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How to find out your old password in classmates. How to see your password in Odnoklassniki

The situation when a user registered on Odnoklassniki for the first time forgets to write down or remember his access code is familiar to many. It was then that the question arises: how to see the password in Odnoklassniki? To do this is quite simple. We will describe several methods, and for ease of understanding, we will accompany them with screenshots.

Change "password" attribute to "text"

Find the login page. We are interested in the next element.

Click it right click mouse and enter the "View element code" section.

Among the huge number of incomprehensible lines and words we find the “password” attribute.

We select it, delete it, and instead of it we enter the “text” attribute. You can watch the modified characters flash. We return to the login page and see that instead of solid dots there are letters and numbers.

Now be sure to write down the password in a notepad or save it on a USB flash drive in a secret document.

recovery software

If the passcode is not saved by the password manager, it can be restored using the PasswordSpy program. You need to download it to your computer.

Using this program, you can find out the lost codes from:

  1. Any websites you visit.
  2. Mail.
  3. File transfer protocol.
  4. Messengers.

This utility will help you find passwords through the browser if its history has not yet been cleared. The interface of the assistant is very easy, so even a beginner can handle the recovery. Search necessary elements carried out very quickly. The program scans temporary files, finds passwords and tells the user where they belong.

Now loss code word you are not afraid.

Recovery via email and phone

But if the user wants to access Odnoklassniki from someone else's computer or another browser, then the previous schemes will not work. Then there is another way out - changing the password using mobile phone or email. To do this, go to the login page social network. Click the line "Forgot your password?".

Choose a recovery path (phone or email). For example, we will use a phone number.

Enter your number and click the "Search" button.

An SMS with a recovery code will be sent to your phone within two minutes. Enter it in the appropriate field. If the code did not arrive on time, request it again. Come up with a new one, but strong password, which will contain letters, numbers, different registers. Be sure to write it down if you don't rely on your memory.

Tip: for security reasons, you should not use the date of birth or your loved ones to generate a new password. Can't use too much simple combination letters or numbers like "AAAAAA" or "0000000". Such passwords are the most insecure and easily cracked. You will not be able to use the old combination of characters. So, the site administration protects the privacy of its users.

Viewing the password using the browser

Look hidden password can and standard means your internet browser. To do this, for example, in Chrome, click on the icon - ellipsis in upper corner window and select Settings.

Now scroll down the page to advanced settings and we press it.

Here we are interested in the item with the name: Passwords and forms. Click on Settings.

In the window that opens, you need to find Odnoklassniki among other sites. To do this, enter in the search box:

We activate the item with the login we need by simply clicking the left mouse button.

It remains only to see the password, for this we click on the Show button. Windows system It will ask for a password, enter it.

Our password is displayed, the task is completed.


More recently, browser developers have introduced new feature, which is able to remember your logins and passwords. Now, using this option, you can quickly and easily log into any account without entering a single character. Also, with the help of this feature, you can remember a forgotten, but at the same time saved password in a few seconds.

The password review process will be reviewed on the two most popular internet browsers: Opera and Google Chrome. So let's go to home page Odnoklassniki (, and right-click on the field with your password.

Important! You need to click not on the stars, but on empty space, otherwise a spell checker menu will appear.

Next, a drop-down menu will appear in which to Opera browser must choose " View element code».
For Google Chrome, select the line "":

Next will open html code, which is responsible for the password field and we need to fix it a bit. We want to say right away that we only need to change one word, so even the basics of programming will not be useful to you. So, in the window that opens with the code, we are looking for a line that begins as follows -
After you find it, you need to double-click on the word "":
Now instead of "password", we write the word " text"and press the key" Enter". Ready! Instead of asterisks, we got our password:

How did this happen?

The fact is that each input field has its own type. There are a fairly large number of such types, but the most common are only three, namely: text, password and button.

The text field type is used to enter plain text, for example, the comment form below this article is a text type, but the submit button is of the button type (button is translated from English as a button):

The password field type implies that it will contain a password, so this field type is encrypted. When we changed the word "password" to the word "text", we decrypted the data in this field. But, after reloading the page, everything will return back, since the original of this code is located on the servers of Odnoklassniki, and on our computer there is only a copy of it.

That's all for us, join our VK group and follow all the updates. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments or in the online consultant, we will definitely answer each of them.

Next article.

In order to get into your Odnoklassniki profile, you need to enter your login and password - this is a standard authorization practice for both social networks and other Internet services. Interestingly, being in your Odnoklassniki profile, you will not be able to see the password. Why? Apparently, this is a kind of protection: if, for example, you go to a page from someone else's computer and do not log out of your account, the other person will not be able to find out the password and in the future he will not be able to access your page.

If you don’t believe me, go to the settings and look at the “Password” column - there will be asterisks in it.

At the same time, if you click on the "Change" button, you still will not be able to see the password, because the system will prompt you to enter the current password, as well as twice - a new password.

The question is what to do? The password can only be viewed if you remember it in the browser: if you see asterisks instead of the password when you enter Odnoklassniki, then it is saved. Here's what you can do.

An example will be shown based on the Google Chrome browser. Go to the main Odnoklassniki, where the password is saved. You will see asterisks or dots. Hover over them and click on the right mouse button, then select "View Code" from the menu.

The toolbar will open. A piece of code will be highlighted in it, where there is the word password.

Hover over it with the mouse, right-click and select Edit attribute from the menu that appears. Now replace the word password with the word text and press Enter.

We look in the column "Password" and see the information we need.

If this method is difficult for you, you can use another option, but it also only works if the password is saved in the browser. Go to your browser settings (in our case, Google Chrome). Find the "Passwords and forms" section, click on the "Configure" button next to the "Offer to save passwords for sites" item.

Here is a saved password for Odnoklassniki. Click on the account, a "Show" button will appear next to the password.

Click on it to see the password. Here he is:

Both methods are legal because browsers allow you to view passwords. However, in our opinion, saving such data in an Internet browser, especially if a third party has access to the computer, can be dangerous. In an adjacent article, we told.

Any user of this social network who for some reason has lost or forgot relevant data. For the easiest access recovery, you need to have a pre-specified own phone number in the profile. When registering, the administration of this site recommends that all participants indicate the most detailed information, including contact information, which greatly simplifies the procedure for obtaining a new password. If the phone number was not specified, then the possibility of password recovery is not lost, but the procedure itself can be significantly lengthened.

The standard password recovery procedure in Odnoklassniki

The usual procedure for recovering a password for entering a personal page on the Odnoklassniki social network is to receive a special code to the phone number specified in the profile. To do this, you need to click on the special link “Forgot your login or password”, which is located on the main page of Odnoklassniki. After that, the user receives a special form in which you must enter a mobile phone number. The user will receive a special code for this number, which will need to be entered in a separate field. After that, the social network member is directed to a page where you can enter a new password to access your personal page. After setting a new password, you should fix it and use it later to enter the site.

Special password recovery procedure in Odnoklassniki

Some users do not include their own cell phone number in their profile. Sometimes, for some reason, there is no access to phone number specified during registration. In such situations, the only way out is to contact the support service of the social network, since there are no other ways to recover the password. You can fill out a special form in the "Help" section of the official website, where there is a link "Contact support". Without authorization in the social network, you can send requests only for questions about entering the site or registering. The user will be prompted to provide information from his profile to identify him, however, this method of password recovery is complex and time consuming. That is why it is recommended, if possible, to use the standard procedure for obtaining the necessary data.

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