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Held by customs translation into Russian aliexpress. The seller has shipped your order - the seller sent you an order

How to find out the status of a parcel from AliExpress

To check the status of an online order, you will need its track code - an identification number in a single database of international mail. You can find it on the completed purchase form, which is located in Personal account user.

Further tracking algorithm mail statuses is the same for all tracker services, including public ones:

1. Copy or write down the track number of your order on .

2. Paste or type it manually into the special field on the tracking site.

3. Click Track. Wait for the status of your package to be updated and downloaded (usually it takes no more than 30-40 seconds).

Why the status of the Aliexpress package is not tracked

Possible reasons why the statuses of the Aliexpress package are not tracked on tracker services:

  • you made a mistake when entering the track number of the order;
  • the seller provided you with a non-standard track code;
  • the seller gave you a fake tracking number;
  • 5-10 days have not passed since the registration of the sent order;
  • tracking on the service you have chosen does not work correctly;
  • mail databases are temporarily unavailable for technical reasons.

Why the status of the package with Aliexpress does not change for a long time

Did you receive a track code sent to you from the order started to be tracked, but stopped for a long time in the "Accepting" status? Perhaps this is due to the fact that you made a purchase during the annual sale or on the eve of the holidays. In such cases, tracking problems are most often attributed to overload Chinese mail and you need to wait a bit. If after 5-7 days the status remains the same, it makes sense to inform the seller about this or open a dispute.

If your package is in the status of "export" or "sent from the airport", and they do not change for a long time, you should not worry either. If tracking stops for 10-20 days, this is quite normal. On the way to the country of destination, most international postal items go through several intermediate transit points. Some shipped orders are tracked in detail at all stages of movement. Others may "disappear from sight" after crossing the border of the Celestial Empire and reappear only after entering the place international exchange in the recipient country.

We recommend that you be patient, but do not forget to monitor the order protection counter. If there are 5 days left before the protection expires, and your package is still not tracked, it makes sense to request an extension of the purchase protection period. You can do this by contacting the seller or by clicking on the "Extend Protection" button on your order form.

We wish you happy shopping and hassle-free delivery of your purchases!

Trying to significantly save their budget, many Russians go shopping to the well-known Chinese platform Aliexpress. After the goods have been selected and paid for, the seller proceeds to process the order.

At the same time, some sellers do not follow track changes. They just know the approximate time in transit for the package. However, the buyer needs to track the tracks. This will help you avoid embarrassing moments. For example, that the seller gives the left track or does not take the parcel to the post office at all. It's easy to define. The track status does not change.

What does the status held by customs mean

Often, when trying to get a status transfer held by customs, buyers are frightened in earnest. They think that the parcel was detained by customs officers. Indeed, the excitement here is understandable.

This status means that everything is in order with the parcel and it is going through customs procedures. It will be sent to your country's post office shortly. Once customs is left behind, the status will change.

However, some sellers present real surprises to buyers. Trying to deliver parcels to them faster, they often send them by different courier services. Therefore, having received a mysterious track like AECA…….RU1, buyers are lost and scared. In fact, it belongs to one of the courier delivery services and is perfectly tracked on websites.

But it is precisely such tracks that often give out the status rejected by authorities, what does it mean? It means that the buyer needs to check his mailbox. Required to visit the site courier service, and fill in the passport data and choose convenient way receiving a parcel.

Another "customs status"

Generally different ways delivery may be different statuses by tracking. If the track gave the status released by customs, then the translation means that your mailing successfully passed the customs inspection. Literally, “customs clearance received, goods released customs service". That is, everything is in order with the parcel.

However, this mark appears at the very end of the package check. The checkout process looks like this:

  • First, she gets to the warehouse, where she waits for inspection;
  • Then an X-ray takes place. Customs officers check if there is something prohibited in it;
  • After that, they compare the data that the seller indicated in the declaration and the cost of the goods (relevant for Belarus);
  • If everything is in order, the parcel leaves customs and awaits transfer for delivery around the country.

Happy shopping.

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