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Google AdSense - registration, login, receipt and installation of the ad unit code, as well as withdrawal of money from Google Adsense.

Hello friends! With you Alexander Borisov! What is the first thing a beginner wants and can make money on, who has just made his own website or blog? That's right, advertising! And basically everyone puts Adsense! =) Very often I notice that you will go to someone's website or blog made just yesterday, there are only 2 articles of content, but the ad sparkles so much, it cuts ironing.

Sparkles and says - "Click on me." In my last article "" I talked about the fact that one of the biggest mistakes that a person can make at the initial stage of developing his resource is early monetization.

Just to make money faster, the rest later is not right. But today is not about that. Today I would like to upset many guys who are planning to earn hundreds, and maybe more, thousands of rubles on google adsense advertising in the future, when their resources (maybe) will be visited by thousands of people a day ... You guys, a lot is not yet you know (if you're new of course)...

More attendance, respectively, and most likely there will be more clicks on advertising. More clicks on ads - accordingly more $ will be earned! This is exactly what novice guys who want to earn money on Adsense think. Yes, that's right, incomes will grow, but you shouldn't dream of millions...

And now here's a joke for you! Do you believe that a site with 30 people per day can generate much more Adsense revenue than a site with 1000 people?

In any case, you will say - “No, I don’t believe”, “Yes, this cannot be”, “Delirium”, etc. Imagine - maybe! My personal experience! Income in Adsense depends not only on the number of clicks on ads, but also on such indicators as CRT, eCPM, traffic, content, etc. If you do not know what CTR and eCPM are, I will explain briefly.

CRT- click-through rate. It is defined as the ratio of the number of clicks on an ad to the number of its impressions, CTR is measured as a percentage. Let's say you have an Adsense ad unit on your site. There are showings. If out of 100 ad impressions only 1 person clicks on it, then the CTR will be 1%.

This is very small, so if you have a small CTR, then even with huge traffic, you can get a penny ... Well, maybe not a penny, but still not as much as you expected ... That's how things are ... Big CTR tells Google that your ads are being clicked on a lot, so it brings in good revenue for the company, so Google will reward you with more revenue.

eCPM- effective cost per thousand impressions. This indicator largely determines how much money you earn. Extract from gogole adsense:

For example, if you earned $0.15 for 25 page impressions, your effective CPM would be (0.15/25)*1000, which is $6. If you earned $180 from 45,000 ad impressions, your effective CPM would be (180/45,000)*1,000, or $4.

If you think about it, then eCPM depends on CTR. If the CTR is higher, then the eCPM will be higher, right? Also, earnings on Adsense largely depend on the content of your site or blog. If your resource is interesting and convenient for visitors, then more people will visit it accordingly! As Uncle Google says, engaged users and highly relevant ads are the key to success.

Conclusion: do SDL (sites for people) + increase CTR!!! How? Very simple - experiment! I advise you to use the Google Analytics service to identify the most clickable places on your website or blog. Change the design of your ads, experiment with image ads, not just text ads, and vice versa... In general, work hard!

But what do you think, I only wanted to tell you this? Not at all! I have something else interesting for you today. Do you know that some foreign webmasters earn $20,000 - $30,000 per month on adsense? Again, the question is, "How?".

A friend of mine once explained to me how. It was very interesting. The thing is that in Russia the cost per click on ads is several times lower than in the United States. I can show you with a concrete example. Go now here - "" and enter in the form - "word or phrase" let's say the word "business" in Russian. Below, click on "additional settings" and select "location - Russian Federation", "Languages ​​- Russian". Next, at the bottom of the right, click - "columns - average cost per click (tick) - apply."

After that, enter the characters shown in the picture and click "Search".

Here's what I got:

Now let's take another option. Do the same, just enter the word in English - "business" and in the additional settings set - "location - USA", "Languages ​​- English" - click "search".

Here's what I got:

No comment...

If, for example, we take the first price of $2.55 per click on the Russian word "business", then this does not apply to us webmasters, this applies to advertisers. This is the price they need to pay for 1 click, the click that some person who types the word "business" in the Google search engine will make, see the ad, click on it and get to the advertiser's website.

Accordingly, the webmaster will receive even less. Google will take a part, and not a small one. And if you also have a small CTR, then you will generally get a minuscule ... These are the pies, friends ...

In the US, everything is different, as we see clicks are much more expensive there! By the way, in order for you to be generally stunned by some prices for some clicks, you can type queries like: lawyer, Insurance, attorney, forex, consolidation, etc. and look at how much such clicks cost... I think you will be shocked! =)

I somehow analyzed various English words in this service and found such prices, from which I simply, pardon the expression, went nuts. There are words with 3000 and 3500 rubles for 1 click. Do you hear? 1 click!!!

Of course, no one pays that kind of money per click, but still there are such prices ... I think it’s not a pity for some large American insurance company, for example, to throw out 1000 rubles. per click on an ad to get to the first places in the ads!!! Lucky for those (here they plowed), who have cool English sites on the subject of "insurance", let's say. Here the dough is rowing !!! Would you like to make yourself an English site by the way? =)

I already thought about it, but not yet! Honestly! And not everything is as simple as it seems...

Well, this is where I finish my article and at the end I want to give two pieces of advice to those who make money on google adsense advertising.

1. Install a custom search from google on your site.

After I posted it on the blog, adsense revenue increased significantly, as Google ads appear first in the search results for the blog, and then the search results themselves.

2. Advice for beginners. Don't think it's easy to make money with adsense! Before you can start making good money from ads, you have to do a lot of experiments on effective ad placement. A good location will increase your CTR and, accordingly, your income will grow.

Google gives preference to high-quality and well-visited sites, so you need to strive for this first of all, everything else later.

I wish you success!

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov

”, today I will take the time to describe how to add Google Adsense ads to your blog. Why this service was invented, and how to make money on it, we have already discussed. Today we will analyze how the registration in Google Adsense goes, the main options of the service and types of ads. Consider the options for adding Adsense to a WordPress site using a special plugin and by inserting the code manually.

How to register in Adsense?

When you go to , you will see the page in English. To go to the registration form in Russian, you need to click " sign in» and choose your Google account (email or create one.

After that, in the pop-up window, select "sign up for an AdSense account today"

Then, choose the language Russian and start registration.

Using the created Google account, go to the tab " Describe your content". Here you will need to specify the url of your blog and the language of its content. It is also important to pay attention to the rules of the AdSense program. Failure to comply with these rules in the future may result in exclusion of the site from the program. For example, you cannot click on advertisements on your site yourself. More detailed Adsense rules can be found here.

The next step is to fill in contact information.

To create an AdSense account, you need to provide valid data in Latin characters. It will depend on this whether you can subsequently receive the money you earn.

Within a week after Once you have completed the registration process, you should receive confirmation by email that your site has been accepted into the program.

Google AdSense: how to set up? Create an ad unit

Once your blog has been moderated, you can log into your AdSense account. The main page will show statistics of your income, views, clicks, etc.

Here you can specify the name of the block, its size, ad type, create a client channel.

You specify the name for your convenience. Ad sizes can vary. Based on Google's guidelines, horizontal boxes work best: Large Rectangle (336 x 280), Medium Rectangle (300 x 250), Full Size Banner (728 x 90), and Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600). But depending on the design and structure of your site, you can choose formats that are convenient for you, and then track statistics on them. The type of ad, analyzing the reviews on GoogleAdsense, it is better to choose "Text and graphic", this will increase income. Another useful feature is client channels. It allows you to group ad units according to different criteria: by location, size, page themes. Thus, you will be able to track the effectiveness of channels (in the "Reports" section), as well as enable targeting for them. Those. you'll be able to give the advertiser the option to select the placement you've created with the custom channel.

In addition to the "Client channels" column when creating a new ad unit, this section is also placed in a separate tab. Those. you can set it up after you have created an ad group. To enable targeting, you need to check the appropriate box.

You can also apply appearance settings to text ads.

Here you choose either ready-made templates (as shown in the picture), or you can create your own style by changing the color of the text, frame, background, etc.

Plugin for WordPress Adsense

There are a lot of plugins for working with Adsense. I'll tell you about the plugin, which seems to me the most convenient. This is Easy Adsense. It is convenient in the first place because it is translated into Russian. In addition, it will allow you to place ads anywhere on the blog. The plugin for Adsense is installed through the installer, or by adding it to the wp-plugins folder. Next, activate it in the plugins section of your website. After that, choose the placement of the ad block that you created in Adsense. In the appropriate field for it, paste the code you received.

However, installing a plugin is not the only way to add code to a site. Despite the convenience, plugins load the engine and if you can do without additional load, why not do it?

Paste the AdSense code without a plugin

Its code will look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 function context_reklama () ( return "Google Adsense code" ; ) add_shortcode ("adsense" , "context_reklama" ) ;

function context_reklama () ( return "Google Adsense Code"; ) add_shortcode ("adsense", "context_reklama");

In this case, “context_reklama” is the name of the function for your convenience, “Google AdSense code” is the code you received in Adsense, “adsense” is a short code that you can insert anywhere on the page to display an advertising message.

Paste the generated code after the tag

Add adsense code after h1-h6 headings

« Ad block code"- the code you received in Adsense. This feature allows ad units to appear after each h2 tag. However, keep in mind that Google AdSense has a limit on the number of ad units. There should be no more than three.

Add adsense code after

Add an adsense ad block in the middle of a WordPress post

This code will determine the middle of your article, find the end of the next paragraph

And insert a block after it:

Don't show on homepage

For more information on the Google AdSense service, visit the Adsense Help Center. There you can find recommendations on how to register with Google Adsense and get started with the service, as well as many answers about working in the program.

If suddenly you decide not only to make money on contextual advertising, but also to promote something with it yourself, I can recommend a convenient service. Here you can advertise directly in both Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. By the way, all operations are automated, so save a lot of time and devote it entirely to monetizing your blog.

I hope today's article will simplify your cooperation with Google AdSense and allow you to effectively place contextual advertising on your blog. See you!

The very word adsense derived from Ad(eng. advertising, announcement) and sense(eng. meaning, reason, logic). Thus the term adsense can be literally interpreted as "meaningful advertising" or "logical ad". All taken together is included in the newfangled concept of contextual advertising - advertising in accordance with the text message(eng. messages) web pages. This leads to the bold assertion that Google Adsense (eng.Google AdSense) - is a program for publishing advertisements from Google, which are intelligently loaded on the pages of a website in a logical connection and in accordance with the text found there.

In other words (more civilized):
Google AdSense is a contextual online advertising from Google.

What is interesting about Google Adsense

Program Google Adsense(English) Google adsense) is the American analogue of YAN (Advertising Network). Or rather, its prototype. Moreover, being a true brainchild of American democracy, Google Adsense is unlike the liberal attitude towards the work of webmasters and their sites.

So, for example, unlike many advertising networks and services, Google Adsense does not have a minimum traffic threshold and any site can be accepted that does not violate current US law and simple rules for participating in Google Adsense. And the minimum payout Google Adsense slightly lower than some advertising programs-services-networks.

Payouts Google Adsense produces a personal check that can be exchanged for money directly at the place of residence, if, of course, the recipient has a passport. This can be done in many ways and, practically, in any branch of any major bank. More recently, the company Google launched a new type of payment - "Bank transfer". And, now - quite "laugh". Now - there is no need to wait for a check in the mail and cash it in the bank. Now, Google's bank transfer of money takes only a few days and the complexity of cashing out is reduced to the usual receipt of money from a plastic card at an ATM. The only condition for such a payment is that the client has this same dollar plastic card.

Summing up, we can say that for an ordinary webmaster, working with Google adsense is of interest because of the democratic approach of this system when enrolling a site in its advertising network (program) and the subsequent ease of paying rewards for received click-impressions. Although, the latter (payment of remuneration) may not seem so easy for the first time.

If not Google Adsense, then who?

From the very beginning of my Internet activity, I took root in the Yandex Advertising Network, the textbook prototype of which, at one time, was the program Google adsense. However, after the summer demarche in 2014, I was left practically without a livelihood.

Of course, I was not fed up with Yandex alone.
Trying to earn money for my livelihood "on the side", I hung on my site any advertising crap from various advertising services, which have multiplied immeasurably in the vastness of the world wide web. O! It was a terrible time of ordeal and humiliation, a waste of time and traffic, which convinced me of only one thing:

In addition to Yandex, only Google Adsense, Begun, and, probably, bodyclick can actually act as sources of income for the owner of a Russian-language Internet resource. All other advertising programs, services and networks are sheer small-penny mouse fuss and vanity of vanities, intended exclusively for all sorts of warez, adult sites, torrent trackers and other eternally problematic, copy-paste Internet resources.

Such a small selection is explained by the fact that only Yandex, Google adsense and Begun have a sufficiently high potential and powerful mechanisms for the implementation of such a high-quality advertising campaign that everyone earns on it - the advertiser site, the intermediary site, and the site-advertising platform, the earnings of which, in fact, are discussed here.

In addition, the aforementioned three advertising networks (programs, services) are very careful in the selection and display of advertising material. Therefore, these three networks (programs, services) have long got used to each other and allow the mutual arrangement and good neighborliness of their advertising blocks. What can not be said about other advertising networks (programs, services), sometimes spouting frank "borzuha" and "immorality", for the presence of which our trinity bans sites-platforms, already running.

Thus, you can count on the fact that, after passing the moderation and being accepted into one advertising system, the site will apply for two more, without fear of a ban in the first. Such advertising and network solidarity is achieved, I repeat - at the expense of the advertising sites put forward. Requirements that are equally stringent, both in YAN and in Google adsense, and on Begun-e.

Well, let's leave Runner alone for the time being.
and turn our bright eyes on Google adsense.
We will register and we will try,
what is this overseas miracle - Google Adsense (Google AdSense)

Google Adsense. Registration

At the time of registration,
Experience with Google Adsense
I had absolutely none.

Therefore, to begin with, I googled three boxes of text and video manuals for registering in this advertising network and working with it. Having read enough and seen enough of all the instructive rubbish from the same idiots as myself, I proceeded to register my account and site in the Google Adsense program.

First of all, I found Google AdSense itself.
To do this, I scored the query “ Google Adsense »
and poked at the first result that came up:

In response, the Google AdSense start page opened.
It opened in English and was immediately displayed in Russian.
Here it is! At the very beginning of the page - the button "Start now"
Pressed, and - registration of a new user has begun ...

At this point, I will allow myself to give a few interesting observations gleaned from the instructive waste paper that I read and reviewed in the process of preparing for registration:

Language selection during registration Initially, Google AdSense registration pages are written in English, which are then translated into all other languages ​​of the world. Almost all current browsers have a built-in automatic translation feature. Such a built-in browser auto-translator, in this case, can do a disservice due to the free interpretation of Google AdSense service terms during translation from English into Russian. Therefore, in order not to "blunt" - it is better to immediately select an understandable Russian language in the drop-down list on the first page of registration in Google AdSense. By selecting the Russian language directly on the registration page, the user will see the original Russian-language translations directly from Google Adsense. This is much better than "sticking" into the gag of a free literary translation that any browser provides. Registration windows and fields to fill out From time to time, Google AdSense changes the appearance of the windows, the location of the fields to fill in and the order in which requests are displayed for information that appear on the screen during the registration of a new user or site. At the same time, only the appearance and order of the web page elements on the monitor screen fundamentally changes, but the essence of the registration itself does not change at all. And by this, it is much more important to read into your own real registration web page than to peer into other people's video instructions and screenshots of bygone days. It is for this reason that I have abandoned the pictures in this article. Due to the rapid loss of their relevance. Selecting or creating an account to sign in to Google AdSense They say that all newly created sites and accounts for working with money fall under some sort of filtering surveillance of the system. At least until it (the system) becomes clear why these sites and accounts were created. I took the advice and used my old account to log in to Google Adsense, on which my site hangs in Google Analytics (webmaster tools). Logging into Google Adsense with a five-year-old account, I naively assumed that Google would stick to its motto “One account. The whole world of Google! Uniqueness and authenticity When registering a new user in Google adsense, the main condition is its (user) uniqueness and reliability of the information provided by him. And this means that one user can register in the program adsense only one account and at the same time he (the user) must submit his reliable data, because, subsequently, the money earned will simply be impossible to receive. You will have to write your first name and last name and place of residence in Latin letters. In order not to screw up on transliteration, it is best to write off your data from your personal bank card or passport (if any) in the hope that the bank or passport office knows better what transliteration is. If such (official) documentation is not observed, then you can use the online transliterators that are available in all search engines, for example - Account type A regular webmaster is an individual.
Type of account, for it - private (individual). A business account is for legal entities and firms of all kinds Google Adsense user account
and sites - advertising platforms
Initially, without fail, an account is registered
advertising program user Google adsense.
The site(s) can be added immediately or after registration. A Google AdSense user can only have one account.
Sites-platforms in one account can be as many as you like.

Well, here, as it were, that's all. As soon as I understood the above, the simplicity of registering a user of the Google Adsense program immediately opened up for me. And I did it, a maximum of 7 minutes.

The general registration algorithm looked something like this:
I watched, read and pressed the buttons.
After the "Submit Application" button, I breathed a sigh of relief!

Hooray! User account registration is complete.
Site request has been sent.
They promised to respond within a week.
Time has gone! I sit and wait...

The answer came within 2 hours.
Site not accepted. Bummer. We've arrived.

Did not take the site to Google Adsense

The main and only reason
on which this can happen is -

site content inconsistency
current legislation
and moral standards of society
adopted in the USA

In the most democratic state in the world, the most stringent legislative and moral and ethical framework has been created that protects everyone, everything and everyone. Therefore, if there is at least something illegal, immoral or offensive on the site, be calm - such a site will never be accepted into Google Adsense. Moreover, a site that has already passed moderation will be immediately and immediately blocked if strange material is published on it.

A long list of things not allowed in Google Adsense
Internet atrocities include:

  • propaganda of any kind of violence
  • adult content
    (erotica, pornography, showing sexual relations)
  • materials directed against someone or something
  • copyrighted materials
  • content related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • content related to hacking computer systems and programs
  • sites for making money on the Web (CAPs, boxes, etc.)
  • gambling sites
    (Internet casino or other money and gaming resources)
  • sites that use elements of the Google brand
  • content related to weapons and ammunition
  • propaganda of racial or any other discrimination
  • insulting the religious feelings of believers of any concessions
  • profanity or just rude language
  • use of programs and other means initiated without the consent of the visitor and affecting the behavioral factor, such as:
    - redirecting the visitor to unwanted web resources.
    - change browser settings.
    - uploading files to the user's computer.
    - the appearance of pop-up windows, etc.
  • outgoing links to sites subject to these rules
  • and much, much more, including spam and inappropriate content...

    Note. All these rules apply both directly to the direct (author's) content (content) of the site, and indirectly - comments or advertisements located directly on the pages or loaded from other sites.

And, if the site was not taken into the Google Adsense program, or taken, but blocked later, this means only one thing - the materials of the site violate the current legislation or moral standards adopted in the USA.

By the way, not least in terms of severity, a crime in America is a violation of copyright in all its manifestations. This rule also applies to the site engine itself. Website on a null (broken) engine in google adsense will never run.

When, it would seem, the bans have already ended, wishes begin for the convenience of the advertiser. For example, as well as all other advertising programs-systems-networks-services, Google Adsense terribly likes the narrow focus of the site-platform and the lack of dynamic content on its page. It is not smart. No internet advertising campaign likes unpredictable sites about everything.

Which site will be taken to Google Adsense

From the foregoing, it is absolutely clear that the program Google Adsense only a crystal clear site can be accepted that does not come into contact in any way with suspicious content and does not have links that discredit it (read, links, links).

Having decided to link your site with the Google Adsense advertising program, the owner of the advertising site will be forced once and for all to remove absolutely all illegal and offensive elements of the content of their pages and links to sites that have them. In the future, he (the owner) will have to constantly monitor his web resource from the (even accidental) appearance of seditious material or links to seditious resources on its pages. The latter include even such seemingly harmless sites as weather informers.

As practice has shown, the only competing neighbors that Google Adsense can tolerate are the presence on the site of YAN (Yandex Advertising Network) and Begun-a. Because, in terms of site moderation for advertising platforms, these three rivals are united in their desire to protect the advertiser from wasting money.

Regarding the answer to the main question “Which site will be taken to Google Adsense”- so this is only Google, the only one knows. Personally, they didn’t take my site even on the third attempt, despite the fact that this site worked quite well in the YAN (Yandex Advertising Network) and has a very neutral theme - “We dig the earth with our own hands.” Anyway. I'll leave it alone and move on. Maybe they'll take it somewhere.

Then one friend suggested to me that I should add a website and register an account in Google Adsense are different things. Of course, I know this myself. But, that's what I didn't think! The account is registered by the primary action, and the site is added to it by the secondary entry. And, if they stubbornly do not take sites one after another from under the same account, then most likely there are problems in it. If the sites are confidently clean, then you need to try to “register” the acc

Hello dear friends. Today there will be the first article on website monetization using Google AdSense contextual advertising. In this article, we will analyze the process of registering with Adsense, creating and configuring ad units, and installing an advertising code on the site.

It's no secret that every site owner can earn on his resource. There are many ways, one of which is contextual advertising. Perhaps everyone dreams of such a passive income. The main thing is to develop your site and think first of all about the benefits for visitors, and the more visitors you have on your site, the higher your income from contextual advertising.

So, Google AdSense offers to make money on your own websites, YouTube channels and AdMob mobile applications. Moreover, unlike other advertising networks, Adsense does not have an entry threshold for visiting your site. You can start earning on the site from the first day of its existence. Of course, if your site is made for people and does not contain prohibited content (terror, incitement to violence, copyright infringement, etc.).

Signing up for Google Adsense

In general, as such, registration in AdSense is not needed, since Google allows you to use a single account for all of its services. It is enough to create a mailbox on Gmail once and then use this mailbox (as a login) and password to enter any Google service.

I'm sure you already have a Google account. If not, then in my article about there is a detailed scheme for registering an account.

Apply you can on the main page Google adsense. To do this, follow the link and click on the button « Getstartednow".

Don't worry everything is in English. In the next step, you will have the option to select a language.

Here, at this step, you will be asked to log in under your single account or register a new one. Since we already have an account, click on the button "Yes, sign in to your Google account".

By clicking on the button, you will be prompted to enter a password for your account (this is the password for your Gmail mailbox). Enter a password.

Next, in the second step, you need to specify the url of your site and select the main language. Even if you have several sites, now you specify one of them. The rest can be added after confirmation of your application. Language, you also choose the main one, even if you have translated versions as well.

Read the rules and click on the button "Proceed".

The next step is to fill in your contact information. The data you can select from the dropdown list will be in Russian. But the fields that you will fill in yourself (name and surname, address) must be entered only in Latin letters. Fill in everything correctly, as in the future a PIN code will be sent to this address, which is required to confirm the address and.

As soon as the data is filled in, click on the button "Apply".

Now it remains to wait. Your site has been submitted for moderation. After about a couple of days, you will receive an email confirming the application and your next steps. By the way, I got a letter the very next day.

Create an AdSense ad unit

After receiving the letter, you need to proceed to the next step - creating an ad unit. Until you create this block and place it on the site, your account will not be verified.

To do this, you need to go to the Google Adsense account, you can do this by clicking on the button "To begin" in a letter or link

By going to the office, you will automatically find yourself in the section "My announcements". Where, to create a new ad, you need to click on the button "New ad block".

First you need to name the ad unit, select the size and define the type. The name can be assigned by the size of the block or by the place where it will be located. This will make it easier to analyze later. The block size, perhaps, is the only correct one - adaptive. Since if you are your site for mobile users, then the ads should also harmoniously fit into the design. Next to the block sizes that are adapted for mobile devices, there is a phone icon. Select only such blocks, their size will adapt itself depending on the size of the parent container.

Select ad type "Text and display ads", since the system's help itself indicates that this type is the most profitable.

Text ads can be styled so that these ads fit neatly into the design of your site. To do this, you can choose one of the proposed options, you can copy it and edit or create your own style.

All the necessary tinctures are available in the subparagraph.

The next important point is setting up client channels. That will allow you to group ad units by size, title, location on the page. Best of all, by specifying a custom channel as the ad placement, advertisers will be able to target ad units on your site. That contributes to an increase in cost per click.

To configure, click on the tab - "Create a new customer channel".

After that, you need to fill in several fields and check the checkbox in the paragraph "Targeting".

And the final step in setting up an ad unit is setting up a fallback ad. By default, this is an empty area. But you can make a single-color fill or connect a graphic screensaver from the site. For example, a banner. Just make sure it matches the size of the ad unit.

And after you deal with this item, click on the button "Save and get code".

Note: By default, all ad serving categories on your site are enabled. But, you can make the necessary changes in the section "Allow/Block Ads".

Inserting AdSense Promotional Code into Sitebar and Articles of WordPress Sites

So, open the WordPress admin panel - "Appearance""Widgets"- widget type "Text" and place the ad code in it.

And on the mailbox, you will receive a letter confirming the full activation of your Google AdSense account.

From now on, ads from the Google ad network will be shown on your site.

To do this, in the theme function file, at the very end, before closing ?> paste this code here:

function block1() ( return " Adsense Promotional Code"; ) add_shortcode("adsense1 ", "block1 ");

If you intend to insert several ad units in the article, then paste this code into the file again and change adsense1 and block1 on the adsense2 and block2.

In the article itself, in the place where you want to display the ad block, paste this code:

And soon I will prepare an article about the methods on the site both by manual and automatic methods. Trust me, it makes life a lot easier.

I also recommend watching the video version of the article.

Well, friends, that's all for me today. Try, register and monetize your sites. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to help. I wish you all good luck and see you in new articles and video tutorials.

P.S. By the way, you can also install the AdSense mobile application on your smartphone and you will always have all the statistics at hand.

And in conclusion, I want to congratulate all of you, friends, on Victory Day! War is grief. And the day it ends is truly a holiday! My grandparents went through the entire war. Grandmother is still alive, she is already 93 years old. The horror that they and millions of people had to endure will never be forgotten. It is hard for her to look at what is happening in the world, how angry people have become. They forgot what our ancestors fought for.

I wish you and your families good health, a peaceful sky over your head! And so that the mistakes of the past will never be repeated again. Let there be no war!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In today's article on the topic (remember that the best option would be to legalize your business through) we will talk about the contextual advertising system from Google.

For beginner webmasters earnings on adsense has one indisputable advantage over making money on Yandex contextual advertising - you do not need to have 500 unique visitors per day in order to be accepted into this system (in the Yandex advertising network this is the main condition for joining).

It is this limitation that is a stumbling block for those who wish. The context system from Google is more democratic in this regard and almost any site, even those located on .

True, Google is very sensitive to and quite often bans accounts where sites with plagiarism of one kind or another have been added (even describing the possibilities of plagiarism is prohibited - for example, I was warned a couple of times, after which I had to remove several articles from the site). Read very carefully Rules for placing ads in Google AdSense or watch the old, but useful webinar " How to post ads without violations"(Created by and).

Registering and creating an account in Google Adsense

What is noteworthy, if you have already registered your main site in the Google contextual advertising system (and it has passed moderation), then on your other sites you will be able to place AdSense ads without their preliminary moderation. This is very convenient and greatly simplifies the process, and also makes it possible for young sites to earn money (with practically no traffic).

But for all its democratic nature, Adsense is very serious about cheating and fake clicks(an action performed by a person or a program that imitates a real visitor's click on a contextual advertising ad). The punishment will be very harsh and immediate. If you notice that your CTP has increased dramatically and there are suspicions of clicks, then use the Invalid Clicks Contact Form to avoid problems.

To get started and make money on this contextual advertising, you will need registration in google adsense system. You can create your account by going to the page and clicking on the "Sign up" button (now their main page is a typical one):

You will be met by a registration wizard who will offer you the first step, if any (left blue button at the bottom of the screenshot):

If you do not have an account in this search engine, you will have to create one. How exactly this is done, I have already described in some detail in an article about, so it will be unnecessary to repeat. We will assume that you already have an account and you will only need to enter it by clicking the appropriate button.

After successfully logging into your Google account, you will be redirected to second step of registration in adsense, where you will need to enter the URL address of your main site (if it is not there, that is) and specify its language:

At the third step of the Adsense registration wizard, you will need to carefully fill in all the proposed fields:

Personal data (full name, city and address) used to have to be entered in Latin letters (read about, as well as about the use for these purposes), but now I don’t know for sure. And, of course, they must be true, otherwise you will not be able to receive the money you have earned (cash a check, although now there are alternative options for receiving money - Rapida and bank transfer).

After that, specified by you during registration the site will be sent for moderation and in about a couple of days you will receive a letter (by e-mail) stating that your project has been moderated and you have been accepted into the Google contextual advertising system.

Creating and setting up ads in Google Adsense

Well, boom to increase the number of ads per page or let it remain as it is?

If you want to do without plugins and not lose in functionality, then I dare to offer several solutions I use (not entirely mine, but borrowed).

Probably, I will not open America by saying that WordPress is a wonderful engine that is developed by professionals in their field. Thanks to the wonderful , it's quite easy to find the file that would allow you to insert the Google AdSense block in the right place in the template. I myself in WordPress when inserting the Adsense code, I prefer to do without plugins, because they unnecessarily load the engine that is already quite heavy for hosting (although, of course, I can’t do it completely).

  1. Want to insert ads inside articles? No problem. Short codes will help you. To do this, go to the folder with the theme files (by , of course), which is currently used on your blog (/wp-content/themes/Folder_name_with_your_theme_of_theme), find the file there, and if it is not there, then create it.

    True, I did all this a year and a half ago, but I hope that nothing has changed since then.

    This is the version of the code I used (blocks of the most appropriate sizes will be shown on different devices). True, I inserted the code through function.php and at first I forgot to remove all the spaces in the code, which led to some distortions. But you won't repeat mine?

    Setting up payments and withdrawing money from Google AdSense

    In short, in addition to receiving a check from Google, now Russians have the opportunity to receive cash through Rapida (it allows, for example, to receive money in the mail, transfer their hard-earned money to the system, to a bank or card account, etc. using own service.

    In the settings of your Google Adsense account ("gear" - "Payments" - "Payment settings"), you can select one of three types of payments (for Russia) by clicking on the "add payment method" button:

    In the opened window Russians will be offered three ways withdrawal of funds earned in Adsense by overwork -, account or Rapida:

    When the amount of money you earned on the context over $10, in your account you will see a notification that you will need to confirm the address specified during registration (I do not have more recent screenshots, unfortunately, but the essence of this does not change).

    This is done using entering a PIN code (pin) which will be mailed to you. When you enter the PIN code, you will be able to receive your first payment from Google AdSense:

    Quite often there is a problem with the fact that pin code not coming to the address specified during registration. Google's help on this subject says that if you have requested a PIN code three times and a month has passed since the last request, then on the Adsense main page you will see a link to a form where you can upload, for example, a scan of your passport to confirm your address.

    Withdrawal of earned funds through Rapida Online

    It is clear that a withdrawal through Rapida will be much more preferable, because further money can be sent manually or automatically to real life in dozens of different ways. In theory, in this case, you have several ways withdrawal of money from Google AdSense to Rapido Online:

    In any of the cases described above, your money will have to get into rapid online. A few years ago, AdSense made changes to the rules for withdrawing funds through Rapida, which you can read more about.

    Previously, you could simply register with Rapida Online and receive funds coming from Google by mail (not electronic, of course). Now must be identified in Rapid(show them your passport at their office or choose one of the anonymous methods), as well as create a template for withdrawal, the ID of which will then need to be entered in the payment settings in Adsense.

    Now let's see how we can create a template in Rapid, for example, to automatically redirect money from Adsense to your WebMoney wallet. To do this, you will need to go to the tabs "Payment" - "Payment systems" and select the desired payee:

    Rapida Online has certain commissions that the payment system may charge you. In the case of a withdrawal to a WebMoney wallet, it will be 1.4 percent of the transfer amount:

    Next, indicate your login (cell number), the number of the ruble wallet in WebMoney and the maximum amount to be withdrawn (15000). After you click on the button "Save as Template", you will receive an SMS with a code (session PIN) on your cell phone, which you will need to enter in the next step of creating a template in Rapida.

    Well, at the last step, you will be asked to come up with a name for the template (no more than 8 Latin numbers and letters, and you cannot start the name with a number) and a description (you can also in Russian).

    After you click "Save template", it will be saved to the database and available from the menu item " Templates». After reviewing the data of this template, you will see its unique number, which will be needed to link it to your Google Adsense account:

    Everything, it remains only now to score this number in the Adsense account and save the changes made. As a result, you will receive the next payment through Rapida.

    Recently, I have been withdrawing from Rapida immediately to the current account of an individual entrepreneur (I set up a payment template for free details in Rapida) and they charge less commission (only 0.9 percent). True, the last few payments in Rapid got stuck quite stubbornly and they had to be pushed through through polite communication with the technical support of the service. Before that, everything worked like clockwork. By the way, this thread may be useful in this regard, where you can get a lot of useful information.

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