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Geolocation and location of the Android phone. Geolocation in iOS - all the most important things about navigation on iPhone and iPad

February 1, 2013 at 2:49 pm

Following the traces of a mobile phone. Geolocation using a cellular network

  • MegaFon company blog,
  • Geographic information services

Last time, when we talked about the principles of its operation, we mentioned several more services, the main component of which is the determination of coordinates and their interpretation (Location-based services).

Depending on the tasks assigned to the service and accuracy requirements, we use different technologies for determining coordinates. Today we will tell you what technological platforms we have at our disposal and how we use them.


By turning on your mobile phone or any other device operating on the GSM network (Mobile station), you are launching a huge technological process.

The first thing your mobile device does (MS), this searches for nearby base stations (Base station, BS). To be more precise, it listens to the airwaves in search of available cells. The phone can listen to up to 16 broadcast channels. From among them, it determines 6 that are the most satisfying in terms of energy consumption and signal quality. But at one time it will only work with one. Each cell has its own unique number (Cell ID).

Moreover, all base stations (BS) united into groups. Typically, group membership is determined by their location (Location area), and so that base stations can be identified, each group is assigned a unique number - Location area code (LAC).

Together parameters L.A.C. And CellID work as unique identifiers of the base station on which the mobile device is registered and operating. It is using these parameters that the Switching Center chooses the right direction to send a call in your direction, otherwise it would have to look for you among thousands of base stations.
In addition, the sector of the base station is determined (Cell Sector) and the time it takes for the signal from the mobile device to reach the base station is recorded - this is the parameter Timing Advance. Thanks to this, not only the belonging to the base station is known, but also the distance from it.

Determining the subscriber's position in the cellular network.

The location data of the mobile phone is updated at certain intervals or, if it moves (with you, of course), then every time it switches between base stations.

How to direct a call to the right subscriber?

Interaction of systems to determine the position of a mobile device.
A phone number that is stored in a huge database of mobile operator numbers. Home location register (Home location registry, HLR) contains information about all subscribers assigned to it. Having found a subscriber in one of HLR, we redirect the call to the associated Switching Center (Mobile switching center, MSC), which in turn requests information from the Guest Location Register (VLR), which contains data about the last registered CallID, L.A.C. subscriber Then the base station controller (Base station controller, BSC) communicates with base stations within the framework of the transmitted L.A.C., and the call is routed to the desired cell (Cell ID).


Due to the fact that the operation of cellular communications is inextricably linked with location determination, geolocation services based on the GSM/UMTS network have also begun to develop.

The main criteria for the operation of geolocation services are not only the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the mobile terminal, but also the frequency of their updating upon request, the ability to obtain not only current coordinates at the current moment, but also to store historical data and build the route of movement of the phone, and therefore the subscriber.

Since the work of many subscriber services is related to obtaining the coordinates of a specific subscriber, we can show the coordinates only if the subscriber has given permission for this: confirmed this possibility as part of a request from the service. There is no other way to get the subscriber's coordinates.

When creating the Personnel Control service, we set more complex tasks for it. In addition to determining the subscriber’s coordinates, we can provide the user with data about the subscriber’s entry and exit from a certain geographic area, search for employees who are closest to a given point, and most importantly, collect statistics of all routes. Additionally, the service allows you to configure the time for monitoring (to limit it only to the employee’s working hours), and also allows you to send messages to employees directly from the service.

An example of using the “HR Control” service

To implement such a set of functions, you need more than just requesting the subscriber's location coordinates. We have implemented the ability to collect data from base stations immediately after they are updated and aggregate them into history. This made it possible to eliminate the constant polling of systems and provide all services with the ability to obtain information about the subscriber’s coordinates in real time. The platform accumulates all the values ​​received from base stations, and geolocation services already communicate with it:

  • At a given frequency, data from base stations is checked to see if the subscriber has entered the zone that is allocated for monitoring;
  • Geolocation data is updated upon request. This way you can get the last location of the subscriber;
  • They build the route of movement of subscribers based on historical data;
  • Predict clusters and migration paths of subscribers based on the saved history.
A lot of services operate on the basis of this platform, for example, Emergency Services. When calling 112, in addition to communicating with the operator and voicing the difficulty that has arisen, the geographic position of the caller is also transmitted. In this case, emergency services can act more accurately and find someone in need of help, even if the connection is later lost.

It is also possible to use anonymized data (without using subscriber data), when only geographic coordinates are used for analysis. We call this Geospatial analysis - aggregation of information about migration and movement, and the accumulation of subscribers. Having received such information, you can find the most suitable location for developing a chain of stores, service offices or installing ATMs. But this is not the only application; thanks to this data, it is possible to predict new transport junctions, public transport stops, social facilities: parks, walking areas, etc.

An example of analyzing the concentration of mobile devices of a certain category in the regions.

In recent years, words and concepts that many of us did not even suspect before have become firmly established in our lives.

One of them is geolocation, which was previously used only by representatives of certain professions - military, sailors, pilots and some others. Today, geolocation has found wide application in everyday life, entertainment, and Internet communication of millions of people who willingly use the new capabilities of electronic devices.

Word "geolocation" formed from two words - the Greek “geo”, meaning the surface of the earth, and the English “location” - location, position. This word refers to the process of determining the location of an object based on the radio signal emanating from it.

The more tracking and receiving stations recorded a signal from an object, the more accurately its position on the area map is determined. Thanks to additional wireless communication services, geolocation has become accessible to the widest segments of the population.

The practical applications of geolocation are extremely wide. With its help, ordinary citizens can:

- determine their location when they find themselves in an unfamiliar area, and plot the most convenient route to the place they need;

— navigate an unfamiliar city, quickly find organizations and institutions, shops, cafes and restaurants, parks, public transport stops, etc.;

— tracking the location of your car - this is extremely useful in case of its theft;

— find lost or stolen electronic gadgets - phones, tablets, etc.;

- monitor the movement of your parcels and transported goods.

Geolocation brings enormous benefits to those who, due to their profession, need to navigate the terrain: drivers transporting passengers and cargo, fishermen, land surveyors and many others.

A regular phone, which is used only for calls, does not have the block necessary for geolocation, so it is impossible to determine your coordinates using it. At the same time, all movements of the number owner are recorded automatically by cell stations, and if necessary, this information can be obtained by sending a reasoned request to the mobile operator.

This information is classified as personal, so it can be requested either by the subscriber himself or by law enforcement agencies by court decision.

The geolocation option is provided in almost all modern smartphones. With its help, you can always determine where you are at the moment.

The only condition is that for this you need wireless Internet, which will make it possible to download a map of the desired area of ​​the area to your smartphone.

With its help, you will quickly determine your location, find the address you need and see how best to get there from the point where you are. Geolocation works most effectively in a big city, where there are many cellular stations, with the help of which your coordinates are determined with an accuracy of 10-15 meters if the determination takes place in the GPS system.

An iPhone of any model is a fairly multifunctional device that has a geolocation function. With its help, you can not only use your smartphone as a navigator, but also easily find it if your iPhone is lost or stolen.

To do this, you need to enable the “Find iPhone” function in the settings in advance and register for iCloud, and then you don’t have to worry about losing your expensive and high-status phone due to carelessness or in case of theft. If this happens, you need to go to your personal account on iCloud, enter your AppleID and password in the appropriate fields, after which you can see on the map where your iPhone is currently located.

For many, Instagram today has become a kind of personal diary that reflects all the nuances of life, from waking up in the morning to a romantic dinner with a loved one. It is especially important that for each event you can set a geographic reference, indicating exactly where the places whose photos you published are located.

In order for the link to be performed automatically, you need to enable the geolocation option in the Instagram settings. Then all friends entering your Instagram will see where important events in your life are happening.

Hi all! Geolocation services, today, are one of the key functions for absolutely any device. And gadgets from Apple are no exception. No, of course, it’s quite possible to call, write SMS, take notes and go online without using them. However, there are many programs, applications and services in which without determining the exact positioning there is absolutely no way.

Take, for example, the same cards or the coolest (in my opinion) “Find iPhone” option (lost mode, remote blocking, etc.). Agree that without detecting coordinates it would be very difficult to use them (if not impossible at all). So geolocation is a very necessary thing - let's find out more about it...

Let's go! :)

What is geolocation in iOS and why is it needed?

As you probably already understood, this term hides a more familiar word for us - navigation. It is she who is responsible for determining the exact location of your iPhone or iPad.

You can use navigation on absolutely all iOS devices, except:

  • iPod Touch.
  • iPad (versions without SIM card support).

It is on these gadgets that geolocation services do not work, for a simple reason - Apple does not install GPS receivers in them.

Why is it needed at all? Well, everything is clear here - there are a lot of programs (maps, navigation applications, weather, etc.), for the normal and correct operation of which these services are simply necessary.

What you should pay attention to when using:

  1. As a rule, the device gets very hot.
  2. The battery runs out quite quickly.

Like me, this is normal and there is no need to panic. Just pay attention to the one at the top of the screen, and if the geolocation icon is constantly lit, it means some application is continuously using it. It is better to close it or promptly disable this program’s access to GPS. How to do it...

How to turn location services on or off on iPhone and iPad

You can manage them, like any other function, in the device settings. Go to Settings - Privacy - Location Services.

Here you can either turn them on or off completely. Plus, programs that use these services in their work are displayed, and it is possible to disable forced navigation for any individual application.

Two solutions are available:

  • Never turn it on.
  • Only when using the program.

It's better to leave the second option. Then it turns out that GPS seems to be always on, but it will only be used at the moment when it is necessary for the program itself. Which has a positive effect on charging :)

By the way, if you just bought a device, then with , the ability to activate geolocation is also available.

How to search iPhone by geolocation - via computer and mobile device

A great option to help you find your iPhone or iPad. In order to search for a device, two conditions must be met:

  1. Active “find iPhone” function (enabled or not).
  2. Working geolocation.

If these two conditions are met, then we start looking! It doesn’t matter from where, from a computer or a mobile phone, go to the iCloud website, and then indicate the Apple ID and password (the one installed on the missing gadget).

Just click on the “find iPhone” button and after a while you will see on the maps the place where it is now.

Plus it will be possible to perform some actions with it:

  • Play the sound (convenient if you lost it at home).
  • Activate lost mode, then the device will be locked and in order to unlock and use it, you will need to enter your Apple ID and password (about this situation and how to solve it).
  • Erase iPhone. Equivalent to resetting to factory settings. Just delete all information from it.

Let's move on to the most unpleasant part, the problems...

What to do if geolocation does not work on iPhone?

Mechanical failure, when the GPS module does not work, is quite rare.

And here it is clear what to do - either use it without it, or replace it at a service center. However, problems can often be solved without the help of specialists.

  1. It is necessary to understand where exactly navigation does not work. If only in one or several applications, then we look to see if the services are enabled specifically for these programs (read how to do this at the beginning of the article).
  2. If the location is not accurate or is poorly determined, check whether the Internet is turned on via a SIM card or Wi-Fi. This data helps position you better. Plus, accuracy is affected by terrain, buildings, buildings, clouds, etc. In general, everything that is on the direct path between satellites and the iPhone.
  3. Jailbreak, or rather tweaks installed with it, can also cause navigation problems.
  4. You can reset the network settings, and if that doesn’t help, then . Do not restore from a backup, but test it on a clean device.

If after performing all these actions there is no result, then we go to the service - there are no other options.

P.S. Do you want your iPhone to always show your location correctly and never fail? It's easy to do! All you have to do is “like” this article! :)

Geolocation - what is it? This name is given to a special service that will seem extremely convenient to modern people. But not everyone knows how to use it. Below we will talk about the features of this application. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. And with proper preparation, citizens will be able to cope with the task very quickly.

Description of the service

So what is geolocation? This is the name of the program/service for tracking the location of people on a map using mobile devices. The service operates like a smart watch.

Thus, geolocation is a utility for spying on citizens. Not everyone knows how to use it. Often you have to secretly install the corresponding application on your mobile phone. Indeed, in modern gadgets, geolocation is not so common among “default” software.

Methods of use

So, geolocation (we have already found out what it is) is a program for showing a person’s location on a map in real time. You could say this is a kind of spy.

In real life, there are several ways to use geolocation. Namely:

  • working with third-party services;
  • use of cellular operator services;
  • using the Geolocation service on iPhone;
  • surveillance using Android.

Someone can also download and install a third-party application to determine the location of another person. Next we will look at all these techniques.

Telecom operators

But that's not all about such a concept as geolocation. What else could it be? The search engine service has a similar name. Using it is actually not difficult. In particular, if you do not use geolocation secretly. Otherwise, the process will cause a lot of trouble.

You can activate the service through telecom operators. Their application being studied is called “Navigator” or “Locator”. With their help, you can send a request in the prescribed form on the service website or from a mobile device, and then check where the person is.

The algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. Connecting the operator option on the phone that will be monitored.
  2. Enable the service on your smartphone.
  3. Sending a USSD or SMS request at the right time. You can simply enter the phone number of the subscriber you want to find on the geolocation website.
  4. Familiarization with the information provided.

If the request was sent from a phone, the user will receive a message with an image of a map on which this or that subscriber will be displayed. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

There are several disadvantages to this geolocation:

  • the need to install the option on the monitored phone;
  • limited number of connected and tracked numbers;
  • high prices for the service (if used frequently).

Therefore, many try to look for other techniques. And this is a completely doable task. The main thing is to approach its solution correctly.

Connection with operators (numbers)

How to enable geolocation from mobile operators? It all depends on the service company. The following options are possible:

  1. "Beeline" - send an empty message to number 5166, and then install the "Locator" program for Android.
  2. "Megafon" - dial USSD request *140№#. To track the subscriber, use the "Navigator from Megafon" website or the command *140*subscriber_number#.
  3. "MTS" - activation occurs after submitting a request like *111*788#. To add a subscriber to the geolocation list, you need to write an SMS in the format “Add name number” and send it to number 6677. It is better to track the position through the website
  4. "Tele2" - connection occurs by dialing the combination *119*01#, adding a new contact - *119*1*number#, receiving information about a person's position - *119*2*number#.

It's actually not that difficult. But you have to understand that the service you are studying works with some errors. It displays the position of the phone with a difference of up to 1 kilometer (in the city center - up to 200 meters).

Third party software

Geolocation on Android is most often activated through third-party programs and applications. Most of them are paid.

The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Install spyware on the monitored phone. Something like "Phone Tracker", Hellospy, Talklog will do.
  2. Configure information transfer parameters.
  3. From a computer or phone, send a request for pre-installed software.
  4. Get information about the device's position.

Fast, simple and convenient. Only the latest versions of antivirus software can detect spyware. But finding a working geolocation is problematic.

iPhone and surveillance

But that is not all. Geolocation is built into the iPhone. This is a service that it is advisable to activate after turning on the phone for the first time.

To cope with the task, you must:

  1. Open the main menu of the phone.
  2. Go to "Settings" - "Privacy".
  3. Select the Location Services option.
  4. Set the toggle switch to the "On" position.
  5. If necessary, set up a geolocation connection with other applications on the gadget.

After this, you can use geolocation using the iCloud cloud service. This is done like this:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in using AppleID.
  3. Click on the "Geolocation" button.
  4. Select your device at the top of the screen.
  5. Click on the line "Find iPhone".

It is done. Now you can familiarize yourself with the information provided. This is how people can track their Apple devices.


How to disable geolocation? The answer depends on how the option is connected. In the case of telecom operators, you will have to contact the relevant organizations or use USSD requests. If we are talking about spyware, you just need to remove it.

On Apple devices you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the gadget settings.
  2. Find "Privacy" - "Location Services".
  3. Set the switch to the "Off" position.

Now the answer to the question: “Geolocation - what is it?” won't cause any trouble. After all, you are already familiar with this application.

One simple fact: iPhones and iPads are constantly tracking our location. I agree, it sounds creepy, but, on the other hand, it is incredibly convenient. In this article, we will talk about the GPS capabilities of iPhone and iPad, in addition to using maps or navigators.

Never forget anything

Simple reminders don't work when you need to do something specific to a specific location. Sitting in the office, you clearly remember that you need to buy milk home in the evening, but when you come to the store, you completely forget about it and remember when you drive up to the house. With the iPhone, the problem can be solved simply.

When creating a reminder, just click the “Remind by location” toggle switch, select a location and indicate when you want to be reminded: upon arrival or after leaving.

Tell your friends where you are

Explaining to someone where you are can sometimes be very difficult. Such troubles are completely useless if you and your friends use iOS devices.

Simply open the chat details in “Messages” by clicking “Details” and click “Send my current location.” Your interlocutor will receive a geotag, which you can immediately view in Maps and quickly get directions to your destination. Instead of a thousand words, as they say.

Be aware of your friends' movements

An expanded scenario for using the previous advice, which will save your wife or girlfriend from having to call you and ask how soon you will be there for dinner. Thanks to the pre-installed Find Friends application, you can see all the movements of your favorite contacts on the map and share yours.

Find Friends has a notification feature that allows you to set alerts when a person has left or arrived at a certain location. An amazingly convenient thing for a family or coordinating a large number of people during gatherings for picnics, parties and other events.

Arrive to meetings on time

No one likes to be late for meetings, but few people also like to languish in anticipation, arriving an hour early. To avoid such drastic measures, just use the “Traveling Time” function when creating an event.

You just need to open the point of the same name and, adding the destination and departure point, click the toggle switch. You can also set an alert to let you know when it's time to go. The system will send a notification taking into account traffic jams if the traffic conditions for your city are supported in Maps.

Turn off tracking of places you visit

Whether you like it or not, by default iPhone and iPad monitor the places you frequent. This is done to improve the maps, as well as to offer you all sorts of interesting information based on this data. If you don't need it, feel free to turn it off.

The toggle switch we need is hidden in the depths of the system geolocation services. Here: “Settings” → “Privacy” → “Location Services” → “System Services” → “Frequently Visited Places”. We switch it to the “off” position, and you no longer have to be afraid of surveillance by the special services, Big Brother and other masons.

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