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Genoa International Economic Conference. Genoa conference

The 1922 Genoa Conference was held in 1922 from April 10 to May 19. The RSFSR was one of the members of this international conference. In fact, this was the first appearance of Soviet power in the general European public. The main topic that the conference in Genoa decided on was the problem of money. The governments of Western countries, primarily England, the USA and France, put forward a number of demands to the Soviet side, according to which the new regime in Russia had to pay all the debts that formed as a result of the supply of weapons and food to the White movement. The total amount demanded by the Western countries from the RSFSR was 18 billion rubles. This was an unaffordable amount that the new Soviet government could not afford to pay. The calculation was that the Bolsheviks would surrender and allow Western companies to occupy certain niches within the RSFSR. In this situation, Lenin V.I. made the move, because of which the Genoese conference of 1922, in fact, ended in nothing. The leader of the Bolsheviks presented a counter-note to Western diplomats, in which he demanded that the Soviet country be provided with 30 billion rubles for the intervention. By the end of the conference, Lenin made minor concessions. He demanded that England, Italy and France legally recognize the RSFSR, and also recognize the nationalization of enterprises that took place in the country. In addition, the Bolsheviks demanded that the Europeans cancel all debts to Russia, accumulated as a result of the war, as well as interest, which had already begun to accrue by that time.

Conference results

The Genoa Conference of 1922 continued with the signing of a treaty between the Soviet country and Germany. This was a step of great importance. This signing happened on April 16, 1922 in Rapallo (near Genoa). This treaty was later called Rappalsky. Under the terms of this treaty, Germany recognized the nationalization that took place within the RSFSR, and also wrote off all the military debts of the new Soviet government. This agreement was signed by the parties secretly and the rest of the conference participants learned about it only the next day. There was no limit to the indignation of Western countries. As a result, the Genoese Conference of 1922 ended in nothing.

The very fact of how European countries reacted to the Rappal Treaty is also interesting. All countries participating in the conference on April 18, 1922 sent a note of protest to Germany, in which they sharply condemned the fact that the Germans, behind the backs of other countries, actually recognized the Soviet state. All this took place against the backdrop of indescribable hype in the press, which only wrote about this secret treaty. The result of all this campaign was that already on April 19, the German representatives of Wirth and Rothenau, who signed this treaty only 3 days ago, asked the Soviet delegation to destroy the treaty. These actions continued until the very end of the conference. German representatives hoped to the last that they would be able to persuade the RSFSR to break the signed agreement. But this did not happen.

International meeting on economic and financial issues in Genoa (Italy) April 10 - May 19, 1922 with the participation of representatives of 29 states and 5 British dominions.

The conference was of great importance for the government of the RSFSR, which did not have international recognition at that time.

Ulyanov (Lenin) was appointed chairman of the RSFSR delegation; Deputy - Georgy Chicherin, who in Genoa, where Lenin did not travel, enjoyed all the rights of chairman.

The Russian delegation also included: Leonid Krasin, Maxim Litvinov, Vaclav Vorovsky, Yan Rudzutak, Adolf Ioffe, Christian Rakovsky, Nariman Narimanov, Alexander Shlyapnikov, Boris Stein and others.

The United States, which refused to participate in the conference, was represented by an observer - Ambassador to Italy R. Child. Among the Western delegates, the most active roles were played by David Lloyd George, George Curzon (Great Britain), C. Wirth, Walter Rathenau (Germany), L. Facta (Italy), J. Bartoux, C. Barrer (France).

The reason for convening the Conference was the search for measures "for the economic recovery of Central and Eastern Europe."

In fact, the main issue was the desire of European countries to accommodate the communist regime in Moscow.

A special committee of experts, which worked in London from March 20 to March 28, 1922, prepared a draft resolution in which Soviet Russia was required to recognize all the debts, financial obligations of all previous regimes of Russia, to take responsibility for all losses from the actions of both the Soviet and previous to him by governments or local authorities.

The Russian delegation expressed its readiness to discuss the question of the form of compensation to former foreign owners in Russia, subject to the recognition of the Soviets de jure and the provision of loans to it. The Russian delegation made a proposal for general disarmament. The issues raised at the Conference were not resolved; some of them were transferred to the Hague Conference of 1922

During the Genoa Conference, the Soviet government managed to conclude the 1922 Rapallo Treaty with Germany.

The participation of the Bolsheviks in the Conference aroused indignation among the Russian emigration. The Foreign Assembly of Russian Churches held in November 1921 (known in literature as the First All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad) adopted in December a special Appeal to the Conference, written by Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), which, in particular, said:

“Among the multitude of peoples who received the right to vote at the Genoa Conference, the two hundred million Russian people will not only represent, because it is impossible to call them representatives, and moreover the only ones, of their own enslavers, just as it was impossible in the Middle Ages to recognize the Huns as representatives of the Frankish and Germanic tribes Europe, although among the Hunnic leaders, of course, several percent of traitors from the European peoples managed to get in, as well as among our communists - Jews, Latvians and Chinese - a certain percentage of Russians got in, and that mostly not in the first roles. However, if the leaders of the Bolsheviks were not foreigners and non-believers, then what kind of logic could recognize the right of popular representation for those who set themselves the goal of completely destroying popular culture, that is, first of all, what the people lived for almost a thousand years - his religion, how does it continue to live even now, enduring cruel persecution on its native faith, being deprived of the most sacred for him - the Moscow Kremlin - churches and all almost Russian monasteries, which were in his eyes the lights of life, scattered across the face of the entire Russian land? The Bolshevik conquerors executed hundreds of thousands of Russian people, and now they are starving and cold with millions of people: where was it heard that the interests of the sheep herd were represented by its exterminators - wolves?<...>If at the Conference or after the Conference it becomes clear that the Bolshevik power in Russia is recognized as full of rights, then in one state after another Bolshevik coups will begin, which, as everyone knows, are persistently prepared by the international in all peoples.<...>Peoples of Europe! Peoples of the World! Have pity on our kind, open, noble-hearted Russian people, who have fallen into the hands of the world's villains! Do not support them, do not strengthen them against your children and grandchildren! Better to help honest Russian citizens. Give them arms, give them your volunteers and help drive out Bolshevism - this cult of murder, robbery and blasphemy from Russia and the whole world.<...>»


1. Cit. by Bishop Nikon (Rklitsky). Biography of His Beatitude Anthony, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia... T. 1 - 7. - New York, 1956-1961.

In the early 20s. The West softened its irreconcilable stance towards Soviet Russia. The introduction of the NEP was regarded by European governments as a factor opening up opportunities for economic cooperation. For its part, Soviet Russia needed the help of the developed capitalist countries to restore the destroyed national economy.

In 1921 - 1922. Russia concluded trade agreements with England, Austria, Norway and others. At the same time, agreements were signed with Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.

The strengthening of relations between the young Soviet state and its eastern neighbors was of great importance. In 1921 the RSFSR signed treaties with Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey.

In 1921, the Entente countries invited the Soviet government to take part in an international conference to resolve controversial issues related to the economic claims of the West against Russia. If adopted, the European countries promised to officially accept Soviet Russia. In April 1922 the Genoa conference... It was attended by 29 states - Russia, England, France, Germany, etc.

Western powers presented to Russia joint demands: to compensate the debts of the tsarist and Provisional governments (18 billion rubles in gold); to return the Western property nationalized by the Bolsheviks on the territory of the former Russian Empire; abolish the monopoly of foreign trade and open the way for foreign capital; stop revolutionary propaganda in their countries.

Soviet government put forward its own conditions: to compensate for the damage caused by foreign intervention during the years of the civil war (39 billion rubles); ensure broad economic cooperation based on long-term Western loans; adopt the Soviet program for the general reduction of armaments and the prohibition of the most barbaric methods of warfare.

Negotiations have come to a standstill due to mutual unwillingness to make a political compromise. However, during the conference, a split was outlined among the Western powers.

Germany, due to its difficult political and economic situation, entered into cooperation with Soviet Russia. V Rapallo, estate of Genoa, was signed Soviet-German treaty... “On the part of Germany, it meant the political recognition of Soviet Russia, the establishment of diplomatic relations and broad economic cooperation with it. Based on the Rapallo Treaty 1922 Soviet-German relations developed in the 1920s. in a friendly direction.

In 1924 England, extremely interested in trade with Russia, was the first to officially recognize the Soviet state. Following her, it was recognized by Italy, France and other countries of the world.

England, looking for a way out of the crisis, had to return Russia as a buyer on the world market. The Genoa Conference provided such an opportunity. British Prime Minister Lloyd George agreed to convene a conference, to which, along with Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary and Austria, representatives of Russia were also invited.

However, this decision provoked strong protests in reactionary circles in France. The hostile position in relation to the new, Soviet, Russia, and the fear of the restoration of Germany also affected. Briard's office was forced to fall. Poincaré received the post of prime minister. Unable to openly oppose the planned conference (agreement to convene had already been given), he decided to postpone the date, looking for the possibility of a final disruption of the congress.

A memorandum was sent to London with a statement on the possibility of France's participation only if Russia accepts all the conditions of the Cannes Resolution and excludes changes in treaties with Germany and the rest of the defeated countries. Russia had to recognize all its previous debts, establish privileges for incoming foreigners and allow foreign capitalists to conduct free activities on its territory. Actually, it was about the introduction of a surrender regime in Russia ("the desert created by the Soviets").

The diplomatic maneuver was successful. The reactionary circles in England, fearing independent negotiations between Russia and France, agreed. The decision was influenced by the desire for an early settlement of the situation in the Middle East: the Greeks, supported by England, were clearly defeated.

The Boulogne conference, held on February 25, 1922, finally determined: the Genoa conference was postponed. In the meantime, a meeting of experts is being convened in London to discuss technical, economic and political issues. This was the beginning of the creation of a united front of England and France against the Soviets.

But French diplomacy did not want to dwell on concessions to England. Her next goal was to create an anti-Soviet front in the Baltic countries. And on March 17, another agreement is signed between Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Finland. Its essence consisted in the obligation not to conclude treaties that could be directed against one of the signatory countries, and in notifying the allies about the conclusion of treaties with other states (up to the provision of the text of these treaties). Of course, it was again about Russia.

But even this was not enough for France. Could the Genoa Conference have taken place before the Little Entente also joined the anti-Soviet bloc?

In Belgrade, another preliminary meeting is scheduled, after which the Minister of Czechoslovakia Benish visits first Paris, and then London, announcing the recognition of Poincre's proposal, according to which the conference in Genoa does not discuss reparations issues and, moreover, excludes the recognition of the Soviet government. However, Belgrade supports Lloyd George's desire to restore trade relations with Russia, recommending refraining from aggressive attacks. As a result of long discussions, an agreement was reached.

The Genoa conference was finally scheduled for April 10 and lasted until May 19 in the presence of representatives of 29 countries: New Zealand, India, Austria, Canada, Estonia, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, the Kingdom of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, Romania , Portugal, Poland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Iceland, Spain, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Austria and the RSFSR (which was led by Lenin and his deputy Chicherin). The United States declined to participate.

But the Genoa conference did not go at all as expected “on the other side” of the diplomatic front. The Soviet side declared that it recognizes economic cooperation, but will not betray the principles of communism. Russia took note of and, in principle, recognized the Cannes Resolution, but wants to reserve the right to make amendments in exchange for granting the richest concessions to foreign capitalists, while pointing out the impossibility of rebuilding the economy in the face of the pending threat of war. An unexpected disarmament proposal from the Soviet side caused confusion.

Barthou openly disagreed. Other representatives, seemingly approving the idea itself, were afraid to speak out openly. France found itself isolated.

Long disputes and a rather precarious situation caused the German delegation to hesitate. Fearing the possibility of an agreement between Russia and the Entente, Germany decided to sign the economic blockade that had torn the ring around Russia. The Entente reacted with such stormy discontent that the German delegation began to beg Russia to return the signed treaty, but, of course, was refused.

Moreover, the Soviets received a statement on the recognition of pre-war debts in exchange for canceling military debts (and interest) and providing Russia with financial assistance.

During the discussion of the Soviet proposals, a behind-the-scenes struggle unfolded between the warring oil monopolies - the American and the Anglo-Dutch, which resulted in a memorandum demanding an end to anti-capitalist propaganda on the part of Russia (anti-Soviet propaganda was hushed up); maintaining neutrality in the Greek-Turkish conflict; recognition of all debts, except for military ones; damages after confiscation.

Belgium and France considered the terms of the memorandum to be unacceptably lenient and refused to sign.

The Soviet side responded to the memorandum only a few days later, stating that a unilateral rejection of propaganda did not suit it. In addition, Russia recalled its proposal to invite a representative of Turkey to the conference, which could affect the situation in Asia. As for debts and restitution, here the Russian side remained its own. Moreover, a proposal was made to establish a mixed commission, which would make it possible to resolve controversial issues.

The Genoa Conference of 1922 was close to collapse due to the intransigence of the Entente. Lloyd George, fearing accusations of disrupting the conference, seized on the last clause of the Soviet memorandum and suggested that a commission should be appointed to consider the disagreements that had arisen. The approximate time for the collection of the two commissions (from the Russians and non-Russians) was June 1922. Until that time, it was proposed to refrain from all aggressive attacks and acts. With the adoption of this decision, the Genoa Conference ended.

Who in Genoa, where Lenin did not travel, enjoyed all the rights of chairman.

The Russian delegation also included: Leonid Krasin, Maxim Litvinov, Vaclav Vorovsky, Yan Rudzutak, Adolf Ioffe, Christian Rakovsky, Nariman Narimanov, Alexander Shlyapnikov, Boris Stein and others.

The United States, which refused to participate in the conference, was represented by an observer - Ambassador to Italy R. Child. Of the Western delegates, the most active roles were played by David Lloyd George, George Curzon (Great Britain), C. Wirth, Walter Rathenau (Germany), Luigi Facta (Italy), J. Bartoux, C. Barrer (France).

The reason for convening the Conference was the search for measures "for the economic recovery of Central and Eastern Europe."

In fact, the main issue was the desire of European countries to accommodate the communist regime in Moscow.

A special committee of experts, which worked in London from March 20 to March 28, prepared a draft resolution in which Soviet Russia was required to recognize all debts, financial obligations of all previous regimes of Russia, to take responsibility for all losses from the actions of both the Soviet and those preceding it. governments or local authorities.

The Russian delegation expressed its readiness to discuss the question of the form of compensation to former foreign owners in Russia, subject to the recognition of the Soviets de jure and the provision of loans to it. The Russian delegation made a proposal for general disarmament. The issues raised at the Conference were not resolved; some of them were transferred to the Hague Conference of 1922

During the Genoa Conference, the Soviet government managed to conclude the Rapallo Treaty with Germany.

The participation of the Bolsheviks in the Conference aroused indignation among the Russian emigration. The Foreign Assembly of Russian Churches held in November 1921 (known in literature as the First All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad) adopted in December a special Appeal to the Conference, written by Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), which, in particular, said:

“Among the multitude of peoples who received the right to vote at the Genoa Conference, the two hundred million Russian people will not only represent, because it is impossible to call them representatives, and moreover the only ones, of their own enslavers, just as it was impossible in the Middle Ages to recognize the Huns as representatives of the Frankish and Germanic tribes Europe, although among the Hunnic leaders, of course, several percent of traitors from the European peoples managed to get in, as well as among our communists - Jews, Latvians and Chinese - a certain percentage of Russians got in, and that mostly not in the first roles. However, if the leaders of the Bolsheviks were not foreigners and non-believers, then what kind of logic could recognize the right of popular representation for those who set themselves the goal of completely destroying popular culture, that is, first of all, what the people lived for almost a thousand years - his religion, how does it continue to live even now, enduring cruel persecution on its native faith, being deprived of the most sacred for him - the Moscow Kremlin - churches and all almost Russian monasteries, which were in his eyes the lights of life, scattered across the face of the entire Russian land? The Bolshevik conquerors executed hundreds of thousands of Russian people, and now they are starving and cold with millions of people: where was it heard that the interests of the sheep herd were represented by its exterminators - wolves?<...>If at the Conference or after the Conference it becomes clear that the Bolshevik power in Russia is recognized as full of rights, then in one state after another Bolshevik coups will begin, which, as everyone knows, are persistently prepared by the international in all peoples.<...>Peoples of Europe! Peoples of the World! Have pity on our kind, open, noble-hearted Russian people, who have fallen into the hands of the world's villains! Do not support them, do not strengthen them against your children and grandchildren! Better to help honest Russian citizens. Give them arms, give them your volunteers and help drive out Bolshevism - this cult of murder, robbery and blasphemy from Russia and the whole world.<...>»

see also

Notes (edit)


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