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Where can I buy train tickets. How to return a train ticket

The conditions for the return of train tickets and money for them are governed by the rules for the return of travel documents of Russian Railways from Order No. 473 of the Ministry of Transport.

General principles

  1. The money is returned in the same way that you paid, and the amount depends on how much is left before the train leaves.
  2. If you receive cash for a refund (at the box office at the station, in our office, etc.), then only on the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to return an e-ticket

If you bought a ticket to the site and did not issue it on the Russian Railways letterhead, everything is simple: you can return the ticket from your personal account on the site or from (the link is in the purchase notification letter).

  • If you have completed electronic registration, a refund is possible no later than one hour before the train departs from the initial station of its route (for example, for the Moscow - Kislovodsk train - one hour before departure from Moscow). If the ER is not passed, you can return the unused ticket and issue a refund at any time before the train departs.
  • If there are several tickets in your order, you can return all or some of them.
  • If you need forms of strict reporting for accounting, after returning the ticket, you can download a receipt for various fees (CRC) from the site.

In the near future after the return of the ticket, you will receive an SMS and an e-mail with detailed information about the refund of money for tickets (amount, term, method of payment) and the necessary links.

Another variant - refund at the Russian Railways ticket office. Regardless of where you bought your ticket, you can return it at the box office at any Russian railway station. At the same time, the ticket can be returned by the one in whose name it is issued; you must have the document for which the ticket was purchased.

If you have an electronic ticket in (classes 1A, 1M, 1I, 1B, 1P, 1E), then you can return only all tickets from the order at the same time.

How to return a paper ticket

A paper train ticket can only be returned at the box office at any station. You will need a passport or other document for which the ticket was purchased.

  1. If you paid for the ticket with a bank card, the money will be returned to it.
  2. If through terminals and communication salons, you will receive money in cash at the cash desk of Russian Railways immediately upon return.
  3. If you paid for the ticket using one of the electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex.Money), the money will be returned to the wallet from which the payment was made.

How to return a ticket for another person

If a ticket was purchased on the site and you know the order number and what e-mail or phone number it was issued to, you can return the ticket through.

If you have a paper ticket in your hands, you must return it at the box office. You must have with you:

  1. The ticket itself.
  2. Power of attorney certified by a notary to return the ticket and receive money.
  3. Passport (your, that is, the person who gives the ticket). The original document is required.

How is the ticket refunded?

The term and method of refunding money for returned tickets depends on how you paid for the purchase.

Order payment methodWhere will the money return?Payment period after application processing
Bank cardsTo the payer's cardUp to 30 working days
Terminals, communication stores, HandyBankIf you rent via the Internet - by transfer in the CONTACT payment system. If at the box office at the station - cash in it.For an electronic return - up to 10 business days after the branch code is communicated
Electronic moneyPayer's walletUp to 10 working days
Cashless paymentsOn r / schFunds are transferred the next day after the letter of application for a refund is issued. Refunds will only be issued on the original of this letter.
Cash on courier delivery or pickup (paper tickets only)Cash at the officeOn the next business day after ticket issuance

Note! After the return of the ticket, you do not receive money instantly. And if you need it again right away, for example, on another date, you need to have the required amount.

How much will you lose when returning a ticket

When you return a train ticket, you get less than what you paid for it. 4 components are subtracted:

  1. Part of the cost of the reserved seat. If the train leaves more than 8 hours later, nothing is deducted. If there are from 2 to 8 hours left, you lose 50% of the cost of the reserved seat (the ticket indicates how much it is). Less than 2 hours left before departure (or no more than 1 hour after departure) - the entire cost of the reserved seat is deducted.
  2. Collection of Russian Railways. 203 rubles are deducted from the ticket price. 50 kop. (the amount is valid until 31.12.2019).
  3. The service fee is our commission as the operator of the online ticketing system and is non-refundable.
  4. Commissions of payment systems through which you paid (if there were such commissions).

Example: you return your ticket one day before departure. In this case, you will lose only commissions and fees from paragraphs. 2-4. The rest of the money will be returned back in the same way you paid (for details, see the table above). If the ticket is paper, the day before departure, the refund is made only at the box office at the station, if the ticket is electronic - from the order management page.

When you return the ticket at the box office at the station, you will receive the same amount.

If you miss your train, you have 12 hours to return your ticket.(time is counted from the moment the train departs from the station where you got your ticket). In this case, a refund can be issued only at the Russian Railways ticket office at the station. From the cost of the ticket will be deducted the penalty for the return, the full cost of the reserved seat, all commissions and fees. Linen is refundable. After 12 hours have passed, no money will be returned.

If you couldn't go due to illness or accident, the ticket can be returned within 5 days from the date of departure of the train. A doctor's note will be required. The refund amount is the same as in case of being late.

You can check the details at the Russian Railways help desk or at the railway stations.

Have a nice trip!

And I thought that it would not be superfluous to tell about how much money is lost during this procedure. It turned out that it would not be possible to return a ticket for free, but if it is not done at the last moment, then the main part of the cost can still be saved.

This article is about monetary losses on change. We read about the technical procedure for issuing a ticket.

Let's start with the fact that the cost of travel on the train consists of the cost of the "ticket" and the cost of the "reserved seat":

The ticket is the cost of your journey directly, while the reserved seat, if the memory of the former conductor serves me right, is defined as a payment for the maintenance of the railway track, for the work of the train crew, etc. Therefore, it is logical that the refund of the cost of a ticket and a reserved seat is carried out in different situations in different ways. I note right away that in all cases you will definitely be charged a ticket return fee (until the end of 2017 it is 192.7 rubles for each seat). Consider possible options (in this case, we consider options for returning tickets issued for travel on the territory of the Russian Federation):

  1. The ticket is returned no later than 8 hours before the departure of the train from the passenger's boarding station - you will be refunded 100% of the cost of the ticket and reserved seat. Only the fee I mentioned above is charged.
  2. The ticket is rented from 2 to 8 hours before the train departure - 100% of the ticket price and 50% of the cost of the reserved seat are returned.
  3. The ticket is rented less than 2 hours before departure or no later than 12 hours after departure (yes-yes!) - 100% of the ticket price is refunded. The cost of the reserved seat is non-refundable, which is logical, given what the money from the reserved seat goes to. They go to service the movement of the train, as I said, to pay the conductor. That is, if you return the ticket too late, then they are unlikely to have time to sell it, but the train will still go only without you. It is quite logical that the cost of a reserved seat in this state of affairs should be retained.
  4. Within 5 days after the departure of the train, you can return the cost of the ticket for a good reason (illness, accident, etc.). To return, you will have to present supporting documents. The cost of the reserved seat, of course, is again non-refundable.

All of the above applies to tickets, purchased at the checkout.

With e-tickets a little more difficult. You can rent them either on the website or at the box office. If for a ticket e-registration failed(however, now electronic registration is automatic, but it can be canceled), then you can return it on the website until the time of departure of the train from passenger boarding station. If we didn’t have time, then we go to the cashier. The fees are the same as above.

An electronic ticket for which completed electronic registration can be returned online no later than 1 hour before the train departure from starting station of the train route. Until that time, you can cancel the electronic registration. But after that, you can return this ticket at the box office, in a claim procedure. You will need to fill out an application, the consideration period of which is a month. The money will be returned to the card from which the payment was made, in this case much longer than with the usual return of the ticket.

Thus, if you are not very confident about the trip, it may be reasonable not to do an electronic registration in order to quickly process a refund online later. Just be sure to remember the need to print the ticket on the form before the trip if the electronic registration is not completed.

It is worth noting that the rules for refunding money for tickets issued for Russian Railways trains abroad are different. If necessary, you can look.

How to return a train ticket, electronic or regular, we read in the article 😀

Thank you all for your attention. See you on the site!

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Any person may be faced with the fact that someday they will have to return a railway ticket for a train purchased via the Internet using the Russian Railways Online system or another intermediary site. If this is not done, then a canceled trip can not only upset any person, but also cause losses to the family budget. In this case, in order to return at least part of the money spent, the procedure must be performed in the prescribed manner.

Before returning tickets, it is strongly recommended that you pay attention to some points that will simplify the process of returning. By following all the steps of the step-by-step instructions, the return will be made without nerves and in the shortest possible time.

  • Returning a ticket and receiving compensation for it is not difficult for modern users. A fairly simple interface of the Russian Railways website and tips will allow you to perform actions without any problems. If necessary, you can always contact the support service for help.
  • All regular customers of Russian Railways know that when buying a travel document for cash, the return will be made in a similar way. It will be possible to receive compensation at any working ticket office or at the station. When a ticket was paid for with a plastic card, the refund will also take place by bank transfer. At the same time, the place of purchase does not matter - on the website or at the Russian Railways ticket office. The client will receive the funds due to him within 5-30 days.
  • After the return of the ticket, the free seat in the carriage is instantly released and enters the consolidated database. Any user who sees it free on the site can purchase a ticket. Common cases of errors when filling out documentation. In this case, the Russian Railways client must return the ticket, fill in the data correctly and purchase it again. When performing such an action, risks are possible - in the time period, free space can be redeemed by another user.
  • The Russian Railways client must understand that he will receive a smaller amount of money compared to the one that was originally paid for the travel document. Its size is affected by:

- the remaining time before the train's departure (the earlier the ticket is returned, the more money will be returned;
- commission (for each of the tickets);
- the cost of insurance (it will be returned in a separate amount).

  • It is highly recommended to hand over the travel document no later than 8 hours before the train departure. With the help of the step-by-step instructions below, everyone can quickly and easily return a ticket that was purchased on the site.

Refund of an electronic train ticket on the Russian Railways website - detailed instructions

Where is the money transferred after the return of the RZD ticket?

After returning the ticket on the Russian Railways website, the user received moral satisfaction. At the same time, the material side of this issue remains open. The Russian Railways client is concerned about the time it takes to receive money for returning a ticket.

When the ticket was purchased by bank transfer, the money will be transferred to the card automatically. In this case, there is no need to enter its number, secret code and other details. Money without the participation of a person will be returned to the card, provided that the status is updated to "Returned". After this point, 7-30 days should pass.
In the personal account "My orders" after the return of money, information is displayed on the transfer of a certain amount by Russian Railways to a bank card.
Consider the most common questions that users have when they intend to receive a refund for an unused electronic

1. Return no later than 8 hours - the person will receive the fare, consisting of the ticket price and the cost of the reserved seat.

2. Refund in less than 8 hours - the person will receive a refund of the ticket price minus 50% of the cost of the reserved seat. The set fee will also be credited to his account.

3. Refund in less than 2 hours - the person will receive a refund of the full cost minus 100% of the cost of the reserved seat and tax.

The term "reserved seat" should be understood as a tariff, and not the well-known reserved seat car. Its size is unknown. As practice shows, the fare can vary within 30-90% of the ticket price. All users can study useful information on the official website, which will explain the procedure for returning unused documents. If you have any questions, you can always contact the consulting center of the company. They always promptly clarify conflicting situations. You can get advice on any issue that has arisen by calling the free hotline: 8 - 8007750000.

Nuances when returning tickets with completed electronic registration on the Russian Railways website

  • You can return a ticket by means of at least 1 hour before the train departure. After the specified time, it will be impossible to carry out the procedure. If it is not possible to visit the official website of the company and perform actions, the failed passenger can return the money for the travel document at the box office. A prerequisite for a refund is the presence of a printed boarding pass or a 14-digit ticket number. In this case, the person must present the document that was presented at the time of purchase.
  • When you apply to the box office to return a ticket for a train, before the departure of which there is less than 1 hour left, the transfer of money can only be carried out in a claim procedure. At the ticket office, a seat can be returned with the subsequent issuance of a confirmation receipt.
  • When it is necessary to return a ticket for another passenger, it will be necessary to present a completed power of attorney along with an identity document. Refunds can be made before the departure of the train or after it - exclusively at the station of its departure.

Commission for the return of railway tickets

When returning to the Russian Railways ticket office a ticket issued for the next train in the territory of the Russian Federation, the following will be credited to the bank card:

1. the cost of the ticket and reserved seat (8 hours before departure);
2. full ticket price and 50% of the reserved seat fare (less than 8 and no later than 2 hours in advance);
3. only the cost of the ticket (less than 2 hours before the train departure).

  • In the latter case, the cost of the ticket will be credited to the bank card in case of illness of the passenger or an accident. In this case, the fact of the onset of health problems must be documented.
  • When a ticket for an international train is returned to the Russian Railways ticket office (including travel through the CIS countries), the cost of the ticket and reserved seat will be credited to the bank card (if applied no later than one day). The passenger will be compensated for the cost of the ticket (when issued no later than 3 hours after its departure).

In the latter case, the cost of the ticket will be credited to the passenger's plastic card in case of illness or an accident. In this case, the fact of the presence of health problems must be documented. A fee of RUB 192.70 will be deducted for each e-ticket returned. (for the vacant seat).

Each failed passenger of Russian Railways can count on the return of a ticket with a claim. It will be valid when the ticket was purchased on the website, and the refund was made at the box office less than 1 hour before the start of departure. The essence of the claim procedure is to provide a receipt at the box office for the return of the ticket. In this case, all passengers will have to write a claim about the intention to return the ticket and send it by mail, attaching a receipt with it. Within 180 days (6 months) the money will be credited to the bank card.

The exception is the presence of valid reasons (provision of a sick leave). The cost of travel and reserved seat is indicated in the coupon or travel form in separate numerical values. When will the money for returned tickets be refunded? If the ticket was purchased for cash, then the money is issued at the box office at the time of application. In case of payment by credit card, the funds are returned within a period of 1 week to a month. In practice, the transfer of money is possible even earlier than the deadline. If the travel document is returned after the departure of the train, then the funds paid are credited to the settlement account for the claim within 60 days. The refunded money is credited to the electronic wallet within 10 to 60 days. If payment was made by a gift certificate, then a certificate of the same denomination is issued minus the costs incurred by the transport company.

How to return a railway ticket purchased via the Internet or at the Russian Railways box office?


In this case, you need to return a ticket:

  • Not later than six hours before the departure time of the train from the station where you decide to land. The refund amount will be equal to the full cost of the ticket.
  • Returning a ticket later than six o'clock - only the cost of a seat is compensated without the cost of travel.

Sometimes the fare in this case may not be refunded.

The fee for the return of an electronic ticket is not charged only for a child's seat (a child under five years old). How much will you lose by handing over a ticket to the Russian Railways box office? You can return a ticket to the Russian Railways box office:

  • If you bought an electronic ticket through the site, and then printed it out at the terminal at the station or received it at the box office.
  • If you bought a ticket at the box office.

Information The refund amount also depends on the time of contacting the cashier.
The later you do this, the lower the amount of compensation will be.

How to return train tickets and how much money you can get for them

However, sometimes circumstances change and the trip is postponed to another time. The ability to return a travel document that is not needed helps to avoid unnecessary expenses.

The content of the article:

  • Where and how to return a ticket for the Russian Railways train?
  • Return policy
  • Sample power of attorney for the delivery of railway coupons
  • What percentage of the cost can be returned?
  • How much are you losing?
  • E-tickets

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

How to return Russian Railways tickets - algorithm and pitfalls


Refund of electronic tickets In order to return an electronic ticket, you must first receive it. To do this, you need to come to any railway ticket office and get tickets using the order number and passport of one of the passengers.

Then you can return them at the return office. If you have completed the electronic registration and want to return the tickets, you must first cancel the registration. You can do this on the website, through the operator or at the ticket office at the station.

Please note that it is impossible to cancel the electronic registration 1 hour before the train departure. This means that it is no longer possible to return tickets. The cost of returned e-tickets will be refunded to you on the means of payment that you used to pay for the purchase.

If you paid for tickets with a bank card, then the money will be returned to the card. Money is returned within 1 month.

How much is lost when returning a train ticket

As for the return of money - they will be returned to the card within a month, if payment was made using payment systems, this will happen within 10-60 days. The procedure for returning a travel document It will not be any particular problem to return an electronic ticket to the box office, the only thing is if the electronic registration has not been completed or if there is more than an hour left before the train leaves the starting station.

You can also return the ticket in the usual way, when the passenger did not board the departing train (was late), within 3 hours. Whether it is a regular or a claim return procedure, you need to have a document with you, the data of which was entered in the order form and name the 4-digit order number.
By the way, the railway will not refund service and commission fees. We rent earlier - we return more Well, now it’s worth moving on to the process of returning traditional (for now) tickets on the form purchased at the box office.

How much money is lost when returning railway tickets of Russian Railways on the day of departure


Just be sure to remember the need to print a ticket on the form before the trip if the electronic registration is not completed. It is worth noting that the rules for refunding money for tickets issued for Russian Railways trains abroad are different. If needed, you can look here. How to return a train ticket, electronic or regular, we read in the article “how to return a train ticket”? Thank you all for your attention.

How much do you lose from returning a train ticket in 2018?

At the same time, the amounts of various service fees, payment commissions and special payments are not refundable. On average, you can lose 150–200 rubles on this return method, regardless of the type of train and the direction of its route.
That is, it is simply unprofitable to return tickets for some trains. For trains traveling abroad, the return period for receiving the full price is at least 24 before departure.
2. If the ticket is returned 2-8 hours before the departure of the train, the failed passenger will be refunded 100% of the fare and an additional exactly 50% of the price of the reserved seat. All other costs are non-refundable. That is, the ticket buyer loses approximately 25-50% of the money paid.
Here the amount is directly dependent on the type of seat chosen by the passenger. The better the booked seat in the car, the more the ticket buyer will lose. For trains departing abroad, the return period is 6-24 hours. 3.

Rules for the return and return of railway tickets (order, conditions and how much you lose)

It is not carried out in relation to children under 5 years old who do not occupy a separate seat.

  • Cancellation of the trip is made according to the same documents as the order was made.
  • The refund is carried out as one ticket from the order, and all at the same time.
  • The return of the travel document to the "Sapsan" is possible only if all four seats are returned.
  • Refusal to travel in the "Lux" class is carried out only with the simultaneous delivery of all tickets purchased in one compartment.
  • When traveling on Sapsan at the round-trip fare, the return ticket is first returned, and then the return ticket. You can only return the travel document "back".

Refund for a Russian Railways ticket - terms and conditions

How to return Russian Railways tickets - algorithm and pitfalls I will immediately note that in all cases you will definitely be charged a fee for returning a ticket (until the end of 2017 it is 192.7 rubles for each seat). Consider the possible options (in this case, the options for returning tickets issued for travel through the territory of the Russian Federation are considered):

  1. The ticket is returned no later than 8 hours before the departure of the train from the passenger's boarding station - you will be refunded 100% of the cost of the ticket and reserved seat. Only the fee that I mentioned above is charged.
  2. The ticket is rented from 2 to 8 hours before the train departure - 100% of the ticket price and 50% of the cost of the reserved seat are returned.
  3. The ticket is rented less than 2 hours before departure or no later than 12 hours after departure (yes-yes!) - 100% of the ticket price is refunded.

How much money is lost when returning a train ticket

How much do you lose if you return a train ticket? as a payment for the maintenance of the railway track, for the work of train crew employees, etc. Therefore, it is logical that the refund of the cost of a ticket and a reserved seat is carried out in different situations in different ways. How much do you lose when you return a railway ticket? In all other cases, in order to return someone else's ticket, you need a power of attorney certified by a notary and a passport. The deadline for delivery is 12 hours after the train leaves the station indicated in the travel document. A sample power of attorney for the delivery of railway tickets can be downloaded here.

How much money is lost when returning a train ticket

  • 1 Can I return my train ticket?
  • 2 Conditions for the return of RZD tickets
  • 3 RZD ticket refund policy
    • 3.1 Refund of RZD tickets purchased online
    • 3.2 Refund of Russian Railways tickets purchased at the box office
    • 3.3 Return of railway tickets by proxy
  • 4 When can I return a train ticket?
  • 5 Return of railway tickets - how much money do you lose?
  • 6 When will the money for returned tickets be refunded?
  • 7 The answer to your question may be here

Traveling by train is one of the most common types of transportation between settlements. As a rule, the ticket is purchased a few weeks before the trip. In this case, unforeseen circumstances may arise at the time of the trip, and the person will be forced to refuse the ticket.

The relationship between passengers and the railway is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation (18-FZ), the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (No. 473) and partly by the law on consumer protection (Article 32). In order for our article, upon further reading, to be completely understandable, let's immediately decipher the meanings of some fundamental terms.

RZD ticket- this is a document that confirms the actual price paid by the consumer (passenger) for travel in the car.

Reserved seat- this is permission to use a specific place (sitting or lying), which has a number and is assigned to a specific person. As a rule, the cost of a reserved seat is included in the ticket price. It is believed that the proceeds from the sale of the reserved seat make it possible to maintain the cars, ensuring their current maintenance.

That is, in fact, the amount paid by a passenger for a numbered seat always includes the fare plus a reserved seat.

Under what conditions is it possible to return a ticket

  1. In full, that is, 100% of the cost paid will be returned if the train was delayed or its departure was canceled.
  2. In full, if you were late during the transfer due to a mismatch in the arrival time of the trains.

That's all for cancellations or delays due to carriers. As you can see, in this case, the consumer receives the full cost of the ticket. Next, we will talk about a refund if there is no fault of the railway. Most questions arise when there is little time left before the train leaves, or it has already left. Is it possible to return the ticket in this case?

Passenger transportation can be attributed to the services section. Article 32 of the POZPP tells us that the buyer (consumer) can refuse any service if he agrees to pay the contractor (in this case, the carrier) for the costs incurred. From which it follows that the cost of the ticket may not be returned to the potential passenger in full, legally.

  • So, if you have time to return the ticket no later than 8 hours before the departure of the car, the ticket office will refund you the entire amount paid for the ticket. At the same time, the consumer does not have to explain the reason for the return.
  • If you did not meet this deadline, and less than 8, but more than 2 hours are left before departure, then at the box office you will be refunded 100% of the fare and 50% of the reserved seat. That is, you will not receive the entire amount paid earlier.
  • If you did not return the ticket 2 hours before the train left, or you were late for it by no more than 12 hours, then the cashier will be able to refund you only the fare. The seat card is not returned. Under the same conditions, you can return an unused ticket within five days after the date of departure, if the consumer can prove that he could not apply to the box office earlier due to a serious illness or force majeure, accident.

In addition to withholding the full or partial cost of the reserved seat, the passenger may also be charged a fee for issuing a refund.

For passengers who travel by purchasing collective tickets as part of a group, other conditions apply:

  • you can return the ticket without loss of value no later than 7 days before departure;
  • return the ticket without losing the fare, but with the loss of half the cost of the reserved seat - no later than 3 days;
  • in less than 3 days - with a complete loss of the cost of the reserved seat.

Attention! After the wagons have been sent, the law does not provide for a refund for group tickets.

In addition, a full refund, at any stage, is provided for those passengers who, due to the fault of the cashier, made mistakes in filling out their full name and passport number on the ticket.

Refund for a ticket through the box office or on a card?

The refund will be made in the same way as the payment was received. That is, if the payment was made by bank transfer, then the money will be returned to you on the same card or account.

Refunds for tickets purchased online are not much different from regular refunds. The only difference is that the refund will be made to your card, which means it will take a long time (in accordance with the timing of banking transactions).

When contacting the cashier, the passenger will be required to provide an identity document. Since the ticket is registered, you can entrust this procedure to any other person, but for this you will have to issue a power of attorney in his name and certify it with a notary.

What to do to return train tickets: video

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