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Sad emoticon on a blue background. Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) - Fighting Errors

The unexpected appearance of the "Blue Screen of Death" or Blue screen of Death (BSOD) often scares Windows users, if not terrifies them.

With a blue screen, the operating system crashes, which is usually accompanied by an absolute failure of most functions and the halt of the most important processes for its functioning.

V early versions Microsoft operating systems BSOD looked very terrifying and externally presented a random sequence of characters on a blue background.

Later, the sequence of characters became informative text containing information about the error code and the name of the system file that caused the system failure. In Windows 8, BSOD has become less terrifying, the background color has changed to blue instead of blue. At the same time, the information content of the blue screen has significantly decreased.

Photo: Blue Screen of Death in Windows 8

If on operating systems prior to Windows 8, the blue screen contained complete information about the cause of the failure, then BSOD Windows 8 displays only sad smiley and information about the need to restart the computer. An error code with a description is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and the name of the file that caused the failure may also be indicated.

System Setup

After the appearance of BSOD an automatic restart of the computer occurs, which starts when the loading indicator of information collection reaches 100%. This usually takes a very short time and, in combination with the fact that the information about the failure on the screen is displayed rather shallowly, time for reading and memorizing essential information critically lacking.

VWindowsyou can configure the settings so that the operating system does not automatically reboot. VWindows8 for this you need:

  • right-click on the "Computer" icon and then select the "Properties" line from the menu that appears (you can use the "Win" + "Pause" key combination);
  • in the left menu active window select item “ Extra options systems ”;
  • click on the "Additional" section;
  • in the "Startup and recovery" field, select the "Options ..." item;
  • in the "Startup and Recovery" window, uncheck the box next to the "Run automatic reboot”;
  • additionally, it is necessary to change and save the options for saving debug information. To do this, it is recommended to select the value “Small memory dump (256 Kb)” in the “Write debug information” window. It is more expedient not to change the directory in which the mini dumps will be loaded. The default is C: \ WINDOWS \ Minidump.

Photo: setting up the operating system

By setting the parameters in this way in the future when critical error in Windows, a blue screen of death is displayed on the screen, a memory dump is saved, and the system is waiting for a forced reboot.

The reasons for the appearance

The appearance of the screen of death is usually always unexpected. It can appear both at startup or shutdown of the computer, and during the operation of the operating system. As for the reasons for the system crash in BSOD, there can be many of them.

All the reasons causing the failure of the operating system are divided into hardware and software.

Hardware problems include situations associated with a power failure, overheating of individual components, unstable functioning individual devices, broken sectors on the hard disk, incorrect operation of the device driver.

Software problems include damage to boot areas, operating system files, the effects of viruses, incorrect functioning of some software products.

Video: How to Fix Blue Screen

Memory dump analysis

Any operating system Windows family when a critical error occurs, it makes an emergency snapshot of RAM (memory dump) and saves it to the hard drive.

There are 3 types of memory dumps:

  • mini memory dump containing limited quantity data: error code with options, a list of drivers located in random access memory at the time of failure. This information is sufficient to identify the problematic driver. The advantage of this type dump is the compactness of the resulting files;
  • a kernel memory dump that stores information about the kernel. User information is not saved. The file size is determined by the size of the RAM;
  • full of memory lamps, in which all data of the main memory are backed up, while its size equal to size RAM increased by 1 Megabyte. Full shot very rarely used due to its significant size, especially in systems with a significant amount of RAM.

After saving crash dump memory needs to analyze the information contained in it. There are many programs for these purposes, but the most convenient and easy to use is free. BlueScreenView utility... When installing it, it is important to correctly specify the location of the snapshots in the system.

To analyze the situation that has arisen, you must:

Windows 8 Blue Screen Error Codes

After identifying the cause of the blue screen, you can analyze the error code description table. There are many resources on the Internet that contain a complete list of error codes with a description and the possibility of fixing the problem.

Let's take a look at the most common BSOD errors:

Among possible ways elimination of the problem can be noted updating the BIOS, performing a disk scan with certain parameters, dismantling the "fresh" hardware, updating the SCSI controller driver;

Errors are very diverse, and there is no single algorithm for eliminating them. There are hundreds of them, and each of them may require a purely individual approach.

Video: Windows 8.1 🙁 CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED

We solve the problem

The appearance of the blue screen of death is not always critical for a computer or operating system. Often this is just a defensive reaction to some processes that complicate the regular processes in the functioning of the system. It is very important to correctly identify the cause of the problem.

In some cases, the cause of the failure lies on the surface. This happens when installing new software, modifying configuration files or connecting new hardware to the system unit. In this situation, some fault lies with the user.

The solution to the problem is to uninstall problem program or driver, return to earlier Windows state 8, replacing the conflicting device.

For a clearer definition of the sequence of actions to restore the health of the computer and the operating system, it is important to know exactly the BSOD error code, which can be viewed on the 2nd or 3rd line on the blue screen.

The simplest way to determine the nature of the error (software or hardware) is to use boot disk... If the BSOD problem is still relevant, then the reason probably lies in the hardware components of the computer.

In such a situation, you can try to determine the source of the problem using specialized applications for monitoring the "hardware" of a personal computer.

Computers often experience significant software or hardware problems. In such a situation, to prevent a serious failure Windows computer 8 shuts down or reboots and then displays a BSOD - which contains information about the error.

Search in the database Microsoft data by the error code will help to solve the problem and return the computer to normal functioning.




What is BSoD

BSoD - Blue Sceen of Death, blue screen of death. Appears in the most critical situations when closing the faulty program cannot be avoided.

Operating room Windows system has several levels of running programs. We see only the topmost one - open windows programs and running services... It is them that the Task Manager shows. When one of the programs makes an error that it is unable to handle and work around, it, as many users say, "crashes". You can start again and work on.

Program modules operating at a lower level (drivers) will not be able to restart in case of an error. The Windows operating system tries to protect the user from many errors, but this does not always work out and it capitulates, showing a sad face or a set of characters on the computer screen.

You need to understand that drivers are an intermediary between the software and hardware of the computer. Drivers can fail (programmers are also people, they can fail to take into account or make mistakes), and the iron part of the computer.

BSoD symptoms

1. The appearance of a blue screen with incomprehensible symbols or a sad emoticon.

In 99% of cases, the computer restarts itself due to a critical error (BSoD), but sometimes the situation is worse: problems with the power supply or motherboard... If you have a desktop PC, check to see if it is bloated anywhere.

Reasons for the appearance of a blue screen

1. Overheating. Overheating of the video card, processor leads to a blue screen of death.

By the way, in Windows XP, when the video card overheats, BSoD always occurred, in Vista and newer the video driver simply reboots. If you see the inscription "The video driver stopped responding and was restored", then this is the overheating of the video card:

How newer than Windows, the better the failure protection. Hopefully, in some Windows XV, instead of a blue screen, we will see an error notification that does not interfere with the work.

2. Failure of RAM. You can, but in order not to get your finger in the sky, first read on - perhaps the cause of your blue screen of death is in something else.

If you installed new RAM in your computer and got frequent BSoDs, change it to a working one in the store. There are no other ways to overcome blue screens of death when replacing RAM.

3. Failure of other hardware. Maybe the voltage in the power supply unit "sags". Maybe contact is lost somewhere. Maybe your computer doesn't like the full moon. There are many reasons, you can guess endlessly.

If, after you have analyzed the minidump (more on that below) and eliminated errors, the blue screen does not go anywhere, it is worth replacing all the components in turn. You can't just take and determine the cause of BSoD, if each time the error codes are different.

4. Overclocking. If you are an advanced overclocker, then you know what overclocking has to do with BSoD. If not, don't overclock your computer.

5. Failure of the driver (s). The BSoD is not necessarily a hardware issue. Unstable drivers are a frequent visitor to users' computers. How to identify a faulty driver, will be further.

6. Viruses. Be sure to check your computer with some or.

I am never tired of being surprised at the self-confidence of users who declare “ I have no viruses and no antivirus either! I have straight hands / I only sit on trusted sites / sometimes I check disposable antivirus and therefore everything is fine!". Leaving aside the debate about how you can live without antivirus, consider this: if a person sees BSoD, they have is no longer a normal situation. How can you say that there are no viruses and this is not the cause of the blue screen?

Also, do not think that if you have an antivirus installed with the most recent databases, there can be no viruses. Check with others to completely rule out the possibility.

7. Antiviruses. It's funny (and sad) that antivirus software can cause it to crash. Remove the antivirus for a while. Blue screens of death have stopped appearing? Install a new one so that blue screens do not appear due to reason # 6.

8. Windows Updates. The developers at Microsoft sometimes don't test updates well. Some, because of this, completely turn off the Center. windows updates and sit without updates, although this is not an option. Control Panel - Programs and Features - View installed updates - press right click - Delete recently installed updates, then check Windows is working. Has everything returned to normal? Just do not install updates for a couple of weeks - usually some patching update comes out for the update during this time and everything becomes fine.

9. Failure of programs. This happens, but rarely. If you see BSoD while playing or running any a specific program, I advise you to check your computer for overheating, because most programs are not able to cause a blue screen, with the exception of installing drivers into the system (antiviruses, emulators virtual disks, systems game protection like PunkBuster, accounting software that works with digital keys).

10. File errors systems of hard disk. It will not be superfluous

Finding out the cause of BSoD

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons and it makes no sense to guess. Fortunately, the blue screen of death contains clues as to where it is from. Windows started crash. Among the incomprehensible text will be error codes containing a direct indication of what caused the failure.

Most often BSoD you won't see since in Windows settings By default, computer restart is enabled on critical errors.

Disable automatic restart windows you can do this: Control Panel - System - Advanced System Settings - Settings- put / remove jackdaws as in the screenshot below:

Pay attention to the item "Small memory dump" - put it too.

Google the error code from the Windows log

Jackdaw "Record event in system log"Is set by default, which means that the error codes will be in Windows log.

Go to Control Panel - Administration - Event Viewer - System- and look for the line in the list that coincides in time with the appearance of a blue screen or restarting the computer:

Look for the error code (in the screenshot above it is 0x0000009f) in Google and read the first few sites in the search results, follow the recommendations that helped others. If a driver is specified (a word ending with .sys, then it's generally great - the likely culprit is found right away, you need to install a driver for this device of an older / newer version. If there is no clear and clear indication of the BSoD reason for the indicated error code on the Internet, read my instructions further.

If there is nothing in the Windows Log, wait for the blue screen to appear and see the error there:

Just search in Google information by the error code and follow the recommendations.

Analyze the minidump

Unfortunately, if the problem is in a faulty driver, it is not always displayed on the blue screen. The error code is also not always informative. It is necessary to analyze the minidump file generated during the BSoD occurrence and containing information about the crash, in particular which drivers reported the error. There are two programs for analyzing minidump: Windows Debugging Tools and BlueScreenView. Unfortunately, the first one is too difficult for novice users, although it gives a more informative result. In 99% of cases, a second, simple and free BlueScreenView is enough.

The BlueScreenView installer is available from this link.

After starting the program, you will see a window in which at the top there will be minidumps created by the system, information about them, at the bottom - a list of drivers. Failed drivers will be highlighted in yellow.

Example # 1 - the video card is to blame

A blue screen appears with the text ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY. Watching the minidump:

The ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY error, judging by googling, is caused by some kind of driver. Likely culprit in in this case- nv4_disp.sys. There are others, but they are part of the system, statistically unlikely that they are the cause. A google search showed that nv4_disp.sys is a graphics card driver from nVidia. Three steps:

1. Checking the video card for overheating.

2. Installing an older video card driver (new if there is an old one). This is done with any drivers, not just video cards.

3. Installing a video card in another computer.

4. If a blue screen appears on another computer, take the video card to the service center. If the warranty is still valid, you can replace it with a working one free of charge.

5. Doesn't the blue screen appear on the other computer? Try installing a different power supply on yours - the reason may be in it.

6. Doesn't it help? Reinstall Windows cleanly.

7. If this does not help, take it to the service center for diagnostics.

Example # 2 - the blame is not at all what was expected

Blue screen labeled PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA comes with a lot of problems:

If ntfs.sys was the likely faulty driver, then I would recommend checking HDD for errors, and also replace the loop coming from hard disk to the motherboard. In this case, BlueScreenView points to the USB port driver and this could be true, but where I took the dump from for example, the person is to blame for the motherboard - the capacitors on it are swollen. Solution - system unit into the hands and stomp into the service center.

Example number 3 - antivirus is to blame

I found this minidump on the Internet:

The culprit was SRTSP.SYS, an antivirus component from Norton. It is solved by removing it.

Example # 4 - "broken" RAM

A blue screen with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT is a sign that the RAM is unusable:

BlueScreenView points to likely culprit- ntoskrnl.exe. This Windows kernel, it cannot be the cause of the BSOD. In 99% of cases, the reason for the blue screen with the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error is "broken" RAM. We'll have to change it.

Results of parsing examples

1. BlueScreenView indicates a failure in the driver, while the piece of hardware with which the driver interacts may be to blame.

2. Determine whether the fault is in the driver or the hardware, you can by enumerating both drivers and hardware. Install the old drivers (for example, the ones that came in the kit on the disk), download the new ones.

Probably nothing scares Windows user as much as the sudden appearance of BSOD or as it is customary to say the blue screen of death.

The fall of the operating system in BSOD is accompanied by almost complete rejection all functions and stopping critical processes, as well as the appearance blue background with an error message. In the very first Windows versions the death screen looked pretty intimidating and had a dark blue background with a random set of characters.

In more later versions meaningless gibberish has been replaced with informative text indicating the error code as well as the system file, incorrect work which caused it. In Windows 8 and 8.1, the death screen has become less repulsive, but at the same time, less informative.

Instead of detailed technical information as it was in earlier versions, the user sees a sad smiley and a message about the need to restart the computer. Below is given short description errors with an indication of its code. A problematic system file may also be indicated. The background color of the screen of death in Windows 8 and 8.1 has also changed to blue instead of poisonous blue.

The appearance of the screen of death is usually always unexpected. It can appear both at startup or shutdown of the computer, and during the operation of the operating system. As for the reasons for the system crash in BSOD, there can be many of them.

Crooked installed driver memory failure, sudden stop critical important process, overheating of the motherboard and central processing unit, physical and logical errors of the magnetic disk surface - all this can lead to a sudden termination Windows work and the appearance of the screen of death.

What to do when BSOD appears

The appearance of Screen of Death does not necessarily indicate the "real death" of the computer or Windows, but rather a defensive reaction to some kind of problem that interferes normal work systems. Therefore, the first step is to try to establish the source of this problem.

In some cases, the reason that led to the fall of the system is obvious. If the screen of death began to appear after installing new software, making any changes to config files or after connecting a new device to the computer, then most likely the source of the problems lies in the user's recent actions.

In such cases, it may be sufficient to delete recently installed programs or driver, roll back to an earlier state of the operating system or replace faulty device... To establish the exact reasons for the BSOD crash, you need to know the error code.

You can find it right there on the screen, in the second or third line. However, since immediately after the blue screen appears Windows death restarts, to rewrite this code you will need to disable automatic. To do this, in the Run window, execute the sysdm.cpl command, in the window that opens, switch to the "Advanced" tab and uncheck the "Perform automatic restart" checkbox in the parameters.

Software and hardware errors

You can find a description of the BSOD codes themselves on specialized sites, for example, such as The reasons leading to the appearance of BSOD can be roughly divided into two large categories- software and hardware. The first category includes various types of damage system files, records boot sectors, the actions of viruses, as well as incorrectly working software.

The second category includes power failures, overheating of critical hardware components, wrong job devices connected to the computer (flash drives, USB hubs, disks, wireless modems), RAM modules, physical mistakes hard disk.

The easiest way to determine if the problem is hardware or software is to try booting from a regular Live-CD. If the screen of death still appears, then most likely the cause of the problem lies in the hardware itself.

Alternatively, you can try to identify the source of the problem using special utilities for testing the hardware component of the PC. For checking hard disk, for example, you can use the MHDD utility, the Memtest utility to test the RAM.

Some common BSOD errors

But as we already said, the easiest way to establish the cause of the BSOD is by looking at the decryption of the error code. Here are some of the most common BSOD examples.

FILE SYSTEM or 0x00000024. This error appears when the .sys driver has failed. Its reason lies in the presence on the hard disk bad sectors, SCSI or IDE drivers, as well as damage to data on the disk or directly in the PC memory.

In mild cases, the error is treated standard utility chkdsk. If chkdsk does not work desired results, the hardware should be checked carefully disk subsystem... malfunctioning controllers and damaged IDE and SCSI cables can cause death.

INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE or 0x0000007B. Another common BSOD error indicating problems accessing the system logical drive... Malicious software may be the cause of the error. incorrect installation Windows damage file system, disk controller, incompatibility hardware, incorrect BIOS settings, memory allocation conflicts.

Updating BIOSa, firmware SCSI controller, dismantling newly installed hardware, executing Chkdsk with / f / r options.

STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED or 0xC000021A. This software error indicating a driver failure, custom application or third party service... The solution may be to update drivers (or, conversely, roll back to an earlier version), remove recently installed third-party programs and services.

DATA BUS ERROR or 0x0000002E. An error indicating a hardware problem. The most common causes of it are a defect in RAM, malfunctioning video memory and RAM level 2 cache (L2). The 0x0000002E error can be caused by damage to the magnetic surface of the hard disk, as well as an attempt by a hardware driver to access a nonexistent address in the 0x8xxxxxxx range.

The error is treated by replacing the "suspicious" hardware components, updating the software, the SCSI controller and network cards, replacing or updating device drivers, running Chkdsk with the / f / r options to system partition... It also does not hurt to check the quality of the contacts of all computer boards.

Instead of a total

As you can see, the reasons for BSOD in Windows 8 and 8.1, as well as in earlier versions of the OS, can be quite varied. Unfortunately on this moment There is no single algorithm for eliminating Screen of Death errors. There are several hundred of them, and each of them may require a purely individual approach.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, do not try to fix BSOD errors yourself, especially when it comes to hardware problems. The exception is clearly obvious mistakes caused by connection to a computer external devices and also a software crash. In other cases, it is better to entrust the elimination of the screen of death to professionals.

On this, perhaps, I will finish my story to everyone for now and until new interesting meetings with you, my dear friends ...

Mobile devices c operating system from Microsoft, especially Nokia Lumia, have established themselves as reliable devices. However, their work sometimes fails. It is the error in software does not let the phone turn on. It is not necessary to immediately carry your phone to service center... If Windows Phone does not turn on, there are ways to restore its performance on their own that can be used in this situation.

Restoring your smartphone

So, what to do if Windows Phone won't turn on? You need to connect the device to charger... Then simultaneously hold down the button to lower the sound level and turn on the device. You need to hold down the keys for 15 seconds.

After that, the smartphone should work correctly. If this did not happen and Windows phone Phone does not turn on, it is worth repeating the procedure, but after holding the device on charging for 15-20 minutes.

Extreme measures

Even if after a second attempt to restore the phone's working capacity, there were no changes in its operation, there are two last ways:

  • - hardware reset to factory settings;
  • - contacting the service center to change the firmware.

At hard reset, all user data and files will be permanently deleted. But when you change the firmware, the same thing will happen. Data can be restored only if automatic backup data from the device.

To return to the factory settings, press the device buttons according to the following algorithm:

  • - simultaneous holding of the key to decrease the sound level and unlock the screen;
  • - after the appearance of a characteristic vibration, you need to press the button to lower the sound level again;
  • - an exclamation mark should appear on the screen, after which you should press the volume increase, decrease, power off key and decrease the sound again.

Restoring to factory settings may take some time during which the phone cannot be used.

And even if carrying out this procedure did not help to restore the device's operability, then, unfortunately, one cannot do without contacting a service center. A specialist will assess the situation, establish the cause of the malfunction and help eliminate it.

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