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Information culture of students. Formation of information culture among students

How to make the world around a person become interesting, important, and alluring for him?

What conditions must be created for a child, a schoolchild to want to touch this world, to discover its treasures for himself?

How to make the world of information necessary for the modern student?

How to teach him to select and choose exactly the information that will be useful to him?

In recent years, there has been an awareness of the fundamental role of information in society. Our time is called the information age. Never before have people had so many different information at the same time.

Every day, each of us adults is bombarded with a stream of information, the processing of which takes up more and more time from us, and this stream is constantly increasing. Finding your way in this truly endless sea is not easy. It is not easy for us, adults, it is even more difficult for children.

What of this information is important and what is not, how to work with it, how to evaluate it? There are many questions. And it is the school that can help answer these questions, it is she who can explain to the child the incomprehensible, unknown in the world of information. The school is designed to teach the child to use information in such a way that it opens up the world to him.

The little man is born. He is surrounded by care and attention, help and support. He learns the world with the help of family and friends, but he increasingly likes to do it himself. Parents are surprised that the child increasingly rejects their help and tries to comprehend the secrets of objects and phenomena on their own.

As he grows up, the child's information field expands, his cognitive aspirations become more active. Often parents are annoyed by this, they brush aside his questions, repeat: if you grow up, you find out, it's too early for you to know about it, this is not your mind.

The child grows up, comes to school and waits for him to learn what he does not yet know. First-graders, with bated breath, are waiting for meetings with their teacher, who introduces them into the world of unknown and incomprehensible information, into the world of knowledge. Both parents and educators help to enter this world together only if the teacher approaches the problem of the development of cognitive activity, children's interest and curiosity in a systematic and responsible manner.

However, a rather sad picture can be observed: children ask questions, wait for an answer, and an adult who is called upon to help them find an answer shrugs them off, gets angry, does not consider it important for himself. And gradually the interest fades away, the children no longer ask questions, they only answer them, while doing it without a spark, without enthusiasm, without joy.

➨ The problem of cognitive activity, methods, methods and techniques for the formation of a child's cognition, its development and expansion is one of the most important problems of pedagogy. Recently, however, these issues have been considered one-sided, exclusively from the point of view of the student's educational activity, lesson activities.

It also happens: fifth-graders who studied actively in elementary school bring encyclopedias and dictionaries to the lessons with great pleasure and interest, trying to give the teacher an exhaustive answer to the questions posed in the textbook. And it's good if the teacher not only encourages the initiative of children, but also directs it in the right direction, teaches the search for information, offers options for its search. This collaborative creative process yields results. The guys are not only looking for information, but also learn to distinguish the main from the secondary.

When the teacher does not support the students, their interest will be lost. Then in 7-8 grade, when the teacher asks to find additional material on the studied topic, the children will not hear him.

The issues of enhancing the cognitive activity of students are often considered in the pedagogical literature. Numerous studies by P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, A.K. Markova and other researchers. To a greater extent, these studies are devoted to the formation of the need for and interest in knowledge in the course of educational activities. However, it is no less important to engage in the activation of the child's cognitive activity not only in the lesson, but also in extracurricular activities.

✏ Interesting cognitive activity can not only contribute to the accumulation of knowledge, but also develop an interest and desire to constantly learn new things, the habit of constantly replenishing the stock of one's knowledge. The process of cognition, well organized by adults, contributes to the fact that the child seeks to acquire knowledge not only with the help of an adult, but also independently.

Sometimes you come across the fact that the methods and techniques that the teacher uses in his work, for a long time discourage the child from learning something new in general. But it's not a secret for anyone that educational tasks of a cognitive nature, taking into account the age of children, their interests, hobbies, interesting extracurricular work interconnected with the educational one, contribute to the fact that students begin to show cognitive activity in a variety of activities.

Active formation of student cognition begins in primary schools That is, it continues at all stages of the growing up of a student.

At primary school age there is a process of absorption and accumulation of knowledge, a period of assimilation of this knowledge according to their predominant feature: the more interesting, unusual, imaginative the knowledge, the more desire and interest the children have to possess.

At the middle stage of training the habit of obtaining information is formed, constantly using it, there is a persistent need to own information. It is at the middle stage of learning that it is necessary to create such conditions for students in order to maximize their information field, to contribute to the formation of information culture.

Information culture is a systematized set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that ensure the optimal implementation of individual information activities aimed at meeting the information needs of students arising in the course of educational, scientific, cognitive and other types of activity.

Leading role in the formation of information culture personality is entrusted to educational institutions.

Only educational institutions along with other social institutions, in accordance with the existing legislation in the educational sphere, are able to exert a daily influence on each student, ensuring systematic work on his informational training.

In a general education school, all teachers are called upon to carry out information training for students within the framework of the taught academic disciplines.

In practice, as the analysis shows, the skills of working with information are formed mainly in the course of studying three academic disciplines: the Russian language, literature and computer science, as well as in the course of the independent, research work of students: preparation of essays, reports, competitive works, etc. . P.

The indisputable advantages of a teacher in the field of informational training of students are the systematic nature of the impact on students, due to the regularity of training sessions, knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of each of the age groups of students, professional knowledge of a wide range of modern forms and methods of teaching, innovative pedagogical technologies.

At the same time, a highly qualified subject teacher does not always own the subject area associated with the formation of an individual's information culture and includes not only a wide range of professional information knowledge and skills, but also beliefs. This is also based on a clear system of argumentation, the belief in the inevitability of humanity's entry into the information society and the knowledge society; and an idea of ​​the diversity of information resources accumulated by mankind; and proficiency in information retrieval algorithms.

For all members of society today there is a growing need for constant professional development, updating knowledge, mastering new types of activity.

The hallmark of the information society is the establishment of a cult of knowledge.

✏ Particular relevance acquires the formation of the information culture of the individual, which opens up broad prospects for the effective use of information resources accumulated by mankind.

The lack of a holistic concept of the formation of an individual's information culture, as well as the globality of the task of preparing the young generation for life in an information society, give this problem a nationwide significance. And in its solution, a special place, of course, should be taken by general education institutions. Only a fundamental education allows a person to separate the wheat from the chaff, use the information effectively and turn it into knowledge. Obviously, the question is acquiring a huge role: what exactly we learn, what we read, how we choose objects for cognition, for reading from boundless information and documentary arrays. What a person can learn and read in his life is negligible if it is senseless to use all the information that goes into his own hands, or to read everything that accidentally catches his eye. But even this small can become very much, if the information that the student receives is interesting, useful, affects the mind, heart and soul.

An interesting idea was expressed by Academician Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov, speaking about information: "... a modern person is in front of the Himalayas of information in the position of a gold digger who needs to find grains of gold in a mass of sand."

Formation of information culture of readers

Information culture is a multidimensional concept, the capabilities and abilities of a person to navigate in the information space, to use the capabilities of the information environment, to be able to use information technology, possession of computer literacy.

Modern life is full of changes. The country is changing, the library is changing, the informational and cultural needs of the population are changing. Today, the library and the librarian are faced with increased requirements. It is no secret that only the renewal of knowledge and skills helps a library specialist to maintain a creative form, the ability to actively assimilate modern ideas, to seek and find new, interesting for readers. This work is traditional for libraries. Another thing is that not always and not in all libraries it is maintained at the proper level and meets the requirements imposed today. Therefore, the general level of reading culture and bibliographic literacy among the majority of public library readers is not yet high enough. Many of them cannot freely navigate in various bibliographic manuals, choose literature on their own or use the scientific and reference apparatus of publications, independently use the SBA, schedule the correspondence of their reading.

But it is no less important to give the reader an idea of ​​the capabilities of the Central Library System (central library system), that using a specific library, he can receive, through intrasystem exchange and MBA, almost any publication from a single fund, as well as from the fund of another library in the region, including a special one.

Readers should have a fairly complete and systematized knowledge about the book as a source of information, about the features of various types of publications and their apparatus, about the organization of publishing in the country and the specifics of printed products of universal and industry publishing houses. It is also important to draw the attention of readers to the publication of critical bibliographic information in periodicals.

Bibliographic work is a set of processes and operations for preparing for the use of a variety of bibliographic tools for reflecting and disclosing the library funds, their active use by real readers and users. This is achieved by:

- formation and maintenance of reference and bibliographic apparatus;

- compilation of various bibliographic aids for the readers of the library - indexes and lists of literature, all kinds of card files;

- preparation and conduct of oral bibliographic reviews;

- reference and bibliographic service (providing readers with bibliographic information on their one-time requests);

- bibliographic information (providing readers with bibliographic information on their long-term standing requests);

- informational (bibliographic) training.

The practice of the CLS shows that readers do not know many of the most important reference publications and do not know how to use them. Therefore, readers need to be told about the purpose and features of various types of reference books, to teach them how to find the information they need. Readers should be drawn to the fact that bibliographic manuals are sources of information about books, articles and other materials presented not only in this library, but also in other collections.

The level of propaganda of bibliographic knowledge is largely determined by the level of SBA (reference and bibliographic apparatus), SSS (reference and bibliographic service) and bibliographic information. The quality of the references, the active use of catalogs, card indexes, reference and bibliographic publications, and the circulation of the fund depend on how professionally the reference and bibliographic apparatus is organized. Incomplete, non-operational information about the unified fund of the Central Library System, narrows the range of issued literature, deprives readers of the opportunity to learn about new products in a timely manner.

Planning, regularity, practical orientation, efficiency - these are the basic requirements that must be met by the propaganda of bibliographic knowledge. The work is carried out in accordance with the outlined plans, systematically. Readers acquire a certain amount of knowledge, taking into account the level of education and culture of reading, specific needs (self-educational, professional, amateur). The main thing in the work carried out should not be the number of planned events, but their effectiveness, a high professional level.

The system of work on the formation of bibliographic culture and the promotion of library and bibliographic knowledge provides for the use of various methods and forms to cover all readers.

Methods and forms of work are determined by the goals set by the librarian (attraction to the library, introduction to reading, development and deepening of self-educational or professional needs, the level of reading culture, the capabilities of the Central Library System and libraries of the region. The forms of propaganda of bibliographic knowledge are classified according to the method of transferring knowledge and the breadth of coverage of readers. Thus, depending on the method of transmission, public libraries use various forms of visual and oral propaganda of bibliographic knowledge. ”According to the breadth of coverage of readers, forms of individual, group and mass work are distinguished.

The main forms of visual propaganda of bibliographic knowledge are: bibliographic references and references in the fund, exhibitions and views of reference and bibliographic publications, SBA organization schemes, bibliographic search algorithms, posters, albums, stands, wall newspapers, bulletins.

Visual forms - showing publications or revealing their content in visually perceptible forms. The effectiveness of visual forms is enhanced by their combination with oral and print propaganda. So, book exhibitions or open viewing of literature are organized in conjunction with a bibliographic review, mass and group consultations, individual conversations.

Bibliographic references and references link the industry departments of the fund with each other, as well as with the corresponding sections of catalogs and card indexes, help in the search and selection of books. They are placed on in-shelf exhibitions or separately, using special holders. The bibliographic references addressed to the reader remind that only a systematic catalog can provide complete information on the composition and content of the collection, since books on the shelf are in constant motion. Links and references from one section of the fund to another help readers find literature on the same topic, placed in a systematic arrangement in different departments.

Exhibitions of reference and bibliographic publications are arranged with the aim of promoting them among readers. They can be permanent or temporary. In some cases, books and intra-journal bibliographic aids are selected for exhibitions.

Thematic exhibitions are devoted to topical issues of political life, economics, science, technology, culture, art. They can be in the form of a cycle of several expositions with a single name.

Genre exhibitions are close to thematic ones. They exhibit literature on certain genres (novel, poetry, memoirs, etc.), revealing a particular theme or historical period of the country's life, certain types of publications (albums, postcards, etc.).

Literature viewing exhibitions on a particular topic or branch of knowledge include literature of all kinds over a number of years. They are intended to help professional reading and are addressed to specialists (industrial, agricultural production, etc.), are organized as part of a set of events (Information Day, Specialist's Week, etc.), which, in addition to the exhibition, include bibliographic reviews, lectures, consultations, meetings.

Posters, schemes are used to promote library catalogs and bibliographic card files. They usually contain text and illustrations. They can be dedicated to individual catalogs (card indexes) and contain the full name of this catalog (card indexes), information on what types of publications and materials are reflected, for what period of time, how bibliographic records are grouped. On the poster-scheme of the systematic catalog, a list of the main divisions is necessarily given.

The organization diagram of the SBA should be drawn up, if possible, in each division of the Central Banking System. It should present all the elements of a single SBA, including those absent in this branch. The diagram provides information on the degree of completeness of the reflection of the unified collection of the Central Library System, and each part of it (Central Bank, branch library), on the chronological framework of the coverage of the reflected literature, etc. Using a unified scheme, the reader of any department of the Central Bank System gets an idea of ​​its informational capabilities.

The bibliographic search algorithm helps the reader to choose the most optimal way to search for documents in catalogs, card indexes, bibliographic manuals.

Bulletins, wall newspapers mainly contain all kinds of methodological advice on bibliographic issues, information on bibliographic manuals, expert advice on the use of certain materials. They also contain feedback from readers about bibliographic aids, conversations, etc.

As a rule, stands are arranged in a large library. They contain teaching materials, individual bibliographic aids, illustrated posters.

Albums, folders of materials, publications in newspapers and magazines are promoted on issues of interest to readers: about the activities of publishing houses, serial publications, the largest libraries of the country and the world, on the history of this library, and more. They are drawn up in cases where it is not possible to open an exhibition. The materials collected in albums and folders are also used by the library staff.

The main forms of oral propaganda of bibliographic knowledge are: conversations, reviews of bibliographic aids, lectures, seminars and readers' conferences.

The specificity of oral forms is manifested in the direct communication of the librarian organizing this event with the users for whom it is organized, in feedback, which helps to adjust the efforts of the librarian, etc. The success of oral communication directly depends not only on what the librarian says, but also on how he speaks. Oral communication not only conveys some information, but has a significant emotional impact, which for some readership groups seems to be very important.

Conversations are held in the fund, at catalogs and bibliographic files, at the shelves where the SBF is located. They can be individual and group. Readers are explained the purpose and peculiarities of the organization of various catalogs, card files, the rules for the bibliographic description of books and articles, the methodology for finding the necessary information in encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, methods of using auxiliary indexes for publications. Conversations are also conducted directly in the course of searching for an answer to the reader's requests, which contributes to the activation of bibliographic education.

It is advisable to conduct group conversations according to a predetermined plan. Most often, they are devoted to the organization of the SBA, methods of searching for the necessary information in alphabetical and systematic catalogs and are accompanied by practical tasks for readers.

Consultations are also held that are of a methodological nature (they contain advice on how to keep track of novelties in fiction, how to choose the right books in the specialty, etc.). In accordance with interests and requests, groups of readers are recruited, bibliographic aids are selected.

Reviews of bibliographic manuals are intended, as a rule, for small groups of readers who are united by a common interest in the topic, the level of general education and professional training. A sufficiently wide range of publications should be used in the review. As the experience of the Central Banking System shows, this ensures their high quality level and efficiency.

But for readers who do not yet have sufficient skills in the independent use of bibliographic aids, reviews of a different kind are carried out, they are of an educational nature. The librarian pre-selects bibliographic aids for a specific purpose - in accordance with the needs of a group of readers, which determines the content of each element of the review. To interest readers in bibliographic aids, it is recommended to start the story about them with a description of the reflected works. In the final part, practical recommendations are necessarily given.

Sometimes, thematic reviews of bibliographic manuals or reviews of bibliographic series are prepared, the interest in which has been identified in preliminary conversations with readers.

Readers' conferences are usually held at the end of the year to summarize the work on bibliographic training. The following questions are brought up for discussion: the role of catalogs and card files in the multi-aspect disclosure of the library fund and the choice of literature, the importance of reference and bibliographic publications and bibliography in general, and more. It is important that the conference meets the most typical readers' requests. Reader conferences are the most effective way to provide library feedback to readers. At the reader's conference, readers' opinions about the book collide and form.

Printed forms of propaganda include guidebooks to libraries, memos, teaching and methodological and practical manuals, leaflets. These publications are prepared by republican, regional, central, city and district libraries especially for readers.

In detail about the system of catalogs and card files, the reader is told by memos and guides. Illustrations and diagrams take a large place in them. Using them, readers learn to navigate the structure and content of catalogs and card files, to work with them independently.

Library guides pursue different goals: they acquaint with the main functions of the library, the work of its divisions, reference and bibliographic apparatus, bibliographic products. They are intended not only for the readers of this library, but also for the librarians themselves.

In most cases, a personal memo is drawn up for significant and memorable dates, in connection with the award of literary prizes, for the anniversary of an outstanding scientist, writer, artist. The purpose of the memo is to familiarize with the main works of a certain person and help in the study of his life and work. The most valuable works of this figure are selected for the memo. Then, the editions of his works available in the library, literature about life and work are revealed.

Comprehensive promotion of bibliographic knowledge involves the use of a combination of various forms - visual, oral, printed. The main forms of oral propaganda include: library tours, library and bibliographic lessons, schools (universities) of library and bibliographic knowledge, bibliography days, weeks (months) of bibliographic knowledge propaganda, bibliographic games.

During a tour of the library, conversations are held, visual forms (diagrams, posters, leaflets), bibliographic reviews are used.

Library and bibliographic lessons allow you to promote knowledge about the book, library, bibliography and teach readers in a specific system. Lessons can be conducted not only in the library, but also outside it - in schools, institutions, enterprises. They are effective if they are conducted regularly in a more or less constant readership and when other forms of propaganda of bibliographic knowledge are also used.

When conducting classes with schoolchildren or students of the vocational education system, it is necessary to establish contacts with teachers and teachers who will help to consolidate the material studied in the classroom in the relevant disciplines and extracurricular activities.

The School of Library and Bibliographic Knowledge is organized jointly with enterprises, trade union and technical libraries, with the aim of raising the general educational and professional level of young people. Classes at the school are held once a month according to a pre-developed program.

Oral journals are a traditional form of work for public libraries, which can also be used to promote library and bibliographic knowledge. On the "pages" of an oral journal, one can acquaint readers with bibliographic aids of relevant topics with an overview of interesting publications from journals, talk about books that reveal the creative laboratory of outstanding scientists and culture. An oral journal can be dedicated to the art of reading fiction.

During the Bibliography Day, various forms of visual and oral promotion of bibliographic knowledge are used: exhibitions, views and collections of bibliographic aids, posters, consultations and conversations about individual publications, reviews of recommendation aids, contests and quizzes. Days are held once or twice a quarter. Bibliography days can be versatile and thematic. The program is drawn up one to two months before the next day of bibliography, about which the readers are notified.

In the process of preparing for the Day of Bibliography, the design of the book fund is being updated, special exhibitions and thematic shelves are organized in the fund. As a result of the event, methodological meetings of the library staff are held.

Weeks (months) of promoting bibliographic knowledge cover almost all readers. Their implementation is preceded by a lot of preparatory work by the employees of the Central Banking System together with the NTI bodies, referents of enterprises, whose employees are subscribers of individual or collective information. Information about the upcoming event can be posted in the local newspaper.

If a month is being prepared, then in the CLS and outside the library, open views of publications from various funds (CLS, regional library, etc.) are organized bibliography days, competitions and bibliographic quizzes. The bulk of the work (consultations, conversations, reviews of information and bibliographic publications, etc.) is performed by the service department. The results of the month can be held at the reader's conference. During the month, the effectiveness of various forms of propaganda of bibliographic knowledge is tested, the most effective of which are used in the further work of the Central Library System.

A distinctive feature of contests, evenings of questions and answers, KVN, quizzes, informin - entertaining and rather high efficiency, therefore, they are recommended to be used in bibliographic teaching of youth (students, schoolchildren). The objectives of the competition (book connoisseurs, bibliography flows) and bibliographic quiz are to check how much the readers have mastered the material they got acquainted with during conversations, consultations, library and bibliographic lessons. Sometimes these events are part of a complex public event (Bibliography Days, Bibliography Advocacy Months or Weeks).

Informina differs from the bibliographic quiz in that it is held over a long period and covers the maximum number of participants (most often students). Informina is carried out in two stages, one of which is correspondence. The competition of written works becomes its result. On the second stage, the winners of the first stage compete.

It should be noted that any of these forms is almost never used in library practice in its "pure form", but is used in combination with others. Thus, any form of visual propaganda is ineffective without an explanation of the librarian, and the success of many forms of oral and complex propaganda of bibliographic knowledge depends on the skillful use of visual aids of bibliographic education.


1. Diomidov. G.N. Bibliography: textbook. for average professional educational institutions. - SPb .: Professiya, 2003 .-- 288 p. - (Series "Library").

2. Diomidov. G.N. Bibliography: general course. - The Book Chamber. - 1991 .-- 117 p.

3. Directory of the librarian / State. library of the USSR named after IN AND. Lenin: Comp. S.G. Antonova, G.A. Semyonov. - M .: Kniga, 1985 .-- 303 p.

4. Directory of librarian / scientific. ed. A.N. Vaneeva, V.A. Minkin. - SPb, 2002.

5. GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up. - Introduce. 01.11.04 .-- Minsk: BelGISS: State Standard of Belarus, 2004 .-- 48 p.

It is a perfect combination of international experience and national and regional specifics. The goals of the "Electronic Citizen" program are: 1. To overcome the digital divide and give everyone, regardless of gender, age, place of residence and social status, the opportunity to use information resources. 2. To involve the maximum number of citizens in the information society. ...

Knowledge sharing; activity in the dissemination of new knowledge; compliance with ethical standards of business communication. 1.2. The culture of the information world It makes no sense to talk about the importance of culture in the life of society and a person. It is culture that is a qualitative characteristic of a particular stage of the development of society. It is with culture that a person makes up for his natural incompleteness and ...

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts"

Faculty of Information Resources and Technology

Course work in the discipline "General Library Science"

Formation of personal information culture

Is done by a student:

Zavornitsyna Vera Sergeevna

Chelyabinsk 2009


1. Information environment as the basis for the formation of information culture

2. Analysis of the state of the problem under study

3. Formation of information culture

3.1 Schoolchildren

3.2 Students / Professionals

3.3 Educators / trainers

4. Creation and use of modern multimedia tools to improve the information culture of users

5. Current state of the art




Information culture today requires from a modern person new knowledge and skills, a special style of thinking, providing the necessary social adaptation to changes and guaranteeing a worthy place in the information environment.

The information and technical potential of society created in the process of informatization is determined not only by the level of development of modern information and communication technologies. Much depends on the level of information culture, both of the entire society and of an individual. The key condition for the success and social effectiveness of informatization is the human factor.

A person with a developed information culture is characterized as a person with a whole range of knowledge and skills: firstly, this is the possession of the thesaurus, which includes such concepts as information resources, information worldview, information environment, information behavior, etc .; secondly, the ability to correctly formulate your information needs and requests; thirdly, the ability to effectively and efficiently carry out an independent search for information using both traditional and non-traditional, primarily computer search engines; fourth, the ability to rationally store and efficiently process large flows and arrays of information; fifth, knowledge of the rules and regulations of "information ethics" and the ability to conduct information and communication dialogue.

The information culture of the individual acts as one of the important components of the general culture of a person, without which it is impossible to interact in the information society. The information culture of a person is formed throughout a person's life, and, as a rule, this process has a spontaneous nature, depending on the degree of tasks that a person faces. A modern person needs well-formed skills of effective interaction with the information environment already at the initial stage of his professional activity.

The relevance of the issue under consideration follows from the need to clarify the definition of the information culture of a person, its essence, since the content of the pedagogical process, aimed at the formation of the personality of the qualities necessary to meet the requirements of the modern level of development of society, depends on this.

1. Information environment as the basis for the formation of information culture

The term "information culture" is now widely used in library literature. This concept is multivalued, there are a number of its definitions in various sources (L.A. Vasyutina, deputy director of the IMBC). A brief formulation of this concept may look like this: the information culture of a person is a person's ability to navigate in the world of information, find the necessary information and creatively process it. Traditionally, information culture is associated either with teaching computer science and mastering computer skills, or with library and bibliographic literacy and reading culture. These concepts (library and bibliographic literacy, reading culture, computer literacy) are the main components of an individual's information culture.

Although at present there is no doubt about the need to introduce new information technologies into the educational process, predicting the future results of such implementation is surprising for its enthusiastic and sometimes ignorant assessments. There is a substitution or confusion of the concepts of "information" and "knowledge".

The possibility of actively using an information resource as a public product and providing access to information, without any significant restrictions, is often presented as the assimilation of the information itself. But the transfer of information, generally speaking, is not identical with knowledge, “... it is important to emphasize that information as a transformed form of knowledge does not coincide with knowledge itself. Information exists as texts stored and transmitted in society (in the generalized sense of this word), and knowledge exists as the personal property of those who know ... ”(Shreider YA). It follows from this that information is a socio-social factor, and knowledge is a personal one. Thus, “... the task of teaching is to turn information“ into the personal property ”of the learners, ie. knowledge ”(V.P. Mozolin).

A learner using telecommunications must independently interpret the information received by him, and for its adequate perception, information culture is needed as a factor of human culture. The most complete education and formation of information culture is possible in an information environment, within which it is possible to more fully disclose the content of the transmitted educational information in other disciplines. It is necessary to form the information environment of informatics both before the start of systematic teaching in informatics and in the learning process.

The information environment in the subject area of ​​informatics is formed by several components:

1. The subject of computer science in games and tasks, which was introduced in primary grades and serves the tasks of the general development of students, since in the modern education system, it is the idea of ​​development that becomes predominant. Teaching computer disciplines in primary school with the appropriate software is quite expensive, in addition, the time for working with a computer is limited either for medical reasons, or for the employment of a computer class. Informatics in games and tasks provides a learning and developmental effect.

2. The use of computers in non-computer disciplines (training programs, tests, diagnostics).

3. When preparing reports and abstracts on any of the school disciplines, assignments for the computer design of work. In the process of completing the practical tasks, students receive information about the types of programs, about the standard user interface, and also about the structure of the computer.

With such an organization, students are very motivated to learn, for example, a text editor, which is mastered several times faster than in a traditional computer science lesson.

Pupils already have the opportunity to see in advance what they have to work on, what they should know and be able to do in the future.

With such an all-pervading “pre-subject” influence of computer science, students have the opportunity to use a computer to solve their practical problems, navigate software tools and understand the limitations of a particular software product before the computer science lesson appears on the schedule.

4. In computer science lessons in high school, in addition to the basic course, students receive an assignment to prepare a report or an essay in any of the school disciplines, the material for which was obtained using telecommunications.

In order to effectively use the advantages of new information technologies, it is necessary to have an appropriate level of information culture.

The information environment is an important condition for the formation of a culture of working with information and ultimately contributes to an increase in the quality of learning not only in information disciplines.

It is not the transfer of the “sum of knowledge” to the trainees in the learning process, but training in methods of acquiring knowledge - these are the skills that the information environment forms.

2. Analysis the state of the problem under study

The strengthening of the role of information culture in the structure of a modern person's activity is determined by the following factors: a sharp increase in the volume of information due to the accelerated rates of development of scientific and technological progress; the inevitable scattering of information caused by the differentiation and integration of modern science; rapid obsolescence of knowledge due to the change in scientific and social paradigms.

The most important problems in the study of information culture include the following:

1) the formation of a thesaurus - a system of information concepts that provide general and special orientation of a person in the surrounding information environment;

2) the ability to carry out information activities, i.e. to form their information needs and requests, own strategies and algorithms for optimized information retrieval and analysis of information sources, roll up and expand information, enter into a variety of information contacts;

3) the preparedness of the individual for the effective use of any (traditional and computer) sources of information;

4) reasonable regulation of human information behavior in the light of the moral and legal norms developed by society;

5) the implementation of individual personality traits in her information activities.

Information culture today requires from a modern person new knowledge and skills, a special style of thinking, providing the necessary social adaptation to changes and guaranteeing a worthy place in the information environment. It can perform the following functions: regulatory, since it has a decisive impact on all activities, including information; cognitive, since it is directly related to the research activity of the subject and his training; communicative, since information culture is an integral element of the interconnection of people; educational, because information culture actively participates in the development of the whole culture by a person, the mastery of all the wealth accumulated by mankind, and the formation of his behavior.

Currently, there are a large number of definitions of information culture. Information culture in a broad sense is a set of principles and real mechanisms that ensure the positive interaction of ethnic and national cultures, their connection into the common experience of mankind.

In the narrow sense of the word, these are: optimal ways of handling signs, data, information and presenting them to an interested consumer for solving theoretical and practical problems; mechanisms for improving the technical environment for the production, storage and transmission of information; development of a training system, training a person for the effective use of information media and information.

The basis of the essential definition of the concept of "information culture" should be the concept of culture, supplemented in accordance with the characteristics of this specific area of ​​activity and considered as a component of the general culture of the individual.

In science, a large number of definitions of the concept of culture and, accordingly, its meanings are used. For a specific study, it is advisable to dwell on the essence of the concept, paying attention to those aspects of it that will turn out to be significant in deciphering the idea of ​​"information culture of the individual" that interests us.

In the philosophical dictionary, culture is understood as a historically determined level of development of society, creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, in their relationships, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​they create.

In philosophy, several levels of analysis of culture are distinguished: the culture of society, the culture of social groups and the culture of an individual. "Culture has three scales in accordance with the philosophical difference ontological levels" general - particular - individual ": culture as a way of human existence, macro- or microgroups, in the language of sociologists, the culture of an individual (according to the formula of everyday speech - a cultured person)."

The culture of the personality includes both education (training and upbringing) and the main parameters of personality development, i.e. everything that a person develops in himself, acquires in his life in society and under the influence of society, with the participation of other people, "appropriating" socio-historical experience. This corresponds to the original understanding of the term "culture", adopted in ancient Greece.

In its original meaning, the concept of "culture" translated from Latin meant "cultivation of the soil" (Kagan MS), that is, changes in a natural object under the influence of man, his activities, in contrast to those changes that are caused by natural causes. The concept of culture in a broad sense just covers the sphere of the purposeful activity of people, the totality of social objects, in contrast to natural objects that have not been transformed by human labor. In its deepest essence, culture is what ensures the realization of the activity itself, i.e. the way of its implementation. The culture is presented:

¨ in the form of a set (system) of certain types of activity and its results;

¨ as the creative content of the activity;

¨ as a way of activity, its technology;

¨ as a qualitative characteristic of the activity and its results.

The concept of "culture" can be used in a variety of senses. If the classification of types of culture is based on a substantive or subject characteristic, then we can talk about physical, artistic, aesthetic, ecological, political culture, etc. Information culture is in the same row. Since the concept of "information" carries a great semantic load, the role of information culture is special, in particular, it is exclusive in the formation of the content of education.

In addition, studies have shown that the problem of defining ICL is complicated by the ambiguity of this concept. It can be understood as a phenomenon, as a part of personal knowledge, general culture of a person; as the level of development of knowledge, abilities, skills, etc .; as a field of knowledge exploring some problems; as an academic discipline.

The education system of the emerging information society is called upon to solve a fundamentally new global problem associated with preparing a person for life and work in completely new conditions of the information world. It is the education system that should provide the necessary knowledge about the new information environment, form a new information culture and a new information worldview based on an understanding of the decisive role of information and information processes in natural phenomena, the life of the human community and, finally, the activities of the person himself.

The issues of the formation and development of the information culture of the student's personality, his information preparation at the university to work with informatization means occupy a special place in the studies of domestic and foreign authors. In their opinion, the information culture of a person presupposes the formation of the necessary knowledge, value orientations, abilities and skills in working with information, mastering the norms and rules of behavior in the information environment.

The study of literary sources (Branovskiy Yu.S., Butorin V.Ya., Kolin K.K., Semenyuk E.P., Shamova T.I.) showed that the category "information culture" is analyzed in various relationships with such concepts, included in the scientific apparatus of pedagogy as "computer literacy", "computer culture" and "information literacy". Let's consider each of these concepts separately. The key to understanding the phrase "computer literacy" is the word "literacy", which modern domestic pedagogical science regards as a necessary step and means of a person's personal development. At various stages of education, "literacy" means the ability to read, write and count. From this point of view, computer literacy is the ability to read and write, count and draw, search for information and work with programs on a personal computer.

Today, computer literacy means:

¨ knowledge concerning information technology and technology, computers, their potential, possibilities and limits of use, as well as related to them basic economic, social, cultural and moral-ethical issues;

¨ a set of skills and abilities to use computers in their activities:

a) the ability to use computers instrumental (the ability to use text and graphic editors, spreadsheets, databases, etc.);

b) the ability characterizing the humanitarian component of using a computer (the ability to analyze situations caused by the use of a computer, describe the results of the impact on people of system failures and failures, the ability to determine the possibility of solving problems using a computer).

The concept of "personal information literacy" includes the following components:

¨ computer literacy of the individual;

¨ knowledge about the information environment, the laws of its functioning, as well as a certain amount of meta-knowledge, i.e. knowledge about information;

¨ a person has a wide range of information needs;

¨ the ability to navigate information flows;

¨ skills and abilities of saving information for reuse;

¨ the development of algorithmic thinking of the individual.

Computer culture is a term that covers and regulates the full range of aspects of a person's work with information technology and telecommunications.

The components of computer culture include:

a) knowledge of the methodology for the application of information and computer technologies (ICT) in various areas of human life;

b) an understanding of the relevant ICT-related terminology;

c) knowledge of the principles of the structure and operation of computer technology;

d) knowledge of specific examples of the use of ICT;

e) fluency in computer skills in daily professional activities;

f) knowledge of the basics of modeling methods (mathematical, logical, didactic, etc.);

g) understanding of the principles underlying the functioning of telecommunication networks and the ability to use them:

i) the ability to correctly interpret the results of solving practical problems with the help of electronic computers and apply them in their activities;

j) the ability to correctly formulate a task that arises in their activities and to implement in practice the main stages of its solution (structuring, algorithmization, programming and implementation);

k) compliance with moral, ethical and legal norms of the use of ICT.

In connection with the widespread use of telecommunications in human practice and the expansion of the scope of information technology, the definition of "information culture" has appeared. The content of the term "information culture" is much broader than other concepts. It more accurately reflects the interaction of an individual with the surrounding information media and space.

Information culture presupposes that a person has such qualities as:

1. information literacy... It includes:

¨ harmonious, logically connected, successive system of knowledge of information technology, including computer;

¨ the skills and abilities of any activity related to information, as well as the skills and abilities of planning their activities, designing and building information models, communication, discipline of communication and structuring messages, instrumentation of all types of activities, the use of modern technical means in life;

2. conscious motivation of the individual to:

¨ satisfaction of their information needs on the basis of ICT knowledge;

¨ increasing one's general cultural, general educational and professional outlook;

¨ development of skills and knowledge of information activities and information communication based on the use of information and telecommunication technologies, including computer;

3. a certain style of thinking, the main characteristics of which are independence and creativity.

Currently, there are various approaches to the definition of the phenomenon of "information culture". In the scientific and educational literature, many views are published, sometimes opposite ones. Researchers do not give an unambiguous and comprehensive definition of this concept.

Historical approach to the understanding of information culture is most fully presented in the works of K.K. Kolin, A.I. Rakitova, E.P. Semenyuk and others. Within the framework of this approach, an emphasis is placed on the analysis of the genesis of information culture, its specific historical and social conditioning is revealed and, as a result, attempts are made to form a historical model of information culture, in which “the time factor and lists of components of information culture must be combined” ... The genealogical information tree of our civilization is rooted in the depths of history, to the simplest forms of information links and information communication.

The first information revolution is associated with the emergence of language, with the technology of oral speech, its transmission, memorization, the possibility of broadcasting in space and time. The ancient pre-revolutionary information environment was commensurate with the individual human consciousness and was distinguished by a low speed of information dissemination.

The second information revolution is associated with the invention of writing. This invention made it possible not only to ensure the safety of knowledge already accumulated by the human society, but also to increase the reliability of this knowledge, to create conditions for its wide dissemination. In addition, the emergence of documentary carriers of information has expanded the scope of communication, the range of its forms and capabilities and created the preconditions for the emergence of a new stage in the development of information culture.

The invention of printing is one of the first effective information technologies that led to the third information revolution, which radically changed production (industrial society), culture and the way social and historical activities are organized. There has been an explosive growth in the number of information documents used in society, and most importantly, a wider dissemination of information, scientific knowledge and information culture has begun. Typography made it possible to collect all the achievements of human thought of previous generations and speed up the process of acquiring knowledge, made it possible to replicate texts for a large number of people at the same time and required, in turn, a greater spread of literacy among people.

The fourth information revolution, which began in the 19th century, is associated with the invention and subsequent application in practice of electricity and such means of communication as radio, telephone, television. These tools meant a tremendous revolution in terms of information transfer rates, memory volumes and the ability to accumulate knowledge. This stage in the information history of mankind has led to the formation of a new personality with a different level of awareness and information culture.

The transition to a new electronic stage in the information history of mankind was ensured by the fifth information revolution associated with the use of digital computing technology in practice. This process has received especially rapid development in the last twenty years, when personal computers were designed and began to be widely produced by the industry. Their appearance made a real revolution in the information sphere of society, in many respects changed the psychology and practice of scientific, pedagogical and industrial activities of people.

Today, the informatization of society has a revolutionary impact on all spheres of the life of society, radically changes the living conditions and activities of people, their culture, stereotype of behavior, way of thinking. That is why, according to K.K. Colin, the process of informatization of society unfolding before our eyes should be qualified as a new socio-technical revolution, the information basis of which is the sixth information revolution, the result of which will be the formation of a new civilization on our planet - the information society.

From the point of view of the historical approach, the content and nature of the information culture are changing in the context of the transformation of the information environment of society. Each new stage of improving the information culture does not reject the components of the information culture of the previous stages, but includes them as necessary, thereby enriching the content of the information culture.

At the level of society, information culture is analyzed in the works of M.G. Vokhrysheva, E.P. Semenyuk, A.P. Sukhanova and others. Information culture acts in this case as a way of “smoothing out contradictions of a social nature through their information regulation”. The main carriers of information culture are social groups and social institutions.

From a philosophical standpoint A.P. Sukhanov defines information culture as "the achieved level of organization of information processes, the degree of satisfaction of people's needs in information communication, the level of efficiency in the creation, collection, storage, processing and transmission of information."

Yu.S. Zubov and N.A. Slyadnev, they consider information culture in the context of micro-processes currently taking place in society, and believe that information culture is "a technique, methodology and worldview of society in the era of informatization."

The technological aspect of understanding information culture is presented in the works of E.P. Semenyuk, K.K. Colin and others.

So, for example, E.P. Semenyuk says that information culture is "the degree of development of information interaction and all information relations in society, a measure of perfection in handling any necessary information."

According to S.M. Olenev, information culture is "a methodological apparatus for operating with social information, which has developed in the course of the evolution of society and has accumulated all the variety of ways of interaction between man and information."

Analysis of the existing definitions of the definition of "information culture" showed that the most developed aspect in the study of the problem of information culture is its consideration at the level of the individual.

This is due to the fact that culture does not exist without a person, i.e. the indispensability of the sociocultural role of the individual.

3. Formation of information culture

The ability to determine its usefulness in a huge flow of information is of great importance in the formation of an individual's information culture. In my opinion, it is the main criterion for selecting, analyzing and evaluating information when solving a specific problem.

As a result of the research, it was revealed that the structure of the information culture of the personality of students can be presented in two directions: horizontally and vertically.

The “horizontal” structure of the ICL can be represented by the following key concepts: “norms”, “knowledge”, “meanings” and “values”.

The norms contribute to the maintenance of information links in the community.

The norms are classified on several grounds:

1) encouraging (it is necessary to do this or that) and prohibiting (what cannot be done);

2) universal, national, class, group;

3) according to the degree of obligation - obligatory and not obligatory for execution.

Adherence to various norms leads to the fact that a person in society begins to perform certain roles (family member, passenger in public transport, user on the Internet, etc.).

Knowledge as a result of the cognition process can be expressed in ideas, judgments, theories and laws. Knowledge also shapes human behavior.

Meanings are a means of connecting two worlds: the human world and the external world by means of signs. Symbols play a special role in this. The sign or symbol is an excuse to react to it accordingly. For example, the sign of the interface adjusts a person to react in a certain way to what he sees sitting at the computer on the monitor screen.

Values ​​are a way of regulating behavior. They give meaning to human life.

The study of culturological and psychological-pedagogical literature made it possible to identify the following components or structural components of ICL: cognitive, meaningful, communicative and reflective.

Below we will consider specifically for some social subgroups.

3.1 Schoolchildren

The traditional system of transferring knowledge to students cannot satisfy the information needs of an individual. Therefore, in recent years, the modern school has begun to focus more and more on an independently and critically thinking student who is able to see and creatively solve emerging problems. A key role in progressive school and pedagogical technologies is assigned to self-education as a process that ensures a systematic and systematic replenishment of knowledge through independent work with information sources.

Recently, during the implementation of federal projects and programs, schools in our country have been equipped with computer and office equipment, almost all schools in the country have an Internet connection. Thus, the number of sources of information is increasing. Due to the emergence of non-traditional sources of information and their introduction into the educational environment, it is necessary to teach users to work with this type of information. And here contradictions arise between:

¨ information stage of civilization development and insufficient information culture of participants in the educational process;

¨ the needs of society for proactive, creatively thinking, rapidly reorganizing personnel and the reproductive nature of education;

¨ the systemic nature of the educational process and insufficiently organized implementation of information and communication technologies in school practice.

One of the goals of the development of education should be the harmonious development of the individual and her creative abilities based on the formation of motivation for the need for education and self-education throughout life. All this in modern society is impossible without knowledge, skills and abilities to work with information using computer technology.

The noted contradictions make it possible to formulate the problems of the above:

¨ the need to create a unified educational information environment based on a specific school;

¨ development of information culture of participants in the educational process through the use of information and communication technologies.

The problem of developing the information culture of users is today one of the most important in education. The low level of information culture of students makes it difficult for them to adapt and socialize, hinders vocational guidance and development as full members of society. The low level of information culture of teachers entails the reproductive nature of education.

The main goal of education is to develop the information culture of students, i.e. prepare them for life in professional activity in a highly developed information environment, teach them to act independently in this environment, effectively use its capabilities and protect themselves from negative influences.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve a number of educational tasks:

1. Mastering ideas about information (information processes) as one of the fundamental concepts underlying the modern picture of the world, about the unity of information principles of the structure and functioning of self-governing systems of various nature, about the role of information technologies in the development of society, changing the content and nature of human activity in information society.

2. Development of algorithmic and heuristic thinking, creating conditions for increasing creativity, the formation of operational thinking aimed at choosing the optimal solution.

3. Mastering the concept of learning and self-learning as special types of information processes, instilling the ability to use information technology in education, including other subjects than computer science.

4. Creation of motivation for correct social behavior in the global information environment based on relevant norms.

5. Preparation for the widespread practical use of information technology in various spheres of life and work, mastering the basic means of computer technology. We will understand information culture as a level of knowledge that allows a person to freely navigate in the information space, participate in its formation and promote information interaction, but also as a qualitative characteristic of a person's life in the field of receiving, transferring, storing, using information, where universal human spiritual values. The development of information culture in all countries forms groups of people who are spiritually united by a common understanding of the problems in the solution of which they are included. Information culture is organically included in the real fabric of social life, giving it a new quality. It leads to a change in many of the prevailing socio-economic, political and spiritual ideas, introduces qualitatively new features in the way of human life, which leads, in general, to an information society. For the development of information culture in the school, a scientific information center (SIC) can be organized.

Classes at the SIC are:

the formation, among students, of a modern informational picture of the world;

the formation of the information culture of school students;

the formation of skills in the use of information technology, as the main component of professional activity in the modern information society,

the formation of knowledge about the structure and functioning of modern computing technology;

the formation of a creative personality, the development of students' theoretical thinking, memory, imagination;

upbringing of the younger generation, aimed at the formation of students, citizenship, morality and high morality. The SIC combines a computer science room, library funds in the form of reference, encyclopedic, popular science and fiction literature, and is also intended for conducting lesson and extracurricular activities in various subjects using modern technical means. The main function of the SIC is to unite the information space of the school to achieve the main goal - the development of the information culture of the participants in the educational process. The functioning of the SIC, a library combined with the SIC, concentrating and disseminating promising teaching technologies, will be able to transfer the learning process to a higher level, involving the use of not only software and methodological support, but also a wide variety of information processing and transmission tools, as well as educational, demonstration equipment interfaced with a computer. There is a situation of insufficient work on the formation of information literacy, the development of the information culture of the participants in the information process, the absence of a purposeful and consistent system that gives an idea of ​​information and methods of obtaining and processing it. The main directions of work on the development of information culture among schoolchildren are:

Creation of a unified information and educational space.

1. Teaching “Informatics and ICT”.

2. Training in various subjects using ICT tools.

3. Organization of extracurricular activities using ICT tools.

4. Educational work, school self-government, interaction with society, etc. using ICT.

5. Training of teaching staff within the framework of school informatization.

The organization of extracurricular work to develop the information culture of students, the development of ICT as part of their use in educational areas, outside of classroom activities is carried out in the course of:

¨ search for information on the Internet and other sources;

¨ fixation (recording) of information about the surrounding world;

¨ the formation of their own information arrays and hyperstructures, including the writing of texts and the creation of other information objects;

¨ preparation of the speech and the presentation itself using presentation tools;

¨ receiving through telecommunication channels the necessary information about the educational process posted by the teacher (lectures, homework assignments, Internet links, training tests, etc.);

¨ independent construction and research of mathematical models (for example, solving problems in physics), primarily in virtual constructors.

Informatization of extracurricular activities is one of the conditions for creating an educational architecture that is open from the point of view of both the student and the teacher. In practice, we are talking about free access of schoolchildren and teachers to the SIC outside school hours for independent search and processing of information that is meaningful to them.

Despite the abundance of information technology, the book is the main source of knowledge. It is by visiting the SIC after school hours that students can complete any homework with a dictionary or reference book on any subject; write a report or abstract; read a work of fiction and familiarize yourself with critical literature on it.

As you can see, from the experience of the school, the formation of the information culture of students more effectively occurs in a full-time school, where the development of skills and abilities to use information technologies in solving urgent problems occurs through the combination of lesson and extracurricular activities.

3.2 Students / Professionals

The formation of an information culture of student readers and young professionals is an important task not only for educational institutions, but also for libraries. In our country, training in the basics of information knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out through specially organized training of information users within the framework of academic disciplines of higher educational institutions. Libraries traditionally play the main role in this task. For young people, future specialists, information technologies open up access to information, which means to knowledge, provide new opportunities for enhancing professionalism and creativity, and introduce them to the values ​​of world culture. Therefore, the formation of an information culture of student readers and young professionals is an important task. But the fulfillment of these tasks is possible only with the use of modern computer technologies in the library.

As soon as electronic catalogs with databases of books, abstracts and dissertations were prepared for wide use in the libraries of the country, as well as a sufficient number of electronic publications were assembled, the question of the readiness of readers to use these resources arose before the librarians. A survey of first-year students showed that only about 20% of them have an idea and can use information resources.

But in addition to elementary computer literacy, the ability to navigate huge flows of information, to critically evaluate it, information culture presupposes the ability of a future specialist to independently replenish the missing knowledge in the professional field and to model his information behavior. After that, many librarians prepared programs: the elective course "Fundamentals of Reading Culture" for 1st year students, programs for secondary courses, graduates and young professionals, since with each stage, the information deepens, concretizes and becomes more complicated. The purpose of the course is to develop students' theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to rationally use information and information technologies in the educational process.

Constantly improving the process of adaptation of users to the new information environment and the formation of information culture of students and young professionals, universities' libraries not only set themselves difficult tasks, but sometimes successfully solve them.

Education is, first of all, a means of education. Education can be conditionally divided into three areas: moral, aesthetic and labor. Naturally, in the learning process, much attention is paid to the cognitive aspect. This is not only knowledge about the basic concepts of computer science, the structure of a personal computer and its software, but the formation of motivation to master this knowledge, the development of the reflective position of students.

In the learning process, we must not only transfer knowledge, but also develop students. It is computer science that can develop mental functions associated with information and algorithmic activities, motivation for further mastering IC, readiness for independent work after university.

The social aspect of IC lies in the fact that the student masters the necessary skills for transmitting, broadcasting information, and develops communication skills.

The educational, cognitive, developmental and social aspects of IC are interconnected, they penetrate each other, interact with each other, and therefore should be included in the education system on equal terms. And how to determine at what level the information culture of a future specialist is formed? The main criteria for the formation of the information culture of students are their knowledge and skills, as well as the interests and motives of information activity, the formation of a reflexive position. Analyzing the worldview and psychological-pedagogical components of knowledge, the conclusion suggests itself that insufficient attention is paid to these areas in our universities so far. I would especially like to draw attention to the need to form an ideological component, so only it will allow a future specialist to create the most holistic idea of ​​informatics, its capabilities and place in the environment of other sciences.

3.3 Educators / trainers

The problem of the formation of a teacher's information culture seems to be one of the important problems of higher education today. Its solution in the field of professional training and advanced training of teachers is now beginning to be actively discussed. When creating this concept, I proceeded from the main idea that the formation of a teacher's information culture should involve the use of a design-reflective approach, which reflects several ideas:

1. the development of a teacher's information culture is possible only in activities that require the teacher to integrate his computer competence with pedagogical competence;

2. not every activity can contribute to the development of a teacher's information culture. To activities that have such an opportunity, we refer to project activities carried out by a teacher using information technology. The result of such activities is, on the one hand, the author's solution of a certain pedagogical problem (for example, a block-modular organization of the study of the topic), and on the other hand, the result of project activities is to improve the quality of education of students, to develop the information culture of students and the teacher himself;

3. the formation of a teacher's IC requires the development of reflexive processes, which act as a system-forming factor in the development of the psychological, activity and information components of the IC, influencing the teacher's ability to integrate these aspects in their professional activities;

4. the development of reflection as the basis for the formation of IC requires special work of the teacher to analyze his own project activities, carried out using information technologies. The analysis should be carried out in two directions:

¨ identification of mental states that arose in the teacher himself;

¨ identification of students' mental states.

It is important for a teacher to find out his own mental states in the course of information activities to create a project and in the process of its implementation in teaching and educating students. This will allow you to feel the mental states that may arise in students when familiarizing themselves with the results of the teacher's project activities. The second direction of analysis is important to carry out in order to get as close as possible to the level of perception, processing, comprehension, assessment by students of the proposed information and ways of transforming it into a presentation. The importance of this analysis lies in the fact that it allows to take into account the peculiarities of the information culture of students for the organization of educational and cognitive activities and, at the same time, the development of their information culture;

5. the implementation of the design-reflective approach will ensure the development of the information culture of the teacher, if it provides for purposeful activities for its formation, development and self-development by the teacher himself, as well as if the teacher is specifically engaged in the formation and development of the information culture of students.

As practice shows, teachers rarely monitor their reactions, states, and sensations in the process of work, although this is also a consequence of their interaction with students. According to S.A. Cittel, pedagogical activity is reflective in nature. In this regard, it is of fundamental importance to develop information and pedagogical reflection among students, university professors and teachers, and foster the need for it.

The reflexive component is a system that combines the student's own positions and attitudes, the value attitude towards objects and phenomena of the rapidly changing information environment, the worldview of the global information space, information interactions in it. the possibilities and problems of its cognition and transformation by a person. This component is associated with the student's knowledge of the priority of the value of human life, health and spiritual development of the individual; the role of information and computer technologies in the development of modern civilization; legal, ethical and moral standards of work in the information environment; about the information security of society and the individual, about the advantages and disadvantages, diagnostics and forecasting of the process of informatization of society and human life.

It is known that students are far from always able to independently isolate various situations in learning activity that require reflexive comprehension. They should be highlighted by the teacher and given to students as special tasks that require specific mental activity from them. As you can see, the teacher must have the appropriate skills. Thus, the problem of teaching teachers of reflexive activity when using information technologies to draw up educational projects, to design their own activities in the learning process is urgent. Along with this, the problem of developing and including the system of special tasks and tasks into the methodological system of teaching teachers of project-reflective activity becomes urgent. On the one hand, tasks reflecting the specifics of the academic subject (including such a subject that is not an end in itself, but an addition to the main general educational disciplines, is information technology). And on the other hand, those whose solution requires various types and forms of reflection.

For the development of a teacher's information culture on the basis of a design-reflective approach, it is important to state that the impact on pedagogical practice should have two vectors:

1. transformation of the reflection of the teacher-practitioner (the result of such a transformation should be the emergence of the teacher's ability to identify ways of action affecting the real change of students, their abilities, mechanisms of consciousness);

2. changing the very ways of action of the teacher-practitioner through his reflection of past experience, awareness of the limitations of previous ways of working.

Of course, the first and second directions of change are related to each other. Changing reflection and awareness of his own action, a person very often changes the nature of the construction of the action. But this, as a rule, occurs in those cases when a person, in reflection, identifies a method of his action.

So, the briefly presented design-reflective approach to the formation of the teacher's information culture has, in my opinion, the property of strengthening the pedagogical and psychological basis of the vocational training process, which contributes to the development of not only knowledge and skills in the field of information activity, but also the development of abilities (to reflect, anticipate , to ensure understanding of information, etc.), necessary for the effective use of information technologies in pedagogical activities.

4. Creation and use of modern multimedia tools to improve the information culture of users

There is an active process of converting libraries into information centers, combining scientific information and library spheres of activity. In this regard, the task of teaching users new ways and means of work, mastering modern information and communication technologies, without which it is impossible to imagine not only our future, but also today's truly modern library, becomes more and more urgent.

University libraries are the main unit providing an information base for educational and scientific processes. In order to remain in demand, they must make wider use of modern innovative technologies and technical means, introduce a system of presentation of lecture material.

Any library in our time can work to improve the information culture of users using multimedia tools. The creation and use of our own multimedia resources for the purpose of teaching and educating the information culture of university users has already become an important direction in its activities. Multimedia stimulates the motivation of learning, activates the attention of users, and increases interest in a new topic. Learning becomes entertaining and emotional, and brings aesthetic satisfaction. The quality of the information presented by the teacher, the clarity of the teaching increases; the repetition of the most difficult moments of the lecture is provided.

Currently, libraries are creating their own multimedia tools: commercials, informational presentations, training programs.

Commercials are created to broadly inform users about the activities and new informational opportunities of universities. The commercials provide brief information about the library and its resources. The halls of electronic resources are pushing to create commercials promoting the electronic resources of the library.

Informational presentations are aimed at disclosing funds and preserving the traditions of the library, for example "Rare and Valuable Books", "History of the Library". Presentations are made in standard computer programs such as Office PowerPoint (text, graphics, sound effects, etc.), which makes them vivid and memorable. If there is a lot of material, it is better to turn to another program, such as WindowsMovieMaker.

Presentations are used at interuniversity events, in classes with students of different courses, etc.

Special training programs to improve the information culture of various categories of users. Despite knowledge of the technological aspects of informatization and possession of computer literacy skills, users do not have a sufficient level of information culture, experience a lack of knowledge about information sources and the ability to work with them.

The ways of forming an information culture can be different. Now a multilevel curriculum has been developed using multimedia tools to form the information culture of all categories of university users: applicants, junior and senior students, graduate students and teaching staff, as well as schoolchildren. The forms of education are different: group and individual practical classes and trainings in the halls of electronic resources, joint events with the departments of the university, etc. The program helps to quickly adapt in the library and at the university as a whole. It provides information about the library and its funds, the rules for using them and a lot of other information necessary at the first steps of learning. This program helps to reduce the time for the mass distribution of literature to the first years of the university.

The main tasks: to teach students to work with information, to bring learning closer to specific information problems of users, their direct practical (educational) activities, and also to create conditions for self-development and self-improvement. In the classroom, students receive a set of knowledge and skills necessary to use electronic and traditional information resources; study technologies of preparation and registration of educational and research works.

Information presented in multimedia form is better remembered by students; their attention is noticeably increased, interest in classes increases; the material is absorbed much better. Lectures can be delivered in streams to all faculties; and practical exercises, which reinforce the lecture material, take place in groups in the halls of electronic resources.

The rapid development of new information technologies has led to the need to seriously revise the traditional forms of work, to turn to new ones - the most effective and optimal for training users who prefer electronic products and services.

It can be concluded that in order to achieve the best end results, it is necessary to synthesize a variety of materials and presentations that enrich and expand the possibilities for influencing the user. This will make it possible to rationally use the available information in order to most effectively educate the user and promote the information capabilities of the library.

In the process of creating various multimedia tools (videos, presentations, films), the intellectual level of the library staff rises, their professional skills and competence grow. On the part of users, interest in the activities of the library is growing. Its role is becoming more and more important in the information and educational space of a university, school or other institution.

5. Current state of the art

The development of modern technologies significantly changes the life of society and has an impact on culture. A genuine revolution is taking place in the introduction of mankind to the accumulated cultural wealth, and its vital activity is being affected.

Today there is every reason to talk about the formation of a new information culture, which can become an element of the common culture of mankind. It can be based on knowledge about the information environment, the laws of its functioning, the ability to navigate information flows. According to Russian scientists, information culture is still not an indicator of a general, but rather a professional culture, but over time it will become an important factor in the development of each personality.

Mastering information culture is a way of universalizing the qualities of a person, which contributes to a person's real understanding of himself, his place and his role. An important role in the formation of IC is played by open education, which should form a specialist in the information community, developing his skills and abilities: differentiation of information; highlighting relevant information; development of criteria for evaluating information; produce information and use it. The effectiveness of this work depends on the level of training of the teaching staff.

Great attention is paid to the formation of information culture in Europe. In November 1999, the initiative "Memorandum of Understanding. Multimedia in Learning and Education in Europe" was launched, which was named PROMETEUS.

The main goal of this memorandum is the further improvement of technologies through the combined efforts of the administration, consumers and manufacturers (teachers, system developers, publishers).

Basic intentions:

1. Development of an educational strategy to integrate new information and communication technologies in teaching and education.

2. Development of the activity of teachers, as a guarantee of users receiving the best technologies.

3. Cost analysis of the use of new technologies.

4. Cooperation between universities and between universities and organizations.

By 2009, these ideas have been fully implemented and are applied not only in universities, but also in municipal educational institutions.

The mission of the universities of the future is as follows: creation of new knowledge and support of existing knowledge, as an example of the results of research and erudition; promoting society and its economic success, especially locally; promoting cultural development; and most importantly, students gain learning experience in the education process.

The main characteristics of the learning experience should be to improve individual ability, the ability to think critically, analytically and creatively, to help students develop their educational abilities to prepare them for lifelong learning.

An important role in the formation of information culture is played by the IFETS discussion forum, in which teachers from almost all countries of the world take part. A Russian-language section has been created at the forum. Formal (the schedule is presented at and informal discussions. As the participants noted, "discussions improve the present and avoid mistakes in the future."

One of the most recent discussions was "Technology and the future of higher education". In our time, education has already freed itself from state control, and is now developing within the framework of private organizations. This allows you to reduce tuition fees, improve quality, and diversify your education. That is, a “Renaissance” in education is assumed. The main thing in education is not the transfer of knowledge and certification, but the learner himself. The development of technology has already led to the creation of educational institutions of a new type (global, virtual, distance, etc.), forcing teachers to focus on the quality of the curriculum and taking into account the needs of students.


1. The Internet is becoming an example of the use of technology to attract students to actively participate in the learning process.

2. Traditional and distance learning now exist at the same time.

3. Universities are becoming constructors. Choose the details (teacher, course, institution) yourself and create your own program. Then take the exams wherever you like and choose the institution that will award you the diploma. This is already the present, all countries will come to this, sooner or later.

The only question is how detrimental it will be to other general knowledge and disciplines. The participants in the discussion refer to the fall in the level of functional literacy and basic mathematical knowledge in the information age as dangerous tendencies.


The use of distance technologies dictates a new approach to defining the information culture of a person. In the context of the continuously increasing opportunities for access to information from any geographic point using modern information and communication technologies, the abundance of various kinds of information for each person, it becomes necessary to independently be able to develop a strategy for collecting and selecting the information he personally needs.

Summarizing the views of scientists who have studied the problem of determining and forming the information culture of a person, we can state that this concept:

a) does not have an unambiguous interpretation, since society considers it from the standpoint of various sciences - philosophy, sociology, psychology, computer science, library science, bibliography, as well as semiotics, linguistics, cultural studies, etc .;

b) has various essential features, for example, the level of knowledge, skills, methods of circulation, the result of the subject's activity, measure, degree, method.

c) and the appropriate approach to the formation of IC depends on various characteristics, positions and an individual approach to this issue of the educational institutions themselves, as well as each person as a whole.

This phenomenon is objective, since the approach to the definition is dictated by the level of development of the environment of human life and activity. At the same time, a clear definition of the concept is necessary for the design of pedagogical technology for the formation of the basic level of information culture, with which every person can live and work fruitfully in a rapidly changing world.

As a result of the research carried out, the following have been determined: criteria for assessing the usefulness of information during its collection (clarity, reliability, reliability) and during selection (relevance and pertinence), contributing to the qualitative search for the necessary information for solving a specific problem; criteria for the formation of ICL students; the ability to determine the usefulness of information when searching for it; possession of terminological apparatus in the field of using informatization means; the formation of skills and abilities to work with information; ability to work with informatization means; the formation of the ability to comply with ethical standards of behavior in the information environment; the formation of reflection in information activity, the totality of which makes it possible to assess the generalized level of ICL of students.

In this course work, the need for the implementation and use of modern multimedia tools in all educational institutions is logically shown, in some cases the use of the presentation method of lectures, for a better quality of education in our "information" time, where information about one phenomenon changes every fraction of a second and reliability the former is already the past. For the qualitative formation of the information culture of the individual, it is necessary to have access to modern resources for updating the information itself. Although in our time a significant half of this work has been done, you still need to approach this very thoughtfully and efficiently so that students, instead of self-education, do not sit at network games and chats. But at the same time, now accepted "stubs" for entertainment sites, react only to the name, under which there are useful educational sites. The problem could be solved if in each computer class the teacher himself personally analyzed the content of the sites and gave permission to visit, or vice versa.

The development of technology and communication channels, the emergence of the possibility of instantaneous exchange of information with any part of the world, skillful management of information flows and knowledge of information contribute to the construction of competent management of various processes. It is precisely in the availability of information resources that libraries play a key role, being an integral part of the information society and performing a lot of important functions, in particular, the implementation of the right to access information, the creation and storage of huge amounts of information, the classification of sources by branches of knowledge

Human relationships and information exchange in their development undergo a kind of "natural selection" of the information society. Libraries, as a rule, build models of communication with users according to "analog" and unstructured models, which in the long term will lead to a decrease in the number of users. It's no secret that all life is going digital. Over time, a person will begin to devote more and more time to "scheduled pleasure" and libraries need to be prepared for the development of the situation in this direction.

All ICL components are interconnected and interdependent. Each of them carries certain functions. The exclusion of any of them leads to a violation of the integrity of the structure of the information culture of the individual.

By the information culture of a person, we mean the ability to quickly assess its usefulness in the flow of redundant information and then purposefully and consciously use it when solving a specific task.


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Humanity has entered a stage in history, one of the main signs of which is change. These changes are fundamentally different from those in the past. They are characterized by: continuity, impetuosity, a tendency towards acceleration, a global nature. They concern the entire planet and almost all areas of human life and society. In this era, emerge: a new economy, a new policy, a new society. The new society is a society of mental labor based on the application of human knowledge to everything that is produced. In the new society, the creation of surplus value is more and more due to humanity to the power of the mind, and not to the strength of the hands. In the new society, the very nature of labor is changing: mental labor displaces physical labor in all spheres of production. The new society gave birth to a new type of economy - the economy based on information and knowledge.

According to experts, the time frame for updating information today is rapidly decreasing with a simultaneous tremendous increase in its volume. As a result, the growth of knowledge outstrips the rate of generational change. In the old society, life was divided into a period of study and a period of work. After receiving professional education, the task of a person traditionally consisted only of the need for periodic replenishment of knowledge. It is no coincidence that this type of education is now commonly called "supportive". The new society requires a new type of education - “advanced”. At the same time, study turns into a continuous life-long occupation. A specialist today is no longer the one who once in his life learned to do something properly. Only one becomes a specialist who constantly assimilates new knowledge, the volume of which doubles every one and a half years.

Thus, in the new economy, people must be ready for dramatic changes in their professional activities several times during their lives. Consequently, for all members of society there is a growing need for constant immersion in new information flows, updating knowledge, improving qualifications, mastering new types of activity.

A serious solution to these problems is impossible without a deep mastery of the constantly increasing volumes and streams of various information. This determines the special importance of the role of information culture in modern society. Today it has become obvious that the best computers, optical storage media, databases and knowledge, communication systems will not lead to the solution of the problems facing man and society, if society does not realize the global significance of information culture.

The main factors that determined the emergence of information culture were: the transition of information to the category of the most important universal categories of social development; an increase in the volume of information, informatization of society, the development of information technology and technology; the formation of the information society.

The transition of information to the category of the most important universal categories of social development

Information has always been the most important, integral part of human life. However, until the middle of the 20th century, this category was not the subject of close public attention and analysis from the point of view of its influence on the individual and the state. It is no coincidence that the national lexicon of the previous stages of the development of society, presented in the dictionary of V. I. Dal, does not contain the word "information".

A fundamentally new level of mankind's attitude to information appeared after the Second World War, when economic leadership began to be consciously identified with high-tech products, deep knowledge, the ability to quickly build up professional potential through skillful information processing. If earlier in the production and practical activities of people a decisive role was assigned to material and energy resources, which, as it seemed, completely determined the prospects for the development of mankind, now information and knowledge are increasingly becoming the third - in addition to matter and energy, the main resource of society. Accordingly to this tendency, the word “information” also penetrates into the national vocabulary, which is reinforced by its inclusion in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova.

Thus, a radical change in the attitude to information is associated with the fact that information has come to be understood as a strategic resource, standing on a par with natural, financial, labor and other resources for the development of society and the state.

Information resources are a product of the intellectual activity of society; available stocks of information recorded on any medium and suitable for its preservation and use.

The priority of information over other benefits and values, the acquisition of strategic status by information resources is also determined by the fact that in any field of activity, including economic, political, social, those who have full access to information and the appropriate means of obtaining it have advantages, processing, distribution and storage.

Information has become an effective means of managing individuals and society; it has also become a weapon, which is confirmed by the information wars waged in recent years. The completeness and reliability of information is increasingly associated with power: military, political, managerial, personal.

A generalized idea of ​​the reasons for the actualization of the role of information in social development is given by the well-known concept of the American scientist A. Toffler. He identified three main types of civilization that arose during the global socio-technological revolutions: agrarian and craft, industrial and information and computer. Each of the three civilizations is based on its own special technological system associated, respectively, with matter, energy and information.

All this dictates the need to treat information as the most important factor that determines many areas of development of society. The effect of this factor is especially enhanced by the growth of quantitative indicators of information flows in modern society.

Growing volumes of information

The high rates of scientific and technological progress, the expansion of the scale of the cognitive activity of people, the emergence of new sciences, the rapid change of not only production, but also social technologies, the dynamism of the life of modern society - all this was the basis for a significant increase in information resources. Their notable feature is that, unlike all other resources, they do not decrease over time, but, on the contrary, are characterized by growth and accumulation of volumes.

According to experts, now we have reached such a level of knowledge when the amount of information entering industry, management and the scientific world reaches alarming proportions. The total amount of human knowledge by 1800 doubled every 50 years, by 1950 - every 10 years, and by 1970 - every 5 years. The volume of scientific knowledge is especially growing. It has doubled in 2-3 years.

The avalanche growth of information volumes in the second half of the XX century. gave birth to a well-known phenomenon characterized by the metaphor "information explosion". The consequence of the information explosion was an information crisis - a contradiction between the rapidly growing volumes of information flows and human disabilities. So, for example, scientists, spending up to 50% of their working time on information activities, are able to familiarize themselves with no more than 10-12% of publications published in a year, even in the narrowest specialty. As a result, the efficiency of using information as the most important resource is significantly reduced. It became more and more difficult to navigate in the daily new stream of information. Sometimes it has become more profitable to create a new material or intellectual product than to search for an analogue made earlier.

The information crisis has put society in front of the need to find ways out of this situation. It became obvious that traditional technologies for collecting, processing, searching, storing and transmitting information are not capable of ensuring the full use of the enormous information potential accumulated by society. A radical solution to the problem of the information crisis became possible only with the creation of a fundamentally new technical and technological platform based on personal computers and telecommunications. The unprecedented development of information technology and technology formed the basis for the development of the global process of our time - the informatization of society.

Informatization of society, development of information technology and technology

Throughout the history of mankind, the process of a constant increase in the role and increase in the amount of information necessary to ensure the life of human society has invariably been accompanied by the process of development and improvement of information technology and technology. In the history of the development of civilization, there have been several cardinal transformations in the field of information processing, called information revolutions.

The first information revolution was the invention of writing, which opened up a new way of fixing and transferring knowledge from generation to generation, which radically changed society, culture and organization of human activities.

The second information revolution - the invention of printing (mid-15th century), led to a significant qualitative and quantitative growth of information sources, provided the formation of the "memory of mankind".

The third information revolution is the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone, radio appeared (late 19th century), allowing the accumulation and operational transmission of information at a distance.

The fourth information revolution - the invention of microprocessor technology and the appearance of the personal computer (70s of the XX century), opened a new era in the development of human society, realizing the principle of "information here and now", enhancing the intellectual capabilities of a person and society as a whole.

The introduction of a personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication have determined a new stage in the development of information technology. The consequence of this was the change in its name due to the addition of one of the synonyms: "new, promising, modern" technology. The adjective “new” emphasizes the innovative, revolutionary, rather than evolutionary nature of this technology.

One of the most striking illustrations of the rapid introduction of new information technologies into life is the Internet technology. According to the data of the domestic professional press, the Internet is characterized by unprecedented growth rates in the history of communication technologies: if in 1990 1.5 million users were connected to the INTERNET system, in 1996 - 60 million in 160 countries of the world, then in 2000 - their number was 1 billion. It is noted that the number of Internet users doubles every hundred days. By comparison, it took the United States 38 years to reach the level of 50 million radios; 13 years to reach the level of 59 million TVs and only four years to reach the level of 60 million Internet users.

The introduction of new information technologies is a manifestation and, at the same time, the basis of a complex socio-economic and scientific-technical process - the informatization of society.

Informatization is an organized socio-economic process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens and organizations to use the information resources of a civilization using new information technologies.

The concept of informatization is much more capacious than the related concepts of computerization, electronization, automation. In contrast to these concepts, the essence of which is mainly associated with the development of information technology and technology, technical base, informatization is aimed at improving the quality of work and life of a modern person by providing free online access to information, regardless of geographical factors. In the informatization of society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and timely knowledge in all types of human activity.

The informatization process occurs unevenly in different countries, characterized by different rates. They were the first to take this path in the late 50s - early 60s of the XX century. USA, Japan and Western Europe. In these states, since the 60s and 70s, a policy of widespread informatization of all spheres of human activity has been pursued. Informatization programs were developed and adopted at the state level with the aim of making the fullest use of the information resource to accelerate the economic, social and cultural development of society. It is assumed that the United States will complete the transition to the information society by 2020, Japan and the main countries of Western Europe by 2030-2040. In recent years, corresponding nationwide programs have been launched, supported by huge government subsidies.

At present, the volume of US expenditures on informatization (creation, production, installation, use of computers, information networks and systems of various levels, databases, etc.) has reached several hundred billion dollars a year and exceeds the volume of military expenditures.

In our country, the awareness of the ideas of informatization at the state level dates back to the end of the 80s. In the USSR in 1989, the Concept of Informatization of Society was developed. According to preliminary estimates, informatization in Russia will be completed by 2050, subject to the stabilization of the economic and political situation in the country.

Many departments are engaged in informatization in Russia, however, the informatization process is by its nature inter-sectoral. From this point of view, the development of an integral target program "Development of informatization in Russia for the period up to 2010" was intended to contribute to the achievement of significant successes in informatization.

An integral part and a necessary condition for the informatization of Russian society is the informatization of education.

Informatization of education is the process of preparing a person for a full life in the conditions of the modern information world community, for the productive use of information and knowledge based on the widespread use of computers and technology and telecommunications.

The process of informatization all over the world is considered to be a key condition for the successful development of society, the dominant trend in the development of civilization in the 21st century. Thanks to the rapid development of informatics, telecommunication systems and new information technologies, a new information environment for the habitation and life of tens and hundreds of millions of people is emerging on our planet, and an information society is being actively formed.

Formation of the information society.

Information society is a society, the level of which is to a decisive extent determined by the quantity and quality of accumulated and used information, its freedom and availability. It is customary to associate with this term the post-industrial state of human civilization. Compared to an industrial society, where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, intelligence and knowledge are produced and consumed in the information society, which leads to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person needs the ability to be creative, and the demand for knowledge increases. The share of physical labor is decreasing and the volume of routine mental labor is decreasing. As a result, the importance of the creative component in any kind of professional activity grows and the principle "to man - human, to machine - machine" is implemented. The driving force behind the development of society is the production of an informational rather than a material product. The material product becomes more information-intensive, which means an increase in the share of innovation, design and marketing in its value. A distinctive feature of the information society of the 21st century, according to experts, will be an orientation towards the use of knowledge and network technologies.

The most important indicator of the information society is that each of its members has equal rights and opportunities to freely produce and timely receive any information of interest to him, except in cases limited by law.

The information society has the following main features:

· The majority of those working in the information society are employed in the information sphere, i.e. the production of information and information services;

· Provided technical, technological and legal opportunities for access to any member of society practically anywhere in the territory and at an appropriate time to the information he needs (with the exception of military and state secrets, precisely stipulated in the relevant legislative acts);

· Information becomes the most important strategic resource of society and occupies a key place in the economy, education and culture.

The benefits of the information society:

· The problem of the information crisis has been resolved, i.e. resolved the contradiction between information avalanche and information hunger;

· The priority of information in comparison with other resources is ensured;

· The information economy is becoming the main form of development;

· Information technology acquires a global character, covering all spheres of human social activity;

· The informational unity of the entire human civilization is being formed;

· With the help of informatics, free access of every person to information resources of the entire civilization is realized;

· Implemented the humanistic principles of social management and environmental impact.

In addition to positive ones, there are also negative consequences, dangerous trends in the development of the information society:

· The problem of manipulating the consciousness of people as a result of increasing the influence of the mass media on society;

· The problem of selection of high-quality and reliable information, the threat of disinformation;

· The problem of adaptation of people to the environment of the information society Russia has its own characteristics of entering the information society.

Unlike countries with a developed information industry (USA, Japan, England, Germany, Western Europe), where investment and support of information innovation, computer networks and telecommunications has long been one of the directions of state policy, the process of informatization of society in Russia, due to special socio-economic reasons, constrained by the lack of material, technical, financial and legal support.

The most important problems in this area include the following:

· Lagging behind in the development of the country's infrastructure, primarily computer technology, communications and telecommunications, insufficient density of telephony and computerization in Russia;

· Lag in the development of national information legislation, expressed in the fact that a number of important laws on information legislation have not yet been adopted, and the adopted laws are often not implemented due to the low legal culture of members of society.

However, the solution of these problems is not possible without taking into account such a component as the information culture of the individual. So, even if the need of institutions and organizations in computer technology is fully realized, the uninterrupted operation of electronic communications is ensured, the most perfect laws on information and informatization are published, but at the same time a person is not prepared for life in an information society, then all adopted state informatization programs will remain only with good intentions. Consequently, a special place in preparing a person for life in the coming information society should be assigned to the formation of the information culture of the individual.




On the course "Social Communications"

Information culture

Executor: student of group 4-04

Osmolovskaya E.M.

Part I . The concept of the formation of the information culture of the individual

Part II . Experience in the formation of information culture of the user


Part I ... The concept of the formation of the information culture of the individual

The formation of information culture as an independent scientific direction and educational practice in Russia is associated with the awareness of the fundamental role of information in social development; an increase in the amount of information; informatization of society, development of information technology and technology; the formation of the information society.

Today, an increasing number of people are involved in information interaction not only as passive consumers of information, but also as producers of information resources and services.

On the scale of the entire earthly civilization, a global task arises - to prepare people in a timely manner for new conditions of life and professional activity in a highly automated information environment, teach them to act independently in this environment, effectively use its capabilities and protect themselves from negative influences.

Employees of the Research Institute of Information Technologies of the Social Sphere (SRI IT SS) of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts have been studying the problems of information culture of the individual for over twenty years. At the Research Institute of IT SS under the leadership of Professor of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture and Arts N.I. Gendina, the concept of the formation of an individual's information culture has been developed.

Concept(from lat. conceptio - understanding, system) - a system of views, a certain way of understanding, the interpretation of an object, process, phenomenon, the leading idea for their systematic coverage.

The proposed N.I. Gendina and N.I. Kolkova's concept of the formation of the information culture of an individual includes the definition of the concept of “information culture of the individual”, the substantiation of general methodological principles and conditions for organizing information education, and the presentation of the mechanism of interaction between libraries and educational institutions in the field of information training of citizens.

Personal information culture - one of the components of the general culture of a person; a set of information worldview and a system of knowledge and skills that provide purposeful independent activity to optimally meet individual information needs using both traditional and new information technologies. It is also the most important factor in successful professional and non-professional activities, as well as social security of the individual in the information society.

The concept of the formation of an individual's information culture, developed by Professor of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture and Arts N.I. Gendina, accumulated the results of research, which, starting from the 80s of the XX century, were carried out at the library faculty of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts and was supplemented by research and development carried out by the Scientific Research Institute of IT SS within the framework of the UNESCO International Information for All Program, in particular, in such sections as "Development of human potential, skills and abilities in the information age." The concept was based on the results of a complex of scientific research and development in the following main areas:

1. analysis of terminology in the field of formation of a person's readiness for independent work with information. During the study of terminology, a comparative analysis of the concepts of "literacy", "information literacy", "computer literacy", "information culture" and a number of related concepts was carried out, their evolution in domestic and international practice was considered. Based on the results of the study, the inadequacy of the term "information literacy" to the volume and content of the concept assigned to it was revealed; the working term "personal information culture" is proposed.

Of fundamental importance in this concept and the ambiguous phenomenon - "information culture". To organize the practical work of libraries and educational institutions in this direction, today it is urgently required to introduce terminological clarity and develop a definition that reflects the whole range of problems associated with the formation of information culture in modern society. In this regard, Professor N.I. Gendina proposes the following interpretation of the concept of “information culture of a person”. Information culture is the most important factor in successful professional and everyday activities, as well as social protection of the individual in the information society.

Information culture - one of the facets of the general culture of modern man. Information culture of a person is a set of information worldview and a system of knowledge and skills that provide purposeful independent activity for the optimal satisfaction of individual information needs using both traditional and new information and technologies. It is the most important factor in successful professional and non-professional activities, as well as social protection of the individual in the information society.

Understanding the essence of an individual's information culture presupposes, first of all, its awareness as one of the manifestations of the general culture of a person (culture from Latin culture - which means cultivation, upbringing, education, development, reverence). Any culture, including information culture, is a product of human activity. Man is a creator, creator of culture and at the same time its user. This twofold connection with human activity contains the originality of information culture. On the one hand, the acquisition of information culture requires significant efforts of the individual, and on the other hand, only information culture provides a modern person with access to the information resources accumulated by civilization. It is in this connection that a person's information culture is judged not because he thinks about himself or how he wants to appear, but by the real results of his independent informational activity. Information culture as one of the manifestations of "culture in general" encompasses the sphere of relations between a person, individual social groups, and society to information. Accordingly, it is customary to distinguish between the information culture of an individual, the information culture of a certain social group (teachers, doctors, youth, etc.), and the information culture of society as a whole. The onset of the information era, the transition to qualitatively new technologies for working with information, opening up broad prospects for satisfying information needs and requests, at the same time, significantly increases the requirements for the level of an individual's information culture, thereby actualizing the tasks of its formation. The solution of these tasks is aimed at mastering rational methods of independent information retrieval, both in the traditional (manual) and automated (electronic) way; mastering formalized methods of analytical and synthetic information processing; the use of traditional and information-computer technologies for the preparation and registration of the results of their independent cognitive activity. An important link that “holds together” all the components of information culture is the information worldview. Informational worldview - a system of generalized views on information, information resources, information systems, information technology, informatization, information society and a person's place in it, on the attitude of people to the surrounding information environment, as well as their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity due to these views.

An analysis of the theory and practice of the formation of the information culture of a person in libraries and educational institutions, a long-term study of the state of the information culture of various social groups (teachers, lawyers, doctors, students, schoolchildren and others) allows us to assert the following. The main reason for the low efficiency, ineffectiveness of the activities of libraries and educational institutions in the formation of the information culture of the individual was:

1. violation of the principle of a systematic approach in determining the content of work with information and the organization of information training;

2. lack of information and methodological support for this activity, lack of training of personnel;

3. the lack of a motivational component that contributes to the formation of the information worldview of a citizen of the information society.

The formation of the information culture of the individual and the organization of information education should be based, according to N.I. Gendina and N.I. Kolkova, on the following general methodological principles: consistency, integrativeness, manufacturability, continuity, as well as an activity approach, a culturological approach.

1. culturological approach principle is based on the awareness of the deep interaction of the categories "information" and "culture", on the idea that information culture is an integral part of the general culture of a person. From the standpoint of a culturological approach, information culture lays down the ideological attitudes of a person, forms his value orientations in relation to information as an element of culture, prevents dehumanization and the replacement of spiritual values ​​by achievements caused by scientific and technological progress and the unprecedented growth and development of new information technologies in the information society.

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