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Ready-made training program. Learn to Program from Scratch - A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Convenient and free tool for teaching programming in the Pascal language. Designed for high school and university students. Contains a collection of tasks for practicing a variety of basic programming skills.

City Car Driving 1.5.5 Realistic driving simulator that will teach you how to drive in urban, rural and mountainous areas in a variety of weather conditions and time of day.

Examination tickets SDA 2016 (A, B) 4.0 The program of preparation for passing the exam in the traffic police for obtaining the rights of category "A" and "B". The program contains all the changes and additions to the rules of July 19, 2012.

Schulte tables Schulte tables are used to increase the peripheral field of vision of a person and to train quickly reading text and memorizing information. Exercising with tables also has a beneficial effect on the development of memory and concentration.

English Practice 7.2 Convenient and easy-to-use program for self-study of English. The program will significantly expand your vocabulary and teach you to confidently comprehend English by ear.

Simulator of English 1.12 Simulator software for learning English: fully voiced words, phrases and dialogues, an advanced system of tests and grades, very easy to use

PerfectBrain 2.1 Pro Educational program to train and develop the skills of speed reading, attention and intelligence. With its help, you can improve memory and reaction speed. It will be useful for schoolchildren, students and those who want to improve their intellectual performance.

Keyboard simulator 2.0.2 A small, free program for teaching fast typing and learning the layout of the computer keyboard. The program includes many lessons in both the Russian layout and the English keyboard layout.

Testdel 2.4.7 Testdel testing program is created for passing, creating tests. Supports formulas, pictures. Stores work results, exports each work to a text document, exports all work to Excel.

Mapsmaker 1.0 The Mapsmaker program is designed to help you create and save technological maps for a lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard. All the components of the lesson are selected from those suggested by the program with a simple click of the mouse.

USE GIA tutor and problem book "ExamL 16.2.7 Preparation for the USE and GIA exams for students in grades 9-11 in the following subjects: Mathematics, Russian and Literature, Social Studies, History, Geography, Physics, Biology. Contains 4500 questions from 150 tests for 2012 -4 years and 4150 school tasks.

Recall All 2.0 The program is designed to quickly memorize the 3500 most used words of the English language according to the system of the Guinness Book of Records record holder for memorizing foreign words - Samvel Gharibyan.

MemoryUp 1.1 Do you forget logins, passwords, your own phone number, year of birth? Then the simple program MemoryUp is for you. With its help, you in the shortest possible time will improve the process of memorizing both symbolic and figurative information of any complexity.

Memory training 2.1 Free program for the development of visual memory and mental abilities of a person. Your attention is invited to memorize a few words for a limited time, and then, if possible, remember each of them.

Test Yourself 2.0 A program for testing schoolchildren or university students. The subject of the tests is determined by the compiler with the ability to connect a graphic (jpg, bmp), audio (wav, mp3) or video file (avi, mpeg) to the question.

Examenator Education Pack A program for organizing educational material on a specific subject, creating cheat sheets. Using the export function, you can save your cheat sheets in different forms, ranging from text files to your own Android application

Knowing 2.3 The program is designed to create tests and conduct testing of pupils and students in computer classes of schools, universities, as well as at home, to test knowledge in various fields.

Division table in cartoons 1.0 Educational program for children in mathematics, which allows you to study the division table using pictures and melodies from domestic and foreign cartoons.

AnimalsBaby 1.0 With this simple cognitive program you can broaden your child's horizons, improve his perception of the world and erudition. The program is a colorful textbook on the animal kingdom in which the child must guess the names of the babies of various animals.

Multiplication table in cartoons 1.0 The program allows children to study multiplication table with their parents in three different ways using pictures from domestic and foreign cartoons.
The tasks are to guess the depicted fragment of the cartoon, open the entire image and at the same time make the minimum number of mistakes.

Basics of HTML 2.0 Basics of HTML is a training program, a distinctive feature of which is the graphical presentation of information using knowledge maps (mind maps). Each lesson ends with a validation test with carefully selected questions and practice assignments.

FlowersTest 1.0 Guessing the names of flowers from their images.
The program is testing and educational, designed for children of preschool and school age. Instills in children a love of nature.

Solids of revolution 1.0 Automatic construction and viewing of solids of revolution in space. After building a figure on a plane, the user can see the construction of a body of revolution relative to any of the three coordinate axes, rotate it and pass the test.

Today, many are interested in whether it is possible to learn to program from scratch.

We have all heard stories that people who are engaged in this business have huge incomes, they travel to Bali every weekend and in the first months of their work they were able to buy apartments for all their relatives.

Basically, this is not far from the truth, but experience and reputation are required for such results. And you need to start with the simplest. We will consider what steps a person who does not know anything about writing programs need to follow in order to travel to Bali and buy real estate in the future.


Step one. Training

It is not uncommon for novice programmers to achieve success for the simple reason that they were initially unable to correctly prioritize.

They present this craft as something romantic, dynamic - just some kind of constant action.

In films, this process is shown completely different from what it really is.

Moreover, there is generally the actual writing of codes is not displayed we are only shown the events that revolve around it.

The films also show that any person without knowledge, experience and even without gray matter in the brain can become a programmer. In this case, you can recall the film "Frames".

So if you are just imbued with the spirit of all kinds of films and want to start "coding" on your own, programming is clearly not for you.

Here's the truth about the craft in question - programming is:

  • hours, and sometimes days of monotonous work, during which you cannot relax, you must always be focused;
  • endless learning in pursuit of the latest trends in this area;
  • similar projects with customers who themselves do not know what they want and how it should look like.

As for the latter, then you must it is worth watching a video about seven red lines of different colors, one of which is in the form of a kitten. In principle, this is close to the truth, since customers often demand the impossible. It also happens that they order something, but they are constantly not satisfied with the result.

If you understand all this and are ready to plunge into the wonderful world of programming, then proceed to the next step.

Step two. First language selection

There are a huge number of programming languages. According to some estimates, their number has already reached several thousand.

In general, C is one of the simplest languages ​​that provides the foundation for everything else. Moreover, its elements are used in many other systems and programs.

But it is interesting that in good educational institutions, as well as in the courses, students learn languages ​​in the following order:

1 Pascal.

2 C ++.

3 PHP and everything related to web programming as well SQL(this is a system designed to work with databases through queries).

  1. Web(website development, online systems and everything related to this) - html(although it cannot be called a full-fledged programming language), PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, Groovy, as well as ASP.NET technology.
  2. Custom software(all kinds of programs like reference books, browsers, instant messengers, etc.) - Delphi, C, C ++, C #.
  3. Custom software for mobile devices- Java, Objective-C.
  4. Machine development(work with microprocessors and other devices, design of robotics) - Assembler, modifications by C.

Someone can also add the so-called 1C programming to this list. Do not trust profane and ignorant people! This is not programming at all.

When you become familiar with the basics of the work in question, you will understand why it can be said that way.

Choose what you like best.

Advice: Make your choice right away! You must know exactly in which direction you will develop and what to study in the future.

Most specialists also advise to start your learning with Pascal. This option will allow

You should write the simplest programs and have a general idea of ​​the craft in question as a whole.

We can say that Pascal is a kind of bridge. A person who just knows mathematics well can move through him into the world of programming.

Attention! Whatever company you find yourself in after training, you will be retrained for yourself. Therefore, you should simply understand the very principle of writing programs. And for this there is nothing better than Pascal.

Step three. Exploring Compilers

For reference: Compiler Is a technical solution designed to translate the entered commands into machine instructions, roughly speaking, into zeros and ones, that is, into an interpretation in which the machine will understand what to do.

Actually, you will write all your programs and execute them in compilers.

If you decide to follow our advice and start with Pascal, then you should download Free Pascal. This compiler is absolutely free and is distributed on the official website.

As you can see, it looks quite "old-fashioned", but programming begins with this. By the way, the C ++ compiler looks pretty much the same.

It's called Turbo C ++ (you can download it).

As far as Pascal is concerned, there is also GNU Pascal, Turbo / Borland Pascal, TMT Pascal, and Virtual Pascal. And for C ++ you can use Borland C ++, Visual C ++, Dev C ++, GCC and Eclipse.

But this, as we said above, is only the beginning. You can't stop there. When you have made a choice regarding your direction, you can move on to more complex compilers.

Here is a list of the most popular compilers today. depending on the areas of activity:

    ConcerningDelphi, then the compiler is called there. There is also Embarcadero Delphi and some other modifications. Delphi 7 can be downloaded from many sites, for example. If you chose C, C ++, or C #, then you need Microsoft Visual Studio. You can download it directly on the official website of the manufacturer.

    Talking aboutAssembler and other languages ​​that are practiced in robotics, then here you need to download MASM right away if you work on Windows. In general, depending on your chosen field of activity and the company for which you get a job, compilers can be very different. Some firms write their own code processing solutions. Therefore, if you have chosen robotics, it is better to study the relevant books and do everything as they say. We will talk about this later.

There are also many online compilers. They are useful in that they serve many programming languages ​​and do not require installation - very convenient!

The most popular ones are:

This is a unique service that allows you to create several virtual computers and do whatever you want on them, including compiling ciphers.

The virtual machines will run. On them, you can at least delete the system folder, install absolutely any program, and so on.

Now let's get down to writing your first cipher (code). This can be done even without books and lengthy instructions.

Step four. First code

For the first code, we will use the first language and the first compiler, which we advised to choose above. This is Pascal and Free Pascal.

One of the simplest programs is written as follows:

1 Download Free Pascal from the link above and run it on your computer.

2 Enter the following: "program [name];"... That is, if you want the program to be called "hello", you must enter "program hello;".

3 Enter the "begin" statement... This means that the code that will later need to be executed has started.

4 We use one of the most common constructions in Pascal "Writeln (‘ [some text] ’);"... It just displays text on the screen. Which is contained in parentheses and quotes. We will introduce the combination "Hello, world!"... This is how they usually start their journey into the big world of software development. So the next line will look like "Writeln (‘ Hello, world! ’];".

5 To complete the executable cipher, enter "end."(always with a dot at the end).

6 Now press the button "F9" to run what you wrote. You will see the words appear on the screen "Hello, world!"... This was required!

To get started with other languages, books usually also provide instructions for writing "Hello, world!" , that is, an instruction that just prints such simple text to the screen.

So, you've mastered your first cipher! A start. Now move on to intensive training.

Step five. Take online training

The advantage of online lessons is that you see everything clearly, and from beginning to end.

Therefore, it is better for beginners to start their journey with online trainings. Here the best courses in Russian:

  • Course "Fundamentals of Programming" from Educational IT-portal GeekBrains. Here everything is told from the very beginning, from the very beginning. You will be able to study the history, development of this industry, and then gradually become a part of it. The same training cycle can be downloaded from the torrent (here is the link).
  • Lessons from the School of Programmers. This course is suitable for those who do not understand anything even in mathematics, do not know the nature of numbers, how information is presented in a computer and other similar moments. That is, if you consider yourself a complete layman, watch these video tutorials.
  • "Fundamentals of Programming" from EG Lab. Here they will talk about this craft in general, about the development of complex problems and data types (three lessons in total). Viewing these lessons will be a great help to start learning a particular language in the future.

After viewing these courses, you need to move on to lessons dedicated to a specific language or industry of your choice.

Knowing English is a huge advantage, but only if you already know something.

For some reason, courses for those who are absolutely zero in this matter are not provided there (or they cannot be found).

But there are courses for specific languages. For example, there is Learn Java Simply, C ++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners, How to program in C # - BASICS, and more.

Choose training depending on the direction of your activity.

If you have watched at least a few lessons, you can start something more meaningful, studying books.

This program generates examples from the multiplication table. The solver needs to write down the correct answer in a special field and press the CHECK button. After clicking, the program will give the result.

You can skip tasks by clicking on the example that you want to skip, but all the gaps will be counted and after clicking the TOTAL button, the number of correct and incorrect answers, as well as the number of missed tasks, will be shown.

The program will be useful to everyone who wants to repeat and consolidate knowledge of the multiplication table.

The program requires a java virtual machine (JVM) installed on the computer.

Subject: Mathematics

The program generates numbers of different lengths (up to 12 characters) and displays them on the screen. The user chooses the time of displaying the row and its length. After pressing START, the row is shown and after a specified time disappears, and the user must repeat it. The program is quite easy to use and will be useful for memory development. The program requires java installed on the computer.

Subject: Metasubject

Automatic analysis of diagnostics. The table presents 4 methods: "Questionnaire for assessing the level of school motivation N. Luskanova"; “Questioning of students” (according to N.Yu. Yashina); Methodology "What am I?"; "Test for attention" (P.Ya. Galperin, S.L. Kabylnitskaya).

For each technique, a table has been compiled with automatic output of the results. Points must be set in gray cells. The findings for each indicator are entered into the Consolidated Diagnostic List. The archive contains materials on diagnostics.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for grade 3

Analysis of dictation and grammatical assignments in grade 1 with individual diagnostics of each student.

The teacher marks the work; if the student made a mistake, you need to put + from the drop-down list, if there were no errors, leave the cell empty. The upper cells are active - you can enter the classification of errors. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student. There is an instruction in the table.

Subject: Russian language

The table provides a list of educational achievements that the teacher assesses at the end of the year for students. For assessment, a 5-point system is used (description is attached). For each student, a report is displayed after filling in the main table.
The template provides for making changes: you can change the class by a quarter, as described in the table. The table is based on the material of L.I. Berdikulova. (the document is attached to the archive).

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for teachers

Analysis and processing of control cheating in grade 1 with individual diagnosis of each student.

The teacher enters the text of the work in the upper cells; makes a mark for the work; the number of corrections that the student made when cheating; indicates errors and the words in which they were made. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student; if a lot of mistakes are made, recommendations "How to correctly copy the text" are displayed, which can be printed for parents.

The table contains detailed instructions.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for grade 1

Analysis and processing of data on the surrounding world (VLOOKUP) in grade 4. After filling in the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and metasubject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

On the "Analysis" sheet, the mark will be set only after entering the variant number.

Subject: The World Around

Target audience: for grade 4

Analysis and processing of data on the Russian language (VLF) in the 4th grade. After filling in the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and metasubject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

After entering the results for each task, the program displays an analysis of the work performed. The number of correctly completed tasks, the names of students who completed each task are displayed. Skills mastered at a high level are displayed on individual sheets for students; skills to look out for.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for grade 4

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