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  • Ikt Ugrinovich. Basic general education in the block of metasubjects

Ikt Ugrinovich. Basic general education in the block of metasubjects

Textbook for the course “Informatics and ICT. Basic level ”is focused on teaching in general educational institutions a profile course at a basic level in grade 10. The textbook fully complies with the educational standard and an exemplary program of specialized training at the basic level, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The textbook deals with information and communication technologies, and much attention is paid to the formation of practical skills in the process of performing practical computer work. The study of communication technologies is especially important in view of the connection of all schools in the Russian Federation to the Internet as part of a national project in the field of education.
The textbook is multisystem, since practical work can be performed in operating rooms Windows systems and Linux.

1.1.3. Formatting documents in text editors.
Formatting is used to present the content of a document in a more understandable and expressive way. Symbols are the main objects that make up a text document, so first of all, you need to correctly set the basic parameters that define them appearance: font, size, style and color.
Character formatting. A font is a complete set of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, mathematical symbols, and special characters) of a particular pattern. Each historical period and each country has its own font. Fonts have names like Times New Roman, Anal, Courier New, etc.
According to the method of representation in a computer, raster and vector fonts are distinguished. Raster graphics methods are used to represent bitmap fonts, when font characters are groups of pixels. Bitmap fonts only allow scaling by certain factors (for example, MS Sans Serif 8, 10, 12, etc.). In vector fonts, characters are described by mathematical formulas and allow arbitrary scaling.

Table of contents
Recommendations for using the textbook.
Introduction. Information and information processes.
Chapter 1. Information technologies.
1.1. Coding and processing of text information.
1.1.1. Encoding of text information.
Practical work 1.1. Russian character codes.
1.1.2. Creation of documents in text editors.
1.1.3. Formatting documents in text editors.
Practical work 12. Creating and formatting a document.
1.1.4. Computer dictionaries and systems of computer translation of texts.
Practical work 1.3. Translation using an online dictionary and translator.
1.1.5. Systems of optical recognition of documents. Practical work
1.4. Scanning "paper" and recognition of an electronic text document.
1.2. Coding and processing of graphic information...
1.2.1. Graphic information encoding.,
Practical work 1.5. Coding of graphic information.
1.2.2. Raster graphics.
Practical work 1.6. Raster graphics.
1.2.3. Vector graphics.
Practical work 1.7. 3D vector graphics
Practical work 1.8. Execution of geometric
constructions in the computer drawing system KOMPAS.
Practical work 1.9. Creation of flash animation.
1.3. Coding sound information.
Practical work 1.10. Creation and editing of digitized sound.
1.4. Computer presentations.
Practical work 1.11. Development of a multimedia interactive presentation “Computer device*.
Practical work 1.12. Development of the presentation "History of the development of VT".
1.5. Encoding and processing numerical information.
1.5.1. Representation of numerical information using number systems.
Practical work 1.13. Converting numbers from one number system to another using a calculator.
1.5.2. Spreadsheets.
Practical work 1.14. Relative, absolute and mixed references in spreadsheets.
1.5.3. Construction of charts and graphs.
Practical work 1.15. Construction of diagrams of various types.
Chapter 2. Communication technologies.
2.1. Local computer networks.
Practical work 2.1. Sharing a printer on a local network.
2.2. Global computer network Internet.
2.3. Internet connection.
Practical work 2.2. Establishing an Internet connection.
Practical work 2.3. Connecting to the Internet and determining the IP address.
2.4. The World Wide Web.
Practical work 2.4. Browser setting.
2.5. Email.
Practical work 2.5. Working with e-mail.,
2.6. Online communication in real time.
Practical work 2.6. Communication in real time in global and local computer networks.
2.7. File archives.
Practical work 2.7. Working with file archives
2.8. Radio, TV and Webcams on the Internet
2.9. Geographic information systems on the Internet.
Practical work 2.8. Geographic information systems on the Internet.
2.10. Search for information on the Internet.
Practical work 2.9. Search on the Internet.
2.11. E-commerce on the Internet.
Practical work 2.10. Order in the online store.
2.12. Libraries, encyclopedias and dictionaries on the Internet
2.13. Fundamentals of the hypertext markup language.
Practical work 2.11. Website development using Web-editor.
Dictionary of computer terms.

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Download the book Informatics and ICT, basic level, textbook for grade 10, Ugrinovich N.D., 2009 -, fast and free download.

Informatics. Grade 10. A basic level of. Ugrinovich N.D.

M.: 2017. - 288 With. 5th ed. - M.: 2009. - 212With.

The educational publication is focused on teaching computer science at a basic level in 10 grades of educational institutions. Topics such as information and information processes, information and communication technologies, the basics of algorithmization and programming are considered. Much attention is paid to the formation of skills and abilities in the process of performing practical computer work. The educational edition is multi-system, since the work can be performed on Windows or Linux operating systems. The educational publication is included in the educational and methodical set on computer science for grades 10-11 by N. D. Ugrinovich, along with the educational publication for grade 11, an exemplary work program and methodological guide for the teacher. The electronic application is located in the author's workshop of N. D. Ugrinovich on the website of the methodological service of the publishing house (

Format: pdf ( 2017 , 288s.)

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Format: pdf ( 2009 , 212s.)

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Guidelines for Using Tutorial 3
Chapter 1. Information and information processes 5
1.1. Workplace safety and ergonomics 5
1.1.1. Safe work with a computer 5
1.1.2. Sanitary and hygienic norms and ergonomic requirements 6
1.1.3. TCO 12 standards
1.1.4. Resource saving 12
1.2. Information. Measuring Information 14
1.3. Transfer of information 20
1.3.1. Signal. Encoding and decoding 21
1.3.2. Uniform and non-uniform codes. Fano condition 23
1.3.3. Distortion of information 26
1.3.4. Baud rate 27
Practical work 1.1. Encryption and decryption 29
1.4. System and system elements 34
1.4.1. State and interaction of system components 35
1.4.2. Information interaction in the system and outside it. Control. Feedback 36
EER for Chapter 1 on the FCIOR website ( 38
Chapter 2 Information Technology 39
2.1. Coding and processing of text information 40
2.1.1. Text encoding 40
Practical work 2.1. Russian letter encodings 42
2.1.2. Creating and editing documents in text editors 43
2.1.3. Formatting Documents in Text Editors 49
2.1.4 Business correspondence 52
2.1.5. Bibliographic description. Standards, design rules 54
Practical work 2.2. Creating and formatting a document 57
2.1.6. Computer dictionaries and systems for computer translation of texts 60
Practical work 2.3. Translation with online dictionary and translator 61
2.1.7. OCR systems 63
Practical work 2.4. Scanning a paper and recognizing an electronic text document 66
2.2. Coding and processing of graphic information 69
2.2.1. Image encoding 69
Practical work 2.5. Image encoding 73
2.2.2. Bitmap graphics 75
Practical work 2.6. Work with the raster graphics 79
2.2.3. Vector Graphics 88
Practical work 2.7. Working with 3D vector graphics 92
Practical work 2.8. Performing geometric constructions in the computer drawing system KOMPAS 94
2.3. Audio encoding 105
Practical work 2.9. Creating and editing digitized audio 107
2.4. Computer presentations 110
Practical work 2.10. Development of a multimedia interactive presentation "Computer device" 115
Practical work 2.11. Development of the presentation "History of the development of computer technology" 121
2.5. Coding and processing of numerical information 128
2.5.1. Number systems. Representation of numerical information 128
Practical work 2.12. Converting numbers from one number system to another using a calculator 134
2.5.2. Spreadsheets 136
Practical work 2.13. Relative, absolute, and mixed references in spreadsheets 139
2.5.3. Building charts and graphs 142
Practical work 2.14. Building charts of various types 145
EER for Chapter 2 on the FCIOR website ( 155
Chapter 3 Communication Technology 156
3.1. Local computer networks 156
Practical work 3.1. Sharing a printer on a local network 160
3.2. Global computer network Internet 164
3.3. Internet connection 168
3.4. World Wide Web 171
Practical work 3.2. Browser settings 175
3.5. Email 177
Practical work 3.3. Working with email 180
3.6. Online chat in real time 185
Practical work 3.4. Real-time communication in global and local computer networks 187
3.7. File archives 190
Practical work 3.5. Working with file archives 192
3.8. Radio, television and webcams on the Internet 196
3.9. Geographic information systems on the Internet 198
Practical work 3.6. Geographic information systems on the Internet 201
3.10. Finding Information on the Internet 203
Practical work 3.7. Internet search 206
3.11. Libraries, encyclopedias and dictionaries on the Internet 209
3.12. E-commerce on the Internet 211
3.13. Fundamentals of Hypertext Markup Language 214
Practical work 3.8. Website Development Using Web Editor 220
EER for Chapter 3 on the FCIOR website ( 223
Chapter 4 oriented programming 225
4.1. Algorithm and coding of basic algorithmic structures 225
4.1.1. Algorithm and its properties 225
4.1.2. Algorithmic structures "branching" and "loop" 227
4.1.3. subroutines. Recursive Algorithms 232
4.1.4. Program debugging techniques. Program trace 240
4.1.5. Typical algorithms 244
4.2. The history of the development of programming languages ​​251
4.3. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 254
4.3.1. Objects: Properties and Methods 254
4.3.2. Events 256
4.3.3. Projects and applications 257
4.4. Object Oriented Programming System Microsoft Visual Studio 260
4.4.1. Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# 260 IDE
4.5. Lazarus 264 object-oriented programming system
Practical work 4.1. Creating a project " Console Application» 266
4.6. Variables in object-oriented programming languages ​​270
4.7. GUI 271
Practical work 4.2. Creating a Variables Project 274
Practical work 4.3. Creating a Mark Project 278
Practical work 4.4. Creating an Integer Translation project 281
EER for Chapter 4 on the FCIOR website ( 284

Informatics and information technologies. Textbook for 10-11 grades. Ugrinovich N.D.

M.: 2003. - 512 p.

The textbook is intended for studying the course "Computer Science and Information Technology" (IIT) in educational institutions. Educational and methodical set (textbook, workshop, methodological guide, computer workshop on the CD-ROM),which includes this textbook, fully complies with the new general education standard for IIT developed by the Ministry of Education and provides an opportunity to study an in-depth course of IIT in grades 10-11 in the natural-mathematical, information technology and general education profiles. Special attention devoted to the study of object-oriented programming in the language Visual Basic,fundamentals of logic, number systems and communication technologies. The content of the textbook corresponds to the program of entrance exams in computer science to universities and can be used to prepare for exams

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See also additional information for the school course "Informatics and ICT" on the website Sections: Software; Workshop; Answers and finished projects; Final tests (you can take 12 tests on the site); Methodology.


Section I Fundamentals of computer science .................................................................. 11

Introduction to informatics .............................................................. .................................... 12

Chapter 1 Computer and Software .................................... 18

1.1. Trunk-modular construction principle
computer ................................................. ............................................... eighteen

1.1.1. Highway................................................. .................................. eighteen

1.1.2. Processor and RAM .............................................................. ... nineteen

1.2. Hardware implementation of the computer .............................................................. ...... 23

1.2.1. Computer system unit ............................................................... .......... 23

1.2.2. External (long-term) memory ............................................................... ..26

1.2.3. Input devices .................................................................. ....... thirty

1.2.4. Output devices .................................................................................. .... 34

1.3. Operating system: purpose and composition ....................................... 37

1.4. Loading the operating system............................................................... ............. 41

1.5. GUI Windows ......................................................... 43

1.6. Software data processing .................................................................. .............. 50

1.7. Files and file system .................................................................. ......................... 53

1.8. Logical structure of disks .................................................................. ................... 58

1.9. Application software .................................................................. 65

1.10. Computer viruses and antivirus programs... 66

1.10.1. Types of computer viruses .................................................................. ...... 66

1.10.2. Antivirus programs .................................................................. .......... 70

Chapter 2. Information. Binary encoding of information .................. 72

2.1. The concept of "information" and the properties of information ................................... 72

2.2. The amount of information as a measure to reduce the uncertainty of knowledge 74

2.3. Alphabetical approach to determining the amount of information ........ 78

2.4. Shannon formula .................................................. ...................................... 79

2.5. Representation and coding of information............................................... 82

2.5.1. Language as a sign system .............................................................. ................ 82

2.5.2. Representation of information in living organisms.... 83

2.5.3. Information coding .................................................................. .............. 85

2.5.4. Binary coding of information in a computer. ... 86

2.6. Representing Numerical Information Using

number systems ................................................................ ................................................. 87

2.7. Translation of numbers in positional number systems .............................. 93

2.7.1. Converting numbers to decimal number system .............................. 93

2.7.2. Converting numbers from the decimal number system

to binary, octal and hexadecimal. .................... 93

2.7.3. Converting numbers from the binary number system

to octal and hexadecimal and vice versa...................... 97

2.8. Arithmetic operations in positional systems reckoning. one hundred

2.9. Representation of numbers in a computer ............................................... ...... 103

2.10. Binary coding of text information .............................. 107

2.11. Analog and discrete ways of representing images and sound 111

2.12. Binary coding of graphic information. ... 112

2.13. Binary coding of audio information .............................. 116

2.14. Data storage................................................ ...................... 119

Chapter 3. Fundamentals of logic and the logical foundations of a computer............ 122

3.1. Forms of thought .................................................................. ............................... 122

3.2. Propositional Algebra .................................................................. ....................... 125

3.2.1. Logical multiplication (conjunction).................................................. 126

3.2.2. Logical addition (disjunction).................................................. 127

3.2.3. Logical negation (inversion).................................................. 128

3.3. Boolean expressions and truth tables.................................................... 129

3.4. Logic functions .................................................................. ............................... 132

3.5. Logical laws and rules for transforming logical expressions 136

3.6. Solving logical problems .............................................................. ....................... 138

3.7. The logical foundations of a computer device .............................................. 140

3.7.1. Basic logical elements ............................................................... ...... 140

3.7.2. Binary adder .................................................................. ............. 141

3.7.3. Trigger................................................. ......................................... 144

Chapter 4 .

4.1. Algorithm and its formal execution .............................................. 146

4.2. The main types of algorithmic structures .............................................. 150

4.2.1. Linear algorithm .................................................................. ......................... 150

4.2.2. Algorithmic structure"branching"................................. 151

4.2.3. Algorithmic structure "choice"....................................... 153

4.2.4. Algorithmic structure "cycle".................................................. 154

4.3. Fundamentals of object-oriented visual
programming ................................................. ................................. 157

4.3.1. Object Classes, Class Instances, and Object Families 157

4.3.2. Objects: Properties, Methods, Events............................................... 159

4.3.3. Graphical interface and event procedures. . . 162

4.4. Language IDEVisual Basic......................... 164

4.5. Form and placement of controls on it .............................. 170

4.6. Variable type, name and value .................................................................. ........... 174

4.7. Arithmetic, string and boolean expressions. Assignment 177

4.8. Running Programs on a Computer .................................................................. 182

4.9. Functions in the languageVisual Basic ................................................................ ................ 185

4.9.1. Data Type Conversion Functions.................................................... 185

4.9.2. Math Functions .................................................................. ............ 190

4.9.3. String functions .................................................................. ....................... 191

4.9.4. Input and Output Functions .......................................................... ................. 194

4.9.5. Date and Time Functions.................................................................... ................ 198

4.10. Graphic features languageVisual Basic.............................. 200

4.11. General procedures. Procedure Scope ......................................... 204

4.12. Modular principle of building a projectand program code ......... 210

4.13. Arrays................................................. .............................................. 213

4.13.1. Types and Declaring Arrays............................................................... ...... 213

4.13.2. Populating an array.............................................................. .................... 214

4.13.3. Search in arrays............................................................... ......................... 215

4.13.4. Sorting an array .................................................................. .................... 218

4.13.5. Two-Dimensional Arrays and Nested Loops............................................... 220

4.14. Solving logical problems .............................................................. .................... 221

4.15. Object Oriented Programming Language Visual Basic for Applications

4.15.1. Hierarchy of objects in VBA .......................................................... 225

4.15.2. Language IDE VBA .... 226

4.15.3. Coding algorithms in the form of macros ......................................... 229

4.15.4. Creating projects .................................................................. .................... 233

Chapter 5. Modeling and Formalization ............................................... 237

5.1. Modeling as a method of cognition .............................................................. ...... 237

5.2. Model representation forms. Formalization....................... 240

5.3. System approach in modeling .............................................................. ..... 243

5.4. Types of Information Models .............................................................. .......... 245

5.4.1. Tabular Information Models............................................... 245

5.4.2. Hierarchical Information Models............................................... 249

5.4.3. Network Information Models............................................... 252

5.5. The main stages of development and research of models on the computer.. 253

5.6. Study of physical models .............................................................. ....... 255

5.7. Research of mathematical models............................................... 262

5.7.1. Approximate solution of equations............................................... 262

5.7.2. Probabilistic models ................................................................ ................ 264

5.8. Biological models of population development .............................................. 267

5.9. Geoinformation models .................................................................. ............... 270

5.10. Optimization Modeling in Economics....................................... 274

5.11. Expert systems recognition chemical substances......... 278

5.12. Models of logical devices............................................................... ............. 281

5.13. Information Models object management.... 283
Chapter 6. Informatization of society....................................................... 287

6.1. Information society................................................ ................. 287

6.2. Information culture .................................................................. .................... 293

6.3. Legal protection of programs and data. Information security ........ 295

6.3.1. Licensed, Shareware, and Freeware 295

6.3.2. Legal protection of information ............................................................... ...... 296

6.3.3. Data protection................................................ ...................... 298

Section II. Information and Communication Technology .......... 303

Chapter 7 ................. 304

7.1. Raster and vector graphics ............................................................... ............... 304

7.1.1. Raster and vector graphics. . . 304

7.1.2. Graphic file formats .................................................................. ..... 307

7.2. Graphic editor................................................ ......................... 310

7.2.1. Raster and vector editors............................................................... .. 310

7.2.2. Editing images in bitmap

Paint editor ................................................................................ 314

7.2.3. Creating images in a vector editor,
included in the text editor Word ....................... 316

7.3. Computer-Aided Design KOMPAS-3D .............................. 318

7.3.1. CAD KOMPAS-3D window ............................................... ................. 319

7.3.2. Constructing basic drawing objects............................................... 320

Chapter 8 ......................................................... 323

8.1. Computer presentations using multimedia technology 323

8.2. Presentation development .............................................................. ......................... 324

8.2.1. Create a presentation with PowerPoint ........................ 325

8.2.2. Drawings and graphic primitives on slides .............................. 327

8.2.3. Choosing a Presentation Design............................................................... .......... 329

8.2.4. Editing and sorting slides............................................... 329

8.3. Using Animation in a Presentation.............................................................. 331

8.4. Interactive presentation .................................................................. ................... 333

8.4.1. Transitions between slides............................................................... ............ 333

8.4.2. Presentation presentation .................................................................. .......... 336

Chapter 9 ..................... 337

9.1. Creating and editing documents............................................... 337

9.2. Various formats text files(documents) ........................ 341

9.3. Formatting a Document................................................................... ................. 344

9.3.1. Selecting page options............................................................... ........ 344

9.3.2. Formatting paragraphs.................................................................... .............. 346

9.3.3. Lists ................................................. ................................... 349

9.3.4. Tables ................................................. ...................................... 350

9.3.5. Character Formatting .................................................................. .......... 352

9.4. Hypertext................................................. ................................... 354

9.5. Computer dictionaries and computer systemstranslation of texts ......... 356

9.6. Optical Document Recognition Systems....................................... 358

Chapter 10 ................................ 361

10.1. Electronic calculators .................................................................. ................ 361

10.2. Spreadsheets ................................................................ ......................... 362

10.3. Built-in Functions .................................................................. ...................... 366

10.3.1. Math Functions .................................................................. .......... 367

10.3.2. Logic functions .................................................................. ................... 368

10.4. Sorting and searching data............................................................... ................. 370

10.4.1. Sorting data .................................................................. ...................... 370

10.4.2. Finding data................................................... ................................. 371

10.5. Construction of charts and graphs .......................................................... ...... 373

10.6. Add-ins in spreadsheets.................................................................... ... 376

Chapter 11 .

11.1. Database................................................ ............................................. 379

11.1.1. Table bases data ................................................. ............. 380

11.1.2. Hierarchical and network databases.............................................. 382

11.2. Database management system Access ................................... 385

11.3. Database creation............................................... ............................ 388

11.3.1. Creating the database structure............................................................... 388

11.3.2. Entering and editing data............................................................... .... 390

11.3.3. Using the view formand editing records.391

11.4. Data processing in the database .............................................. ...................... 394

11.4.1. Quick search data ................................................. ............... 394

11.4.2. Finding data using filters............................................................... 394

11.4.3. Searching for data using queries.................................................... 395

11.4.4. Sorting data .................................................................. ....................... 397

11.4.5. Printing Data Using Reports............................................... 399

11.5. Relational databases.................................................................... .................... 400

11.5.1. Single-table and multi-table databases. . . 400

11.5.2. Linking tables................................................................... ......................... 401

11.6. Creation relational base data ................................................. 404

Chapter 12 Communication Technology ................................................ 408

12.1. Transfer of information .................................................. ......................... 408

12.2. Local computer networks ............................................................... ........... 409

12.3. Global computer network Internet .............................................. 412

12.4. Internet Addressing .................................................................. ......................... 414

12.5. TCP/IP communication protocol............................................................... ......... 417

12.6. Dial-up Internet connection 421

12.6.1. Modem................................................. ......................................... 421

12.6.2. Modem Control Using AT Commands ................................. 425

12.7. Setting up a connection and connecting to the Internet.................................... 427

12.8. E-mail and teleconferencing............................................... 431

12.8.1. Email................................................ ....................... 431

12.8.2. Email from web -interface.............................. 438

12.8.3. Teleconferences .................................................................. ......................... 439

12.9. The World Wide Web................................................ ........ 441

12.9.1. Technology world wide web .................................... 441

12.9.2. Browsers - a means of access to information resources of the World Wide Web

12.10. File archives .................................................................. ......... 448

12.11. Finding information on the Internet.............................. 452

12.11.1. General Purpose Search Engines....................... 452

12.11.2. Specialized Search Engines.................... 455

12.12. Interactive communication on the Internet.............................. 457

12.13. Multimedia technologies on the Internet ........................ 461

12.14. E-commerce on the Internet............................... 464

Chapter 13 documents.... 467

13.1. Websites and the Web -pages.............................. 467

13.2. Formatting text and positioning graphics............... 469

13.3. Hyperlinks to the Web -pages................................... 474

13.4. Lists on the Web -pages.............................................. 477

13.5. Forms on the Web -pages.............................................. 479

13.6. Creation Tools Web pages. . 483

13.7. Testing and publishing web -site......................... 486

Answers and directions to the solution......................................... 488

Applications ......................................................................... 505

Glossary of computer terms.............................................. 505

The history of the development of computer technology.............................. 508

The history of development personal computers....................... 509

Main tags HTML............................................................. 510

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