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Where to insert formulas in Word. Calculation functions in Word

Today we will talk about how to write a formula in Word. When composing some documents, it is necessary to include mathematical operations in the text. The use of special fonts that contain characters necessary for writing formulas cannot be called the best option. Especially if the document is supposed to be sent to another user. There is a possibility that the fonts used are not available on his computer. As a result, the recipient's text editor will display a set of incomprehensible characters instead of formulas.


So, if you want to solve the question of how to write a formula in Word 2003 or more new version applications, a special designer will help you. How to use it and we'll talk Further. First of all, place the cursor on the line of the document in which you need to place the formula.

Ribbon interface

To solve the question of how to write mathematical formulas in Word 2007, go to the “Insert” section of the editor’s main menu. Pay attention to the rightmost section called “Symbols”. It is there that we find the “Formula” button. We can click on the function itself and thereby enable the constructor, or click on the label on the right edge to expand the drop-down list. Last option will allow you to choose suitable solution from a relatively small set of different preset formulas. Note that the constructor is activated in any case. However, in the second option, the formula editing window will be filled, so you won’t have to start writing from scratch. Let's move on to the next stage.


So, to solve the question of how to write a formula in Word, let’s start editing the selected element or creating a new one. The blanks and templates that are included in the designer panel will help us with this. We have figured out the basics of how to write a formula in Word, and now we add the created element to the drop-down list if we plan to reuse it in the future. To do this, return to the “Insert” section. Select an element in the document and open the drop-down list of the “Formula” function. At the bottom of this list there is special string to save the selected fragment to the collection. This is exactly what we should press. If we use version 2003 of the editor, to solve the task we need to install a component called “Formula Editor”. Typically the default this decision disabled in the office suite. Functionality components differ slightly from those described. To access the editor in Word 2003, you must create a special link in the main menu bar. To do this, select the “Settings” item, which is placed in the “Service” section. So we figured out how to write a formula in Word. All that remains is to use the “Insert” function, which can be found on the “Commands” tab in the list called “Categories”. A window will open, on the right side of which you should find “Formula Editor” and drag it into the editor menu into the free space.

Mathematical operations

Now we will look at how to write a formula with a fraction in Word. This need arises quite often. You can write required action through the oblique sign, but this solution is not always suitable. Let's look at how to solve this problem in the 2003 version of the editor. In the top toolbar we need to find a special symbol in the form of an arrow. Click on it. Next we use the function of adding buttons. After this, go to the “Settings” item. Use the “Insert” item in the left column. Next on the right we look for “Formula Editor”. Let's use it. Next we need the second icon from the left. It should be responsible for the patterns of radicals and fractions. Let's move on to selection the desired type element. Let's start filling out the layout that appears in a special hatched frame with the necessary numbers. Click on an empty space. The fraction is ready. When you click on it, you can zoom and move. Note that using the above algorithm you can create various structures, which cannot be written using the keyboard. Now you know how to write a formula with a fraction in Word.

When working in Word, there is often a need to enter a professionally formatted formula. To do this, you need to use a special “Formula Editor”.

To create a formula using top panel Click on the “Insert” tab, then in the “Symbols” group you need to click on the arrow next to the “Formula” inscription.

Select from the drop-down list the required formula or the command “Insert new formula" In the field that appears, enter the formula. If you need to add a structure (fraction, radical, etc.), select its type in the constructor tab. The structure includes placeholders (small dotted squares) in which you need to enter the required characters or numbers. When you finish entering, you need to click the mouse outside the formula area. The entered formula will appear in the text as an object.

To create a formula, select the “Insert” tab on the top panel, then in the “Symbols” group select the “Formula” line.

This will open the “Work with Formulas” panel. Enter the formula in the space provided. The “Work with Formulas” panel includes the following groups:

  1. "Symbols"
  2. "Service",
  3. "Structures".

The “Service” group allows you to create a new formula, as well as select a formula from those available in the collection. Here you can also set the type of formula: linear, two-dimensional or plain text. In the “Formula Options” window, you can set the font, alignment, and position of the formula. The “Symbols” group contains mathematical symbols, operators, and Greek letters. The Structures group includes patterns such as subscript, fraction, radical, etc. When you finish entering, you need to click the mouse outside the formula area. The entered formula will appear in the text as an object.

In Word 2003 input mathematical expressions done using the editor Microsoft Equation 3.0. It starts as follows: on the menu bar, open the “Insert” tab, then select the “Object” line. In the dialog box that appears, select “Microsoft Equation” and click “Ok”.

The formula area appears on the screen, and the menu is replaced by the formula editor. In the formula area, enter the formula symbols. You can fill in the fields using the keyboard or using the formula editor.

The formula editor includes two rows of buttons. The top row contains Special symbols: Greek letters, ratio signs, mathematical symbols, etc. The bottom row of the editor contains patterns (fractions, upper and subscripts etc.) and special symbols (integral, sum sign, radical). After finishing entering the formula, you need to click Esc button or click outside the formula area. The entered formula will appear in the text as an object.

Also articles about working with tables in Word:

  • How to select tables in Word?
  • Designing tables in Word
  • How to pin a table in Word?
  • How to create an invisible table in Word?

Formulas in Word table allow you to perform only some mathematical and logical operations, and are completely incomparable in functionality with the formulas in Excel program. Formulas in a Word table are a type of field codes and are applicable only within one table. To use data from other tables in a document, it is possible to substitute values ​​for which a bookmark has been created. In addition, calculation results are updated only when the document is opened or when manual update. To do this, select the formula and press the “F9” key.

Calculations in tables in Word are performed immediately after creating the formula. To obtain reliable data when using empty cells in calculations, empty cells should be filled with zeros. When composing formulas in Word, positional arguments are used to simplify some entries. LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE, BELOW, but their use is only possible in following functions AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, SUM. Note that when using positional arguments, the values ​​in the header row are not taken into account.

Each cell in the table has its own serial number, and there are two options for recording the positioning of a cell in a Word table. For example, you can write a cell reference in the format RnCn, where Rn corresponds to the nth row and Cn corresponds to the nth column.

The second method of writing the addresses of table cells is more familiar, since similar addressing is used in Excel. In this option, the letter corresponds to the column and the number to the row of the cell.

There are not many functions available for calculations in a Word table.

Now let's try to create a formula in a Word table and, for example, calculate the sum of numbers in two cells located in different tables. Before you start creating a formula, you need to place the cursor in the table cell in which the result of the calculation should ultimately be located. After that, go to the “Layout” tab of the “Working with Tables” tab and select “Formula” from the menu. Next, in the list of functions, select the required function and indicate required cells tables. We have created a bookmark for the value in the second table, and for substitution given value In our formula, just select the bookmark name in the list of bookmarks. If desired, you can also set the number format.

Optionally, you can display the cell code to see the formula itself. This is done by highlighting the calculation result and selecting the appropriate menu item after clicking the right mouse button.

Learn to work in Word for dummies

Hello, friends! After reading today's Cheat Sheet, you will be convinced that calculations in WORD tables are a fairly simple matter. We will learn how to perform all arithmetic operations with digital data from Word tables, find the average, and calculate percentages. We won’t deal with higher mathematics (I promise): and we’ll send those who need integrals, derivatives, or (forgive me, lords) extrema of functions straight to Excel.

But before we proceed directly to the calculations, let's remember how it is customary to set cell addresses in tables. In Fig. Figure 1 shows a table with numbered rows and labeled columns.

(pictures are clickable)

To make it clear, I quote the addresses of the numbers in it:

  • A5 - 12;
  • B2 - 34;
  • C3 - 47;
  • D6 - 61.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to put letter designations for columns or number rows directly in the table itself: such addressing is implied by default. Now you can proceed directly to the calculations. And we will start with the most common case.

How to add numbers of a column or row in a Word table

We perform all mathematical operations with numbers in Word tables from the panel "Working with tables", which opens by left-clicking in the table field or on the movement marker (cross in the upper left). Next, go to the tab "Layout", chapter "Data", button "formula"(see Fig. 2).

In order to add the numbers of one line, you need to place the cursor in its last cell intended for the sum and click in the drop-down dialog box "Formula" by button "OK". So it's simple? IN in this case, Yes. The fact is that by default the text editor offers to calculate exactly the sum, and the location of the cursor in the last cell will explain to the smart program that all the numbers in this line need to be added (Fig. 3).

Of course, if you need to add not all the numbers in a row, but only from several columns, then this problem can be solved. Then simply place the cursor in the column after the numbers to be summed. Please, friends, pay attention to the entry in the top line of the window "Formula": = SUM(LEFT)- this inscription just means: the sum of the numbers to the left of the cursor. In the same way, the program can calculate for us the sum of the numbers to the right of the cursor - = SUM(RIGHT).

I would like to draw your attention, dear readers, that despite his fairly developed intellect, Word does not tolerate emptiness, that is, he perceives an unfilled cell as an error. This means that in all empty cells you will need to put zeros.

In a similar way, you can sum the numbers in a row by placing the cursor in its lower cell. In this case, the entry in the line "formula" the window of the same name will look like this: = SUM(ABOVE)(see Fig. 3), which means the sum of the numbers in the cells located above. Accordingly, if you need to add numbers from the cells below the cursor, enter: = SUM(BELOW).

Words - LEFT(left), RIGHT(on right), ABOVE(above), BELOW(sub) - called positional arguments. They are convenient to use for operations in rows and columns, and Word does not take into account the numbers in the heading line.

So, friends, we have discussed with you the simplest and most frequently used version of calculations in Word tables, when the program runs “automatically”. In all other cases, you will have to select a formula and enter the initial data for each pair of cells. Now I will explain to you how this is done.

How to multiply, divide or subtract numbers in a WORD table

To perform these actions, the easiest way is to use arithmetic operators: * - multiplication; / - division; - - subtraction. Here are examples of entries that can be entered in a line "formula":

  • addition - =A1+B2;
  • multiplication - =A5*B5;
  • division - =B4/B1;
  • subtraction - =A6-B6.

Please note that every formula begins with an equal sign (=). And then, without any spaces, enter the cell addresses and arithmetic signs.

For multiplication, the program provides another option - PRODUCT. This is a multiplication function, just like SUM- addition. In this case, cell addresses must be entered in parentheses separated by a semicolon (see Fig. 4).If we're talking about about finding the product of a column or row, then you can not list all the cells, but specify them using an interval separated by a colon, for example: = PRODUCT(A1:A8).

And now, friends, a little about the sad. You must have already realized that tables in Word are suitable only for simple calculations; the range of possible operations is small. Moreover, in the above examples of arithmetic operations, changing one or both arguments (values ​​in cells) will not automatically change the result. To get a new value, you will need to select the old one and press the key F9 or by clicking on the highlighted number right click mouse, select the line in the drop-down window "update field".

Among others mathematical functions The following are available for calculations in tables in Word:

  • arithmetic average in the range: = AVERAGE();
  • Determining the maximum and minimum values ​​in the specified cells: = MAX/MIN();
  • remainder of the division: =MOD();
  • selecting the integer part of a number: = INT();
  • rounding to the indicated digit: = ROUND().

We will not discuss the remaining functions - statistical and logical - within the scope of this article. What we have left of what was promised is interest and the arithmetic average. So let's take care of them.

How to calculate the arithmetic mean in a WORD table and calculate percentages

  1. To calculate the arithmetic mean in a row or column, place the cursor in their last cell and open the window "Formula" ("Working with tables"- tab "Layout"- chapter "Data"- button "Formula"). In the top line of the window, enter the required formula: = AVERAGE(A1:A7) and in the last (eighth) cell of the first column we get the result (see Fig. 5).
  1. To calculate percentages in a window "Formula" we will have to write: =/100* . Let's say we want to take 3% of 300. Enter: =A3/100*3 or even simpler: =A3*0.03. As a result, we get, of course, 9. But I specifically took prime numbers, the result of the operation with which is easy to check in your head. You, friends, having grasped the principle of this procedure, can now operate with any values.

To repeat and consolidate the material covered, I suggest watching a short video.

I hope after watching the video the calculations in the tables WORD more do not pose any difficulties for you.

Goodbye friends. Your guide to WORD 2016 copywriter GALANT.

Haven't you read these articles yet? In vain... This is also about tables:

  • Columns and rows of a WORD 2016 table
  • All about borders and frames of WORD 2016 tables

In the Word section

Few people know what is so familiar to us Microsoft Office Word can do more than just create beautifully designed documents. He is also excellent at making calculations, for example in tables.

Yes, most people don’t realize that without leaving the text Word editor You can add, subtract, divide and multiply the contents of Word table cells.

Try filling the column with numbers, place the cursor in a free cell below, and then on the “Table Tools - Layout” tab (we are considering Office version 2007/2010, in Office2003 you need to use the "Table" menu) select the "Formula" command.

Microsoft Word will automatically determine that the numbers you are about to process are higher, and since most tasks for calculating data in tables come down to addition, the program itself substituted the autosum formula =SUM(ABOVE)

If the data were to the left, then the formula would be slightly different: =SUM(LEFT). You can check - Microsoft Office Word copes well with this routine.

But what should I do if I want to not just add, but, for example, subtract or multiply numbers?

Everything is just as simple. What do you think will appear in the cell if you write the formula =2*2? That's right, the result will be printed. I hope you still remember what it is equal to?

It must be said that in Microsoft editor Office Word uses a cell addressing system similar to the one adopted by Microsoft Office Excel- that is, the columns are named by letters Latin alphabet, and the lines are numbers. Thus, the table structure looks like this:

Accordingly, you can use cell references in formulas:

The function argument can also be a range of cells:

This example adds the values ​​of four cells in the first row in a row

To multiply, you can use the “*” symbol or a special function:

Multiplying a number by a cell =(A1)*3 Multiplying two adjacent cells =PRODUCT(A1:A2) Multiplying two non-adjacent cells =(B1*B3)

Division is done using a regular slash:

Dividing a cell by a number =(C2)/3 Dividing one cell by another =(C2)/(A1)

Unfortunately, we must admit that the value calculated by the formula in the cell is calculated at the moment the formula is inserted. If the values ​​of the numbers in the cells referenced by the formula change, the result of the formula calculation is not recalculated.

In the same way, you cannot copy a formula - in fact, only the result of the calculation is stored in the cell, and that can be copied.

What to do is not in front of us spreadsheet, but just a text editor. We do more complex calculations in Microsoft Office Excel

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Microsoft, Word, chips

We have already written quite a lot about the capabilities of advanced text editor MS Word, but it is simply impossible to list them all. The program, which is primarily focused on working with text, is by no means limited to just this.

Lesson: How to make a diagram in Word

Sometimes working with documents involves not only textual, but also numerical content. In addition to graphs (diagrams) and tables, you can also add mathematical formulas to Word. Thanks to this feature of the program, you can quite quickly, in a convenient and visual form, perform necessary calculations. It is how to write a formula in Word 2007 - 2016 that will be discussed below.

Lesson: How to make a table in Word

Why did we indicate the program version starting from 2007, and not from 2003? The fact is that built-in tools for working with formulas in Word appeared precisely in the 2007 version; before that, the program used special add-ons, which, moreover, were not yet integrated into the product. However, in Microsoft Word 2003 you can also create and work with formulas. We will tell you how to do this in the second half of our article.

Creating formulas

To enter a formula in Word, you can use Unicode characters, mathematical autocorrect elements, replacing text with symbols. A regular formula entered into the program can be automatically converted into a professionally formatted formula.

1. To add a formula to Word document go to the tab "Insert" and expand the button menu “Equations”(in program versions 2007 - 2010 this item is called "Formula"), located in the group “Symbols”.

2. Select an item “Insert new equation”.

3. Enter required parameters and values ​​manually, or select symbols and structures in the control panel (tab "Constructor").

4. In addition to manually entering formulas, you can also use those contained in the program’s arsenal.

5. In addition, big choice equations and formulas from the Microsoft Office website are available in the menu item "The equation" - “More equations from”.

Add frequently used formulas or those that have been formatted in advance

If you often refer to specific formulas when working with documents, it will be useful to add them to the list of frequently used ones.

1. Select the formula you want to add to the list.

2. Click the button "The equation" (“Formulas”), located in the group "Service"(tab "Constructor") and in the menu that appears, select “Save the selected fragment to the collection of equations (formulas)”.

3. In the dialog box that appears, enter a name for the formula you want to add to the list.

4. In paragraph "Collection" select “Equations” (“Formulas”).

5. If necessary, set other parameters and click "OK".

6. The formula you saved will appear in the list quick access Word that opens immediately after pressing the button "The equation" ("Formula") in Group "Service".

Adding math formulas and structures for general use

To add a mathematical formula or structure in Word, follow these steps:

1. Click on the button "The equation" ("Formula"), which is in the tab "Insert"(group “Symbols”) and select “Insert new equation (formula)”.

2. In the tab that appears "Constructor" in Group “Structures” select the type of structure (integral, radical, etc.) you need to add, and then click on the structure symbol.

3. If your chosen structure contains placeholders, click on them and enter the required numbers (symbols).

Advice: To change the added formula or structure in Word, just click on it with the mouse and enter the necessary numeric values or symbols.

Add a formula to a table cell

Sometimes you need to add a formula directly to a table cell. This is done in the same way as with any other place in the document (described above). However, in some cases it is required that the table cell displays not the formula itself, but its result. How to do this - read below.

1. Select an empty table cell in which you want to place the result of the formula.

2. In the section that appears “Working with tables” open the tab "Layout" and click on the button "Formula" located in the group "Data".

3. Enter the required data in the dialog box that appears.

Note: If necessary, you can select a number format, insert a function or bookmark.

4. Click "OK".

Adding a formula in Word 2003

As mentioned in the first half of the article, the 2003 version of Microsoft's text editor does not have built-in tools for creating and working with formulas. For these purposes, the program uses special add-ons - Microsoft Equation and Math Type. So, to add a formula to Word 2003, do the following:

1. Open a tab "Insert" and select "An object".

2. In the dialog box that appears in front of you, select Microsoft Equation 3.0 and press "OK".

3. A small window will appear in front of you "Formula" from which you can select signs and use them to create formulas of any complexity.

4. To exit the formula mode, simply left-click on empty space on a sheet.

That's all, because now you know how to write formulas in Word 2003, 2007, 2010-2016, you know how to change and supplement them. We only wish you positive result in work and training.

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Hello, dear readers. Not many people know that calculations in Word exist, are available to everyone and work great. And this is so, believe me. Each of you can learn this. The main thing is to carefully read this article to the end, and then practice a little.

Of course, Word's computing capabilities are not nearly comparable to Excel formulas, but the tasks facing these two programs are different. However, when you need to calculate something in a Word table, we can do it. And then also build a diagram. Didn't expect this from Word? I think no. So let's quickly figure it out.

How to do calculations in Word

Let's look at an example right away. Let us have a table with monthly sales of some employees. And we want to calculate, for example, the final data.

Yes, it would be more convenient to do this in Excel, but this table is part of a certain package of documents, a portfolio, if you like. Here's what we have:

We see that we have columns for filling in the totals. How should we count them? Not manually, right? Let's summarize Ivan Alekseev's sales by month. To do this, we perform the following sequence:

  1. Select a still empty cell, where we will have the sum
  2. On the ribbon click Layout - Data - Formula. The insert formula window opens
  3. We write down the formula: =SUM(LEFT). This will mean that you need to sum all the numeric values ​​to the left of this cell. That is, all sales by month.
  4. Click OK and get the result. Great, this is what I needed! The same manipulations can be done with the remaining resulting cells.

So what kind of formula did we write down? It is both similar and not similar to formulas in Excel. Let's break it down into parts:

  • "=" sign, as in Excel, signals that there will now be a formula
  • SUM is a summation function that will return the sum of the values ​​specified in the argument
  • LEFT– a function argument indicating that all numeric data located to the left of the given one should be summed. This entry is due to the fact that in Word there is no explicit addressing of table cells. There is addressing as such, I will describe it below, but it is not indicated anywhere on the screen.

Before we get into the list available functions, let's clarify how else you can specify cell references in arguments. Although, of course, instead of links, you can simply specify values. You will get this kind of calculator in Word.

Cell references in Word formulas

Below I have given you a table of possible calls to Word cells:

Recording a request Decoding
LEFT All cells to the left of the formula
RIGHT All cells to the right of the formula
ABOVE All cells above the formula
BELOW All cells under the formula
LEFT;RIGHT All cells left and right
ABOVE;BELLOW All cells above and below
LEFT;ABOVE All cells on the left and top
RIGHT;ABOVE All cells to the right and top
LEFT;BELLOW All cells on the left and below
RIGHT;BELLOW All cells on the right and bottom
Cn Entire column. For example, C1 will access the first column
Rn The whole line. R1 refers to the first row
RnCn The cell at the intersection of the specified row and column. For example, R3C2 is the cell in the third row and second column
R Formula line
C Column with formula
RnCn:RnCn Range between cells separated by colon
Bookmarkname RnCn Cell in a table with bookmarks
Bookmarkname RnCn:RnCn Range in a table with tabs
Links A1 The type of links is similar to Excel, where rows are numbered and columns are numbered by letters. That is, B3 will point to the cell in the third row of the second column

Everything is simple in these parameters, I think you won’t get confused. And if you get confused, ask questions in the comments and we’ll figure it out together.

Now let's move on to the features available in this tool. They are also very similar to functions in Excel, but there are significantly fewer of them.

Calculation functions in Word

We have already discussed above in the text SUM function, and now I will describe to you all the functions available in Word.

Function Description Example Result
ABS Returns the modulus of a number =ABS(-21) 21
INT Drops decimal part numbers =INT(3,548) 3
ROUND Rounds a number according to the laws of mathematics. The arguments indicate the number and number of decimal places for rounding =ROUND(32,548, 1)
=ROUND(32.548, -1)
COUNT Counts the number of elements specified in the argument =CONT(LEFT) 10
AVERAGE Calculates the average of the elements in the argument =AVERAGE(3;1) 2
SUM Sum of specified elements =SUM(1;2;3) 6
PRODUCT Product of arguments. =PRODUCT(2,2,3) 12
MOD Remainder of integer division. The first parameter specifies the dividend, and the second parameter specifies the divisor. =MOD(8;3) 2
MIN Determines the minimum value from the given ones =MIN(3,1,80) 1
MAX Defines Maximum value from the given =MAX(3,1,80) 80
SIGN Determines the sign of the specified number. If positive, returns “1”, negative – “-1”, zero – “0” =SIGN(15) 1
TRUE Returns logical TRUE. In Word it's "1" =TRUE 1
FALSE Returns a logical FALSE. In Word it's "0" =FALSE 0
NOT Logical inversion. Converts TRUTH to FALSE and FALSE to TRUTH =NOT(FALSE) 1
AND Returns TRUE when all its elements are true, otherwise FALSE =AND(TRUE;TRUE)
OR Returns TRUE when at least one of its arguments is TRUE, otherwise FALSE =OR(5>3;2>8)
IF Tests the condition in the first argument. If it is executed, it returns the value of the second argument. If not fulfilled - third =IF(2>3;1;-1)
=IF(2", "0.1; F3*0.05;0). The formula will check if the manager's sales share is greater than 0.1 (10%) - it will return 5% of his average sales. If not, it will return 0. For the first line we got 313.33, this is the correct result, you can check it manually

Word for Mac includes formulas that you can paste into your document (no formatting required). If you don't like the built-in equations, you can change them or create your own complex formula from scratch.

Inserting an inline formula

Create and edit formulas

You can insert and edit math formulas and expressions directly in Word and save them as templates for later use.

In more earlier versions Word uses the "Editor" add-in Microsoft formulas Equation" or MathType add-in. However, to open and edit mathematical formulas or expressions created in earlier versions of Word or MathType, you can use Microsoft Word for Mac 2011. You can also use the Microsoft Equation Editor add-in to create formulas and expressions that are compatible with earlier versions of Word. additional information To learn how to use the Microsoft Equation Editor add-in, see the section.

Insert frequently used or built-in formulas and expressions

To save time, you can insert a built-in formula and edit it to suit your needs, instead of entering its symbols manually.

Insert formulas and expressions using math symbols and built-in structures

You can write a formula or expression by choosing any combination of individual mathematical symbols and built-in mathematical structures, as shown in following example:

Inserting math symbols using AutoCorrect mathematical symbols

Instead of having to search through the collection for the math symbols you need when creating a formula or expression, you can quickly add frequently used symbols, such as "Pi," by using Math Symbol AutoCorrect.

Note: To view available AutoCorrect entries with mathematical symbols, in the menu Service select item AutoCorrect and open the tab.

    Click where you want to paste the formula or expression.

  1. Document elements in Group Formulas click the button Formula.
  2. In the formula box, enter a backslash and the friendly name (alias) for the math symbol you want. For example, to enter the pi symbol, enter \pi and press Spacebar.

Changing a Formula or Expression

Add a formula or expression to the list of frequently used formulas and expressions

    Click a formula or expression.

    Click the arrow next to a formula or expression and select Save as new formula.

    In field Name Enter the name of the formula or expression.

    In field Description enter short description formulas or expressions, and then click OK.

    Note: To access a formula or expression, on the tab Document elements In chapter Formulas click the arrow next to the button Formula and select the desired formula or expression from the collection.

Remove a formula or expression from the list of frequently used formulas and expressions

If a formula is no longer needed, you can remove it from the list of frequently used formulas and expressions.

Attention: Make sure you only delete formulas and expressions that you created and added to the list. Although it is also possible to remove formulas from the built-in category that is installed with Word, you can only restore them manually or by reinstalling Word. All built-in and custom formulas are stored in the /Users/ folder Username/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/My Document Elements/Equations.dotx. In Mac OS X 7 (Lion), the Library folder is hidden by default. To display the library folder in the search engine, click the menu Go, and then press and hold the OPTION key.

Adding items to a list of AutoCorrect entries with math symbols

Mathematical AutoCorrect lets you quickly insert symbols that are included in the built-in list of AutoCorrect entries. For example, enter \pi to insert a pi symbol. If the list of built-in entries does not contain the corrections you need, you can add new entries.

    On the menu Service select team AutoCorrect and open the tab Autocorrect with math symbols.

    In field Replace Enter a backslash and the friendly name (alias) of the desired mathematical symbol. For example, \plus.

    In field On Enter the character you want to display when you enter a forward slash and a friendly name. For example, enter a plus sign (+).

    Click the button Add.

    Note: To delete an AutoCorrect entry with math symbols, select it in the list and click Delete.

Change a formula created in an earlier version of Word

This procedure is intended to provide compatibility with earlier versions of Word. Use it to change formulas or expressions that you plan to work with in earlier versions of Word. If the file does not need to be opened in previous versions Word, to open and edit mathematical equations and expressions created in earlier versions of Word or MathType, use the Document Elements tab.

    Double-click the formula.

    Edit your formula using the Formula Editor tools and menu.

    Advice: For help changing your formula, select from the menu Reference formula editor item Calling help.

    To add a modified formula to the document, in the menu Formula editor select team Exiting the Formula Editor.

. Did you know Microsoft program Word? Many will say with confidence that they know, because they know how to print documents in it, create simple diagrams, diagrams, tables. And I can tell you with complete confidence that you do not know this program, otherwise you would not have come here. But don’t be discouraged - no one knows all the capabilities of this program, even those who constantly work with it. And I don’t know her completely either. I’m just studying and amazed at what smart program. Let's study it together.

Create formulas inWord

How to insert a formula

In version 2003, this is perhaps the most difficult question, so we will consider it first.

Go to the menu InsertAn object.

In the window that opens Inserting an object on the tab Creation select the object type MicrosoftEquation 3.0, and press the button OK.

The program window will change. Automatically delete all toolbars that are in this moment we don't need it, replace the menu bar and open new panel tools Formulas.

Toolbar Formulas contains two rows of buttons. Top line allows you to enter individual characters or additional icons to symbols. The bottom line is used to create templates, which may include multiple fields for entering characters.

When entering formulas, you can also use any symbols entered using the keyboard. Thus, numerical constants, variable names, and supporting comments are entered if the formula should contain them.

The transition from one input field to another is carried out using the keyboard cursor keys. The size of the cursor and a special underline indicate which field is being entered. You can also select a field by clicking the mouse.

Once you have completed entering and editing the formula, you can return to the original document by pressing ESC. The formula will be inserted into the document like graphic object. In order to edit it, you just need to double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Questions about working with the formula editor .

1. In the Insert Object dialog boxno lineMicrosoftEquation3.0. Why?

This means that this component was not installed when you installed Microsoft Word. You should take the CD from which you installed office suite and repeat the installation. Or

Close all programs.

If an operating room is used Microsoft system Windows XP, - StartSettings– Control Panel - Click the icon Installation and removal of programms in the Windows Control Panel.

On the list Installed programs select Microsoft Office or Microsoft application Word, if it was installed separately from Microsoft package Office, and click Change.

In the dialog box Tracking mode options select Add or remove components and then click the button Further.

If the screen opens Custom installation, check the box Advanced application customization and press the button Further.

In the list of components to install, click the deployment indicator ( + ) next to the element Office Tools.

Click the arrow icon next to the item Formula editor and then click Run from my computer.

Click the button Update.

Restart Microsoft Word.

2. The formula editor is called normally, but when you try to enter any formulathe program is reset. Why?

After installation on your computer, the formula editor has initial setup to use certain fonts. Most likely, these fonts are not installed on your computer, which is why the program is reset.

Give the command Style - Define.

The Styles dialog box opens. For each of the possible components of the formula, select a font from those installed on your computer and select the bold and italic checkboxes, if necessary.

3. Instead of a formulathe field code is displayed on the screen (EMBEDEguation.3). What to do?

What appears on the screen is not the values, but the field codes (Field code. Placeholder text indicating where specified information from the data source will be displayed; elements that generate the result of the field. Field codes include field characters, field type, and instructions.). On the menu Service select team Options,

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