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Hasp does not see the key. Aladdin monitor does not see hasp: Aladdin monitor

Protection of the 1C:Enterprise system can be built on the use of the HASP4 Net network protection system. In this case, users can be counted either by the 1C:Enterprise server part or by a special program - HASP License Manager. This article is about installing the HASP License Manager and configuring 1C:Enterprise to work with it.

Security keys and their marking

HASP4 Net hardware dongles are connected to the computer's USB ports. The total number of users who can work with 1C:Enterprise is equal to the sum of available licenses from all computers in the network to which hardware keys are connected and the HASP License Manager is configured.

Hardware keys are similar to a USB flash drive and look something like this:

They may vary in color and markings. By marking, you can determine what kind of key it is: for which software products it is suitable and how many licenses it provides.

  • ORGL8- Local client key;
  • NET5 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 5 users;
  • NET10 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 10 users;
  • NET20 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 20 users;
  • NET50 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 50 users;
  • NET100 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 100 users;
  • NET250+ORG8A- Multi-user client key for 300 users;
  • NET250+ORG8B- Multi-user client key for 500 users;
  • ENSR8- Local key of 32-bit server;
  • EN8SA- Local key of the 64-bit server.

So, the photo above shows a multi-user client key for 5 users. It should be noted that only one key of each series (ORGL8, ORG8A and ORG8B) can work on one computer. If you connect several keys of the same series to one computer, then only one of them, chosen arbitrarily, will be used.

Installing the protection driver

HASP Device Driver must be installed on those computers to which hardware protection keys are directly connected. This driver is included in the 1C:Enterprise distribution package and can be installed from the Start menu:

Installing the protection driver from the start menu

Or from the command line:

C:\>"Program Files\1cv8\common\haspdinst.exe" -i

For Linux OS, you need to download the driver from the SafeNet website. The downloaded archive contains a DEB package for Ubuntu/Debian, an RPM package for RedHat/SuSE and a script for automatic installation. Let's try the option with the script, for this we download and unpack the desired archive. Next, make the dinst file executable and run it:

sudo chmod +x ./dinst

The result will look something like this:

It is recommended to install the driver in any operating system with the USB key disconnected.

The HASP License Manager distribution can be found on the SafeNet website. When installing on Windows, you will need to select the installation option - an application or a service, usually choose a service:

On Linux, installing the HASP LM is a bit tricky. The archive from the SafeNet site contains two RPM packages for RedHat and SuSE (probably HASP LM installation is quite simple for these systems) and a packaged hasplm file for everything else. Following the instructions from the ITS website, I was unable to run the hasplm file on Ubuntu 16.04.

Therefore, I had to use the solution from Etersoft. We go to the company's FTP and find the desired version. For my 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04, I chose this version: . Download the files and first install the necessary packages, in my case it was necessary to install the make package:

sudo apt-get install make

and the libc6-i386 package (despite the fact that I downloaded the 64-bit version of HASP LM, it is essentially a 32-bit application and requires 32-bit libraries):

sudo apt-get install libc6-i386

then install the HASP LM packages:

sudo dpkg -i haspd_7.60-eter1ubuntu_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i haspd-modules_7.60-eter1ubuntu_amd64.deb

Restarting the service:

sudo service haspd restart

As you can see from the screenshot, the configuration file is located here: /etc/haspd/hasplm.conf .



On Windows, the nhsrv.ini file can be located in various locations:

  • directory with HASP LM installed (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Aladdin\HASP LM);
  • Windows directory (C:\Windows);
  • Windows system directory (C:\Windows\system32 or C:\Windows\system).

For Linux, the settings file is specified using the "-c" option and its name and location are not defined by default.

The HASP LM settings are set by the values ​​of the parameters of the section of the nhsrv.ini file:

  • NHS_IP_LIMIT- defines the range of IP addresses served by the HASP LM. For example: 192.168.*.*,
  • NHS_ADAPTER- specifies the IP address of one or more NICs that will serve the HASP LM. Applies when using HASP LM with Win32. For example:,
  • NHS_USERLIST- defines the maximum number of users connected to the HASP LM at the same time Default value: 250 (important for dongles for 300 and 500 users).


To configure interaction between 1C:Enterprise and HASP LM, use the nethasp.ini configuration file. Although in most cases no further configuration is required, it is useful to have an idea of ​​the possibilities offered by this file.

The nethasp.ini file, in Windows OS, is usually located in the 1C directory (for example, C:\Program Files\1cv8\conf), and in Linux OS, it can be located in the user's home directory or in the /etc directory.

The example below specifies that the security server is located at and disables the TCP/IP broadcast mechanism.



  • NH_IPX- use or not use the IPX protocol for communication with the HASP LM, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_NETBIOS- use or not use NetBIOS protocol for communication with HASP LM, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_TCPIP- use or not use TCP/IP protocol for communication with HASP LM, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_SESSION- sets the interval in seconds during which the program tries to establish a connection with HASP LM (default is 2 seconds);
  • NH_SEND_RCV- sets the maximum time for the HASP LM to receive or send a packet (default 1 second).

The last two parameters can be used in all sections.


  • NH_USE_SAP- use or not use the SAP service to search the HASP LM network, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_USE_BROADCAST- use only the Broadcast mechanism to search the HASP LM network, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_BC_SOCKET_NUM- specifies the socket number (hexadecimal number) for the broadcast mechanism (default: 7483H);
  • NH_SERVER_NAME- defines whether the application will communicate only with the HASP LM located in the local network, or with any other HASP LM, options: localnet, Internet (Internet by default);
  • NH_DATFILE_PATH- the path where the haspaddr.dat and newhaddr.dat files containing the network address of the HASP LM will be searched.


  • NH_NBNAME- sets the name of the HASP LM (no more than 8 characters);
  • NH_USELANANUM- sets the communication channel number.


  • NH_SERVER_ADDR- sets IP addresses of HASP LM servers (number of addresses is not limited);
  • NH_SERVER_NAME- communicates with HASP LM with a specific name (maximum 6 names, each no more than 7 characters);
  • NH_PORT_NUMBER- sets the network port number (475 by default);
  • NH_TCPIP_METHOD- sends a TCP or UDP packet, the HASP LM is always accessed via UDP, regardless of the value of this parameter;
  • NH_USE_BROADCAST- use UDP broadcast mechanism, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default).

That's all, I hope this article was useful to you.


17.02.13 — 19:18

Good evening. Such a problem: there are 2 computers, each of which has network keys for 5 users. Hasp LM is installed as a service on one of them, and Alladin Monitor is also installed on this computer. Well, this Alladin Monitor shows only the keys of the computer on which it is installed, it does not see the keys of another computer. Why?

P.s. computers, naturally, are in one local area network.


1 — 17.02.13 — 19:20

hasp ini configured?


2 — 17.02.13 — 19:21

(1) Yes, it contains the ip-addresses of these 2 computers.


3 — 17.02.13 — 20:25

And how is HASP LM installed on the second computer?


4 — 17.02.13 — 20:36


5 — 17.02.13 — 20:39

(4) “The monitor itself can only show the presence of a license manager at a particular address. He will be able to see the key only after the protected application successfully opens at least one session with the key.

Those. it turns out that in order for this key to be displayed in the Aladdin monitor, you must first use all the licenses of the local computer.


6 — 17.02.13 — 20:41

(3) the license manager is not installed on the second computer.


7 — 17.02.13 — 20:46

(6) Well, put it like that.


8 — 17.02.13 — 20:52

(7) And why is it needed at all on the 2nd computer? As far as I remember, one license manager is enough for one local network, please correct me if I'm wrong.


9 — 17.02.13 — 20:55

(8)[one license manager is enough for one LAN]
Aladdin doesn't think so


10 — 18.02.13 — 09:43

(7) Installed, no change.
By the way, this is the question: the manager set the license as a service, I go to “Services” - I can’t find it there. Why? What is it called?


11 — 18.02.13 — 13:02

(10) Sentinel HASP License Manager.
In nethasp.ini, which is in the folder for the monitor, specify the addresses of these computers. Two license managers should appear in the monitor.


12 — 18.02.13 — 13:22

(11) Strange, this service (Sentinel HASP License Manager) is not in the list of Windows services.
edited nethasp.ini in the folder for the monitor - it did not help.


13 — 18.02.13 — 13:57

That's it, I won: it turns out I had to restart the computer where the manager's license is located, after that everything worked.

ATTENTION! Ctrl-F5 or ctrl-r

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2000 Human.


11.01.11 — 13:16

Tell me where you can download the driver for the Hasp key for 1s8.1 for Windows 7 (64x).

Aladdin's website only has:

HASP4 driver. Utility for installing HASP4 program protection key driver under Win32/Win64 (Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/2003, Windows XP/2003 x64)
-HASP4 driver. Utility for installing the HASP4 program protection key driver under Win32/Win64 (Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP/Vista/2003/2008 x64).
-HASP key driver under Linux
And Win7 swears that it is not supported by this OS. (with the rights in Windows everything is in order)


1 — 11.01.11 — 13:23


2 — 11.01.11 — 13:41

Cheers thanks!

HASP4 - cursed that the OS is not supported
HASP HL ​​and HASP SRM - earned


3 — 14.01.11 — 22:00

(2) 1C 8.2 Windows 7 x64 Home Basic
The 1C network key for 5 licenses did not work over the network.
Aladdin monitor shows that this computer has HASP License Manager version 8.320
What to do next? where to watch what versions?
Firewall turned off.


4 — 15.01.11 — 00:59

where is the key inserted? There and put the HASP License Manager

Red fox

5 — 15.01.11 — 01:15

Locally with the flag "Use a hardware license (protection key)" works. Unchecking the flag does not work.
And shouldn't. This flag is responsible for obtaining a license through the server. Key search order: first local key, then network key, then on the server. Therefore, network operation must be checked with other computers.


6 — 15.01.11 — 01:21

(0) why download?


7 — 15.01.11 — 10:56

Windows 7 x64 won 😉 Reading the HASP_License_Manager\135-Install_LM_Under_Windows_7.pdf instructions from the file probably helped, or in Russian there:

Drivers and software downloaded there:

(4) I was frightened at first by the absence of the corresponding service at the usual place.

HASP License Manager - hardware license manager for 1C

it ended up under a different name "Sentinel HASP License Manager"
(5) if you connect to the computer on which the network key is located via RDP, then 1C can access the local network via the network and this can be seen in Aladdin Monitor.
If through Remote Admin or TeamViever, then using only one computer it was not possible to check the operation of the key over the network 😉

(6) Do key drivers supplied with the latest 1C 8.2 platform work everywhere? It seems to be installed on any Win OS. But if the drivers from Sentinel_HASP_Run-time_ were installed before, the system swears - “replace with an older one ...?”

Put things in order in your work using the configuration 1C "IT Department Management 8"


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1C 8.3 Linux X64 Hasp Key Emulator Average ratng: 3.9/5 3687votes

Installation 1. With Enterprise 8. Cent. Os 6. 3. How to install 1.



  • Categories:Sega
  • Reviewed by: Liza
  • Application score: 3.08 points
  • Update date: 04/23/2016

Aladdin- this is an opportunity to replay your favorite game, which practically does not differ from the original and has received a quick save function.

Its plot is the plot of a cartoon released in 1992, a story about what feats and battles Aladdin had to go through to prevent Jafar from taking his place on the throne. And, as in the cartoon, Ginny, a true friend and comrade of Gin, will become his assistant in this difficult task. But he also has another goal - this is the heart of the beautiful Jasmine and the battle for it will not be much easier.

Each level of this game is a new location and new heroes, which are based on scenes from the cartoon with numerous enemies and traps.

Why Aladdin-monitor does not see the key

Sometimes these are guards armed with curved sabers, which your hero can throw throwing apples at or use the same sharp saber against them.

The game Aladdin was very popular on Sega and now all its heroes have received a second life and will be able to fight each other again. All of them are very lively and cheerful, constantly take risks and are ready to do anything to cheer and please you. Everything that happens on the screen looks like a cartoon, and the main character is an exact copy of his cartoon prototype. That is why there are so many children among the players.

Download the game Aladdin for sega on android and you. Perhaps with your help, her main character will be able to quickly achieve his goal: fall in love with Jasmine and defeat his worst enemy Jafar.

The article is a copy of the blog! For questions, see the link at the end..

I ran into this problem the other day. On one of the machines, the network version of 1C Enterprise refused to work. When connecting to the database, the following error occurred:

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the error appeared on a computer that had 2 network cards with 2 different networks. For some reason, I did not immediately attach importance to this moment. Apparently, because the HASP monitor detected these keys perfectly, which is why I was looking for a problem in 1C. As a result, he killed half a day of working time. The problem really lay in two network cards, or to be more precise, 2 different networks, the solution was in the file

C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\conf\nethasp.ini

Disconnecting the network in which there are no HASP keys, after rebooting the machine - 1C started up .... Got to Google for a solution to this problem. The search was not long in coming, the solution is as follows:

I'll start with a small educational program:

1C:Enterprise 8 uses a protection system using HASP hardware keys, you can download the driver, the monitoring program and the HASP Loader service on the website, specifically in the support section http://www.aladdin Protection keys for 1C are divided into: Single-user key 1C1. Single-user (must be physically connected to the computer on which 1C is running)

model HASP HL ​​Basic (blue), this key is marked H4 M1 ORGL8, has no built-in memory and personal ID, does not store any parameters and settings. Supplied with products licensed for one workplace. Multi-user key 1C

HASP network key

Download Center

Multi-user (the key is on the network, 1C can be run on any computer within the local network or domain)

Network Client Keys include the HASP HL ​​Net series (red). They have an internal memory that stores the number of licenses and a unique ID. There are varieties for 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 users. It is marked NETXX ORGL8, where XX is the number of licenses (for example, NET5 ORGL8). There are also keys for 300 and 500 users which are marked NET250+ ORG8A and NET250+ ORG8B. They are supplied with products licensed for 5 workplaces, as well as separately, in the form of additional client licenses. HASP server key

Key for Server 1C

3. Server (must be physically connected locally to the computer on which the 1C Enterprise agent server is installed and running)

Keys for the server 1C Enterprise are only local. The 32-bit version has a HASP HL ​​Pro security key (purple), which has internal memory and a unique ID. It is marked ENSR8 and comes with a license for the 1C Enterprise server.

For a 64-bit server, a HASP HL ​​Max key (green) with internal memory and a unique ID is used. It is EN8SA marked and also supports 32-bit server. Those. having a license for a 64-bit server, you can use the 32-bit version without changing the key, but not vice versa.

To operate a single-user and server key, it is enough to install the security key driver on the local machine and insert the security key into the local USB port.

For a multi-user (network) security key, you must: 1. Install the security key driver on one of the machines on the network, which will be the key server - 2. Install the security key server (service) on the same machine - 3. Insert the security key into the server into the USB port 4. Install 1C on client machines

In the general case, these actions are enough for 1C to work. During the launch and further operation of 1C:Enterprise 8 on local machines, the system will use a broadcast request on port 475 and look for the security key. In case of an unsuccessful search, the message “the program protection key was not found” will be displayed and the work of 1C: Enterprise will be interrupted.

If you encounter the message “program protection key not found”, you need to check: 1. the presence of the protection key in the usb port of the dongle server 2. check whether the dongle server is running on the server (the process with the name “Hasp loader”) 3. check the availability of the server with the telnet command key from the local machine on port 475 (for example: telnet 475)

If all checks were successful, but the error persists, go to more detailed settings. In the 1C:Enterprise 8 installation folder (usually c:\program files\1cv81\bin\conf or c:\program files\1cv8\bin\) has a nethasp.ini file. This is a security key configuration file, it is divided into sections, we are interested in the . When installing 1C, by default, in this section, all parameters are separated by double signs ";", which means that these settings are ignored. In this case, the dongle driver behaves as follows: 1. a broadcast type packet is sent over the local network on port 475 in search of a security dongle server 2. if no response is received - an error

Disadvantages of the default configuration: 1. it takes some time to broadcast 2. not all servers respond to such packets 3. there is no broadcast, but the load on the network

To solve this problem, you need to do the following: 1. specify a specific address where to look for the dongle server (for example: NH_SERVER_ADDR = 2. disable broadcast search (NH_USE_BROADCAST = Disabled) 3. and restrict packet types to only TCP protocol (NH_TCPIP_METHOD = TCP )

As practice shows, the launch speed of 1C: Enterprise 8 after such a setting increases noticeably!

But there are some disadvantages of this method:

you need to make sure that the address of the security key server does not change, otherwise you will have to reconfigure the nethasp.ini file on all local machines!

I would also like to clarify a few points about working with keys that I had to deal with during work: 1. Monitor HASP does not show the key

By itself, the monitor can only show the presence of a license manager at a particular address. He will be able to see the key only after the protected application successfully opens at least one session with the key. In addition, keep in mind that Aladdin Monitor works only via the UDP protocol, port 475. Thus, the lack of data about the key in the monitor does not mean that the key is not available to the application. 2. Two 1C HASP protection keys on one computer

When installing two or more HASP software protection keys on one computer, please note that:

Keys having different series will work fine. (in relation to 1C: 1 server and 1 network will work normally) Keys of the same series will work if such a possibility has been implemented by the developer of secure software.

If the developer has not implemented this feature, then keys belonging to the same series will not work together on the same computer, only one of them will be visible: either closest to the port (in the case of LPT keys), or located on the port with lower address (in the case of HASP USB dongles). (in relation to 1C, - 2 local or 2 network keys on one computer will most likely not work correctly) It is not recommended to put the local and network keys together, this is due to the 1C Enterprise protection feature: when finding a local key, the program will never look for a network .

Possible solutions to this problem:

Replacing several HASP program protection keys with one with a larger number of licenses (this is well written here: Installing protection keys on different computers, followed by installing and configuring license managers for each key.

3. Two or more license managers (License Manager) in the network

If you have two or more network keys, it is not always enough to spread them across different computers. The license managers must be configured. Each license manager must have a unique name that must be explicitly communicated to the protected program. It is recommended that you perform the same configuration if you are using a terminal server, even with the same network key.

On the machine where the key is installed, we find the nhsrv.ini file in the folder with the license manager. The NHS_SERVERNAMES parameter is responsible for the name of the license server; it can consist of Latin letters and numbers and contain no more than 7 characters.


After that, it is advisable to edit the nethasp.ini file on client machines, explicitly specifying the addresses and names of license managers:


Well, it seems that I described all the nuances, if I remember anything, I will definitely add it! Bye everyone!

It is well known that a license is required to work in 1C. 1C provides various security keys: local and network. The local key can be used only on one computer, having the form of a flash drive familiar to us.

Network keys can provide licenses for multiple users, depending on their series. In large enterprises, keys for 300 and 500 connections are most often used, but if necessary, you can purchase less. Please note that one computer cannot have more than one key of the same series.

In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at how to configure the 1C 8.3 license manager so that the network protection key is on one computer. Users from other computers will receive licenses already from it. Simply put, there is only one key, but there are many user sessions.

Setting up the HASP license manager

Let's start by installing the license manager on the computer that will distribute licenses. In what follows, we will refer to this computer as the license server. All required software is included in the 1C:Enterprise distribution.

You can download Alladin HASP License Manager for Windows x64 and x32 from the link.

For the correct performance of the manager, you need to make some preliminary settings. The file where you will produce them is called nhsrv.ini. It can most often be found at C:\Program Files\Aladdin\HASP LM if the license manager is installed as an application. Otherwise (installed as a service) it will be in the system directory of the operating system.

Open the file you found in any text editor, for example, in notepad and add the line there:

NHS_IP_LIMIT = 192.168.*.*

Instead of asterisks, you can put down any number from 0 to 254. Also, if you leave the “*” signs, this will mean that the licenses will “see” all computers on the network whose address starts with 192.168.

For example, if you have the NHS_IP_LIMIT = 192.168.1.* add-on specified in the nhsrv.ini file, then licenses will be available only to computers with ip in the range from to

Settings on client PCs

After you have made all the necessary settings on the 1C license server, you need to configure the client computers themselves.

When running 1C on a user PC, the program requests a license at the address specified in the nethasp.ini file. You can find it in the "conf" folder of the directory where the 1C platform is installed. In our case, the address is: "d:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\conf\".

Without any additional settings, the 1C program will search for licenses throughout the local network. To speed up this process, we can independently specify the ip address of the license server in this file by adding the text highlighted in the figure below to it.

1C does not see Hasp.

In the organization where I work, all software is licensed, incl. and 1C. Therefore, every time you install 1C, you need to install a protection driver so that the program starts.

Somehow they asked me to install the platform on a laptop. I took the distribution kit and went to install the program. The installation went as fast as usual, after which I clicked the menu item "Install protection driver". An installer information window appeared on the screen with the status of the installation progress. After a couple of seconds of waiting, the installer displays a message that the driver could not be installed:

Failed start the Aladdin Device Driver.
Failed to start a service in the Service Control Manager Database 0x2008007 0x0.

I forgot to say that the laptop is running Windows XP SP2. My further attempts to install the driver led to the same result. Tried rebooting the laptop, logging in as administrator, and directly copying the driver files to disk - all to no avail.

I decided to download the Hasp driver from its home site, that is, from (there is also a Russian site Downloaded, launched the installation ... waiting ... Hooray! Settled! I launch 1C... I'm waiting... We've arrived! "Security key not found!".

What to do? After all, everything should work. Maybe a network? I check the connection with the server where the license manager is located - everything is fine. Strange ... I return to the Aladdins website, download diagnostic utilities that scan the network for the presence of Hasps, do a check - the key is visible on the network. I try to change the settings of the Nethasp.ini driver initialization file, where I specify the ip-address, port and sending method packages - also did not help.There was only one way out - yandex, rambler, google.

After a short search, I open another link and see a description of my situation. Fortunately, in addition to describing the problem, there was also a hint on how to solve it. So, it turns out that this situation can occur on some computers with Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Let's just say that the problem is solved "in two moves". We find the boot.ini file in the boot disk (usually the C :) drive, ALWAYS make a backup copy of it. Let's remove the attribute "read-only" and "hidden", open it, find a line that looks something like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINXP="Windows XP RU" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

We replace the /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn parameters in this line with /fastdetect /Execute=OptIn /noguiboot /NOPAE, as a result of which the line will look something like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINXP="Windows XP RU" /fastdetect /Execute=OptIn /noguiboot /NOPAE

This means that the system will boot without the driver signature verification service.

I reboot the system with the changed parameters, install the driver again - everything is in order, it's installed! I RESTORED the boot.ini file to its original state, rebooted the laptop, I started 1C - again "The protection key was not found!".

I return to yandex, rambler, google. Again I find something similar. They advise changing some parameters of the Nethasp.ini file. Namely, set NH_USE_BROADCAST to Disabled, which means disabling broadcast messages. I did as recommended, I launch 1C ... HERE IT IS! FINALLY! WORKS!

In this way, a whole day (!) Was spent on installing 1C, which usually takes a maximum of 20 minutes.

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