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Where can I start the survey. Services for creating interactive surveys, questionnaires

Tests and Polls are the primary means of collecting and processing information. But with the development of communication tools, their role has undergone significant changes - the audience that can be reached has significantly increased, the time for preparing and processing data has decreased, which means that it has become possible to use them to solve more operational and short-term tasks.

Online services for testing and surveys open up truly unlimited possibilities, since they do not impose restrictions on the location of respondents and technical equipment - it is enough to have a connection to the worldwide network and it does not matter whether it is a desktop computer or a mobile phone.

All the services discussed below have the necessary functionality for creating modern tests, quizzes and surveys with the possibility of wide use of multimedia content. Many of them are not free, but almost all have either limited free plans or time-limited trial periods. All this will allow you to choose the most suitable service and effectively use it to solve your problems.

SoGo Survey

An easy-to-use modern tool that allows you to create all kinds of online surveys, both from scratch and based on built-in . Supported multipage polls, multiple choice questions, rating scale and more. Allows you to track the status of the interviewee in real time, as well as perform data analysis and generate various reports. Links to surveys (invitations) or their results can be shared via email and social networks.

Cost: $0 to $99 per month

Constant Contact

Coinstant Contact makes it much easier creation of tests, polls and quizzes thanks to the mechanism and database of ready-made questions on a variety of topics. The appearance can also be changed to your liking, using different fonts, logos and more.
Polls created in this way can be embedded on website pages, blog posts or social networks. Feedback is very well thought out, which allows you to control the status of tests and receive comprehensive statistics on their results.

Cost: from $20 per month

Survey Monkey

One of the most popular apps in the industry. As well as the previous one, it has a huge bank of questions and with which you can significantly reduce the time to create a test, and improve the quality of testing thanks to professionally formulated tasks.

Cost: from 0€ to 800€ per year


Despite being free, eSurf not much inferior to their premium counterparts. 10 types of questions, including questions with multiple choice, free text input of the answer, photos and videos. Jobs as a whole can be password protected and restricted to authorized users only. There are tools for exporting results to various formats - Excel, CSV, XML or PDF, and links to tests and their results can be distributed via e-mail, social networks or embedded on site pages.

Cost: free

Survey Gizmo

Survey Gizmo is a portal that offers you create modern online surveys, quizzes and tests. You will be able to use several dozen different types of questions, powerful means of checking the correctness of answers (including mathematical formulas and complex logic circuits). In terms of appearance, each assignment and test has a modern, stylish design adapted to both desktop computers and mobile devices.

Cost: $0 to $75 per month

Survey Planet

When creating tests and surveys in Survey Planet, you have at your disposal several types of questions (from a simple “Yes-No”, to free text entry of an answer, or answers based on a score in points) and extensive visual design options - over 90 ready-made, 50 color solutions , background textures and multilingual support.

Cost: free.

Quiz Revolution

Quiz Revolution, of course, did not revolutionize the methodology for conducting surveys and quizzes, but, undoubtedly, raised it to a qualitatively new level. Rich media options, multiple question types, and the same wide range of analytics and reporting tools. Setting up a survey with Quiz Revolution is as easy as 1-2-3:
  1. creating a task using the visual editor
  2. publication
  3. obtaining results and statistics.
Cost: Free and $10 per month

  • allows you to quickly create stylish and meaningful tests and distribute links to them using e-mail, social networks or an iOS application. This is Poll Daddy. And besides this, the possibility of registering to pass tests and collect better statistics, powerful tools for processing the information received and editing the appearance.

    Cost: $0 to $899 per year

Collecting data doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, it shouldn't cost a dime. There are many great free tools out there that can do the same things as expensive form and survey builders.

Here are some of the best free data collection apps in the form of a form or survey.

6 of the best free form maker apps.

Form builders are one of the most flexible applications. They can be used to collect data in spreadsheets, pay for purchases in your online store, or plan a startup. With the help of such constructors, it is easy to create a contact form for the site. They are like digital Lego: add the necessary elements, customize and your creation is ready.

1. Google Forms: for integration with Google Sheets.

If you're already using Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Gmail, then don't forget about Google Forms, a great option for creating free forms. This app is built into Google Apps, it's very easy to use, and it automatically syncs with Google Sheets. These functions are enough to create a simple form.

More than 10 types of forms are available in Google Forms with convenient text input. Create as many forms as you like, add as many response options as your spreadsheet can fit - there's no limit. You can also use Google Forms Scripts to add notifications, validation, action logic, and more.

The app does not have the ability to upload files or accept payments. The form themes are fairly simple, and it won't be hard to tell if it's a Google product. However, it has all the basic features, and it's completely free.

2. Typeform: for modern design forms.

An unlimited number of forms and responses are provided free of charge. Additional features such as payment fields can be accessed by updating the application.

3. Ninja Forms: For creating forms for WordPress.

Sometimes, form-building applications are overloaded with unnecessary options. If you don't want to upload files or get long responses, but just want quick responses from your audience, then polls are great for this feature.

Form and survey apps are very similar, but the latter are perfect for asking simple questions and getting simple answers.

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find out how your employees understand the company's goals

evaluate the efficiency of the enterprise

give your employees the opportunity to anonymously express their views and opinions

evaluate the usefulness of a corporate website

Scientific research

research for master's and dissertations

tests and samples of examination tests

check the level of satisfaction with the training

registration for conferences

order from us individual surveys of any level of complexity

find out how a specific group of consumers perceives your products or services

division of surveys by cities, regions, regions and countries


Today we are introducing a paid subscription for those who are engaged in surveys at a level that can be called "Professional". All major features are still available for free use. Only functions such as the ability to insert your own Google Analytics counter, transfer the questionnaire to another user, and export the arguments of the questionnaire were subject to restrictions. In addition, paid subscribers will not see our logo and our buttons on their profiles.
Users of the free plan will have to face a limit on the number of collected respondents - 200 responses for each questionnaire (or 100 if the user has more than 10 questionnaires). But this limitation does not apply to questionnaires that have already collected more than the established limit or contain only one question.

Conditional output of questionnaire elements (branching)

We are finally ready to provide our users with our implementation of the so-called "poll branching logic". Emphasis was placed on the ease of understanding of this mechanism by untrained users, so it was decided to implement this mechanism by setting any element of the questionnaire or entire pages of the conditions that are required in order to display this element or page. Conditions can be based both on the previously entered answers of the current questionnaire, and on the arguments with which the questionnaire was opened. Thus, the authors of the questionnaires can address their respondents to the same questionnaire with different arguments and, depending on the argument passed, display or not display specific questions.

Continuation of work

After lengthy requests to restore an accidentally deleted profile, we tried to make the deletion process more difficult to reduce the number of accidental positives. But it did not help. Users continued to delete their profiles through negligence. As a result, it was decided to implement a two-level deletion: at the first stage, the questionnaire is only marked deleted. You can really destroy it only from the list of deleted profiles. You can also restore it from this list. In addition, a number of changes were made to the mechanism for saving test results in order to prevent the loss of the respondent's answers due to incorrect configuration of the questionnaire parameters.

There were only 3 services with adequate functionality that allow you to create an unlimited number of questionnaires and questions in them and do not limit the number of answers received:, Google.forms and

I propose to evaluate these services according to the following criteria:

  1. Number of question types available on the free version
  2. Logic setup (branching)
  3. Possibilities for the distribution of questionnaires
  4. Email notifications of received replies
  5. results
  6. Adaptation for mobile devices
  7. Finding a server
  8. My subjective opinion about the constructor

The service offers both paid and free versions. There are 20 types of questions available on the free version. The logic is configured for all types of questions with a choice of one answer.

To distribute questionnaires, a direct link, embedding on the site and a widget are available.

You can set up e-mail notifications about each new response (with the response in the body of the letter) and about the number of responses received for a certain period.

Summary results and individual responses are available in real time. You can use filters to search for dependencies. The results are downloaded in .csv format.

The service is adapted to all modern devices. The server is located in the Russian Federation.

The constructor is logical and understandable, although the design is somewhat rustic. The free version opens up many options for creating and distributing a survey.


All the functionality of the service is available for free: 9 types of questions, the ability to configure branching (logic). To distribute the survey, there is a direct link and the ability to embed on the site. Notifications by e-mail notify only that a response has been received to the survey, there is no additional information about the response. Both summary results and individual responses can be viewed on the site in real time. There are no filters to search for dependencies. Downloading results in .csv format is available. The service is adapted for mobile devices. The company's server is located in the USA.

The constructor is simple, the settings are scattered in an incomprehensible way. Of the obvious disadvantages - to be able to use the service, you must have a gmail account. Also, the lack of a paid extension limits the creator of surveys, because sometimes you need a little more than the “required minimum”.

There is a free version and a paid extension. On the free version, 8 types of questions are available, there is no way to configure the branching of the questionnaire. To distribute the survey, it is proposed to use a direct and html-link. E-mail notifications are available for each new reply with the text of the reply in the body of the letter. Summary results and individual responses can be viewed on the site in real time, filters and downloads are not available on the free version. The service is adapted for mobile devices. The server is located in the Russian Federation.

The constructor is hard to understand. They confuse a large amount of text and randomly scattered fields on the screen.

Survey Builders are software for creating online surveys, collecting results, and analytics. They can be used for marketing research and personnel management. Almost all constructors work as cloud platforms and offer functionality for compiling surveys of any complexity.

How designers were selected for review

The review did not include completely free services like Google Forms. They will help to collect simple information, but are inferior in functionality to professional designers. The exception was Yandex.Vzglyad: this is a new tool that has recently passed closed testing, and it was interesting to try it in operation. Survey designers also remained outside the scope of the review, at least partially not adapted for Russian users.

How the parameters for comparison were selected

Each survey designer has dozens of functions. Some of them, for example, the “Single Answer” question type, the ability to insert media files into the questionnaire or generate a link to it, are available by default for any such service, therefore they are not mentioned in the review. We focus on the distinctive features and overall impression of the work.

The service was created and maintained from Russia, so technical issues are resolved through the manager quite quickly. The constructor is easy to use and functional - it has 16 types of questions and 10 types of collection of answers. Plus, each question type has options for settings, display rules, and quotas.

The service has free features, but they are rather modest, but the affordable “Basic” tariff for 690 rubles per month offers a fully developed functionality with logical branches.

It is important that the possibilities of the "Anketologist" are not limited to access to the constructor. You can also order the services of sociologists and marketers to compile questionnaires, as well as select an audience for research through their own panel of respondents with 100,000 participants from Russia and neighboring countries.

Pros: more than 100 questionnaire templates, a variety of tariff plans, decent functionality at a minimum rate, free access to the API.

Minuses: lack of integration with third-party services.

Chip: services of specialists for the development of questionnaires and an online panel for conducting research.

Why choose: if you need help writing questionnaires and reports, or you want to conduct a major survey in any region.

This service does not have free functionality, only a 7-day trial period. To test the constructor, you need to leave payment details. The main thing is not to forget to cancel the registration if the service does not suit you: otherwise, the money will be debited from the card.

Examinare specializes in developing comprehensive business research programs. Access to the self-service survey builder is just one of the company's many services, and far from the main one. Perhaps this explains its modest capabilities (only 7 types of questions).

To work, you will have to open 2 accounts - one for financial transactions, the other for working in the constructor itself. This is not very convenient, the multi-account function with the main account and sub-accounts with limited rights seems to be a better option.

Pros: a large number of integration modules with third-party services, operational Russian-language support by e-mail, additional services for business.

Minuses: limited features of the constructor, few payment methods, outdated design of profiles, lack of a free plan.

Chip: Possibility to order telephone polls.

Why choose: if you need anything else besides collecting data with online surveys.

Simpoll offers the creation of 3 types of questionnaires: tests, polls and actual surveys. This is a moderately capable designer. Inexpressive from a visual point of view, but simple, convenient and with a bonus in the form of simple logical rules in the questionnaire, even on a free plan.

The minimum tariff costs only 150 rubles per month, but it must be taken for at least 3 months (as well as 2 other paid tariffs). This constructor has a superpower: for only 12 thousand rubles you can buy its boxed version with all the functionality.

Pros: many payment options, low price, forms for creating tests, own online panel of respondents.

Minuses: export of results only in xls even at paid rates, inexpressive design of questionnaires, average constructor capabilities.

Chip: boxed version.

Why choose: if you want a boxed version.

The most popular survey maker in the world, users collect more than 15 million responses every day with its help. The interface of the constructor is overloaded with details and not very convenient to use. This is the cost of a functional that includes all the features of a good constructor and a bunch of additional options like a database of ready-made questions, A / B testing and the ability to invite experts to evaluate the created questionnaire.

It will be a little difficult for an inexperienced user to figure out what's what. And this is taking into account the tips generously scattered around the service and the detailed Help Center section.

Other achievements of Surveymonkey: integration with a huge number of services (Mailchimp, Dropbox and others) and a mobile application suitable for full-fledged work. There is also a panel of respondents, but it is not yet available in Russia.

Pros: rich functionality, many formats for uploading data, excellent adaptation for mobile devices, affordable prices, a database of ready-made questions.

Minuses: high entry threshold, lack of support in Russian.

Chip: mobile application for creating questionnaires.

Why choose: if you want the strongest functionality to date and are able to figure it out on your own.

At first glance, the constructor is convenient, only the surprising modesty of the functionality catches the eye.

Problems begin when the user proceeds to the stage of collecting responses and analyzing the results: the options for sending questionnaires are simply scattered across the page, there is no structure in them. And for some reason the page itself is not translated into Russian.

For questions via email, the support team responds quickly, although again in English. Prices for the three offered paid tariffs are average.

Pros: a form for creating tests, the logic of the questionnaire at a free rate.

Minuses: ugly usability, lack of Russian-speaking support.


Why choose: for a Russian-speaking user, there are no advantages over competitors or at least strengths in this constructor.

A solid service with functionality above average and far ahead of competitors in the visual component. Survio has a beautiful constructor, questionnaires and even templates for reports that can be downloaded in pdf. Even the free plan allows you to choose the color and gradient background of profiles.

It is all the more surprising that the constructor itself (not the site) is displayed incorrectly on smartphones with any operating systems. It seems that when adapting for the Russian market, this option was not tested at all.

For the respondent, the questionnaire on the mobile phone will still look great, but the user will not be able to create this questionnaire from the phone. Another big disadvantage is the lack of support in Russian, although the service has been translated in good faith and it is not difficult to understand it.

Pros: great design, solid functionality, advanced options for filtering results and exporting data.

Minuses: lack of Russian-language support, complete inability to work from mobile devices, rather high minimum cost of the tariff.

Main feature: high level of visual content.

Why choose: just for aesthetic reasons.

A somewhat bloated description of the functionality of this constructor is striking. Let's say background customization and font customization are listed here as separate capabilities. Although in fact it is the simplest customization. Therefore, upon superficial acquaintance with an impressive list of features, it seems that the constructor can do more than it actually does.

In fairness, it can not be called weak either. There are also strengths, such as the logic in the questionnaire and the ability to export results on a free plan.

The tariff scale is extremely ascetic: either you pay 1,790 rubles for one survey, or 17,900 for an annual access. The service does not offer any other options.

Here you can also order help in compiling a survey and selecting an audience. Respondents are selected not through the panel, but through invitations on social networks and on thematic forums.

Pros: the logic of the questionnaire at a free rate, assistance in compiling the questionnaire, many formats for uploading results.

Minuses: outdated website, inflexible tariff scale, unattractive design of questionnaires.

Why choose: if you want to select an audience for a survey in social networks and forums.

Modern, beautiful and comfortable designer. You can see the developers' attention to detail and functionality in general: the user is offered 24 types of questions, of which 16 are available on a free plan. There are up to 10 parameter settings for each question. The service is perfectly adapted for mobile devices, and at the stage of creating a questionnaire, you can see how it will be displayed on each of them.

Support works quickly, during the day through online chat, questions are answered in a matter of seconds, a rare service like this can afford this.

However, Oprosso is not a tool for everyone. The pricing policy makes it suitable only for large customers. There is a free tariff here, but it is very limited in its capabilities. Full-fledged working functions open for 99,900 rubles a year, and all available functionality will cost 1,200,000 rubles a year.

As soon as the company launches a more affordable and diversified tariff scale, the designer will have almost no weaknesses. Unless the interface is too heavy, eating up a lot of RAM.

Pros: professional question types, visually appealing design, rich constructor features, fast support in Russian.

Minuses: heavy interface, too modest functionality of the free plan, high price.

Chip: Rich functionality + great design.

Why choose: if you want a full package of functions and at the same time you can not deny yourself anything.

The survey designer from the famous company still has a lot of weak points, and this applies not only to the functionality. For example, users of this service must come to terms with the fact that they will not be able to turn off the Yandex logo in their surveys and will have to submit each profile for moderation.

You can conduct any surveys on your own database of respondents for free, but there is essentially only one independent way to distribute the finished questionnaire - through a generated link.

You can also select respondents based on socio-demographic or behavioral characteristics using the Yandex.Audience service. No more than 1000 people can be polled in this way at a time, it will cost up to 70 thousand rubles.

Although big fans of Yandex analytical tools may like the constructor due to the familiar interface and clear working principles.

Pros: good help center for users, free creation of questionnaires subject to self-collection of answers.

Minuses: modest possibilities of the designer, lack of design customization, mandatory moderation of the questionnaire.

Chip: audience selection based on socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics using Yandex tools.

Why choose: if you have your own base of respondents and you are ready to put up with the obvious functional imperfections of the tool.

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