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Information resources of modern society. The role of information resources in the development of modern society

Answers to exam questions

The concept and composition of the economic resources of society, their brief description.

Resource - sources and prerequisites for obtaining material and spiritual benefits necessary for people, which can be realized with existing technologies and socio-economic relations.

Economic resource - all types of resources used in the production of goods and services. In essence, these are the goods that are used to produce other goods. Therefore, they are often called production resources, production factors, production factors, factors of economic growth.

Natural resources - objects, processes and conditions of nature used by society to meet the material and spiritual needs of people (land, subsoil, water, forest and biological);

Labor resources - a part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development, knowledge and practical experience to work in the national economy, as well as an economically active, able-bodied population, a part of the population that has physical and spiritual abilities to participate in labor activities (people with their ability to produce goods and services), in abbreviated form - labor;

Capital - in a broad sense - the aggregate amount of goods, property, assets used to generate profit, wealth. Capital - in economics - is one of the four main factors of production, represented by all the means of production that are created by people in order to use them to produce other goods and services (in the form of money, i.e. money capital, or means of production);

Entrepreneurial abilities - a set of qualities, skills, abilities of a person, allowing him to find and use the best combination of resources for the production, sale of goods, make reasonable consistent decisions, create and apply innovations, take an acceptable, justified risk;

Information resources necessary for economic life - in a broad sense - a set of data organized to efficiently obtain reliable information; according to the legislation of the Russian Federation - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems: libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems (technology, knowledge, science, information exchange).

Interrelation and mutual influence of economic resources, resource market, government regulation.

Economic resource- all types of resources used in the production of goods and services. In essence, these are the goods that are used to produce other goods. Therefore, they are often called production resources, production factors, production factors, factors of economic growth.

In a market economy, each of the economic resources is a large resource market - the labor market, the capital market, which, in turn, consists of many markets for a specific resource. For example, the labor market consists of markets for workers of different specialties - economists, accountants, engineers.

The main participants in the market of information services (resources) are:

Information producers;

Information sellers;

Information users or subscribers.

Market Purpose - People Should Know:

Where are the information resources located

How much do they cost,

Who owns them

Who needs them

How affordable they are.

The answers to these questions can be obtained if there is a market for information products and services.Market of information products and services(information market) - a system of economic, legal and organizational relations for the sale of products of intellectual labor on a commercial basis.

The development of market relations in information activities raised the questionon the protection of information as an object of intellectual property and property rights to it... The Russian Federation has adopted a number of decrees, resolutions, laws, such as:

- "On information, informatization and information protection".

- "On the legal protection of computer programs and databases".

- "On the Legal Protection of Integrated Circuit Topologies".

Properties of the economic resources of society, their interaction, the impact of properties on the life cycle of the resource.

Here are the most important general properties of economic resources.

1. Resources intertwine and interact. So, capital is spent by entrepreneurs on the purchase of natural and labor resources, results scientific research... In turn, science and information increase the efficiency of capital use, increase the return on natural and labor resources, and improve the organization of production.

2. Resources are mobile (mobile), as they can move in space (within a country, between countries), although the degree of their mobility is different. Natural resources are the least mobile, the mobility of many of them is practically zero (land), labor resources are more mobile (labor force migration). Capital and knowledge are especially mobile.

3. Resources are fungible. Modern society is often faced with limited reserves of natural resources, a lack of skilled labor, production capacity and finance, lack of new knowledge and technologies. In conditions of limited resources, the entrepreneur is forced to find the most rational combination of them, using interchangeability.

4. Resources have a price. It is determined in the resource markets, where the owners of resources sell them and receive cash income for this in the form of payments for the use of resources:

Natural - rent (land, mining, water charges);

Labor - wages;

Capital - interest (as the income of the owners of money capital) and profit (as the income of the owners of real capital);

Entrepreneurial ability - entrepreneurial income;

Science, knowledge - income from intellectual property.

Information resources of society as a type of economic resources.

Information resources - in a broad sense - a collection of data organized to effectively obtain reliable information

Economic resources are understood as all types of resources used in the production of goods and services. In essence, these are the goods that are used to produce other goods. Therefore, they are often called production resources, production factors, production factors, factors of economic growth. In turn, the rest of the goods are called consumer goods.

Economic resources include:

Natural resources (land, subsoil, water, forest and biological), in abbreviated form - land;

Labor resources (people with their ability to produce goods and services), in abbreviated form - labor;

Capital (in the form of money, i.e. money capital, or means of production);

Entrepreneurial ability;

Information resources necessary for economic life.

Information resources in modern society are the basis for everyone else, since the information component plays a certain role in resource management not only in the production process (labor resources), but also in their consumption (entrepreneurial abilities). Information resources are a product of intellectual activity and are considered as a strategic resource of the country. They contribute to the development of society, the strengthening of its intellectual component and the formation of an updated technological basis.

Concepts of document and information, basic properties of information, their relationship .

The main component of the document is information, i.e. a variety of data, information, messages, knowledge intended to be transmitted in the process of communication. The Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" contains the following definition of the concept of "information": "Information is information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation."

A document (from Lat. "Documentum" - a certificate) is a material data carrier with information recorded on it, intended for its transmission in time and space. Documents can contain images, texts, sounds and other information.

Any sphere of human activity, one way or another, is associated with documentary information, i.e. information contained in the document. The information contained in the document has certain specificity, expressed in the following:

a) the document is a carrier of social information created by a person for use in society;

b) the document assumes the presence of semantic (semantic) information, which is the result of human intellectual activity. The presence of content is one of the main distinguishing features of a document. Meaningless information cannot be a document;

c) information is transmitted discretely, i.e. in the form of messages. A message recorded on any material medium (papyrus, paper, plastic, photographic film) becomes a document;

d) a document is information that is recorded on a material medium in a manner created by a person - through writing, graphics, photography, sound recording.

Information possesses the following properties:

1) accuracy and completeness. The information is correct if it does not reveal the true state of affairs. Incorrect information may lead to incorrect understanding or incorrect decisions. The information is complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions. Insufficient information will keep you from making decisions or may cause errors.

2) value and performance. The value of the information depends on what tasks are solved with its help. It is important to have up-to-date information when working in constantly changing conditions. If valuable and relevant information is expressed in incomprehensible words, it can be useless.

3) clarity and intelligibility. Information becomes clear and understandable if it is expressed in the language spoken by those for whom this information is intended.

4) Infopmatsiya, kotopaya obclyzhivaet ppotseccy ppoizvodctva, pacppedeleniya, and obmena potpebleniya matepialnyx benefits and obecpechivaet peshenie zadach opganizatsionno-ekonomicheckogo yppavleniya napodnym xozyayctvom ego and functioning, nazyvaetcya yppavlencheckoy.

The concept of knowledge, information, science, information, data, reflection of the essence of each concept in an information resource.

Informational resources- a set of data organized to effectively obtain reliable information.

Information - the total amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind. Getting closer to the point.

Knowledge - a set of concepts, ideas about something, received, acquired, accumulated as a result of learning, experience, in the process of life and usually realized in activity.

The science - a special type of human cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systemically organized and substantiated knowledge about the world around us.

Intelligence - a part of knowledge, the truth criterion of which is not the same for different participants in the cognitive process.

Data - usually defined as information that is stored in databases and processed application programs... Specific facts.

The structure of society's information resources, their functions, properties, characteristics, formation and use.

The information resources of the society are the product of the intellectual activity of the society. Eefficiency of useinformation resources are the most important indicator information culture of society.

Functions information resources:

Educational (pedagogical) - resources are used for the purposes of education and self-education;

Creative (creative) - resources contribute to the development of creativity and thinking;

Scientific - resources contribute to the development of science and the emergence of new scientific knowledge.

Innovative (stimulating) - resources contribute to the emergence of new types of activity, ensure the formation and development of business, renewal of technologies, economic spheres;

Management - resources contribute to the adoption of competent management decisions at all levels of management;

Communicative - resources contribute to the creation and development of social, business, professional and other interactions;

Social - resources provide information about different aspects of life and activities of a person and society.

Information resources have a number of specific properties:

Inexhaustibility, providing the possibility of their reusable and multipurpose use; non-alienation during exchange and sale;

Constant growth of the flow volume;

Variability of the IR composition as a reaction to changes in the information needs of society.

Compact storage of large amounts of information;

Operational search;

Access to remote resources;

Fixing information of different nature on one medium;

Combinations of bibliographic, full-text and factual databases.

Formation and use of information resourcesis one of the key problems in creating a single information space. In the general case, information resources are formed as a result of the activities of both state authorities and state and non-state enterprises, scientific, educational and public organizations. They include information and knowledge, as well as linguistic means used to describe a specific subject area and for access to information and knowledge. In the process of formation and use of information resources, collection, processing, storage, search and delivery of information are carried out according to requests or regulations.

Signs of the specific division of information resources of society, the influence of GOST 7.60-2003 “Editions. The main types. Terms and Definitions". The influence of document types on the structuring of resources.

By information resources we mean individual documents and separate arrays of documents in information systems of libraries, archives, museums, enterprises and other organizations of various departmental and industry affiliation, available stocks of information recorded on some medium and suitable for its preservation and use.

Signs of the specific division of information resources of society

1) An important feature is the organizational feature. functional affiliation. Resources can be allocated: archives, museums, statistical services, information institutions and libraries, scientific and educational institutions, industrial enterprises.

2) Administrative-territorial - matters within the division of information resources.

4) Purpose and reader's address - needed to inform for training purposes, production activities, management decisions, to record the results of research, in order to preserve national memory.

5) Information carrier: printed, networked.

6) According to the species composition of documents: periodicals, serials, collections ...

7) linguistic composition of documents

8) by the nature of the information: scientific, educational ...

Influence of GOST 7.60-2003 “Editions. The main types. Terms and Definitions". The influence of document types on the structuring of resources. This International Standard specifies the terms and definitions of concepts used in the field of book publishing. The terms established by this standard are recommended for use in all types of documentation and literature in the field of book publishing, included in the scope of work on standardization and / or using the results of these works.

Document resources of archives: characteristics, formation and use.

An archival document - in the Russian Federation - is a material medium with information recorded on it, which has details that allow it to be identified, and is subject to storage due to the importance of the indicated medium and information for citizens, society and the state. Archive fund - a set of archival documents that are historically and / or logically related to each other.

The archive contains official documents that have lost their original relevance, company advertisements for past years, photographs of employees, patents protected by the company. The archives store 12-14 percent of management documents, but they have different terms for keeping them in the fund. At the same time, only 1-3 percent of management documents are stored for a long-term or indefinitely.

By capacity (millions of storage units), the following archives are distinguished:

Small - up to 0.15;

Small - from 0.15 to 0.5;

Average - from 0.5 to 1;

Large - from 1 to 2;

The largest - over 2.

According to the retention periods, there are temporary archives and archives of permanent storage. The first - the files are kept in them from 3 to 75 years. Papers of high public interest are published.

Principles of the formation of the archival fund.When forming the archive, they strive to observe the principle of respect for the fund. It is sometimes difficult to do this, because each document can be interesting in different aspects, and it should be in only one case. The principle of continuity assumes that the documents of ancestors and contemporaries, relatives of one person, will be brought together in the collection. In accordance with the principle of the foundation's unity, it is necessary that in the files, whenever possible, all documents related to its profile are found.

Usage : The country's leadership strictly monitored the restriction of the admission of those wishing to get acquainted with the archival materials, and also sought to limit the availability of these materials themselves. With such a powerful tool as the archives under his command, it was possible to refer to certain selectively selected documents to support practically any political statements and actions. Noticeable indulgences have now been made in this respect.

Structure, bases of division and problems of structuring information resources of the library, their characteristics.

Subsystems of the library, the influence of system links on the composition and structure of information resources of the library.

The concept of a system is as relative as the concept of an element. If we consider the collection of a separate library as a system, then its subsystems will be the funds of each structural unit of this library, or - depending on the objectives of consideration - funds of one or another content, form, purpose.

The study of a system consists in identifying its elements, subsystems and connections between elements and subsystems, that is, in identifying its structure.

Connections are:

1) straight

2) reverse

4) unidirectional

Direct connections:

Document model - BZ


Readers' request

There are also connections:

The library's documentary fund as the basis of its activities.

With regard to the library fund as the most general concept the backbone element is the document. Therefore, within the framework of fund studies, there is no need for dividing a document into its component parts. At the same time, for bibliography and catalog studies, a document is the main subject of study and, therefore, a special system. As such, it has its own elements: author's name, title, year of issue.

The emergence of the BF is predetermined objectively, by the very course of the development of world civilization. The desire to preserve the social experience of mankind, to pass it on to new generations has led to the creation of information recording products, which have recently received a generalized name “document”. This word comes from the Latin doceo - “I teach, I inform” and in its meaning implies something material, which contains some kind of notice, confirmation, proof.

In terms of a systematic approach, a document is the element that generates BF as a system.

The role of the document in the formation of the library fund. The document, as a social phenomenon, has a number of features that significantly distinguish it from other objects of the material world. First, the information contained in it does not decrease as it is consumed; it is capable of being transmitted in space and time to an unlimited number of persons, while simultaneously remaining in the same volume.

Secondly, each individual document has a limited amount - "quantum" - of information.

The library fund, thirdly, is information concentrated in documents in the dialectical unity of its rest (fund preservation) and movement (fund use).

The document, fourthly, is the only element that generates the library fund.

And, finally, fifthly, the document captures the knowledge accumulated by humanity in all spheres of its existence. Therefore, any social institution needs a library fund, and the presence of a library in such an institution acts as an objective social law of its functioning. In addition, this feature predetermines the need to have funds of the most varied content and purpose.

Essence, properties, functions of the library fund.

Library fund


1) BF reflects the world level of development of science, technology, culture. In essence, the experience of human activity from ancient times to the present is described (people disappeared, but books remained). Having destroyed the books, a whole layer of culture and science disappeared and this has not been preserved in the memory of the people.

2) BF is a single collection of many documents. This set (if earlier the volume of the BF was 2000 copies, now it is 50,000 copies). The plurality of documents gives a high information capacity, promotes multivariate search. For a librarian, this plurality creates a lot of work, but the completeness of the fund, its acquisition must be maintained.

3) BF is a system concept. It is a single whole, the relationship of a part and a document. Each new document is obliged to supplement the information, but it is not recommended to duplicate it.

BF as a system:

Availability of documents

The plurality of these documents, which depend on the needs of the number of readers


Orderliness - the agreed location of documents and their parts

Structuring is a proportional ratio of documents by subject, readership, and age.

4) The fund of any library is a concentrate of information collected over the centuries. Carried out:

Selection and acquisition of the most information-valuable publications for the fund

A special method of building a fund, consisting of a core - necessary minimum, reflecting profile, type of library. And spheres - contains documents of active, but not long-term demand. It is a source of core replenishment, if the demand is contained in the document.

5) The CF reflects the social functions and the profile of the library.

6) BF is a dynamic system. Dynamics - introduction of new documents or exclusion of obsolete documents from the fund (through traffic). There is also a circular movement - when documents are issued and returned, and so on constantly.

7) BF gets old over time. The aging period depends on many reasons:

Development of science and technology

Reader demand (document wear)

BF functions:

1) Social - a specific place of the BF in the system of material and spiritual development of society:

Memory of humanity

Formation of a broad outlook in readers

Formation of moral qualities in readers

Promote education, development of science


2) Technological - determines the structure of the library's activities, work on the production of funds, determine the relationship and sequence.

External system: cumulative, memorial

Intra-system: the core of the library; utilitarian - the use of funds; informational; cultural and educational; technological; prototype function - i.e. fundamental principle, catalog and its organization.

The system of documentary funds of society and libraries, system connections and their manifestation. Place of the library fund.

System of documentary funds of society and libraries:archives, museums, STI bodies.

The Russian Museum Encyclopedia (2001) notes that libraries, being one of the means of scientific information support, are part of the museum collection. However, their role is not limited to this, because libraries are located at the intersection of all types of museum activities: stock, exposition, cultural and educational, publishing, etc.

A book in a museum is:

Source of information, illustrations, accompanying material for exhibitions;

Object of study, exhibit at exhibitions and in cultural and educational programs;

A means of scientific and cultural communication and popularization of collections (museum publications).

System connections and their manifestation... Connections are:

1) straight

2) reverse

3) consistent - the basis from the term formation - organization and storage

4) unidirectional

5) double - not only direct, but also reverse

6) multilateral - all elements interact with other elements

Direct connections:

BF model - catalog; accounts (inventory book, shelf numbers, copies)

Document model - BZ

Reader model - reader's form.

These models are closely related to each other and the library system.


Technical and technological development of the library

Readers' request

There are also connections:

1) genetic - the connection of generation. They exist when the fund is formed.

2) complementarity - documents appear to the point where they completely cover the reader's interest.

3) Transformation is an objective, inevitable stage in the development of the BF. It takes place against the backdrop of contradictions. 3 forms:

Replacing old documents with new documents

Moving the BF to a new room

Poor quality condition due to incompetent librarians.

4) Interactions between adjacent objects: museum fund; information institutions; between the external environment; internal environment.

5) The relationship of properties, functions, signs.

Signs of the library fund.

Library fund- a systematized collection of documents corresponding to the tasks, types, profile of the library, as well as information needs, and intended for the use and storage of documents throughout the entire time, as long as they are of real and potential value to subscribers.

The feature characterizes the external side of the BF, which allows one to distinguish the BF as an independent BF.

1. A document as a fund-forming element -the most characteristic feature of BF

BF volume

Lower and upper boundaries of the BF.

2. Plurality - characterized by the volume and size of the fund.

The second feature - plurality - finds real expression in the volume, or size of the fund - the number of documents concentrated in it, taken into account in volumes, that is, titles, and copies.

3. BF profile - characterized by composition, i.e. breadth and depth of the profile (species, typical, meaningful features). The composition of the BF is understood as the breadth of its profile, that is, the variety of branches of knowledge, topics and types of documents represented in it, as well as the depth of the profile - the degree of coverage of documents by type, subspecies, varieties, as well as years of publication. The chronological feature characterizes the age of the fund as an integral part of its depth.

4. Orderliness of arrays of documents - placed according to classification schemes. It is the most striking feature that distinguishes BF and which can be used to satisfy information requests.

5. Intended for subscribers - ie. their service.

6. BF readiness for its use.

Structuring of the library fund, signs, scheme.

Library fund- a systematized collection of documents corresponding to the tasks, types, profile of the library, as well as information needs, and intended for the use and storage of documents throughout the entire time, as long as they are of real and potential value to subscribers.

The structure is the structure, organization, constitution of the library fund, its ordering for one reason or another. The success of all work with it depends on how correctly the BF is structured, because the structure allows you to unify and thereby significantly facilitate the technology of forming funds, and not just one library, but the entire group of related ones.

The structure of the BF is created simultaneously by several features:

1. Structuring the fund by linking documents to each other.The striving of the individual for all-round development necessitates the formation of funds of a general educational nature that are universal in content, that is, in all branches of knowledge.

2. By the form of the document, it also includes the frequency, type and type of documents.Proceeding from this, it is possible to single out works of print, unpublished documents, cinema-photo-phono documents, as well as their various combinations. On the basis of the regularity of publication, there are non-periodic, periodic and ongoing documents. For their intended purpose, funds are allocated for scientific, popular science, educational, production, reference, literary and artistic documents. According to the material of the carrier, documents can be paper-based, on photographic film, magnetic tape, polymer material. Funds are formed according to linguistic and geographic characteristics.

3. Structuring the fund in terms of its links with subsystems and libraries.

Funds are divided according to the degree of their use - into active and passive. According to the degree of physical accessibility of documents, funds of unlimited, including open, and limited access are distinguished. Links with MTB libraries force to divide documents into human-perceptible (i.e. perceived by a person directly) and machine-perceptible (machine-readable).

4. Connections with BP. In addition to funds intended for subscribers, they create auxiliary service funds necessary for the daily production work of librarians of each department. The librarian acts as the specific subscriber of the library.

5. Links with the library in generaldetermine the creation of a BF at each of its structural divisions. Usually than simpler structure libraries; the simpler the structure of its fund.

The main task of dividing the fund into its component parts is to achieve that the dismembered funds are a single whole, allowing them to be used in the best possible way.

Unified library fund of the country. Types of library funds.

Unified library fund(EBF) - a set of library collections based on cooperative and (or) coordinated acquisition and mutual use, their reflection in the consolidated catalog, other forms of informing about the composition and providing users with access to the funds.

Library fund- a systematized collection of documents corresponding to the tasks, types, profile of the library, as well as information needs, and intended for the use and storage of documents throughout the entire time, as long as they are of real and potential value to subscribers. EBF task - to provide everyone with everything at once.

Example: RSL with a fund of 42 million storage units and RNL - 32 million fund. Libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Public Library for Science and Technology are also among the giant libraries.

Types of library collections (GOST 7.76-96):

Depository and Repository Funds. A depository (from the Latin depositus - set aside and arium - storage location) is a library, an NTI body, another institution or organization that receives a mandatory free copy of documents in a specified profile and ensures the completeness of the formation and permanent storage of the fund in accordance with this profile.

A repository is a repository organized by a group of libraries for the economical storage and use of low-demand documents, as well as for the joint acquisition of highly specialized and expensive documents.

Exchange fund is a part of the library and information fund intended for the exchange of documents, donation to libraries, STI bodies, other institutions and (or) their sale to organizations and individuals.

Reserve fund - serve to organize redistribution within the library, to replenish its funds; exchange funds - for redistribution in the library network. Reserve fund - an auxiliary part of the library fund, designed to replenish the main fund of the library and its branches in the event of loss or complete dilapidation of documents in demand, as well as in the event of the opening of new branches.

Insurance fund - a fund created for the most valuable in the scientific, cultural, historical and informational aspects of the library fund in case of loss of documents of their operational properties in the process of use or emergencies.

CF of municipal libraries


CF of National Libraries

BF Scientific Libraries

The essence and general principles of the formation of the library fund.

Formation is understood as the creation, continuous development of the library fund and its maintenance in a working condition. The concept of "building a library fund" appeared in the late 1960s. (Yu.V. Grigoriev).

The formation of a BF is a set of processes of acquisition, fund organization, exclusion of documents, as well as fund management.

The significance of the FBF for the "library fund" system is that literally all characteristics of the fund are created precisely and only as a result of its formation.

Technologically, FBF begins with defining the ideal image of the fund, or its model. The next stage is the selection, acquisition (exclusion) of the document. This is followed by accounting, processing, placement, storage, delivery of the document at the request of the subscriber. FBF is an ongoing process. Once started, it does not stop as long as the library exists.

Principles for the formation of the library fund:

1. The principle of scientific character - taking into account the development of science, technology; construction of technologies for the formation of BF from the point of view of new forms of work; selection of sources with reliable information in the BF.

2. The principle of multiple opinions - the fund must contain information about different points opinion of different scientists about different editions.

3. The principle of conformity - taking into account all factors affecting the content, purpose, use in the formation of the BF.

4. The principle of completeness. Sometimes there is documentary completeness - the BF is formulated in such a way that there are different types and types of publications (documents) in it. Information completeness - an approximation to the information saturation of the BF.

5. The principle of coordination - BF is being structured.

6. The principle of economy - it is necessary to reasonably spend finances on the formation of the fund.

7. The principle of efficiency - for operational work it is necessary to expand communication channels, increase the renewal of the fund.

8. The principle of regularity - should work for the library staff, should constantly monitor new items, and check the collection.

9. The principle of thresholds - that is, the fund during its formation must be constantly within certain boundaries.

10. The principle of humanism - consists of humanistic ideas.

11. The principle of patriotism.

Library fund modeling. Types of models.

In a broad sense modeling - this is a specific way of cognition, in which a more complex system is reproduced in a less complex one, that is, a model. Due to its relative simplicity in comparison with the modeled object, the model facilitates its study, measurement and transformation. The creation of a model is also a modeling process, understood in a narrow sense. Real models are used to study an existing fund, and ideal, or reference, models are used to plan its future state.

The main feature of the model- its similarity to the original, although there are usually no internal connections between the model and the modeled object. Information in the model can be presented in the form:

Descriptions (verbal model).Descriptive modelis the basis for subsequent models and management of the fund as a whole. It is a kind of library passport, in which the tasks of the library and its mission are defined in verbal form. The specialization of the library funds is indicated, the structural divisions of the library are characterized, the types and types of publications and the copy of the purchased documents are determined.

Graphics (graphic model).

Formulas (mathematical model). Mathematical model fund gives an idea of ​​the general quantitative parameters of the fund.

- Bibliographic modelThe fund is a desirable composition in terms of content and includes a list of required documents. For a university library, the real bibliographic model of the collection is the catalog system that is maintained in the library. It is she who reflects in various aspects the content of the fund.

- Structural model... This type of model reproduces in a simplified form the structure of types and types of documents and their copyright within a certain topic (ttpk). The structural model is divided into two sections. The first is an explanatory note. It contains the passport of the fund, records information about the library, its tasks, and the composition of its subscribers. The second section reflects the parameters of the modeled fund - subject matter, types and types of documents, copy, linguistic composition.

The type of model is chosen depending on the tasks to be solved. If, for example, they want to know what should be the optimal volume of the entire fund or a separate subfund, how many documents it is advisable to include in the fund and how many - to exclude, - usemathematical models... If it is necessary to decide what specific names should be presented in the fund, it becomes irreplaceablebibliographic model.

BF models are composed in several stages.

The initial, preparatory stage includes the collection and analysis of the final information on the state of all parameters characterizing the composition and size of the fund, the degree of its use, satisfaction of requests and needs of subscribers.

Based on the data obtained, at the next stage, the development trends of the fund are identified.

The third stage can be carried out in parallel or after the second. In the course of it, a structural model is created, usually called a thematic, or thematic-typological recruitment plan.

The prepared projects are discussed at the library council, coordinated with the participants of the coordination system. After this, the fourth in a row, stage, the models become mandatory documents that determine the policy of the formation of the BF.

The modeling doesn't end there. At the fifth stage, based on individual models create a consolidated model of a unified regional or sectoral fund, approved by the coordination council.

Thematic and typological model of the fund.

The thematic-typological (structural) model of the fund is aimed at defining the narrow topics and types of publications that the library needs to serve readers, depending on their professional needs, interests and taking into account the cultural and economic profile of the region, national composition and other characteristics. The prerequisite for the compilation of the model is the data of the study and analysis of the fund.

There are two ways to build this model.... The first of them consists in the selection of topics according to library classification tables (UDC and LBC).

The second method involves the selection of topics according to the standard “Model of thematic-typological composition of the fund”, developed by the RSL. The result is an initial thematic layout for the foundation.

Each topic should, if possible, include documents of a different kind, represent, as far as possible, a complete species complex of publications. However, when developing a model, one should still take into account which groups of readers (within the range of 8-10 or more people) will use these types of documents. The definition of the species composition is also influenced by the terms of aging in terms of the content and wear and tear of the printed works in the fund. The linguistic structure of the collection depends on the needs of the readers.

In the thematic-typological model, based on the average indicators, it is also planned to update the fund, that is, the ratio of new acquisitions and disposal of books.

The final data on each topic is drawn up in the form of a summary card index or table, which, firstly, are a thematic-typological model of a single fund, and secondly, they serve as the basis for drawing up a long-term (long-term) thematic-typological recruitment plan.

When modeling, the following parameters are primarily taken into account:

1. Thematic range of the library fund: a list of branches of science;

2. Specific aspect of library acquisition: printed, electronic editions;

3. Typological aspect of the fund: a list of those types of publications that are collected in the fund (scientific, popular science).

Acquisition of the library fund. Types of picking.

Acquisition (from lat. Completus - full) is the creation and constant updating of the library stock with documents that meet the library's objectives and the interests of the subscribers. The significance of acquisition is that, being an input subsystem of the FBF, it practically determines by itself not only the rest of its processes, but in general all library work. Acquisition is aimed at creating a fund as a system, a set of documents.

There are three types of picking:

Current - replenishment of the library fund with published documents, as well as documents published in the previous year. In the course of his library receive up to 80-90% of all new, that is, the most relevant acquisitions.

Retrospective - replenishment of the library fund with missing titles and copies for previous years, i.e. lacunae are replenished. They are formed as a result of shortcomings in the current recruitment; in connection with the change in the profile of the fund; due to wear or loss of documents.

Reconstruction - release of the fund from outdated, worn out, non-core and unnecessarily duplicated documents. Remanufacturing is subject to unused and little-used documents.

In fact, all types of picking occur simultaneously, in the process of current work. At the same time, the fund is constantly renewed, constantly brought in line with new tasks, interests of subscribers, functions and develops.

Acquisition methodology: theory and practice of the process approach.

Acquisition (from lat. Completus - full) is the creation and constant updating of the library stock with documents that meet the library's objectives and the interests of the subscribers. Acquisition of BF is a process of constant inclusion of new and exclusion of documents unnecessary to the library. The main indicators of the quality of the BF are, on the one hand, the intensity of its use by subscribers: the higher it is, the more valuable the fund is, and vice versa; on the other hand, the degree of influence of the BF on the spiritual enrichment of subscribers, the development of various spheres of life in the served area.

General picking methodThe BF consists of a number of sequential specific operations carried out according to the technology taking into account the dual nature of the process. These operations are divided into those providing replenishment of the fund and aimed at cleaning and replenishing it. Each type of operation has its own tasks.

Operations providing replenishment of the fund - current acquisition:

Study of external information flows for the identification and primary selection of documents for the library collection. Study of the system of institutions for the distribution of documents.

Primary selection of documents - that is, selection in the external flow of documents required for the acquisition.

Pre-order of selected documents for purchase.

Planned acquisition of documents, use of the document supply system for libraries.

Control of the current acquisition of the fund. Reception of new arrivals.

Operations that ensure the purification of the fund, the elimination of gaps in it:

Study of the library fund to identify gaps (lacunae) and unused documents by readers.

Secondary selection of documents - carried out in the library fund based on the results of studying its composition and use for the purpose of completing and freeing from non-core and obsolete documents.

Compilation of lists of excluded documents and card indexes before the collection of the fund.

Exclusion of unnecessary documents from the fund.

Acquisition of documents by completing the fund. Control over additional picking.

Mandatory copy of the document, concept, types, regulatory support.

Mandatory copy of documents- copies different types replicated documents to be transferred by manufacturers to the relevant organizations in the manner and quantity established by this Federal Law.

Legal deposit system - a set of legal deposit types, as well as the established procedure for their collection, distribution and use.

Mandatory free copy - copies of various types of documents subject to free transfer by their producers to the relevant organizations in the manner and quantity established by this Federal Law.

Mandatory paid copy - copies of various types of documents to be transferred for a fee by their producers to the relevant organizations in the manner and quantity established by this Federal Law.


1) publications that have undergone editorial and publishing processing, printed independently, with output information;

2) publications for the blind and visually impaired - publications produced in the Braille system, "talking books";

3) official documents - documents adopted by the legislative, executive and judicial authorities;

4) audiovisual products - film, video, phono, photographic products;

5) electronic publications - programs for electronic computing machines and databases, as well as electronic documents that have undergone editorial and publishing processing, with output information, replicated and distributed on machine-readable media;

7) patent documents - descriptions for patents and applications for industrial property objects.

A starting point for creating a regional legislative framework by obligatory copy of the documents there was an acceptance:

Federal Law “On the obligatory copy of documents” (1994).

The Law of the Kaluga Region “On the Transfer of Legal Deposit of Documents to the Regional Scientific Library named after V. G. Belinsky ”.

The Stand-alone Legal Deposit and Legal Deposit Acts or the combined Librarianship and Legal Deposit Laws.

- “Development of regional legislation on local legal deposit” (1998).

In 1996, the RSL prepared the “Basic Provisions of the Model (Standard) Draft Law of the Subject of the Russian Federation“ On Mandatory Copy of Documents ”.

Accounting of documents in libraries, concept, types, theory and practice, regulatory support.

Fund accounting is a complex of operations that ensure the fixation of information about the size, composition and movement of the fund, as well as its safety. Accounting reveals the dynamics of the fund's development, its composition, structure, the ratio of sources and methods of its replenishment, the rate of renewal, the location of each document. The essence of accounting is to register each document separately and calculate their total number.

The general rules for recording documents that make up the library fund are enshrined in the "Instructions on the accounting of the library fund". Accounting for the library fund includes: accepting documents, marking them, registering when entering, moving, leaving, as well as checking the availability of documents in the fund.

The accounting system includes:

Intra-library accounting of all divisions of the library fund;

State statistical accounting of the library fund;

Special state registration of certain categories of documents (book monuments; archival documents). The main units of account of the fund for all types of publications (except newspapers) and unpublished materials are: Title; Instance. Additional accounting units of the fund are: Annual set - a set of numbers (issues) of periodicals for the year; Metropolka - an international unit of accounting for the size of the fund; Binding unit (filing).

There are two types of accounting:

1) Total

2) Individual(or differentiated) accounting is the accounting of each specific copy of a document or each title of a document entering the library collection or leaving it.

The form of summary accounting is “Book of summary accounting of the library fund in traditional or machine-readable form. Information about the movement of the fund is recorded in three parts of the "Book of summary records of the library fund":

With individual registration of new receipts, each document receives only its inherent inventory number, which is recordedin inventory bookor an accounting form identical to it, as well as directly on the document. An individual number is assigned to a document for the entire time it is in the library collection.

Forms of individual registration of documents are book (inventory book), card (card of the accounting catalog), sheet (sheet of act registration), registration card for a certain type of publication (including electronic or audiovisual document).

Inventory of the library fund, concept, implementation of the process, documentation support.

Individual (or differentiated) accounting (also called inventory) is an accounting of each specific copy of a document or each name of a document entering the library fund or leaving it.

With the individual registration of new receipts, each document receives only its inherent inventory number, which is recorded in the inventory book or an accounting form identical to it, as well as directly on the document. An individual number is assigned to a document for the entire time it is in the library collection.

Forms of individual registration of documents are book (inventory book), card (card of the accounting catalog), sheet (sheet of act registration), registration card for a certain type of publication (including electronic or audiovisual document). The most common form of individual accounting is the inventory book.

Inventory bookis a comprehensive inventory of all printed works received by the library. The entries in this book are arranged in chronological order, so it gives an accurate picture of the history of the development of the library collection since its inception. According to the inventory book, you can establish the availability of a particular book in the fund, inquire about the time of its acquisition, about the cost. With the help of the inventory book, the library fund is checked, accepted and handed over when the head of the library changes.

The inventory book is the most important document of the library, ensuring the safety of its funds. Correspondence of this book is permitted only as a rare exception with the permission of higher organizations. The inventory book must be bound, laced, its pages numbered. On the back of the last page, an attesting note is made: "In this inventory book there are so many numbered and laced pages, which is certified by a signature and seal." The record is signed by the person in charge of the institution in charge of the library.

Each page of the inventory book is designed to record 25 copies of print works, one line for each copy. The year of the entries is indicated in the upper left corner of each page.

Cumulative accounting of the library fund, concept, implementation of the process, documentation support.

In order to have accurate data on the composition and size of the fund and on the changes occurring in it, it is necessary to keep records, called total. Total (or integrated) accounting is the accounting of the library fund by groups (parties) of incoming or outgoing documents according to one accompanying document (invoice, invoice). In the absence of an accompanying document, an acceptance certificate is drawn up.

The form of summary accounting is the "Book of summary accounting of the library fund". In the "Book of summary accounting of the library fund", the accounting of changes in the composition of the fund and the accounting of its value are combined, a picture of the movement of the library fund in quantitative and value terms is given. Information about the movement of the fund is recorded in three parts of the "Book of summary records of the library fund":

Part 1. "Admission to the Fund" - Information about the documents received by the library fund

Part 2. “Retirement from the Fund” - Information about documents retired from the library. Disposal of documents from the fund is formalized by an exclusion act, reflected in the "Book of summary accounting" and in the forms of individual accounting.

Part 3. "The results of the fund movement" - fund movements are compulsorily summed up for the year.

The graphs of all parts correspond almost completely to each other. The correspondence of the graphs makes it possible to summarize and receive at any time information about the composition of the fund as a whole and the number of received and dropped editions.

In the summary ledger, three main sections can be distinguished:

1. Registration information (date and serial number of the record, source of acquisition, number and date of the accompanying document).

2. The quantitative characteristics of the batch of books.

3. Characteristics of the composition of the considered batch of books by content. This section shows the distribution of books and other publications by branches of knowledge, languages, and types of literature.

Rules for maintaining summary accounting.The books received in the library are recorded in the first part of the summary book - "Receipt of books and magazines." They are recorded in batches, by which they mean any number of books received from one document. Each batch of printed works is recorded on a separate line under one registration number. This number is then indicated in the inventory book when the prints from this batch are recorded in it; thus, the link between inventory and total accounting is carried out. In the book of summary accounting, the numbering of incoming batches of books every year begins with No. 1. At the bottom of each page, after filling it out, page-by-page totals are summed up, where the receipts recorded on the page are summed up; the totals are transferred to the first top line of the next page. At the end of each quarter and year, quarterly and annual totals are summed up, separately for the first and second parts of the book, and then transferred to the third part of the summary book, where the data on disposal is subtracted from the data on the receipt. The resulting difference shows the actual availability of books in the library by the end of each quarter or year.

Organization of the library fund, concept, theory and practice of the process.

The organization of library collections is a series of sequential processes and operations by which collections are made ready for use by readers and are constantly kept in working order. The organization of funds is also designed to ensure their long-term preservation.

When optimizing the organization of the collection, one proceeds from the essence of the technological processes of library work. One of the most important in the library is the flow of editions. The task of the librarian working with the foundation is to optimize the length, direction, speed and density of this flow, to ensure uniform saturation throughout the working day. In addition, in order not to interfere with each other, the flows of books should not intersect with other flows (readers, their applications). But the threads must connect at the necessary points. Thus, the flow of books should meet with the flow of readers' demands in the fund storage, and with the flow of readers - at the book issuing points.

The organization of library funds includes: reception and initial processing of new acquisitions, accounting, scientific and technical processing, transfer of publications to the structural divisions of the library, storage.

Reception of a new batcheditions are carried out immediately after its arrival in the library. Initial processing consists in putting a library stamp on each book accepted into the fund, which indicates the name of the library. A batch of books and brochures, received one document at a time, is laid out by branches of knowledge and taken into account in the summary book. This is recorded on the accompanying document. Then, publications that are not subject to individual registration are excluded from the batch, and the rest are taken into account each separately. The publication receives an inherent only inventory number, which is registered in the appropriate registration form and directly on the book. Following this, a batch of books is sent to the exhibition of new acquisitions.

Literature initially processed in the acquisition departmenttransferred to the processing department... The exception is periodicals, which are promptly sent to service departments, since they do not need long-term scientific processing. Scientific processing begins with the fact that the received books are checked for duplication. The rest of the editions are provided with cards with catalog descriptions. Each description is supplied with an author's mark and a classification index, and in case of a systematic alphabetical arrangement, also a cipher indicating the place of the book on the library shelf.

The next step is the booktogether with the card, it is handed over to the editor, who checks the correctness of the description and classification and determines how many catalog cards should be copied for this book. Then the card is reproduced and included in the catalogs of the library.

After cataloging and systematization, a batch of new acquisitions is handed over for finaltechnical processing, which consists in the fact that the books are bound, each edition is provided with a label (or stamped on it) with the book's code, the return date sheet, the book form, the placement code.

Then the editions are surrenderedeither to the library storage department, or directly to its structural divisions. Storage is understood as keeping the fund in specially equipped rooms under conditions of optimal physicochemical and biological conditions.

Preservation of the library fund, theory and practice, regulatory support.

The safety of funds is achieved by their protection, proper storage and elimination of damage factors. Security is understood as a system of measures to ensure the prevention and protection of the library collection from encroachments on its integrity. Proper storage is the maintenance of the fund in a specially equipped room under conditions of optimal physical, chemical and biological conditions.

The process of managing the preservation of the library collection includes:

Placement - the more competently the location of the fund is planned, the greater the guarantee that it will not be damaged or lost. To correctly place the library fund means it is advisable to use the room taking into account the standards and requirements: the location of the shelves, the distance from the walls to the shelves, the width of the aisles, etc.

The placement is the final stage of their placement. The arrangement of the library fund is understood as: 1) the order of the arrangement of documents on the shelves of the fund storage, determined by the method of servicing subscribers, the type, composition and size of the fund; 2) a library operation, which consists in placing documents on the shelves in accordance with the codes of their storage.

Creation of an optimal storage regime. There are three modes of storage of documents: light, temperature and humidity and sanitary and hygienic. GOST 7.56-90 "Preservation of Documents" establishes scientifically grounded standards for the storage regime of collections that are uniform for all libraries.

A set of measures for the restoration and conservation of the fund. Restoration is the restoration of the original properties of the material basis of a document by reproducing the lost form and content. The process of restoration is qualitatively higher than repair, it is the most difficult way to provide technical preservation, therefore, specialists in laboratories are engaged in it. Conservation is ensuring the preservation of a document by means of a storage, stabilization and restoration regime.

Protection (security of the foundation). The library fund needs social protection measures at all stages of formation and use. At the stage of picking, this is stamping, insertion of an inventory number or bar code. In the process of processing - this is the maintenance of documents that allow you to establish the location of any document at any time.

The main types of damage caused by subscribers are: late return, damage, loss, misappropriation (not returning to the library), theft.

Regulatory support:

An intergovernmental conference convened at the initiative of UNESCO in 1954 in The Hague adopted the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property.

On May 20, 1998, a meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation was held, at which the issue “On the state policy of preserving library funds as part of the cultural heritage and information resource of the country” was considered.

Federal laws "On librarianship" (1994),

- "On information, informatization and information protection" (1995),

- “Directives for International Action for the Preservation of Library Materials” (UNESCO, 1986)

IFLA Preservation and Conservation Programs (1986)

UNESCO Memory of the World Program (1992)

As well as the Concept approved by the Board, a draft of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation was developed.

In 1962, a mandatory for all libraries "Instruction on the preservation of book collections" was adopted.

Certification of the library fund, meaning, structure of the passport.

Certification of the library fund or its individual parts allows you to research the existing system funds and the process of fund preservation. Thanks to certification, the characteristics of the fund are analyzed, it is determined that its parameters correspond to modern standards and norms, and the interests of the user. The fund's passport contributes to the determination of real planning tasks and the adoption of managerial decisions in the field of the formation of documentary funds. Libraries keep passports permanently.

Library fund passport (BF) - a type of BF model, the main registration and technological document containing information about the fund:

milestones in history;

tasks, profile and policy (priorities) of the formation;

structure, composition;

typical and specific characteristics of documents;

the rate of renewal;

reference search apparatus (SPA) to the fund;

placement system, conditions and storage regime;

Terms of Use;

development prospects.

The BF passport is renewed once every 5 years or as needed. The dynamics of the fund's movement, in addition to tables, can be reflected in graphs, diagrams, diagrams. The main requirement is that the passport should not duplicate other documents (laws, statutes).

All information for filling out a passport is divided into sections:

1) General information about the fund. It is advisable to include in it: 1) the name of the fund and department; 2) the location of the foundation, its address, if any - phone number, Email; 3) year of foundation of the foundation; 4) the chronology of the fund; 5) the volume of the fund.

2) The structure of the fund and its content.

3) Additional information about the fund.

4) Catalogs and card indexes, in which the documents of the fund are reflected.

5) Basic instructions and methodological materials, on the basis of which work with the CF is carried out.

6) It is possible to include other sections as well.

In some cases, with an expanded structure of the fund, along with this information, it is advisable to give annexes. The main purpose of this structure is to minimize possible issues related to the collection of the library / organization.

Study of the library fund, indicators, their essence and significance.

In the course of the study, documents are identified that require strengthening their propaganda among subscribers, increasing or decreasing their copy, excluding them from the fund, transferring them to another storage level. The smaller the volume of the fund, the more often it should be studied.

The recruiting department - draws up a plan for studying the composition and use of the collection, calculated for a certain period, the duration of which depends on the size of the collection, the number of librarians and the time they can devote to this process.

Technologically, the study of the fund is divided into stages. At the preparatory stage, the sequence, terms, performers are determined. They draw up and approve a calendar schedule for performing operations, prepare accounting and reporting materials on the composition, size, movement of the fund and its use, refusals to subscribers, prepare accounting forms, tables for analyzing the fund, select the appropriate bibliographic aids, instruct and provide the performers with the necessary materials.

At the second stage, they begin directly to study the intended section of the fund - its composition, size, nature of use

The third stage is the processing and analysis of the data obtained during the study. All librarians who need this information in their production activities are introduced to them at production meetings. At this stage, decisions are made on the secondary selection in the studied part of the fund. The final stage is conducting decisions taken in life.

The order of study of sub-funds (fund sections) is determined by the relevance of the topic to be studied, the activity of demand, the state of preservation, the change of employees, and similar factors. At the same time, it may turn out to be legitimate that some parts of the fund are studied more often, more thoroughly, and more versatile than others.

Indicators: Reliability indicatorfund is the ratio of satisfaction of requests for the analyzed period (month, quarter, year), determined by the ratio of the number of satisfied requests to the total received requests. The reliability of the fund is manifested in its completeness, readiness for operation, trouble-free functioning, durability, and repairability.

Calculation of specimen:the number of readers is multiplied by the average length of time a textbook is on hand and all this is divided by the number of days of the document's life.

Library fundis equal to the number of loans multiplied by the number of readers.

Library circulation... The indicator is determined by the formula the number of documents issued to readers during the year from the CF, dividing by the total volume of this fund. The circulation can be general (for the entire fund) or private (for sub-funds), it is equal to the number of issues divided by the time spent in the fund of documents. The higher the addressability, the better the fund is staffed.

Readability determined by the number of documents issued to one reader for a certain period of time. The indicator is obtained by dividing the number of loans by the number of readers. If this figure is small, it is possible that the library has few interesting and useful books. You can also calculate the formula for reading capacity, which is equal to the time to read the entire fund divided by the time to read one document.

Dividing the number of documents in the library by the number of readers, we getoverall book availability... The indicator speaks about the sufficiency (or vice versa) of the fund for serving readers. There is also another function that equals readability to callability.

BF updateabilityshows qualitative changes in the structure of the fund, gives it the dynamism of development. Knowing the rate of renewal of the BF, it is possible to calculate the period during which it will be updated almost completely. The fund renewal indicator is understood as the average value calculated by dividing the volume of receipts for the study period by the fund volume at the end of the study period and multiplied by 100 percent.

Waste Factor- an indicator that determines as a percentage how many documents (waste paper) that are not needed by the library were purchased into the fund for a specific period. Based on the reader's demand, it is calculated by the formula L = [(S - Sn) / S] -100%, where S is the number of documents entered into the fund in a particular period; Sn - the number of used of them by readers during this period.

Any indicator allows the librarian to control the quality of the collection, find the reasons for deviations from the optimal data and either replenish or clear it. All indicators are interrelated - their comparison makes it possible to determine in which part of the fund there was a mismatch in the acquisition, which processes, tendencies in the development of the fund are manifested, which of them are progressive, which are not.

Library fund management as a process approach implementation.

Management of the library fund is a constant, objectively expedient ordering, changing (while maintaining the qualitative specifics) of the composition, size and structure of the library fund, bringing it in line with the objectives of the library and - the information needs of its subscribers. The need for management is caused by a constant change in the environment external to the library fund - the development of information needs of library subscribers, changes in the number and level of qualifications of library personnel, improvement (and sometimes deterioration) of the material and technical base of the library, continuous changes in the library fund itself.

In essence, governance involves the continuous collection and transmission of information about the state and use of the library collection; logical processing of this information: decision making and issuance of control actions. The purpose of these actions is to bring the fund to the desired, pre-modeled state, as well as to control how the decision is being made.

Like any system, UBF has a structure and performs management functions. The structure of the UBF includes two subsystems - a controlled one, or a control object, and a control one, or a control subject, and information links between the subsystems and the external environment.

Library collection as an object of managementhas four kinds of ties... At the entrance, he receives, firstly, information from the external environment - about the purpose of forming the fund of a given library, about the tasks it faces at the present time, the nature and trends in the development of information needs and requests of the served subscribers, about the profile of the library funds. Secondly, he receives control actions from the subject of control. Thirdly, the fund, in turn, transfers information about its condition to the library staff. Fourthly, the fund has a connection at the exit - with the external environment. This connection appears in the form of the results of using the fund.

The library staff, as a subject of management, also has direct and feedback links. He receives information directly from the external environment - about the financial capabilities of the library, the state of the document market, the availability of information sources on the fund's profile and the likelihood of their acquisition.

Information coming from the subject of control to the object of control and in the opposite direction must be generalized and concretized to the extent that it is necessary for the adoption and implementation of the decision.


1) forecasting

2) planning

3) organization

4) regulation

5) accounting

6) analysis

Self-generated library resources, structure, meaning in information support users.

Library catalogs, functions, types, meaning. Directories as a reference and retrieval apparatus of the library. Catalogs as a model of the library stock.

Library catalog - a set of located on certain rules bibliographic records for documents, revealing the composition and content of the collection of a library or information center. The library catalog can function in card or machine-readable form, on microcarriers, as well as in the form of a book publication.

By coverage of funds in the librarydirectories shareto central catalogs, reflecting a single fund of the system, and catalogs of individual funds - library divisions, branch libraries.

The library catalogs reflect the works of print (publications) available in the library funds, film-photo-phono-documents and unpublished materials, which together constitute documents - material objects with information fixed in a man-made way for its transmission in time and space.

By destination directoriescan be divided into reading and service. Service catalogs are located in office premises, access to them is limited for readers, they are used mainly by the library staff.

By the way descriptions are groupedlibrary catalogs are divided into three main types: alphabetical, systematic and subject.In the alphabetical catalogdescriptions of printed works are arranged alphabetically by the names of their authors or titles. Readers' requests for literature on specific issues or narrower specific issues satisfied withsystematicand subject catalogs... In these catalogs, print descriptions are grouped according to their content. However, these directories differ significantly from each other. In a systematic catalog, descriptions of printed works are combined according to the branch of knowledge with which their content is associated, and in a subject catalog - according to the subject matter referred to in this work.

The importance of the alphabetical catalog in reference and bibliographic work in the compilation of all kinds of recommendatory lists and literature indexes is great. So, for example, with the help of additional descriptions, it is possible to identify among the works of one or another author and his other works in which he participated as a co-author, editor or compiler.

In the alphabetical-subject index, the SC is given in the general alphabet the names of the main, leading branches of knowledge, private disciplines and individual issues of these branches, the most important scientific problems, individual concepts and subjects. The main purpose of the index is to serve as a reference for the reader when using the systematic catalog, to help find the necessary department.

Terminological apparatus of cataloging. Legal support of activities in the field of cataloging.

According to GOST 7.76-96 “Acquisition of the collection of documents. Bibliography. Cataloging. Terms and Definitions" cataloging - a set of processes that ensure the creation and operation of library catalogs. The cataloging includes bibliographic processing, data entry or replication of catalog cards, work with catalogs (organization, maintenance and editing of catalogs).

Library catalogs- a set of bibliographic records for documents arranged according to certain rules, revealing the composition and content of the collection of a library or information center.

Bibliographic processing- a set of processes for the formation of a bibliographic record of a document for its presentation in library catalogs, bibliographic indexes, lists and card files.

Coordinated cataloging- joint activity of several libraries or information centers based on the distribution of cataloged arrays by prior agreement.

Centralized document cataloging- cataloging, carried out in methodological centers or under their guidance, for use in a network of libraries or information centers

Cataloging in edition- a kind of centralized cataloging, in which the results of bibliographic processing are placed in the document in the process of its publication

Legal support of activities in the field of cataloging:

- GOST 7.76-96 “Completing the collection of documents. Bibliography. Cataloging. Terms and Definitions"

The main provisions of the "Russian rules of cataloging"

There is an Interregional Committee for Cataloging

Draft federal law "On cataloging"

Section on cataloging in the RBA

GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up "

GOST 7.51-98 “Cards for catalogs and file cabinets. Cataloging in the publication. Composition, data structure and publishing design "

Domestic regulatory documents together with international instruments and international cataloging treaties constitute the federal cataloging information fund. The procedure for creating and maintaining this fund, as well as the rules for use, is planned to be established by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia.

Process approach to the formation of catalogs. The path of the bibliographic record and document.

The technological process of document processing begins with a reconciliation of the batch of documents received for processing with the official AC. If there is a BR in the catalog for this edition, a cipher or an inventory number is added, the organizer checks the correctness of the previously defined classification index (in accordance with the principle: all editions of the same name must be reflected in the UK in the same division), after which the cataloging process is done without indexing. In the reader's catalogs, the card is stamped “There are other publications in the library”. If there is no information about the edition in the catalog, cataloging is carried out in in full with indexing, subsequent replication of cards for all catalogs of the system. Automated technology assumes, as a rule, a one-time and one-time entry of the knowledge base by one employee of the library, who carries out the formation of the knowledge base in full, including indexing.

Library processing proceeds according to a well-known technological scheme. For systematization and subjectization, it is regulated by GOST 7.59-90, for coordinate indexing - GOST 7.66-92.

A distinction is made between individual and group processing of documents. In case of individual processing, each document (title - for bibliographic processing, copy - for technical processing) is processed separately. First of all, the question of choosing a way of presenting a document in the catalog is being resolved - with the help of the main knowledge base, it can be reflected under the heading or under the heading. BO is issued. KB is supplemented with a heading, information about additional KB. The document is being indexed. A card is being drawn up for the APU. The registration of the knowledge base is completed by setting the document storage cipher. At the final stage, all KB elements are edited. The "issuing" editor puts down on the cards (bottom left) the date of completion of processing.

A significant saving in time and labor is provided by group processing - a method of library processing, in which documents of the same content or related in appearance or other characteristics (for example, educational programs) are combined into a group. Group processing includes summary accounting, technical processing, systematization and consolidation of documents into groups, preparation of knowledge base. On the cards of the catalog, the materials of group processing are reflected not individually, but by the corresponding groups.

The general technology of working with catalogs assumes the following sequential processes: during the primary organization of the catalog - the creation of documentation, the primary formation of cards, the design of the catalog (internal and external), the placement of cards; in the case of maintaining (maintaining) a previously organized catalog - placement of cards, if necessary - internal and external design, current processes (making corrections, changes, withdrawal and replacement of cards, sliding drawers and cabinets of the catalog), current technical editing. Editing, in which other tasks are set, is carried out in a planned manner.

The complex of works with catalogs conventionally includes processes associated with servicing (consulting) readers at catalogs.

Centralized cataloging, concept, tasks.

The complexity and laboriousness of cataloging printed works, the repetition of the processes of description, classification, subjecting in many libraries have necessitated the rationalization of cataloging work and the implementation of centralized cataloging.

Centralized catalogingis called the cataloging processing of books, articles and other works of print, carried out in large methodological centers or under their leadership in order to distribute cataloging information to libraries.

The main task centralized cataloging is to ensure high quality catalogs. This is achieved due to the fact that the description, classification indices, subject headings, annotations for books are compiled in single centers by qualified specialists. The use of centralized cataloging editions eliminates parallelism in the processing of books in different libraries, introduces into the practice of libraries unified methods of description, classification, itemization, facilitates the work of the librarian, leads to savings in money and time spent on cataloging work.

Centralized cataloging in our country and many foreign countries is developing at several levels: national, regional, within the library system. Centralized cataloging at the national level covers the printed matter of all or most of the country's publishing houses. Performs centralized cataloging at the national level, usually a national library or bibliographic institution.

Centralized cataloging - at the regional level, it is limited to printed products coming out within the region, which is also the sphere of distribution of its publications. An example of regional centralized cataloging is the activity of the book chambers in this area.

Centralized cataloging within the library system is carried out by the central library and distributed among the libraries included in the system. An example of this is the centralized cataloging in the library system of the Academy of Sciences.

Modern centralized cataloging is characterized by a variety of forms. The most complete form is a printed catalog card containing a bibliographic description, indexes, subject headings and other information characterizing the work. The cards drawn up in the methodological center are reproduced in the necessary print run or by means of duplicating machines and sent, as a rule, by subscription to all interested institutions.

The forms of centralized cataloging can be classified as bibliographic and abstract publications, which provide complete bibliographic descriptions and indexes of books, periodicals, articles.

In recent years, a machine-readable form of centralized cataloging has been developed in Russia, the United States and some other countries. Machine-readable centralized cataloging is operational, it creates conditions for the development of centralized cataloging at the international level through the exchange of data stored on magnetic tapes.

Consequently, centralized classification is developing not only as an integral part of centralized cataloging, but also somewhat broader. Centralized subjectization is most often represented by the publication of subject headings on printed cards.

System of catalogs and filing cabinets different types libraries, tasks, functions. Implementation of a system of links in catalogs to help the librarian and the reader.

The variety of catalogs and filing cabinets requires the creation of a catalog system in which each subsystem - a separate catalog - would reveal the library fund in a certain aspect and these subsystems would be interconnected and coordinated. Uncovering links and properly delimiting directories is at the heart of the library's cataloging system. Since libraries of various types and types have different tasks, serve different groups of readers, have collections of different content and character, the catalog system in each of these libraries acquires a certain peculiarity.

When deciding what catalogs a library should have, it is necessary to take into account: the thematic composition and nature of its funds, readers' requests, methods of arranging funds, the room in which the library is located, in particular, the proximity or remoteness of the book processing department from the reader service departments.

Regional, regional and republican libraries.The catalog system of the regional library includes a large number of catalogs, different in purpose, in the types of publications reflected in them, in the completeness of the collection. the main role in serving the readers of the regional library belongs to the readers' catalogs. At the same time, the presence of outdated literature that has lost its relevance, which, nevertheless, must be preserved in the library funds, makes it necessary, along with the reader's catalogs, reflecting the majority of the funds, to compile official catalogs that ensure the disclosure of the collection with maximum completeness. In addition to the main catalogs, in the regional library it becomes necessary to organize catalogs into separate collections or parts of them. Local history catalogs occupy a special place in the catalog system of the regional library. The main task of the local history catalog is to promote to the reader all the literature about the region, available in all libraries, universities of the region, region. Thus, the regional studies catalog performs the functions of a consolidated catalog of regional studies literature of the region.

Special Libraries

In special libraries, there is no division of catalogs into readers' and service ones, since there are practically no restrictions on the selection of literature for the readers of these libraries. Of great importance in special libraries is the question of coordinating the two catalogs that reveal the collection in terms of content - systematic and subject. The addition of one catalog to another is achieved by a clear delineation of their functions, on the one hand, and the establishment of a relationship, on the other.

Reader and service catalogs, purpose, functioning features. Conversion of catalogs.

According to the regulation, the reader's catalogs must reflect the library stock in full, without any restrictions. Service directories exist for official use only. It should be possible to work with the service catalog for individual readers, whose requests would otherwise be impossible to implement. If we are talking about a specific publication, the duty bibliographer can provide the reader with a reference. Only the reader himself can copy hundreds of cards or select the relevant information in the catalog. Therefore, in the department room it is necessary to have a table for the reader. His work must be tightly controlled. Readers' catalog - a library catalog made available to readers. Service catalog - a library catalog intended for use by the library staff. Library catalog - a set of bibliographic records for documents arranged according to certain rules, revealing the composition and content of the collection of a library or information center.

Library catalog conversion- transfer of the library catalog from one form of functioning to another. Retrospective conversion (retro conversion) is a special industrial technology for converting a library card catalog into an electronic database of bibliographic descriptions.

Carrying out work on retro conversion includes the following stages:

1) Scanning file cabinets.

2) Processing of images and formation of records.

3) Transfer of the array and delivery of work.

Alphabetical catalog, concept, purpose, structure and design features.

Alphabetical catalog(AK) is a library catalog in which bibliographic records are listed alphabetically by individual author names, collective author names, or document titles.

AK is a mandatory part of the catalog system in every library. With the help of AK, you can search for the following types of queries:

1) Is there a work of a given author (individual or collective) in the library funds and, if so, what is his address (code).

3) What reprints of this work are available in the funds.

4) In which editions this or that person participated as a co-author, compiler, editor, translator.

5) What issues are included in this or that series.

7) A request for a bibliographic clarification concerning certain elements of a bibliographic record, for example, in what year this publication was published, what is the place of publication, whether it has been revised and supplemented.

Purpose: The job of the alphabetical catalog is to answer two basic questions:

1) whether the library has a certain book known to the reader in advance (a magazine, sheet music, cartographic or other publication);

The alphabetical catalog performs informational, search and reference functions in the library. The specifics of its construction allows you to collect in one place all the works of a particular author, regardless of their content, as well as whether this person acts as an individual (independent) author or co-author, editor or translator, compiler or commentator.

The informational and search functions of the alphabetical catalog consist in the fact that it reveals the collection of the library according to the author's characteristic and provides a search for publications known to the reader by the author's name, collective name or name (or other characteristic used as the title of the auxiliary description) editions.

The reference function of the alphabetical catalog is realized with the help of the general alphabetical catalog. All sorts of inquiries related to the acquisition of libraries (for example, when it is necessary to check whether there is a specific book in the collection and in what number of copies), with the processing of new acquisitions, with the compilation of bibliographic aids, is made on it.

AK can be service and reader... Service AK is a link with all catalogs of the library. On cards with basic bibliographic records. The full classification index, subject headings, information about additional entries, the number of copies of this publication and their inventory numbers and in which divisions of the Central Library System they are located are indicated.

Reader's AK contains bibliographic records of the latest editions or the best reprints of each document. On the card, as necessary, the stamp “There are other editions” is put. Along with the main bibliographic records, the reader's catalog includes additional records and auxiliary cards that expand the information retrieval functions of the AK.

The foundation of the organizationAK has an alphabetic character, in which bibliographic records are arranged in alphabetical order of titles of individual and collective authors and titles of documents. Additional records, reference and reference cards are placed in the general alphabet. If the arrangement words of different types of entries are identical, then the cards are arranged in the following order: Entries under the title of an individual author; Entries under the title of a collective author; Entries under the title.

Registration. Includes exterior and interior decoration. External design is the design of the wardrobes and drawers of the catalog. All boxes in the catalog are numbered with Arabic numerals either horizontally or vertically using labels. The boxes are supplied with labels, which are placed in a metal or plastic frame. The label is an inscription reflecting the material contained in the box. The label may contain letters, syllables or words that begin the bibliographic records of the first and last cards in the box. Interior design is carried out using catalog dividers. They show the order of the arrangement of records, thereby clearly demonstrating the rules for their arrangement. On average, dividers are placed every 60 to 70 cards. Separators are always placed before the first card in the group of records that you want to highlight.

Systematic catalog, alphabetic subject index, concept, purpose, structure and design features.

A systematic catalog (SC) is a library catalog in which bibliographic records are arranged according to branches of knowledge in accordance with a certain system of bibliographic classification. SC is understood as a system consisting of two subsystems: SC and an alphabetic subject index to it. SK is a real catalog that reflects the content of documents and is intended for searching by thematic queries.

SC is used in library and information work to study the composition of the fund, its acquisition, in reference and bibliographic and information and bibliographic work, for the organization of exhibitions, public events and the promotion of literature.

The organization of the UK begins with the preparation of a passport. In the passport of the UK, specific information about it is reflected: the date of organization, the coverage of the funds, the name of the classification tables that underlie it, the design of the cards, their location, the shape and color of the separators and the availability of auxiliary benefits to the UK.

The external design of the SK includes over-cabinet inscriptions with a brief description of the SK and inscriptions on the labels of catalog boxes. The labels indicate the box number, index and name of the industry division, and below - the first and last indices of cards included in given box(without the wording of the headings).

Internal design includes the formation of catalog departments based on the indexes assigned in the process of systematization. Groups of cards are united by indices starting with the designation of the division of the classification worksheets.

The grouping of records within departments is understood as the process of their ordering within the classification division. There are two types of arrangement of bibliographic records in the UK - reverse chronological and alphabetical. In the SC of publicly available libraries, an alphabetical grouping of bibliographic records is adopted. Separate groups within one division, bibliographic records of books and brochures are placed in the alphabet of authors and titles, then bibliographic records are placed on independently published bibliographic aids on the topic. V the last group cards are collected from filmstrips, slides and other audiovisual materials available in the fund.

Structure of the systematic catalogis determined by the library-bibliographic classification system adopted in the library.

The systematic catalog performs informational, search and educational functions. A systematic catalog as an information retrieval tool reveals the content of the library fund, is a source of information about literature, provides a search for the necessary literature in the industry as a whole, part of the industry or a separate issue in the context of this industry.

The educational impact on the reader is achieved through the content and structure of the catalog. A correctly constructed systematic catalog from a scientific and pedagogical point of view contributes to the advancement of the most politically and scientifically valuable literature to the reader.

Alphanumeric indexto the SC is an auxiliary apparatus, which is an alphabetical list of subject headings that reveal the content of documents reflected in the SC, indicating the corresponding classification indices. AAP performs the function of control over the systematization process.

Subject catalog, concept, purpose, structure and design features.

Subject catalog(PC) - one of the types of information retrieval systems designed to store and retrieve information. PC is a search engine that includes bibliographic records arranged in the alphabet of subject headings.

PC performs symbolic-communicative, information-retrieval and pedagogical functions. As a real catalog that reflects the content of documents, the PC is a search tool for subject queries.

Organization and managementThe PC assumes the compilation of a passport, which reflects specific information about it: the date of organization, the coverage of the funds, the principles of grouping records.

To external designinclude labels on catalog boxes. The labels indicate the first and last headings of bibliographic records included in the box, and the box number.

The external design of the catalog is closely related to the system of information and promotion of library and bibliographic knowledge in the library. Above the catalog cabinet there should be an inscription "Subject catalog". Explanatory notices - memos or posters containing information about the structure and content of the PC should be posted in a conspicuous place. For the orientation of readers, the search algorithms for the PC can be given.

Interior decorationThe PC assumes the design of cards and dividers, as well as the arrangement of cards.

When organizing a PCthe so-called principle of a single card is applied, additional entries in the catalog are not included. Subject headings can be written on the back of the card. If the book receives two (or more) headings, then the bibliographic records are duplicated and only one of the headings is indicated on each card. However, this design method requires a large number of separators, since you can navigate the PC only with their help. Therefore, the second design method is more preferable, when subject headings are written on the front side of the card in red ink above the text of the bibliographic record. This design method is more descriptive and requires significantly fewer separators, but it is less convenient for correcting subject headings.

Bibliographic records in the PC are locatedin the alphabet of subject headings. Subject headings are arranged in the alphabet of headings. Compound hyphenated words are treated as two words when placing subject headings. Complex subject headings starting with one heading are arranged in the alphabet of the first subheadings, inside them - in the alphabet of the second subheadings.

When arranging bibliographic records under one heading, two methods are used: alphabetical and reverse chronological. The alphabetical arrangement is more often used, because it is simpler and more convenient. If the PC reflects literature on different languages, then within the subject heading, language series are formed: first, bibliographic records in Russian, then in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, followed by records in Cyrillic, and after them in Latin.

Electronic catalog, concept, purpose, features of structure and functioning.

Digital catalogue(EC) is a real-time machine-readable library catalog made available to users. ECprovides accessto catalog resources not only to users of this library, but also to remote clients.

EC meets modern requirements, providing:

Entering bibliographic records in interactive and batch modes from remote or local terminals;

Editing bibliographic records and, if necessary, deleting them from the EC;

Search for information in an online or batch mode on one-time requests and selective dissemination of information;

Printing bibliographic data in the form of index cards, bibliographic indexes, reports on management information, etc .;

The ability to exchange information with other bibliographic databases, incl. and Internet connection.

All technological processes of EC creation are carried out with the help of an automated workstation (AWP) of the cataloguer. The automated workstation of a cataloguer is understood as a workstation equipped with computer facilities, which allows, with the participation of a person, to carry out technological processes of cataloging. A cataloguer's AWP is a set of technical, linguistic and software tools that provide automated cataloging processes.

The technical means include a terminal, with the help of which data is entered and the subsequent use of an array of information available in the database. The technical means are also a personal computer, a CD player and communication systems with external databases.

Software is specially developed algorithms and programs that allow automated processing of documents.

The bibliographic information is entered into the EC using cataloging formats intended for converting the knowledge base into a form convenient for processing on a computer.

The most commonly used international communication format is UNIMARC, one of the MARC family formats created by the Library of Congress. In Russia, on the basis of this format, the RSL developed the RUSMARC communicative format, which reflected the peculiarities of the national cataloging rules.

EC isa bibliographic base in a machine-readable form, including elements of a bibliographic record, IPL for reflecting the content of documents and elements indicating the storage address of the document (library codes).

In addition to the KB array, EC memory can contain “knowledge bases” containing dictionaries of information retrieval languages: authoritative files of authors' names, names of organizations, subject headings, with the help of which authoritative control is carried out when introducing KB into EC and conducting information retrieval.

The multifaceted reflection of the library fund in the EC makes it possiblesearch for information on any element of the knowledge base, including those that cannot be used when searching in traditional catalogs, for example, by the year of publication and by any combination of features.

The main information carriers in EC are floppy disks, hard disks (hard drives), compact optical disks - CD-ROM, CD-WORM, DVD.

Corporate cataloging. Information corporate resources libraries, concept, composition, purpose, characteristics. Borrowing bibliographic records.

Since 1999, four libraries of St. Petersburg universities have merged into a corporate project to create common information resources and means of effective access to them. These are the libraries of the St. Petersburg State Technical University, the University of Economics and Finance, the V.I. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Electrotechnical University. Later they were joined by the library of the Pedagogical University.

The RUSMARC format was chosen as the external format and internal format for the consolidated catalog of the corporate library project participants.

After discussion, the required fields in RUSMARC were adopted for monographic and serial publications. The selected fields are those that are deemed necessary by the majority of the consortium members.

Cooperative cataloging- joint activity of several libraries or information centers based on the division of functions in the preparation of bibliographic information.

Consolidated catalogs, concept, types, characteristics.

Consolidated catalogs, in contrast to catalogs of a specific library, are created by a group of libraries in order to identify the composition of their collections, take into account the territorial distribution of funds, information about the location of each printed unit included in the catalog. Thus, a consolidated catalog should be understood as such a catalog that reflects the holdings of several libraries and indicates the location of each print product included in it using sigles - symbols of the participating libraries.

Types of summary catalogs

The main species-forming feature of consolidated catalogs, proposed by L. V. Trofimov, is territorial coverage. This sign formed the basis modern classification consolidated catalogs. In the regulation on consolidated catalogs, developed by the largest libraries, three main types are given:

1) national, reflecting the funds of the country as a whole and of each union republic;

2) regional, reflecting the funds of a smaller territory (zone, region, territory, city);

3) network, reflecting the funds of libraries of ministries, departments, academies of sciences, universities.

When classifying consolidated catalogs, in addition to the main territorial one, such signs as content, nature of publication, chronology can be taken into account. In practice, we come across a variety of consolidated catalogs that include various features. For example, “Consolidated catalog of foreign scientific journals received in the libraries of Saratov. Natural sciences, medicine, agriculture, technology. 1917-1960 ”includes four features: industry, specific type of publication, chronological and territorial.

Certification of catalogs, meaning, structure of the passport.

Certification of catalogs is an event necessary in every library to analyze the state of library catalogs, the degree of compliance with the requirements of their maintenance. The uniform registration form for catalogs is a passport-characteristic. The structure of the catalog will make it possible to reflect in the passport in the correct sequence all the main features: coverage of collections, purpose, method of grouping bibliographic records, industry boundaries, chronological coverage.

On the front side, which is the title page of the passport, contains in the appropriate columns: the name of the enterprise where the library is located; full and abbreviated catalog name; year of organization of the catalog, chronological coverage of the reflected literature, completeness of reflection of the library funds.

Then the information is posted:

On the reflection of the types of documents included in the catalog: the catalog reflects: books, brochures, standards, patents, industrial catalogs;

About included cards: the catalog includes basic, additional, reference, reference, handwritten, typewritten, printed, copied cards;

About the data entered on the main cards: A complete description of filling the front and back sides of the card is given;

On the method of grouping the material: The main series - alphabetical, systematic, chronological, numbering, thematic, the arrangement of cards within each division;

On the reflection of new acquisitions in the catalog: Cards for new acquisitions are placed in the catalog daily, monthly, quarterly, every six months;

About the design of the catalog: External design of the catalog (decisions made on the design of labels for catalog boxes, numbering of boxes). Interior design (nice decisions on the system of separators: shape, color, size of the protrusion, composition of the record).

Auxiliary apparatus

Documentation for the catalog: The date of certification of the catalog, the date of approval of the regulations on catalogs, as well as other documents regulating its maintenance.

In addition to this information, the catalog passport contains a table with data on the annual accounting of the volume of the catalog, additions and changes made to the organization of the catalog. The volume of the catalog is indicated in the cards. In cases where the library did not keep records of the annual replenishment of the catalog, an approximate calculation of the volume is made and this is indicated in the corresponding column of the passport.

Documents for catalogs are kept in the library files. A copy of the passport is held by the employee responsible for working with the catalog. The information in the passport catalogs should be updated annually and the passports should be revised regularly.

Management of a system of catalogs and filing cabinets as an implementation of the process approach.

The management of the library's catalogs and card files system is carried out on the basis of the principles of planning, coordination, and control over their condition.

The management of the CCM is carried out in accordance with the work plans, orders and orders of the library directorate and includes:

Drawing up consolidated long-term and annual plans;

Development of methodological and technological documentation;

Coordination of work;

Control over the implementation of planned targets;

Methodical assistance;

Organization of training events;

Identification, study and dissemination of best practices.

The responsibility for organizing, maintaining and editing the catalog is borne by the staff of the department of scientific processing of literature. Conclusion ... pdf Basic functions of bibliography. Corporate library and information systems
Principles of implementation of corporate library and information systems
Consolidated catalogs;
Corporate cataloging library systems ...

Let us first discuss the very concept of "information resource". Resource Is a stock or source of some funds. Every society, state, company and individual have certain resources necessary for their life. Traditionally, the following types of public resources are distinguished: material, raw materials (natural), energy, labor, financial.

One of the most important types of resources modern society are informational resources... The importance of information resources is constantly growing; One of the evidence of this is that already at the current stage of the advancement to the information society, information resources are becoming a commodity, the total cost of which on the market is comparable to the cost of traditional resources.

The information resources of society are currently considered as strategic resources, similar in importance to the resources of material, raw materials, energy, labor and financial. However, there is one major difference between information and other resources: every resource disappears after use (burned fuel, spent finances, etc.), but the information resource remains, it can be used many times, it is copied without restrictions. Moreover, as the information resource is used, it tends to increase, since the use of information is rarely completely passive, more often additional information is generated. At the same time, the need to understand that an information resource is not self-sufficient and in itself has only potential value. Only by connecting with other resources - technology, energy, raw materials, etc., the information resource is realized as something material.

Any attempt to classify society's information resources is incomplete. The classification can be based on:

Sectoral principle (according to the type of science, industry, social sphere, according to what the information refers to);

The form of presentation (by the type of media, the degree of formalization, the presence of an additional description, etc.) and other principles.

An additional, more detailed division can be made within each class. For example, Internet resources can be divided according to their purpose and forms of presentation: service information, bibliographic information, teleconference materials, software, video, etc.

The largest category of information resources are national information resources... This concept was formed not so long ago, in the early 1980s, in response to the growing dependence of developed countries on the amount of information, the level of development of the means of its transmission and processing. The classification of national information resources can be viewed in the Table of classification of information resources.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Komsomolsk - on - Amur State

Technical University"

Faculty of Economics and Management

Department of Marketing and Commerce

in the discipline "Software in commercial activities"

Information as a strategic resource.

Student of group 8KO-1 D.S. Zagorodneva


Information is a universal property of the interaction of the material world, which determines the direction of movement of energy and matter. This universal intangible property of the interaction of the material world includes primary and secondary information, while primary information means the direction of movement of a substance, in which not only the direction of its movement in space arises, but also the form (structure, morphology) as a result of the direction of movement of the constituents of the substance elements, and secondary information is a reflection of primary information in the field in the form of a form (structure, modulation) of spatial forces accompanying any movement of matter. The discovery can be used to study processes and phenomena that currently do not have scientific substantiation, in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, economics and other areas of human knowledge.

1 Information as a resource

Information- this is information about the surrounding world (objects, phenomena, events, processes, etc.), which reduce the existing degree of uncertainty, incompleteness of knowledge, alienated from their creator and become messages (expressed in specific language in the form of signs, including those recorded on a tangible medium), which can be reproduced by transmission orally, in writing or in another way (using conventional signals, technical means, computing means, etc.).
We are interested in management and economic information. Information possesses following properties: reliability and completeness; value and relevance; clarity and comprehensibility.
Information is reliable if it does not distort the true state of affairs. Inaccurate information can lead to misunderstandings or incorrect decisions.
Information is complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions. Incomplete information hinders decision making or can lead to errors.
The value of information depends on what tasks are solved with its help. It is important to have up-to-date information when working in constantly changing conditions. If valuable and relevant information is expressed in incomprehensible words, it may be useless. Information becomes clear and understandable if it is expressed in the language spoken by those to whom the information is intended.
Information that serves the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and ensures the solution of problems of organizational and economic management of the national economy and its links is called managerial.

2 Information as an economic resource

In recent decades, the trend towards the spread of fundamentally new phenomena and processes in the economy has become more and more obvious; other factors of economic development have been identified both at the macrolevel and at the level of firms. The main reason for such changes is the beginning and development of the "information revolution" leading to the formation of a new economic system. There is a replacement of machine technology as the main production resource of the industrial era with information, knowledge, and intelligence. The growing automation of material production processes makes it possible to concentrate labor efforts on the field of intellectual production, the creation of information products and services.

The concept of information is very capacious, it belongs to the group of general scientific categories and occupies an important place in various sciences, for example, physics, biology, psychology, economics, sociology and others. From the point of view of studying the participation of information in economic activity and its impact on economic processes and phenomena, the following definition of information seems to be the most appropriate: information is a means of reducing uncertainty and risk, contributing to the realization of certain goals of the subject. This definition takes into account the ability of information to bring certain benefits by reducing uncertainty about the current situation and its changes in the future. In general, the consideration of information as a means of reducing uncertainty is used in various theories and concepts, for example, in K. Shannon's information theory or F. Knight's theory of profit, but in different contexts. It should be noted that information can reduce uncertainty, but not be of value to the economic agent due to the lack of needs that this information could satisfy. Therefore, the definition of information as a means of reducing uncertainty should be supplemented with its ability to ensure the achievement of goals or the implementation of the needs of the subject.

The forms of existence of information in the economy are diverse - it materializes in various objects, including in the means of labor, exists in an immaterial form, including in the form of information products and services, knowledge of people. The concepts of knowledge and information should be separated from each other. Knowledge is processed information, it reflects the connection between phenomena, identified patterns and answers the questions "how?", "Why?" and so on, while the information answers the questions "what?", "who?", "when?", "where?"

Information, like knowledge, is undoubtedly a kind of economic benefits, they satisfy the needs of individuals, and are also used as economic resources, since with all the abundance of information, there are factors that limit both the possibilities of obtaining it and creating new knowledge, and the possibilities of using it. ... The question of classifying information as a public or private benefit seems to be more complicated. Depending on the forms of existence, content, information can act in both capacities. At the same time, the boundaries of differentiation of specific information, knowledge for public and private good are very blurred, which significantly complicates the regulation of relations in the field of specification and protection of their property.

Information as an economic good is circulated in the economy as a commodity (information products, services), as well as a resource used in the process of economic activity. Information products and services are exchanged for information market and have a large number of features, both at the stages of development, production, and at the stage of circulation. Information goods and services include software, databases, educational services, consulting, R&D results, and others.

In the process of creating information goods, the main means of production is intelligence, which is a person's ability to create new knowledge. This is the origin of the special subjectivity of the information production process, a characteristic manifestation of which is the absence of a more or less rigid relationship between costs and the result of the production of new information and knowledge. In general, as a result of intellectual activity, a unique product is created that brings income to its creator in the process of replication (distribution of material carriers with created information) or materialization in goods, means of production, technologies.

For the implementation of information production, the initial raw material is required - information and previously created knowledge. As an economic resource, information has a number of features that distinguish it from traditional factors of production - land (natural resources), labor, capital. The most significant properties of information are non-consumability in the process of use, self-growth in the process of consumption, special uncertainty of its usefulness, lack of dependence between the initial volume of knowledge and the volume of new created knowledge, high mobility, both in space and in terms of flow from one sciences to others without loss of relevance.

Information as an economic resource is used in various directions, resulting in a variety of forms of embodiment and ways of creating value. Among the main directions, the following should be highlighted:

  • commercialization of information in goods, services, technologies (creation of science-intensive products, intellectual goods, information services, development of new production and management technologies, etc.);
  • impact on subjective perceptions and expectations of economic agents. Examples include the creation of an informational image of a product, a company (reputation), the formation of needs or the impact on them.

The increasing importance and widespread dissemination of the quality of economic resources of information and knowledge lead not only to various positive effects, in particular, to saving resources, reducing the burden on environment, empowering people. There is and various problems characteristic of an economy in which information and knowledge become important resources. Thus, the acceleration of the pace of scientific and technological progress leads to increased pressure on society, since social, as well as economic institutions do not have time to adapt to changes. Information load on people can have a destructive effect on them, especially since there is an increasingly stringent and purposeful use of methods of information impact. In addition, the study of information as an economic resource, the identification of its role and opportunities for use in the economy are among the most relevant, difficult problems facing economic theory. The ongoing process of informatization, the accumulation of experience in the production of information products, the expansion of the boundaries of the application of information in the economy determine the constant updating of the theoretical and practical foundations of the functioning of information.

3 Information as a strategic resource

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the concept of "information resource" did not arise in the process of rethinking the role of information in all types of social activities, as many argue, but as a result of the introduction of a targeted program approach into research on the creation and integration of information services.

Resources are the elements of economic potential that society has and which, if necessary, can be used to achieve specific goals of economic and social development.

Within the framework of the program-targeted approach, information is considered as one of the types of resources in the implementation of targeted programs, along with labor, materials, equipment, energy, in cash etc.

This means that information has come to be regarded as one of the types of resources consumed in public practice. But the inclusion of information in the composition of resources does not remove the ambiguity of the term "information resource", since there is no unambiguous approach to what information should be considered a resource and what not. An analysis of the definitions given in various sources shows that the composition of information resources includes either all (any) information, or its subsets, for the selection of which different authors use various incompatible criteria, for example: information classes and / or types documents, and / or types of media (methods of fixation), and / or organizational structures, and / or the possibility of processing on various technical means, etc.

The starting point for the inclusion of information in the sphere of circulation through various social channels is its fixation on certain types of media - documentation (fixing on certain material media), because only in this case it can be transferred between users and processes distributed in time and space.
From the moment knowledge is fixed on a particular medium, it becomes information, and only this information can be considered as an information resource.

Each new type information carrier generates its own class of information resources, characterized by its many properties associated with fixation, reproduction, access, perception and processing processes recorded on the information carrier, as well as the implementation of information transfer processes in time.

It is proposed that information resources be understood as all the accumulated information about the reality around us, recorded on material carriers and in any other form that ensures its transfer in time and space between different consumers for solving scientific, industrial, managerial and other tasks. It should be emphasized that the resource is all accumulated information, including unreliable ("defectological") information, represented by doubtful facts, false statements, ineffective approaches, as well as outdated information; incomparable data accumulated using non-standard methods; information that has lost its concreteness as a result of subjective interpretations in the process of private "theoretical" constructions; deliberate "misinformation" that entered information flows, and balanced information.

Only this approach to the definition of information resources creates the prerequisites for identifying contradictory data, excluding cases of missing "inconvenient" information and difficult situations (a difficult situation means information about "unusual", "impossible" use of known means and methods, "fundamentally impossible" phenomena and actions, i.e. everything that does not fit into the thesaurus of an individual performer and / or a whole group of performers).
Taking into account the factor of "misinformation" (the possibility of receiving unreliable and outdated information to the user) requires the inclusion of special procedures for assessing information for reliability into the processes of information activities. Without revealing inaccurate and outdated information accumulated in information resources, the prerequisites for making ineffective, and in some cases erroneous decisions that cause significant damage, are created.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that inaccurate and outdated information should not be destroyed. It should be localized, isolated, and on its basis it is necessary to build system filters to control information resources of any level (organizations, associations, national and international). At the same time, the unreliable information itself should be continuously re-evaluated, refined, and at the same time, decisions made earlier on the basis of such information should be re-evaluated. The collection of all information and the requirement to preserve "defective", outdated information underlies the most effective information systems and is an important methodological principle of their construction. On the other hand, when we say that an information resource is all information, we mean a world information resource, the completeness and efficiency of which is currently insufficient and is determined by the level of the achieved balance of agreements on the international (through the UN), regional, bi- and multilateral basis between different sources and users of information resources.

In real activities, each of the parties has its own subset of information, limited in terms of problems, completeness, quality and relevance for solving the tasks it faces. It is defined as an information resource of a specific user (individual, group of persons, enterprise, association, department, region, state, etc.).

Depending on the media, information, information resources are proposed to be divided into 5 main classes:

1. documents of all kinds, on all types of media (including all types of computer-readable media used in computing and communication technology);

2. personnel (memory of people) with knowledge and qualifications in various fields of science and technology;

3. organizational units - scientific, production, management and other organizations that have personnel, technical, production, financial and other capabilities to solve a certain range of problems and tasks;

4. industrial designs (any material objects created in the production process), recipes and technologies, software products, which are the materialized result of scientific and industrial activities of people;

5.scientific tools (including automated systems scientific research, workstations of scientists and designers, expert systems and knowledge base).

In this case, special attention should be paid to the fact that the same information related to a particular problem can be recorded on different media and / or different information fragments of the same problem can be recorded in such a way that the correct perception of information it becomes impossible if there is no access to all information fragments presented on various media.

Therefore, the integrity of information resources is ensured if and only if the consumer (user) has access to all classes of media on which the information necessary for solving the tasks facing him is recorded.

The creation of national information resources is impossible (especially in the context of dynamically changing tasks) without studying and taking into account the entire structure of links between different classes of information resources. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of building an effective information system is to create a machine-readable register in the structure of documentary information resources, which should ensure the coordination of the Use of information resources of organizations, firms and government agencies working in various fields.

1 Sviridenko, S.S. Modern information technologies / S.S. Sviridenko. - M.: Radio and communication, 1999.352 p.

2 Klimov, S.M. Intellectual resources of society / S.M. Klimov. - SPb .: IVESEP, Knowledge, 2002.56 p.

3 Mayorov, S.I. Economic information on foreign databases and data banks / S. I. Mayorov, L. A. Polyakov. - M .: Preprint. VNIIPAS, 2000.287 p.

Information is a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton; exchange of signals in the animal and plant world; transmission of signs from cell to cell, from organism to organism (genetic information), one of the basic concepts of cybernetics.

1.2 The role of information resource in the development of modern society

The existence of mankind on planet Earth, the formation and development of society and the state are associated with information and are conditioned by it. It is not for nothing that in the Bible at the beginning there was a word: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep; and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And God saw the light that it was good; and God separated light from darkness. And God called light day and darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day ”(Gen. 1: 1-5).

Information in the history of the development of civilization has always played a decisive role and served as the basis for decision-making at all levels and stages of development of society and the state. In the history of social development, several information revolutions can be distinguished, associated with cardinal changes in the production, processing and circulation of information, which led to radical transformations of social relations. As a result of such transformations, society acquired, in a certain sense, a new quality.

The first information revolution is associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant qualitative and quantitative leap in information development society. It became possible to fix knowledge on a material medium, thereby alienating it from the manufacturer and passing it on from generation to generation.

The second information revolution (mid-16th century) was caused by the invention of printing (the first printers Gutenberg and Ivan Fedorov). The possibility of replication and active dissemination of information has appeared, the accessibility of people to sources of knowledge has increased. This revolution radically changed society, created additional opportunities for familiarizing large segments of the population with cultural values ​​at once.

The third information revolution (the end of the 19th century) was caused by the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, radio appeared, which made it possible to quickly transmit and accumulate information in significant volumes. The consequence of this revolution is an increase in the degree of dissemination of information, an increase in the information "coverage" of the population by means of broadcasting. The role of the mass media as a mechanism for disseminating messages and knowledge over large territories and providing them with them for citizens has increased, and the accessibility of members of society to messages and knowledge has increased. The role of information as a means of influencing the development of society and the state has significantly increased, and the possibility of operational communication between people has emerged.

The fourth information revolution (mid XX century) is associated with the invention of computer technology and the emergence of a personal computer, the creation of communication and telecommunication networks. It became possible to accumulate, store, process and transmit information in electronic form. The efficiency and speed of creating and processing information increased, virtually unlimited volumes of information began to accumulate in the computer's memory, and the speed of transmission, search and retrieval of information increased.

Today we are experiencing the fifth information revolution associated with the formation and development of cross-border global information and telecommunication networks, covering all countries and continents, penetrating into every home and affecting simultaneously both on each person individually and on huge masses of people. The most striking example of such a phenomenon and the result of the fifth revolution is the Internet. The essence of this revolution lies in the integration in a single information space around the world of software and hardware, communications and telecommunications, information reserves or stocks of knowledge as a single information telecommunications infrastructure in which legal and individuals, state and local government bodies. As a result, the speeds and volumes of processed information are incredibly increasing, new unique opportunities for the production, transmission and distribution of information, search and receipt of information, new types of traditional activities in these networks appear.

We are witnessing a significant increase in the role and place of information in the life of an individual, society, state, the impact of information on the development of an individual, society, and the state. Information today has become a powerful and tangible resource that is even more valuable than natural financial, labor and other resources. Information has become a commodity that can be bought and sold. Information has become a weapon, information wars arise and stop. The cross-border information network Internet is actively developing and entering our life.

All this seriously transforms the life of an individual, society, and state.

The main object of legal relations in the information sphere is information. “Information is information, not energy or matter,” said Nobert Wiener, the father of cybernetics. In his definition, information acts as a philosophical category along with matter and energy.

It is clear that such a philosophical definition of information for law is unacceptable, as well as unacceptable, for example, the regulation of relations about energy in general or matter in general. Information as an object of legal relations must be concretized, organized properly, "tied" to the situation and a specific type of relationship, classified by type and volume In a similar way“Prepared” for the implementation of actions on her subject, governed by the rules of law.

In a practical sense, understandable to everyone, the definition of information was given by S.I. Ozhegov:

information is:

1) information about the surrounding world and the processes taking place in it;

2) messages informing about the state of affairs, about the state of something.

Until the mid-20s. XX century information (translated from Latin - familiarization, explanation, presentation) really meant "messages and information" transmitted by people orally, in writing or in another way. From the middle of the XX century. information is defined as a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton; exchange of signals in the animal and plant world; transmission of signs from cell to cell, from organism to organism (genetic information), one of the basic concepts of cybernetics.

In connection with the development of communications and telecommunications, computer technology and their use for processing and transmitting information, it became necessary to measure the quantitative characteristics of information. Various theories appeared, and the concept of "information" began to be filled with different content.

In 1949 K. Shannon and W. Weaver published an article "Mathematical Communication Theory", in which probabilistic methods were proposed for determining the quantity transmitted information... However, such methods describe only the sign structure of information and do not affect the meaning inherent in it (in the message, information).

In 1948 N. Wiener proposed an "information vision" of cybernetics as a science of control in living organisms and technical systems... Information began to be understood not just information, but only new and useful information for making a decision that ensures the achievement of the management goal. The rest of the information was not considered information.

For many years, the semantic theory of information has been developing, which studies the meaning contained in information, the usefulness and value of this information for the consumer. In this regard, a subjective approach becomes essential, based both on the a priori preparedness of the subject for the perception of such information or messages and with their novelty for the subject and with their usefulness (or value) for making decisions aimed at achieving the set goals.

The Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" defines information as "information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation" (Art. 2). Considering the social aspect of the subject under consideration, we add: in a form understandable for human perception. This definition makes it possible to "deduce" from the concept of "information" programs for electronic computers (computers), referred by the said Law to the means of providing computers.

Life is also a natural phenomenon, although it is still poorly understood. One of the characteristic features of living organisms is their continuous metabolism. This exchange also has an energetic nature and occurs at the level of cells and their structural elements... When metabolism stops, life processes also stop.

On the one hand, a person is an ordinary material object, and therefore continuous energetic interaction with other objects of the material world is characteristic of him. At the same time, it is an organism of living nature and, in this capacity, has a continuous internal metabolism. These two processes can interact with each other. We perceive the result of such interaction as an information exchange between animate and inanimate nature.

Rice. 1.1. Information exchange in nature

Consider an example known from a course in biology. If, through the senses, the animal perceives the environment as threatening, this leads to a change in metabolism. In particular, special substances are released into the blood that increase the respiratory rate, increase the heartbeat and bring the organs of the musculoskeletal system into a state of readiness to repel a threat. Processes that are different in content but similar in mechanism take place in an environment that is perceived as calming. All this is the result of information exchange initiated by the external environment.

But information exchange is not necessarily initiated only by the external environment. It is enough for a person to only imagine a danger (or other condition), so that physiological reactions associated with a change in the metabolic process begin in his body. This is where the reaction to the previously recorded results of the previous interaction is manifested. The mechanisms of remembering, imagination, logical thinking and others are based on this. We encounter their manifestations, for example, in the process of creativity. That is, the basis of logical thinking and creativity is also information exchange.

Information exchange may not have a material nature, but it is inextricably linked with it. It is an intermediate link between the energy exchange inherent in material objects and the metabolism inherent in living organisms. Information exchange develops in the form of information processes. If we trace the information process from beginning to end, then at some of its stages it is possible not to see objects of living nature, but at its beginning or end, an object of living nature is always present. Looking ahead, we point out that the property of individual stages of the information process to do without objects of living nature is now widely used in information technologies. It underlies the functioning of automatic information processing systems.

Any interaction of material objects has an energetic nature. Cosmic bodies interact with each other through gravitational fields. The interaction of charged particles is carried out through an electric field. Even the mechanical interaction of solids can be considered as the interaction of their crystalline or molecular structures, which is based on electromagnetic interactions between the particles that make up the body.

From the point of view of physics, any changes that occur during internal structure substances or in energy fields are accompanied by the formation of signals. Signals have the ability to propagate through time and space. They fade out as a result of interaction with matter.

Signals surround us at every turn. Sunlight is signals generated by thermonuclear reactions occurring in the material of the Sun. Radio signals are the result of electromagnetic processes occurring in the material of the transmitter's radiating antenna. The signals recorded by the seismograph are the results of the most complex geophysical processes occurring in the material of the earth's crust and in the deeper regions of the planet.

Like all objects of material Nature, signals do not arise out of nothing and do not disappear without a trace. Their propagation in space always ends with the interaction with the substance of physical bodies. Such interaction in informatics is considered as signal registration.

Signals of different physical nature interact with matter in different ways. For example, we know that light can exert pressure on matter and can knock out the electrons of matter. Light signals can cause long-term chemical changes in the composition of a substance - in plant organisms, the phenomenon of photosynthesis is based on this, and in technology - photographic processes.

Changes in the magnetic field can be recorded on the ferromagnetic coating. This phenomenon is the basis of tape recording and video recording on magnetic tape. Signals are also recorded during the mechanical interaction of two bodies. This registration can occur as deformation of bodies, as long-term elastic vibrations, and even in the form of the formation of a surface electric charge.

Information in the history of the development of civilization has always played a decisive role and served as the basis for decision-making at all levels and stages of development of society and the state. At the present stage, information takes an increasing place, forcing to re-evaluate its value in all spheres of life. The dissemination of information radically changed society, made it possible to familiarize large sections of the population with cultural values, and allowed people to communicate with each other more quickly. Information technologies are widely used in education, healthcare, communications, transport, finance, trade, etc., creating new opportunities for the formation of an information society in Russia.

The current stage in the development of society can be characterized as a transition from industrial to informational. Information is becoming an essential element for the development of all spheres of public life. The role and place of information in the life of society, the impact of information on the development of the individual, society and the state have increased significantly. Information today has become a powerful and tangible resource that is even more valuable than natural, financial, labor and other resources. Information has become a commodity that can be bought and sold. Moreover, information has become a weapon; information wars of various scales and intensities are being waged everywhere.

In the annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2006, the President of the Russian Federation noted the need to modernize the state, ensuring that its functions correspond to the modern stage of Russia's development. The formation of a single information space of the Russian Federation and the development of an information society is a prerequisite for Russia's integration into the world community, not as a raw material appendage, but as an equal partner.

Information society is a society in which information processes are carried out mainly on the basis of the use of information and communication technologies, and information resources are available to all segments of the population.

The transformation of information into the most important resource for the development of modern civilization, awareness of information as a commodity, as a means of managing an individual and society, as an instrument of power, as a weapon in the economic and political struggle, a continuous increase in the volume of information against the background of rapid development information technology and technology - all these factors have led to the widespread use of the term " Information society”, Which reflected the essence of the changes associated with the increasing role of information in the life of mankind.

"Information Society" is a new post-industrial socio-economic organization of society with highly developed information and telecommunication infrastructures that provide the opportunity for the effective use of intellectual resources to ensure the sustainable development of civilization. The transition to an information society presupposes a significant change in the entire economic system of the state. It involves the creation of a new information management foundation for the development of society, the formation of fundamentally new social motivations and technological capabilities, the widespread practical use of innovations and knowledge to intensively increase labor productivity and, on this basis, improve the quality of life. It should be emphasized that the transition to the information society is the most important factor in changing the appearance of both individual countries and human civilization as a whole. A logical reaction to this process was the discussion of the problems of formation and development of the information society at the level of heads of state during the World Summit on the Information Society.

The main features inherent as an information society:

information and knowledge is the main transformative force of society, and information resources are the strategic resources of society;

global informatization, the rapid development of information and communication technologies - the basis of the new economy, the knowledge economy;

novelty, transience, acceleration are the most characteristic features of life;

the cycle of renewal of both production and social technologies is six to eight years, ahead of the pace of generational change;

continuing education and the ability to retrain is an integral part of maintaining social status personality;

the fate of every person depends on the ability to find, receive, adequately perceive and productively use new information in a timely manner.

The formation of the information society entails the need for special training of the individual in it.

The entry of human civilization into the information society and the knowledge society imposes fundamentally new requirements on the education system. The nature of the fundamental changes taking place in the education system is reflected in the concept of a "new paradigm of education." The new educational paradigm is a kind of “education for the future” strategy. The essence of the new paradigm of education is characterized by the following factors:

shifting the main emphasis from the assimilation of significant amounts of information accumulated for the future, to mastering the methods of continuous acquisition of new knowledge and the ability to study independently;

mastering the skills of working with any information, with heterogeneous, conflicting data, the formation of skills of an independent (critical), not reproductive type of thinking;

supplementing the traditional principle “to form professional knowledge, skills and abilities” with the principle “to form professional competence”.

The problem of the formation of information literacy and information culture of the individual has been greatly developed. Information culture personality - one of the components of the general culture of a person; a set of information worldview and a system of knowledge and skills that provide purposeful independent activity to optimally meet individual information needs using both traditional and new information technologies. It is the most important factor in successful professional and non-professional activities, as well as social protection of the individual in the information society.

Information culture of an individual is a part of the general culture of a person, consisting of an alloy of information worldview, information literacy and literacy in the field of ICT.


2.1. General conditions of the problem

The bakery "Kolobok" carries out activities related to the baking and sale of bakery products. The data on the basis of which the cost of baked goods is calculated are shown in Fig. 2 and 3.

    Build tables based on the data below.

    The calculation results should be presented in the form of a table containing the calculation of the cost of baked goods (Fig.), And in a graphical form.

    Organize inter-table links to automatically generate a cost estimate for baked goods.

    Generate and fill out a cost calculation form (Fig. 2.3).

    Baking ingredients

    The cost of manufacturing 1 kg of a component, rub.



    Shortbread dough


    Creamy cream


    Oil cream




    Rice. 2 Cost data for baked goods components

    The cost of baked goods



    The number of components in the product, kg

    Manufacturing cost 1 kg. component

    Sponge-cream cake





    Oil cream








    Shortbread cake

    Shortbread dough



    Creamy cream




    Rice. 3 Calculation of the cost of baked goods

    Settlement period




    Calculation of the cost of baked goods



    The cost of a component in a product, rub.

    Sponge-cream cake



    Oil cream






    Shortbread cake

    Shortbread dough


    Creamy cream





    Rice. 4. Form for calculating the cost of baked goods

    2.2. Description of the problem solving algorithm

  1. Launch MS Excel spreadsheet processor

    Create a book named "Initiative"

    Rename sheet 1 to a sheet with the name "Baking Components"

    On the MS Excel Baking Components worksheet, create a Product Consumption Table

    Fill in the product expense table

    Fig. 5. Table Location Product Costs

    6. Rename sheet 2 to The cost of baked goods

    7. On the worksheet Cost of baked goods, create a table in which I will contain the name of the products.

    8. Fill in the table with a list of products.

    Rice. 6. Table Location Baking List

    9. In the table Cost of baked goods in column E, enter formulas to automate the calculation of the cost of components.

    10. Create sheet 3 and rename it Costing of items.

    11. Organize inter-table links and fill in the table Form for calculating the cost of baked goods on the sheet Costing products.

    12. The results of the calculations will be presented graphically (Fig. 9, 10).

It is impossible to overestimate the role of information in the development of society. Significant changes in public life occurred with the emergence of language as a means of communication between people, then writing, printing, mass media, radio, telephone, television. In the second half of the XX century. there was an opportunity for mass use personal computers... Previously, primary information was prepared in printed form. Entering it into a computer and transforming it into electronic form required re-entry and double costs. These circumstances were an insurmountable obstacle in the creation of large databases. The transition to the preparation of initial information in personal computers immediately in electronic form eliminated this obstacle. The successes associated with the creation of large-volume electronic memory made it possible to create databases of practically unlimited capacity. In the same period, technical and software tools were created for transferring previously accumulated documents from printed to electronic form (scanning tools).

The changes that are taking place in society and the economy under the influence of the introduction of modern information and telecommunication technologies (ICT) are most clearly formulated in the Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society, signed by the UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, USA, France and Japan. Let's list them.

    Information and telecommunication technologies have a decisive influence on the formation of society in the XXI century. This influence affects the economy, the way of life of people, the interaction of state structures and the population.

    The essence of economic and social change lies in making the most of knowledge and innovative ideas. The gap in access to information and knowledge between countries must be bridged.

    The Charter reaffirms the commitment to the principle that all people should have equal rights to benefit from the global information society.

    The Charter calls on everyone to bridge the gap between countries in the area of ​​information and knowledge.

Noting the need not only to promote the introduction of modern information technologies, but also to realize its advantages in the economic, social and cultural spheres, the charter recommends building work on the transition to a global information society in the following areas:

    Undertake economic and structural reforms to create an environment of competition and innovation.

    Improving the planning of the economy based on the use of new information technologies.

    Providing access on the basis of market relations to network technologies.

    Human resource development through education and lifelong learning.

    Training of specialists in the field of information technology for various areas of the economy.

    Active introduction and use of information technology in the public sector.

7. Ensuring the availability of information from government agencies for all citizens using information technology.

The developed countries of the world are making great efforts to introduce modern information technologies into the economies of their countries and the life of society. In Japan, back in 1972, the "Plan for the Creation of an Information Society - a national goal by the year 2000" was prepared.

In the USA in 1993 a document was issued that defined the strategy of the country's administration in the field of informatization, entitled "National Information Infrastructure: Action Plan".

The European Union prepared and in 1994 adopted by the Commission of the European Community the program "The European Way to the Information Society". In 2000, the program "Electronic Europe - an information society for everyone" began to be implemented.

In Finland in 1995 the program "The Finnish Way to the Information Society" was developed.

Following the signing of the Okinawa Charter in January 2001, Japan passed the Basic Law on the Shaping of the Information Society. In the interests of implementing this law, the "Electronic Japan" program has been prepared. The program assumed that by 2006 the country should reach the level of a world information power. Japan's market economy ranks second in the world after the United States. A country with a population of 127 million. ranks first in the world in the production of computers, consumer electronics, automobiles and ships.

In Japan, 47 million people were connected to the Internet in 2000. In the same year, the number of families using the Internet was 34%. The number of enterprises (more than 300 people) connected to the Internet amounted to 95.8%. The number of sales of personal computers on the domestic market in 2000 was 12 million. ...

In recent years, programs of a similar orientation have been adopted by most of the developed countries of the world.

Most of the countries that have signed the Okinawa Charter pay special attention to the introduction of modern information technology in the economy and social development. Table 1.1 provides data on the number of personal computers and the number of Internet connections in 2000 by countries that have signed the Okinawa Charter.

With the aim of introducing modern information technologies in Russia, on January 28, 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia (2002 - 2010)".

The goal of the program is to create conditions for the development of democracy, increase the efficiency of economic development, public administration and local self-government through the introduction and mass dissemination of information and communication technologies, ensure the rights to freely search, receive, transfer, produce and disseminate information, expand the training of specialists in information and communication technology and power users.

Objectives of the program:

    improvement of legislation and the system of state regulation in the field of information and communication technologies;

    ensuring openness in the activities of public authorities and public availability of state information resources, creating conditions for effective interaction between public authorities and citizens through the use of information and communication technologies;

    improvement of the activities of public authorities and local governments through the use of information and communication technologies;

    improving the interaction of public authorities and local self-government with business entities and the introduction of information and communication technologies in the real sector of the economy;

    development of a system for training specialists in information and communication technologies and qualified users;

    promoting the development of independent media through the introduction of information and communication technologies;

    development of telecommunication infrastructure and creation of points of connection to open information systems;

    development and creation of an electronic commerce system;

    formation of public support for the implementation of the Program activities.

Expected results:

increasing the efficiency of public administration and economic development by stepping up the introduction and increasing the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies;

    creation of conditions for the accelerated development of competitive production of goods and services in the field of information and communication technologies, focused on the domestic and foreign markets;

    active involvement of citizens and business entities in the use of information and communication technologies by reducing tariffs for communication services and connecting to publicly available information systems;

    increasing the information transparency of public authorities and local self-government bodies, the effectiveness of their interaction with citizens and organizations, the quality of services provided to them;

    improving the quality of education through the use of information and communication technologies; 1

Development of independent media through the introduction of information and communication technologies.

State management of information resources

Under content management usually refers to the management of the creation and use of information resources.

The need for professional management of information resources at a high level was first declared in 1977 in a report to Congress and the President of the United States, which stated that information is no longer a free public good such as water and air. The government must take into account the fact that information and its use have a certain value, thus information resources must be managed professionally, as well as human or financial resources.

It is necessary to highlight the state management of state information resources and the management of information resources in an enterprise, a firm operating on a commercial basis.

To achieve the goals of public administration, decisions should be made in the following main areas

    possession and disposal of information resources;

    formation of information resources;

    use of information resources, making them available to users, protecting the rights of citizens to access information resources;

    protection and safety of resources;

    protection of the rights of citizens in the field of creation and use of resources containing personal data;

    protection against the spread of malicious information;

    state supervision of activities in the field of information resources.

The state carries out the management of information resources of state organizations in full, and the management of information resources of commercial organizations - with the help of regulatory legal acts.

The main law that defines the legal basis for information work in Russia is the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" dated February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ (with subsequent amendments and additions). In accordance with this Law, information resources are divided into state and non-state. The owners of state information resources are the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These resources are created, acquired, accumulated at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as through other methods established by law.

State information resources- these are resources that, as an element of property, are owned by the state.

State resources are divided into the following groups:

    federal resources;

    information resources under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; information resources of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

State information resources, being the most important factor affecting all functions of the state, ensure the implementation of the following main tasks:

    public administration;

    ensuring the rights and safety of citizens;

Support for the socio-economic development of the country, the development of culture, science, education, etc.

Among the state information resources, one should single out the main state information systems of Russia, which have an interdepartmental, universal character:

    the library network of Russia (Federal Law "On librarianship" of December 29, 1994, No. 78-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004, No. 122-FZ);

    Archive fund of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 No. 290 Regulations on the Federal Archival Agency);

    the state system of statistics (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 399 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service");

    the state system of scientific and technical information (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 1997 No. 950 "Approval of the Regulations on the State System of Scientific and Technical Information").

In addition to large state information systems, cadastres, registers and other information systems created and under development are of great importance.

The Russian Federation maintains state registers containing, respectively, information on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities, the acquisition by individuals of the status of an individual entrepreneur, the termination of activities by individuals as individual entrepreneurs, other information about legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and relevant documents. The maintenance of these registers is entrusted to the Federal Tax Service by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 506 dated 30.09.2004.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the following information and documents about a legal entity:

Full and abbreviated name;

    organizational and legal form;

    address (location);

    method of formation of a legal entity (creation or reorganization);

    information about the founders;

    originals or notarized copies of the constituent documents of a legal entity;

    information about legal succession (in case of reorganization);

    the date of registration of changes made to the constituent documents;

    method of terminating the activity of a legal entity;

    the amount of the authorized capital specified in the constituent documents of the commercial organization;

    surname, name, patronymic and position of a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney;

    information about licenses obtained by a legal entity;

    information about the branches and representative offices of the legal entity;

    taxpayer identification number, reason code and date of registration of a legal entity with a tax authority;

    codes according to the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities;

    number and date of registration of the legal entity as the policyholder;

    information about the bank accounts of the legal entity.

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs contains information about the individual entrepreneur himself, the type, data and validity period of the document confirming his right to reside temporarily or permanently on the territory of the Russian Federation, the date of state registration of an individual, information about licenses received by an individual, taxpayer identification number, codes according to the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities and a number of other information.

The information and documents contained in these state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information about the number, the date of issue and the authority that issued the identity document of an individual, information about the bank accounts of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, which can be submitted exclusively to the authorities state power.

In addition to the above register, there are registers of taxpayers, farms, rights to real estate and transactions with it, land cadastre, water cadastre, state register of commercial organizations with foreign participation and a number of others.

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