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Voice over. Voice over services online

I will talk about how to make subtitles or voice-over for small video roller, using the tools that are in almost every home.

In this article, you, dear reader, will not find advice on which microphone is better to choose. With this question, I recommend reading the posts Microphones, microphones and microphones again. Part #1, Microphones, podcaster's view #2 and Microphones, podcaster's 3rd view, which are on Habré.

If you liked short video, but you can't show it to your friends because they still don't know English/Spanish/German/any other language, then here I'll tell you how to create subtitles for watching videos, and if you dare, you can voice video on your own, without the need to spend 100 US rubles on a microphone, and even more of the same US rubles on sound processing software.

So, since you are here, my friend, it means that you are interested in this topic, and I will begin.

The list of devices / programs that will be needed for voice acting:

Create subtitles.

As I already wrote, you can use the Aegisub program to create them. On the official download page, it is possible to download the Russification of the interface, but I still could not configure it. But this does not hurt to master the program - everything is intuitively simple.

First of all, we need to open the video file for which we will create subtitles. We select the menu item "Video", and in it "Open Video ...", and in the dialog that opens, open our file.

Once selected, it appears in the upper left area of ​​the window. But that is not all. If you now click on "Play" (i.e. turn on the video), then it will be without sound. This is not convenient for us, so we need to add sound. This can be done through the menu item "Audio" -> "Open Audio from Video".

Thus, we will get the following window:

  • red - start time of the current text
  • green - end time of the current text
  • yellow - display text
  • blue - a list of all texts, with an indication of the duration

So, let's start creating subtitles. On the left, above the blue area, there are three keys. Click on the first one, "Play". As soon as we hear the text, we press pause. Usually the speech does not start from the first second of the video - first comes the intro, or just music. Therefore, we do not start creating subtitles from the first second.

So, we clicked on the pause, and we see exactly what second the speech begins. We indicate this time in the red field. After that, you can continue playing the video, and write the text that should be displayed in the subtitles in the yellow area. When the phrase is logically completed, we indicate in the red field the time when the phrase should be hidden from the screen.

Now we can move on to the second sentence. In the blue area of ​​the screen, click right key mouse on the current line of subtitles, and select the item "Insert (after)" there. A second row will appear, with the start time equal to the end time of the previous row.

We repeat entering text and adding lines until we enter all the necessary subtitles.

I will give a screenshot of the project that I did last.

If suddenly, in the process of creating a video, the time of some subtitles overlaps others, the program will highlight the “competing” lines in red, and you will need to equalize their display time.

In addition, the text is immediately displayed on top of the video, and you can evaluate the result of your work.

In general, the program has rich functionality, but I will not describe it - I have indicated the main points, otherwise, I hope you can figure it out.

Saving the project in the format of this program, you will not be able to connect this file to all players, and you will not be able to upload it to YouToube. To do this, subtitles need to be exported. Click on the menu "File" -> "Export Subtitles ...", a window will open in which we also press the "Export" key and specify the file for the subtitles (be sure to specify the extension in the file name, I use subtitles in the srt format, they are normally loaded on YouTube).

Perhaps this is all I can tell you about creating subtitles.

Sound creation.

  • noise removal
  • normalization
  • volume change
  • auto mute

But first things first.

First of all, you need to free the room from all extraneous friends / relatives. The first 5-10 takes you will probably laugh along with them, but then it becomes very annoying, it makes it difficult to concentrate, and to record your voice normally.

Next, click on the red button on top panel programs - recording started. After that, we switch to the subtitle program, and there we also start playing the video. current line subtitles are highlighted in a yellowish color, and I always know exactly where I am in the text, what happened before and what will happen next. This is very important point, believe me.

Of course, you noticed that there was a hitch between the start of the recording and the start of the video while switching between programs. This is completely unimportant, and later on I will show how to get rid of this gap of emptiness.

So, two screenshots. The first shows the position of the windows on the desktop before starting the recording.

And the second, shows my screen right after the start of the recording.

So far, we are not very concerned about what happens in the recorder. Let him write slowly. If your voice will sound too quiet - do not try to change anything now. It will be possible to process sound only after all soundtrack be prepared, otherwise the gaps between takes will be too audible.

So, we recorded about 30 seconds of text, and the voice began to "sag" - stutter, confuse letters and the like. It is not necessary to start all over from the beginning, you can just continue recording.

For this:

After that, in order to continue recording, we will only have to repeat the steps with the start of recording. At the same time, I recommend putting the video at the beginning of the previous subtitles (in the screenshot from the 22nd second), and when the video comes up to the 27th, press the red button in the voice recorder.

As a result, we will get several tracks for the entire length of the video clip. (on the middle panel of the voice recorder there is a very useful extreme button with a magnifying glass that allows you to fit the entire project into the width of the window)

However, we need to work with them as one, so we select "Tracks" -> "Minimize to last track" in the menu.

Sound processing

So, we have a single audio track. We start brushing it.

First of all, you need to normalize the sound.

"Effects" -> "Signal normalization". We leave all the parameters as they are, just click "OK".

It happens that after normalization there are “roosters”, because of which the whole sound is heard quite quietly. In the screenshot, an example of such a "rooster":

To deal with such moments, you can use the tool from the menu "Effects" -> "Signal Booster" (be sure to select this piece of audio so that the effect is applied only to it).

I entered a value of "-3.8", then removed the selection and applied the normalization again.

Got this picture:

As you can see on the screenshot (or listen if you have already recorded a sample), the sound is full of extraneous noise.

This voice recorder has a function just for this situation.

First we need to create a noise sample, which we will remove:

  • select a fragment of the track where there is no our voice (only extraneous noise)
  • select in the menu "Effects" -\u003e "Noise Removal"
  • in the window that opens, click the "Create noise model" button
  • remove selection
  • again select in the menu "Effects" -\u003e "Noise Removal"
  • press "OK"

As a result, we get such a clean path:

Agree, now the sound is much nicer, and it looks better =)

However, there are still random clicks, noises (and before each phrase I also hear a breath, as I take air into my lungs).

Getting rid of this is easy. We select the fragment that needs to be removed, and select in the menu "Create" -> "Silence ..." -> "OK".

For example, I removed the keyboard sound at the beginning from switching between windows and pressing the "Play" button on the video.

We save the project in the recorder, so far we have finished with it.

Getting an audio track from a video

However, I consider the sound of the original in the background to be a sign of good tone (only if it does not completely cover my voice), because I cannot convey all the emotions that the author of the video intended, and this recorder allows you to very conveniently lower the volume level of the original track, and return him in those places where I am silent.

I am using avitomp3 program to get mp3 file from video file. I am sure that in this part many can go their own way, the main thing is that as a result we get an audio track in an mp3 file.

Using the program is simple - press the "Add" button, select our file, specify the parameters of the audio file (I recommend immediately saving it in a mono channel, for home video will be quite normal), the save folder and click on the big round button with arrows at the bottom right.

Create a mix of two tracks

So, back to our post. In the screenshot, instead of an example, I took mine real job by voicing. It is necessary to add to the already existing track the record that we just extracted from the video file.

This can be done by the menu item "File" -> "Import" -> "Sound file ..."

If you remember, I asked you not to focus on the fact that the recording of your voice begins before the start of video playback?

The time has come to deal with this.

Usually, seeing two tracks at once, it is possible to determine directly by eye where our track lags behind the video.

The top track is from the video file, the bottom track is the one I recorded on the microphone.

I have highlighted on the bottom track the time my voice lags behind the moment when speech begins on original video. Below you can see that the selection starts at position 6 seconds and 321 milliseconds, and this chunk is 950 milliseconds.

Now we need to cut these 950 milliseconds from the beginning of the file. To do this, we simply write zeros instead of the number 6.321, and our selection is moved to the beginning of the file.

Now, to remove this segment, it is enough to apply the already familiar operation “Edit” -> “Remove Audio or Labels” -> “Delete”.

The track from the video file needs to be moved above our audio track, and select it entirely. After that, apply "Effects" -\u003e "Automute ..."

We specify the settings as I have on the screen:

And we get the following changes in the track from the video:

This final stage work with our sound track. Now you can save the project file itself (if you plan to change something in it in the future), and export these two tracks to an mp3 file.

You can export accordingly through the menu "File" -\u003e "Export".

Replacing a track in a video file

Finally the time has come last application on my list. Open VirtualDubMod.
Let's open our video file. "File" -> "Open video file...".
We indicate that we do not need to do anything with the video. We do this by selecting "Video" -> "Direct stream copy" from the menu.
And now we start working with audio tracks. Go to the menu "Streams" -> "Stream list".
Now we have one track there, from a video file. Click the "Disable" button at the bottom right to turn it off.
And add our mp3 file using the "Add" button.

If a movie, clip or cartoon is being shot, then it is almost always necessary to voice the characters and add other musical accompaniment. Such actions are performed using special programs, the functionality of which includes the ability to record sound. In this article, we have selected for you several representatives of such software. Let's look at them in more detail.

First on our list is video editor from Movavi. This program contains many useful features for video editing, but now we are only interested in the ability to record sound, and it is present here. On the toolbar is special button, clicking on which will take you to a new window where you will need to configure several parameters.

Certainly, Movavi Video Editor is not suitable for professional doubles, but it is quite enough for amateur sound recording. It is enough for the user to indicate the source, set required quality and set the volume. The finished audio recording will be added to the corresponding line on the editor and it will be possible to edit it, apply effects, cut into parts and change the volume settings. Movavi Video Editor is distributed for a fee, but a free trial version is available on the official website of the developer.

Virtual Dub

Next, we will look at another graphics editor, it will be VirtualDub. This program distributed completely free of charge and provides great amount various tools and functions. It also has the ability to record sound and overlay it on top of the video.

In addition, it is worth noting a large number of various audio settings that will definitely come in handy for many users. Recording is fairly easy. You just need to click on a specific button, and the created track will automatically be added to the project.


If you work with frame-by-frame animation and create cartoons using this technology, then you can voice the finished project using the MultiControl program. Its main task is to create animation from ready-made pictures. Everything is here necessary tools for this, including the recording of the sound track.

However, not everything is so rosy, since there are no additional settings, the track cannot be edited, and only one audio track is added for one project. "MultiPult" is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website of the developer.


Last on our list is the Ardour digital audio workstation. Its advantage over all previous representatives is that its purpose is focused specifically on working with sound. All are present here necessary settings and instruments to achieve great sounding. You can add an unlimited number of tracks with vocals or instruments to one project, they will be distributed by the editor, and also available for sorting into groups, if necessary.

Before starting voice acting, it is best to import the video into the project in order to simplify the process itself. It will also be added to the multitrack editor as a separate line. Use additional settings and options to mix the audio, make it clean and trim it to match the video.

This article does not include all suitable programs, because there are many video and audio editors on the market that allow you to record sound from a microphone, thereby creating voice acting for films, clips or cartoons. We tried to select for you a diverse software that would fit different groups users.

Making videos at home is one of the most popular hobbies for active users social networks. A full-fledged film from photos is made from photos, video clips, multimedia design elements. Read the article: and you will learn how to mount files on your computer more beautifully and efficiently.

Here we will look at how to voice a video without using complex software and without resorting to the expensive help of editing specialists. Stick to the step by step instructions, it will take no more than a few minutes to complete.

Step 1. Download Windows Movie Maker.

The program is fully compatible with modern operating systems, the work does not affect the speed of the computer, it is installed in a matter of minutes. Run the utility, and click on create a new project. Next, add a video for voiceover to the work feed (below).

Step 2. Add a screensaver for the movie.

Through the "Add" tab, go to "Screensavers". Available Options on the left are divided into thematic categories: animated, static, luminous. double click select your favorite screensaver, through the "Edit" icon, enter new text and add clipart.

Step 3. How to sound video at home.

Go to the "Music" tab, then click on "Voice comments" and on "Microphone recording" (the default device). You can use both the built-in microphone on a laptop (turned on through Windows -> Search -> Microphone), and an external device.

  • ✔ Prepare the voiceover text, print it out and fix the sheets in sight.
  • ✔ Mount the microphone on a stand so that it does not accidentally hit during recording.
  • ✔ To improve the quality of the recording, use special filters.
  • ✔ Voice acting can be diversified with funny audio clips from the Internet.
  • ✔ Apply natural effects to audio through windows menu movie maker.

Step 4. Apply effects for the voice acting.

Click on the "Volume and Effects" icon, check the fade-in or fade-out checkboxes, set the duration of the enhancements, as well as the volume of the main music and comments.

Step 5. Save the voiceover video

A video with voice acting is already a full-fledged mini-movie. Go to the "Create" tab, select available format, and, following the instructions of the utility, convert the file.

After the operation, how to voice the video, we recommend that you read other articles about working with Windows program movie maker. From them you will learn about the actual secrets of creating interesting projects on any subject (wedding, birthday, travel, work, and others). The online tutorial is designed to take into account the different levels of user experience, and if you are a beginner, then with its help you will become a professional.

Technology is moving forward. A couple of centuries ago, books were a scarce commodity. With the development of the printing industry, books came to the masses. Psychologists have determined that people perceive the same information differently. And if it is easy for visuals to find a printed edition, then it is more difficult for audials. To enable people with an auditory type of perception to absorb information in a form convenient for them, audio books were invented. Now finding audio variations of a popular literary work is not a problem. But what to do when you need to voice a personally recorded text? Do not forget about people with disabilities (visually disabled). Especially for such purposes, programs specializing in voice acting have been invented. Below we consider the main types of such programs.

Principle of operation

Voice programs have similar algorithms work. The user is required enter document in a special window or select a part of the document for playback. One utility is not enough. Any program that specializes in voice acting uses a voice engine. It performs the function of a speech synthesizer. There are a huge number of voice engines on the Internet. Some of them are installed on the computer along with operating system.

The software allows you to choose a voice, reading speed, which is an undoubted advantage for people with a visual type of information perception. Of the shortcomings emphasize the imperfection of machine translation: incorrectly placed stresses and the unreadability of some words, especially jargon ones.

Online voice services


Acapela is a foreign service that can voice text in 35 languages ​​and dialects. It is noteworthy that the portal voices foreign words with a characteristic accent (for example, Russian words are read by an Englishman). The site contains a demo version of the product with a limited size of up to 300 characters. Another disadvantage is the requirement to agree to the terms of the site each time. For Russian localization, one option for voice acting is offered - the Alyona voice engine.


The Linguatec service offers to get acquainted with the demo version of the product. There are also up to 40 options for voice acting text. Compared to the previous site on Linguatec represented by two votes: female "Milena" and male "Yuri". The limit on the number of characters in the demo version is 250 characters.


Text-to-Speech is another portal that can voice text online. It has more advanced settings: speaker speech speed, font size, Machine translate. For people with handicapped granted screen keyboard. Unfortunately for Russian speaking user provided total one female voice.

Google translator

Google Translator is a branded translator from Google Corporation. One of the functions of the service is to voice the translated or original sentence. If you have a microphone, you can type words by voice. If you wish to save the result of the translation and sound accompaniment to your favorites, then log in to Gmail. Google service Translator translates and reads texts within 5000 characters. The only negative is the voice engine, which is more like a robot speech.


The IVONA website is a presentation page showing voice engines. This service is a Polish development and offers four sound options. All languages ​​have 2-3 voices. In the Russian segment there are two voice engines "Maxim" and "Tatiana". Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to try the service for free. The only thing that a user can do without buying a subscription is to listen to the template greeting of voice engines.

Yandex translate

Yandex translator is a domestic analogue of the translator from Google. It has similar tools at its disposal: translation, voiceover of the translation and voice generator, on-screen keyboard and saving to favorites. The only thing that distinguishes Yandex translator from a foreign counterpart is maximum amount characters up to 10,000 characters.


Portal Oddcast - the most interesting online synthesizer speech for voicing in terms of interface. Here, in addition to the dry sound there are animated speakers. In addition, virtual speakers follow the mouse pointer. Additionally, speech effects are regulated on the site. There is an option to partially change the sound. The Russian language in Oddcast is represented by three engines: "Dmitry", "Milina" and "Olga". Among the shortcomings, one can single out a limit on the maximum number of characters of 300 characters and not the most user-friendly interface for input.


The ISpeech website has a minimalist interface that even a novice user will understand. All you need to do is enter a couple of sentences and select a language. Additionally, the speed of reading text by voice and the choice of a voice engine are regulated. If desired, the voiced result can be saved to a PC. Maximum number characters - 150.


2ukha is an interesting domestic site, where, in addition to a narrowly focused forum, there is a section on converting a document into an audio file, which is recorded in mp3 or awb format. In the settings, before processing the request, configure Extra options: reading speed, voice pitch, volume, voice engine type and punctuation reading. The result of the conversion is sent to email after a few minutes. Recommended pass authorization across social media to avoid entering the code before sending the request (checking for a robot). The disadvantage of the portal is the inability to instantly voice the text in online mode.

Programs for reproducing text by voice


Talker - useful software for those who like to listen, unfortunately not available online. Supports download additional speech engines and language library directly from the official site. Has useful features:

Sacrament Talker

Sacrament Talker is unique in that it runs on own system dubbing TTS Engine 3.0 speech, where six Russian voices are available. Like other programs, it processes text from the browser, office applications, and also saves voice acting in MP3 format.

2nd Speech Center

2nd Speech Center is another eye-saving assistant. It has the most intuitive user interface. Supports recording spoken text in mp3/wav formats. Processes formats: .txt, .doc, .pdf, .eml, .rtf, .htm, .html.

Audiobook Recorder

Audiobook Recorder is more like an advanced audiobook than a traditional talker. Utility specializes in converting text documents to MP3. Distinctive feature program is the presence of the function " smart pause”, which improves the quality of reading.

TNR JayJay


Balabolka - universal program for reading aloud, supporting a huge number of formats, ranging from pages in the browser to Djvu files. It has at its disposal the functionality of a text editor, and also saves the voiced text on the computer.


Talker+ is a compact program that can read text aloud in Russian. Powered by a pre-installed speech synthesizer and uses built-in voice engines. Reads RTF and TXT files. Additionally available player to play recorded sounds, notification system, tray operation and editable interface. Pleasantly pleased with the animated characters that perform the functions of announcers.

Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader- small utility for text-to-speech, focused on reading PDF files. Is different operational speed data processing and undemanding to the technical resources of the PC. The friendly user interface, where the management of editing tools are mastered at an intuitive level.


Demagog Project - useful utility which is more like advanced text editor. Thanks to its wide possibilities, it is suitable not only for reading and reproducing texts, but also copes with literary works. Will please the audience with the following features:

ICE Book Reader

ICE Book Reader is a multifunctional talker that not only voices recorded Russian and English text, but also converts some files. Specializes in reading books. It copes well with most known formats, and also has several useful options:


The RussAcc project specializes in Russian speech reproduction. The presented program is able to correctly place stresses during pronunciation, as well as emphasizes on a letter.

Additionally RussAcc is used as a text editor (text formatting) and FB2 to TXT converter. There is a system of bookmarks and memorization of the readable fragment at the exit.

Reading engines

As you may have noticed, each of the presented programs or sites has a voice acting name. Every name is not random name, but name of the speech engine. IN individual programs for voicing text, the function of loading the speech engine is available. Through this option, users can find or buy the voice they like best on the Internet and put it as a voiceover for the text. We bring to your attention the best free speech engines with support for the Russian language:

  • "Voice" (Ukrainian language available).
  • Alena (works only on Balabolka).

Mobile applications

Before describing programs for voicing text on smartphones and tablets, I would like to clarify one detail. In order for the software to work, you need to download the voice engine Text-To-Speech for mobile devices. On new gadgets given function installed with the operating system. For older devices, you will need to download the engine from Play Store. The user needs to enter their name in the Play Store: Google TTS, Acapela, Ivona or SVOX TTS. You can choose one of the engines or download them all at once. Presented engines are absolutely free for android users.


SpeechText is an application that allows you to speak the entered text on any of the available languages. If desired, the language library expands on its own. SpeechText has the ability to save voiced text in audio format on a memory card.


Chatterbox is a domestic program for speech reproduction. Initially, the utility was presented as a pocket secretary capable of recording or voicing thoughts. However, thanks to updates, the function of translating and voicing text in many languages ​​has appeared. Additionally, the application can to read emails , messages and play any selection.

Speech to Text - Text to Speech

Presented mobile service - handy utility, which has reverse conversion function. Thanks to this feature, you can not only listen to voiced Text Document, but also to dictate a sentence to convert it into text.

Voice Aloud Reader

Voice Aloud Reader is a multifunctional "talker" capable of voicing text from third party android applications: browsers, news articles, received emails and handle formats program for EPUB reading, FB2, PDF and others.

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