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Where to find a check mark in the Word. How to put a check mark on the keyboard

Users of the Word utility rarely need to put a check mark. Most often, it is required by the compilers of various questionnaires, who indicate a tick in the legend as one of the ways in which the respondent can mark the answer that interests him.

The checkmark belongs to the Word category called "Special symbols"... Unlike some similar symbols, to insert a check mark into the text, you do not need special knowledge of any complex code or little-known command.

Below we will look at the ways in which users of Microsoft Word can easily and effortlessly insert a check mark into the text.

Through the "Insert" menu

How to put a check mark in Word 2003

To do this, follow the below simple algorithm of actions:

How to put a check mark in Word 2007

To do this, follow the guidelines below and follow them strictly in order:

  1. Click in the text box where you plan to place your special character, and make sure that the cursor is exactly where you want it.
  2. In the upper part of the Word utility window, find the menu item called "Insert" and click on it with the left mouse button.
  3. Find a tab here called "Symbols" and click on it.
  4. In the pop-up window that opens, click "Other Symbols".
  5. A window will appear in front of your eyes, in which many different symbols will be presented in the form of a table. Among them, you need to find the one you are looking for. Having found a check mark, click on it with the left mouse button to select it, and at the bottom of the window, click on the "Insert" button. The mark will appear in the text box exactly where your cursor was.
  6. Click on the "Close" button to exit this window.

Putting a check mark in the box in Word

The process of setting the required special sign in a square is similar for both old versions of the Word utility and modern ones, so let's go straight to step by step consideration of the algorithm of actions:

How to put a check mark in the Word utility using hotkeys

In this case you need to proceed as follows:

  • If you have an old version of the software, then you need to click on the menu with the name "Insert", then click on "Symbols" and open a window where you will see a table with all possible symbols and signs supported by the Word. In new versions of software, click on "Insert", then on the subcategory "Symbols" and in the drop-down window, click on "Other symbols", after which the same table with symbols will open in front of you.
  • Now look at the top of the window. There you will need to find the shape, next to which is written "Font". In the form field, write "Windings 2".
  • Click on a sign of interest to highlight it.
  • Now turn your attention to the area below the symbol table. Here you will find a field called "Character Code". Remember it as you will need it later.
  • Close the window that contains special characters.
  • Place the cursor wherever you want in the text box.
  • After that, press the key called ALT, and without releasing it, type in the numbers on the keyboard the code that you memorized. Then you will need to release ALT, and a check mark will appear at the place where the cursor was.

Keyboard secrets: how to write with characters that are not on the keyboard

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to use a special character in some text, but there is no key with such a character on the keyboard. How to be? There are several ways. If you are typing in a text editor Microsoft Word 2007, then everything is simple: just select the "Symbol" item on the "Insert" tab. In the drop-down list, select the desired symbol or click on "Other symbols ...". In the dialog box that opens, find the required symbol and press the "Insert" key. You can also insert by double-clicking on the selected symbol.

But what if you work in a simple Notepad editor? In this case, you need to do so. Press and hold the Alt key, and use the numeric keypad to type the special character code. The number keys you need are usually located on the right side of your desktop computer keyboard and can be activated by pressing the NumLock button.

If you are working with a laptop, then these keys coincide with some keys for letters. You can "enable" them with a special combination, as a rule, Fn + key, which says NumLock or NumLk.

Here are the codes for some of the symbols.

● Step by step:

1.Turn on the NumLock button (on the right side of the keyboard)

2. Hold Alt.

3. And at the same time holding down the alt key We type the combination on the digital block.

4. Press Alt.

5. Admiring the icon.

● On laptops without a Num Pad, go to Start> Programs> Accessories> Accessibility> On-Screen Keyboard. Use virtual buttons.

● You can also use transliteration for the character set.

● The ALT key also allows you to type standard characters such as dog or bullets.

● Do not skip zeros in the code, zero must also be pressed.

● Hold down the ALT key + the combination of numbers specified in the code. You need to hold down the ALT key without releasing it until you have typed all the digits of the code. Then the symbol will appear.

More symbols:



® Reserved

℠ Service mark

℃ Celsius

℉ Fahrenheit

No. License plate

℗ Copyright records

℞ Pharmaceutical symbol

℧ Inverted Ohm

☀ Sun

☂ Umbrella

☃ Snowman

☄ Comet

★ Star (filled)

☆ Star (outlines)

☇ Lightning

☉ Sun (outline)

☊ Ascendant

☋ Descending node

☌ Pairing

☍ Opposition

☎ Phone (filled)

☏ Telephone (outline) 9743]

☐ Empty square

☑ Box with a check mark

☒ Square with a cross X

☓ St. Andrew's Cross

☚ Left pointing finger (filled)

☛ Right-pointing finger (filled)

☜ Left pointing finger (outline)

☝ Thumb pointing up (outline)

☞ Right-pointing finger (outline)

☟ Downward pointing finger (outline)

☠ Skull and bones

☡ Warning sign

☢ Sign of radiation

☣ Biohazard sign

☤ Caduceus (rod of Hermes)

☦ Eastern Christian cross

☧ Christogram

☨ Patriarchal Cross

☩ Greek cross

☪ Moon and Star

☫ Farsi Symbol

☬ Adi Shakti

☭ Hammer and Sickle

☮ Peace Sign

☯ Yin and Yang

☰ Trigram sky

☱ Trigram lake

☲ Trigram fire

☳ Thunderstorm trigram

☴ Trigram wind

☵ Trigram water

☶ Trigram Mountain

☷ Trigram earth

☸ Dharma wheel

☹ Sad smiley

☺ Cheerful smiley

☻ Black smile

☽ Waxing moon

☾ Falling moon

☿ Mercury

♀ Venus (sign of a woman)

♂ Mars (male sign)

♃ Jupiter

♄ Saturn

♆ Neptune

♇ Pluto

♊ Gemini

♏ Scorpio

♐ Sagittarius

♑ Capricorn

♒ Aquarius

♔ White king

♕ White Queen

♖ White rook

♗ White elephant

♘ White horse

♙ White pawn

♚ Black king

♛ Black Queen

♜ Black Rook

♝ Black elephant

♞ Black horse

♟ Black pawn

♠ Black lance

♤ Pica (outline)

Heart (filled) or heart

♦ Tambourine (filled)

♧ Clubs (outline)

♨ Geyser

♩ Musical quarter note

♪ Musical eighth note

♫ Connected two notes

♬ Two notes connected by a double bar

♭ Flat

♮ Natural scale sound

✁ Cut from the top

✂ Cut off here

✃ Cut from the bottom

✄ Scissors

✆ Public phone

✇ Cassette

✈ Airport / plane

✉ Envelope / email

✌ Victory Sign

✍ Signature

✎ Diagonal pencil

✏ Pencil

✐ Diagonal pencil pointing up

✓ Check mark

✔ Bold check mark

✕ Multiplication sign / X

✖ Bold multiplication sign / X

✗ Slanted X

✘ Bold oblique X

✝ Roman cross

✞ Roman Cross 3D

✟ Latin cross (outline)

✠ Maltese cross

✡ Star of David

❛ Quotation mark

❜ Quotation mark (inverted)

❝ Double quotation marks

❞ Double quote mark (inverted)

™ Trademark ○ = 777

The checkmark symbol is usually placed in a Word document for greater clarity, so that the document looks professional. For example, you decided to make a to-do list in Word, and immediately mark the items that you have already completed. In this guide, you will learn how in several ways to learn how to insert a checkmark (in a square and without) in Word.

How to put a check mark in the Word in a box using the "Symbols"

We will perform this process in three steps.

Step 1. Go to the "Insert" tab - then "Symbol" - "Other symbols ..."

Step 2. In the window that appears, set the font "Wingdings 2" and find in all this variety of symbols the icons we need: a check mark or a check mark in a square.

Step 3. I hope your cursor is in the right place in the document. Press the "Insert" button and the sign you need will appear in the document.

How to make a check mark in Word using hotkeys

Step 1. Let's go back to the "Symbols" window, where you must have the "Wingdings 2" font selected, otherwise how do you insert a check mark in the Word?

Step 2. Find the icon you need and this time turn your attention to the "Sign Code". For example, for a check mark, this code is 80.

See that the characters you need are located under the code from 79 to 88

Step 3. Close the "Symbols" window, place the cursor in the desired place in the Word document. Now hold down and hold the Alt key on the numeric keypad and type the character code (for example, Alt + 80). After you release the Alt key, you will have a character, the code of which you would have typed.

As you can see, ticking the checkboxes in Word is not at all difficult.

Check mark ("Bird", "Jackdaw") - a graphic and computer sign, signifying consent and used in a wide range of documents, especially often in ballots or sociological tests. In writing, the symbol quite often depends on the person's handwriting, but in general it can be described as “two diagonal lines connecting at the end, one of which (as a rule, the shorter one) is directed closer to the northwest, and the second - to the northeast ".

How to enter a checkmark character using the keyboard

Using a standard layout impossible to put this character, so you have to use workarounds, one of which can be alt-code - a special code for entering non-standard characters from the keyboard. To use it you need hold down the keyAlt and press the sequence of numbers on the additional numeric keypad. Please note that the first light on the left on the keyboard should be on, if this is not the case, click on NumLock. ForMac-computers you can use the keyboard shortcut Option + V. Do not forget that the vast majority of icons can be obtained by copying from a document / Internet.

Check mark alt codes:

  • Normal check mark (✓): 1003;
  • Bold counterpart (✔): 1004;
  • Check mark in the box (☑): 9745;
  • Figured analogue (√): 251;

Entering the checkbox using the symbol table

There are also ways to enter this character using symbol tables- a special program, it lists all the objects that can be typed and displayed at the moment.

You can find it by writing the name of this program in the Windows search, then you should select the desired font ("Wingdings 2") and the character in the general array manually or by entering the code in the field " Find Unicode».

And finally, select the required object and copy it, both actions are carried out using special buttons located to the right of the "To copy" field, which displays the copied one. To facilitate the work, you can work directly with a line, and not with a single character.

Entering a checkbox using Microsoft Word

Perhaps, simplest one of the ways is MS Word, namely the symbol table built into Word: go to the "Insert" tab, click on the "Symbols" - "Symbol" - "Other Symbols" button, then in the "Set" field, select the " Dingbats».

The checkmark icon can be obtained by looking for it in the general list or by entering Unicode in special field at the bottom of the tab. After that, the system will automatically find the required object and all that remains is to confirm the insertion by clicking on "Insert".

The use of Unicode - a list of characters, is somewhat similar to the alt-code.

Specific way depends on the program, almost all of them have a window for entering unicode. It should be understood that this type of input is possible only where it is supported, otherwise the checkmark icon will be displayed incorrectly or will not be visible at all.

  • U + 2713 (✓), the same common jackdaw, "CHECK MARK";
  • U + 2714 (✔), bold, "HEAVY CHECK MARK";
  • U + 2715 (✅), the past white jackdaw with an outline, "WHITE HEAVY";
  • U + 237B (⍻), strikethrough;
  • U + 2610 (☐), square box;
  • U + 2611 (☑), bird together in the field;

Hello everyone! Surely you often work in a text editor Microsoft Word, and you sometimes need to make certain markers, but you do not even know how they are done. Especially often I am asked about how to put a tick in a Word in a box. This feature will be useful for many. In addition, thanks to it, you can use other markers as well. So let's go!

Check the box for a bulleted list

In general, it is very wonderful that the Word has a built-in function, thanks to which we do not have to copy anything from outside or draw everything ourselves.

Now all you have to do is press OK, after which your bulleted list will be separated by such interesting icons with checkmarks.

Alternative way for pasting in text

Let's consider another way, since what we considered earlier, we only need to create bulleted lists. But if you want to insert a square into the text itself, then read on. This is completely simple to do. If you remember, we already used this method when we needed it.

Now the icon we need will be in the text itself, if you need it. Such things can be useful to you if you professionally need to draw up a document, or maybe you need to make some kind of a questionnaire, etc. And yet, if you have used it at least once, then you will not need to go to the table again if you need it again. It will be enough to go to the "Symbol" and the icon will already be displayed in the recently used ones. Very comfortably.

Macro recording

This is just an unrealistically convenient way to quickly call this function. You can record a sequence once, like an action in Photoshop, after which you just have to press one button for this symbol to appear. Let's see how this is done.

Basically everything. Now, if you noticed, you have a new button in the topmost menu. And at any time when you need our sign, you just need to click on it and that's it. You don't need to go anywhere else. Great, isn't it?

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

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