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The back cover of the smartphone is heated. What to do if the phone gets very hot

With full confidence, we can say that every smartphone user has encountered the problem that the phone heats up during operation. Because of what heating can occur and how to properly eliminate it without harming the device itself, this article describes.

Why does my Android phone get hot?

Many people probably know that smartphones with the Android operating system tend to heat up. This is due to the fact that modern processors that are installed on smartphones can heat up, but this property is not considered critical if the heating is very weak, barely noticeable, and does not slow down the operation of the device.

Before buying, it can be impossible to know whether the phone is heating up or not, so you should read the reviews and reviews of people who use this smartphone model and know about its positive and negative sides firsthand.

Phone overheating

Causes of heating

Many electronic devices can become warm during operation, especially if they are used frequently and for long periods of time. This is a normal indicator that you should not pay attention to if it does not bring discomfort to the owner himself and does not affect the operation of the device.

If the heating is really critical, you should figure out in which part of the smartphone it occurs, from here the troubleshooting methods will be clear:

  • Processor overheating. It can happen due to too frequent and prolonged use of the device. The more applications the user opens at the same time, the harder the processor starts to work, so it starts to heat up. But not only the applications themselves can cause this, connected GPS navigation modules, WI-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G operating in active mode can also lead to heating. The internal causes of processor overheating include unfinished applications that contain errors or whose codes are not written to the end.
  • External factor - exposure to direct sunlight on the smartphone.
  • Internal factor - a problem with the software, lack of memory on the device.
  • Battery overheating. This problem can occur if you use a broken or non-genuine charger, or if the battery itself is defective.
  • Damage, factory defect.

The phone can heat up both due to improper use, and due to mechanical damage, factory defects


Depending on the cause of the heating, the following ways to eliminate this problem can be distinguished:

  • With the active use of a smartphone, you should try not to overload it, take breaks between use, and do not open several heavy applications at once. You should also disable navigation modules if you do not need to use them.
  • Track at what point the phone starts to heat up. If this happens when using a particular application, then perhaps it is in it. Remove it or try to find a less energy-consuming alternative. Don't hesitate to update existing applications, new versions of them can help eliminate heat.
  • Remove the case from your phone when using heavy applications, do not leave it in direct sunlight in hot weather.
  • Use original, not broken and undamaged chargers and do not load the mobile device, it is better to put it aside and wait until it is fully charged.
  • If the cause of the problem is the incorrect operation of the device software, then clean the memory from the cache and unnecessary files and programs, in extreme cases, you can return the settings to the factory settings.

Ways to eliminate overheating

Why does the iOS phone get hot?

iPhones are also subject to heat, and any model. Among the main reasons, two of the most common are distinguished - factory defects and improper use of the smartphone by the user. The reasons why the phone is heating up are very similar to the reasons why Android phones are heating up:

  • Too much use for a long period of time, because of which the phone does not have time to rest.
  • Launching several power-consuming applications at once, due to which the device's processor heats up and the battery runs out quickly.
  • Included communication modules - GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G.
  • The smartphone has not been charged for a long time, as a result of which, during charging, it consumes more energy and strength than usual.
  • The use of non-original or faulty chargers, which can also cause the smartphone to become very hot during charging.

The reasons for the heating of the iOS phone are the same as the Android phone

If the iPhone heats up in standby mode, then you should pay attention to the following reasons:

  • Invalid smartphone firmware. This can be either a factory error, or even an incorrect download of updates and new applications.
  • Virus. Even on a smartphone, you can find a virus program, because of it, as on a laptop or computer, signs such as system braking, excessive heating of the device may appear.
  • Incorrect operation of the device. For example, the ingress of moisture, due to which the contacts inside are susceptible to oxidation, and then to a complete closure, which leads to overheating.
  • Incorrect operation of the power controller. A power controller (or PMIC controller) is a means by which the supply of supplied and consumed current is regulated. If this module is faulty, then the device may heat up during charging, and even sometimes it may ignite.

How to fix smartphone heating problem

With some of the reasons, each user will be able to cope on their own, but in some cases it is still worth contacting specialists.

  • Do not load the device with prolonged and excessive use.
  • Do not open several energy-consuming applications at the same time.
  • Use the correct charger.
  • Periodically scan your smartphone for virus software, clear the cache and internal memory of the device from unnecessary files.
  • Keep your phone away from moisture.

The iPhone can get hot if its battery has been heavily discharged.

Phone overheating when playing games

Applications such as games are themselves energy intensive on the processor and graphics card of a smartphone, so almost all phones start to heat up after 10 minutes of active games.

In order to reduce the degree of heating of the phone during the game, you need to disable all the modules used, which will further complicate the operation of the device. You should also close all background applications so that they do not pose an additional risk of overheating. Another rule for gamers: do not play while the phone is charging, as battery overheating will add to the heavy load on the processor.

Phone heating up when playing games

Phone overheating during operation

Often the phone starts to heat up when the user opens several applications at the same time. It should be remembered that there are heavy applications that themselves make the smartphone heat up, as well as simple applications, a lot of which will also lead to overheating.

When working in the application, remember these properties of your device, let's periodically relax the phone and ourselves, do not forget to update the software and applications itself, and clean up the memory from accumulated unnecessary material.

Heating up the phone during a call

Transferring data via mobile communication is also one of the most energy-consuming activities that can lead to heating of the phone. In order to minimize overheating, you must first close all applications open in the tabs before talking on the phone, turn off GPS.

Heating up the phone during a call

Phone heating up when using the browser

Often, a smartphone can heat up while working in the browser due to an unemptied cache basket and due to the presence of virus software. Phones are especially vulnerable in this regard, since users rarely assume that by downloading a file from the Internet, they can also introduce a virus.

It is necessary to periodically check the smartphone for viruses. This can be done by downloading a special application that will not only check, but also remove malicious files.

All devices, be it a smartphone or a laptop, have the property of heating. A low temperature, up to 40-45 degrees, does not go beyond the norm, but a higher heating temperature that burns hands and slows down the operation of the device is a reason to take action.

Every gadget needs to be given a rest periodically.

The reasons can be both internal (virus, incorrectly installed software, frequent use of the phone and a large number of application tabs open at the same time), and external (exposure to direct sunlight, problems with the charger and battery). If the problem cannot be solved on your own, then you should contact a specialist who will tell you what exactly is the cause of the heating, and how best to fix this problem. Self-intervention can cause the phone to explode from overheating.

Dear friends, today we will analyze the following question: why does the phone heat up and the battery runs out? Of course, this problem is complex. It must be eliminated as soon as possible before it leads to other, more dangerous consequences. For example, you have probably heard about incidents when a smartphone caught fire or the device turned off forever. That is, after some specific case, the device stopped responding to commands, not reacting to them in any way. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. So everything has a reason.

The phone is a complex element, which contains a huge number of details. And a failure in one of them can lead to a breakdown of the entire device. The battery occupies a separate place among the components of smartphones, as it provides the energy necessary for the operation of the device. If you remove it, you will not be able to use it, even if you connect it to a power source through the charging connector. Therefore, any problems with the battery of the device must be solved immediately, without any slowdown.

Why is this happening?

We will consider both cases in tandem: when the phone heats up and when the charge runs out quickly. Why fast? Because slowly she will sit down anyway, regardless of use. That is, if it even just lies down, then the time will come when the battery level becomes minimal, and the device will turn off. Go:

  • If you constantly use your phone, practically without letting it out of your hand, surfing the Internet via cellular data or playing different games, then you should not be surprised that your battery runs out quickly and the device raises its temperature. It is worth moderating your ardor regarding the exploitation of the gadget, since with such a frantic pace, it may one day give up. Usually, such users often need to repair some part or component of the smartphone.
  • External damage (you dropped the phone, it fell into water, etc.) can often cause internal device problems. During this, the parts of the device responsible for maintaining the normal temperature of the gadget could be damaged. In this case, it is better to contact the wizard to diagnose the work.

    External damage to the phone as a result of a fall

  • Using the phone while it is charging is a sure way to "destroy". The fact is that the battery simultaneously consumes energy and spends it. You can get on the treadmill by setting the speed to high and have a double hamburger. It won't be very easy. So in the case of the phone: because of such a load, it starts to get very hot.
  • The high brightness of the phone, always-on wireless networks in tandem with location services: why else can the battery drain so quickly? Correct settings are the key to a long lifespan and correct operation of the smartphone battery. Therefore, set the appropriate parameters, which are a separate topic for discussion.
  • If you use low-quality accessories, that is, a charger, then it can damage the battery so that it gets very hot when charging. The same applies to the battery in the phone: if you changed it to some analogue, the quality of which is in doubt, then, again, you should not be surprised that it quickly sits down and heats up the device. In any case, you can contact the center where you applied, where your equipment was repaired, demanding either a refund or a normal battery. Please note that such claims can only be made under certain circumstances.

    Use a quality charger

  • An old battery can also cause your headaches and problems with the device heating up and discharging quickly. The fact is that the battery of any phone supports a certain number of charge cycles, after which its capacity begins to fall. This means that you get fewer hours of work on your gadget.

Summing up

Now you know what to do if the phone heats up and the battery runs out. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons, so it is important to identify and diagnose yours. This will help to eliminate it faster and more correctly. Try to follow the tips from the list of the most popular recommendations so that you experience such problems less often. Share your opinion, impression, as well as personal experience in dealing with this problem in the comments.

Hello! Today we will talk about why the phone heats up and the battery runs out? This situation is quite common. Sometimes, 1 month after purchase, the smartphone may become hot, and the battery begins to weakly hold a charge.

Reasons why this is happening?

  1. Active smartphone use. Hours of gaming, surfing the Internet, watching videos. Such operation quickly leads to wear and tear of the phone.
  2. Damage to the device after a fall. The nodes responsible for temperature control could be damaged. So he started heating up. You should take the gadget to the master.
  3. Using the device while charging. This is due to the fact that the battery immediately receives energy and immediately gives it away. Such an action causes additional load and greatly harms the device.
  4. Increased brightness, turned on geolocation, GPS networks, WI-FI, Bluetooth, all this causes a strong drain on the battery. Set up your device properly and turn off the excess.
  5. Poor quality and battery. Replacing the original battery with an analog one can cause heating. A bad charger also leads to these consequences.
  6. Worn out battery. Such a phenomenon exists. The battery has a certain number of charge/discharge cycles. This limits its service life. The battery capacity will decrease and it will not work very well.
  7. Viruses.
  8. heavy applications.
  9. Unstable operation of the platform, for example, android.
  10. Firmware not working properly. If it's old it should be updated.
  11. Ingress of water. High humidity.
  12. Lots of background programs are running.
  13. Long conversations.
  14. Phone engineering flaw.
  15. Poor quality connection. Due to poor coverage, the signal will constantly jump from 3G to 4G and back. This causes a decrease in charge and heating.
  16. Too powerful iron.

The normal temperature is considered to be up to 45 degrees Celsius. Critical more than 50. But for each gadget it has its own. Therefore, find out the norm. To control the heating of the phone, it is worth installing an application like CPU-Z.

Tips for using so that the phone does not heat up and the battery does not run out quickly

  • Do not store your phone in a very hot place.
  • Avoid its exposure to sunlight.
  • Do not cover your smartphone with a tight case. He needs air and cooling. Otherwise, the battery may swell.
  • Before going to bed, do not leave the device plugged in. No one knows how he will behave while you sleep.
  • The temperature of the phone should be monitored. For example, after 1 hour of playing, the smartphone may become very hot. Let him rest, let him cool down.
  • If you use a bad battery or charger, replace them.
  • If the problem is in the operating system, try updating it.

Is overheating dangerous?

Such a phenomenon can cause damage to the smartphone and its ignition. In the worst cases, the device may explode. Therefore, do not bring to strong heat.

In addition, elevated temperatures will shorten battery life. Most often, the battery and processor are heated. If everything is in order with the battery, then the matter is in the “pebble”! Why is he heating up? Its temperature rises due to load.

That is, after starting the application, the processor starts to work in enhanced mode. Too powerful programs can load it heavily and cause heat. Therefore, if you have a phone with a weak processor, you should not run heavily loading applications and games on it.

What to do if the phone gets hot and the battery runs out?

  1. The first step is to remove the battery from the device. If the smartphone is not collapsible, then turn it off. Let it cool down and do not use it for about 30-60 minutes. Then analyze why this happened. There may have been many programs running or a long game in progress. Try not to over heat next time.
  2. One type of connection should be used.
  3. Try lowering the processor frequency.
  4. Close all applications and see what happens to the temperature.

Thus, if the phone heats up and the battery runs out, use the tips above. Well, if all else fails, contact a specialist in a service center.

Many are worried when the smartphone heats up during charging or talking. As a rule, such experiences are groundless, but it happens that strong heating is a signal to sound the alarm. Why does the phone heat up and how to deal with it? Let's figure it out.

Why does the phone heat up when charging and what to do

It's normal for your phone to get warm while charging. It is permissible to increase the temperature of the device up to 45 degrees. The value may differ depending on the material from which the smartphone is made: plastic has a lower thermal conductivity compared to metal.

The phone gets very hot if you use it while the battery is charging. This is a characteristic phenomenon caused by heat generated by the battery and processor.

Note: increased work of the processor can be provoked by automatic updates of applications or the operating system.

We figured out that moderate heating is quite acceptable. Now let's discuss when to worry:

  • The temperature of the body of the device is so high that it is impossible to touch it.
  • Charging is automatically turned off after the system reports that the battery is overheated.
  • Suspicious liquid leaks from the smartphone.

Such situations arise for various reasons. Often, the replacement of original accessories with cheap analogues leads to overheating of the battery - the purchase of a low-quality charger or a "Chinese" battery.

Similar consequences may be preceded by a firmware change. Also, think thrice before installing third party custom software.

Sometimes a short circuit leads to excessive heating of the smartphone due to the fact that the battery does not fit snugly enough to the contacts, or due to corrosion of the connections. In addition, the reason may treacherously lie in the charger, which has outlived its useful life.

What to do if the phone gets hot? If the system reports that the battery is fully charged early and the battery gets very hot, try charging your smartphone with another adapter with similar parameters. Got the same result - so the problem is not in the charger. The phone is charged normally - replace the charging adapter.

Open the back cover of the phone, remove and inspect the battery. If the battery is swollen, the contacts are damaged or coated with oxide, it should be replaced. Phones with an integrated (non-removable) battery are recommended to be taken to a service center.

Note: Dispose of the damaged battery for recycling. As a last resort, wrap it in a double plastic bag before throwing it away to reduce environmental damage.

Why does the phone heat up when talking

Why the phone heats up during recharging is understandable, but why does this happen during a conversation? Some people think that since the battery does not receive current, then there should be no reason for heating. This is not true.

A smartphone, like any device, generates heat during operation. If communication does not take more than a minute, the temperature increase is imperceptible, but after half an hour the heating becomes more noticeable. There is nothing to worry about: it is considered normal for most modern mobile devices. Another thing is if the temperature is out of range.

The main reason for excessive heating of the phone is overuse or damage to the battery. Carefully pull it out and inspect for contact corrosion, swelling, and other defects.

Important: never open the back cover until the phone has cooled down. There are frequent cases of ignition and explosion of the battery.

Have you found anything like this? Try rebooting the operating system, perhaps the problem lies in a software failure. Rebooting the OS (reboot) on different phone models is carried out in different ways. How exactly, you can find out on the Web or dealer stores.

If your phone gets hot, don't panic. Check if the temperature of the device is within normal limits. Is the back panel hot enough to cook scrambled eggs on it? Then follow the recommendations described in the article. Good luck!

Overheating of a smartphone is a common occurrence, especially if the gadget is ranked among the flagships or top devices in the line.

In everyday use, the phone heats up to a lesser extent than during games or work with graphic editors. Many devices today are able to independently reduce performance in order to avoid overheating. The mechanism for protecting the processor from overheating is called and activated when the temperature of the gadget rises.

Several factors can affect the temperature: launching a “heavy” game, downloading a large file from the network, applications open in the background, and even a non-original charger. Noticing that the smartphone has warmed up more than usual, you need to check the following factors.

Settings in games

Modern games have colorful and realistic graphics that allow you to fully immerse yourself in the gameplay. However, the more relevant the game, the warmer the phone becomes. Heat can be minimized by selecting low graphics settings. Of course, the impressions of entertainment will fade somewhat, but the smartphone will not overheat, and the battery charge will last for a longer game time.


With a serious load on the device, experts recommend removing the case. The device feels least comfortable in a leather accessory - this material does not conduct heat well, which does not benefit the device.

Need to download a large file from the web or play a heavy game? Without a case, the phone practically does not heat up. Of course, you should not turn on resource-intensive applications if you had to charge the device. Overheating in this case can cause a breakdown or even fire on the smartphone.


Charging the battery, especially fast, is the best time to rest the gadget. If you run a heavy application while charging, you will notice that the device heats up much more, and. It is better if the smartphone is idle during the meal, because it also needs rest.


In the background, most modern applications and modules consume energy. Before starting the game, you should disable unused communication modules, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and stop some background applications. This will help the gadget not to waste energy on tasks that are not relevant, but to focus on working with the game.

If the graphics in the game are not the most difficult, and the phone reacts to it by heating, it is worth checking the system for viruses. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that malicious software consumes more energy than regular applications and actively works in the background, pulling smartphone resources over to itself.

Custom firmware

Those who understand the nuances of Android smartphones will find it easier to deal with overheating. By obtaining root rights and installing custom firmware, the user will be able to reduce the clock frequency and thus regulate the level of heating of the device. The performance of the phone will become less, however, the gadget may show an increase in autonomy and will not heat up much. This item is for professionals only.

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