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Google chrome login. Possible installation problems

Browser Google chrome constantly improving and acquiring new functions. Not so long ago, a unique functionality appeared in it: entering the browser through personal account. This function opens up a lot of new opportunities for users, and I will tell you how to use it.

What is the authorization function in Google Chrome for?

Suppose you are running certain work, for example, website promotion and you do this in the office, on your work computer. In the course of work, you save many bookmarks, passwords for certain services etc. To continue this work at home, you need to save all this information to a flash drive or transfer it to your home computer in another way. With authorization function in Google browser Chrome simplifies things a lot. You just need to go to the browser on your work computer under your username and password before starting work, and then also log in to the browser on home computer... All information (passwords, bookmarks, settings) will be automatically transferred to your home browser- it is very comfortable.

How to create an account in the Google Chrome browser?

Open your browser and click the wrench icon and in the expanded button ribbon click "Sign in to Chrome ...", as shown in the figure:

An authorization window will appear in front of you:

For authorization, you must use the login and password of your Google account (not Gmail mail and a Google account). If you don't have one yet, create it by clicking Create google account". Enter the email address to which the Google account is registered and the password specified during registration and click "Login":

You will see a dialog box asking you to sync data, click "Yes, sync all" and Personal settings browser, bookmarks and other information will be saved on the server in your account.

After synchronization, the browser settings page will open in front of you. You can close it, but if you worked with another browser before, you can import data from it into your Google account. If you worked in the Mazila or Opera browser, but want to "painlessly" switch to Google Chrome, click the "Import from another browser" button.

In the window that opens, select your browser and check the boxes for the data that you want to transfer to Google Chrome:

Everything is ready, now you can enter the Google Chrome browser from any computer and at the same time get access to all the information that you saved at home or at work.
True, you need to take into account that when you close the Google Chrome browser, there is no automatic logout from your account. Therefore, if you worked on someone else's computer, your saved passwords, bookmarks and web browsing history may become available to other people. To protect personal information, after working on someone else's computer, you must log out of your account. To do this, press the wrench button again and in the panel that opens, select the "Signed in as ..." command. The settings page will open, click "Disable Google Account".

If you have already received a new one google update Chrome, then this article is for you. A wave of updates for Google Chrome to version 32 swept across the Internet, and many users simply cannot enter the browser after this update.

The fact is that this update for the browser did not roll out for everyone at first, but only for some users, it then also long time tested and the situation turned out that users cannot enter the Google Chrome browser and it is demonstrated White screen... There are no bookmarks, no extensions, and nothing at all. In general, a wonderful update ...

As it turned out, this problem comes from the translation of the browser version into our Russian language and a small bug turned out that simply does not allow the function to be used Google sync Chrome and users cannot login to browser. If you are among these lucky ones and cannot enter the browser, then you need to do the following:

Go to the settings of the browser languages, this is by the link chrome: // settings / languages ​​(Insert this link directly in the browser and make the browser display on English language... Now you need to restart your browser and enable sync. If everything goes well, then Chrome is synchronized successfully and you can work with it and you can switch it back to Russian and work calmly with the browser. That is, in order to fix this problem in the operating room windows system you need to change the language, log in and work under English version browser (or wait a bit until the error is fixed on the chrome server and switch back to the Russian interface).

If you have a glitch on Linux, not windows and you wondering, "Why can't I log into google chrome", then you are advised to do the following:

Go to root terminal and enter the command there:

You will see a window in which using the arrow keys and the space bar you need to select the localization you need and press the Enter key. Then in the next window, select the English localization and click ENTER key... Next, we reboot, enter the command:

We launch our chromium and log in under our account, authorization will pass successfully and Chromium will update. Now we need to return our localization, for this we open the terminal again and enter there

In the first window, just press Enter, and in the second, select the localization you need. We reboot again using # reboot, launch our Chromium and enjoy normal work... In new Linux versions the language can be changed in the system settings.

In general, after completing these steps, you will no longer ask the question "why you can not enter Google Chrome" and will be able to work normally in the browser.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. The most frequently used program on any computer is. And the most popular of them on this moment- Google Chrome ( download and install it's free from the official website).

For a short period of its existence, it literally burst into the hearts of Internet users and was currently installed and used approximately on 56% of all computers in the world... A phenomenal result if you think about it. True, not all Google products are so successful, for example, they did not shoot in the same time.

Thanks to this onslaught of Google Chrome, Firefox (only 12%) and (all versions of which also gain no more than 12% of the market share) were very much squeezed out. Opera is generally content with one percent.

That being said, Google's browser is really doomed to succeed. It is very comfortable, functional and stable. A huge number of extensions are released to it. Its development is being carried out what is called "the whole world" (he acts as a guinea pig) and all the most Hi-tech... Today I will just talk about what is hidden under the hood of this sports car from the world of the Internet.

Where to download Chrome and how to install without problems

So, of course, I understand that most likely you already have this browser installed, but nevertheless. Download and install Google Chrome the latest version can and should only from the official site... Uploading it from other sites is dangerous, because you can pick up a virus with varying degrees of probability.

The site itself will determine your operating system and will offer to download exactly the version of the distribution that suits you perfectly. In the dialog box that opens, you will need to click on the "Accept conditions and install" button, but you can first save the distribution kit, and install it only later.

I can not ignore it at all novice PC and Internet users... There is a great video about how to download and install this program, how to make Chrome your default browser, etc. Everything is shown in great detail.

Possible installation problems

Usually, the installation proceeds without complications, unless, for example, there may not be enough space on the C drive selected by the default for installation, or the installer file will refuse to run due to the fact that you do not have administrator rights.

In the first case, you will have to clean Disk C of garbage (temporary files, etc.), because it is impossible to choose another disk for installation (the installer simply does not form such a dialogue - everything goes on completely automatically). Clean the place with a margin, for temporary files Chrome itself will also take up a lot of space.

In the second case, everything is not so difficult. Just run the installer file ChromeSetup.exe as administrator by clicking on it right click and selecting the appropriate menu item:

Well, you may still not be able to install it due to incorrect deletion the previously installed version of this browser (you will have to clean the system from the tails with something like a sysicliner). Likewise, the work of antiviruses can adversely affect (temporarily disable them only if the distribution kit was downloaded from the official site), or, on the contrary, the existing viruses can block the installation (clean the computer from the virus, or restore the OS from the image).

On this, you can forget about the official site of Chrome, because this browser downloads updates on its own(along with it, Google Update will be installed on your computer and will be downloaded along with the launch of the OS) and you do not have to make sure that your version is already out of date. Although, you can always verify this by looking at the current version number of your browser.

Mobile browser version and updates

Although no, you can from there immediately download mobile versions of Google Browser, or rather, go to the pages of their installation on your iPhone, Android or iPad (and they are all on A, as if there are no other letters).

If you already have Chrome installed, then make sure what do you have the most latest version , it will be possible in the settings, which are all hung on one single button (with the image of three dots arranged vertically), located in the upper right corner of the browser window:

To view current version you will need to select from the dropdown list "About the Google Chrome browser":

In the screenshot just above, there is a situation where the latter is used. current version browser. Well, otherwise you. Although now there are practically no situations when this may be required (unless you yourself disable the installation of updates for some reason).

10 reasons to use Chrome as your default browser

As I said above, a lot of people are involved in the development of this program (most of them on a voluntary basis, i.e. for the soul), and it even got its name from a development that appeared a little earlier called Chromium.

Chrome is a fast browser that never freezes

The Chromium project itself is based on the fastest free engine(the overwhelming majority of second-tier browsers work on it -, Opera and a number of others), and a very fast JavaScript processor was written for it from scratch.

In addition to high and noticeable even on the eye speed of work(especially noticeable when), Google Chrome compares favorably with other analogs in the initial focus on providing maximum safety when working with it.

I'm not a programmer, but immediately after starting to use it, I noticed that each tab and extension in this browser generates its own separate process, they can be seen in the panel Windows tasks(I love working with a bunch of open tabs):

In this way, google developers Chrome decided to kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, if the process of one of the tabs freezes, then this will not affect the performance of the rest. The result is a very high freeze resistance and crashes. True, he eats RAM mercilessly, but this is a disease of almost all observers.

Moreover, the processes of the tabs are assigned the lowest possible priority - destructive codes in the tabs will not be able to read or write any of their information, providing the maximum possible security work with the browser. Also Chrome extensions use separate processes that will not let them drop the whole program.

Secondly, the allocation of a separate process for each tab allows you to make the most of the capabilities of modern multi-core processors... As you know, thread parallelization is difficult, but individual processes can easily be distributed between different processor cores, which makes Google Chrome one of the most fast browsers on the planet (it used to be Opera).

By the way, it is in this connection that this browser has your own task manager(called simultaneous pressing on Shift + Esc), which allows you to see the load on the processor and on the network created by this or that tab or extension of this browser:

In addition, you will have the opportunity terminate any hung process created by Chrome (or an extension running in it) using the blue button shown in the screenshot.

There is a great video clip "5 secret functions Chrome ", where they just use the built-in task manager of this browser to disable capacious processes, leaving, for example, only the one that is responsible for playing background music:

I now use Chrome as the main browser, and both for surfing (after Opera changed the engine), and for working with sites through the admin panel, because it has a number of advantages, but the main one is stability and preservation of information even with the collapse of the system.

Can save all open tabs to a separate bookmark folder

To do this, it will be enough to simultaneously click on Ctrl + Shift + D on the keyboard, and in the window that opens, just come up with a name for this folder (I add the date there to make it easier to navigate).

This is very useful, for example, when you switch from one task to another. Save the current session (all open tabs), after which you close all of them (for example, by clicking on any tab with the right mouse button and selecting "Close other tabs") and start a new session in a clean extra tabs browser.

If need be return to a previously saved session, then open your bookmarks (the button in the right upper corner with two arrows), find the folder with the session (it will be at the very bottom, as a rule) and right-click on it. From context menu choose one or three items that allow you to open all saved tabs at once (in the same window, in a new one or in Incognito mode):

Very convenient functionality that I use and just for Reserve copy open tabs, which have not yet reached a detailed study.

Leader in the number of extensions, apps and themes available

Previously, the king of extensions was Mazila Firefox. It was his trick - a minimum of functionality in the engine itself to ensure its lightness and maximum functionality in add-ons released to third-party developers.

But now, I think, Chrome has significantly surpassed Mazila in number the extensions and applications offered for it.

In the area of "Downloads" I asked the browser to always show the save dialog, because it is not always convenient for me to download everything to one folder. By the way, when uploading at the bottom google windows Chrome will pop up a loading bar with brief information about its course and the ability to go to the folder with the downloaded file, which is quite visual and convenient.

Well, in the system settings, you can force Google's brainchild to close everything background processes when you close your browser (save space in random access memory, but you will lose in the speed of reopening the browser), and you can also enable hardware acceleration.

Hidden settings (chrome: // flags /)

In this browser, in addition to those available through the menu, there is also hidden settings... You can get into them by entering in address bar the right combination... For instance, chrome: // about / will show you full list such secret combinations for the address bar.

Going through them, you can learn something for yourself, but just mindlessly something is not worth changing there. The most interesting, in my opinion, is on the page chrome: // flags /... What exactly can be changed here is described in this video:

In my opinion, quite desired settings and if something goes wrong, you can always click the "Reset all to default" button to cancel all the changes you made.

Extensions and applications for Google Chrome

It is clear that Chrome, along with other Internet browsers, supports the installation of extensions, of which there are already a huge variety for this miracle. Manage extensions you can on a separate tab.

You can get there:

  1. If in the browser settings discussed above, click on the "Settings" button located on the left, then at the very bottom of the menu that opens you will find the "Extensions" item.
  2. You can select the item " Additional tools"-" Extensions ".
  3. You can paste chrome: // extensions / into the address bar and press enter on the keyboard.

On the page that opens, you will see all extensions already installed in your browser... Here you will be able to remove unnecessary extensions, or temporarily disable them by moving the slider.

If it becomes necessary to install new extensions, then in the left drop-down menu at the very bottom of it you will find a link to chrome online store... There is everything and more.

Personally, I use not only Seo extensions, but also applications for all occasions. I already wrote about some of them in the article.

Today, quite a lot of people prefer to surf the Internet using the Google Chrome browser. Not all users know how to configure it, which means that you need to help them with solving this problem. Of course, this question often bothers novice users, but it is possible that more experienced people will discover something new for themselves.

Since its inception, the Google Chrome web browser has firmly taken the leading position among other browsers. The speed of loading pages in "Chrome" delighted the Internet users. There is nothing superfluous in the interface of this web browser - only the most necessary options. In general, there are many advantages, and since given browser absolutely free of charge can be downloaded from the official website, then you can see for yourself.

Download and install the browser

So, before answering the question of how to set up the Google Chrome browser, you need to download and install it on your computer. To do this, open any search engine and enter the request “download google chrome” in the appropriate field. Then go to the official website and click the “Download Chrome” button. The next step is to read Terms of use and mark two options with a checkbox: one of them is responsible for sending information about crashes and errors of the web browser to developers, the second one assigns "Chrome"

Now you need to run the downloaded ChromeSetup file and wait for a while while the web browser installation is complete. It should be noted that the whole process takes place practically without user participation, however, there is one condition - you need an Internet connection, because the files necessary for installation are “downloaded” from the site.

That's all! You have downloaded and installed Google Chrome. How to set it up, read on.

basic settings

In order to perform any manipulations in the settings of the web browser, you must go to the appropriate section. After launching the browser, open its menu by pressing the button with three parallel stripes (right corner of the screen). Now in the drop-down list, refer to the “Settings” item.

After these simple steps, the section you need will open, where you can:

    Login to your Chrome account to sync all tabs, passwords, etc. As a result, you will be able to log in from another device to your account"Google Chrome" and access all stored data in the browser.

    You have the ability to customize start page"Google Chrome", but about it there will be a speech a little bit later.

    Change appearance web browser by clicking the "Select Topic" button.

    Set the search engine you prefer to use.

    Add users if someone else is working in the browser besides you.

Alternatively, you can make Chrome your default web browser.

Additional settings

Scrolling down the page, the user can open additional settings by clicking the corresponding link. In the "Personal data" block there are two buttons: "Clear history" and "Content settings".

By clicking the first one, the user can delete cookies, history of visited sites and downloads. With this, you can get rid of the saved data for a certain period of time.

The second button allows you to customize the display of images, blocking pop-ups, location, etc. As a rule, it is not recommended to change anything here, but if you are not afraid to experiment, you can try to change some options.

So, having installed "Google Chrome", you have learned how to set it up. However, this is not all. Next, you need to consider such important details like "Express Panel" and "Start Page". It is with their settings that users most often have problems.

"Express panel"

In Google Chrome, it is a list of the most visited sites. However, this is not very convenient, so it is recommended to install one of the browser extensions. Typically, most users install " Visual bookmarks"from the search engine" Yandex. "You can also choose another option.

First of all, open the "Chrome" menu and select the "Settings" section. A page will open with a subsection "Extensions" on the left. This is exactly what you need. At the bottom you will see the link "More extensions", after clicking on which the store of add-ons for Google Chrome will open.

In the search bar, write a phrase, for example Speed ​​Dial FVD, and select the option with 3D in the Extensions section. On the right there is an "Install" button, if you click on it, this add-on will be installed in your browser.

You can figure it out yourself with adding pages to "Visual Bookmarks". As you can see, it's easy to change the "Google Chrome Express Panel". You can customize it at your own discretion.

start page

And now it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the setting of the page that will open when the browser starts. As a rule, many users as " Home page"use the site of one of search engines... However, you may not want the browser to open the "search engine" after launch.

So, you are working in the Google Chrome browser. How do I customize the tabs in this web browser? In reality, everything is quite simple. Go to "Settings" and pay attention to the block "Open at startup". You have several options here:

    If you check the box " New tab", when you launch Chrome, the Express Panel will open.

    If you set the checkbox next to the "Previously opened tabs" option, the pages that you viewed before closing the browser will be loaded by clicking the "Close" button.

    By checking the third option, you will be able to specify which pages should be loaded after starting your web browser.

Which option to choose is up to you.


Now that you have installed Google Chrome on your PC, how to set it up, you learned, learned how to change start page, you can safely start evaluating the benefits of this web browser. Chances are you won't be disappointed.

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