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Google Webmaster Tools. Google Webmaster - detailed description of the control panel

Greetings to all readers and subscribers of the blog site! In this article I will try to sort through the manual on how to add a site to the Google Search Console (ex. Google Webmaster). The article is intended for beginners.

We recently learned about the possibility of using the Search Console tool to cure a site of sanctions. And this is just one of the many useful features of this tool. You can also use this tool to control the settings. So, let's figure it out.

How to add a site to Google Search Console

To get started with Search Console, you'll need a Google account. If you don't have it yet, now is the time. I recommend creating your own separate account for each project, to which Search Console, Google Analytics, Google My Business and other tools will be linked. However, you can use a personal account (with which you can) or keep all sites in one general one, whichever is more convenient for you.

Site registration with Google

This tool used to be called Google Webmaster Tools. The old name is preserved in its URL. The tool was renamed to Search Console, but the address remained the same. Google limited itself to only changing the name, the service interface remained practically unchanged. But Yandex recently presented.

To enter the Search Console itself, follow the link:

Here we are interested in the big red button “ Add resource“.

In the window that appears, select " Web site” (you can also add your own mobile application, for example), enter its address (indicating the protocol - if your site is accessible via http:// and htpps://, you need to enter your preferred option) and click “ Add“.

How to verify a site on Google

Adding a site to Google Webmaster is only 50% of the work. Now you need to choose a method for verifying the rights to the added site. Otherwise, anyone could add any sites to the Search Console.

Possible confirmation methods:

  • uploading an html file with a verification code to the server;
  • adding a meta tag to the site code;
  • confirmation using a DNS entry;
  • verification with Google Analytics;
  • confirmation with Google Tag Manager.

Please note: in the case of Google Analytics, the site must be added to this system, and the tracking code must be installed on it. We will assume that you have not yet installed Analytics, so we immediately reject this method. With DNS, too, not everything is simple, it is not suitable for all users, like the Tag Manager.

The simplest and most common option is to add an html file. Download it and upload via FTP to the root folder of our site.

After downloading and checking (as indicated in the instructions) the file, click on the red button “ Verify“. If everything is in order, a new screen will open with congratulations from Google.

There is another option - to add the verification code directly to the source code of the page. To do this, select the appropriate confirmation method, copy the code and add it to the site header inside the tag . Then press " Verify“.


As you can see, you can register your site in Google Search Console (aka Google Webmaster Tools) without special skills and knowledge. It is not necessary to entrust this task to a programmer.

In the future, we will consider the capabilities of this tool and the main methods of working with it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Happy New Year and see you on the blog site!

Google's webmaster tools provide some very interesting features that are essential for the optimizer to work. In this article, you will learn how to see how many times a keyword occurs on your site and on which pages, how to easily create structured markup that will help build the core for an existing site, how to see errors in meta tags and indexing. If something is missing - please in the comments, comrades.

Main page

Top right corner. Reference- there is a lot of information from Google for webmasters. Settings– You can set up email alerts and their language. Add site- no comment.
Left menu. All messages- messages from Google regarding your sites added to Webmaster. Other resources- there are a lot of tools here:

  • Structured data validation tool - validates microdata ( A separate article is needed about micro-markup, for now I will only say that it is important in certain topics.
  • The Structured Data Markup Wizard is a very cool tool where you can throw a page and mark it up with micro-markup, simply by highlighting objects on it (then, of course, you will have to get into the code, but you will already be moving in the right direction).
  • A tool for checking the markup in letters is if you are engaged in email marketing and design beautiful letters to your client base. In this case, you can check the validity of their markup here.
  • Google Addresses is like Yandex Directory, one might say. Here you will need to add information about the organization.
  • Google Merchant Center - this section is needed if you sell something on your site, information about the store and products is loaded here.
  • PageSpeed ​​Insights is one of the best site speed checkers out there and it provides pretty comprehensive information.
  • Custom Search - Here you can add a search engine from Google to your site.

It's about the general interface. When choosing a site, we have many more options.

Choose a site

From the main page, we can go straight to site posts, crawl errors, search terms, and sitemaps. We will mention all this later.

Additional options appear at the button " Settings».

  • Webmaster tools settings - here we can set up receiving emails from Google for any problem, I advise.
  • Site settings - here you can set the main domain (with www or without www), as well as limit the frequency of crawling the site (if Googlebot requests slow down the server). Only to select the main domain, you will have to verify the rights to both.
  • Changing the address is when transferring the site to a new domain.
  • Google Analytics resource – links Analytics to Webmaster. I recommend setting it up right away if you have Analytics installed on your site, as this will help you see statistics on requests that would otherwise be listed as not provided.
  • Users and owners of the site - here you can share access to the Webmaster panel to other persons, with full or limited access.
  • Verification information - nothing interesting, it's how the owners were confirmed and who they are.
  • Associated users - there was a link to Google+, but this network turned out to be insolvent and they began to slowly turn off the shop, but this item remained in the settings.

Then we go to the left menu. With paragraph " Site messages»We are already familiar, only here - exclusively concerning the selected site of the message.

View in search.

The first paragraph here is Structured data”, with which we are already fed up during the review. If you haven’t bothered with micro-markup, you will see a bunch of errors here.
Marker– similar to the Structured Data Markup Wizard. In fact, it selects objects according to the same principle.
HTML optimization- a useful point, it will indicate errors with indexing and meta tags. Here you can find duplicate pages (with the same titles or meta descriptions)
Site Links- I mean those that are like "quick links" in the issuance of Yandex. If you've been automatically tagged with "quicklinks" that you don't want to see there, you can remove them from there by lowering their rating here.

search traffic.

Here the first point is Search terms". Perhaps one of the most basic in Google Webmaster. There are two tabs - "Popular Queries" and "Popular Pages". In both cases, we see a handy chart with the ratio of impressions and clicks for all requests/pages for a certain date range.

In the first case, under the chart, we see a list of requests for which your site was shown in Google, with statistics. You can upload data to csv or a table, show the number of lines to display; choose whether to show only statistics or also data on its change for each request. By clicking on the column headings ("Impressions", "Clicks", etc.), you can sort them. By clicking on a query, you can see really detailed statistics on it. Approximately all the same is true for the "Popular pages" tab, only in relation to the pages, and when you click on the URLs, the requests for which they were shown are displayed. In fact, this data can be used to compile the skeleton of a new semantic core and distribution file - they will help break requests into pages. For a deeper analysis of requests, you can set filters.
Links to your site- no comment; I must say, Google Webmaster finds much more incoming links than a similar service from Yandex. Choose a domain from those that "most often link", there will be a list of pages to which links go from this domain. Click on the name of the page - there will be a link to the donor. Click "More" to see the full list of referring domains. On the right is a column for your acceptor pages - if it's more convenient to look at. Links to your data are anchors. You can upload them to Google spreadsheets (hieroglyphs are uploaded to CSV), sort and see which anchors are too many.
Internal links- well, here is infa, which of your pages has the most links on your site. You can sort, and by clicking on the page name, you can see from which pages links to it come.
Manual action- this is only if they fight you like a spammer.
Targeting by country and language– only if you set up language and geographic targeting. Then you will have to enter the hreflang attributes to indicate the available language versions of the site.
Ease of viewing on mobile devices- indispensable when attracting mobile traffic. Shows pages with errors and describes these errors in detail.

Google index.

If we go to " Indexing Status“, there we will see the dynamics of the number of pages indexed by Google and the number of pages blocked through robots.
Keywords in content- here we will see which keys are most often found on our site. And by clicking on the word, we will also find out in what word forms and on what pages (and even the exact number of mentions of the word on the site!).
Delete URLs - we remove the site page from Google's search results and regret that competitors' pages cannot be added there.


First point - " Scan errors» - allows you to detect pages that give the wrong response code or other errors.
Scan Statistics- just information about how the Googlebot walks around your site.
View as Googlebot- you can crawl the page like a Google robot, see the load time and add the page to the index.
robots.txt file inspection tool- there is nothing unusual here.
Sitemaps- reports problems and the correctness of the sitemap, everything is also clear in principle.
URL parameters– it’s worth climbing here only if there are problems with crawling the site.
Security issues– only if your site is infected or linked to other infected ones.
As you can see, there are a lot of powerful tools for promoting under Google, but even if the main goal is Yandex, you can find something useful here.

Greetings, dear blog readers!

As promised, today I will tell you about tools for webmasters: Yandex.Webmaster and Google Webmaster. I will describe what their main features are, how to use them when analyzing your blogging, how to register here and why it is a must.

Webmaster Tools

Let's start from the very beginning and in detail. As we know, Yandex and Google are the two search engines that will bring us search traffic (which is the main traffic in the initial stages of blogging). That is why the more willingly we make contact with them, the more willingly they will move us up in the search results.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to inform the search engines about the appearance of your site.

Then you need to verify the rights to your site.

Next, you need to tell these very PSs about their tools, with which they can quickly and efficiently index your blog and add pages to the database. These tools are the robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.

And then there is monitoring. I will introduce you to the main tools for tracking positions, requests and more.

Well, let's start in order. First we will do everything in Yandex, then in Google.

First of all, register mailboxes in these services, if you have not already done so (you never know). If yes, please log in.

New Yandex webmaster

Click "Add site" at the top and enter the URL of our site. Click "add".

Here you will immediately be asked to confirm the rights to our site. There are several ways to do this, and they are described in each tab: using an html file, a meta tag, and so on.

The easiest way is with a txt file. Click on the appropriate tab. Then create a text file on your computer and give it the name shown on the page. Next, upload this file to your site's httpdocs root folder. On mchost hosting, this is done as follows: go to the file manager of your site, click "Upload file". Select our text file and click "Upload".

First of all, we will upload the robots.txt and sitemap files here. If you are familiar with the sitemap from the last article, you may not have the robots.txt file. It is created as follows: also make a text document on the computer and give it a name strictly robots.txt

User agent: Mediapartners-Google


User-agent: *

Disallow: /wp-includes

Disallow: /wp-feed

Disallow: /wp-content/plugins

Disallow: /wp-content/cache

Disallow: /wp-content/themes

Host: *your site WITHOUT http:// and other symbols*

User agent: Googlebot Image

Allow: /wp-content/uploads/

User-agent: YandexImages

Allow: /wp-content/uploads/

Note: in the line "host" we simply enter the address of the site without extra characters and other things, for example: site. In the sitemap line, we already enter the full link to your sitemap. If you use the plugin, then go to the admin panel in the menu SEO - XML ​​sitemap, and click on the XML Sitemap button.

Your sitemap will open for you, from here you take the link from the address bar and paste it into the Sitemap line.

Save the file and upload it there to the blog root folder. Now we go to Yandex.webmaster, in the menu on the left "Indexing settings" - "Analysis of robots.txt". Here we click "Download robots.txt from the site", and then "Check". Everything, robots is added, there should be no errors.

Now click on "Sitemaps". It’s also simple here: we indicate the link to the site map, click “check”, and if there are no errors, click “add” (if there is not a single article or page on the blog, then Yandex may see some errors, don’t worry, when adding articles, they will disappear). The file will be processed.

In principle, we have done the most basic in Yandex.Webmaster. I highly recommend you visit here more often.. After indexing, the "General Information" section will display data on the number of pages in the Yandex database, pages in search, links to pages, and so on.

The "Site indexing" menu will contain more detailed information about your site, or rather, how Yandex sees it.

The "Search queries" menu will display the queries by which visitors go to the pages of the site from the search. Study and analyze this information, draw conclusions.

Original texts Yandex

There is also a useful "Original Texts" service in the "Site Content" menu.

With it, you can notify Yandex that you are registering a certain text on your site (for example, the text of an article), and if this text appears somewhere else later, then it is stolen from you. Be sure to add the text of your articles here before publishing it on your blog!

I think we can finish with Yandex, let's move on to Google.

Google webmaster

In principle, here is the same thing and there are few differences. Click the red button “add property”, enter the site.

Here it is even easier to confirm:

Download the proposed file, throw it into the root folder. We press confirmation.

Same story with Sitemap - go to "Sitemaps" and add your map here.

There are also a lot of monitoring tools here. In the "Messages" menu, you will receive various notifications about your site. DO NOT IGNORE THEM! These can be very important remarks!

In the "Search traffic" menu, you can view your data on search queries similar to Yandex. And in the menu "View in the search" - data on page layout.

However, all this will come with time. If you are a novice blogger and have just created your own resource, registering and adding files to the Yandex.Webmaster and Google Webmasters tools will be enough.

Also, I advise you to do similar operations in the tools, here is the link -

That's all for me. Make your blogs and participate in our contest.

Hello dear site readers! In the last article, we analyzed . Today we'll talk about how to add website to google webmaster(Google Webmaster Tools). Or, speaking in Russian, let's add a blog to Google Webmaster Tools.

Yandex.Webmaster and Google Webmasters Tools are the two main tools for collecting statistics and information about blog indexing in search engines. The only difference is that each of them allows you to track the position of the site in its search engine. And although Yandex is preferred in Runet, website promotion in Google is very important. And if the site falls under the Yasha filter, then Google can become the main source of search traffic.

I must say that Google indexes new sites and brings them the first visitors from the search much faster than its competitor. For young blogs, this is especially important, since a long absence of visitors discourages many new bloggers from developing a blog. I don’t know if this is good or bad, but no one canceled natural selection. The fittest survives, that is, the most persistent succeeds.

Let's leave the lyrics and start adding the site to Google Webmaster.

How to add a site to Google Webmasters Tools (Tools for Google Webmasters).

As in the case of Yandex.Webmaster, in order to add a site to Google Webmaster, you must have a registered Google account. If you have a Gmail mailbox, then you already have an account. If not, then register.

A single Google account will allow you, in addition to Webmaster Tools, to access all the products of this global Internet giant:

  • gmail
  • adsense
  • Analytics
  • feed burner
  • Google Plus
  • YouTube
  • Blogger
  • Picasa Web Albums
  • Google Reader, etc.

After registration follow the link Enter your email and password and click the "Login" button.

On the page that opens, click on the button "Add site".

We write the domain name of the site that we want to add to Google Webmaster, and click “ Continue“.

Now, as in Yandex.Webmaster, you need to confirm the rights to the site.

Confirmation of rights to the site in Google Webmasters Tools.

There are several ways to choose from. Consider two, in my opinion, the most simple.

  1. Download the html file to your computer by clicking on the link in step 1.
  2. Upload the hosting confirmation file to the blog root folder using .
  3. We confirm the rights to the site by clicking on the link in paragraph 3.
  4. Press the button " Confirm".

We receive congratulations on successful verification of rights and adding the site to Google.

The second way is to add a meta tag to the code of the main page of your site. It will come in handy if you don't have FTP access.

Open the tab " Alternative ways” and mark the first item. Then we do everything as it is written in the instructions and click “ Confirm“.

To see an example of adding a meta tag, open the “Show example” tab by clicking on the triangle. You can add a meta tag from the blog admin panel by opening the WordPress header.php template file in the editor (do not forget to refresh the page).

That's how easy it is to add a site to Google Webmaster. You can add up to 1000 sites to one account. Interestingly, someone filled out an account to the eyeballs?

Now, when entering the Webmaster Tools panel, a list of all sites added to Google will be displayed. By clicking on the name of the site, access to information about the indexing of the blog and various statistics will open. For example, the first page will show:

  • 10 most popular search queries for which the site was shown in the search,
  • scan errors,
  • keywords,
  • site links,
  • sitemap files.

Under each section, there is a “Read More” button that allows you to see more data. Other tools can be found in the menu on the left. Below is the Help section. Its purpose, I hope, is clear.

In the menu section " Site Configuration” – “Scanner Access“, you can check your robots.txt file, modify it, or create a new one.

By the way, in the Google webmaster panel, you must definitely add the Sitemap.xml sitemap. How to do this, read on. Let me remind you that this helps to speed up the indexing of the blog.

Carefully study all the tools for webmasters. Dedicate a few days to this. In the future, the time spent will fully pay off.

Now to add a new site to Google Webmasters Tools, do the same. That's all. Hope this information is helpful for newbies. I would be grateful if you click on the social network buttons below the article.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We continue our acquaintance with search engine tools and today we have Webmaster in turn, which was officially called Google Webmaster Tools before, and is now called Search Console.

A little earlier, we managed to consider in some detail, and in general, the Google service provides almost the same tools (although there are some features), but we will analyze and make feasible changes to the indexing of our site by another search engine, which ranks second in Runet search .

These services are two main tools that can be useful to absolutely everyone. It is important to track the position and vision of your resource immediately for both major search engines in order to avoid various unpleasant surprises and making timely adjustments to the indexing and perception of your project by Google and Yandex bots.

It hardly makes sense to focus on any one search engine, because in this case you will lose a lot in attendance (). Therefore, let's feel in detail the webmaster's office in Google, because there are a lot of useful things.

Signing in and adding a site to Google Webmaster (Search Console)

To work with any service of this world giant, including "Google Webmaster" (Search Console), you need . Accordingly, if you do not have it, then you just need to start it. This account will still be useful to you, because it is universal and will allow you to work on services such as:

  1. Tools for webmasters (we are just talking about them today)
  2. - allows you to unify the RSS feed of your resource
  3. gmail
  4. Blogger
  5. - follow the link you will find a detailed manual on this social network
  6. Analytics
  7. and a lot of other stuff

You can log into your account by entering the login and password received when creating your mailbox. So, you log in to your account and select "Webmaster Tools" from the "My Products" list, or go to google webmaster directly, but there again you will need to enter the login and password received when registering the mailbox. Everything is simple.

After logging into Webmaster, you will find yourself on the main page, where it will be quite intelligibly explained to you - why you need to add your site to the Search Console at all:

Actually, just adding a site is carried out by clicking on the button of the same name, located on the main page of the console of this search engine:

As in the Yandex panel, in Google the webmaster will also need to confirm your ownership of the website. Immediately after entering the URL of the site added to the console, you will automatically move to confirmation window, where by default you will be prompted to download a file with a tricky name to your computer, after which, connecting to your site via FTP (), copy this file to the root folder (this is either PUBLIC_HTML or HTDOCS).

Once you have done all this, click on the "Confirm" button.

If for some reason the described confirmation method does not suit you (for example, you cannot access the site files via FTP), then go to the tab "Alternative Ways":

You will either need to register the following special meta tag on the main web page of your resource (between the opening and closing tags ), or go to the control panel of your domain name registrar and register the necessary DNS record there, or confirm the rights to manage the site through Google Analytics. But the easiest way is to use the main method.

Key Features of Search Console

Once you meet one of these conditions, click on the "Confirm" button in the toolbar. If you did everything right, then you will be transferred to the main tab "Toolbar", where all information and all management for the web project you added to Google Webmaster will be concentrated.

Just below the title, you'll see new posts. You will also see the number of errors found on your resource, the number of requests for which it is ranked, and data for (this is not visible in the screenshot).

To see all the requests for which visitors came to you from the issuance of Google, you need to click on the link "Search Query Analysis", located in the center (in the left menu they are located on the "Search traffic" tab, where you can also see all incoming links to your project that this search engine sees).

On the left side of the main page of the console (see the previous screenshot), a window with crawl errors is displayed, sorted by the reasons for the errors (for example, "Blocked by robots.txt file"). Clicking on the heading "Scan Errors", you can get into a window listing all links that caused errors.

This feature of Google and Yandex Webmasters can be used for . Although it is more convenient, of course, to use the program, which is also described in the above article. If your site has a lot of broken links, then search engines may consider it abandoned (garbage) and significantly lower its ranking. So check back periodically and fix what can be fixed.

On the right side of the Search Console main page window (the "Toolbar" tab from the left menu), under the "Sitemaps" heading, you can see how many and which sitemaps the toolbars are fed.

Adding Sitemap and Checking Robots.txt in Google Webmaster

We need these cards for one simple thing - to inform the search engine as soon as possible that you have a new page and it needs to be indexed urgently. Ideally, this tool promotes fast and complete indexing of your website. read the article below. There you will also find links to other articles on how to create a map for Joomla, WordPress or the Smf forum.

All tools will be available to you from the drop-down menu located on the left. The "Sitemaps" item is located in the "Crawling" section. In order for Google to load and use your Sitemap in the future, you will need to click on the “Add / Check Sitemap file” button and in the window that opens, enter the path to it, and then click the “Submit” button.

Here you can also delete the extra map file, if any. In the table above, you can also see how many links are in the sitemap you uploaded and how many of them are indexed by Google.

In the same tab of the left menu "Status" there is an item "robots.txt file inspection tool". Here you can, by analogy with the Yandex panel, check the performance of the robots.txt file you created. About how, as well as avoiding problems with indexing your Yandex and Google, read the link below.

In the upper part of the window you will see the contents of your robots.txt file, and in the continuation of the "URL address" you can insert those links to the web pages of your resource that you want to check for availability for the search robot. Click on the "Check" button in this Webmaster window and you will see the result in its place (see the screenshot above).

For example, I checked whether Google would index “site search” pages (search engines don’t like it when they clog their index), and the prohibition rule highlighted in red in the screenshot really worked. If this result does not match what you wanted to get, then you will have to continue editing the robots.txt file and checking the result of editing until everything works as it should for you.

Moreover, in addition to the main robot that scans your resource called Googlebot, you can also choose a specialized bot, for example, Googlebot-Image, which scans images () to index. Results may vary.

Other Features of Google Webmaster Tools

Now go to the menu on the "Google Index" tab and select the item "Remove URLs". Here you can create a request to remove from the Google index any individual URL (it can be a document, an image file, etc.), an entire directory, an entire site, or any web page from the cache.

To do this, click the "Temporarily hide" button, and then select what exactly you want to remove:

As a result, your delete request will be added and queued for execution.

Go to the left menu section "Search View" of the Google Webmaster panel and select the item "Site Links". Often, it will display the inscription "Google did not create links for you" and, therefore, nothing can be configured. The search engine decides whether links to internal web pages of your resource will be displayed in the search results above the URL.

In the search results (search results - you also need to be able to) up to four internal links from this resource can be displayed above the URL. It looks something like this:

If you are lucky and this search engine has created these quick links (as they are called in JV), then you can remove the links that are erroneous or do not suit you, as well as change their rating. You cannot add links you need to this block, you can only remove unnecessary ones.

On the "View in Search" tab - "Html Optimization" you will get results by Googlebot for what's on there. Search engines do not like it when pages do not have a Title, or they are repeated on several pages. They also don't like missing description tags or duplicate descriptions. Well, the search engine will certainly announce its other Wishlist here. I strongly do not recommend ignoring these comments, because it may be offended.

On the tab "Change of Address", which will open by clicking on the gear located in the upper right corner of any Search Console window, you will be given detailed instructions transferring your resource to another domain. There you will be advised to set up a 301 redirect.

After following all the recommendations, add the new domain in Google Webmaster Tools, and then go to the settings of the old domain in its webmaster tools, go to the "Address change" link and in the "Tell us the URL of your new domain" field, select from drop-down list "New URL for" your new domain name.

On the tab "Site settings"(the same gear menu in the upper right corner of any Google Webmaster window) you will be able to make adjustments to the basic settings of your site for this search engine. In the "Main domain" area, you can select the main domain with or without www that you would like to use for indexing (the same Google system will show in search results).

On the Search Traffic tab - "Measures taken manually" you can learn about manually applied filters to your website and other types of pessimization. Reasons and measures to influence the issuance of the following violations can be displayed here:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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