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The ideal order form for an online store. The simplest form of sending data to mail using HTML and PHP

Sites selling any goods are often made on specialized systems (cms). Full-fledged online stores are required to have a fully functional shopping cart and the ability to pay for the purchase remotely. But what if the assortment of your products is not large enough to expand a whole store. What if you are selling your book, training, or some unique technique? Even if you have an online store with full automation, the button "Buy in a few clicks" or "Order in 5 seconds" will be very useful.

Studies have shown that when using the express order option, the conversion increases up to + 56%. If we consider the classic checkout, the number of refusals is about 7%. When using a 1-click order, the number of refusals reached 20% (every 5th order contained fake customer data). Despite this, express orders were in the majority. This means that with the correct use of this function, the number of sales can increase significantly.

This is how the conversion value changed in our experimental stores during the month at each stage. In the beginning, there was only one Add to Cart button. In the first experiment, an express purchase link was added. The results were amazing. Then, in the second experiment, we decided to put the purchase in 1 click into the main button, and put the addition to the cart into the link. The conversion was higher than the initial one, but the first experiment turned out to be more productive. This is what we recommend to our clients.

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Step 1. Designing an express order form

Let's consider ready-made one-click order forms from examples in the constructor.

Standard form for ordering from the site. You can put a button on it or a link next to the "Add to cart" button, or use it separately. The hidden (invisible) form field will contain the name of the product. In this example, the product field has been made visible. so that you can follow the field changes. In constructor scopes, the hidden field for products has the identifier product. For this field to be filled in automatically depending on which button / link was clicked, you need to add the pseudo-attribute data-product = "Product name" to the link or button

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An extended form with additional fields will allow you to more accurately specify the size and delivery method. You can add fields or remove unnecessary ones, change their purpose. For example, instead of size, you can specify a color, etc. A form of this type is suitable only if all goods have properties (delivery, size). Or, for each group of goods, create a separate form with its own properties. The extended form will be convenient for sites that sell courses, techniques, and more.

Form creation is difficult and time-consuming. This is clearly not an occupation for which you would like to sit for a whole working day. Basically, forms are used to implement feedback on the site and lead generation in the Landing Page. More complex forms are often used to create any kind of questionnaires, questionnaires, etc. In a situation where many fields are required, setting up server scripts will take a lot of precious time. Saas services come to the rescue. With their help, using the built-in constructor, you can create in the shortest possible time a form of any complexity without much effort. If you are not looking for easy ways, I suggest using the script for creating forms that was previously posted on.
Many people want to create reliable and convenient web forms quickly, and obviously not by hand. It turns out that creating forms using a specially designed constructor for this case is much easier and faster. They are able to create useful and well-designed projects in a few clicks. True, some developers charge a fee for using their resource, but it's often worth it. Plus, it's not big enough to impact your budget too much. We decided to save your time a little and have compiled a list of 13 of the best online form builders endowed with a huge number of functions.

Google forms

Undoubtedly Google Forms Is the best and most popular service. This free form constructor automatically places results in spreadsheets after user responses. Creation of the necessary forms is facilitated by the presence of hotkeys and saving changes in your personal settings. All this helps to send invitations to the right people without any problems, to give answers via regular e-mail or on social networks.


This service is also one of the best online web form designers, which is able to solve all your problems in just a few minutes. Whether you are an enterprise secretary or an IT professional, Wufoo can help you collect data quickly without writing a single line of code.


Formstack is great online web form builder for network users, equipped with all the optimization functions. He is able to implement all your marketing ideas. Manually type the code in this web form designer no need. This program allows you to integrate the form on your individual resource without the user's special knowledge of software.


FormBuilde is a unique cloud-based service that is capable of collecting data for its clients from mobile devices around the world. Moreover, this form constructor can create items such as application form, test form, order form and subscription form. Users can enter data and even change many parameters on the fly. It is the perfect tool for your job.


This is a paid but very effective service for creating simple and fast forms... What is required of you is to drag the necessary elements (text blocks, buttons for selecting the desired options, checkboxes, etc.) into the working field, and enter the address where you want to send the created form. The generated code that you use in your projects is easy to read, as if it was written not by a robot, but by a human.


This resource also allows you to create your own shape, such as questionnaires, registration form, the results of various studies. Then you can post it on internet sites, use it on social networks or in e-mail. Forms FormDesk are located on their own server and can be easily reached using a hyperlink or frame.


Reformed - open and free form builder having a wonderful design, it allows you to very quickly implement and create various useful projects for your site.


Another free online form builder which is user friendly. All that is needed for work is a simple registration in an account, and Typeform does not require any additional funds at all.


The online form builder allows you to create excellent shape and publish them. The creators of this service provide several ways to share forms with users of the world wide web and receive responses from them. Most customers install them on their own resource and receive a response form by email or already tabulated series of responses in the form of a report Excel.


MachForm is a professional grade resource that allows you to create shape with maximum compatibility. It not only works on desktops but is suitable to work on most mobile / touch devices ( , Android devices). All new versions of Form Builder make it easy to create shape using drag and drop and no programming at all. It is integrated with major payment systems ( PayPal,, Stripe, Braintree). In just a few clicks, the user will create a great form and be able to send online orders or accept payments.

The form consists of the following blocks:

  1. Order list.
    So that the visitor of your site does not have to manually indicate in the form the name of the product or service that he wants to order, the data is automatically sent here when you click on the button to add a product to the form. You can get order initialization buttons in your personal account. The order can simultaneously contain how many trade items that the site visitor decides to order.

    If a price is specified in the product settings, the form will automatically calculate the cost of the entire order. And if in the settings for a product the sign "it is possible to order several products" is set, then the form will also display the quantity, and the total cost of the order will be calculated from this quantity.

  2. Buyer's details.
    At the final stage of the order, the visitor enters his data at checkout. The number of fields and their names is arbitrary and can be configured in the personal account of the EasyNetShop service. In this case, you can set the "Required" flag for each of the fields and the order form will not be sent until the required field is filled in.
  3. Control buttons.
    The buyer can complete the checkout or return to the site to add additional products or services to the form.

Sample html code for adding a basket
copy anywhere on the page 1 time

Test code for placing the BUY button
place next to the description of the desired product Buy

You can get the ready-made personal basket code and button codes for adding goods to it in your personal account:

EasyNetShop order form advantage

Our order form is made using the technology of a basket of goods, before placing an order, you need to collect it. This technology has a number of advantages over the traditional form, which drops out when the button is pressed next to the product and does not form an order:

A few more positive points about the EasyNetShop order form:

  • Constantly reminds you of an unfinished action to place an order.
  • It is convenient when placing an order from mobile devices because half of the data (about the product and quantity) is already automatically filled in.
  • Allows you to calculate not only the amount of the order, but also the cost of delivery, as well as a discount.
  • Saves data when returning to the site again if the order has not been completed.
  • Allows you to organize the online payment process for the generated order.

The completed and sent order form remains a formality and even if a return response is received that the application has been received. This does not give 100% confidence to the buyer that the purchase was made. Not receiving an answer and not understanding whether he should wait for it (what time) - the buyer will continue to search for the product on other sites. It is quite another matter if a customer has placed an order through the basket of goods and he received the same automatic response that order No. ... has been placed. This is no longer a formality.

There is a certain expected model of customer behavior on the site, developed by typical online stores, and almost any customer will look for the usual “add to cart” button for him, and then the cart itself to complete the order. The presence of an order form for the purchase of goods is a departure from the typical behavior of the buyer and can cause an indefinite reaction (from difficulties to leaving the site)

The profitability of any online store primarily depends on how comfortable conditions are created on the site. Any buyer wants to find what they are looking for as quickly as possible and at the same time spend a minimum of their efforts. Statistically, most customers don't like the checkout process. That is why, if you want to increase the number of sales, you need to simplify the ordering system on your website.

In online stores, to buy a product, the client must fill in order form, which is installed on the site using special scripts, modules or plugins. Follow these guidelines when creating your order form.

1. Simplicity is the key to efficiency.

As practice shows, if a buyer encounters any problem when placing an order, he most often leaves the resource, fearing to face this problem again. If your order form has a few simple steps and is easy to fill out, you are guaranteed stable sales. It is worth noting that with simplicity, the main thing is not to overdo it, always take into account the specifics of your project. The order form on the site should collect the minimum information required to place an order.

2. Use visual examples.

A person always needs a visual example, especially when filling out an order form. Try to create a web form that even a full kettle can fill out.

3. Show your customer the progress of the checkout in total.

The client should always see how many stages he has gone through and how many still have to go. is of particular importance from the point of view of psychology. The classic ordering scheme takes 3-4 stages. The first stage - the user makes a list of the order. The second stage - the buyer enters his contact information. The third stage is information verification. The fourth stage is the deal.

4. Develop any customer doubts.

In our country, quite recently, a law on the protection of personal data came into force, but many users do not know about it. In the html order form, be sure to include a note on non-disclosure of personal information. This will significantly increase the trust of your customers.

5. No! registrations.

Almost all buyers have a bad attitude to any registration, due to the fact that this process can take a long time (in their opinion). Therefore, even if on your site registration is carried out without confirming the profile, delete it or make the checkout process available to unregistered users. It should be noted that in some cases, registration, on the contrary, is necessary. For example, when you intend to build a quality customer base. In this case, register on the site through social networks. It’s very simple.

All of the above rules and tips will undoubtedly increase the efficiency of the order form on the site, but you should always remember that a lot depends on the specifics of the topic. Only by trial and error can you really increase the conversion of your site.

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