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Where is the option key on a mac. Quick shutdown and reboot

Hello dear friends! Frankly, I’ve been planning to write this article for a long time and finally got around to it. This is more likely not even an article, but let’s say “a guide to hotkeys for Mac drivers.” I myself am so used to using hotkeys that sometimes I look askance at people who, for example, close a program or browser tabs with the mouse, rather than the usual Command+W 🙂

But seriously, knowing even basic shortcuts can save a lot of time and significantly increase the efficiency of your work. Mouse in the direction and let's go.

Short designations:

fn-Function key

Since the article turned out to be quite lengthy, for convenience I decided to make a table of contents:

How to cut, paste, copy on Mac?

The following keyboard shortcuts work in almost all Mac programs and allow you to perform moving operations on all types of files (text, music, folders).

Hotkeys for screenshots

Keyboard shortcuts to change boot options

In this section, you will learn what methods you can boot your Mac using the keyboard. Keep in mind that you need to hold down the keys immediately after starting the Mac.

Completion of the session. Sleeping mode

Hot keys when working in programs

Suitable for most Mac programs.

Effectively work with text using hotkeys

Hotkeys in Finder

As you can see, the list turned out to be very impressive and not suitable for everyone; for those who, for example, work a lot with text, it will be useful, but for ordinary users it will be enough to know 15-20 things from various fields. And for "photoshops" you can write a separate book in general 🙂

Cheasheet Utility (Bonus #1)

But there is one very smart utility that will always tell you which key combinations are relevant for the program you are currently working in, its name is . Using the program is extremely simple, install it and then hold Command until a window like this appears (screenshot, by the way, from Photoshop):

One important point, since you need access to all Mac programs, you must give permission to do so during installation:

Now everything is ready to receive hints when working in any program, and in the future the necessary key combinations will be remembered by themselves and you will become a keyboard virtuoso.

Assign hotkeys ourselves (bonus #2)

It happens that a user often performs the same action and thinks how nice it would be to assign hot keys for it, but what is the actual problem? Let's look at an example.

Assign a shortcut to an action export in a programme View:

Open system settings > keyboard > keyboard shortcuts and look at the screen what to do next

In the window that appears, select the program, enter the EXACT name of the action to which we assign a shortcut and set the key combination:

Everything is ready, now images can be exported using ⌘+⇧+/

And at the end of the article, I want to say once again that Mac OS hotkeys can significantly increase your productivity by focusing on the keyboard.

P.S. I’m sure that I didn’t mention a couple of useful shortcuts, so I’ll be glad if you add to my list in the comments.

Learn something new or refresh the memory of forgotten information.

Few people know about all the possibilities of the button “ Alt” (aka ⌥ Option) in the OS X operating system. With its help, you can perform a number of very useful actions that will save time every day when working with your Mac. Of course, in the system you can find dozens or hundreds of various shortcuts with this key, I will tell you about the most useful of them.

1. Cut files when copying

Former Windows computer users are looking at OS X with a missing cut file feature. Yes, my favorite combination “ Ctrl+X” or an analogue with the Command key, we will not find, but there is another way to transfer data. We already, and now we just recall the sequence of actions:

  • copy any data by clicking on Command+C;
  • for simple insertion we use Command+V;
  • to transfer data (analogous to cutting) press Command+Alt+V.

2. Delete bypassing the trash can

We are used to deleting files by moving them to the trash. You can do this faster using a shortcut Command+Backspace. We add our favorite Alt key to it and get data erasing without moving it to the trash. Click Command+Alt+Backspace, we confirm the deletion and the data can no longer be found.

Another useful shortcut for getting rid of garbage would be Command+Shift+Backspace. This combination allows you to empty the Trash. However, it is worth adding the Alt key to it and Command+Alt+Shift+Backspace will delete everything from the trash without a confirmation window.

3. Copy the path to the file

Sometimes it is necessary to copy the path to a specific file. This need may arise if the data is already open in a certain folder, and we need to specify this path in the application settings, or if we need to transfer the path to the data to another user.

We add the Alt key to the well-known Command+C shortcut and get the ability to copy the path to the data. If you select one or more files and click Command+Alt+C, then something like this will appear on the clipboard:


4. Change the default application

You know that in OS X you can easily select any application to open a certain type of file. To change this setting, open the properties of any file of the desired type and select the appropriate program. You can do this faster from the context menu.

Click Alt and the “Open in program” option changes to “Always open in program”.

5. Changing audio output devices

When wired headphones and a Bluetooth headset or speakers are connected to the computer, you can quickly switch between sound sources directly from the menu bar. A simple click on the volume indicator will open the volume adjustment, and pressing with the key Alt will allow you to select the sound source and specify the audio input device (when there are several of them).

Don't forget about the other one. pressing Alt paired with any of the buttons F10, F11 or F12 will open the system volume settings window.

6. View data about the Wi-Fi network

We continue to move along the menu bar and try to click on the wireless connection indicator. A regular press displays a list of available networks, and a press in conjunction with Alt will display all parameters of the current connection.

7. Turn on do not disturb mode

A rather useful function that allows you to protect yourself from notifications for a certain time is called as follows:

  • open the Notification Center;
  • move it down to display the switch;
  • activate the mode.

It is much easier to press and hold the Notification Center icon in the menu bar Alt.

8. Open information about the system

To get data about your computer’s hardware bypassing the standard “About This Mac” window, press and hold the Apple icon Alt. The standard menu item will change to "System information...".

9. Turning focus to search

When working with Finder, you often need to search for data. Familiar keyboard shortcut Command+F, which triggers a search on a page in the same Safari, will open a new Explorer window. Let's add a button Alt and we will get a shortcut Command+Alt+F to move focus to the search bar.

10. Working with text

When using most text editors in OS X, the key Alt can greatly speed up the work. If you hold it down together with the cursor movement arrows, you can quickly jump through words, and holding it together with Backspace will lead to erasing an entire word, not just one character.

When working with text, take note Alt+Backspace And Alt+arrows.

Making something convenient even more convenient

If the utility of the key Alt Now there is no doubt, and your fingers are not used to pressing it blindly, you can easily change the assignment of the buttons in the system. To do this, go to Settings-Keyboard-Modification keys.

You can't cut files in OS X. You can move them only by dragging or copying and pasting and then deleting the sources. But if you really want to, then you can.

To do this, we simply copy the desired file, but paste it into a new folder not as usual, using a keyboard shortcut ⌘+V(Command + V), and also while holding down the key (Option). A similar trick works in a similar way for the menu bar: when you hold down the key (Option) the “Insert object” item will change to “Move object”, which is what we need.

Deleting files without moving them to the trash

By default, all files after deletion go to the trash, from where they can be restored or deleted permanently. To avoid having to do more later, files can be deleted immediately.

To do this, instead of combining ⌘ + ⌫ (Command + Delete) should be used ⌥ + ⌘ + ⌫ (Option + Command + Delete). Through the menu bar, the same can be done by holding (Option) and selecting “File” - “Delete immediately”.

Clear Safari History

Browser history is a delicate thing that needs to be cleared from time to time, if only to increase performance. However, along with the history, it also deletes cookies and settings of visited sites, which, you see, is not always necessary.

And again the magic Option key saves us. Hold it down, open the “History” menu and select the changed item “Clear history, but save site data.” Ready!

Restarting Finder

The only OS X program that cannot be terminated is . However, situations when it needs to be restarted sometimes still arise (for example, for some changes to take effect).

The easiest way to do this is to call up the context menu by right-clicking on the Finder icon in the dock, but, as you probably already guessed, not just like that, but by holding down the key (Option).

Copying the path to a file or folder

Want to paste the direct path to a file in an application? No problem!

Go to the folder with the desired file (or another folder) and open the menu by right-clicking. Now click (Option), and, as if by magic, a new item will appear - “Copy path to...”.

Quick transition to the “Library”

"Library" is a folder containing various user data and settings. You can get into it through the Finder, but it’s much easier and faster to do it using our favorite key (Option).

In Finder, open the Go menu and hold (Option), select “Library”.

Turn on Do Not Disturb mode

At work, the first thing you need to do is turn off notifications, but to do this you don’t have to swipe the notification center shade and click the corresponding toggle switch. This is not life hacking.

It's better to just click on the notification center icon in the menu bar while holding down the you-know-what key. :)

Changes the default application for certain files

OS X can open all popular file types in standard applications. If you have several applications installed to open certain types of files, then to select them as default programs, you do not need to wander through the settings and look for the corresponding item there. There is a more convenient way.

You just need to open Finder and right-click on the file and click (Option). After this, the “Open in program” item will change to “Always open in program”, and we will only have to select the desired application from the drop-down list. The same can be done through the “File” item in the menu bar.

Saving a file

When editing files, OS X treats them very carefully and offers to write all changes to a duplicate. But if you just need to save your progress in another file, you can use the “hidden” command.

In the "File" menu you need to press the key (Option) and select the “Save As” item that appears. Those who prefer should remember the combination ⌥ + ⇧ + ⌘ + S(Option + Shift + Command + S).

Precise adjustment of brightness, key backlight and volume

The display brightness, volume and key backlight adjustment scale has 16 levels. Sometimes this is enough, and sometimes it is not.

You can reduce the change step if the function keys F1 - F2, F5 - F6, F10 - F11 add combination ⇧ + ⌥ (Shift + Option). In this case, each division of the scale will be further divided into four parts.

Entering special characters

You can type from the Emoji & Symbols panel, which is hidden in the Keyboard menu. There is a complete table of symbols, divided into categories. If this method does not appeal to you, there is another.

Using the key (Option) you can quickly enter various special characters directly from the keyboard. For example, a combination ⇧ + ⌥ + K(Shift + Option + K) enter character , which you see all the time in the menu bar. In the same way, you can enter currency symbols, arithmetic operations and any others. Until you remember the location of the characters, you can peek by turning on the display of the on-screen keyboard (click on the input source icon, then “Show Keyboard panel”).

Show all subfolders in Finder

Viewing files in list mode is quite convenient. The only annoying thing is having to manually open each subfolder. But this trouble can be overcome if you do not forget about the Option key.

All you need to do is press the arrow of the main folder while holding (Option) and the entire folder tree will appear before you.

Skip duplicate files when copying

When you copy files that are already there into a folder, a dialog box appears asking you to leave both files, replace them, or stop the copying process.

There is actually another hidden option: the option to skip copying the duplicate file, and it will appear if you press the Option key in the dialog box.

Deselecting objects

You probably know the keyboard shortcut ⌘+A(Command + A), which works in all applications and allows you to select all elements or content. The Finder has the opposite of this action.

To deselect objects, be they files or folders, press the same combination, but adding the key (Option). Like this: ⌥ + ⌘ + A(Option + Command + A).

Hiding windows and force quitting applications

Unlike Windows, in OS X applications can have multiple windows, and if you need to show any of them while hiding the others, you can easily do this using the dock icon. And, of course, the Option keys. :)

By right-clicking on the application icon, you need to press (Option) and select “Hide Others”. The “Force Quit” option will also appear there, which will allow you to close the frozen application.

Opening settings for various functions

Display, sound, keyboard and Mission Control options can be changed from the standard settings, or in an easier way.

To call up options such as the display, simply press ⌥+F1(Option + F1). For other functions - by analogy with this - you should use the combination ⌥+F3(Option + F3) ⌥+F5(Option + F5) and so on.

Display detailed network information

If you click on the icon in the menu bar, a list of available networks and several settings options will open. However, here you can also view detailed information about the active Wi-Fi network, including connection speed, IP and Mac address and much more.

You probably already understood what you need to do for this, but just in case I’ll say: you need to click on the Wi-Fi icon while holding down the key (Option).

Switch to slideshow mode in Quick Look

Quick Look, which lets you scroll through files by pressing the space bar, is one of my favorite Finder features. It would seem that there is nothing to improve here, but no, the ubiquitous Option key is noted here too.

I'm talking about the slide show mode, to go to which you need to expand the preview window to full screen or launch it through the context menu. So: if you need to quickly view several images in slideshow mode, just select them in the Finder and press not just the space bar, but ⌥ + Space(Option + Space).

Opening Dropbox Settings

Clicking the Dropbox icon in the menu bar displays the latest files. To get into the settings, you need to additionally click on the gear in the pop-up window.

If unnecessary gestures are not part of your plans, then to open the settings, click on the icon in the menu bar while holding (Option), and everything will be much faster.

Skip confirmation dialogs

When you restart your Mac, the system thoughtfully asks you if you need to open all running applications after logging in. No doubt this is a useful feature, but sometimes it is annoying.

To avoid dialogs confirming your actions, all you need to do is hold down the key (Option) when you click on the “Restart” button.


Hopefully, after reading this article, you'll be using the Option key a lot more often. If you find its location inconvenient, there is good news: the useful Option key can be reassigned to the practically useless Caps Lock. It is larger in size and located more conveniently.

There are no secrets here. Absolutely. Everything is done using standard means through the keyboard settings. The option we need is located on the “Keyboard” tab, where you should click the “Modification Keys” button and specify a replacement for the Option key in the drop-down list for the Caps Lock key.

The keyboard on Apple computers is somewhat different from the standard one Windows users are used to. First of all, there is no key with the “windows” logo; its place is taken by the Command key. The familiar Alt is also missing, its place is taken in Mac OS by the Option key. We will tell you about the opportunities that it opens up for users of Apple computers in this material.

Keyboard on Macs

Apple is both a manufacturer of its own brand of computers and a supplier of software for them. No company in the world does this. This is what explains the differences between the standard keyboard and the one used on Mac computers.

The number and letter series do not have significant differences. The layout used is almost entirely QWERTY, with a few exceptions. The letter “е” on them is located in a different place. Only the top row with control keys and the bottom row with the space bar are significantly different.

To the left of the space bar are located sequentially Command, Option, Control, Fn. To the right of it are Command, Option and an arrow block. Thus, the bottom row of keys contains the entire specific set that only the Apple keyboard uses. The Option key on a Mac is represented by a "⌥" icon and an "alt" sign. Modern models of keyboards with a butterfly mechanism have a larger key area and contain the inscriptions “Option” and “alt” instead of an icon.

Option Features

Now you know what the Option key looks like on a Mac and where it is located. It's time to move on to studying its capabilities, which can help the user in a variety of situations, from loading to expanding the capabilities of the control menu in various programs.

It is Option, held down when the Mac computer boots up, that allows you to enter the boot menu. Thus, this one key gives you the opportunity to select the drive from which the operating system will boot. When working with Windows using the built-in BootCamp manager as a second system, this key is simply irreplaceable. And the combination Option+Command+R will help you completely restore the OS if necessary.

Using keyboard shortcuts has always opened up more possibilities for users than working only with graphical interface. In the next few sections, we'll go into more detail about where the Option key on a Mac can significantly add functionality or expand upon existing capabilities.

Fine tuning

The necessary buttons for quickly changing some system parameters, managing windows and multimedia are displayed on the top line of the keyboard of computers running Mac OS X. Let's master the Option button in relation to changes in brightness and volume settings. By default, these values ​​range from zero to a maximum of 16 positions. For example, if you turn down the brightness, then at the zero position the screen will be completely black.

When using the Shift+Option combination, clicking on the brightness or volume button allows you to fine-tune these system parameters. Each position out of sixteen will be divided into four. Thus, instead of 16 divisions, you get 64 at once. If the default values ​​​​set by the system are not enough for you, you can always use this keyboard shortcut and adjust these values ​​more precisely.

Application selection

Another useful feature that the Option key has on a Mac is that it allows you to quickly set the default application for the selected file to open. Typically, users use the File Inspector to make this selection. It displays complete information about the file in one window, allows you to configure a number of parameters for it: quickly change access rights, change the name or extension, and, of course, set the application with which it will be associated.

In most cases this is convenient. All the file characteristics that you can work with are collected in one place. But there are situations when file associations need to be changed on the fly. In this case, using Option comes to the rescue. Once you hold it down, in the application selection menu for opening a file, the “Open in a program” item will change to “Always open in a program.”

Extra screen space

A feature of the Mac interface that makes it unmistakable is the Dock panel located at the bottom of the screen. It is always visible, and the windows of applications that open do not overlap it, opening only to its upper border. To prevent the user from being distracted from work, Mac provides the ability to switch applications to full screen mode. In this case, the working area occupies the entire monitor. The top status bar and bottom Dock are not displayed unless you specifically move the cursor over them.

In the system settings, you can enable the option in which the bottom panel will automatically hide and appear. All these changes are permanent. In other words, you give the OS values ​​that it will always use. Customizing system parameters for yourself is usually done only once. And this time the Option key will come to our aid.

On a Mac, you can use the keyboard shortcut Option+Command+D to hide and display the Dock without changing system settings. We need more space on the screen - we removed the panel, there is a need to work with the programs located on it - we called it using a keyboard shortcut. In this case, you do not change anything in the settings.

Extended menu

The most basic function that the Option key performs on a Mac is to expand menus. For example, if you click the Wi-Fi connection icon in the usual way, only information about available networks will open. Using Option, the same icon will give you full information about the existing connection. You can view network security settings, your IP address, address router, connection speed and much more. In the same way, the volume icon menu allows you to select the audio playback or recording device and go to advanced settings.

Almost any system menu with the Option button held down changes its appearance, opening additional functions. Clicking it in the Navigation Pane of the Finder opens the Libraries folder, which is hidden from view by default. Context menu, called for Finder in the Dock will allow you to force it to restart without having to call up the entire list of applications running on the system.

There are a lot of options for using this wonderful button in Mac OS. Anyone who wants to study in detail all the available keyboard shortcuts can view their list on the Apple technical support page and select the necessary and convenient ones there.


From our material, you learned only some of the capabilities that the Option key provides. On a Mac, it is simply irreplaceable, and some believe that it is the study of its properties that turns a simple user into a real “Mac nerd.” By learning more about the capabilities of the operating system you use, you are already one foot on the path that will ultimately turn you into a confident user who can handle any computer task.

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