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Where to find something I know what. An educated person is one who knows where to find what he does not know

For two decades now, working in the media, I have seen the same phenomenon. Namely: some journalists are not at all in the mood to master new technologies, and, it seems, are still nostalgic for typewriters.

Others, on the contrary, are mastering new technologies at a cosmic speed, ahead of the most notorious technologists. This text is for the second category.

We are all accustomed to using the world's most popular search engine, Google, to find the information we need. Billions of searches are recorded every day on Google sites, available in about 200 languages ​​- it is no coincidence that the main site is considered the most popular Internet resource. Yandex and Bing are also used quite often.

However, we must admit: the Google search engine is designed for the mass consumer, for those who, in 99% of cases, more than enough of the first three pages of search results. But journalists are just those people who need to find something not too widespread, to delve deeply into the issue. However, even the most sophisticated search engine cannot search blogs and scientific articles, digital images and recipes equally well. It is for this reason that there are many not too well-known search engines that specialize in some kind of "narrow" search, or know how to search where traditional search engines usually do not look. After all, universal search engines simply “do not see”, for example, no longer existing web pages, or old versions of pages, content on social networks, pages that are deliberately closed to “web spiders”, etc.

So what can we take advantage of?

1. Answer the question

You can search for something by keywords or phrases, or you can ask a question in natural human language. These are the questions that a search engine that allows you to find answers to a huge number of questions. The search result is not a collection of links, but articles from Wikipedia, the University of Oxford and other authoritative resources. But you will have to ask in pure English.

2. Find something that no longer exists

Today, almost every advanced Internet user knows how to use the cache of Google or Yandex when he needs to view (and / or present as evidence) a recently deleted or changed page in its original form. Well, or see her as she was at a certain point in time. However, there is a certain problem: such a cache is available for search results only for a relatively short time. This is understandable: the task of a search robot is to display the most current version of an Internet resource.

However, sometimes you need to see a site as it looked, say, a few years ago. For this, special search tools have been created - such as, say, a web service Wayback machine... His work is supported by the Internet Archive, a non-profit organization that, since 1997, has been collecting copies of web pages and multimedia content posted on the Web. All these copies, stored on multiple servers, are freely available to everyone. The Wayback Machine allows you to find not only the old version of the currently existing site, but also those web pages that have not existed for a long time - we are talking about closed sites. To date, the "Archive of the Internet" has already collected more than 366 billion pages, so that you can find the required one with a very high probability.

3. Looking for a picture

Today, the vast majority of users who need to find some kind of photo or other graphic file use Google Images for this purpose. Still, the world's largest search engine is "sharpened" for text search, and image search for it is only one of the additional services.

So if you can't find what you're looking for with Google Images, it makes sense to use something specialized. For example, service Picsearch... According to its creators, their brainchild has already indexed more than three and a half billion digital images.

Among the advantages of Picsearch are both a multilingual user interface and a full-fledged multilingual search, as well as a number of very practical filters, for example, the ability to search only black and white or color images, pictures with a predominance of a particular color, search for "wallpaper" for a desktop backgrounds, as well as faces or animated images.

A search engine can also be a worthy alternative to Google Images. Everystockphoto... On the one hand, it is much smaller in size - it contains "only" about 25 million images stored on online photo sites, including Flickr, Fotolia and Wikimedia Commons. However, as experts say, the results of her work are truly impressive. Most of the images found can be used for free, however, provided that the name of the photographer or copyright holder is indicated.

The search service by the content of pictures stands apart. When you enter a query into most image search engines, you get results based on what text appears on the page, as well as on file names. Picollator works in a fundamentally different way, identifying what is shown in the pictures. It is clear that in this case the search query should be formulated not in the form of a word or phrase, but as a picture.

That is, to search, you should upload a photo to the server or provide a link to a site where it has already been uploaded. The search results will contain thumbnails of images similar to the uploaded photo. True, this service only works with photographs of people, and of good quality.

Unfortunately, too many journalists - especially those who come from the journalism faculty - are “not on friendly terms” with numbers. Many do not even see the difference between percentage and percentage points, which is why articles on economics sometimes turn into gibberish. One of the most famous "alternative" search engines can help them - WolframAlpha .

In fact, this is an "encyclopedic" search engine, the task of which is to provide answers to really difficult questions in such areas as mathematics, physics, medicine, statistics, history, linguistics and other fields of science. In essence, WolframAlpha is a largely colossal database, some of which has been transformed into computational algorithms. It is thanks to them that the user of the search engine can get detailed information about how many grams of protein and calories are in a cup of cocoa, what is the average life expectancy in the USA, France and Australia next year, or how the algebraic equation is solved.

However, to fully use WolframAlpha, you need to be proficient in English. The system, unfortunately, does not support other languages.

5. Science again

The scientific world has always been somewhat closed to the uninitiated. Of course, it is not fenced off from the general public by a steel wall, but in order to read scientific publications, delve into specific databases and watch the results of experiments, Internet users usually need to register and get special access. That is, ordinary search engines do not index this information - for them, almost all scientific articles belong to the category of the so-called "Deep Web".

So if you really need to delve into scientific information that is incomprehensible to most of the uninitiated, use a specialized search engine. Such as a search engine CompletePlanet with access to more than 70,000 scientific databases and highly targeted search engines.

6. Looking for a man!

An ordinary search engine can be used only to find information about a certain celebrity. If you need information not about a public person at all, then the chances of finding any data drop dramatically. And then you need to use a specialized search engine.

The most famous of these systems is the search engine Pipl... It searches for data about people in a variety of public registries, online databases, services and social networks. The big advantage of the Pipl service is that it works with Cyrillic as well, so it is quite effective with Russian-speaking surnames as well.

Alternative - Russian service SpravkaRU.NET... He can find the address and home phone number of a resident not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Moldova. In fact, this is a large electronic telephone directory of large cities in post-Soviet countries, although it is far from complete. However, unlike many similar services, SpravkaRU.NET contains quite up-to-date databases. So if you have at least some information about relatives or the approximate place of residence of the object of your interest, then this will surely help you find it. Note that the service often does not work.

The easiest way to find someone is to use a search engine. Yandex.People... It is checked: you will not get a lot of information, but you will almost certainly find the person himself.

7. Search Blogs

Over the past decade and a half, blogs have become not just a social and cultural phenomenon, but also just a bottomless source of a wide variety of information. Far from always reliable and correctly presented, but often still very interesting. Specialized search on Russian-language blogs - service Yandex.Blogs... No bells and whistles, just a working search.

8. Keep your search a secret

One of the outstanding developments of the 2010s is the anonymous search engine DuckDuckGo... It is an open source search engine founded in September 2008. In its user agreement, DDG emphasizes the confidentiality of data provided by users, refusal to record and store user information and from tracking users.

Technologically, DuckDuckGo differs from universal search engines in that it does not use the Filter bubble, that is, it does not take into account the user's past requests to determine what information is most interesting to him. DuckDuckGo uses HTTPS communication between the client and the server by default, using the RC4 encryption algorithm with a 128 bit key. Also DDG Search engine does not use cookies and does not store data about the IP addresses of users, does not offer to log in and encrypts transmitted data by default.

The anonymous search engine is the brainchild of programmer Gabriel Weinberg. He created DDG in 2008, deciding from the very beginning that it would not store user data, as it contains too much personal information. “If you ask people about the importance of their search privacy, they will answer that it is very important, but almost no one tries to make their searches anonymous,” Weinberg wrote on his blog. - Google stores not only the search queries of users, but also the IP addresses from which they accessed. It is a myth that Google has to store all this information. Almost all the money they get is based on what the user types in the search bar. "

At first, DuckDuckGo was little known: back in early June 2013, it was processing only 1.7 million requests per day. But then there was a scandal: in the United States, information about the PRISM program was made public - with its help the US NSA gained access to the servers of companies, including the owners of the world's largest search engines - Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. Shortly thereafter, the number of daily requests to DuckDuckGo exceeded 3 million per day and continued to grow rapidly.

It is a searchable database of the most popular DLLs. Files are sorted alphabetically, there is a search function. The file you are looking for can be found even if you only know the approximate name of the library.

13. Searching for medical information

Site a universal search engine that is designed to search exclusively on medical sites. Uses Google search engine. This is a practical tool not only for doctors, but also for anyone who needs an answer to any question in the field of medicine. How to treat this or that disease, what are the contraindications for this or that medicine, which doctor to contact. The search engine also includes a labor exchange for medical workers.

14. Space is our everything

Astronomical Search Service specializes in searching for information on sites related to astronomy and space exploration. In total, the search engine database contains about five hundred sites on astronomical topics - sites of observatories, amateur pages, libraries of scientific literature, and the like.

In addition to the search function, the site has a lot of other useful services, including, for example, the English-Russian-English astronomical dictionary, a biographical directory with detailed information about all the scientists who have contributed to the development of astronomy, a glossary of astronomical terms. There is also a handy sky map that generates the position of the constellations, depending on the latitude and longitude of the observation point, as well as the time of day.

Of course, this is only a small fraction of alternative search engines. And over time, some of them stop working, but new ones appear. The best minds create more and more perfect algorithms for selecting Internet search results. However, if you learn to skillfully operate with the syntax of a search query, then Google, Yandex, Yahoo! and other "general purpose" search engines can produce results no worse than alternative search engines.

Many of us prefer not only watching movies, reading text, listening to music on the Internet. I also want to download it to my computer or laptop. But where to find the downloaded files, in some cases it can be quite difficult.

Although gradually many are abandoning this idea, realizing that any information can be found again and again on the Internet. But, firstly, the Internet is not yet available everywhere. Second, Internet access is not always cheap or free. Thirdly, you just want to have your favorite files on your PC or laptop. I want to, and that's it.

Therefore, the task of downloading is relevant. It seems like it was downloaded, but where did it all go, where can I find the downloaded files? The problem was drawn.

Let's consider 3 (three) ways to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer:

  1. using Windows Explorer, which is available on computers with the Windows operating system,
  2. through "Search",
  3. using the Downloads folder that comes with every browser.

Let's start looking for files using Explorer. This method is suitable for those who have a Windows operating system installed on their computer.

1 Explorer to find files downloaded from the Internet

We open the Explorer. In Windows 7, Explorer is next to the button:

Rice. 1. Downloaded files from the Internet are located in the "Downloads" folder in Explorer

There is a Downloads folder in Explorer (1 in Fig. 1). If you click on it, then in this you can see the downloaded files from the Internet.

2 "Search" line to find the downloaded file

On a computer, the Search string can be found, for example, in Windows 7 in the Start menu.

Rice. 2. "Search" line to find the downloaded file

1 in fig. 2 - click "Start".
2 in Fig. 2 - in the "Search" line, enter the name of the file downloaded from the Internet.
3 in Fig. 2 - file search results.

If the file name in the "Search" is entered more or less reliably, then it is very likely that the file will be found as a result of the search.

There is no doubt: searching for a file by its name is a convenient service on a computer. But who remembers the name of a file that was once downloaded on the Internet?

I will take the liberty of saying that the majority of users do not remember it. In addition, files downloaded from the Internet may have strange names that are impossible not only to remember, but even to understand, some kind of gibberish. Therefore, we move on to the next method of finding a file on your computer downloaded from the Internet.

3 "Downloads" folder in different browsers and how to change it

A browser is usually used to access the Internet. With the help of a browser, users go to social networks, go to various sites. Therefore, files from the Internet (pictures, songs, videos, etc.) are most often downloaded through a browser. The browser has a Downloads folder where you can find downloaded files from the Internet.

Below we will consider how to find the "Downloads" folder in the browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser, Internet Explorer, as well as how to change the standard download folder for downloaded files to a convenient folder.

So, we will look for the downloaded files in the browser, in the Downloads folder. To do this, you usually need to go to the menu of any browser and find the "Downloads" option there.

1 in fig. 3 - in the Google Chrome browser in the upper right corner, click on the menu button "Configure and manage Google Chrome".
2 in Fig. 3 - a menu will open in which you need to click on the "Downloads" option.

Rice. 3. The "Downloads" folder in the Google Chrome browser

By clicking on the "Downloads" option, we will see the downloaded files.

How do I delete my download history in Google Chrome?

To delete something unnecessary, just click on the cross in front of the irrelevant file:

Rice. 4. Downloaded files in the "Downloads" folder in Google Chrome

In the browser settings there is a tab “Personal data”, and in it there is a button “Clear history”. This is how you can quickly delete the history of downloaded files over a period of time:

  • over the past hour,
  • for yesterday
  • last week,
  • for the last 4 weeks, for all time.

This removes the list of files downloaded using Google Chrome. The files themselves remain on the computer.

How to change the Downloads folder in Google Chrome

By default, in the Google Chrome browser, files are saved to folders:

  • Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8: \ Users \<имя_пользователя>\ Downloads
  • Windows XP: \ Documents and Settings \<имя_пользователя>\ My Documents \ Downloads
  • Mac OS: / Users /<имя_пользователя>/ Downloads
  • Linux: / home /<имя пользователя>/ Downloads

To change the Downloads folder, open the Google Chrome settings (3 in Fig. 3). At the end of the settings page, click on the "Show advanced settings" button and in the additional settings we find the "Downloaded files" option (1 in Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. You can change the location of downloaded files in Google Chrome

If you click on the "Change" button (2 in Fig. 5), the "Browse for folders" will open. In this overview you can

  • using the slider (3 in Fig. 5) find the desired download folder,
  • or create a new download folder (4 in Fig. 5).

After choosing a new download folder, do not forget to click on "OK".

Screenshots are for Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87 browser.

  • To do this, in the "Downloads" folder, click on the file icon (but not on the link) with RMB (right-click). Or, on the touch screen, hold your finger on the file icon a little longer. A context menu for the file should appear, which contains a list of all valid actions with respect to this file.
  • In this menu, click the "Save As" option (for example, maybe "Save Image As").
  • The "Save As" window will open, in which you need to find the folder to save the file from the downloads to another location. Instead of a folder, you can select Desktop. Although you need to understand that cluttering the Desktop on your computer with files downloaded from the Internet is not a good idea.
  • After you have decided on the save location, you can change or leave the same file name.
  • Now that the location for storing the file (folder) and the file name are determined, click the "Save" button in the "Save As" window.
  • You can make sure that the file is saved in a location where you can easily find it later. To do this, we find the file in a new location. You can check that it opens and everything is OK with it.
  • Now you can remove the duplicate of this file from the Downloads folder.

Where are the downloads in Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser has the same engine as the Google Chrome browser, so the settings of these browsers have a lot in common.

In Yandex Browser, in the upper right corner, click on the "Yandex Browser Settings" menu (1 in Fig. 6), and in the menu that appears, click on the "Downloads" option.

Rice. 6. Downloads in Yandex Browser

Open "Downloads" and see the downloaded files. Move the mouse cursor to the downloaded file and click on button 1 in Fig. 7, or you can right-click (right-click) on the file. A list of operations that can be applied to the downloaded file will appear. For example, you can delete a file (2 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. What can be done with downloaded files in Yandex Browser

Screenshots are for Yandex browser version

How to change the Downloads folder in Yandex Browser

To change the standard Downloads folder in Yandex Browser to another folder, you need to open Settings (3 in Fig. 6).

Then, on the settings page, click "Show advanced settings" and there find the "Downloaded files" option, which has the same as for the Google Chrome browser (Fig. 5).

Opposite the "Downloaded files" option, click on the "Change" button, select the appropriate folder to save the downloaded files.

Mozilla Downloads folder

Rice. 8. Downloads in Mozilla

The Mozilla Downloads folder looks like a down arrow (1 in Figure 8). You can click on this arrow, a drop-down menu will appear.

2 in Fig. 8 - By clicking the "Show all downloads" option, we will see all downloaded files in the Mozilla browser.

To change the default Downloads folder in Mozilla to a different folder,

click "Open menu" (1 in Fig. 9),
then "Settings", the "General" window will open.

You can click on the "Browse" button (2 in Fig. 9) and select another folder so that the downloaded files are saved in it:

Rice. 9. Change the "Downloads" folder for downloaded files in Mozilla

Screenshots are for Mozilla browser version 50.1.

Opera Downloads folder

Rice. 10. The "Downloads" folder in the Opera browser

To find downloaded files in Opera:

1 in fig. 10 - click "Menu" in the upper left corner of the Opera browser,
2 in Fig. 10 - open "Downloads".

How to change the download folder in Opera

To change the download folder for downloaded files from the Internet, click "Settings" (3 in Fig. 10). Then in the "Downloads" tab opposite the "Download folder" click on the "Change" button and select another folder to download the downloaded files.

Screenshots for Opera browser version 42.0.2393.137.

Where are the downloads in Internet Explorer

Rice. 11. Downloads in the Internet Explorer browser

To find downloaded files in Internet Explorer:

1 in fig. 11 - click on the top menu "Service",
2 in Fig. 11 - click "View downloads".

Screenshots for Internet Explorer version 11.0.9600

What can you do with files in the Downloads folder?

Video version of the article "Where to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer"

The idea of ​​vocation has taken on a new lease of life these days. They talk about it everywhere: books, articles, all kinds of trainings are devoted to how to find the main business of your life. The background is clear: it is important for us to realize that the work to which we give our time, and in general, the trajectory of our life is not accidental for us.

It is an important pillar of our identity. But the very idea of ​​a vocation, in my opinion, is unfortunate, and here's why.

Predestination. No matter how we understand the vocation (as something given to us by Providence or as a talent from nature waiting to be realized), this idea contains a hint of the fatefulness and predestination of our path.

Idealization. The idea of ​​vocation idealizes the process of professional choice and professional activity itself. It is no coincidence that the vocation is most often written with a capital letter.

Authorship. The idea of ​​a vocation deprives us of full authorship in the choice of work, removes responsibility for our work in life. It assumes that we do not create a work of life for ourselves, but receive it as an inheritance or find it.

Exclusivity. The idea of ​​a vocation forms a false idea of ​​the uniqueness of a suitable occupation for us, the assumption that there cannot be several “vocations”. As a psychologist and coach, I see that the need to find the Calling makes many of us experience tremendous pressure, anxiety and doubts (“What if it's not right?”). As if there is only one correct line of life, leaving which we will fail.

Path trajectories or life's work?

In my opinion, vocation and concepts close to it ("life's work", "destiny") is a myth. There is no exclusive, specially prepared business for us that we "must" realize, otherwise we will be doomed to remain dissatisfied and unhappy.

There is a fan of possibilities within our diverse (but always limited) interests, where we can realize ourselves. This does not negate the existence of an area of ​​our incompetence, non-talent, what is “not ours,” those activities where we will have no flow, no involvement, no results, no pleasure from work.

Philosophy of things you love

A productive, balanced and optimistic alternative to the idea of ​​the Calling in our time could, in my opinion, be the philosophy of what you love. It requires us to understand what fascinates us and what we would be happy (and ready) to invest in.

Whether for life or for a while - this is our personal decision. Feeling “right for me” is associated with my personal evolution, circumstances, changing values, new resources.

The philosophy of what you love is based on the ability to find and realize your true interest. It is not about magic intuition and insight, but about doing, about research through action. Favorite things can change, and in general they are fundamentally multiple. And this is their advantage over the Invocation with a capital letter.

First of all, because education is a science that you master all your life. You constantly have to think about how best to teach, explain, make it more accessible and understandable to the student. The student understood and learned, saw something very important - this is your joy and your success. You teach him to think, search, compare, analyze. You teach him to use his creativity. Your task is to teach him how to learn. His success is your success!
Education is also the joy of discovering something new. You will never have to stop there. You are always trying to solve some kind of research problem, and this is very important: it is impossible to teach science without raising unexplored problems, because the teaching process in this case will be nothing more than a simple presentation of the accumulated information. You strive to discover the secret and comprehend the unknown, involve students in the research process, interest them in the problem - and thus move forward. After all, life boils where there is movement and new horizons open up. Education and science should be one whole!
Education is mastering the ability to be open to the world. You are ready to perceive new things, see and understand the main thing in what you are studying, reveal laws and logic in it, expand your worldview. You do not close, you do not hide, but you go to meet the challenges. Education is your brainchild, your way of life. You look at everything from the inside, and not from the outside, you see that you cannot save on education, you cannot curtail, reduce, close anything in it. The country needs thinking and educated people! Education is the backbone of our life. It should not depend on someone's whim, and when solving issues in this area, one must always think about the consequences that may be - alas! - very sad. Without quality education, the country will have neither a high material nor a high spiritual level. Making education both an asset and a need for everyone is a science that has yet to be grasped.

Evgeniya Abaeva, Associate Professor, Department of Anglistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute:

And we run, we run, we run, we run ... We all run and we don't have time for everything. But you have to be in time. And the employer wants the employee to speak five languages, be able to program in "C ++" and at the same time be able to sell snow to the Eskimos ... in the winter. Oh yes, and also knew how to make coffee.
It is difficult to imagine the knowledge base that has been accumulated by generations of people until now. And all this baggage, at times almost too heavy, we must pass on to our children. And in ten years it will not become easier, and you will have to decide whether it is necessary to take a winter hat with you to the south, or you can limit yourself to a bathing cap. In other words, in the modern world, the ability to filter out the grains of really necessary information comes to the fore.
Yes, no one argues, the time has come for innovative technologies, and the teacher of our time easily uses an interactive whiteboard in his work and knows how to set up animation in Power Point. Methodology and pedagogy are also moving forward. Interactive learning, differentiated learning, an individual approach and a credit system are not just words, but things that are really implemented in life. But now we are not talking about this, but about what society expects from education, what do we, parents and teachers, want from children and students in our turbulent life? Most importantly, we must teach them how to learn. The German philosopher Georg Simmel famously formulated this: "An educated person is one who knows where to find what he does not know." It is the process of education itself that is important, the state when a person, understanding his needs, makes a conscious step towards the acquisition of this knowledge. As a man of the future is an educated person, so education itself is a science of the future. Not in the generally accepted sense of the word, but "science" as "knowledge." A person should be clearly aware of what goals in education he sets for himself, what tasks he is going to solve, and together with him the teacher should think about this. That is, first of all, the question “Why?” Is asked, which has become the main question of future education. And only then the question "How?"
Throughout our lives, we continue to accumulate knowledge, gain experience and skills, and hone skills. After all, “a person who is too old to learn, in all likelihood, was always too old to learn” (Haskins Henry). But you also need to study wisely. Not to run, but to stop and think. And this must be done in time.

Ekaterina Abramova, Senior Lecturer, Researcher, Moscow University for the Humanities:

It is known that the informatization of the educational environment is designed to facilitate and improve the quality of the educational process. Today, we can note the relative availability of information technology for all educators. However, despite the fact that the computer is actively used in solving administrative issues, it is not always involved in the process of submitting lecture material. Undoubtedly, to simplify this task, it is necessary to use all the IT resources available at the moment. First of all, it is the multimedia audience itself.
Unfortunately, the equipment of this classroom, as a rule, does not meet the necessary requirements: outdated computers, lack of a touch board and a projector. But this problem is just one of the difficulties that the teacher faces.
Informatization of the educational environment implies good computer skills and maximum use of operating system applications that will help optimize the educational process and motivate students to study a particular subject.
Focusing on the principle of clarity, the teacher involves students in the process of learning new material. However, the teacher's incompetence in working with multimedia can lead to the opposite result. For example, a presentation overloaded with information or a long scientific film creates an indifferent attitude among students towards the discipline being studied.
Thus, the effectiveness of informatization of the learning process primarily depends on the solution of such problems as:
- providing the teacher with the necessary audience, equipped with multimedia means;
- the competence of the teacher when working with IT.
In considering these issues, it cannot be denied that the computer and other multimedia resources will not replace the teacher himself. Nevertheless, information technology can facilitate the teacher's task to convey information to the student as much as possible. It is especially important for the student to analyze and understand the material.
As an advice on the first problem related to the audience, you can suggest the following - the necessary equipment to carry with you. Instead of a computer, they often use a small and inexpensive netbook weighing no more than a kilogram. A powerful projector can be replaced with a pocket one that can fit in the palm of your hand, and a light wall or a large white sheet of whatman paper can be used as a screen. Thus, the "portable multimedia classroom" fits into a regular teacher's portfolio and weighs very little.
Considering the second problem related to the competence of teachers in the field of information technology, a solution is more difficult to find. Not only the teachers themselves should be interested in this, but also their administration, which in turn should provide the teaching staff with the necessary training program to improve professional competence. Finally, the acquired or already existing knowledge in the field of information technology must be adequately used in one's pedagogical work: to be able to make presentations, create video and audio material using the simplest codecs and utilities, and, of course, to reveal for oneself all the possibilities of the Internet.
If possible, each teacher should have his own Internet page, where he lays out the necessary information about himself and contact information. This page also provides various links to help students find specific Internet sources. For teachers who have a good command of a computer and know how to work on the Internet, it is useful to create their own website. It can be very simple, but it will contain everything that a particular teacher needs. Today it is possible to create a website from templates on free hosting. Social networks are also very popular. However, the teacher must always remember that he must be the authority for the students. In this situation, he should monitor the personal information that he puts on the network.

Elena Aleksandrova, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education:

Speaking about education as the science of the future, I want to first of all talk about the role of the teacher. The word itself captures the essence of the profession - to give knowledge. But not just giving, but also directing, helping, teaching. The teacher deals with the future, in his hands is the fate of the new generation, the fate of the country, the fate of the planet. A true teacher stands on the path of self-improvement, constantly looks into the depths of his own soul and mind: the one who knows it himself can show the way.
Pedagogy is a science that shapes the social behavior of a person, helps to develop volitional qualities, behave in a team, and be able to follow the rules when necessary. For the normal progressive development of society, a comprehensively developed personality is needed. A person who is fully aware of his responsibility to his family, country, today and tomorrow. To form such a personality is the teacher's job. The task of education is to give a person in his hands the tools that could most effectively help to master new knowledge, openly face the present and future, and be a conscientious member of society.
Modern culture has entered the era of "blooming complexity", it is becoming more and more difficult to navigate the labyrinth of diversity, in multidirectional information flows. At the same time, a comprehensively educated person has the inner strength not to lose the idea of ​​life values. Education lays down basic concepts, strengthens the mind, teaches how to learn. Knowledge is valuable in application, knowledge is valuable in the spirit of the one who applies it. A teacher can help a person make knowledge a part of his life, develop the ability to think, analyze, compare, and make deliberate decisions.
Thinkers, philosophers, scientists for centuries speak and write about education, teachers and students, about knowledge and ignorance. Each epoch sets new tasks, makes them look for ways to overcome difficulties, educate. Using the fruits of education in all spheres of human life, a morally developed person becomes a support for the future of his country.

Surely it happened to everyone that the keys they just held in their hands disappeared somewhere, and a book was suddenly lost within a small room, or favorite shoes, waiting for their season, mysteriously disappeared from the closet. How to find a lost item in such circumstances? Is it possible to facilitate your own searches, and what is the reason for such misunderstandings?

How to find the missing item?

A rational approach in serious matters is the most winning tactic. Therefore, in search of the missing thing, the main rule is to let go of the panic and think about the situation soberly. It is necessary to analyze as clearly as possible the last moments when you saw or held the desired object in your hands. What circumstances accompanied this moment? What did you do? What was going on around?

If a thing disappeared within the house, you can exhale with relief: sooner or later you will be able to find it, although sometimes the sooner the better. In your search, you can be guided by several principles. Inspect the alleged areas of the location of the object, according to its belonging to them, or, conversely, rely on intuition. For example, you can relax and think where you could put this thing purely mechanically, without controlling yourself. Most often, it is precisely such spontaneous actions that lead to the fact that the object is subsequently lost, and the memory does not want to explain exactly where this happened and how.

The whole problem is that a person is used to performing several actions at the same time. While the brain processes the main task, for example, talking on the phone, hands move something from place to place thoughtlessly. Side effects are not monitored by consciousness, and as a result are rarely imprinted in memory. And in order to fish them out of the depths of the subconscious, you have to again make a distracting maneuver.

If your item is missing outside the home, the likelihood of finding it is significantly reduced. This is especially true for valuable items: wallets, keys, etc. Even if a stranger accidentally sees them, there is no guarantee that they will honestly confess and give them back. It's worth a try, though. The most effective in this regard are posts on social networks, which all friends and acquaintances can transfer to their page (repost), as a result of which more people will see them.

The text must indicate at least the approximate place and time of loss. If the settlement is small, you can even advertise on the radio. It is also recommended to post a notice at the alleged location of the loss. In addition, “lost and found tables” are gaining popularity on social networks: communities in which messages about losses and finds are posted. Perhaps your city also has a similar one.

How to find a lost thing at home?

The easiest way to help you find the lost is, of course, general cleaning. True, it is worth noting that it must be carried out exactly in that part of the apartment where the item is expected to be found, since otherwise the search will drag on for several days. Moreover, for small elements, a thorough revision of every corner, all piled up papers, etc., painstaking and lengthy actions, may be required. However, this does not always work. How to be in such a situation?

Psychologists advise to weaken attention from the task at hand if thoughts about it are spinning in the subconscious for too long. This lowers the chances of a successful completion of the case, because breaks are needed everywhere. And if we take into consideration the energy field of each object, then after a long exposure to it with the power of thought, it begins to reflect all the messages, as a result of which it becomes simply impossible to detect the loss.

Therefore, during the search, it is imperative to take a break, be distracted for half an hour or an hour. In this state, when you are not concerned about the location of a specific object, it is easiest to suddenly catch the right thought, which will tell you in which direction to search.

6 ways to find something you forgot, where you put it

It happens that no amount of analytical reasoning in the search for a certain subject helps. In such situations, it is not difficult to agree with the version of the Brownie's pranks. Whether it's his handiwork or not, a few old search methods won't be superfluous. What if you find what you are looking for?

  1. If the Brownie is really rowdy, you need to appease him: put a glass of milk with honey on the threshold, put any bun or cheesecake, a piece of cake or other sweetness. According to ancient beliefs, this spirit is very fond of flour and confectionery products, especially if they are homemade. In extreme cases, even refined sugar or butter is suitable. After that, you need to clap your hands, looking around, and invite the Domovoy to play with the thing, but then be sure to return it to the owners.
  2. Perhaps a harmless home spirit has nothing to do with the loss. Then you can try the following methods: tie a personal towel or handkerchief to the leg of the chair that you most often use, making exactly 1 knot for this. Then you need to be distracted by any other business: at least start cleaning, at least just turn on a movie. It is important to relax your attention, and after a short break, start looking again. They should already be more successful. The same effect can be achieved by placing the glass or cup that you use most actively on the table upside down.
  3. It is impossible to exclude the possibility that the item was lost in a certain "spatial pocket" of your home. Then it may take a little more effort to find it than in previous cases. For example, a store bought a purple candle without any decor, put it on the table in front of you in the evening and light it up. Looking at its flame, you need to visualize the image of the lost thing: either it will “call” itself, or the candle will tell you the direction in which to look. It is worth focusing on which side the melted wax flows down.
  4. A method similar to the previous one also involves interaction with fire: broken dry twigs of wormwood, lavender and motherwort are poured into a copper bowl. Then the herbs are moistened with alcohol and set on fire. Walking around the apartment with a bowl in hand, fumigating all the corners and walls with smoke, you need to imagine the loss as clearly as possible, mentally invoking it. If the thing does not respond, it is worth going in the direction where the smoke will reach. You can also pick up a ball and walk around the house with it, constantly spinning the thread in your fingers and feeling how it extends towards the lost thing.
  5. Search with a pendulum is considered to be quite effective. To do this, you can use a ready-made device, and build it yourself, hanging any medium-sized load on a soft thread. As in the previous versions, holding the pendulum by the upper end, you need to go around the apartment with it, mentally calling out the loss. Where the load begins to actively rotate, there is a high probability of finding the desired one.
  6. The latter method will require you to wait some time, during which the thing should itself respond to energy impulses from your side. You need to take a thread, the length of which is equal to your height, then fold it 10 times, and tie knots on it in the amount of 3 pieces. at an equal distance from each other. This should be done in the evening, since the thread is removed under the pillow on which you sleep. And in the morning, you should resume the search, relying on the information received at night.

And if none of the methods discussed above was able to help you in finding the lost thing, let it go. Probably, something from above decided that you really do not need this item. After all, everything in life happens only according to the correct scenario, even if at a particular moment it seems that this event is negative.

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