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Facebook host. Interesting information about the Facebook creator

An obvious fact: it takes a lot of insolence to be successful in life. The Facebook success story once again fully confirms this thesis, since initially Mark Zuckerberg, without demand, borrowed data and photographs of his fellow students and published them on the network.

A short history of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg in October 2008

So it all started in 2003 when a Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg hacked into the database of his student dormitory, after which he posted personal information and photographs on the network. He published all this stuff in the Facemash program he created. The goal was to entertain users who needed to rate the photo and decide which one was “Wow!” And which was “Hot or Not”.

The result caused more outrage than laughter, because none of the victims of such a "beauty contest" Zuckerberg did not ask permission. The university administration was also not happy, and the site was removed from the network.

However, Zuckerberg already felt the promise of this idea and began further development of the project. In early 2004, Mark launches TheFacebook, which immediately causes a scandal again: three of his fellow students, a few days after TheFacebook went online, said that Zuckerberg had stolen the idea from them. But the social network that began its path to success was unstoppable.

In just a few weeks, dozens of Harvard students signed up to TheFacebook. The news of the emergence of a new social network spread very quickly, and soon students from other universities - Yale, Columbia and Stanford - were captured by a wave of enthusiasm.

Zuckerberg brought in several fellow students into his business and soon moved from his student dormitory to Harvard. In the summer of 2004, the first office was opened in Palo Alto, and soon the first investor appeared. Former CEO of PayPal Peter Thiel supported a start-up company by investing about 450 thousand euros in it.

Former PayPal CEO Peter Thiel supports start-up company

In 2006, the launch of the Facebook news feed set the stage for its ultimate breakthrough, and just four years later, the social network has over a billion page views every month.

Facebook Is the most popular and largest social network in the world. If you are interested in learning more about Facebook, how to use the network and some of the FB "chips" - this material is just for you!

Facebook - what is it

Facebook Is not only the largest social network in the world, but also one of the 5 most visited sites in the world. What is Facebook, we now know (social network), but what is the very concept of a social network? To answer this question, let's refer to the definition from Wikipedia:

Building social interaction should be understood as such things as communication, sharing photos, images, videos, audio files and other content, evaluating and discussing this content, creating thematic groups and publics.

Here is such an immodest statistic! But that's not all - the most interesting facts about Facebook:

  1. Facebook Inc also owns such well-known social networks as Instagramm and WhatsApp.
  2. In 2016, the company earned $ 10 billion, and revenue amounted to $ 27.638 billion. Thus, Facebook earns $ 52,583 per minute (fifty-two thousand five hundred eighty-three thousand dollars)
  3. The most popular people on Facebook are Real Madrid footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, Colombian singer Shakira and Hollywood actor Vin Diesel. They all have over 100 million likes on their pages.
  4. At one time, the main social network in the world was MySpace, and Facebook is just a copy of it. At that time, MySpace twice bought FB, but twice refused to pay the amounts requested by Zuckerberg - $ 75 and 750 million. And in vain - after 2 years Microsoft bought 1.5% of Facebook shares for $ 240 million (thus, the entire social network was worth $ 15 billion. And now the company is valued at more than $ 400 billion! And now very few people remember about MySpace. ...
  5. The Facebook application is the third most popular in the world and is second only to the browser and email application
  6. Each registered FB user knows any other user through 3.57 friends (theory of six handshakes)
  7. Mark Zuckerberg, immediately before the creation of Facebook, worked on a similar site - Facemash, but then the Harvard administration demanded to close the project and accused Zuckerberg of violating security and privacy.

The history of the founding of the social network Facebook

Facebook was founded in the winter of 2004 (February 4) by four guys - roommates at Harvard University. These guys were actually Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes... Then the social network had a slightly different name Thefacebook. At the first stage of development, registration on the site was available only to Harvard students through their email. After a while, access to Facebook was opened for other higher educational institutions of Boston, and after a while - for all students and teachers in the United States. And only since the fall of 2006, all inhabitants of the Earth were able to use the social network - but only if a person was 16 years old and had his own email. That is, for two whole years FB functioned as a niche intra-university network!

Video: Live broadcasts on the social network Facebook Video can’t be loaded: How to start a Facebook Live video broadcast (

What is the difference between Facebook and other social networks

For a long time Facebook was a monopoly in the world of social networks (and now it is in most countries of the world), and there was practically no one to compare it with. Well, maybe - except for MySpace, which FB surpassed at the dawn of its existence. Nevertheless, more and more social networks similar to Facebook began to appear recently, and we can speak more confidently about the comparison. Globally, all over the world, Facebook's counterparts are Google Plus and Twitter. Also, some countries have their own national counterparts - Odnoklassniki in Russia, Orkut in Brazil, Mixi in Japan, QZone and WeChat in China, Draugiem in Latvia.

Since we live in Russia, we can confidently say about the differences between Facebook and Vk and Odnoklassniki. And the main ones are:

There are still some differences, but they are more cosmetic than fundamental.

Facebook - registration

Registration on Facebook is absolutely not a complicated process and every person can easily cope with this process. To get started, go to the FB start page. If you are not registered yet - in any case, the system will redirect you to the registration page. You will see fields like this:

Fill in these fields, then confirm the registration by phone or email - and your Facebook profile will be created completely! For more details on how to create your personal account on this social network, read the special material - in 5 minutes! There you will find answers to all questions on this topic!

Facebook - how to listen to music on a social network

Many users are accustomed to not only chatting on a social network, but also listening to music. On Facebook, you can listen to music through special applications and add-ons.

Here is some of them:

  1. Spotify
  2. MySpace Music
  3. Deezer
  4. Music in Facebook messenger
  5. Zvooq
  6. Soundcloud

For more information about music on Facebook, read this article:

How to create a Facebook group or page

  • In the Facebook group, you can restrict access to materials
  • The Facebook page is public by default

There are also some differences between them in the interface, however, in general, groups are created for more thematic communication, pages for free communication and presentation of products or services for all network users.

To create a group or page, click on the triangle in the upper right corner and select Create page or Create community (group) from the drop-down menu. Then you will be asked to choose the type, topic, name of the community. After creation - go to the design and customization of communities.

How to delete a profile

On the social network Facebook, there are two ways to end the existence of your page. In the first way, you can temporarily deactivate, but not delete the profile. In this state, your page will not be visible in the search, but all photos, videos, your records will be saved and you can resume everything after the next access to the network. The second way is to permanently and permanently delete the profile.

Deactivating your Facebook profile

To deactivate your page, go to the Settings link (the triangle icon in the upper right corner of the site), then go to Security (menu on the left) and there you will see the Deactivate account item. Click on the link, then you will need to briefly explain the reason for deactivation, to confirm the action, enter your password and verification code. After that, a letter will be sent to your mail with a link to activate your account. Everything is quite simple as you can see.

Deleting a Facebook account

Deleting a Facebook account

To get started, go to the Help section (via Privacy Settings) and enter the request to delete your account there. In the results, go to the page for deleting a profile. You should be redirected to this page:

Click on the "Delete my page" button, after that you need to confirm this action - enter your password, verification password and briefly write about the reason for deletion. Click the OK button. However, this will not be the final deletion - your account can still be renewed for 14 days. After the expiration of these two weeks, the removal will be irreversible.

How to recover access and password to a social network

If you have forgotten your profile password and cannot log into Facebook, it doesn’t matter, access can be restored!

To get started, follow the "Forgot your password" link on the login page. Then follow the link to restore access and you will be sent an email with a special code to renew your account. Enter this password in a special window that will be visible on the FB website. Click the "Continue" button and you will be taken to the next step - creating a new password. Create it by entering it twice and also click on the Continue button. After that, you will be redirected to your profile page - already resumed and with a new password. Remember it so you don't forget it next time!

How to find and add friends on Facebook

The most convenient way to invite friends is in the following ways:

  • Enter the first and last name of your friend or acquaintance in the search field and find it among the search results
  • Go to the special section for finding friends - "Find friends" and search by a set of criteria - name, school, city, university, email, mobile number
  • Add at least one of your friends, and if he has an open list of friends - start adding your acquaintances to himself - for sure you have many acquaintances in common with him.

There are also other search methods - for example, import from other social networks, but three are enough for the initial addition.

Today, the concept of "social network" is used no less often than words such as "coffee", "computer", "jeans", "smartphone", etc. However, before the advent of Facebook, it seemed somehow vague and vague to Internet users. So the one who created Facebook created the standard of social networking - a service that promotes the expansion of conditions and opportunities for communication.

The "father" of Facebook

The world's most popular social network, of course, owes its success to Mark Zuckerberg. It was this man who turned a single idea into a powerful project that covered hundreds of countries and millions of Internet users. With amazing intuition, foresight and tenacious business acumen, Mark was able to gather a talented team around him and become the idol of ambitious youth.

Zuckerberg showed interest in technology at a fairly young age. Studying C ++, he first created a small computer game, and then a program for his father's company, with which its employees could communicate. The first serious product of Mark was the “Synapse” program, the task of which was to compose an individual playlist based on the user's preferences. Then even Microsoft wanted to buy the rights to it, but the young programmer immediately refused the tempting offer.

Despite his passion for programming, Mark entered the Harvard Department of Psychology. However, he did not abandon computer technology and in his free time from the main study worked out his ideas and ideas.

The origin and development of the project

If you analyze the biography of Zuckerberg, it becomes clear that the idea of ​​creating the Facebook social network did not arise spontaneously. While attending the prestigious Phillips-Exeter Academy, Mark saw The Photo Address Book, which was a reference book with photographs and contact information for all students. Among themselves, the students called it "The Facebook". Zuckerberg's idea was hooked, and already at Harvard University, he suggested that the management repeat the project, giving it a new form - an online service. However, the offer was rejected as the university adhered to its privacy policy.

Being a stubborn and passionate person, Mark once simply hacked into a university database, gaining access to photographs of students. This is how the prototype of the future Facebook project - the Facemash website - was born. The essence of the service was to evaluate the photos of Harvard men published by Zuckerberg. The rumor about a new project spread instantly, and at some point the server simply could not stand the flow of visitors. Naturally, the university leadership learned about the situation, and the site was immediately closed, to the great regret of the heated students.

Already in 2004, The Facebook was launched - a social network among Harvard University students. At that time, no less talented guys appeared in the Zuckerberg team - Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes. Together with Mark, they made the history of the Internet community, developing and presenting to the world the very Facebook that we see today.

Heroes of our time

Many people think that the sole founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg. However, his comrades at Harvard - Moskowitz, Saverin and Hughes - played an equally important role in the development of the social network.

Chris Hughes was primarily responsible for beta testing the site. But his main merit is the proposal to make the new service available not only to Harvard students, but also to students of other educational institutions. It was this idea that led to the fact that the social network became open and received international status.

Unlike Zuckerberg, Chris graduated from Harvard with a BA in Literature and History. In 2007, Hughes decided to take part in the election campaign of Barack Obama and left Facebook.

Eduardo Saverin became Mark's faithful companion at the stage of creating the social network. At Harvard, the Brazilian student had an excellent reputation. He was successful academically and socially. Having met Zuckerberg, Eduardo got carried away with the idea of ​​a new social network and agreed to act as an investor.

Saverin took the position of commercial director of the company, however, some time after the launch of Facebook, the relationship between Eduardo and Mark deteriorated markedly. As a result, the share of Saverin's capital was reduced several times, and only through the court was the former commercial director able to defend his 5% stake in Facebook.

Dustin headed the company's development and strategy department and was also the head of the on-staff programmers. Despite the success of the social network, in 2008 Moskowitz decided to leave the company and start developing other projects, in particular, "Asana" - a program that helps to monitor and manage projects.

Thus, the social network Facebook is the product of the hard work of several talented students, who were united by a common idea to create a unique project. Despite all the disagreements and conflicts, the founders of the social network managed not to lose their professional qualities and present to the world Facebook - the most popular and demanded service for communication on the Internet.

The genius guy was born into a large family of a dentist and psychiatrist. Growing up who was only interested in computers and programming, one might say, from the cradle.

He created the first network at the age of 11, of course, it was elementary programming, but still ... Mark amazed everyone with his abilities and creative approach to creating innovative programs. Many achievements behind him already from school age: board games, Winamp, etc.

All his first discoveries were made at the institute, he eagerly and passionately devoted himself to his work. Surprisingly, in addition to programming, he managed to go in for sports, study foreign languages ​​and psychology - the creator of Facebook is truly a genius!

As a student, Mark prioritized subjects, he did not have enough time for everything else. I prepared for exams in a couple of days. In general, he graduated from the university with an average academic performance.

The Facebook creator started a new life in 2003 when he came up with the world. The story began with the fact that he decided to take revenge on his ex-girlfriend. He created a website that showed off her photo with the caption "fool". You could vote for the participant. Already in the first hours of operation, the site was visited by about twenty thousand people.

Another talented programmer, Divya Narendra, studied at the same university. He had been hatching the idea of ​​a social network for a long time and even found a website opening. The appearance of Mark Zuckerberg's website immediately interested Nerendra, so they began to work together.

But the whole history of the union of these young businessmen did not end as optimistically as it began. The creator of Facebook received and the lawsuit was filed by his partners. Zuckerberg had to pay $ 65 million, and $ 7 billion is his capital. Rather, the accused was not greatly disturbed, because if we compare his condition and development prospects, then this amount is like a “drop in the ocean”.

Despite the overwhelming success, the enormous fortune and popularity of the Facebook network, its creator does not sport the most expensive cars and does not differ in a dissolute lifestyle. His daily transport is a bicycle. Likes to wear ordinary flip-flops, sleep on the floor and buy clothes in the middle price segment.

They say "money spoils people," but not in the case of Mark. The Facebook creator is actively involved in charity work, and in the coming year he will donate $ 3.5 billion to it.

The young tycoon got married recently. The newlyweds met for nine years, even from their student days. In a word, it lasted for years. The ceremony took place in secret at the home of the creator of Facebook.

The same day was a grandiose event for the entire company - the social network was valued at the exchange at $ 124 billion, which is even higher than even the large oil company Gazprom.

The creator of Facebook is now experiencing the happiest moments - success in his personal life and business. It looks like this is just the beginning for the twenty-eight year old talent. I think we should wish him good luck, because such a “simple and friendly” billionaire causes only sympathy for most people.

Most of the people have already become Internet users. And this is far from the limit. Technologies develop, more and more new technologies appear. Social media are becoming the favorites of people. Through them we read news, communicate, exchange more important information and not so much. Most of the users create their own sites on different topics: cooking, dating site, movie and music site, and many others. But in those days, the creation of websites or social networks was a big discovery. I would like to reveal a lot of interesting things about the famous Facebook network, the founder and developer of which was Mark Zuckerberg.

The young boy was born in the USA, went to school, and then entered the university. Mark was fond of, and all new ideas were constantly born in his head. After a certain time, thanks to his talent and endurance, the young man developed the game "RISK", but in a network version. Despite his budding talent, he did not accept an offer to collaborate, either from Microsoft or from the American media conglomerate AOL. Zuckerberg did not lose hope. He wanted to develop further on his own. And it was planned to create something new and unusual.

Soon after, he entered Harvard University as a psychologist. And even then, I did not give up programming, on the contrary, I additionally went to IT training courses. While studying in a completely different specialty, the young programmer, together with his friend from the university, Dustin Moskovitz, began to implement the idea that bore the name. Mark wanted to create something that would make it easier for both young people and older people to meet online. He is a very stubborn person by nature. And if this boy wanted something, he will definitely do it, says his mother.

Indeed, Mark Zuckerberg spent nights developing his project. First, he made the cover of the site. Here's another interesting fact about shell color. Since the boy suffers from a disease such as color blindness from birth, he is very poor at distinguishing colors, especially shades of red and green. That is why the young talent completed his project in blue colors, since all shades of blue are available to him. After the shell, Mark thought that if this page belongs to a certain person, then surely there should be a place where the photo of the main page would be placed.

And only then, he had ideas about how to post photos of both his own and friends on his personal page. Also, you could add videos, or watch online. One night, Mark hacked into the websites of all the students and made sure that everyone on their screens showed a video of what they were doing at the moment. It's kind of like a live online movie. Everyone could watch this picture. Zuckerberg was sued, but everything worked out. The genius was still able to complete his idea.

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