the scale of the enterprise and the number of its employees, the issue of the effectiveness of documentation support for management becomes more and more urgent. The main problems that arise in this case look something like this. n Management loses a holistic picture of what is happening. n Structural units, not having information about the activities of a friend, cease to carry out their activities harmoniously. The quality of customer service and the organization's ability to maintain external contacts are diminishing. n The consequence of this is a drop in labor productivity; there is a feeling of a lack of resources: human, technical, communication, etc. n The staff is expanding, investing in the equipment of new workplaces, premises, communications, training of employees. n For manufacturing enterprises, an increase in staff may entail a change in production technology, which will require additional investment. n In a situation of unjustified staff growth, a drop in productivity, the need for investment in production, there is a need to increase working capital, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in profits. n As a result, the expansion of the enterprise occurs in an extensive way due to previously accumulated profits or an increase in the budget deficit.

Realizing the importance of improving the preschool educational institution, organizations often make a lot of mistakes when trying to automate it, and the determining problem in this situation is the problem of choosing automation methods. The most common solution is the automation of individual workstations (AWS): secretary-assistant, manager, accountant or supervisor. The main disadvantages of this approach are: lack of methods for organizing electronic information exchange between employees and divisions of enterprises; lack of functional communication between automation of applied procedures and automation of office work. The main functional parts (components) of the office automation system in the management of enterprises and organizations: n means and rules for creating documents, n maintaining their electronic archive, n document flow support.

Thus, an enterprise seeking to create an effective environment for processing information and improving the quality of management faces the following tasks. Improvement of all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a mechanism for documentary support of the enterprise (DOE). n Choosing the right automation strategy, including choosing the right software products. n

3. Features of workflow at various enterprises In the process of automating workflow, four stages can be roughly distinguished: paper workflow, paper workflow using stand-alone PCs, mixed and paperless workflow. Paper workflow means that the document goes through all stages in paper form. A decade and a half ago, this type of document flow was dominant. For the registration of paper documents, large magazines or sheets of large format were used, in which the newly registered documents were entered. After a certain period of time, magazines and sheets were handed over to the archive.

When computers came along, they replaced magazines and sheets, pioneering paper-based workflow using stand-alone PCs. Paper workflow using stand-alone PCs means that a PC is used to prepare and register documents. Actually, at this stage, the concept of an electronic document arises, that is, such a document that is stored exclusively in a computer, or, as they say, “on machine media”. However, the advantages of an electronic document in the absence of a local network can be realized only to a small extent. Transfer, coordination and approval of documents at this stage is carried out in paper form. Mixed document flow assumes that computers connected to a local network serve for the preparation, transfer and storage of documents, but the document has legal force only in paper form. Coordination and approval of financial and legal documents is carried out in paper form. The preparation of the draft document is carried out in electronic form (clause 1), then the document is sent to the secretary, who registers it, prints it and sends it to the manager for approval (clause 2). The manager makes corrections and gives the document to the contractor for revision (point 3). After the document is approved, it is sent over the local network to all performers (paragraph 4).

The legal force of an electronic document is provided on the basis of the use of an electronic digital signature (EDS) - a mechanism that allows you to prove that the author of the sent electronic document is in fact who he claims to be, and that the document was not changed during the delivery process. EDS is used as an analogue of a handwritten signature or an ordinary seal in the case of a legal entity. EDS is added to the data block and allows the recipient of the block to check the source and integrity of the data and thus protect against counterfeiting. Most enterprises recognize the advantages of electronic (paperless) document flow, which has the following advantages: n ease of making changes to the document; n the ability to place in the document not only text, but also multimedia data; n the ability to use pre-prepared forms; n higher speed of information transfer over a large number of addresses; n saving paper; n higher compactness of archives; n easier control of information flows; n high speed of search and retrieval of information; n the ability to protect documents from unauthorized access and differentiation of employee access rights to information.

The introduction of electronic document management makes it possible to reduce the number of services involved in working with documents (couriers, clerical workers, etc.). In the conditions of electronic document circulation, much less costs are required for restructuring the document circulation when external conditions change, for example, requirements for changing the reporting form. However, there are still enterprises and institutions that still work in the conditions of paper office work, the majority use computers and local networks in organizing document circulation, and only a small percentage use fully automated electronic document management systems. What is the reason for this situation? Ideally, the development of electronic document management should result in completely paperless technologies. However, today paper documents are still required to comply with the requirements of many regulations - tax laws, accounting laws, etc. One of the main purposes of a document is the ability to certify certain facts. Until recently, a paper document with the necessary details and degrees of protection was the main way of proving a fact, that is, it represented legal force. Paper as a material medium has a disadvantage in the sense that it does not allow you to completely erase and write down new information, but this disadvantage turns out to be an advantage in terms of excluding document forgery. No wonder the Russian proverb says: what is written with a pen cannot be knocked out with an ax.

In other words, when we receive a document with a signature on each page and there are no traces of violation of the surface of the paper (that is, it is clear that the text was not erased or rewritten), we can be sure that this document was sent on behalf of the person who put signature and that it has not been changed during the delivery process. In principle, modern means of encryption can provide the same means of authenticating a document as a signature on paper (electronic digital signature), but this is fraught with a number of difficulties. Document flow for small businesses In companies with a small staff, there is no need to implement a complex automated electronic document management system. As a medium for distributing documents, in this case, as a rule, Microsoft Outlook is used, with the help of which files with documents are sent, and the same program is used to send images of documents obtained by scanning primary paper originals.

Usually, with this approach, there are no unified automated directories for the entire enterprise, and each division forms its own systems of classifiers and standards. This usually uses the same address books containing the email addresses of employees. Registration of documents with such a scheme is done manually, information about documents is entered into tables that are not processed by automated systems. Each document is sent along the route chosen by the next performer. When an enterprise grows, this kind of workflow organization turns out to be ineffective. It becomes difficult to trace the route of a specific document and control the execution of a particular order. The control of versions of the document, the process of approval and search for documents is complicated. In this case, a transition to specialized automated document management systems is required.

Document flow for medium-sized enterprises In a small company, it is possible to organize work on the basis of exchanging e-mail and storing documents on a file server, where each has its own cell. Small firms usually implement a management scheme in which the file system is convenient enough for storing documents. For example, in the "Accounting" folder there is a "finance department" folder, a "financial planning" folder in it, and even deeper - "tax minimization". Such a hierarchy is intuitive for users - everyone knows their cell, knows where to put certain documents. Document flow for large enterprises In contrast to medium-sized enterprises, many work groups appear in a large enterprise. At the same time, individual employees can work in several projects. Imagine that one project is FSB automation and the other is shopping center automation. It is clear that the requirements for controlling access to information should be different. The first aspect is special software that provides a repository of electronic documents, which allows you to classify the entire set of documents according to several parameters: according to hierarchy, according to the degree of secrecy, etc. This allows you to more competently authorize access. and find the necessary documents faster.

The second aspect is the routing of documents in the enterprise. The introduction of the office automation and electronic document management system (SADD) allows you to optimize the entire management process, which becomes simpler and more logical, the quality of decisions is improved, the implementation of managerial decisions is more effectively monitored, and the costs associated with the maintenance of the management apparatus are reduced. Documents are sent using an automated document management system, which contains a database of classifiers and standards that is uniform for the entire organization. The routing of documents is determined depending on the type of document, that is, there are standard paths of movement for certain categories of documents. This allows, immediately after registration, to send documents to the officials of the organization in accordance with their official duties and with the technological procedures for processing documents of various types. Classifiers and standards are uniform for all services. Exchange of documents with external organizations is provided through the corporate information portal.

Most SADD developers do not create their own text editors, but use the editor from Microsoft Office. At the document developer's workplace, a functional button is added to the Word interface, which allows you to transfer the created document to the office system, which ensures its passage in the document flow system. If it is necessary to view the document on the user's machine, Word starts. We can say that the automated office system is a conveyor that ensures the optimal advancement of elements in the system, and Microsoft Office programs are machines around this conveyor, with which you can prepare a document (part) and put it on the conveyor. The clerical system provides guaranteed delivery from one machine to another, controls what is processed on this machine, and sends it further to the destination. Many of the existing SADDs allow organizations that have implemented them to switch to paperless document flow. However, even in the presence of SADD, only some organizations use in practice the electronic form of internal coordination of organizational and administrative documents using an electronic digital signature (EDS).

4. Organization of electronic document circulation Electronic document circulation and its optimization are associated with several factors: n The legal aspect implies the establishment of the status of documents, their systematization on the basis of a hierarchy. Commercial enterprises, public organizations and other structures must adhere to the rules established by law for the preparation and storage of documents. n The technical factor provides for the equipping of the enterprise with the equipment necessary for the efficient organization of document flow. Electronic document management greatly simplifies the work of the company, reducing the time spent on the main production processes. n The controlling aspect of the effective organization of workflow includes the development of a management apparatus for working with documents, the creation of a workflow system and specialization of structures.

Practice shows that if the documents are organized correctly, the company does not have to spend time and resources on resolving various situations. The structural unit responsible for the documents, if necessary, provides contracts, certificates, etc. Thus, the efficiency and effectiveness of the company as a whole increases. Therefore, we are faced with the question of how to organize office work in order to systematize all the necessary documents. Depending on the specialization and profile, companies use three forms of working with documents, each of which is characterized by certain features of the workflow. Centralized organization of document flow In a centralized form, documents are concentrated under the jurisdiction of one structural unit. This can be a secretariat, an office, and in the case of a non-voluminous electronic document management - one employee. The full cycle of operations with documents, the organization of document flow is carried out by this department. Documents are accepted, processed and registered in a closed system, this is a guarantee of confidentiality of work. Other advantages of centralized document management systems include efficiency of office work, simplification of methodological guidance. Electronic document flow when using this form can be systematized using special information services.

Decentralized document management system Decentralized system implies that documents are in the department of several divisions. Each department in the company creates its own document management service. Such a system of working with documents is typical for enterprises that are territorially separated. In this case, the automation of document circulation is of great importance, since it is necessary to develop a system of general information protection. Methodological control is also important: as a rule, independent divisions, in whose department the documents are located, provide reports on the company's document flow with the established regularity. Mixed workflow systems The mixed form of workflow of an enterprise assumes that the documents are dispersed among departments. One part of the operations, for example, the receipt and processing of documents, is performed by one department, and the other, for example, replication, storage, systematization, by the second. Such a document management system is convenient if the enterprise has an extensive structure. The accounting department can register documents on taxation, the personnel department - documents on the general composition, etc. The mixed organization of workflow is currently one of the most effective management systems.

Organization of workflow: features Organization of workflow is based on several principles that ensure the effective work of the company as a whole. The document flow of an enterprise is a part of information support, which is the key to active development. The principles of document management include: n Simplification of the document registration procedure. It should be noted that this operation should not affect the quality of all clerical processes. n Organization of workflow based on routing. The development of schemes for the passage of all documents allows you to optimize the workflow. n Documents must be single registration. In this case, the optimal way out is considered to be electronic document management, which allows to reduce the time for receiving and considering documents. n Organization of document flow should exclude unreasonable approvals, parallel approval, transfer of documents to third parties. Thus, the organization of document flow is aimed at reducing the time for working with documents, optimizing clerical activities and improving the efficiency of information support for the enterprise.

Electronic document flow: principles and characteristics Electronic document flow implies a single registration of documents, which means that identification can be carried out at any stage of office work. Also important is a unified hierarchically systematized base of documentation information, which excludes duplication and parallel consideration. Having a developed reporting system, electronic document management allows you to control the movement of documents and basic information processes. It is also worth noting an efficiently organized document search system, which involves electronic document flow. Electronic document flow has a system classification: 1. Office automation systems. 2. Archives of documents. 3. Document input systems and document image processing systems. 4. Systems for managing the cost of storing documents. 5. Document routing systems. 6. Systems for complex automation of business processes.

Systems for automating office work tasks came into wide use in the West much earlier than ours, respectively, and developed our own terminology describing various areas of document flow. The following terms are most common in Western practice: EDM (Electronic Document Management) - the consolidated name of electronic document management systems. DMS (Document Management Systems) - the closest translation in terms of meaning - electronic archives of documents; Enterprise-centric EDM - corporate document management systems that combine tools for creating, editing, publishing and storing documents (Word, Excel, electronic archive, mail, scheduling meetings, document approval, etc. in one bottle) Information Management - Management systems Information, also called portals, aggregate, manage, and deliver information across the Internet, intranet, and extranet. Imaging - Systems that convert information from paper media into digital format, usually TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), after which the document can be used in work already in electronic form. Doc. Flow Management - document flow routing systems; Work. Flow Management - routing systems for work flows, tasks. There are also a large number of related terms, for example: Document Warehouse Knowledge Management

Office automation systems Their functions include fixing documents in a special database, expressed in filling in a special document card. The content of the document card may vary depending on the situation in the organization. Usually, office-work systems distinguish between incoming and outgoing documents, regulatory documents, documents of collegial governing bodies, reference documents, etc. Documents under control of execution are divided by executors, status of execution, deadlines, and so on. Each document in the system is a record in the database, characterized by a set of card attribute values. In addition to accounting and searching for documents in the database, the system should provide the generation of reports that allow you to get a statement of execution of documents and other summary information.

Document archives The archives store the documents themselves, and therefore the system must provide differentiation of access rights to documents. The user can be identified either by a network name or by a special username and password defined in the archive management system. In addition to the separation of access rights at the user level, the system must ensure the allocation of user groups or roles. The next function of the document archive is to provide the possibility of group work with documents that are in the process of creation - this is the function of document locks or Check. In / Check-Out control. If one of the users of the system begins to edit a document, it is blocked for access by other users until the work is finished with it. Another feature of the archive is version control support. Document versions can be checked in either automatically or at the user's initiative. If necessary, the user can return to one of the previous versions of the document. The service functions of the document archive include the ability to create backup copies of documents without interrupting the operation of the system, integration with systems to ensure the optimal cost of data storage, and so on.

Document input systems and document image processing systems One of the independent functions of document circulation systems is the input of documents into the archive. This is understood as the translation of documents from paper to electronic. In the simplest case, this procedure is reduced to a simple scan. A more complex function is the automatic recognition of the contents of the document image and the formation of a document containing text. For this, programs belonging to the class of text recognition software are intended. An even more sophisticated feature is form content recognition. At the same time, the program detects the presence of records, including handwritten ones, in certain fields of the form of the document, recognizes its content and automatically fills in the values ​​of the attributes of this document in the system. If necessary, the values ​​of certain fields of the form can be selected from a directory defined in the system.

Document routing systems are directly involved in sending documents to performers' workplaces, collecting information about the current status of documents, consolidating documents upon completion of work with them at certain stages, and also provide means of access to information about the current state of work with documents. Routing systems, as a rule, contain a means of describing the typical routes of passage of documents in an organization. Based on the developed routing schemes, instances of business processes for working with documents can be generated. In this case, we can talk about tight routing. An alternative is the so-called free routing, in which the route is formed "spontaneously". Each user of the system with the appropriate rights can determine the next or next executors of the document. When routing documents, two schemes are possible, let's call them Off-Line and On-Line. In the first case, when a document is sent to the user's workplace, it is physically extracted from the archive of documents and delivered (for example, via e-mail) to the client's workplace. Upon completion of the work, the document is immersed back into the archive. In this case, the routing system itself is the client of the document archive and enters the relevant information into the accounting database. The second scheme does not involve physical movement of the document. The document routing system provides the client with an interface to access document processing jobs.

Systems for complex automation of business processes Work is the development of document routing systems. Flow systems, or systems for complex automation of business processes. Unlike document routing systems, the routing object in them is a collection of data used in a certain business process. The user receives information at the workplace about what he must do and all the data necessary for this. Work. The Flow application determines which application must be launched to implement the functions at a given workplace, and loads the necessary data into it. Paradigm Work. Flow of the system assumes that the user must perform only the necessary functions, all routine work - determining the sequence of actions, delivering the necessary information, monitoring the timeliness of work, etc., is performed by the Work system. Flow.

Choosing software for automation There is no ideal software, so it is necessary to clearly formulate your requirements and analyze software according to a set of criteria. Possible list of criteria: Navigation tools - ease of user access to various applications, data navigation, data presentation. Card file / accounting - functions of document accounting, attribution, creating document cards, etc. Archive / Image processing - document storage, version control, document capture for editing, image scanning, text recognition. Routing / control - functions for delivering documents to user workstations, collecting information about user actions, monitoring the current state of documents. Automation of business processes - tools for modeling processes, an environment for the implementation and monitoring of processes, tools for the accumulation of statistics on the execution of processes. Group work - Tools for organizing teleconferences, group discussions and drafting documents. Search / Knowledge Management - means of information search (full-text, attributive, etc.), classification and cataloging of documents, creation of knowledge bases by subject area. Openness - opportunities for expanding functionality. When choosing software for automation, it is necessary to outline as clearly as possible the range of tasks that you plan to solve. This will reduce acquisition costs as well as minimize implementation time and cost.

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