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Where information about the Internet is stored. How information is stored on a computer

How can I find out where a specific site is stored? How to choose a place to store your site.

As someone said earlier, if you are selling or offering something and you do not have a website yet, then you are in flight. I don't remember the phrase literally, but I conveyed the meaning! ;) That is why, especially for each organization, hobby club, section, etc. you definitely need your own website to provide information about yourself, to get feedback from the network. Even many ordinary people create websites and blogs and make money from them. Those "who are in the subject" have more than one site.

Those. every day more and more new projects appear on the net. More becomes available information for any field of activity. And all this is stored somewhere ...

Where site files are stored

By by and large sites are a set of files that any user has constant access to via the Internet.

Can sites be stored on personal computers? Yes they can. In theory, you can make a website and store it on your computer. The whole problem lies in the fact that very rarely anyone's computers work all the time. And if your computer at least sometimes turns off (on purpose or through no fault of yours), then your site at this time will not be available to users. And who needs it, one wonders? Nobody. Therefore, keeping the site on your computer and distributing access to it via the Internet is extremely inappropriate for those who want to get something from it.

Hosting service- this is the purchase of a certain amount of space to store the files of their sites on powerful servers, access to which from the Internet is provided constantly. Most often, a hosting service is bought specifically for storing sites. Those. there are special organizations that establish very powerful servers, provide them with broadband high-speed Internet access and offer to host your files on them for money. In addition, a number of sites require special software, which is rather difficult to set up. inexperienced user at home. And hosting is already purchased with all the necessary settings.

Most of the site owners buy hosting for their projects from such companies (hosters). And only fairly large organizations can afford to buy their own servers for their Internet resources.

Running a little ahead, I will say that if you are looking for a place to store your future site, then consider as an option the services of the BEGET company - this is best hosting in my opinion!

How can I find out where a specific site is stored?

To do this, in most cases, it is enough to look at the dns-records of the domain of the site under study. You can view dns records using various online services. for example, you can use the service In an empty line, enter desired address and press the button " Find". It is in this service that, among other results obtained, we are interested in strings of the form:


After the "nserver:" entry, there may be different meanings... Based on these values, you can easily determine the hosting used for most sites. For the above entries, the hosting was used.

How to choose a place to store your site.

The hosting market is very competitive. Various companies make very similar offers, trying to lure customers in different ways. Of course, most users put cost as the main selection criterion. Many want to find at all free hosting for yourself. But personally, I would not recommend free hosting for any serious projects to anyone. Agree that 100 rubles a month for a normal hosting is not money, especially if you are going to earn somehow on your site!

The data center stores absolutely all information posted on the network. These are your personal photos, uploaded documents, recordings of Skype conversations, comments on blogs and other important and unimportant data. In fact, a data center is such a large bank, a repository of content. When creating such storages, the developers pursued several goals: round-the-clock availability, access protection, preservation of information and the integrity of files.

Insofar as valuable information exists, then there will certainly be those who want to kidnap her. It is not the military or soldiers who are responsible for the security of data centers, but highly intelligent hight-tech guards working under the aim of video surveillance and control systems. The duty of the guards is to ensure the confidentiality and complete integrity of the content.

Data center technical conditions

There are strict rules governing the operation of data centers. Enterprises must be provided with electricity without interruption. Data centers of the Tier4 level (the fourth level) are received from two power plants at once. Such a double safety net is needed in order to exclude the possibility of a power outage in the event of a failure of one of the power plants.

Data centers are equipped modern systems gas fire extinguishing. Gas fire extinguishing systems provide for filling the source of ignition with carbon dioxide powder in order to avoid damage to the rest of the equipment. Carbon dioxide powder is traditionally used in fire extinguishers to extinguish equipment connected to electricity.

Much attention is paid to climate control. During work hard drives and the servers generate heat, which is removed by air conditioning and ventilation systems. In summer, at night, the cool filtered air of the street is used; in winter, frosty air is mixed with warm indoor air.

How do "keepers of information" earn?

Data centers operate on a commercial basis. They rent out places in network storage or at hard drives... If you wish, you can rent a whole server, rack space for own server or rent a box. V the latter case the cost of electricity is added to the rental price (with a small surcharge).

V recent times such a service has gained popularity as the rental of a part software... Data centers buy licensed programs, install them on their servers and rent them out in parts. Another popular service is rent virtual server, that is, a certain fraction of the server's resource.


  • How and where is information stored on a computer

Many people at least once in their lives wondered who his ancestors were? Peasants, merchants, or maybe nobles or even persons of royal blood? What did they do - were they doctors, officials, merchants, politicians or actors? Where did they live, were they Russians or foreigners? Unfortunately, in modern families, information is rarely stored more than two or three last generations... So how do you know your pedigree?


First of all, gather information by digging through your home archives. It is important to know everything here - dates, addresses, professions. If you have old photographs, then the names and addresses of the ateliers in which the photographs were taken may be written on them. Your grandparents might have written the names and dates of the people in the photograph on the back. The old ones have home addresses, letters and diaries contain private information.

After initial stage to collect information, you can continue to search the Internet. Stored there great amount data. If your ancestors were social activities, were scientists, held some important positions, then all this could be reflected in some books, articles, in mentions concerning cities, etc. You may also have to go and find books, magazines, brochures that are not available on the internet.

All information about our life is somehow stored in the archives. Birth certificates and information about education, awards and other achievements. If you know where your ancestors worked or studied, consult the archives of these institutions. If you have already managed to trace the history of the family over the past century, then further searches must continue in the city archives. Metrics data on military service, about inhabitants and cities and much more - all this can be found there.

What is "Torrent"

The "Torrent" service is a file storage intended for the exchange of data between Internet users. After all, it may well be that the resource you need is stored on the computer of another user, and you have information that someone else really needs. Thus, "Torrent" is a complex system, when all users simultaneously download and distribute to those who wish the necessary and existing files. This happens automatically if the Torrent Service program is installed on the computer and the computer has access to the Internet.

The "Torrent" service is intended for the exchange of files between Internet users.

There are special servers called "Trackers", they store information about which IP-address on the network has the desired file, its short description, as well as statistics of downloads, a list of new arrivals, etc.

How to use the "Torrent" service

Download a program for downloading files on one of these services. To do this, you need to log in or register on the site. Install it on your computer.

Then you need to enter the server site under your own name, select the appropriate category for this file, give it a short description and size for those users who want to download it, and upload the data, following the site prompts.

If you need either a movie, this also requires registering on the site and installing a torrent service program. Look for the file you want and download it to your computer. Then launch this explorer and wait for the download to finish. At the same time, everyone can also download through your computer.

On "Torrent" there are requirements according to which all participants must mutually exchange files with each other.

There is a rule on Torrent that everyone should share with each other. If you don't want to share your files with anyone, then you won't be able to download anything either, only beginners are given a free download limit of 500 MB. Although there are sites where registration is not required and there are no such strict restrictions.

It is the distribution that allows you to receive required files... There are cases that they are closed at the request of copyright holders, because actions for free data transfer may violate copyright. Indeed, the authors lose a significant part of their income due to the existence of such resources, but formally no one can prohibit this, because the law has not actually been violated.

It is on this contradiction that the "Torrent - sites" system is based.

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Open "My Computer" with any in a convenient way, from double click by the icon on the desktop before pressing the keyboard combination "Win" + "E". Find the folder or files that you want to put on the Internet. Click right click mouse on desired folder or file and select Properties from the menu. On the first tab under the heading "General" find the line in which the size of the file or folder is written. For example, you have a file called "muzic1.mp3" and its size is 10 Mb. If the file size is more than 50 Mb, it is not suitable for most storage services. This is especially important for folders, which can be very large in size.

If you want to post a few different files, or a large folder as a whole - you will have to or spend a lot of time adding one song to the storage. However, you can compress the selected data with an archiver, for example, ZIP. To do this, select all the files or folder you need. Once highlighted, right-click on one of the files and select Send -> Compressed ZIP folder from the menu.

A line with the name of the archive will appear. Give it a name, or just press the "Enter" key if the name suggested by the system suits you. Check the size of the resulting file; it should not exceed the size allowed by the selected service.

Launch any internet browser. Enter or in the address bar. The difference between these services is in the file size that can be placed, 350 Mb and 50 Mb for the first and second, respectively. There are other services that provide a place to store information, the principles of work are the same, but they can be different ways downloading the laid out data.

A page of the site will open with "Select a file". Click on this button and find the file you want to upload, or. Click the Download button. A progress bar will appear below it - depending on the file size and the speed of your Internet access, you will need different time to upload data.

When the download is finished, the settings page will appear. On it, you can specify a password for accessing the file - then only those who know this password will be able to. You can also add a description and indicate your address - then you will receive a letter to your mailbox with a link to statistics and management, as well as a link to the data you posted. All this can be omitted.

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Almost all the information that is in internet, is available to the eyes of users, just different techniques must be used for this. All this is also stored in the cache. search engines that crawl sites.


How to save data to internet? For example, you can register on a social network. On this moment a lot of time has been created similar systems that allow you to post information about yourself and communicate with other users. Go to the site "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki", Facebook or Mirtesen. These are the main popular social networks, which communicate with millions of users around the world.

Hello readers of the site IT-lessons!

The first thing that every beginner should know when sitting at a computer is where you can store files on your computer and where you can't.

If you do not learn simple rules, then later many problems may arise (search for lost files, recovery by accident deleted files, difficulties in reinstalling the system, etc.). But all problems can be avoided in advance, if you immediately understand how to put things in order in your computer.

With this lesson, we open a new important section that will help you improve reliability and safety of data storage.

How to clean up your computer?

Many computer users store data (their files and folders) wherever they have to: on the desktop, in the "My Documents" folder, right on the "C: \" drive ... more and more: letters, reports, music, photographs, films ... and there comes a moment when you grab your head: "And where I have the same file" ?!

As you know, it is easier to put things in order once, and then maintain. But you have to sit down and think !!! Of course, you can say "I'll sort it out later," but this "later" rarely comes.

Please note that the order on the hard disk also affects the security of data storage.

Today you can change your life one more step in computer world, and help you with this IT-lessons. 😉

Remember only 4 rules from the site IT-lessons that will help to put things in order in the computer and in the future will save more than a dozen hours:

Rule # 1: Drive C: not for documents!

Never store your files on system disk(diskC: \).

And, of course, I look forward to your comments on today's lesson!

Copying prohibited, but you can share links.

All user information, including the operating system, programs, games, documents and other data, is stored on special media called disks. Inside the computer, as a rule, there is a magnetic (mostly) or solid state drive called hard disk(Winchester). Also, data can be stored on all kinds of external media which include flexible magnetic drives(floppy disks), optical discs(CD, DVD, Blu-Ray), memory cards (media used to store data in digital devices, for example cameras, players, etc.), flash drives and others. Moreover, they are all intended for long-term storage information.

When information is entered into a computer (recorded), it is stored on a special data storage device. Usually the data storage device is HDD (Winchester).

This device is called a hard disk because of its design. Inside its case there is one or more hard pancakes (metal or glass), on which all data is stored ( text documents, photographs, films, etc.) and installed programs(operating system, application programs like Word, Excel, etc.).

The work with all of the listed disks is practically the same type. Each media or storage device is assigned a unique logical name by the operating system in the form latin letter alphabet and colons after it. Devices for working with floppy disks are named "A:" and "B:". Behind them, starting with the letter "C", in alphabetical order followed by names hard drives, of which there may be several. After the hard drives, names are also assigned in alphabetical order for optical drives(read / write devices optical discs). This is followed by the names of network drives and flash card readers.

Information stored on a computer is measured in bytes. In this case, the smallest unit of data measurement is called a bit. One byte contains 8 bits.

Modern programs and user data are tens and hundreds of thousands of bytes in size, so that real conditions much larger units of measurement are used: kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes.

You have never been interested in the question of where is main server the Internet? Or who is the master of the internet? Now, probably, most readers will laugh and say that the Internet cannot have any master, since the Internet is simply a combination of many computers and other network devices.

Simple, but not entirely simple. In a sense, the Internet has masters. After all, this whole amalgamation of computers is not just a shapeless anthill; in fact, the internet has a tough hierarchical structure, the presence of which allows you to easily communicate with computers on the other end the globe... Who are these "owners"? How is the internet doing its job? What needs to be done to paralyze the Internet? These topics are the subject of today's article.

One of the most important organizations on the Internet is the IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. This non-profit American organization distributes IP addresses. Your internet connection is made through one of the IP addresses of your subnet, the so-called gateway. And if data comes to this gateway from local network from an address that does not fall into the subnet described on the gateway, then it will simply ignore such a packet.

Domain names

But the matter does not end with IP addresses - even if the Internet functions perfectly and the packets reach the target IP addresses, we must not forget that we almost always use not IP addresses, wanting to get to any site, but normal names type site, and the translation of such names into IP addresses is answered by DNS services

If the DNS server of an Internet visitor does not know how to resolve a domain name (for example, a website), then he will not contact anyone, but the domain server responsible for the ua zone. And where will he get his address if he does not know it in advance? And for this he will turn to one of the 13 so-called root DNS servers... But their addresses are already constant and registered in all operating systems.

These root domain servers are operated by ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. This again, a non-profit American organization maintains the uninterrupted operation of 13 root servers, and also distributes those responsible for domain zones. top level- ua, ru, com and others. Each country has its own organization responsible for the respective top-level area. And this organization already determines the order of distribution of domain names in its country.

What should be done to disrupt the Internet so that DNS names are no longer resolved to IP addresses? To do this, disrupt the functioning of the root DNS servers. The Internet will not "disappear", of course, immediately, but problems will begin immediately. Attempts to attack these servers are constantly being made. You can also attack any specific domain zone top level.

Google got involved in the storage of information about domain names. Although he does not distribute domain names, but stores information about all available. DNS address Google is very easy to remember: and

It is imperative to host your site on quality and fault-tolerant hosting.

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