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Facebook username recommendations for creating. Changing your Facebook username

There was an incomprehensible story with the page name on the Facebook page. And it is associated with the username, that's how I just didn’t alter it, but I didn’t change anything. Even in those support I wrote!

For each new page you can create a new user of the page, and from this name there will be a mapping in address bar... Here's an example - using Facebook as the title of your page:

What looks better !? The answer is obvious ...

Once with one page it went off with a bang. But it’s impossible to create a second page! Facebook resists ...

Whether this page is needed or not is another question, but we are doing this for this site and therefore we will do the description here.

How to create @ facebook username !?

The decision is absolutely banal.

You need to have another Facebook account, or log in from any other account, for example a friend!

So, let's go, our city ...

Next, select "Page Roles", Go to the section, select the administrator in the drop-down menu, insert the mail of another account, and after that this account should be highlighted, it should be selected, and the add button should be activated on the right!

There will be a button to confirm and enter the password from the page.

Enter the name of the page, user and click save.

But passed from another account only once.

Apparently there really is some kind of bug in the Facebook, that only one @ username from one account is possible ...

User keywords, pages, facebook, create, change, can,
When the file was created - 13.2.2017
date last change file 04.10.2018
Views 9262 since February 13 (counter launched in 2017)

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Want to get customers from Facebook?

Just imagine: 94.1% are adults.

Are there any of your clients among them? Yes! Facebook is great for selling both b2b products / services and b2c.

But to attract customers, you definitely need to be present in this social network... This can be done using your company page.

In this guide, I will show you how to create and set up a Facebook business page for a company or for personal brand.

You will also learn how to get your first subscribers absolutely free.

More ...

Important: Facebook often makes changes to the design of pages. In this article, I give instructions on how to create a page in the new 2017 design.

So let's get started!

The first thing you need to do is click on the right top corner on the Facebook menu bar and select " create a page".

Step 1. Select a category (type) of business page

In the window that opens, you will see 6 categories of pages and many subcategories that Facebook offers to choose:

Your business may fit into several categories. Therefore, many spend a lot of time choosing the right one.

Below I will tell you how to make the right choice!

Is there a difference between the types of pages? Yes, I have. Some of them have additional functions that others do not have.

Take a look at the functionality table:

Let's take a closer look at each type of page so that it is clear to you which one is best for you.

1. Local company or place

Customers who visit your organization will be able to mark this on your page.

For example, if you have a bar, then the following information will be available on your page:

If you have a local business and you sell goods / provide services, for example, only in your city, then feel free to choose this category.

2. Company, organization or institution

3. Brand or product

Also this type of page is best to choose if you are promoting your blog / site.

This is one of the most commonly used categories. If you do not have a local business, then feel free to choose this type of page.

4. Artist, band or public figure

The topic of personal branding is very popular now. If you are a professional in your field, you are promoting your name (your brand) and you want to get customers through Facebook, then this category will suit you best.

It is also suitable for actors, bloggers, fitness trainers, etc.

5. Entertainment

If you are promoting books, cinemas, bookstores, TV shows, film, then this is a category fit better Total. For most people who are reading this article right now, this category definitely does not fit.

6. Common cause or community

This type of page will suit you if you are building a community of interest.

Which page category should you choose?

If you have a local business (shop, bar, restaurant), then choose the category local company or place.

If you sell products / services online, then choose a category brand / product since you are promoting your site.

If you are promoting yourself as a specialist, blogger, public figure, then choose the category

and performer, music group or public figure.

Important: you can change the category at any time. You won't lose anything other than testimonials if you previously had a Local Business or Location category.

Make your choice and move on to the next step ...

This name will be displayed on your page right below the avatar.

How do you come up with a title for your page? Use one of the 3 options below:

Option # 1 - name the page with your brand / company name

This is the most the best way, since after all you are creating a page to promote your company / your brand.

For instance:

  • SkyRocket Marketing
  • Alexey Khasbiulin
  • Coca-cola
  • Microsoft

Option # 2 - name the page with keywords

If you don't have a brand, or you are building an entertainment community, then this option is for you. By using keywords, you clearly let the users know what your page is about.

For instance:

  • Internet business promotion
  • Website development on WordPress
  • All about accounting
  • Interesting planet

You can look at which keywords are requested most often, and add them to the title.

Option number 3 - brand + keyword

It is best to use this option when the name of your brand is not clear what you are doing. By adding a keyword, visitors to the page will immediately understand the scope of your business.

For instance:

  • School of wrestling "Skirmish"
  • Marketing courses "Up"
  • Business coach (your name and surname)

The main thing is not to make your name very long and difficult to remember.

Your page title will also appear above all posts you post.

You can easily change the name of your page in the "information" tab. I will talk about this later in the article.

Write the name of your page and click the "start" button.

In 2017, the process of creating a business page on Facebook changed, so immediately after choosing a category and a name, you will be taken to a blank page.

It looks like this:

Let's start configuring it ...

In fact, "username" is nothing more than the web address (url) of your business page. What is it like Domain name your site, but only on Facebook.

For example, the address of my page is: skyrocketmarketing

What are the requirements for usernames:

  • The name must be free
  • Can only be used letters, numbers and dots
  • Maximum name length - 50 characters

Which name is better to choose?

If you have a brand, then make it the username of the business page (like mine).

If you've named your page using keywords, then don't use all of those words in the name.

The shorter the username for the page, the better!

To create a username click on the link"create @username for the Page"

In the window that appears, enter a name. If the name is correct and unoccupied, you will see a green checkmark on the right. Now press the button "create Username".

In the tab that opens, you will see items that you can fill out.

(click on the picture to enlarge)

But not all of them are important.

Let's go through each item separately.


It is at this point that you can change the category, name (title) and username of your page. If you made a mistake while creating it, then now is the time to make changes.

Information about the company

Here you can indicate the date of foundation of your company (or indicate from what year you have been engaged in this type of activity) and its mission. If you have this data, then I advise you to fill it out.

Contact Information

If your customers place orders by phone or e-mail, be sure to indicate them.

The last item in this category " Edit other accounts". Here you can add your accounts from other social networks.

If you have them, be sure to add.

More info

In the "information" paragraph, briefly write (255 characters limit) what your page is about. This information will also be displayed on the home screen of the page.

If you do not live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, then feel free to skip the "impressum" item.

At the very end of this paragraph, depending on the category of your page, there will be an active link. In my case, this is "Website". If you have a community, it will say “community”. You don't need to do anything with this item.


This important point as this is where you can describe how you can help potential client and tell us more about your company / experience.

Your task is to "hook" the visitor so that he subscribes to your page or goes to the site.

After filling in all the points, the "information" page will be displayed for visitors as follows:

Additional options

If you have selected the categories "local company or location" or "company, organization or institution", then by clicking on the "edit" link in the "information" tab, you can add additional data:

  • Opening hours
  • Physical adress
  • Map
  • Price range ($ to $$$$)

If these fields are filled in, the map and opening hours will be displayed in the "information" tab and on the business page itself.

A photo is a picture that appears on the left side of your page.

If you are promoting a company, then add your logo. If you're promoting a personal brand, add a photo of the person.

The size of the uploaded photo must be at least 170 x 170 pixels. On a smartphone, the photo is reduced to 128 by 128 pixels.

One of the most frequent problems that you may encounter - the quality of the photo. When it loads, Facebook compresses it. To maximize your photo good quality, download it in png format.

To add a photo, click on the left side of the page on "add photo".

After uploading the photo, your avatar will be updated, and the photo itself will also appear in your feed.

In addition to the business page, the avatar will be displayed next to advertisements that you can post via targeted Facebook ads, as well as next to all published posts.

What about the cover for the page?

When a person visits your page, the cover is the first thing they see. You have literally 3-5 seconds for the person to understand what the page is about (or what you suggest to him).

The right cover should show either the place you're promoting (like a gym), the person (personal brand), or the purpose for which the page was created.

Check out some examples:

Each of these covers has a specific purpose.

The first conveys the mood (Coca-cola), the second gives an understanding of what the content will be (Digitalmarketer), the third filters the audience (only for advanced) and promotes a personal brand (Jon Loomer).

What's the best way to display on a cover?

  1. Show photos of your company (if local business)
  2. Make it clear to the visitor what content you will post
  3. Announce your events / products

For the above purposes, be sure to use text. Previously, FB limited the amount of text on the cover to 20%. Now there is no such restriction, but this does not mean that you have to completely "stuff" everything with text.

The picture and information on it should look organic.

What size is a Facebook cover?

In January 2017, the cover size was updated and is now 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels high.

On a smartphone, the cover is displayed at a size of 560 by 312 pixels. Anything beyond the 560px width will be cropped.

To prevent the quality of your cover from deteriorating when uploading to FB, upload it in png format.

So how do you add a cover?

To upload a cover, click on the "add cover" button.

In the window that appears, select the cover and download it. The default cover will also appear in the feed of your page.

Here's what happened in the end:

If you want to receive additional traffic to your site with the cover and photo, then click on them and add a description and link to your site.

How to create a cover for a business page?

Even if you are not a designer, then you can use the services canva or pagemodo.

In these free online editors you can choose ready-made template and change it the way you want: change the picture, add icons, overlay text and much more.

  1. Book Service
  • Book now
  • Contact us
    • Call
    • Contact us
    • send a message
    • registration
    • Send Email letter
  • To learn more
    • Watch the video
    • More details
  • Make a purchase or donation
    • To the store
    • Get an offer
  • Download app or game
    • Use the app
    • Play

    Depending on your promotion strategy (as well as on your cover), you can choose the option that suits you.

    To add a button click on "add button".

    In the window that appears, select the call to action you need and specify (depending on the selected button): phone number for communication, email address or a link to your site.

    Be sure to check the correctness of your button. To do this, just hover over it with the mouse and select the "test button" option. Here you can also edit, delete and view click statistics.

    To go to the page settings, click on the "settings" tab on the top right.

    A window with 12 sections will open in front of you:

    • general
    • message exchange
    • edit page
    • authorship of the publication
    • notifications
    • page roles
    • people and other pages
    • preferred page audience
    • Instagram ads
    • Shown
    • Crossposting
    • Inbox from support

    How to set up a business page correctly?

    Let's take a closer look at the most basic settings that you may need.

    1. General

    (click on the picture to enlarge)

    Page status

    By default, all created pages are available to visitors. Until you customize your business page, I advise you to check the "unpublish this page" checkbox.

    Visitor posts

    You can either deny or allow strangers publish posts on your page. I recommend allowing posts, but be sure to check the checkbox "check posts before they appear on this page."


    You can enable or disable the publication of reviews. If you allow their publication, then on the main screen of your page a rating will appear and the opportunity to see the reviews themselves:

    You cannot remove people's reviews from your page.

    But, if suddenly a review was posted by a person who is not your client, you can send a "complaint" about this review. Facebook will review it and be able to remove the false review.


    The page will also display how quickly you reply to messages.

    To all the people who write you a message, you can send a newsletter, which will come to them directly in their PM. I don't think it's worth saying that the% of openings for such messages compared to email campaigns is simply staggering (~ 70-80%).

    If you want me to tell you how to set this up, please share the article and write a comment. As there are 200 "shared" I will prepare an article.

    If you have checked this box, then when a person subscribes to another page of a similar category, Facebook will offer him to subscribe to similar pages, among which may be yours.

    2. Messaging

    If you have enabled the ability for visitors to send you messages, then on this tab you can create 3 types of automatic replies:

    1. Send a message when you are away from your computer or phone.
    2. Send a message when a person writes to you.
    3. Show a greeting when a person opens a chat (messenger).

    You can change and personalize all these messages by automatically substituting the person's data: first and last name.

    3. Edit page

    On the left side of your page, there is a menu that you can control: add and remove items.

    You can manage these items yourself or choose one of the templates that Facebook offers: company, purchases, platforms, policies, services, restaurants and cafes, standard.

    Templates differ only in the menu items that are displayed. I recommend that you set them up yourself.

    To do this without touching the top switch, click on "Add a Tab" at the bottom.

    A window will appear in front of you where you can select additional tabs:

    • Score
    • Services
    • Notes
    • Events
    • Offers

    Let's consider each additional. item details:


    With this tab you will be able to post your products on the business page. When adding products, they will be displayed in this tab, as well as in a separate block on your page.

    When you click on a product, a card appears that includes a photo, title, price, description, a "send message" button and a link to the site.


    When creating a service, it, like a product, will appear on your page in a separate block.

    When you click on a service, a window with its detailed description will appear.

    An important difference from "goods" is that in "services" you cannot use active link to your website. Even if you add it to the description, it will be displayed as plain text.


    With notes, you can create beautifully designed articles.

    You can use them to create, for example, a selection of posts that came out on your page.


    If you have seminars, webinars, sales, etc., then you can create a list of events and use them to get sales.

    When creating an event, you need to design it: come up with a name and description, specify dates, price and add a picture.

    This is how the event is displayed on the Events tab on the page:


    If you run promotions, sales or have special offer for your audience, be sure to use this functionality.

    You do not need to use all the items on the left menu at once, especially if you are just creating a business page from scratch. I recommend that you first completely create a business page and only then return to setting up the tabs.

    4. Authorship of publications

    When you post publications, their author (logo and title / name) is always displayed above them. And here you can choose from whom you will publish messages: from yourself (personal account) or from the page.

    Since you are promoting a business or personal brand, select "Publish on behalf of this page."

    5. Notifications

    When changes occur on your page, for example, someone subscribes or comments on publications, you can receive notifications through messages on Facebook, by email or sms.

    On this tab, you can choose which notifications you want to receive, or you can turn them off altogether.

    6. Roles on the page

    When you create a page, you are assigned the role of its administrator. The administrator has full control above the page.

    If, besides you, other people will manage the page, for example, post content, then you can assign them certain roles:

    • Administrator
    • Editor
    • Moderator
    • Advertiser
    • Analyst
    • Live page spokesperson

    Each role confers specific powers. For example, an editor can post and reply to comments, and an advertiser can only post ads, but cannot post.

    Check out the full list of permissions for each role:

    (click on the picture to enlarge)

    In no case, never give the role of an administrator to anyone. In this case new administrator will gain full control over the page: it will be able to deprive you of the administrator role, as well as delete the page itself.

    7. Preferred page audience

    At this point, you can tell Facebook who your page is for and who your target audience is.

    You can ask:

    • age
    • interests
    • geography
    • languages

    I advise you to fill in this field.

    8. Advertising on Instagram

    Everything is very simple here. You can link your Instagram account to your Facebook business page. To do this, you need to enter your login and Instagram password account.

    If you don't have an account, you can create one right here.

    9. Shown

    Here you can add pages to be displayed on your business page in a special block on the right.

    How to add a page to "liked"?

    1. Go to the page you want to add

    2. Under the cover of this page on the panel, click on the ellipsis "..." and select " Put like a page"

    3. In the window that appears, select the page from which you want to "like"

    4. Go to the "Featured" section of your page settings and select the page you just liked there. As a result, she will be included in the "liked" block.

    How do I add a page owner?

    In this case, your personal information will be indicated in the "information" section on the business page, and in your personal profile a link to it will appear.


    Your business page has been created, but so far there is no point in promoting it, because even if someone visits it, they will not subscribe to an empty and incomprehensible page.

    First, you need to add some content that your audience will love.

    To post content, on the home page, click on "Share a photo or video":

    If you already have a content plan and the content itself, great. But what if you have neither content nor ideas for writing it?

    In this case, you can follow this algorithm:

    1. Find competitors' pages
    2. Through the service [there is a free period], see what content is most popular on the page of your competitors
    3. Prepare similar content

    1. Like your page

    When you do this, your friends will see in the news feed that you liked the page and some of them, if they are interested, will be able to subscribe to it.

    If you are actively leading personal account then you can get a lot of subscribers.

    2. Invite all your friends to subscribe to this page

    To do this, go to home page and on the left click on the item " Like friends".

    Once again I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if your page is not published, then you will not have this item.

    After clicking you will see a list of friends with "invite" buttons. Now just click on these buttons and your friends will receive a personal invitation from you.

    Congratulations! Now you have not only a business page, but also your first subscribers!


    To create a business page for a company or for a personal brand on Facebook, you need to take 9 simple steps:

    • Step 1. Select the type of business page
    • Step # 2. Write the title of your business page
    • Step # 3. Create a username for the page
    • Step # 4. Add information about your page
    • Step # 5. Add photo and page cover
    • Step # 6. Add a call to action button to your page
    • Step # 7. Customize your page
    • Step # 8. Add content to the page
    • Step # 9. Like the page and invite your friends to subscribe

    With its help, you can build relationships with your subscribers, customize ads and get new customers.

    If you did not create a page while reading the article, then I recommend that you do it right now. It will take literally 15-30 minutes. If you don't have a cover photo, then at least make a rough draft!

    It's your turn ...

    Have you created a page to promote your company or personal brand? What difficulties did you face? Did you succeed?

    Write your answers in the comments below the article!

    P.S. I read every comment and answer all questions.

    Facebook's interface design changes with enviable regularity. The same applies to all procedures / actions in the social. networks, including the procedure for creating new public pages. Therefore, at the moment when the reader gets acquainted with the content of this article, some points ( appearance certain elements of social. networks, necessary actions and their sequence) may change.

    It is not important, because within the framework of the current note we will not so much show which buttons to press, as we will give answers to slightly more fundamental questions: how to create a page on FB correctly, how to come up with a name, how to choose a category, etc. So, from words to deeds ...

    On any Facebook page - click on the rightmost icon of the navigation bar (the arrow on the blue strip at the very top of the site), in the drop-down menu, the first item is to find "Create a new page".

    First screen (1 of 2) creation public page on FB with the same title. In the text in gray we are reminded: "it's free" :). Below, in the center of the screen, there are 6 squares, they are also categories, you need to select one of them. Which one? Now let's tell ...

    UPD. 04.07.2018

    Not so long ago, we noticed that the procedure for creating a business account in FB has changed somewhat. Now the choice of the category looks a little different:

    If you have a company (firm), brand, product / product, online store, or you sell something without your website, choose the 1st category. In all other cases - "Community or public figure". In the second step, you will be asked to choose the name of your Page and the most appropriate category.

    We will tell you how to come up with a name for the community. In the Category field, just write 1-2 keywords that characterize your future community - “ smart search»Will prompt you for a category. We entered only 1 letter and found required section.

    P.S. The information in the next subsection is slightly outdated due to the update of the Page creation interface in FB. Nevertheless, if you cannot decide on the choice of a category, it will be useful to you ...

    Which category should you choose for your Facebook page?

    1. Local organization or location

    If your business has a physical address and if your business is regional in nature, that is, on Globe localized in one specific place - this category is for you. For example, you are the owner of a stall with Shawarma in the beautiful city of Zhashkov, and you want to create a business community for the company to promote your business / enterprise on Facebook.

    However, this category is suitable not only for business owners, but equally for any other, both commercial and non-commercial. regional organization(school, hospital, cinema) or a specific location (stadium, train station, local landmark). Here, if, for example, you provide any services at home (haircuts, manicure), etc. etc.

    Select the most appropriate subcategory from the drop-down list. We fill in other fields: name, address, phone number.

    2. Company, organization or institution

    Everything is the same as in previous paragraph but for companies or organizations NOT regional. For example, if your business has branches in several cities, or several representative offices in one city, or is represented in several countries. Including, if a company or organization is physically located in one place (office of an enterprise), but operates (provides services or sells goods) throughout the country.

    In any of these cases: select a subcategory, specify the name, click "Start".

    3. Brand or product

    Perhaps the most popular category on Facebook and, with a high degree of probability, this particular section will be suitable for your business page, because almost anything can be categorized as “Brand or Product” in one way or another. P.S. Again, if you have a regional / local business, it may be more appropriate to choose the first rubric.

    “Brand or product” is a universal category. Particularly great for any online business. The creation of a fan community of our site (site) on Facebook fits very well into this category, select the subcategory "Website", enter the name, click "Start".

    4. Performer, musical group, public figure

    A category for all those who want to create a business account on Facebook, tied not to a company, organization, product, website, etc., but to a specific person or group of people. Ideal for promoting your personal brand.

    Politician, showman, singer (band), fitness trainer, writer, scientist, blogger, etc. etc. - any public person, including if you post your photos in a bikini on Instagram, you have fans and you want to create a community around your person on Facebook.

    And of course, for photographers, organizers of celebrations (toastmaster), and all those who do business as an individual, on their own behalf.

    5. Entertainment

    If the topic of your future public page on the FB, one way or another, can be attributed to the section "Entertainment", as an option, you can consider this category. Implies (needless to say) that the page is non-commercial in nature. It can be anything or anyone, both on the Internet and offline ( real life): site about cinema, computer games, a radio station page, TV shows, festivals, a non-professional sports team's Facebook community, a fan group of some fictional character movies or books, etc.

    6. Common cause or community

    The only category that has no subsections. Designed for anything that doesn't fit in any of the 5 categories listed above. The topic of the page in this section can be anything (apart from the obviously prohibited topics).

    For example, it is suitable for creating an unofficial fan-community of something "official". That is, if you create a page dedicated to your favorite football team, or music group, or a specific person, with a hint of the "officiality" of your page, sooner or later Facebook will block it. But in this category you can easily create, for example, a fan community "Connoisseurs of Ukupnik's creativity", or an unofficial page "I can not live without DOM 2" dedicated to this TV project.

    What is the name of the page?

    The correct title of the page is important not only because it is the first thing that captures the essence of your community, and not only because: "As you name the ship, so it will float", but will have great importance when promoting a Facebook page in search engine results.

    When coming up with a title for a new page, strive to keep it as short as possible, ideally up to 3 words. And in order to completely save you from having to puzzle over naming issues, follow 3 universal rules:

    1. Ideally, if you are building a Facebook business community for a company, their names should match exactly. For the company "GlobalInvestPromStroyTechBud" the best name the public page on Facebook will be "GlobalInvestPromStroyTechBud". For the community page of, the best name would be This name will be displayed both on the Facebook community page and in the news feed. Every time subscribers in FB will see the domain name of your site, in the end they will remember it well.

      P.S. As, for example, in our case. With an intricate, hardly simple and easily remembered website domain, we just couldn't name our Facebook page any other way. P.P.S. However, we are not sure that even after that our readers will remember the name of our site 😉

    2. If the brand / company is not particularly well-known, or there is no point in promoting the brand itself, the name should be made up of a set of keywords. So, for regional company that deals with m / n windows, your business account on the social network can be called "Plastic windows in Mariupol".
    3. In addition to using keywords, you can come up with just a laconic name that will perfectly reflect the essence of your page. In particular, it is suitable for a fan page, united by some theme, for example: "Sport is life", "Losing weight lightly", well, or "Pokakusiki godasika-tugoseri".

    Uploading an avatar and page cover

    1. Step one. Uploading a profile picture (avatar);
    2. Step two is to upload a business community cover image (background image).

    If you have not yet had time to prepare the images, just click "Skip", you can do this anytime later. If you already have pictures (avatar and cover) - click on "Upload photo", in the file selection dialog box for uploading, mark the necessary images.

    After uploading the last picture, the user is redirected to the newly created Facebook page. Social the network immediately starts giving advice on further work with its community, the first of which: creating a publication.

    However, it is still too early to do this, because, despite the fact that the page is already displayed, it has not yet been formally created.

    Short description and url

    There are only 2 manipulations left to do, again, for a minute or two of your time. Let's use the hint in the central part of the screen immediately below the area with the background image.

    Short description. Your task is to present your business page, succinctly tell “what is it about?”, Limiting yourself, at the same time, to 155 characters. It's good if you manage to come up with something not as talentless as we prescribed for our page.

    A short description will be displayed on the Info tab. This line of text can hardly be called significant in the case of the community, which is rather entertaining or informational (as in our case). But this should not be neglected in any way official organizations or business.

    The second and final item in the list of tasks within the framework of the current article is the creation of a "Username" for the page, or its url-address. In the case of a Facebook page of a website, including an online store, it makes sense to specify the domain as the "Username" (together with the domain zone, FB allows you to use a dot). Not a very nice, but acceptable option (for example, for a regional enterprise) is to use transliterated keywords. One way or another, you should strive to keep the "Username" as short as possible. This is especially important if you plan to post a link to your Facebook business account on printed materials (business cards, etc.).

    After creating a "name", you will receive a notification containing a short url of the following form: It is for him that your page will be available, and it is he who will be displayed in the address bar of the browser of visitors to your page.

    On Facebook, as with almost any social network, the name you gave yourself when registering can be changed at any time. There is nothing difficult in this, however, the Facebook administration does not recommend users to change their name too often, as this can lead to problems with the administration.

    Features of changing Facebook username

    The administration fully admits changing the username of a social network, but at the same time gives certain reservations. For example, it is not recommended to change your username more than once every 6 months. Too frequent name changes (albeit with minor edits) may raise suspicion from the administration of the social network, which can lead to the blocking of the page. In this case, to unlock, you will have to contact technical support Facebook.

    When choosing a name, try not to change it to the names of any celebrities, fantastic heroes, names of geographical objects, etc. - this may result in sanctions from Facebook. Additionally, it should be borne in mind that the administration of the social network secretly allows you to change the name only 4-6 times for one user. Otherwise, the user will have to explain to the technical support of the service.

    Change of name in the standard way

    The advantage of social Facebook networks when changing the username, it is possible not to coordinate your decision with the technical support of the service. However, the new name must be verified by the system in automatic order to comply with certain standards.

    If Facebook algorithm considers your new name to be incorrect for any reason, then you will have to write to technical support for a person to take over the consideration. However, in this case, get ready to confirm the authenticity of your name by providing any document (its scan) confirming your identity.

    Change your Facebook username from your phone

    Mobile functionality Facebook versions also allows users to change their name. The conditions here are the same as in the case of the PC version, but the instructions are slightly different:

    As you can see, the process of changing your Facebook username is not complicated, so any user can handle it. So that in the future you will not have problems with the administration of the social network, use the recommendations that were given in the framework of this article.

    Read about Facebook real name policy, and what happens if you use a fake Facebook account name... Computers have become an integral part of our lives. They serve us for work, making it easier to manage complex processes and mechanisms, study, entertainment, etc. One of important elements the use of computers is the Internet, the appearance of which caused a new qualitative leap in development computer devices... Providing instant access to huge base knowledge, the Internet has significantly expanded the range of use of computers.


    Internet and social media

    Thanks to the Internet, they began to develop different kinds devices: personal stationary computers, laptops, tablets, netbooks, mobile devices etc. They all have Internet access and provide the user with access to various information Anytime. The possibilities of the Internet are truly unlimited. Thanks to him, the user can: work remotely on joint projects and programs, gain access to a gigantic knowledge base (books, magazines, articles, encyclopedias, scientific research etc.), receive expert advice in different areas, get news, watch movies and listen to music, visit exhibitions and concerts, receive and send email, communicate with friends via social networks, etc.

    The last point is especially worth noting, namely communication on a social network, which in Lately acquired mass character... A lot of people get to know each other, communicate, become friends, discuss common topics and share their opinions on a social network, find like-minded people in hobbies and views. However, in addition to bona fide users, on the Internet, and on social networks in particular, there are scammers who, using malicious software try to steal personal data of users for malicious purposes. To do this, create fraudulent (fake) pages with deliberately false data of a fraudster distributing malware... Or, pages are created that provoke users to conflict or illegal actions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question of the veracity of the provided personal data of the user when registering on social networks is of great importance.

    Social networking has always prioritized the real name policy in which you agree that your profile name is your real name in Everyday life... Obviously, you can enter a fake name and register with it. But this option is prohibited by network security policy, and you may have problems if your deception is detected.

    Real name policy in

    The policy of the social network is based on the requirement for the mandatory provision of truthful information when registering a new account user. The developers created this site as a place where real people will interact with each other without hiding under anonymous usernames or empty avatars. Therefore, despite numerous problems, they have never had the same level of abuse and "Trolling" like u Twitter and "Reddit"... People talk and argue about anything, share photos and hobbies, and are at least confident that they are communicating with real people.

    Real name policy is main part successful and profitable advertising business, while Twitter and "Reddit" lose in this. Advertisers want to be able to target real people based on the factual data about them, and not to show ads to anonymous users without receiving any benefit.

    The social network has a clear user identification algorithm that distinguishes between what your real name is. It should be "The name that your friends call you in everyday life" and it should "Also appear on an official ID"... It even has a list of valid ID types, which includes things like passport and driver's license. Basically, if you indicate a name that is not written in the registration documents, then it will probably not allow you to register on your social network.

    There are a few other rules that your name must follow when registering for a new account. It cannot include the following:

    • Symbols, numbers, strange symbiosis capital letters etc.;
    • Combination of symbols and letters different languages;
    • Names in the form: Doctor, Soldier, Father, etc .;
    • Words that are not part of your name;
    • Offensive, obscene or abusive words.

    You are allowed diminutive names if they are a variation of your real name. For example, if your registration documents include the name "Dmitriy", then you can optionally use the abbreviated name "Dima".

    Can you use a fake name on?

    Based on the above, it becomes very clear that the social network really does not like people using fake names, to the point that if it suspects you of using such a name, they will block your account. And they will require you to send them your own official identity identifier, confirming that you are indeed the person under whose name you registered on the social network, and this is your real name given to you at birth.

    However, it has more than two billion active users social network per month. This is too many people to be able to fully check them right away. Therefore, it can be safely assumed that since they love algorithms, they are probably using some automated tools to flag suspicious accounts that they believe are using fake names. For example, if you change your name to something completely different, or add common words, then this, with a high degree of probability, will be sent for consideration. However, if you are using a believable first and last name, and are not using prohibited characters and phrases, then there is a good chance that you can avoid additional verification... Of course, the registration verification system is not perfect, and there are quite a few people who have used believable fake names over the years without any problems.

    On the other hand, we strongly discourage you from using a fake name when registering on a social network. This not only violates the terms of use, but also makes the social network less useful and more annoying for all users, including yourself. The point of using the network disappears, as you most likely will not accept the friend request from a stranger for fear of getting caught by a scammer. And your friends or acquaintances, coworkers or former classmates will probably ignore your request if you are acting under a fake name. And also no one can find you on the network according to your profile, in case they decide to add you as a friend.

    But if the reason you want to use a nickname is because it's a stage or professional name, then you have available options solutions. They recommend that you create a home page using your real login details. And then you can invite all your friends from her to additional page and communicate and search for contacts on behalf of your nickname.

    As you can see, the use of a fake name on the social network is prohibited, but full protection from this on this moment does not exist. The company is working on various algorithms and network conditions to reduce the potential for fraudulent accounts. Of course, you can try to bypass the bans and register under a fake name, but the likelihood of blocking such an account will increase every day. And if you register on a social network to communicate and find friends, then your choice is obvious.

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