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  • Is there any "harmful" radiation coming from a tablet or smartphone? How does a tablet affect a child's vision? Ophthalmologist's advice.

Is there any "harmful" radiation coming from a tablet or smartphone? How does a tablet affect a child's vision? Ophthalmologist's advice.

Having become interested in information about the benefits and dangers of tablets and mobile devices among children, we began to study the information that exists to this day. Having familiarized ourselves with a large number of sources, we decided to systematize them and write this article from the data obtained. The essence of our article is to give parents a reason to think about raising their child. What information he receives, how and where, whether it is useful or, on the contrary, harmful. How much time a parent devotes to his child. I decided for myself that the solution to the problem is not in the complete prohibition of information about new technologies, or vice versa in full access. And in giving the information the child needs in a metered dose. Those. to match the age of the information received.

1. Introduction

There is a huge amount of information on the Internet both about the benefits of the tablet and about its dangers for the child. Based on real events and ongoing research, as well as how they look at it in different countries of the world. On the part of doctors, on the part of psychologists, on the part of companies promoting tablets and educational games for children. Each parent has his own opinion on the use of tablets by children, or a categorical restriction or complete prohibition on the use of a tablet by children, or time restrictions or complete freedom. After all, children are the same personalities as adults, sometimes they can even teach their parents. But children pay special attention to how and what parents do with mobile devices.

The studied materials are systematized and structured. The benefits of what you have read will certainly be, at least you will be as much as possible informed about the use of the child's information space from different points of view. Many "facts", sayings and simple opinions invariably cause a smile, for many today there is simply no support, what was previously beyond the understanding has now become the norm, or even completely beyond the scope.

This article carries a huge amount of information, which is difficult to cover, because there are really a lot of sources, but it makes it possible to think about how, where and why this world is going and what awaits us ahead. Let's take a look at the research that has been done in the world so far on the use of tablets by children. We tried to collect all kinds of materials on this issue.

2. Research in the world

Research was conducted on the effects of the tablet on adult health at the Lighting Research Center (LRC). The data was published in the journal Applied Ergonomics under the title "The effect of the level and duration of exposure to light from tablets with a backlit screen on the production of melatonin (sleep hormone)" ("Light level and duration of exposure determine the impact of self-luminous tablets on melatonin suppression" ). According to the research results, it turned out that using the tablet for 2 hours in bright backlight mode reduces the concentration of melatonin. Most often, those who like to read do it at night looking and at maximum screen brightness, there is a very high risk of getting insomnia, headache, irritability, increased fatigue

2.1. Statistics on the use of tablets by children around the world

I propose to walk through some countries of the world and find out how they are doing.

The study “Measuring National Wellbeing and Well-being of Children 2012” also looked at how the use of technology (tablets, phones and other electronic devices) is related to the health of children. It found that children in the UK who use technology for 1 hour during their school day feel better than children who use devices for 4 or more hours.

The Association of Teachers and Educators (ATL) warned parents in an online Dailymail article that children under the age of two who use an iPad (no timeframe for use) subsequently have more difficulty performing simple tasks. Colin Kinney ( Colin kinney), representing ATL Northern Ireland, said some parents were substituting tablets for social skills development.

“I have spoken to many child teachers who have concerns about the growing number of young students who can swipe quickly but have minimal coordination skills to play with building blocks, bricks or other students. Parents of such students proudly talk about their ability to use a tablet or smartphone ”, - he said.
“Many of us have seen the brilliant computer skills of some students outweighed their deteriorating pen skills. They are often unable to apply what they have learned from textbooks or in the classroom. ”
Members of the organization also noted that some children have problems getting written tests because technology affects a person's memory (tactile or motor) and reduces concentration. Using tablets and smartphones, children gain access to instant information, because of this, perhaps, children learn less and remember knowledge less well.

Here's what Susan Greenfield says ( Susan adele greenfield, English scientist, writer, member of the House of Lords), on the work of the brain and the influence of information technology on human consciousness:

“What worries me about the information flow is the possibility of losing the skill to think consistently, structurally. Because if you know a lot of things, but don't do the mental work to connect them with each other, they remain a scattered set of facts. The skill to process information and create context from it is lost. When they tell me that you can teach a three-year-old to use Google search, for me it is wildness. After all, first we must teach him to ask and formulate questions. It’s foolish to say that books are good and screens are bad. The world is changing at a tremendous speed, we need to look for ways to adapt and extract the maximum benefit from screen technologies, without compromising our values. "

2.1.3. South Korea

As of July 2012, the number of Internet users in South Korea among persons aged 3 and over was 38,120,000 (an increase of 940,000 compared to 2011). This amounted to 78.4% of the total population of the country.

Rice. 4 - The number of Internet users in South Korea (38 120 * 1000 = 38 120 000)

More than 90% of the population aged 6 and over use mobile phones and smartphones.

Rice. 6 - Percentage of use of portable devices

In one of the modern countries of the world (South Korea), with practically the fastest Internet on the planet, 160,000 children are Internet addicts, aged 5 to 9, according to the National Agency of the Information Society. A survey on Internet addiction showed that 7.2% or 2,200,000 Internet users, aged 5-49 years, are at risk of addiction.

Rice. 7 - The level of Internet addiction and the number of addicts by year

Pay attention to the graphs showing a decrease in Internet addiction. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the number of Internet users increased by 0.4% (940,000). The age of Internet use is getting lower, causing an increase in Internet addiction in preschool children.

2.1.4. Russia

Online Market Intelligence (OMI) conducted a survey in 2012. Based on this survey, another company, Digitalparentingrussia (the site is no longer working, but there are records in the web archive -; 7 presentations - analyzed the survey and wrote a report: "What digital devices do parents of underage children use?" ... The survey was conducted in Russian cities with a population of over one million. The participants were between the ages of 18-55 and were the parents of children under 18. Only one family member could take part in the survey, so almost 4,000 people were interviewed. According to the survey results, a mobile phone, laptop and computer have become a part of the life of the majority. The tablet is used by 12% of parents and 8% of children.

Rice. 8 - Use of digital devices by parents and their children.

One of the questions was about the willingness of parents to transfer, over time, their digital devices to children and with an indication during the expected period. Consider only data on mobile phones and tablets.

Rice. 9 - Parents' willingness to hand over the phone, smartphone, tablet to children

What do parents do with their children on digital devices? We found out that searching the Internet is one of the common joint actions. Paper books lose their relevance over time.

Rice. 10 - What do parents do with their children if they have (PC, tablet)

Now let's look at a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) about the proportion of Internet users in Russia and from which devices they most often access the Internet.
In 2015, the share of those who use a tablet, smartphone or laptop to access the Internet increased significantly compared to 2012.

Table 2 - Portable gadgets are used more and more actively

In 2013, the Digital Kindergarten experiment was conducted in one of the kindergartens in Moscow. For several groups, we purchased tablets and developed special educational games. Methodist Elena Kirillova notes:

“Our experience has shown that children who exercise on tablets significantly improved motivation and self-esteem. For correctly completed tasks, they were awarded points. To say that the guys did it with pleasure is to say nothing ”.

Kindergarten teachers try to use new technologies in a complex, combining a virtual picture and a real game. Here's another example. In front of a group of preschoolers - an interactive screen on which a volcano erupts. Further, the teacher shows the children a model of the volcano and conducts a simple chemical experiment - soda, vinegar, a little red paint. Having seen the eruption in miniature, the kids should draw a volcano.

A kindergarten teacher Julia Baryshnikova:

“New technologies open up many opportunities for development, children can be shown what they would not have seen before. But you can't limit yourself to just the screen. Drawing, modeling from plasticine, "live" games are difficult to replace ".

regarding printed and on-screen text expressed Denis Zolotoryov... Text on paper and text on the screen of a monitor or any other digital device differ significantly from each other, not only in terms of technical means and the nature of its creation, but also in perception and interpretation.

2.2. Implementation in school or preschool institutions

2.2.1. China

All primary and secondary schools in China will soon be connected to the Internet. In 2015, 2.6 million teachers in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools will receive training and assessment in information technology. As well as 50,000 primary and secondary school principals. The Chinese government is massively promoting the digitization of books, as well as the spread of modern mobile devices among schoolchildren and students.

2.2.2. South Korea

The South Korean government is expanding efforts to prevent digital addiction in school-aged and preschoolers. South Korean children aged 3 to 5 are taught how to protect themselves from digital gadgets.

The government plans to digitize all textbooks in 2015 and the school base around tablets. Some are already worried about the consequences. South Korea's digital utopia has a profound effect on children. Some children play online games on smartphones, tablets and other devices even before they can read and write.

New mobile devices that respond instantly to the touch of a finger make children more restless than ever before. They lack empathy, says Kim Jun-hee ( Kim jun-hee), a kindergarten teacher who conducted an eight-month study on internet safety and internet addiction for preschool children. Kim, a kindergarten teacher, says digital education for kids should start early because their smartphones are new toys.

Starting next year, her 3-year-old program will focus on teaching how to use computers positively, such as listening to music. Children between the ages of 4 and 5 will learn about the dangers of tablet overuse and how to control their desires. They read fairy tales where the hero becomes a victim of Internet addiction and learns alternative games that they can play without computers or the Internet.

Kim says parents need to be involved in education. One 5-year-old girl wrote:

Researchers at the Russian Center for Electromagnetic Safety (CEB) argue that electromagnetic radiation from modern communication devices has a negative effect on the central nervous system. Children are most susceptible. An analysis was carried out among schoolchildren who regularly used tablets and smartphones, and it was found that such children differ from their peers in their scattered attention.

According to Russian sanitary standards, it is not recommended for children to use: phones, smartphones, tablets.

Nearly two hundred scientists signed a petition to the UN on May 11, 2015, calling for protection from electromagnetic radiation of modern gadgets. According to experts ( Martin blank(USA) and many others), all users of tablets, laptops, smartphones are at risk. Radiation from gadgets causes DNA damage in cells and can even cause premature death.

Electromagnetic radiation experts from the Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) say such radiation also increases the incidence of cancer. Scientists from different countries have asked the UN to formulate international safety standards for electromagnetic radiation. Scientists are also asking for assistance in popularizing information about the risks of using wireless devices among the public.

“Frequent use of tablets and smartphones negatively affects the health of children!”

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Society of Pediatricians declare that children under 2 years old should not have any influence of technology, 3-5 years should be limited to 1 hour per day, 6-18 years old, the limit should be up to 2 hours a day. If the child spends a lot of time at the tablet, then this has a bad effect on his development.

Stimulation of the developing brain of a child from 0 - 2 years old caused by gadgets (phone, tablet, Internet, TV), as studies have shown, is associated with increased impulsivity, reduces the ability of self-regulation, for example, hysteria. The use of technology leads to a lack of movement, which results in delayed development of the child and adversely affects learning.

According to an American doctor Lindsay marzoli, with prolonged use of electronic sensory devices in children, there is an abnormal formation of muscle tissues, which are responsible for the functionality of the hands and fingers. Scientists recommend that parents replace children's games on tablets with drawing on paper with felt-tip pens, pencils, which will lead to a more correct formation of the child's health.

According to the chiropractor Margaret bryce from Auckland, New Zealand, children experience curvature of the spine due to gadgets. She said that at the beginning of her practice, she was faced with cases of corrections of the cervical spine in people who have to spend a long time with their heads down: previously they were seamstresses and office workers, but now children have started to have problems as well.

"Previously it was believed that with their heads down, they sit only during school hours.", added the chiropractor. "Now they do it all the time".
Children who literally cannot be torn from the tablet, the coordination between the brain and hands is impaired. As an example, she cited a ten-year-old boy who, due to a crooked back, cannot throw a ball in a straight line: the child's hands simply do not obey the head, (

Unfortunately, this topic is very controversial. The harm has not been proven and not refuted. Both electromagnetic radiation and wireless communication. The fact that the radiation is harmful is proven, but it is believed that with such power in everyday life it is harmless, and this is confirmed by any safety standards with regards to radiation. About Wi-Fi and cellular communications, there are a lot of rumors and speculations about harm. But nobody wants to prove or disprove anything. Read all sorts of articles on the topic ... you may come to some conclusion. But don't trust everything they write. Do not go into the Stone Age just because of some imaginary benefit that has not been proven by anyone.

Any radiating radio communication (radio waves or electromagnetic radiation from equipment) has an intensity that drops extremely sharply when moving away from the source. Previously, they wrote in the instructions for the phones - do not hold the phone closer than 2 centimeters from the ear, this is from the same series ... A centimeter - it would seem ...

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The modern century was able to "become famous" for the fact that the level of development of science and technology has reached incredible heights. For example, a few years ago, no one would have thought that computers would appear that would weigh a little more than a phone, and could be controlled with fingers. But today no one is surprised at this, happily using such a fashionable and convenient gadget. Although few people think about how harmful radiation from a tablet can be and what threat it can pose to human life and health.

The effect of radiation from a tablet computer on the human body

Throughout his life, a person constantly experiences the effect of electromagnetic radiation. This happens day and night, primarily due to the fact that the earth itself creates electromagnetic fields around itself. But besides the influence of the Earth, electromagnetic waves also affect a person from other sources - from TVs, hair dryers, electrical lines and, of course, tablet computers ...

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According to a report by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, after seven years of active use of a mobile phone, the risk of developing brain tumors increases significantly. At the same time, active use means only 27 minutes a day. Some Russian scientists have generally come to the conclusion that children under 16 should never use cell phones and smartphones, but not everyone agrees with them. For example, mobile operators argue the safety of cell phones by the fact that the World Health Organization cannot provide concrete evidence of the harmful effects of mobile devices, and the devices themselves are becoming safer and reduce the level of electromagnetic exposure from year to year. At the same time, according to statistics, every tenth mobile user is a child. Consider from all sides the harm from a tablet and a smartphone to the child's body.

Harm from tablets and smartphones - is the threat real?

At the moment, not enough has passed ...

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The harmfulness of tablets can be immediately divided into 2 groups.

1.Radiation - agree, keeping your fingers straight on the wi-fi antenna, you will receive a greater dose of radiation than sitting at a regular PC.

2. Pose and all the ensuing consequences.

Scientists from the US Environmental Medicine Administration and a number of private companies, including Microsoft, argue that tablet computers pose a risk to human health. In particular, their owners face “neck and shoulder discomfort,” and this effect does not appear when working on desktop machines.

Spending a long time at the computer can lead to scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other orthopedic horrors. Incredibly popular tablets that give you the freedom to choose the most convenient place and position for ...

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Fears that microwave radiation is harmful to health have been around for as long as radiation itself is known. Most often it is credited with the ability to cause cancer. The users of mobile phones are especially "at risk": they are put directly to the head, the phones emit something, something gets into the brain, thereby causing cancer. However, despite fears, few are willing to give up their cell phone. Instead, we are offered special stickers that absorb harmful radiation and protective covers. The aforementioned protective pants will save us from other devices, in particular, microwave ovens. However, before buying, you should think about whether the fear is justified and from what exactly you have to defend yourself.

Protective pants are designed to save the Earth's gene pool from harmful radiation


A cell phone emits microwave radiation, that is, radio waves with a frequency of 300 MHz to 300 GHz. The most common GSM phones in Russia ...

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How does the monitor, smartphone and tablet screen affect the vision of children? - how much to allow the child to watch

The amount of time modern children spend behind flickering screens of TVs, tablets, computers and smartphones cannot but cause fears among parents about their impact on the child's eyes. Will not their eyesight deteriorate from the fact that they constantly sit at the monitor? Does the pernicious radiation of modern technology affect their young eyes?

Such a danger is really present, and already quite a few young children have planted their eyesight due to the irresponsibility of their parents. The tablet is a good nanny, of course. The child sits in front of him for hours, without looking away and interacts with the screen. The number of different programs specially written for children only exacerbates this situation, making the tablet an even more popular toy. But we must not forget that a quiet and calm child can then cost you dearly.

What is the impact of different ...

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Do not be so afraid! Yes, there is little radiation, but it is minimal and will not bring such serious harm to you or your baby. It's really not worth keeping all sorts of gadgets on your stomach. But at the distance of a bent arm it is already possible! Knowledgeable guys working in this field talked about the proportionality of radiation and distance. You just shouldn't keep all this technique on your body, but in your hand and on the table - please! And with the tablet, you can sit at the table without putting it on your stomach. By the way, one friend of the whole pregnancy stuck out on the Internet for almost days, hung out from boredom in a jabber conference and on the forums for hours (she did not work, there was enough money from her husband's income) - she so normally endured and gave birth to a healthy baby, even while saving. did not lie and there were no pathologies! And with the microwave on, you shouldn't be near at all, as you turned it on - step aside. And don't worry about a laptop-tablet! And e-books are generally arranged according to a different principle, ...

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A kettle, a microwave oven, a cell phone ... How do household appliances and electronics affect the body of a future mother and baby and how to protect oneself from harmful electromagnetic radiation?

Leave the "field"

It is impossible to imagine modern life without household appliances. We use the "miracles of technology" every day. We dry our hair, iron things, boil water, warm up a quick lunch, watch TV. We are always in touch thanks to cell phones, and the Internet helps us to stay up-to-date. What is the other side of the coin for such a mobile life? It is known to always exist.

Our "friends and assistants" emit electromagnetic waves. Their effect on the body of the expectant mother and baby has been well studied. Russian scientist Danilevsky 115 years ago established that the nervous system reacts to the action of an electromagnetic field, like an antenna at a radio receiver. The endocrine, reproductive and immune systems are suppressed. Children at all ...

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"AiF": - What preventive measures will help to save the eyes of the child?

N.P .: - There are no preventive measures other than limiting the TV and computer. The later a small child learns what it is, the better. It is impractical to use some vitamins for the eyes at a young age, small children do not do gymnastics for the eyes either. The main thing is regular observation and visual stress. Don't give your children computer gadgets.

Sometimes children of 2.5-3 years old come to our reception hugging a tablet, parents take away the tablet, the child starts yelling, because psychological dependence has already formed on the computer.

A small child, except for a mother, does not need anything. Cartoons, advertising - the child does not care what is shown there, this is just a distraction - brightly, loudly, something is happening. Awareness, when a child understands what is happening in a cartoon, comes after two years. At 2-2.5 years old, you can watch a cartoon for 15 minutes. When a child watches TV for an hour and a half, he no longer understands what he is watching. He just looks, because everything is moving there, making noise, but there is no benefit. Any neurologist will say that a child who spends so much time in front of the TV becomes excitable, dependent on the TV and therefore poorly controlled, eats poorly, sleeps poorly.

"AiF": - What vitamin complexes would you recommend to maintain vision? And what foods should be included in the child's diet?

N.P .: - Homeopathic syrups are prescribed for small children as vitamins. If the child is doing well, his eyesight is normal, then any multivitamins, which are usually taken in the autumn-winter period, are enough.

Meals should be just varied: fish, vegetables, legumes, pumpkin, eggs, spinach. Carrots contain beta-carotene, but it cannot be absorbed without fat, so be sure to add cream to carrot juice. If you grated the carrot, then you need to eat it with sour cream or fatty yogurt. Also, the diet should contain both meat and cereals.

"AiF": - Modern children actively use their parents' phones, tablets and other benefits of technology - how does this affect the eyes? Like a TV, or worse?

N.P .: - It is worse than TV, because one of the factors in the development of myopia is excessive work at close range. The TV is still three meters away from the child, and it's big. Tablets, smartphones - it's all very close, very shallow. Computers are usually LSD monitors; accordingly, they are flickering objects that affect eye fatigue. This is right away. Therefore, it is better to let him watch TV.

When a child watches TV, the room should not be dark. I have had such cases in practice when my parents want to sleep in the morning, and it is winter outside, it’s still dark. As a result, the awakened child turns on the TV, and he watches it in the dark while the parents sleep. This should never be done. There must be some kind of lighting - a night light, a sconce on the wall.

Naturally, you need to consider the size of the room and the size of the TV. If the room is 10 sq. meters, and a TV with a meter screen is unacceptable. The size of the TV depends on the size of the room. The computer monitor should not be placed near a window so that the screen does not glare, so that the monitor does not face the back of the window.

The distance to the monitor should be like the distance of an outstretched arm, not closer. The gaze should be slightly lower, not straight.

In the modern world, the level of development of science and technology has achieved significant results. Take the creation of touchscreen phones and tablets, for example. A few years ago, such devices seemed incredible. Today you will not surprise anyone with this. Tablets have freely entered the daily life of every resident of large cities. The combination of a large set of diverse functions and unique capabilities allowed such products to quickly take a leading position in the world trade market. Unfortunately, often a technique that is convenient and interesting for people carries a latent threat. Many people forget about it.

Typically, users of touch devices try to customize each device for themselves. Nobody has been using the standard settings for a long time, and it also happens that there are wizards who are trying to squeeze the full maximum performance out of their device. This also applies to brightness. If we put it, then only the maximum parameters! This is exactly what most users do. However, the speed and convenience of the tablet does not always guarantee the safety of your own health.

In this article, you can find out why you should choose the minimum brightness level at night. Some will associate this moment with saving battery power, but there is another reason. The bottom line is to preserve human health. First of all, this applies to people who spend a lot of time in the evening and at night behind the screens of their tablets, smartphones and laptops.

In a series of studies at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, the production of melatonin (the "sleep hormone") and the brightness of the tablet screen backlight have been correlated. Melatonin is involved in promoting normal, adequate sleep at night. The research was carried out with the support of Sharp American laboratories. More detailed information can be obtained on the official website of the educational institution.

Blocking effect of the tablet on melatonin synthesis

The data obtained by researchers at the Institute's Lighting Research Center (LRC) provided interesting results: working with an active backlight for 2 continuous hours leads to a decrease in melatonin production. As a result, in the presence of such light exposure, it takes a person more time to fall asleep. The most pronounced negative effect of newfangled devices on schoolchildren and students.

The study was supervised by Professor Mariana Figueiro. The experiment leader also leads the Light and Health program. The group in which people used active backlit tablets for reading, playing games and watching a movie consisted of 13 people. The popular magazine Applied Ergonomics published the results under the heading “Light level and duration of exposure determine the impact of self-luminous tablets on melatonin suppression”.

According to Professor Figuero's comments, exposure to the backlight for 2 hours lowers the melatonin concentration by 22%. The action of light stimulates the processes of the body's circadian system and harms the process of falling asleep only when using the device before bed. This conclusion should force tablet manufacturers to take a closer look at the assessment of the negative effect of the product on the biological rhythms of the human body.

The brightness level of the backlight must be adjusted according to the time of day.

In addition to the negative properties, the researchers have created a certain algorithm, when executed, it is possible to create samples that are devoid of negative effects on sleep and wakefulness. Modern devices prevent falling asleep in the evening, although sleep at this time is considered to be the most beneficial. At the same time, such devices contribute to a faster rise in the morning. After a while, manufacturers will release models in which the backlight will be automatically adjusted depending on the time of day. This will help to avoid the occurrence of sleep disorders. This is especially true for people who pay a lot of attention to electronic devices in the evening.

It has even been hypothesized about the therapeutic effect of the tablets in the future. Sounds like science fiction? In fact, light therapy has been used for a long time. A therapeutic effect can be expected provided that the light spectrum of the tablet screen matches the spectrum used in medicine. In such cases, favorite toys and interesting films are easily transformed into a pleasant treatment procedure.

In addition to Professor Figuero, research work was carried out with the participation of the director of the Center for the Study of Light, Professor Mark S. Rea, researcher Brittany Wood and medical researcher Barbara Plitnick.

Night work does not go for the future

The pineal gland of the brain is responsible for the production of the "sleep hormone" melatonin. The greatest activity of the gland is noted at night. This mechanism acts as an “internal clock” of the body, which gives signals about the need for sleep or wakefulness. Thanks to this, the brain center "tells" the body that night has come. In the presence of a bright light source at night, melatonin synthesis slows down. Light disrupts the adaptation of the circadian system, and the body loses orientation in the time of day. The current situation increases the risk of diabetes and obesity, as well as some cancers. The greatest danger to light exposure is for those who constantly expose themselves to such exposure.

Brittany Wood in the course of the study noted that the main sources of negative effects on the human body are widescreen TVs, laptops and mobile phones. In most cases, the brightness of the screens is provided by shortwave light, which inhibits the production of melatonin in the evening and reduces the duration of sleep. The risk group immediately includes people leading a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, adolescents and young people.

In the experiment, all participants were divided into 3 groups. The first group looked at the tablet screens through transparent glasses. The light had a blue color spectrum (its length was 470 nm). The blue color is considered to be the most powerful inhibitor of melatonin synthesis. The second group was offered glasses with orange lenses. The orange color partially filters out short-wave radiation, which inhibits the production of melatonin to a lesser extent. The third group was not offered glasses.

A special light measuring device, a Dimesimeter, was responsible for the accuracy of all measurements. This device was developed at the Center for the Study of Light. It allows you to determine the activity and the amount of light that enters a person's eyes.

Researchers have found that there is a relationship between the duration of tablet use and the distance between the screen itself and the eyes. The level of light entering the fundus determines the degree of melatonin reduction. Eye contact with the device for 1 hour has an indirect effect on melatonin levels. Dramatic changes in relation to melatonin were detected when working for 2 hours.

As a result, it turned out that the best brightness of the tablets is more harmful to the body. In addition to brightness, an important condition is also the individual structural features of the visual apparatus. The level of illumination of the screen itself also plays a decisive role.

The modern world is called the information age. It is impossible to imagine our life without smartphones, tablets and computers. Children do not stay away from modern technologies. If earlier for a child the most desirable toy was, for example, a remote-controlled car or a Barbie doll, today children are increasingly asking their parents for a smartphone or tablet. Tablet computer or just a tablet connected to the Internet. Nowadays, scientists still continue to study the benefits and harms of technical innovations for the child. But not to acquire such an object of desires for your child for the New Year or birthday is becoming more and more difficult every year.

But before you buy a tablet for your baby, think about how to make sure that this gift does not harm. For example, children are becoming more and more "tablet addicted". If a child is deprived of his favorite electronic toy, a real hysteria will break out. Children addicted to tablets stop playing with real toys, lose interest in live communication, and get bored at children's parties. According to research, the number of children who regularly use tablets in developed countries reaches 90%! Along with the undoubted benefit, they bring colossal harm to children. But you need to live interestingly. In modern society, electronic gadgets are indispensable, and a child who does not know how to use, for example, a mobile phone, with a high degree of probability will look like a “black sheep”. Let's analyze all the pros and cons so that each parent can decide whether or not to introduce the kid to electronic fun.


According to research, the number of children who regularly use tablets in developed countries reaches 90%! Along with the undoubted benefit, they bring colossal harm to children. A study was conducted on the effect of the tablet on the health of children, entitled "The effect of the level and duration of light exposure of tablets with a backlit screen on the production of melatonin (sleep hormone)." According to the research results, it turned out that using the tablet for 2 hours in bright backlight mode reduces the concentration of melatonin. Most often, people who like to play do it at night looking and at maximum screen brightness, there is a very high risk of getting insomnia, headache, irritability, and increased fatigue.

“Frequent use of tablets and smartphones negatively affects the health of children!”

According to psychologists, smartphone users live a completely different life, which negatively affects communication with people. To avoid quarrels, it is enough to follow one simple rule - move the phone away from you while eating and when communicating with loved ones. An experiment was conducted in which 27 volunteers participated. During which they tried to memorize non-existent words - verbally and visually. We found out that the volunteers memorized the word faster when they heard it and tried to speak it. When the word was found on the screens of electronic devices, the participants in the experiment did not remember it.

But you need to live interestingly. In modern society, electronic gadgets are indispensable, and a child who does not know how to use, for example, a mobile phone, with a high degree of probability will look like a “black sheep”. Let's analyze all the pros and cons so that each parent can decide whether or not to introduce the kid to electronic fun.

Tablet harm to kids

  1. The child's eyesight deteriorates. Constant gazing at the screen leads to myopia, and eye strain leads to dryness.
  2. Posture worsens, curvature of the spine may develop (the cervical spine is especially affected);
  3. Possible impairment of coordination between brain signals and hand movements;
  4. The child stops communicating with his parents. When parents put a tablet in the hands of a child, freeing up time for other things, the time spent with the baby is inevitably reduced, communication between them suffers.
  5. Accessibility is addictive! Tablets and smartphones do not teach children self-control, but, on the contrary, make it possible not to limit themselves in their desires. It causes addiction, similar to drug addiction.
  6. Hysteria. Not the best way to calm and distract a child with a tablet, because it does not provide him with the opportunity to form internal mechanisms of self-regulation.
  7. Insomnia. Playing on the tablet and smartphone before bedtime excites the baby's nervous system, leading to difficulty falling asleep, to restless sleep at night.
  8. The tablet does not provide an opportunity to develop the social skills necessary to successfully interact with people.
  9. Children who are not restricted in their use of gadgets become even more aggressive.
  10. Children begin to experience anxiety in situations that require live communication.

“Tablets and smartphones by their nature scatter human attention. Meanwhile, a child's development occurs primarily through focusing on a specific activity, which often requires patience and great effort. Exactly such an activity is provided by examining, and later reading books, coloring pictures, folding cubes. Lack of concentration can be a critical element in further learning difficulties. To learn to read and write, as well as to count, the child must fully concentrate on these activities. Electronic gadgets completely absorb children's attention, but do not teach concentration. "

Use of a tablet

  1. A child, working with a tablet, develops logical and abstract thinking, in addition, attention increases and the ability to make independent decisions increases;
  2. If the tablet program contains puzzles that develop logic games for a toddler of the appropriate age, then this will have a charitable effect on the development of the baby.
  3. Gadgets are very helpful for parents when they and their children are stuck in traffic jams, in a queue at a clinic, in a store, in a social security office, and anywhere. The kid is keen on playing or watching a cartoon, therefore, does not moan.
  4. Children learn study and work skills several times easier and faster with the help of tablets.

It is very interesting that the creators of gadgets are raising their children who are not at all ardent fans of digital technologies. Bill Gates restricted his children from using computers and game consoles. One day his son asked him - "will it be like this all my life?" To which Gates replied: "No, when you live alone, you can set your own limits." The children of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, did not use iPads and access to digital technology was restricted in his home. Every evening Steve sat down with his family to dine at the large table in the kitchen. The conversations were about history, books and many other things, no one then took out the computer. In general, it seemed that his children had little attachment to all these gadgets.

So is it worth giving your child a tablet or smartphone? It's up to the parents to decide, of course. Psychologists say that "thanks" to tablets, you can miss your child. But, if you nevertheless decided to teach your kid to use the gadget, then be sure to control the time spent at the tablet. You should not allow the use of the gadget before bed and more than half an hour a day. It is best if gadgets are something out of the ordinary. Talk to your child more often, take time for him. It often happens that parents, seeing how a child is carried away by the game or social networks, do not pay attention to this and calmly go about their business. The advantages of such devices are also undoubted. They can help in learning, develop certain skills, and enrich the child's knowledge. But adults need to use such helpers very carefully. Because very quickly, from a good friend, a tablet can become their worst enemy.

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