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I want to receive alimony by postal order. Delivery of money using a fast transfer "Fast and the Furious"

For many fathers (or mothers) transfer of alimony via mail- the most convenient way to transfer funds for child support. Often, parents themselves choose this path and prescribe it in the alimony agreement or act in accordance with a court order (writ of execution).

You should pay for the maintenance of the offspring in accordance with the amount specified in a particular document and the timing of payments. Do not forget about the transfer fee and the fact that the money may come with some delay, so it is better not to delay sending it. Otherwise, the recipient will have every right to accuse you of delayed payments and even sue (if the issue has been resolved).

This article will tell you how to carry out a mail transfer of funds in accordance with all the rules in order to protect yourself from possible incidents and unpleasant situations.

Each person may have their own reasons for choosing a postal order to transfer money to a card or transfer cash from hand to hand:

  • a woman's residence in rural areas where there are no banks;
  • posting mail near the recipient / sender's house;
  • erratic earnings of the ex-spouse, lack of official work.

Alimony can be transferred through any post office of the Russian Federation. This is one of the most reliable methods. The duration of the transfer is up to 5 days. The term depends on the amount. If you wish, you can transfer money to a person at the post office to a card of any bank (but not more than 15 thousand rubles).

Whichever method you choose to transfer money, follow the payment rules.

How to pay alimony correctly via mail?

  1. Transfer finances strictly according to the terms agreed in advance:
  • every month,
  • quarterly,
  • semiannually,
  • Once a year.

Be punctual: "baby" must be transferred no later than 3 days after your paycheck.

  1. Send exactly the amount indicated in the contract / writ of execution. Plus, consider the commission for the transfer itself.
  2. Not every money transfer by mail will be considered as payment of alimony, especially if this information is not indicated in it. So that you are not brought to court, be sure to write this moment in the purpose of payment.
  3. Keep physical evidence that the payment has been made.

Do not forget to indicate the name of the recipient, his postal code, address, the amount of the transfer. Show your passport to the postal worker when transferring "children".

Attention! Take your receipt every time.

It states:

  • category, type of departure,
  • recipient,
  • post office name,
  • Transfer number.

Important nuances

If the court ordered you to transfer money by mail, important nuances are added. The form must contain the following data:

  • the amount of accrued alimony;
  • information about the period for which payment is made (month, quarter, etc.);
  • the amount of your earnings for this time period;
  • the number of workdays during the reporting period;
  • % of salary taxes;
  • if there is an alimony debt, then indicate the amount of the transferred debt and how much is still left.

Debt often arises when the court ordered to pay money in a fixed amount, and the salary of the person being charged is small and more than 50 - 70% of the person cannot and should not pay. In such controversial situations, the details in the column "for written communication" will make the calculation transparent and prevent conflicts between the separated spouses.


This point must be treated carefully. By law, the transfer fee must be paid by the person liable for alimony. The rates at the Russian post office are as follows:

  • RUB 40 collection and 5% of the amount sent up to 1000 rubles;
  • 50 p. and 4% of the amount in the range from 1000 to 5000;
  • 150 p. and 2% from a figure over 5000 to 20,000 inclusive;
  • 250 p. collection and 1.5% of funds over 20,000 and up to 500,000 rubles.

Make sure that the amount actually transferred is exactly equal to the figure indicated on the form.

Possible problems

From the recipient's side

If the postal order has not reached you, this may be due to some technical problem or corny with the fact that the ex-spouse did not transfer the money. The scheme of actions is as follows.

First, try on your behalf to ask the organization where the payer is listed whether the money was transferred. They can confirm or deny the fact of the transfer, but they are not obliged to do this. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to include bailiffs in the case, but only if the issue of collecting alimony was decided in court. Write a letter of complaint to the court and a copy to send to the other parent at work.

The same employee who handed over the writ of execution for the work of the person being recovered will check whether the deduction was made. He is free to do this during a scheduled inspection.

The regulatory framework to which you can refer is Art. No. 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The charges are brought against the accountant of the organization where the person being recovered works, the postal worker who carried out the translation, the bailiff, if he delays in resolving the issue.

From the sender's side

Many men suggest that the mother of their child should not go to court and not even conclude a written agreement, but simply send certain amounts by mail to the child, and without specifying the purpose of payment and the period for which the money is transferred in the form.

Please note that from a legal point of view, these funds are not considered child support. Lawyers classify them as help, the participation of the father in the maintenance of the baby.

The same applies to cases of transfers of amounts directly to the name of a minor. Therefore, the mother has the right to sue and demand the recovery of alimony from the second parent. They will not be charged retroactively, but from the moment of filing the application and receiving the corresponding writ of execution, you will have to pay according to all the rules of postal order, otherwise you may be charged for non-compliance with the court orders, even if you continue to transfer finances.

Cons of postal transfer

High commissions, queues, a long transfer duration compared to transferring money to a card, which can be carried out almost instantly - all this makes postal order a less attractive way to solve the problem of alimony payments, especially for people living in large cities and well-versed in modern life conditions ...

You can pay child support in different ways. This is a transfer to a bank card, alimony via mail or transfer of funds from hand to hand. It is defined:

  • on a voluntary basis, when the former spouses conclude an agreement on the amount and method of payment;
  • compulsorily, when the amount and method of payment of funds is determined by the judge.

The voluntary order of payment is reflected in the voluntary agreement of the former spouses, and the compulsory order is reflected in the writ of execution.

The payment procedure stipulates:

  • the amount of alimony;
  • the frequency of their listing;
  • method of payment of funds.

The way in which child support is paid depends on the life circumstances of the former spouses. So, getting money at the post office may be the only possible way if a woman lives in a rural area or very convenient if the post office is near her home. This may be the most acceptable way to transfer funds for the ex-spouse in the event that he has inconsistent income or does not officially work at all.

Payment rules

The law allows you to transfer assistance to a child at any post office in the country. It is important that their payment through the mail follows certain rules.

  1. You should pay strictly in accordance with the terms stipulated in a voluntary agreement or in a writ of execution:
    • monthly;
    • quarterly;
    • every 6 months;
    • once a year.

    Withholding amounts must be transferred by mail no later than three days after the income is paid.

  2. The postal order must correspond to the amount of the collection, which is stipulated in the documents.
  3. The money transfer by mail must contain information that allows it to be identified as alimony.

If the decision to transfer funds by mail was made by the court, the postal order form must contain information about:

  • the period for which the transfers are made;
  • the amount of the collection payer's income for the specified period;
  • the number of days worked by the payer in the specified period;
  • the amount of personal income tax withheld from salaries;
  • accrued alimony;
  • the debt to be transferred and the balance of the debt, if any.

Debt can arise when a lump sum is set and wages are low, when the deduction cannot exceed 70% of the income. Such detailed information in the section "for written communication" makes the calculation of alimony transparent, allows you to confirm the fact of payment, to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts between separated spouses.

If the alimony is transferred by mail on a voluntary basis, the form must indicate:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the person who receives the funds;
  • transfer amount;
  • the address and postal code of the recipient of the transfer.

To transfer assistance to a child by mail, the payer must present a passport. After receiving the money, the sender receives a receipt, in which the category and type of shipment, the recipient, the name of the post office and the transfer number are recorded.

Fee for postal order

Postal order is a tried and tested reliable method. It is especially popular in urban-type settlements, small settlements, in rural areas. The transfer period is up to 5 days and depends on the amount. At the post office, you can transfer money to a bank card if the amount of alimony does not exceed 15 thousand rubles.

The amount of payment for making a transfer through the Russian post office is related to the amount of the payment. The postage is:

  • 40 rubles for services and 5% of the transferred amount not exceeding 1000 rubles;
  • 50 rubles for services and 4% of the transferred amount for funds over 1000 rubles and less than 5000 rubles inclusive;
  • 150 rubles for services and 2% of the transferred amount for funds over 5,000 rubles and less than 20,000 rubles inclusive;
  • 250 rubles for services and 1.5% of the transferred amount for funds over 20,000 rubles and up to 500,000 rubles inclusive.

When making a transfer, it should be borne in mind that the amount of the transferred funds must correspond to that indicated in the documents. Therefore, the person from whom the child's assistance is being collected will have to pay for the money transfer at the rates of the Russian Post. He is obliged to pay the amount of postage additionally.

For the payer of alimony, it is very important to save documents confirming their payment. Therefore, receipts of transfers of alimony by mail should be carefully preserved.

What to do when the transfer has not arrived

In life, there are situations when the transfer by mail does not reach the recipient. The organization where the payer works can confirm the fact of the transfer, but is not obliged to respond to requests from a private person who has not received alimony by mail. In this case, the recipient must turn to the bailiffs with a complaint if the decision to recover was made in court. The bailiff, who handed over the writ of execution at the place of work of the payer of the monetary collection, is obliged to check the accruals and transfers of amounts upon the application forcibly or during a scheduled inspection. A copy of the complaint letter should be sent to the payer's place of work. V in this case, referring to Art. 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, charges of obstructing the execution of a court decision can be brought against a bailiff, an accountant of an enterprise, or a postal worker.

Can a translation by mail always be considered child support?

There are situations when ex-spouses do not conclude an agreement on the payment of assistance for children and do not go to court on this matter. The child's father voluntarily decides to pay money in an arbitrary amount to the name of the ex-wife. However, he does not indicate the purpose of these funds.

Lawyers believe that such transfers are not alimony. They confirm the participation of the father in the maintenance of the child and the fulfillment of parental responsibilities. If the purpose of the funds is not indicated in the payment document, and the period for which they are transferred, such monetary amounts are not recognized as alimony. And they are not counted towards their payment.

If the ex-spouse is not satisfied with the amount of voluntary money transfers through the mail, she has the right to go to court for their collection. According to the law, the voluntary payment of the father by mail only confirms the fact of his participation in the maintenance of the children. At the same time, alimony cannot be collected retroactively, but is collected only from the moment the child's mother submits an application.

Sometimes the ex-spouse decides to mail the money directly to the child's name. Such payment is considered by law to be an additional help for its maintenance or a gift, but it is not taken into account in the repayment of alimony.

There are several ways to transfer alimony: the easiest is to transfer it directly to the recipient, the fastest is a bank transfer to the recipient's account, and the most common is postal transfer.

Pros and cons of transferring alimony via mail

The transfer of alimony by postal order is indeed the most widespread practice. As a rule, the mail service is used by residents of the provinces, where banking electronic resources are not so accessible. Unlike banks and ATMs, there are post offices even in the most remote villages, which greatly facilitates the process of receiving and paying alimony via mail.

It is convenient to use mail services if:

  • There are no banking institutions in the area of ​​residence of the payer or recipient of alimony;
  • Difficulties arise with opening a bank account or using a bank card;
  • The recipient does not have the opportunity to personally appear at the payer's place of work to receive alimony.

In addition to being widely available, there are several more reasons why so many "alimony" people use postal services. Conservatism and habit play a role (especially for older people), guarantee and reliability (the work of the mail has never been criticized by bailiffs or judges), the availability of evidence of payments (receipts with full information about the payer and alimony payment), simplicity transferring and receiving alimony.

Nevertheless, one cannot fail to mention the disadvantages:

  • Tariffs are higher than the fees charged by banking institutions;
  • Sometimes you have to stay in the branches for hours - because of the long queues and the lengthy process of sending or receiving a postal order.

How often do you pay child support by mail?

Another important feature of sending alimony by mail is the personal responsibility of the payer for compliance with the terms of the transfer and the amount of alimony payments. Nobody controls him in how regularly (regularly and in full) he pays alimony.

Postal orders can be carried out monthly, quarterly, annually, even daily - one should be guided by a court decision or an alimony agreement. The amount of alimony must also correspond to that established in the executive document.

Mail order options

Post offices also have various payment sending services. What is the best way to transfer child support via mail?

First of all, you need to choose between by address and non-address transfer... The first option involves sending money to the address of the alimony recipient, who will be able to collect the funds at a specific post office. The second option allows sending the alimony payment to any post office in the city. Both in the first and in the second case, in order to receive money, you will need to provide an identity document (passport).

There are also urgent and non-urgent postal orders... The expedited payment service is available in almost all post offices in the country. If the recipient of the alimony is within the country, he will be able to receive the money within a few hours after sending it.

A sample of filling out a postal order for alimony

Perhaps the most important step in the sending process is filling out the postal order form.

Important: fill out the form legibly in order to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings when sending or receiving it, in order to timely deliver funds to the addressee. Correct and complete filling out of the column of the form is also important in order to provide evidence of the fulfillment of one's obligations in the event of disputes.

  1. In the column "Postal order to ..." you need to indicate the amount - in numbers and in words;
  2. In the “To” column, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient;
  3. In the column "Where" the postal code and address (the name of the republic or territory, region and district, the name of the settlement, street, house and apartment number) of the recipient are indicated;
  4. In the column "From whom" the sender indicates his last name, first name and patronymic;
  5. In the “Sender's address” column, the sender must indicate his postal code and address;
  6. In the "Message" column, you should indicate the purpose of the money transfer, for example, child support for April 2019;
  7. In the column "Submitted" you need to specify the data passport or other the identity of the sender of the document - series, number, date of issue, validity period and the authority that issued the document;
  8. The column "citizenship" indicates the citizenship of the sender;
  9. The sender puts his signature.

If the alimony is paid on the basis of a court decision, the payer must indicate the following information:

  • FULL NAME. payer;
  • FULL NAME. child;
  • purpose of payment - alimony;
  • a reference to a judgment or a writ of execution;
  • billing period - the month for which the alimony is paid (the month indicated in the documentation may not coincide with the current month if the payer repays the debt or pays alimony in advance);
  • the number of days worked in the working month, the amount of wages, the amount of income tax, the amount of alimony withholding;
  • if the debt is repaid - the balance of the debt after the current transfer.

If alimony is paid on the basis of a voluntary alimony agreement, the documents are filled out in the same way, except that instead of the details of the court decision, the details of the alimony agreement are indicated (the date of conclusion and the registration number supplied by the notary).

Below you can find a sample of filling out a postal money order for alimony:

Who pays the postage?

Payment for the transfer is made only in cash. In this case, the payment amount and the amount of postage are entered to the cashier. All costs are borne by the payer debtor.

The postage rates in 2019 represent a flat fee for the postal order service and a percentage of the payment amount. Moreover, the amount of the fee varies depending on the size of the payment:

  • when paying less than 1000 rubles- 80 rubles + 5% of the amount;
  • when paying from 1000 to 5000 rubles- 90 rubles + 4% of the amount;
  • when paying from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles- 190 rubles + 2% of the amount;
  • over 20,000 rubles- 290 rubles + 1.5% of the amount.

Note! The amount of postage is paid in excess of the amount of the alimony payment!

How much does the alimony pay by postal order?

The term for sending / receiving a money order depends on such factors as the type of postal service, the amount of the amount, the distance, the equipment of post offices with electronic systems. On average, child support lasts from several hours to several days. Maximum term - 8 business days.

Russian Post offers several options for money transfers. The speed of funds transfer from the sender to the recipient depends on the service chosen by the sender.

For instance:

Service "Fast and Furious" Is one of the most popular methods of urgent cash transfers between citizens throughout Russia. Its main advantage is the high speed of postal order delivery. You can receive money at any post office in Russia - just a few minutes after sending (no more than 1 hour - up to 100 thousand rubles, up to 2 days - over). Provides notification of the recipient of the receipt of funds at the place of residence.

New service - transfer of funds from a bank card ( Mastercard or Maestro) sender receiving cash at the post office... The transfer may be available to the recipient the very next day after sending.

Another convenient service is transfer of non-cash funds from the sender's bank card to the recipient's bank card... Receiving money is possible within a couple of minutes after sending.

CyberMoney international money transfer service allows you to send and receive alimony to / from countries of near and far abroad. Term - 2 working days (if the amount is up to 100 thousand rubles), 3 working days (if the amount exceeds 100 thousand rubles). If money is sent to a post office that is not an electronic exchange point, they should be expected to arrive no earlier than 6-8 business days.

There are several ways to fulfill alimony obligations, but not all of them are universal. Personal transfer allows you to save on bank services, but hostile relations between ex-spouses will become an obstacle. An additional inconvenience is the drawing up of receipts. Transferring alimony to a bank account is also not always suitable. Branches of a financial organization are not present in all localities.

Many payers send alimony by postal order to avoid these inconveniences.

Advantages and disadvantages of translation

Postal order has a number of advantages.

  • There are liaison offices throughout the Russian Federation. Their number significantly exceeds the number of branches of Sberbank. You can get funds even while living in a small village.
  • The addressee does not have to draw up a bank card and pay the cost of its service.
  • The transfer of money is carried out indirectly. If there is a conflict between the parents, this method avoids unpleasant meetings.
  • The recipient of the funds does not have to visit the enterprise where the debtor works to transfer the cash.
  • The post office issues a document confirming the receipt of the amount sent.

There are also disadvantages of this method of calculation.

  • Russian Post takes a higher commission for payments than banks.
  • The sender and the recipient will have to wait their turn, since the clients are served for a long time.
  • The deadlines for making payments by mail are longer in comparison with bank transfers.
  • When sending money, you have to fill in the necessary information for a long time.

It is necessary to choose this method of transferring funds taking into account the listed advantages and disadvantages.

Types of transfers and terms of their implementation

The payer can send different types of transfers.

  1. Addressable or unaddressed... In the first option, the money is sent to a specific post office. The other parent can only pick them up there. An unaddressed transfer allows you to receive funds by visiting any post office in the city.
  2. Urgent and ordinary... Money sent via an accelerated service arrives in a few hours. With a regular transfer, the recipient will be able to withdraw the money after a longer time.
  3. With or without home delivery... For a certain surcharge, post office employees can deliver money to the recipient's place of residence. Under the usual procedure, funds are issued by the specialists of the post office.

Another difference concerns the delivery time.

  • Western Union services offered by post offices. It allows you to receive payment for 5 minutes... The downside will be the higher cost of translation.
  • Sending via QIWI terminals to the post office. The money will come to next working day.
  • Sending with bank card the debtor. The other parent will be able to receive funds for next working day.
  • Usage CyberMoney service for foreign translations. The term for receiving funds is from 2 to 8 working days.
  • Special translation of "Fast and the Furious"... The recipient will be able to withdraw funds after an hour. If a debt of more than 100 thousand rubles is transferred, then the deadline for execution will be up to 2 days.
  • Standard postal order delivered throughout 8 days after registration.

Transfer from individuals

Before transferring funds, you must check the correctness of filling out the form. The document must contain complete information.

  1. In the field with the amount to be transferred, the amount of money to be sent is indicated in numbers and in words.
  2. The recipient column must contain the full name of the other parent.
  3. In the field with the address of the recipient, you must indicate the index, the full name of the region, settlement, street, house and apartment.
  4. The column about the sender is filled in with a full indication of his full name.
  5. In the field with information about the address, complete information about the place of residence of the payer is entered.
  6. It is imperative to fill in the "message" column. The purpose of the payment is indicated, for example, "child support for June 2017". The lack of this information can be the basis for the formation of debt.
  7. In the field about the presented document, the passport data of the debtor is entered.
  8. Nationality is indicated in the column on citizenship.
  9. Then the signature is put.

To quickly complete the document, you can use the sample for filling out the mail order of alimony, located above.

Translation from the organization

An alimony agreement, a writ of execution or a court order can be presented to the accounting department of the company where the debtor works. From each salary and bonus, he will be required to withhold funds for the maintenance of the child.

Before you send the collected alimony by postal order from the organization, you must check all the data in the form.

  • The employer is required to indicate information about the number of days worked by the debtor during the month, the amount of earnings received and personal income tax withheld from it and the amount transferred to the maintenance of the minor.
  • A reference to the document-basis for collection is obligatory. They are represented by a notarial agreement, a writ of execution or a court order. It is required to indicate the number and the date of its registration.
  • The purpose of payment is the repayment of the accumulated debt for a particular period (in this case, it is required to indicate its balance), as well as the fulfillment of current obligations for the month.

The company must issue a power of attorney for the employee who sends the money.

Payment of expenses

All commissions are paid by the debtor when sending money. He has no right to deposit them by reducing the amount of the transfer. Otherwise, the responsibilities for the maintenance of minors will not be fully fulfilled and the debt will begin to accumulate (the executive document refers to a certain amount of alimony received by the other parent).

If the commission is too high and does not suit the payer, then the parents can agree on another method of sending funds.

Possible problems

Difficulties in transferring funds by mail can be of a technological nature. Such cases include:

  • failures of the money sending system;
  • the debtor does not have a passport when trying to transfer funds or from the other parent when visiting to receive them.

There are also legal problems.

  • The money may not come because the debtor or his employer did not send it. In this situation, you will have to turn to bailiffs and seek the fulfillment of these persons' obligations.
  • The sending parent does not identify them in any way. In such a situation, the recipient has the right to file for alimony and collect money again if the available transfers are not enough.

It makes sense to use mail to transfer funds for the maintenance of minors if the recipient or sender lives in the outback. Under other circumstances, it is easier to use more comfortable and faster payment methods.

Is it possible to send money for child support through the Russian Post? How to get child support by postal order? Do I need a power of attorney if funds are sent by a relative? How to fill in all the fields in the order correctly so that the payment is credited? How to get money, and what is needed for this? You will learn how to draw up a document for postal order from this article.

How is the payment of alimony via mail

Under an agreement on the payment of alimony or a court order, various ways of transferring funds to support the children may be established. One of them is postal order. According to the payment schedule, every month, once a quarter, half a year or a year, alimony is transferred through a post office on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The amounts are determined by a court order or a writ of execution.

When sending a postal order in court, special attention is paid to the section "For written communication" indicated on the back of the postal order paper. It indicates information if payments are established in proportion to income:

  • the period for which the money is paid;
  • the number of days worked by the debtor;
  • the amount of the received salary;
  • the amount of deductions for personal income tax;
  • the amount of alimony to be withheld;
  • when part of the debt is repaid - the amount of the transferred funds and the balance of the debt after its repayment.

Transfer of alimony via mail by agreement

If the parents or legal representatives of the minor entered into an agreement on a voluntary basis and certified it with a notary, then they draw up postal orders in compliance with the following details:

  • full name of the recipient of the money;
  • registration address with postal code or bank account number;
  • the amount of funds transferred.

Postage when sending maintenance payments is payable when sending money. The person who transfers the money should pay attention to this, since the transfer amount will be reduced by this tariff. In this case, the amount of money that reaches the recipient must be no less than that specified in the agreement or the court's request. The commission is calculated on the transfer amount and directly depends on its size, and is added to the funds transferred. The Russian Post has established the following tariffs:

  • when sending an amount up to 1 thousand rubles. inclusively paid 40 rubles. and 5% of the transfer amount;
  • from 1 thousand rubles up to 5 thousand rubles including - 50 p. and 4% of the funds sent;
  • from 5 thousand rubles up to 20 thousand rubles - 150 p. and 2% of the total amount of the transferred money;
  • more than 20 thousand rubles and up to 50 thousand rubles. inclusive - 250 rubles. and 1.5% of the total content.

To avoid litigation that may arise due to incorrect, you should keep receipts for the transfer of funds transferred. In the event of claims from the recoverer in court, you can submit all documents to prove that the payments were made in good faith during the entire declared period. It is imperative that the securities reflect the amounts and dates of the money sent. It will simplify the calculation by indicating the period for which the debt was closed, it can be reflected both in the content of the claim itself and in a separate application.

To carry out a transfer to a post office of the Russian Federation, you must submit:

  • the passport of the sender of the money;
  • details of the recipient of cash benefits.

The disadvantage of making payments through post offices is the high commission for sending alimony. With an increase in the amount of payments, the interest charged increases. As alternative ways with lower costs, which can significantly save on shipping, you can cite:

  1. Sending money to a bank account or card. To do this, the agreement, court order or writ of execution should be transferred to the place of work of the payer of the money, along with the details for the transfer. An application is written for the transfer of amounts on the basis of these documents to the name of the head of the enterprise, while an order or special permission to transfer money is not required. Both the debtor with whom an employment contract has been concluded and the collector of money in favor of the child can apply to him. Usually the transfer reaches the requisite within 3 days.
  2. It is allowed to open a bank account in the name of the child. Such situations are allowed when the parent, with whom the minor is left to live, spends money for other purposes: on food, clothing, his education. In this case, at least 50% of the established amount is transferred to it. Also, savings accounts can be opened for transfers for additional expenses according to the needs of the ward.

Among the advantages of sending money through the mail in favor of the ward, the presence of branches of a state institution throughout Russia and even in the most inaccessible areas: villages and towns, as well as in the regions or in relation to persons who do not use banking products or do not have the skills to receive transfers through electronic sources. This ensures the receipt of funds for the maintenance of the child even when he is in another region and when the parent is employed, for example, on a watch. This method seems affordable for the elderly, for example, grandparents, who are appointed guardians of children, who are accustomed to making settlements "the old fashioned way."

The procedure for filling out a receipt for transfer

Errors when filling out the form when transferring funds through the Russian Post are not allowed. All details should be checked carefully before shipping. Malfunctions may cause the opening of a trial or the presentation of a claim in connection with a court decision or an alimony agreement with additional penalties. In these cases, it will be necessary to prove the fact of receipt of money by the claimant. The fields are filled in as follows:

  1. In the column "Postal order to ..." the amount is indicated in the form of numbers and with decoding in words.
  2. The line "To" contains the full surname, first name and patronymic of the recipient of funds for the minor.
  3. In the designation "Where" is written the postal code and the exact address of registration at the place of residence of the claimant: republic or territory, region, city, village or other settlement, house and apartment number.
  4. In the field "From whom" the full name of the person - the debtor for the alimony obligations is registered.
  5. In the line "Sender's address" the parent or other person from whom funds for the maintenance of the child are collected, the postal code and the address of registration of the payer are contained.
  6. In the "Message" it is necessary to write the purpose of the money transfer - it will be "child support for September 2016", i.e. it is advisable to indicate the period for which the money is transferred. If the debt is being repaid, it is recommended to prescribe "Ivanov Petr Sidorovich for the period from January 2016 to May 2016 in the repayment of child support debt."
  7. The column "Shown" contains the full details of the passport with the series, number, date and department that issued the document, or other identity card.
  8. In "Citizenship" it is assigned the citizenship of which state the sender of the funds has.

At the end, the signature of the person making the transfer in favor of the minor is put.

When paying money on the basis of a judicial act, order or writ of execution, the details are prescribed:

  • Full name of the payer.
  • Full name with surname and patronymic of the child in whose favor the transfer is being made.
  • Purpose - alimony.
  • Grounds - the number of the case, the date of the adoption of the court order of the world instance or the data of the writ of execution.
  • Calculation period - the name of the month and the year, or quarter, 6 or 12 months for which funds are deposited, including for debt repayment.
  • The number of days worked in a month and the amount of accrued and paid wages withheld from the specified amount of personal income tax and the total amount of alimony.
  • If the money is deposited to pay off the debt, the balance is as of the date after the transfer.

If the transfer is carried out on the basis of an alimony agreement, the details are filled in the same way.

A relative or a third party can arrange the transfer, for example, if the debtor is busy in production or there is no opportunity to take time off from work in the daytime when post offices are open. Employees of a state institution will accept money from him only if there is a power of attorney to send alimony via mail, a sample document is presented below.

Sample power of attorney for sending alimony via mail

How to get child support via mail

To transfer money, you should choose the most convenient way to transfer funds:

  1. Address. The money is supposed to be sent to the recipient's registration address. He can get them at any post office of the Russian Federation.
  2. Addressless. The transfer is carried out to the mail located at a specific address in the locality.

In any case, on account of alimony, the recipient should appear at the department and provide the original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

There are also non-urgent and express translations. In the second case, you can get money in a few hours when the legal representative of the minor is within the territory of the Russian Federation.

The transfer can be expected both within a few hours and within a few days from the moment the funds are sent, which can be clarified with the debtor. The maximum processing time for a payment is 8 days.

The exact time of the transfer should be checked with the employees of the Russian Post. There are several services for transferring money within the territory of the Russian Federation and from abroad:

  • "Fast and Furious" - allows you to make a quick payment in Russia at a high speed. Money up to 100 thousand rubles. reach in about 1 hour. The recipient is notified at the known place of residence.
  • With the help of Mastercard and Maestro cards registered in the name of the sender. The funds can be received the very next day.
  • Cashless transfer from a bank payment instrument - "plastic" from the payer to the recipient. The funds have been available for the claimant for several minutes.
  • CyberMoney is an international system that allows you to make shipments from the countries of the near and far abroad. 2 days before the addressee reaches the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, in 3 days - more than the declared amount. Delivery is expected in 6-8 days.
  • QIWI - money transfers are made through the website, through terminals or a mobile application. The money is sent to any post office in Russia. A huge disadvantage is high interest rates and commissions.
  • Through the Western Union service, money reaches anywhere in the world within 5 minutes.

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