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  • VK group cover ideas for photographers. Canvas for creating the cover of the VKontakte group

VK group cover ideas for photographers. Canvas for creating the cover of the VKontakte group

Surely you have already appreciated the innovation of the Vkontakte network - the cover of publics and communities. A fairly large photo banner that opens in front of the user at the moment when he enters the group. What is it for? The banner attracts attention, allows you to briefly and visually tell about the community, its interests, features. Often, it is he who is the factor that attracts the user to subscribe to the public and further view his posts in the news feed. But how to make a group cover in VK so that it is beautiful and attractive? We will give you the most useful recommendations.

Correct community header

Before you make the cover of a group in VK, you need to decide: what will it have to express? Here are some tips to help you achieve your goal:

  • Unusual. The cover is what your current or future subscriber sees first. If it contains a unique feature, surprises with its design, includes an interesting play on words, an intriguing story, then everything indicated will only be to your advantage. Many use such an interesting cover format for the VK group as a continuation of what is depicted on it in a fixed inscription on the wall.
  • Trends. The banner should be modern. At the very least, classic. But not just a button accordion - to contain elements of what was once relevant in the Internet environment. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to arrange it in the spirit of the latest events discussed, the recently released film, add the participation of the heroes of today's popular memes. It goes without saying that the covers in this case need to be updated periodically.
  • Use light psychological techniques to help pay attention. For example, the image of a person looking in a certain direction is quite effective - where you have placed important information.

What should not be a hat?

Let's look at how to make a group cover in VK so that it does not cause negative emotions among community visitors:

  • Nobody likes spam banners - memes asking you to join a group. In the vast majority of cases, even if the idea is presented in a rather original way, users ignore the calls.
  • If you want to indicate in the header the list of services you provide, then the idea is obviously a failure. Maybe it’s worth hinting at them intriguingly with comics, collages, photographs?
  • Indicate a contact phone number in the banner, and even worse - a link to another site is tantamount to distributing leaflets at the transition. No one will retype the link from the picture into the address bar. It is better to dedicate a separate post to your contacts, a section that will always be visible to users, from where it is convenient and easy to copy the necessary information.

What should be a good cover?

So, when creating, photographing, or looking for the right stock image, keep the following in mind:

  • The community header should have an unspoken call for a certain action, emotions.
  • The image should be relevant to your audience.
  • Choose pleasant calm or, on the contrary, catchy, acid colors - it all depends on the specifics of the group.
  • Don't ignore the typeface either: don't settle for the boring "Word" variations, but don't veer off into writing that, due to its quirkiness, can be hard to make out.
  • Do not forget about the semantic load, the right hashtags.

And now let's turn to more specific variations:

  • Using an image of a famous person who specifically advertises your community or products.
  • The consonance of the cap with high-profile events, holidays, events, promotions - both general and related only to your group.
  • The content of an unspoken attractive call to go to another resource (make sure that the transition is easy and understandable for the user).
  • Removal in the header of a special offer, the main news of the public.

About the cover size

As you can see, the banner parameters are not standard compared to the usual avatars. In order for the image you have chosen to look good, the size of the cover of the VK group should be as close as possible to 1590 x 400 pixels. Such parameters for a banner can be set in advance when creating it in a graphical editor.

When composing a collage, you need to consider how the image will be reflected on the devices of subscribers, so as not to put the necessary information in areas that will be hidden:

  • In a computer browser - 795 x 200 pixels. The image is not cropped, but only compressed.
  • As for mobile devices, the header is displayed a little differently there. It is truncated according to the screen width of the device. For example, if the latter is 400 pixels, then your cover image will be truncated by 146 pixels from each edge. Add more space for system buttons. Because of it, the banner will become already 80-140 pixels from each edge.

Easy cover creation

Let's look at how to make a group cover in VK the easiest way:

  • Take a photo that somehow resonates with the theme of your community.
  • Find a suitable stock image in Google, Yandex.Pictures, and other resources. Beautiful covers for a group in VK can be found on a similar request.
  • If you think that the image is too distant, then you can fill it with new elements, text in such popular online editors as Fotor, Pablo or Canva.

Creation in Photoshop

The best program for the cover of the VK group and for fine design in general remains Photoshop. However, you should turn to its help if you are a fairly confident user, you know how to make high-quality collages, process photos, cut out objects, work with layers, corrections and filters. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a low-quality cover with a bunch of blunders that will not please and will not attract your potential audience.

So, having entered the program, click on "File", then "Create". For the cover, it is better to set the following parameters:

  • Size: 1590 x 400 pixels.
  • Resolution: 72 pixels in 1 inch.
  • Color mode: RGB (8 bit).

And then there is room for creativity: form layers from stock or personal images, cut out certain objects, add text, turn to the help of filters and program tools. The main thing is to have a clear plan in mind for what you want to end up with.

How to set a cover in a group in VK?

Let's first figure out how to generally change the banner in the community of which you are the administrator:

  1. Under your group avatar, on the right side of the page, click on the three dots "..."
  2. A drop-down window will appear in front of you. In it, select "Community Management".
  3. An administrator window will open. Find the "Settings" section and click on it.
  4. You will immediately see the line "Community cover". She is what we need.
  5. How to add a cover to a VK group? Just click on "Download".
  6. You will see brief recommendations on the image format and size of the cover of the VK group.
  7. It is worth choosing a high-quality photo with a high resolution.
  8. Here, as with choosing an avatar, you have the opportunity to choose which area of ​​the image to place on the cover: use the mouse to move the bounding box to stop at the most successful area. By the way, the photo can also be flipped.
  9. Be sure to click on "Save and continue" on the cover window. Do not rush to close the page!
  10. In the settings window, do not forget to click on "Save".

Now you can look at what happened!

Cover editing

We have prepared a number of tips in case you want to edit, change, delete the image. To do this, you just need to hover your mouse (in case you are an administrator) on the banner. Three schematic hints will be displayed:

  • "Load" - setting a new photo. You already know how to add a cover to a VK group.
  • "Edit" - rotate the image, change the area that will be visible in the banner.
  • "Delete" - remove the existing cover.

We have analyzed the creation and publication of a cover in the Vkontakte group from an idea to a concrete implementation. We hope that these recommendations will help you in creating a wonderful banner!

Graphic elements in the design of the Vkontakte community capture the attention of the visitor, keep him, and also increase the recognition of the group or public among thousands of similar communities. In addition, the graphical menu facilitates navigation through the sections of the group, helping members and other users of the social network to navigate the structure of a large community.

A search in VK or viewing the portfolio of designers will show many successful examples of the design of Vkontakte groups, which you can build on when choosing a cover menu for your community.

The following dimensions for the design of the Vkontakte group are used:

  • The cover of the page is shown at the top, for the entire width of the public, the size is 1590 x 400 pixels;
  • Large avatar — vertical banner 200x500 px (aspect ratio 2:5), shown at the top right;
  • A small avatar, a round picture, is shown in each message of the group, size 200x200 pixels.
  • Image of the menu for the VKontakte group, width 510 pixels, height 307 (so that the bottom edge of the menu matches nicely with the bottom of the big avatar on the right).

If a cover image is uploaded in the community settings, then the large avatar on the right is not shown.

How to make a hat for a Vkontakte group yourself

In order for the community header to look beautiful, all its graphic components must be designed in the same style (set of colors, logos, fonts) or be part of one picture. When designing a Vkontakte group on your own, the first step is to prepare a background image. It can be a thematic picture from free photobanks (for example,

Open the image in a graphics editor. Crop or scale to size: length 1590 px, height 400 px.

Then you can apply the necessary inscriptions (name of the group, slogan, call to join the community). Now you need to upload the cover to the community, to do this, go to the "Community Management" menu item:

Click on "Download" in the "Community Cover" field.

In the next window, select the cover file previously prepared on the computer, and click on "Save and continue."

Now your group will have a new cover. Keep in mind that in this case, the vertical picture of the large avatar on the right will no longer be displayed.

  • The picture or photo must match the topic of the community.
  • Use high quality images.
  • Do not infringe on other people's image copyrights (currently, free stocks offer a large number of both photos and illustrations).
  • Don't overload the cover with details.
  • If you put a photo of a person on the header, it is better that he looks not at the visitor, but at the most important element on the page (menu, website address, promotion message, call).
  • Use high-quality fonts and make sure that the labels are legible at any scale.

Sizes of caps in public Vkontakte in a new design

After the redesign of this social network, a new design element appeared - the cover. This is a large horizontal orientation image of 1590 by 400 pixels. The header for the Vkontakte group is a static picture. Large enough to place on it a bright, memorable photo or picture and the name of the public, company slogan, website name, work schedule and other inscriptions.

How to make a menu for a VK group in a new design

The process of designing the menu of the Vkontakte group consists of the following steps:

  • Preparing a list of menu links (this can be pages, community sections or external sites).
  • Background image preparation.
  • Drawing on the background image of inscriptions and "buttons" of the menu.
  • Slicing an image into pieces.
  • Enable wiki page.
  • Loading a graphical menu and formatting it with wiki markup.

The background image should be 510 pixels wide, and the height depends on the number and placement of menu items. To work with images, you will need a raster graphics editor, examples are shown below using the free and lightweight Paint.Net.

You should immediately plan the placement of menu items so that the picture can be cut into fragments of the same size. This is important for the menu to scale properly on the screen of smartphones or tablets.

Vertical menu of the VK community with items in one column

Open the image in the editor. Use the Text editor tool to write the menu items over the background. To make menu labels visible, they can be highlighted in several ways:

  • Draw a frame;
  • Change the background color under the letters;
  • Add shadow to the letters.

Below in the screenshot, each item is highlighted in one of the ways.

The next step is cutting the image into pieces:

The process of cutting an image can also be done using a convenient online tool

Next, in the "Community Management" menu, go to the "Sections" item and in the "Materials" item, select "Restricted" (this means that only the group administrator can create and edit pages).

Click save and go to the main group. Near the section with information about the group, the item "Latest news" appeared.

Go to this section and click edit. Change the title to "Menu" and then click on the camera icon to add an image.

Click on the added picture and in the properties window specify the link to the desired section.

Vkontakte automatically reduces images to 400 pixels and inserts extra tags. To fix this, you need to switch to markup editing mode.

Each image tag starts with "[[" and ends with "]]" and consists of three parts separated by "|": the image ID, properties, and link. You need to adjust the sizes of the pictures and insert the “nopadding” tag into their properties. Image properties are listed with ";".

After saving the changes, the creation of the menu is completed.

Menu with horizontal or multi-line arrangement of items

In this case, image preparation is performed in the same way, but with cutting of the source and vertically. Sliced ​​fragments are loaded through the page editing interface. The mutual position of rectangular fragments is set using the wiki tabular markup in VK. Each link image tag described in the previous section is placed inside a table cell.

Table design rules:

  • The beginning is indicated by the symbol "(|), the end of the table - "|)".
  • Additional properties are specified after "|~"
  • The new line starts with "|-".
  • Each cell is separated by "|".

To exclude extra spaces, you need to specify the table parameters "fixed nopadding noborder". The markup for a graphical menu of 2 columns and 2 rows looks like this:

And the menu itself in the group:

The size of the group avatar in the new design for the design of the VK public

Vkontakte communities use two options for the avatar:

  • A large rectangular banner 200 by 500 dots is displayed at the top right if no cover is loaded.
  • Thumbnail 200x200 pixels, shown in posts and discussions as a circle.

Until last year, the VK social network had solid avatars and banners, which were difficult and inconvenient to select. Many of the beautiful pictures had to be adjusted to certain sizes, but not all of them looked decent - they stretched, shrunk and looked “sad”.

Since last year, there has been a revolutionary change that has caused a lot of negativity. But over time, many realized how convenient, bright and creative it is. After all, you can easily pick up a standard or original picture, and not a simple banner.

Now, after loading the cover, under it there is an inscription with the name of the community, a thumbnail of your image, as well as several functional buttons “write a message” and “join the group”, and on the right side there is a group management panel.

Today our site offers ready-made covers for VK communities, which are bright, attractive and have an exclusive design. In the catalog, all categories are structured by name, and there is also the possibility of selection by color. Therefore, the assortment does not have to be shoveled and look for good wallpapers from thousands of photos.

Download to the fullest

Installing ready-made wallpapers in VK is easy. You do not have to adjust the pictures, just download the picture you like from our website, then open a social network, your group.

In general, you need to think about installing wallpaper for a group in advance - even before your community goes out, because it is the design that will be remembered by visitors in the first place. It will become your calling card, which will be easily recognized. But changing the design is easy in the current group. And if you've come to our site, you won't be able to leave without exclusive wallpapers.

Only the best for you

All our covers are unique pictures, they are distinguished by the depth of image processing and increased clarity. The photos presented to your attention on the site have a size of 795 * 200 or 1590 * 400 pixels (designed for high-definition screens), which ensures ease of installation as a group setting.

At the same time, there is no intrusive advertising with screaming, jumping pictures. The wallpaper is quickly installed and does not require special installation knowledge. It's comfortable with us. We do not have registration and paid services, everything is downloaded without any additional difficulties. We are constantly supplementing our collection with fashionable bright pictures that will appeal to young and active people, adherents of the classics and lovers of originality.

Our VK wallpapers are suitable for serious business groups, entertainment communities, young, growing teams, as well as those who have already taken their position in the social community. Most importantly, remember what the goal of the group is to sell any goods, inform your subscribers about interesting facts, or entertain. This will balance the associative range between the design image and the direction of the "work" of the community, and not face a situation where a serious business group has a frightening goblin on ava.

Covers for VK groups are a personal way of self-realization. With the installation of an exclusive photo, you can effectively stand out from the rest, show your impeccable taste, and attract more people to your community. And with the growth of the audience, you can increase revenues.

Do not hesitate - download, upload and use with pleasure.

As usual, we first define the key concepts. A group cover is called dynamic, the contents of which change automatically. In the community header, you can demonstrate various types of useful content, or just make users happy 🙂 For example, if your company is engaged in the field of finance, you can connect a widget that displays exchange rates and the most important stock indices. If your business has a clear regional reference, add a block that will display information about today's weather. Finally, you can make a banner where the names of today's birthday people or the most active subscribers for a certain period of time will appear. Thus, along with an interactive menu and widgets, this tool helps to increase the engagement and loyalty of the audience to the brand.

You don't have to look far for examples - many groups use dynamic covers on VKontakte. First of all, this technology is used by the employees of the social network themselves: in the header of the official support service public there is a “live” counter of processed tickets.

StopHam also keep up with the times: on their page you can see a preview of the latest video and the name of the last member who joined. Unfortunately, although the information about the number of views changes in real time, this is not a real embed, and you will not be able to watch the video directly on VKontakte.

In turn, the creative association Gazgolder turned the community header into a dynamic announcer, which displays information about upcoming concerts, movie premieres or presentations of music albums.

In a word, there are a lot of applications. The only question is how to create such beauty? Actually, it's not that difficult.

Constructors for creating dynamic covers VKontakte

To get your hands on an interactive header, you can go in two ways:

1. Ordering development from scratch is expensive, but in the end you will become the owner of an exclusive solution with the functionality you need, which will help you stand out from the competition;

2. Use an online constructor - much cheaper, but you will be limited to the set of widgets provided by the developers.

It is easy to understand that the first option is suitable for large enterprises that have a well-built marketing plan and a corporate image that has developed over the years (as well as a sufficient budget), while the second is ideal for small businesses, since most companies will have enough standard functionality. Let's use one of these services and make a dynamic cover.

Google helpfully suggests the name - DyCover. In terms of price, the option is not bad: the guys charge 100 rubles a month for one community, while their competitors, LetsCover, are exactly twice as much. However, the latter have a progressive volume discount, so this site will appeal to those who are engaged in SMM professionally and manage several projects at the same time.

However, the purpose of our material is not to determine the best service provider, but to test the possibilities of such solutions in principle, so let's focus on DyCover. Registration is not difficult: authorization is naturally carried out through VK. After creating an account, you just have to select the desired community from among those where you are an administrator and connect it.

Next, click on the “Create it” link in the pop-up notification and get into the visual editor. After that, a three-day trial will be activated, during which you will be able to use all the available features of the constructor. In the first couple, we will be accompanied by tooltips, so it will be quite problematic to get confused.

As the electronic assistant correctly noted, before creating a dynamic cover, you need to choose a suitable background. The optimal size of the background is 1590 by 400 pixels, however, all significant graphic elements and the widgets themselves should be placed on the central segment 1196 by 400. The thing is that on mobile devices the banner is cut off (197 pixels on each side), which means that fans portable devices simply will not see important information.

By the way, in DyCover this moment is taken into account. Let's try one of the preset templates and see how it works.

Select the “Information Cover” theme, since it already has a background, and click on the “Mobile Grid” button. A markup will appear on the screen to help you evaluate how our creation will eventually look on smartphones and tablets. The upper line marks the border of the top bar of the operating system, which can also interfere with the adequate display of our dynamic header.

For greater clarity, you can use the preview function, after which it will become clear that this layout is not adapted for portable devices, since the Moscow block is outside the display.

Now let's go to the "Widgets" section and evaluate their range. At first glance, the list is not particularly impressive.

In fact, first impressions are deceiving. So, for example, the “Text” widget allows you to create both ordinary text blocks and load cells from Google spreadsheets, use cascading styles or JSON. “Subscriber” displays the names of the most active users, the best commentators (by number or likes), reposters, authors (by the rating of posts from the “suggestion”), birthday people or the last ones to join the group. “Statistics” broadcasts the total number of subscribers, the number of users online, as well as summary data, including gender distribution. Thus, by combining the presented tools, you will be able to design dynamic VKontakte covers of almost any complexity.

Let's see how it works in practice. In the template above, each block that displays the weather and time in a particular city consists of four components:

  1. Text (city name);
  2. Shape (translucent white circle);
  3. Date and time;
  4. Weather.

Each of them can be changed. For example, instead of a white circle, you can make a colored rectangle, and in addition to hours, display the date, month, and current day of the week. The “Weather” widget can show wind speed and type of weather (clear, heavy rain, fog, etc.), and in the latter case, you can choose from several options for icons, and even upload your own instead of the standard ones. Of course, you can resize widgets and edit fonts, which opens up a wide range of customization options.

However, let's evaluate how the dynamic cover will look in the group itself. To do this, click on “Save” and enter the name of the created template. Now we return to the control panel, select the desired item and click on “Apply”.

We go to our experimental community and evaluate the result. Well, not bad at all! Perhaps the only disadvantage of this approach is the fact that when the page is enlarged, the text looks somewhat blurry.

This is due to the peculiarity of the technology itself: in fact, the service generates a static image with updated data with a certain frequency (once a minute) and uploads it to the header. That is why you cannot, for example, embed a video player into the cover of VKontakte. However, even such a “crutch” method can significantly improve the visual component of the group, standing out from the competition.

Are dynamic covers worth the money?

So we approached the issue of profitability and, frankly, the most correct answer would be: everything is in your hands. Although the benefits of using interactive headers can hardly be overestimated, they, like any other tool in SMM, will only help in promoting the group if you use them correctly. So, for example, automatic birthday greetings won't work if you can't pick up gifts that will really interest your audience. At the same time, by overloading the dynamic cover with information, even if it is useful, you will distract subscribers from new posts and, instead of increasing engagement, on the contrary, reduce this indicator. Therefore, the best thing to do is to find a suitable service, sign up for a trial or a monthly subscription, and then experiment by trying different approaches and formats. And, of course, watch your competitors, shaking their mistakes and adopting successful tricks.

In order for the VK public to make a special impression on the visitor and emphasize the atmosphere, the creators of the social network introduced a useful graphic addition - a header. It can be configured as a background or logo, or you can go further and use this space to your advantage. After all, they are greeted by clothes.

In this article:
How to make a hat for a VK group

In addition, this space can become for you a place for the embodiment of a flight of fancy and self-expression. Like a canvas for an artist! Take advantage of this tool and capture the essence of your band creatively.

Based on simple step-by-step instructions from this article, you will learn how to make a hat for a VK group using popular programs and services. Including customization of paid and free, interactive and minimalistic covers.

What is the size of the pictures and avatar in the vk group

Avatar. The size of the avatar must be at least 200×200 px and not more than 7000×7000 px. The published image is compressed to 200×500 px. To maintain high quality, the developers suggest choosing a multi-pixel avatar scale.

Hat. Minimum cover size 795×200 px. To avoid a low-quality image, the recommendation of the creators will help - use 1590x400 px.

The dimensions of the mobile version of vk are different from the PC. In order for you to know “how and where” to place important elements on the header, you need to understand the intricacies. Let's define them:

  • At the top, the phone info panel is 80 px.
  • Left and right are trimmed by 195 px.
  • Pop-up extras settings take 140 px.

The rest of the visible area is 920×320 px. Therefore, it is in this radius that it is appropriate to place important information.

Following the developers' advice, your community cover art will look beautiful and accessible to narrow and widescreen users' devices.

How to make a group cover in Paint 3D

Creating a header for a VK group is as easy as shelling pears in Paint 3D, which is on every PC.

Point 1. Run the program and " Create" project.

Step 2. Go to the tab " Menu". Click " Insert". Define the required image.

Step 3 Select " crop". Get ready for the fact that when you add a picture, Paint can cut it down to a convenient size without you.

Point 4. The original size of the image was 5848×3899 px., which gives a lot of room for creativity. Drag the white dots to crop, to select a rectangular area. In Paint 3D the dimensions are 3550×900 px. are similar to 1590x400 px. so select them and click " Ready».

Step 6. Go to " Menu". Choose a section " Save as” and click on “ Image". As you give the picture a name, click " Save».

Voila, the hat is ready and you can pour it. Paint 3D also has other features - from banal effects and stickers, to two- and three-dimensional shapes and 3D models, which will be a good addition.

How to make a group cover in Photoshop

If you have Photoshop, then this is one of the best options for creating an original hat. Since it is he who, with the possession of basic skills of use, will help to translate your imagination into creativity.

Step 1. After opening the program, click " File" And " Create…».

Step 2. After setting the file to the desired size (1590 × 400 px.), click " OK».

Step 3. Now we need to open the image we want to work with. " File" And " Place…».

Step 4. Insert the added image into the work area and stretch it by the cubes to the desired view. To avoid distorting the proportion, hold down the "Shift" key and only then stretch.

Step 5 You should have something like this. And then confirm the action by clicking on the checkbox.

Step 6. Go to " File", click " Save for Web & Devices...” or the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S.

If necessary, the hat can be modified with extravagant additions.

But what if you are a connoisseur of minimalism? By approaching the preparation of the cover with special attention, it can be designed in such a way that it will not need effects and additions, but everything will say for itself what the group is about or what the appeal is about.

How to create a cover for a group in VK online

To create an elegant cover, you do not always need to download all kinds of programs.
There is a convenient and multifunctional online service Its wide range of benefits helps to painlessly make a hat for a VK group online in a few minutes.

1. Register first. Choose 1 of 5 registration topics. Depending on your choice, the service will provide you with up-to-date templates. Further registration is very simple, and consists of 3 options:

2. Template selection And Adding your team- you can skip as it can be done later. And since VK is not yet in the templates on the page " I want to create...» press « More types of designs».

3. Click " ”And indicate the already familiar dimensions of the VK cap.

4. After moving to the tab " downloads", click " ". Select the desired picture.

5. After, click on the downloaded image and it will appear in a compressed form on the working field. With the help of black dots, stretch it to the desired size.

6. Filling. Canva offers a wide range of features that will add a special touch to your cover:

  • Elements is a collection of bright additions.
  • Text is a huge selection of fonts, but not the entire range works for the Russian keyboard.
  • Background - gives you the opportunity not to use your picture, choosing one of the proposed backgrounds or fill it with the color you like.

After these 7 steps, a free online cover for the VK community is already subject to publication.

Canvas contributes to the creation of a beautiful header for a VK group, where there is a very simple interface. Even a child can handle it. And having understood all the intricacies and possibilities of the service, you can get a very original and stylish hat for your group.

How to make an interactive header in a VK group

Interactive cover - reproduction of various information in real time.

Thanks to the wide range of existing online designers, creating such a cover is a breeze. They can satisfy the user with convenient and unexpected options - from the simplest weather mechanism to the activity of participants and the exchange rate, which certainly makes the cover unique.

They are mostly used in the environment of online sales and services. Here are some examples:

Remember that such cover force is not suitable for all publics. Each has its own content, its own audience and, accordingly, will have its own original standard of harmony. Perhaps only a weather widget with date and time is suitable for your community.

Creating an interactive cover for a VK group

Choose one of the best online designers, on which we will set up an interactive cover.

Step 1. Click "Try it for free".

Stage 2. Pass authorization by clicking " Sign in with VKontakte". If you opened the site in the same browser as the contact but asks you to log in instead of " Allow”, check the site address so that you don’t fall for phishing and merge your account.

Step 4. Go to the "Dynamic Cover" section. Select the group in which you want to set it up. Click the checkbox to the left of the name, then click "Create / Edit".

Step 5. Go to "Change Background". The finished header can be immediately dragged to the working area, but we will load it through the "Choose file". By choosing a cover that was pre-made in Canva.

Stage 6. Now go directly to "Adding a Widget".

Stage 7. While creating the article, the Vkfiller constructor offers 17 different widgets to choose from. Let's focus on the 3 simplest ones that harmoniously fit into our version of "date and time" and "weather (icon)". And also the exchange rate, let it be.

In the "Widget Settings" section, you can modify it in every possible way.

Stage 8. A little lower is the setting for the refresh rate of the cover.

The price of one update = 0.003 rubles. By setting the update frequency for every minute, it will be released per day = 4.32 rubles, and for 31 days = 133.92 rubles. If such an impressive amount does not hit your pocket, then you can safely bet.

It turned out such an uncomplicated beauty. Although, as they say: "to your taste."

The choice of widgets is really plentiful, but look for the golden mean of the appropriateness of certain additions. When you decide to insert something, ask yourself the questions “Will this addition spoil the elegance of the cover?” and “Is there a need for it at all?”.

How to create a cover for a VK group online for free

It happens that the author does not have time for services and programs and you just need to crop the finished image in order to immediately publish it. In this case, there is a quick solution - you can create a cover for the VK community in the group itself.

This is done in just 5 elementary steps.

Step 1. Go to the " Control».

Step 2. Click " Download».

Step 3. Click " Select a file».

Step 4. Determine the required picture so that the sum of its width and height is no more than 14 yew. px.

Step 5. Set your preferred angle and click " ».

This type of cover is quite worthy of an artist's brush.


There is not one, or even five programs and online services that make it easy to create a beautiful hat for a VK group. And do I need to download heavy programs like Photoshop? Depends on your preferences. Choose which of the above methods can simplify your task, and not complicate and confuse.

If you doubt that you can handle the creation of the cover yourself, then this is solvable. You can self-study in free web courses or just ask a web designer for advice. In general, you will be able to make a hat for the VK group.

And remember: your choice of header should depend on the content and audience, and not your personal taste preferences.

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