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Illustrated tutorial on Adobe Illustrator CS.

Such universal graphic formats are for the reason that they are readable by any image viewer. You can save a photo to a file with the selected format in any graphic editor, and it is easy to print pictures: it is done directly from a camera or other electronic media.

The most famous and common photo format is JPEG or jpg, which provides high quality images with smooth transition colors, while having small size... Majority graphic objects on sites, their own pictures, posted on various social networks, are ideal for storing photos and viewing them in jpg format.

The disadvantages of the format are the following points: every time you open a file with your favorite photo and then save it, the image is compressed, as a result of which the quality deteriorates. V graphics programs ah, after re-saving the photo, the ability to return last changes missing, i.e. further editing becomes problematic, as well as working with layers.

The TIFF format is devoid of the shortcomings of jpg, has excellent quality and images, and photo prints. Most effective for storing deep color photos and scanning. But it weighs so much that it is not used for posting on the Internet.

Very often, for animation pictures and postcards on the Internet, they use a standard graphic GIF format which has the smallest file size but limited quantity colors. For storage high-quality photo this format is not used, although it is not subject to loss of information each time it is opened and saved.

The PNG format is the most popular after jpg on the Internet due to the simultaneous advantages of the jpg and gif formats. In addition, it has one more advantage - it supports the transparency of the picture.

Special formats for saving photos

Owners of mirrors digital cameras I am concerned about saving the photo in RAW format, which allows you to edit and correct the resulting image in the future beyond recognition. Yes and raw quality much better jpg, but at the same time the size is many times larger, as well as the time spent on photo processing, which requires certain skills and patience.

Illustrators and artists who create their stunning paintings using special graphics programs such as Photoshop spend a significant amount of time on unique works. To continue working on computer graphics, they have to save the photo in the format of the program in which they paint. In, for example, this is the PSD format. Special graphic formats allow you to save used settings, layers and masks, modes and other subtleties when creating and processing images.

Only after the final processing of the photo can the image be saved in jpg format for publication on the Internet.

Which format to choose for a photo is determined in a practical way, saving one and that image in different formats to compare the quality of the picture and the size of the resulting file. From the results obtained, choose the best option for a specific case.

Even if you never do video creation on a PC, but are just a fan of watching movies and so on on your computer, then you still have to face the problem one day, in what format to save the video?

Video formats

There are many video formats out there today and it can be easy to get confused about them. What codec and in what player to play? Let's try to figure it out.

Manufacturers are in an endless struggle for leadership in the field digital technologies, and the end consumer at this time is confused in a variety of formats.

  • Flash Video (FLV) is intended for playing streaming video, in other words, the video can be watched directly in the browser, and it can also be saved on a PC, and then played in one of the players that support this format.
  • Another popular format is MPEG-4 Part 14 (MP4). It is meant for packaging digital video and audio stream, accompanying subtitles, as well as posters, metadata, etc. Like many modern media containers, they provide the ability to stream from the Internet. Additionally, metadata containing information required for broadcasting is transmitted to the file. Using a container, you can pack multiple video and audio streams. The format is easy to play on a variety of players. The main difference from FLV is its higher quality.
  • AVI (Audio Video Interleave). The format allows, without converting to other formats, to view the video not only on a computer, but also on a regular video player.
  • MKV format is a special audio-video container, which is similar to AVI, it allows you to store a lot of information. MKV is open project"Matryoshka" (Matroska), which is created to combine most of the standards of multimedia containers on the PC. Peculiarity - open source, which allows absolutely any programmer to improve it. The prevalence of the MKV format is easily explained by the prevalence of additional parameters and functions versus AVI. "Matryoshka" (Matroska) contains a video track (MKV), as well sound track(MKA) plus subtitle track (MKS) and tons of service information, which allows you to create menus (like on DVD), control timing, etc.

In general, there are many video formats, but still - in what format should the video be saved? The most common is MKV format, that is, it is in it that you should save the video on your PC.

Probably, it would be worth putting this chapter at the beginning of the book, but the authors think that readers have found the command File ›Save(File ›Save) or remembered the key combination known from many other programs CTRL + S... This is enough for teaching Illustrator techniques.

However, sometimes you should reverse Special attention on the operation of saving the file - especially if you are going to transfer it to other people for revision or insertion into the layout program. In these cases, you should think about which format to choose.

Adobe Illustrator - format "for yourself"

By default, an Illustrator document is saved in its native format, which is called this: Adobe illustrator(file extension - AI) and is a variant of the PostScript language. As long as you are the only person working with this document, this format is optimal - it retains all the effects and the most complex types of objects that are in the file. There are very few save settings (Figure 12.1).

The main setting is here - Create PDF Compatible File(Create PDF Compatible File). If it is enabled, the document can be opened in one of the programs that "understand" the PDF format: Adobe acrobat, CorelDRAW (via import) and… Adobe Illustrator. Namely Illustrator early versions... The program will warn you that problems may arise when opening the file, but, most likely, it will open and understand everything correctly. Anyway, Illustrator 10 almost always reads Illustrator CS documents correctly. But if you are going to use only the CS-version of the package and only on your computer, then you can choose any save settings - everything will be fine.

Rice. 12.1... Settings for saving file in Adobe Illustrator format

Be careful if you are preparing a document with which other people will work further. For example, drawing an illustration that will go into a book or advertising brochure... The authors are aware of only two layout packages that always correctly interpret the Adobe Illustrator format - Adobe PageMaker (version 6.5 or higher) and Adobe InDesign (preferably CS). In all other cases, you will have to use another PostScript "dialect" - EPS ( Encapsulated PostScript).

It's no secret that we all try to store most documents and important text data in in electronic format... Benefit turnover electronic documents growing in the country, for which a special gratitude to the leadership of our country, which, having introduced electronic document management on the websites of government agencies, forced everyone else to "catch up" in the issue of electronic document management. Perhaps this is the rare case when the state set a trend in the right direction and really showed good example both for business and Runet as a whole. So in what format is it better to store text documents?

The most popular format for bulky documents is PDF. There are many articles on the Internet about how to create a PDF file, so separately on given questions we will not stop. Just note that the PDF file is quite massive in size, which will complicate it " cloud use"through mobile devices, as Mobile Internet although it is faster day by day - it is still far from the level of cable connections.

More compact format for text documents is the DJVU format. Often, most text PDF files ten or more times shrink when they are transferred to DJVU. At the same time, the data compression efficiency is the same for both color and black and white data. The only drawback is when it is necessary to remove the text from DJVU file- simple selection and copying is not available - you will have to extract the text by additional manipulations, which is described in separate articles on the Internet.

The TIFF format was popular in the early days of scanners. Today it can be considered obsolete, since clear advantages before other formats it does not.

MS files Word doc(DOCX) or RTF are interesting for their versatility - they are readable by almost any device, and their content as a document is understandable for most of us. Big size files can be eliminated by archiving them RAR archivers or ZIP. The compression ratio will of course be lower than that of DJVU format, but you retain all the advantages of a document over a conventional photographic image.


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I welcome you again to the vastness of my blog, dear readers and visitors. Today we will learn how to save a picture in Photoshop for different situations... We will learn how to save images on a transparent background, without loss of quality, animations and much more. Many will probably already think: “What the hell? When we start doing normal photoshop, and not all sorts of trifles. " I will answer you. Do not rush ahead of the locomotive. First, study the theory and the basics, and only then the most interesting will be. Go in order and everything will be cool. Moreover, there are nuances here, starting with the format of the picture and ending with the size.

To save your document, or more precisely pictures, you need to go to Top Menu and click where? That's right, you need to click on "File". And in the menu that opens, select "Save As". There are several basic formats that we recommend saving. We examined them in more detail. In short, I will tell you in what formats for what purposes it is better to save images.

And by the way, when you save the picture to JPG format, then you will be prompted to select the quality. I usually put 8 for ordinary photos... In principle, the quality above is indistinguishable especially. The variety of the format does not play a special role, because at least you won't notice anything for sure. You can put the base optimized one, then the final image will take up a little less space.

If the image provides for working with a more accurate drawing, where some important little things are shown, then put on full 12, since it depends on how the quality will change when the picture is enlarged. If this is an ordinary picture, where accuracy and quality do not play a special role, then you should not bet more than 8.

What are the best formats for saving a picture

Let's take a quick look at the most popular image formats that are used for different purposes.

  • If your project is not finished yet, then save in the format Psd... All your progress will be saved, transparency, all layers and so on. And by the way, if the project is not just some one-day event, but something more ambitious, then it is better to always keep a copy in PSD. I always keep picture templates that I insert into the announcement for the article, since the topic is the same. The picture inside and the title just change.
  • If you finished your project and want to save your final result (for example, you processed a photo or made a collage), then save it in JPG (JPEG)... The most optimal for a photo. In the overwhelming majority of cases, we will save it in it.
  • If you have done animation (for example, animated banners), then only GIF, since only it can consist of several images at the same time. But despite the huge plus, this extension also has a bold minus. The fact is that it is not capable of storing pictures with more than 256 colors. And this, as you probably already guessed, is very small, given that the usual Jpg photo capable of containing over 16 million colors. Do you feel the difference? But for low-color animated banners - this will be what you need.
  • If your image implies a transparent background, i.e. in the picture only specific object without white background(or) then your format is PNG image... The fact is that if you save any picture with transparent background in photoshop with extension JPG, then it will simply fill with white. And with the subsequent insertion of the picture into the editor, there will be no more transparency.
  • If you want to save a picture in Photoshop without losing quality, then it is best to do it in the format Tiff... It is here that all color palette and pixels. This format used for printing when printing bitmaps just so due to the fact that the quality is not lame. The only drawback is that it takes up an indecent amount of hard disk space.
  • And of course, it was impossible not to mention that Photoshop is capable of creating graphics in the format PDF, which will allow you to open it not as an image, but as a document.

I would also like to note that GIF, like PNG, supports background transparency, but unlike the latter, it does not support translucency. Either all1 or nothing.

Of course, you can see many other extensions here, but trust me, they are not worth your attention.

Saving for the Web

In addition to the usual export of files, you can save an image for uploading to the Internet. With this method, it will be more optimized for the Internet, which will speed up its opening and will generally be more convenient. So if you want to embed pictures on the site, it is better to save them for the Internet first.

And if you want to save a picture in Photoshop with a transparent background for the Web, then select PNG format-24. Be sure to make sure that the "Transparency" item is ticked, otherwise your image will be with a white background, which will replace all the void. As you already know, the PNG extension is capable of working without a background.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to keep the animation going. Just choose a format save GIF and, if necessary, set full color, i.e. all 256 colors if you think you need it. The rest of the settings do not need to be touched, leave everything without deserting, so as not to take up extra space.

Before saving, you yourself can see how it was and what happened for comparison. This is a very handy thing, because you can play with the sliders and settings and watch for yourself in real time how the photo quality will change, and what settings are the most optimal. Select the tab 2 options and then you will see the original and the optimized image at the same time.

Try to do all the manipulations from start to finish yourself. It’s very simple. Also, do this for each assignment.

Well, if you want to study Photoshop in more detail, then I can offer you wonderful video course, thanks to which you will learn Photoshop in a couple of weeks. Believe me, it's not difficult at all if you devote 1-2 hours a day to the program. All lessons are made in video format and are designed for beginners, so you will not be uncomfortable and you will understand everything the first time. Trust me, this is a really worthwhile course!

Well, on this our today's lesson comes to an end. I am very glad if this article was helpful to you. By the way, if you want to receive updates on my blog, then be sure to subscribe, and then you will be aware of the latest news, contests and simply useful lessons For you. Good luck and see you in the next articles. Bye Bye.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

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