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The group in contact charity is different and amazing. Group administrators on VKontakte announced a competition for bullying sick children

112 0 2

A year ago
Dear participants and guests of the public.

Recent discussions force us to write a post-clarification.

Public administration fees:
1. Does not lead
2. Doesn't check
3. Does not recommend
4. Strongly disapproves, any and all

We strongly recommend not to give guarantees on fees in the community. No recommendation. Do not send to, in your opinion, honest fees and groups. None of the referees is responsible for the fees, and we will not allow anyone to cheat on our territory.
In the future, we will punish in an extremely harsh manner for recommending "fair" fees in public, without warning and the right to appeal.
The post is not subject to discussion.
Thank you for understanding.

38 9 2

Month ago
Good afternoon. Anonymous, please. - Crisis Center "Birds". How they present themselves, help victims of domestic violence. It's a good thing, but there are some doubts about the implementation.

So, the fundraising goes to private accounts. From the photos posted in the group - a certain rental agreement for an apartment, the so-called. shelter, and a receipt stamped "paid". That is, in general, paper that can be done on the knees.

Further. One of the founders - Natalya Nikiforova, nee Chebaevskaya, VK is known as the Bird Talker. Her page is here: For many years, many unrelated people have been writing about her, accusing her of fraud. In short, according to their stories, she often took personal belongings and did not return, collected money for urgent operations (in her words, she had oncology), but there were no sane reports on the expenditure of funds. References with blurry or frankly fake stamps were often posted. At the same time, the person became famous for unrealistic regeneration - just a few days after she was urgently hospitalized, for example, with a burst cyst, she happily ran home from the hospital on her feet. She was also caught on outright lies about illnesses - when she said that she was taken to the hospital, and after a call there it turned out that a patient with such names was not there. Links to the stories of people who interacted with her are:

Also, people who were in the shelter of this crisis center say that Natalya herself lives there. And if this is really so, it is very convenient to rent an apartment for yourself using donations.

The question is. How can you initiate a legitimate audit of their activities?

15 257 0

2 months ago
Anonymous, please.

Lilia Murashova, Krasnodar, 5 years old, shunted hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy.
The story of how a large family earns money for itself with the help of a sick youngest daughter. Lilya, a premature girl with hydrocephalus, lived like on a volcano, constantly traveling to Moscow, until she got a shunt working. But something went wrong again, the shunt began to show dysfunction. Then mother Yulia, who had read a lot of clever books (and before the birth of her sick daughter she had only casual contact with medicine, and certainly not with neurosurgery), decided that she was now a tough neurosurgeon, and the Moscow "luminaries" were so-so. She decided that Lilya is shunt independent, she does not need a shunt, it needs to be removed. And also insert plates into the skull to improve the shape of the head. Moscow did not support her ideas. But Mom, restless, rushed to Peter. Of course, without spending your money, and without opening a collection, as it is now fashionable. It's just that people themselves wanted to help. In St. Petersburg, they needed new clothes for Lily (she arrived naked, and there was nothing from the older children), baby purees, and most importantly - a new stroller (which could be carried out by IPRA, Lily is a disabled child, she has strollers inscribed, she is not walking ). The collection, or rather not the collection, but just a request, was on the plates in the head, and the money was spent on everything else. But the people are kind, gathered for everything. They performed an operation, removed the shunt, placed plates. The shape of the head has not improved in any way, even the back of the head has become flatter. This is not so bad, the main thing is that the girl cannot live without a shunt. She is at home in Krasnodar, then she is urgently dragged to St. Petersburg to pump fluid from the skull. Mom groans that there is not enough money, that they live in a private apartment (for some reason, not in a hospital), that they need a shunt for 180 thousand and for 290 thousand a programmer-suitcase (which neurosurgeons put pressure in the shunt. medical organizations, not individuals). Nothing is free, there are no quotas, nothing, just the groans of Yulia Murasheva. She deletes questions about the amount collected, just as she does not issue receipts for paid plates, a stroller, etc. She occasionally puts receipts from a children's store, sometimes from a pharmacy where adult medicines were bought, receipts without dates, receipts for Japanese diapers ... Today, an extract from an incomprehensible doctor has appeared, no seal, no signature ... Although even in small regional cities, doctors put a seal with their full name on their signature. It is not known what the child's pension is spent on. According to the compulsory medical insurance, the treatment is too bad for them, and the funds are asking for too many documents. Throwing a cry is easier! From the card where the collection is carried out, the money is simply transferred to your personal card. But my mother gives lectures on neurosurgery and the basics of hydrocephalus in her Instragram.

Group name

Requests for financial assistance are not published in the public.


All about online charity, its pitfalls and heroes. Rules for posting on the wall: 1. Your post should contain a description of the situation that you propose for discussion; 2. The text must be understandable to the person who learns about the situation from you; 3. The text should contain links, or better screenshots, to facts confirming your opinion about the situation; 4. If you offer to place a call for help - do not be surprised where the asking questions came from in your collection. We may well take advantage of your offer to see your group; 5. Responsibility for the content of the post is borne by its author; 6. If the author wishes to remain anonymous, fearing boomerangs - let him indicate in the post; 7. Posts in two lines "oh brothers, something is not right there - and the link" is not posted. Disclaimer The goal of the public administration is to create a comfortable environment for communication. To actively participate in the life of the public, you must adhere to certain rules of behavior. The implementation of the Rules and the work of the public is controlled by administrators and moderators. The rules of the public are not contested or discussed. The public administration reserves the right to change and supplement this set of rules of conduct and communication. Discussion principles acceptable to the administration: 1. We are a secular public. Therefore, any references to religious boomerangs, beliefs and prejudices will not be perceived as argumentation of the position. 2. If you have an alternative opinion on the issue under discussion - argue it. This is how the discussion differs from the scandal in the bazaar. The narrator must prove why he thinks so. Expressions like: “It seems to me so”, “It has always been this way”, “All Ukrainians are greedy”, “This is right, because it’s true”, “And you at least helped someone! "Etc. are not arguments. References to scientific articles, comments from recognized experts on the issue under discussion, screenshots and medical documents can be considered valid arguments. 3. The administration of the public categorically does not support the measurement of merit to charity. 4. We proceed from the principles of evidence-based medicine. 5. We discourage getting personal in discussions and referring to other discussions in interpersonal showdowns. All attempts to create and shake an artificial conflict will be suppressed 6. The administration of the public is against any manifestation of discrimination by age, gender, nationality, etc. 7. The discussions in this group are not guidelines for action. If you want to get a doctor's advice, you can consult on Rusmedserver or in the specialized community. 8. The purpose of this public is, first of all, to discuss a topic of interest to us, namely, charity in all its manifestations. Dealing with justice and saving the world is outside the scope of our interests. 9. The administration of the public is not responsible for the personal opinion of the participants and guests of the public, as well as for the fees that the participants lead outside the public. Any fees for any purpose in the public are prohibited. 10. All materials are the property of the public, posting on third-party resources is possible with a mandatory link to the public as a source. The administration has an extremely negative attitude towards attempts to use the public's name as a scarecrow in gathering groups and draws the attention of participants to the fact that their behavior is their personal, personal choice and responsibility. The administration of the public understands that the topics discussed can cause a violent emotional reaction. Therefore, we try to warn offenders before we ban them. At the same time, we reserve the right to abruptly end discussions fraught with measurements of IMHs outside the topic "Fludernaya". We reserve the right to suspend a group member who leads an overly emotional polemic from participating in discussions for up to a week without warning with an appropriate comment.

Community type

Public page

Activity type

Discussion club

Community entries:

Charity: Different and Amazing March 26, 2019 at 07:00

Dear participants and guests of the public.

Recent discussions force us to write a post-clarification.

Public administration fees:
1. Does not lead
2. Doesn't check
3. Does not recommend
4. Strongly disapproves, any and all

We strongly recommend not to give guarantees on fees in the community. No recommendation. Do not send to, in your opinion, honest fees and groups. None of the referees is responsible for the fees, and we will not allow anyone to cheat on our territory.
In the future, we will punish in an extremely harsh manner for recommending "fair" fees in public, without warning and the right to appeal.
The post is not subject to discussion.
Thank you for understanding.

Philanthropy: Different and Amazing Feb 29 at 19:28

Hello. There is a geek collecting money for brain cancer treatment. This is a famous swindler, if you drive in Google "Maxim Danilov swindler". Here is a link to his account Not a single document confirming the diagnosis, the purpose of collection, not a single invoice, report - of course there is. Almost all posts are closed comments on the fact that people ask questions. If you ask for documents, they instantly block. This person collected 2 years ago for cancer treatment, but then the doctors allegedly made a mistake. There are posts about his fraud on Instagram, but people who post them are attacked by his team from his portal, but the most interesting thing is that this person was on NTV in a program where he stated that disabled people are not people, they are animals and from them need to get rid of Please help to block this bastard and make it public. Below are a few more links about him. thanks

Members of the “Charity: Different and Amazing” community do not feel personal dislike for any of the members of the Veronika Zhidkova help group, but only stand up for honesty in collecting money and following the rules. This is reported in a letter that came to the editorial office of our site.

As a reminder, Veronika Zhidkova's help group was recently banned from collecting money for treatment. This happened after the VKontakte administration received complaints about violations of the rules for running a charitable group. Now the community can only inform about the child's health. Irina Agureeva, the moderator of the help group, gives her point of view on this situation in an interview with our website. One of the reasons for the suspension of fundraising, she named a complaint from community members "Charity: Different and Amazing".

In turn, the members of the community "Charity: Different and Amazing", after the publication of the publication, said that Agureeva's explanations contain information that misleads the residents of Syzran. Claims against the group, according to them, have serious grounds. The members of the “Charity: Different and Amazing” group told about this in more detail in the written answer to our questions. We present it below. Punctuation and spelling are preserved.

Tell us about your group? When was it created? What is the purpose of her work?

The Charity: Different and Amazing Community was launched in March 2013 and is an expanded thematic continuation of the groups "Temporary Shelter" (2011-2013, now deleted, the information has been transferred to the public BRU) and "Fraudsters on the Net" (2011). The public has the character of a discussion club, its purpose is to discuss various aspects of real and virtual charity, both negative and positive. Particular emphasis is placed on discussing and collecting information on online help groups. We hope that participating in our discussions and reading public materials will give potential donors the opportunity to consciously and thoughtfully choose an object for help, understand the collection mechanisms, learn to recognize the pitfalls of charity and its downside, and so on.

Why did the group of help to Veronika Zhidkova on the VKontakte website come to the attention of the group “Charity: Different and Amazing”?

The help group for Veronika Zhidkova got into the attention of the BRU public due to non-observance of the rules for maintaining and registering charitable groups in the Contact ( ), as well as systematic misleading of donors.

What specific claims are being made against the help group for Veronika Zhidkova?

The following claims were made against the group:

- The absence of documented refusals of Russian clinics to provide further treatment for Veronica (namely, this was emphasized in the help group as a justification for the need to travel abroad for treatment), moreover, in the extracts provided in the section of documents there are appointments and a planned plan for further treatment of a girl in Russia.

- Lack of a scheduled monthly and amount calculation for food and accommodation during treatment abroad for a child and an accompanying person (paragraph 6, subparagraph 7 of the section "Supporting documents and photographs" of the rules for VK fees, link above). All these expenses were carried out in a group from the main amount COLLECTED BY ACCOUNT FOR TREATMENT, which is an unacceptable violation.

- Continued collection on the current account for 250 thousand US dollars, despite the fact that the indicated amount was collected with an overkill. The administration explained the refusal to close the current collection by the presence of significant expenses for accommodation and meals (violation of paragraph 6, subparagraph 7 of the section "Supporting documents and photographs" of the VK collection rules), as well as additional, unforeseen expenses in the clinic. This is also a violation of the rules of fees, because if there are unforeseen and unaccounted-for expenses related to treatment, it is necessary to receive a new invoice from the clinic indicating the services provided, not previously foreseen, and open a new, additional fee in the group based on the above. additional account.

Lack of documentary evidence of the need to travel abroad for treatment, not only for the child's mother, but also for the father. In the group, this need was explained by the fact that Veronica's mother had a serious heart disease. A medical statement confirming the diagnosis of the mother was not provided in the group, everything is in words. Meanwhile, the maintenance of the father in Israel also required additional funds, which were spent, as mentioned above, from the funds collected from the account for the girl's treatment.

- Lack of a complete picture and report on income and expenses (violation of paragraphs 1, 3, 4 of the "Reporting on fundraising" section of the rules for maintaining and registering help groups). Namely: providing donors with checks on expenses in Hebrew, which is an extreme disrespect for benefactors (here it should be noted separately that the moderators of the group, including I. Agureev, also do not speak Hebrew, as a result of which they could not control the proper spending of funds . And, accordingly, they violated the sub-clause of the reporting rules, which reads “Parents and volunteers are responsible for the intended use of funds, and this should be indicated in the group.” During the verification of checks and their translation from Hebrew into Russian by independent translators, it was found that the receipts provided as a report for expenses included: cigarettes, beer, washcloths, personal hygiene products, other purchases that could have been avoided if parents had saved other people's funds, collected by grain on the ACCOUNT of their daughter, and would have brought essentials with you from Russia, as other parents do.

- Lack of comprehensive reports on the receipt by parents of cash from donors from hand to hand, as well as on the withdrawal of money (officially, with the execution of an act of seizure of funds in the presence of witnesses) from boxes installed in various organizations, shopping centers and other institutions in Syzran.

- Violation of clause 5 of the "Reporting on fundraising" section.

- Mass inclusion in the Black List of a group, without the possibility of access, of people who asked questions about the collection and pointed out gross violations of the rules of running charitable groups.

How can they be justified?

The rules for maintaining and registering charitable groups on the Contact ( ). So that you have no doubts that it is these rules that the VK administration is guided by when checking the help groups, we attach a screen of the TP response to the VK user's question about the availability of such.

Do you think that the activities of your group members did not really influence the decision of technical support to block the help group for Veronika Zhidkova?

Indeed, after some members of our community were brought in by the admins to the emergency situation for legitimate questions about the collection in the group of Veronika Zhidkova, several complaints were sent to the TP VK. We also reliably know that the main number of complaints to the TP were sent by donors who were not members of the BRU - members of Veronica's group, who were surprised to find that they were transferring money not only for TREATMENT of the child according to the account from the clinic (as declared in the description of the group and in the appeals, published on leaflets), but also for the maintenance of the whole family in Israel, for trips to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem (which is absolutely contraindicated for an oncologically sick child with zero immunity, according to the requirements and prescriptions of the sangiga for these diseases), and for others not related to treatment needs. After the indignation in the group, these donors were also brought in by the collection administrators for Veronica in the emergency. But! To check help groups, TP VK is guided by the above rules and instructions, and no collection can be blocked or suspended at the request of TP, if all the rules of collection in the group are observed. Even if absolutely all VK users complain about such a group. No violations - no blocking. Thus, the decision to block the group of Veronika Zhidkova TP was made solely on the basis of the presence of multiple, gross violations in this collection.

To date, the group continues to keep silent about the current course of the child's treatment. Donors are not provided with documents and interim extracts, documentary evidence of the new treatment plan (in the words of the group). Reports on receipts after the suspension of the collection were not provided (it is known for certain that funds continued to flow). The donors, who were previously included in the group's emergency situations for legitimate issues, have not been amnestied. We have made conclusions, make them and you, after a thorough analysis of the information provided by the two parties.

We add that at the moment the treatment of 4-year-old syranium Veronica Zhidkova in Israel continues. Girl preparing for transplant bone marrow. She must be admitted to the clinic for the last chemotherapy block before BMT. It was previously planned that the course of "chemistry" will last until March 2016. The amount raised by the benefactors (over 250 thousand dollars) should be enough, say representatives of the help group for Veronika Zhidkova on the VKontakte website.

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Anonymous, please.

Lilia Murashova, Krasnodar, 5 years old, shunted hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy.
The story of how a large family earns money for itself with the help of a sick youngest daughter. Lilya, a premature girl with hydrocephalus, lived like on a volcano, constantly traveling to Moscow, until she got a shunt working. But something went wrong again, the shunt began to show dysfunction. Then mother Yulia, who had read a lot of clever books (and before the birth of her sick daughter she had only casual contact with medicine, and certainly not with neurosurgery), decided that she was now a tough neurosurgeon, and the Moscow "luminaries" were so-so. She decided that Lilya is shunt independent, she does not need a shunt, it needs to be removed. And also insert plates into the skull to improve the shape of the head. Moscow did not support her ideas. But Mom, restless, rushed to Peter. Of course, without spending your money, and without opening a collection, as it is now fashionable. It's just that people themselves wanted to help. In St. Petersburg, they needed new clothes for Lily (she arrived naked, and there was nothing from the older children), baby purees, and most importantly - a new stroller (which could be carried out by IPRA, Lily is a disabled child, she has strollers inscribed, she is not walking ). The collection, or rather not the collection, but just a request, was on the plates in the head, and the money was spent on everything else. But the people are kind, gathered for everything. They performed an operation, removed the shunt, placed plates. The shape of the head has not improved in any way, even the back of the head has become flatter. This is not so bad, the main thing is that the girl cannot live without a shunt. She is at home in Krasnodar, then she is urgently dragged to St. Petersburg to pump fluid from the skull. Mom groans that there is not enough money, that they live in a private apartment (for some reason, not in a hospital), that they need a shunt for 180 thousand and for 290 thousand a programmer-suitcase (which neurosurgeons put pressure in the shunt. medical organizations, not individuals). Nothing is free, there are no quotas, nothing, just the groans of Yulia Murasheva. She deletes questions about the amount collected, just as she does not issue receipts for paid plates, a stroller, etc. She occasionally puts receipts from a children's store, sometimes from a pharmacy where adult medicines were bought, receipts without dates, receipts for Japanese diapers ... Today, an extract from an incomprehensible doctor has appeared, no seal, no signature ... Although even in small regional cities, doctors put a seal with their full name on their signature. It is not known what the child's pension is spent on. According to the compulsory medical insurance, the treatment is too bad for them, and the funds are asking for too many documents. Throwing a cry is easier! From the card where the collection is carried out, the money is simply transferred to your personal card. But my mother gives lectures on neurosurgery and the basics of hydrocephalus in her Instragram.

Fighters Against Fraudsters has established 14 nominations to laugh at parents and their children with cancer.

The family of Varvara Malkova from Volgograd was among the victims at the hands of the administrators of the group in the social network on VKontakte. The baby's parents were nominated for victory in the nominations "The most arrogant and greedy parents of the year", "Ongefather" of the year ", as well as" The most "expensive" free treatment of the year. Let's talk about everything in order.

Today the correspondents of the site "Notebook Volgograd" found that the group, which talks about the treatment of three-year-old Varvara Malkova in Belgium, has been blocked. We were confused by the wording: "The community is blocked for suspicious donations for charitable purposes." From the very beginning up to the present moment “Notepad” has been following the fate of Varvara, and every day we look through the news about her well-being. Fundraising was suspended immediately after the baby arrived in Belgium, so the wording looks suspicious. We contacted Varya's mom:

Well-wishers did their best, ”Olesya Malkova admitted,“ we contacted technical support, explained that fundraising had been closed for a long time, and the group would be opened in the near future.

The administration of the “Charity: Different and Amazing” group turned out to be well-wishers. According to Varya's mother, they were offended that the parents closed the group to everyone except subscribers, and these people can no longer use posts and mock their child.

We looked through the group and were shocked: fundraising for each child from Volgograd and other regions of the country here turns into a heated discussion for discussion.

“How to make a source of continuous collection out of a deeply disabled child” (we are talking about a 6-year-old girl with multiple intrauterine malformations) is the name of one post.

“Nothing changes in online charity. There are more and more parents who are ready to capitalize on the misfortune of their children. The number of those who fall for the bait of such parents is also not decreasing, ”the administrators warn.

The group rules indicate that in discussions you need to indicate your point of view and argue for it.

Expressions like: “It seems so to me”, “It has always been this way”, “This is correct, because it is true”, “And you at least helped someone!” ”, Etc. are not arguments, - the administrators wrote.

But at the same time, for some reason, they forget that only investigators can accuse people of fraud. And so it still needs to be proven in court. The article on libel in the Criminal Code has not yet been canceled.

I asked 12 people a question: how do you feel about charity. 7 of the respondents answered that it is positive, but 11 people do not want to take part in charity. The reasons are very different: money will not reach the addressee, lack of transparency in reports, scammers. This survey showed that the topic is really burning. It is possible that the people who create such groups themselves faced scammers, and therefore adopted such a principled position. In general, you need to understand that the idea of ​​charity is at the top when people have free money. Now we are experiencing an economic crisis, and accordingly, such groups can be a psychological defense. That is, I do not give money, because there are scammers all around. The very idea of ​​charity is becoming irrelevant, says psychologist Anatoly Sergeev. @bloknot_volgograd

Recall that in July 2016, Varvara started having health problems. For some unknown reason, the high temperature rose to +39 degrees. At the same time, no symptoms of a cold were observed. The doctors prescribed antibiotics and antiviral drugs to the girl, but this gave only a temporary result. And later my mother noticed: Varvara's gait was crooked. The girl struggled to get out of bed. As a result, the baby was sent for examination to the children's hemato-oncology department, and later.

The Belgian side promised to cure the patient free of charge. It is not yet known whether it will be necessary to pay for the treatment, a final decision on this matter has not yet been made.

As soon as the parents found out that money for treatment might not be required, they stopped fundraising. If the money is not required, the Malkovs promise to transfer it to the account of another sick child.

The treatment gives positive results: metastases from the head have completely disappeared, but remain in the bone tissues of the knees. The child has already undergone four courses of chemotherapy.

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