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  • Where to make a lot of money quickly. Any liquid property is suitable as collateral

Where to make a lot of money quickly. Any liquid property is suitable as collateral

How exactly you got to this life - it doesn't matter. Perhaps the company where you worked suddenly went bankrupt, a friend who borrowed a large amount of money suddenly disappeared, you quarreled with the other half and found that your wallet was empty. And tomorrow pay rent or mortgage.

Do not panic. There is always a way out.

1. Sell unnecessary

Get rid of clothes, bags, accessories, equipment that you do not use often. In a crisis situation, you can keep only what you need.

Things will have to be put up for sale at an online flea market at a low price, otherwise they won't sell quickly. But there is no other way out.

You can also go to a thrift store or pawnshop. This is a less profitable but quicker way to get your belongings back on line. Keep in mind: yours at the pawnshop is likely to be priced very cheaply, given its wear and tear. And to redeem it, if there is such an opportunity and desire, will have to at a higher price.

But in any case, it is better than taking a microloan at frantic interest rates.

2. Rent out something

Examine the ads: what exactly others are renting and what is in demand. If you are fortunate enough to live in a tourist-attractive place, offer a room in an apartment or an entire apartment (live with friends or relatives).

You can even rent out photographic equipment, evening dresses and accessories, your photogenic purebred dog for photo shoots, and so on.

3. Offer fast social media services

Ask yourself: what exactly are you good at doing? Through word of mouth or Avito, you can try to find customers for a lot of services:

  1. Spring-cleaning.
  2. Walking dogs, overexposure of animals (cats, hamsters) and birds during the departure of the owners. Also volunteer groups dealing with treatment and accommodation of stray animals usually need paid overexposure.
  3. Looking after the cottage or house.
  4. Plumbing fixing, minor home repairs.
  5. Manicure, hairstyle and other beauty services.
  6. Setting up and repairing computers.
  7. Legal advice (especially related to purchases related to consumer protection).
  8. Photoshoot. If you are not a pro, admit it honestly, explain that you are building a portfolio for yourself, and therefore set a low price.
  9. Delivery of a tired driver home from a restaurant. Car owners can officially (by joining a taxi service) or unofficially (just by being on duty at drinking establishments) earn extra money by delivering celebrating citizens. But calculate all the costs and consider the risks.
  10. Writing congratulations, transcribing texts, proofreading.

Declare yourself as loudly as possible. If possible, talk about your adversity.

You will be able to experience for yourself whether the theory of six handshakes really works. Surely among your acquaintances there will be those who will agree to place you temporarily at work.

4. Become a donor

If, of course, health permits. For a portion of blood, you will be offered free food, or a reward - 5% of the subsistence level established in your region. Detailed prices can be obtained from blood centers.

When donating blood on a paid basis, donor payments vary from 8 to 45% of the regional subsistence minimum. The fee depends on the blood group and on what components you donate (blood, plasma, platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes).

5. Make some money on the Internet

You can earn extra money online on reviews: some well-known sites pay for them. You can also put likes and dislikes, increase views, join groups, repost, leave comments on social networks. The payment is not high: on average, up to 1 ruble for one task.

6. Get your hands on it

Gingerbread cookies, scrapbooking, knitwear and toys - all this is sold with a bang through social networks, especially on holidays. If you set a reasonable price, of course. On the Web you can find a lot of instructions for making exclusive things and.

7. Take a part-time job

Sometimes temporary vacancies are formed. You can earn extra money as a janitor, cleaner, waiter, courier, animator. Check the ads often: perhaps someone is urgently looking for just such a specialist like you.

How not to run into scammers

Sergey Denisenko

Leading specialist of the SuperJob press service.

The first and foremost rule: don't give your money away. If, in the process of finding a job, you are asked to pay for something, buy or are offered some kind of scheme, as a result of which you will give your money, immediately stop communicating with this “company” and forget about it forever.

You are looking for a job to make money, not give it away. This is the first sign of fraud. Yes, you can pay for writing, translating a resume into a foreign language, training or career counseling. But these services are always openly offered, and the corresponding amounts are announced.

Pay attention to the requirements of the employer.

They won't pay half a million to a person without work experience. Don't be naive!

The higher the salary, the more requirements the employer will make. He pays to keep his business running and making money.

Freelance cheating schemes are common on the internet. have mastered this method of luring money: applicants are offered to leave a large sum as a pledge that they really will not let you down and will do the assigned work. Or they ask to transfer a certain amount "to open an electronic wallet", to which the salary will allegedly be transferred later. And disappear. This goes in tune with the main rule: don't give your money away.

It is also possible to come across very attractive vacancies without specifying the contact information of the employer. To communicate with the HR, you will be asked not to send a resume, but to make a call or send an SMS message, after which a certain amount will be debited from your mobile phone account.

Another option: you receive a letter from a supposedly large and reputable organization, where you are informed that your candidacy has passed the competitive selection for admission to the state. However, in order to comply with all the formalities, you need to register on the site. For registration, it is proposed to send an SMS - of course, the message is paid.

Therefore, use proven resources and adequately evaluate the offers of employers.

8. Create a financial cushion

This, of course, is not a way to make money quickly, but a salvation from force majeure situations. As soon as you get out of the financial hole, immediately start creating.

The money should be enough for at least three months of your usual life, and better - for six months.

Where to begin? From the simplest: to make a strong-willed effort and start saving money from the next paycheck. It's better not to get to the bottom anymore.

The secret to making money is not a high-paying job, but finding creative ways to solve other people's problems. You don't need an advanced degree to do this.

To make your out-of-the-box thinking work, read about these well-known and lesser-known ways to supplement your budget. In this article, you will find many ideas on how to make money fast, as well as some financial advice.

The article is quite lengthy, if there is no time to read, save the PDF and read it as time will be.

Resale of goods and services

Resale Articles

You don't have to write articles yourself to make money. It is enough to study how copyright exchanges work, where they pay how much and you can earn on the resale of texts. Read about it -

Sale of used books

Perhaps you, or your parents, acquaintances have a bookshelf with old books.

Such books can be sold profitably. I have collected all the information on this topic in this article -

If you speak English, then you should take a closer look at foreign Internet auctions, where books published in the USSR and in pre-revolutionary Russia are willingly bought.

Pledged and seized property auctions

Many banks hold collateral auctions. Here is the link to the auction site.

The seized property is also sold by the bailiff service.

And Mikhail buys photo cameras with good optics and resells the optics separately. Receives a good income. Here is his story -.

Earnings on mediation

Andrey Timoveev in his article described how he made money on mediation.

He sold pallets, was an intermediary for a brigade of finishers, was an intermediary for companies involved in removing snow from roofs, and he reselling trainers.

If you are attracted by intermediary business, then read -

Real estate agency

If you easily communicate with people, then you should pay attention to an interesting business based on renting rooms or apartments.

Collecting applications from landlords and reselling this information to tenants, you can make good money, you can work without an office.

Read this real story -

Participation in research

Register for focus groups

From time to time, advertisements appear on the Internet about the search for participants for a variety of studies.

This could be focus groups on hair dye testing, or testing e-cigarettes, for example.

Be careful and choose your employer carefully, there are many scams in this area. You can see good vacancies.

Participation in medical research

If you are not afraid of doctors, you can make money in this way.

Some studies may ask you (especially if you have a medical condition) to test new treatments or medications that may have negative side effects.

Other studies may ask participants to exercise without any lasting side effects.

Job can be found through a search engine, there are many vacancies. Here's an example of such a job:

Participation in marketing research

Become a mystery shopper

This means evaluating the products and services of companies and organizations without their knowledge.

Product photography

The millionagents company has a constant recruitment of secret auditors. Upon receipt of the assignment, it will be necessary to go to the indicated stores and photograph certain goods, sometimes fill out a questionnaire and answer questions.

You can read more about this way of making money in my article -

Performing online surveys

Unleash your artistic possibilities

Sale of photos

If you have a camera and a good sense of light, color and composition, you can make and sell stock photography, which is a common image used in many places, usually to illustrate online articles.

Sale of drawings

If photography is not your strong point, then you can try your hand at creating cartoons and cartoons of famous people. Such works are well bought on photo stocks.

Mikhail Vetyutnev draws cartoons and sells them. Read about it in his article.

Sale of sketches for tattoo

Enjoy making tattoo designs? You can make money on this. There is a special site where you can sell your work. For one sketch you can get $ 300, how do you like this prospect?

Creation of designs for t-shirts

We come up with a design for a print for a T-shirt, place it on a special website, and get a percentage of sales. Even I, having no drawing skills, created several prints and made money from them.

If you are familiar with the English language, you can earn more:

Handmade (needlework)

If you know a little about tinkering, consider selling your handicrafts online.

For people who know how to work with their hands, the Internet is a great place to sell their work.

I have a series of articles in which craftsmen tell how they make money on hand-made. Choose the method that suits you and earn:

Make money on your hobbies

Create a blog

Of course, the online world is very competitive, but one thing that makes a good website or blog stand out is the dedication and enthusiasm of its writer.

Many site owners place too much emphasis on SEO and keywords, but if you write about what really matters to you, then you will get far from your competitors.

I have prepared several articles for you on this topic:

Earnings on games

Earnings on video

If you are passionate about something, create a YouTube channel and share your passion with others.

From time to time, popularity will come to you, and with it big earnings.


If you like to be creative, to come up with something new, then try your hand at naming. Coming up with names and slogans for sites, companies and organizations.

Comments on films

This way of making money will be interesting for those who like to watch movies on the Internet. Some online cinemas pay a few rubles to comment on a movie.

You can combine business with pleasure -


Do you like taking photos? Have an Instagram account? Turn it into a profitable business. I made a translation of an article by a famous American marketer, in which he explains in detail how to turn your Instagram account into a profitable business.

Selling your recipes

Do you love to cook? You can make money on this. Take a photo of the process and send the photos along with the recipe to special sites.

Writing product reviews

Many online stores are willing to pay for such services. Product reviews are a great way to make money and this job doesn't require a lot of artistic talent or literary training, which makes it different from many other article writing jobs.

Here are some articles on this topic - -

Write texts for sale

There is a huge demand on the Internet for high-quality texts on various topics. Start working as a copywriter. You can read about how much you can earn on rewriting.

Part-time job

Walking pets

Walking a few dogs in the park during the week is a good way to have fun, get some exercise and meet new people, and on top of that, make some extra money.


If you are young and full of energy, then you can work as a promoter. It will be necessary to distribute leaflets and participate in product presentations.

All the subtleties and difficulties of work in this article -


You can earn some money in your free time from study or work by becoming a courier.

You can register as a courier on the Delivery Man's website and you will receive tasks on your smartphone. What to do and how much they pay you will learn from this article -

If the Delivery Man does not work in your city, then you may be interested in the work of a courier in a pizzeria. Want to know the whole truth about this job?

Minor repairs

You are well versed in the arrangement of computers or know how to fix plumbing, there are many people who need your help. Where to find orders I have described in this article -

Growing and selling your products

If you have your own land plot, then you can establish

Or you can rent several hectares and organize

Become an entrepreneur

From the outside, all this seems very complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact, entrepreneurship is an ordinary job with its pros and cons.

Anyone can become an entrepreneur, if there is a desire.

I have several articles on my site in which entrepreneurs talk about their experiences.

Cleaning of premises

A simple cleaning business can bring in 120 thousand rubles a month. And you do not have to yearn for a mop, hired employees will do everything.


Another variant. You can take massage courses and earn 60 thousand rubles a month. How do you like this prospect?

Mikhail Vetyutnev kindly shared his experience of working as a massage therapist -


Do you have a good camera? You can make good money with photography. Yes, now there is fierce competition, yes everyone has cameras in smartphones, but there are still free niches where you can earn money.

Own coffee shop

You probably thought, well, no, this is not for me, it takes a lot of money. You're wrong.

To run a mini-coffee shop, you will need no more than 200 thousand rubles.

Andrey Timofeev tells -

Profit per month reached 42 thousand rubles. In half a year, he recouped all the costs.

Home Business - Manicure

After the divorce, Ginshina did not give up, but learned to be a manicure master and created a successful home business.

Own pizzeria

Serious business with serious income.

To start, you will need about 400 thousand rubles. If you do everything right, you can count on a net profit of 120 thousand rubles per month.

Creation and distribution of advertising leaflets

It is possible to offer companies the service of distributing advertising leaflets to the mailboxes of city residents.

It seems that this business is not very profitable, but in fact, you can earn up to 70 thousand rubles a month on this.

Unusual ways to make money

On what only people do not earn. Here are some examples.


The work is not easy and requires certain qualities of character from the sitter. But you can make money quickly and no special knowledge is required.


There are meteor hunters. Meteorites are very expensive and there are people who are looking for them.

If you are a creative and creative person, then these ways of making money will be interesting to you.

Creative contests

You can shoot short videos on a given topic and win cash prizes.

EYeka website

It is a free site with a community of over 250,000 authors from 154 countries. The site hosts creative contests in various fields: animation, video, graphic design, label and packaging design, illustration, script writing, writing, photography.

There is a lot of competition, but the prizes are very good.

For example, a competition:

Assignment: How can you communicate the message to Chinese youth that they can get a powerful boost by taking a shower!


  1. Prize € 4,000
  2. Prize 2000 €
  3. Prize 2000 €
  4. Prize 1000 €
  5. Prize 1000 €

Ideas for postcards

There are sites that pay for original postcard ideas.

If your idea wins, you will receive from $ 50 to $ 500.

Competitions on the Internet

You can find and participate in simple contests run by site owners.

Most often it is a competition for the best commentator. Typically, the winnings range from 100 to 300 rubles.

Model for Titigram

Startup Tittygram sells photos with messages on girls' chests. Naturally, model girls also earn.

The fee record set by one of the models is 15,000 rubles per day.

What are the criteria for the selection of models and technical requirements for photographs, you can find out from my interview with the founders of the service -

Web model

Working as a web model on a special site where model girls communicate online with registered users and get paid for it.

Most of us are familiar with the law of supply and demand - if a product (or service) is presented in large quantities, then it is cheaper and, conversely, the more unique the product (or service), the more expensive it is.

We do not apply the law of supply and demand in our own lives - in particular, our careers. For example, if you strive to do what many other people already do (and do it for free, as a hobby), then it will be more difficult for you to make money from it.

On the other hand, if you do something that most people don't want to do, or do it better than others, then you can make a lot more money.

If your goal is to make enough money to retire early, you need to put a priority on making money, not job satisfaction.

If you plan to get out of the rat race early, then you have to do it anyway.

You should take a closer look at the types of jobs that pay a lot, but with difficult working conditions. If you can control your expenses while keeping them low, and do it for 10 years, then you can collect savings for a modest but early retirement or supplement your income. You will do what you really love and not bother too much.

But keep in mind that to achieve this, you will need a clear goal setting and strong will.

Recognize that time is money

This important piece of advice was given by Benjamin Franklin, who was a talented American inventor, journalist, writer, diplomat, and statesman.

Your ability to manage your time (and avoid wasting it) is an essential component in your ability to make money.

If you are self-employed or self-employed, keep track of what you spend your time on. Ask yourself, "Which of these activities help me make more money, and which ones are a waste of time?"

Do more of the first and less of the last, it's simple. When you're focused on getting things done right, you get the job done well and quickly.

By working effectively, you give your employer or clients more time and they will appreciate you for it. Remember that time is a limited resource.

Raise your prices

If you provide a unique service (or product) that is in high demand, you should be making good money. Unfortunately, there are many people who are too humble or afraid to demand the appropriate reward.

If you work for someone else, ask for a pay raise or promotion, and if none of this comes out, reconsider your career.

If you are self-employed, the first thing to do is make sure your customers pay on time - this alone can significantly improve your income.

Check your prices and rates, compare with your competitors - are your prices lower? Why? If you are providing an excellent product (or service), you should charge at least an average price if your ROI depends on mass production.

Remember Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Make a plan, include in it all the calculations that are possible, then you can foresee everything that can go wrong.

Then make a contingency plan for each scenario. Don't leave anything to chance. If you're writing a business plan, do your best to estimate when you will break even, and then multiply that timeline by three to get a more realistic date.

And after you have identified all the costs, add another 20% for costs that you cannot foresee.

Your best defense against Murphy's Law is to assume the worst and be prepared for it.

Rethinking Wealth

After studying the lives of millionaires, people are surprised to learn that most millionaires are not doctors, lawyers and corporate bosses with big houses and expensive cars, but people who live below their income and invest surplus in assets, not liabilities.

When you use the money making tricks described above, keep in mind that income growth does not necessarily coincide with an increase in wealth.

Most people who flaunt their wealth actually have low net worth, because their share of debt assets is high enough - in other words, they owe a lot more money than they actually have.

All the previous steps describe aggressive “how to make money” strategies, but you will never make money anywhere if you have holes in your pocket.

The ruble saved is the ruble earned

In fact, when you consider that you pay taxes on every penny you earn, you will actually make more money from savings than from increasing your income, especially if the additional income dramatically increases your tax rate.

For example, suppose you have a choice between saving $ 100 or making an extra $ 100. If you pay 10% in tax, when you make $ 100, you can only get $ 90.

But when you save $ 100 off your existing budget, you get the entire $ 100.

Another earning opportunity is to take advantage of compound interest savings accounts.

Over time, you will start earning money from your initial amount plus the saved previous interest on that amount. It will be a penny in the beginning, but in the end the amount will increase exponentially.

Understand the difference between an asset and a liability

The dividing line is whether you put money in or out of your pocket. As much as you love your house, it is still a liability, not an asset, because you invest more money in it than you receive (unless, of course, you resell it or rent it out).

Regardless of the amount of money you manage to set aside, invest it in assets like stocks, mutual funds - anything that creates interest or royalties.

In the end, you may come to a point where your assets will do all the work for you, and you just have to sit and count your money!

Watch out for inflation, it gradually destroys your assets

Inflation makes today's money less valuable in the future. To beat the race against time and inflation, learn to invest your money in the right places.

Savings accounts can help you keep pace with inflation, however, to stay ahead, you must invest in bonds, stocks, or other investment vehicles that return above the inflation average.

  • Save money. All the extra money you make won't do you any good if you can't save.
  • Work to eliminate any debt you may have. If you are heavily leveraged, you are making money to someone else. The sooner you pay off your loans and debts, the sooner you stop throwing money away.
  • Begin to analyze your decisions from the perspective of a commercial firm. In economics, the goal of a firm is to increase profits. Well-managed firms only spend money when they expect a return on their investment and they allocate their resources to the most profitable niches. You are certainly not a firm and you think differently, but if you spend most of your money on investments that will bring you high returns, you will make more money and this is good news for shareholders (you and your family).


  • Beware of get-rich-quick schemes! Millions of people still fall for these tricks. If something sounds too good to be true, it really is bad.
  • Don't lose sight of what's really important to you in your quest for money. Sure, you can earn more if you work harder, but will you and your family get satisfaction from this extra money?

Money can do a lot for you, but don't forget about your health - it is priceless.

useful links

In addition to the information above, I would like to recommend that you read the book by Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad, it is guaranteed to change your worldview and attitude towards money.

I also recommend subscribing to the channels of two millionaires - Oskar Hartmann and Evgeniya Chernyak... They interview successful entrepreneurs. See how people on the Forbes list act and think about.

Victoria Ryabenko

# Business ideas

According to Rosstat, the average salary in Moscow is 79,271 rubles.

Navigating the article

  • Earnings in Moscow from scratch
  • How to make a lot of money
  • Where to make money quickly in Moscow
  • Additional income

There are many options on which you can make good money in the capital. At the first stage, it is necessary to analyze the available resources, to determine the type of activity and the level of earnings. With qualifications, diplomas and experience, it is possible to find a high-paying job. If this failed, let's look at other options where you can make money.

In the age of the Internet, it is very easy to find a job without leaving your home. There are websites with a huge number of vacancies in various fields, as well as groups on social networks with job offers. First you need to register, write a resume and apply for the vacancy you are interested in.

If you need any job and as quickly as possible, you should pay attention to simple vacancies, applications for which can be submitted online.

Courier in Yandex.Food - salary up to 2000 rubles per day.

Work at Tinkoff Bank(at home) - from 20 to 65 thousand rubles. when implementing plans.

Vostochny bank representative- from 15 thousand, free schedule.

Current and verified vacancies can be found on the specialized Moscow website

Other job search sites:

  • SuperJob
  • Head hunter
  • Yandex.Work
  • Avito
  • Rosrabot
  • Hand to hand


  • ... New vacancies are posted daily in the group. A significant plus is a detailed description of the conditions and remuneration, as well as direct contact with the employer.
  • Work - Moscow. Here you can find jobs with daily pay, part-time or weekend jobs.
  • Temporary job. Part-time job... The group accommodates temporary work and part-time work on weekends.
  • If you have definitely decided that it is worth going to temporary work in Moscow, then consider the following job offers.

Work on a rotational basis. It is very expensive for a newcomer to rent an apartment in Moscow alone, and it can take a significant part of his salary. For most of the nonresident, a good solution to the housing issue is to work on a shift. The employer provides accommodation: a dorm room with all amenities. However, do not count on highly qualified vacancies. Basically, you will work as a loader, cook, packer, seamstress, salesperson or concierge. The average salary ranges from 25 to 60 thousand rubles per month.

Work at a construction site. In the field of construction, new vacancies are constantly appearing, a huge number of handymen and specialists are required. A person without experience can make money here. The main vacancies are a loader, a handyman, an electrician, a painter. The average salary is from 30 to 80 thousand, depending on the days worked. However, you should be careful in choosing a place of work so as not to lose your honestly earned money. Read the contract carefully and check your rights and obligations of the parties.

Building restoration. At the beginning of a career, this option of earning money can bring good money. After a while, having studied all the intricacies of the craft, you can assemble a team and look for orders for restoration on your own.

You can find a vacancy at a shift or construction site on the TRUD website.

Earnings in Moscow from scratch

Making money from scratch in Moscow is not difficult. Hundreds of new vacancies appear every day. If you are ready for any activity, then finding a job will be easy. Below are a few popular options to help you make money.

Become a real estate agent. Professional realtors make good money in Moscow. There is always a demand for real estate. Residential rental agencies take 100% commission, part of which is received by the realtor. Typically, the agent's income is 40-50% of the transaction amount. The average cost of renting an apartment in Moscow varies within 50 thousand rubles. If the agent's commission is 50%, then the net earnings can be 25 thousand rubles.

Rent out your housing. If you are the owner of a two or three-room apartment, then one of them can be rented out for 15-20 thousand rubles a month. Agree, a good increase in salary.

Work in a taxi. Taxi services are available to everyone. Especially in the 21st century, when a couple of clicks are enough to place an order. With a car and a smartphone, you can have a stable daily income. It is enough to download the application, pay for access to orders and start working. And then it all depends on the amount of time spent.

Walking the dogs. Most often, Muscovites do not have enough time to walk with their pets twice a day, so they hire special people to walk the dogs. You can find several clients in your home or nearby. If you are trusted by 5-10 dogs, for each of which they will pay 50 rubles, then, having gone out for a walk in the morning, you will already receive 250-500 rubles in cash.

Sale of photographs. You can start selling photographs. If you have a good camera, a sense of light, colors and composition, then you can take photographs of people in tourist places. It is enough to take a few good photos, walk up to the person and show them. And if the photos are pretty good, then the client will agree to pay for a 10-minute photo session. Photos are uploaded to your website or social group. networks, and the client receives a business card with a link to the portal.

How to make a lot of money

A lot of money is a very subjective concept. Therefore, we will consider options for starting a personal business. In this case, you will be able to earn the amount that will be comfortable for you.

Trainings, educational courses. Modern Muscovites are ready to pay big money for a quality education for their children. Popular educational activities for preschoolers, thematic and exclusive circles for teenagers and preparatory classes with tutors for high school students.

Gather a team of tutors, create a website - it's inexpensive. Having invested a little money on promotion, you can get up to 3000 rubles a day on orders.

If you are an expert in any field, put together a multi-lesson course and make good money.

Online store. It is much easier to create a store on the Internet than in reality. This will require a website or a special platform. Social media provides an excellent opportunity to promote and sell products. To do this, it is enough to form your own group and offer products for sale in it.

Kindergarten at home. This option is suitable for mothers on maternity leave. A group of 3 to 8 children can generate income up to 60 thousand rubles a month. It is necessary to equip a separate room with beds and a play area. For a non-working mom, that's a lot of money.

Beauty salon at home. Social networks allow you to promote your brand on the Internet. Haircuts, hair care, hair extensions, manicure and pedicure are popular services among modern women. High-quality work and a low price attract new clients who, in turn, recommend you to their friends. The sphere of beauty is what you can make good money on in Moscow.

Where to make money quickly in Moscow

It is very easy to make a little money quickly in Moscow. The most common employment option is holding promotions, distributing leaflets and newspapers near the metro. Payment is hourly. If you wish, you can find a job in one day by referring to the Internet resources.

Supermarket food tasting promoter. The job is suitable for those who have several hours of free time every day, if you are interested in quick earnings with daily pay, and if you have a medical book. Usually promotions last from one to three weeks. For an hour of work, you can get from 200 to 500 rubles. Now count 3-4 hours a day, four times a week.

Work at exhibitions suitable for girls and boys of model appearance. The task of such events is to present the product.

Distribution of leaflets- this is the simplest type of quick money, which is suitable for girls and boys. Usually, most of the work is done near the metro and in shopping centers.

Working as a promoter makes quick money, but like any other occupation, it has its drawbacks. Sometimes you have to work from morning to evening, at different objects, in cold rooms or outdoors: in the snow and rain. For unfavorable conditions, the employer pays extra interest or completely cancels the working day. You can't make good money in one day.

Men at any time of the year can go as a loader to a warehouse or store, as well as go to a factory. Young women, by virtue of their characteristics, are a little more limited in choice, however, and they have their own methods of quick money. There are several options for a girl to make money quickly. Advertising agencies in Moscow are looking for girls with outstanding physical characteristics for filming in advertising. There are also vacancies for promotions in car dealerships and exhibitions.

Additional income

If you have a permanent job and do not know what to do on the weekend, then in your free time in Moscow you can earn extra money. Now in the capital, many television projects, shows, serials are filmed, which are in dire need of viewers, heroes and are looking for new faces.

Anyone can try themselves in a new role and act in films or take part in a paid survey. A one-off income can significantly add to your budget. Let's consider several options for additional income in Moscow with daily payments.

Participation in paid surveys

Large companies are testing their product to improve it and make it even more convenient for the consumer. Earnings on surveys are temporary. You can participate no more than once in six months. First, you need to identify the target group to which you belong and respond to the ad. You can earn from 400 to 1500 in a few hours. Below are the sites with paid surveys.

  • Paid polls in Moscow


To earn money on delivery, you do not need to officially get a job in a company. Now it is enough to download the application, register, select an order, execute and receive the first money. Of the advantages of this earnings are independent planning of the day, independence and constant income.

  • Dostavista
  • Peshkariki

Extras and Castings

More than 20 television projects are filmed in Moscow every day. If you dreamed of “getting on TV” and at the same time making money, then you need to be ready to give your best 100%. Despite its seeming simplicity, being a spectator of the crowd is not easy. Many programs are filmed for six to twelve hours straight. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly express emotions, monitor the process and clap.

Hello dear friends! In touch, Alexander Berezhnov, an entrepreneur and one of the authors of the business magazine

To make a lot of money quickly, you need to have a clear understanding of how to do it.

In this article, we'll take a look at 7 proven methods available to the common man. They have been tested by me personally and have proven their effectiveness in practice.

You just have to study them and put the knowledge you have gained into practice.

We will not be looking at getting a job or clever fraudulent schemes here. It's more about business ideas that can bring you profit tomorrow.

From the article you will learn:

  • In what ways did I personally manage to earn more than 1,000,000 rubles?
  • What should be done to get the first money today?
  • What are the ways to make money quickly and how do you get started in them?


  1. How realistic is it to earn 30,000 rubles? in 2 weeks
  2. What you need to know to make a lot of money
  3. How to make money fast - 7 real ways
  4. Scams and scammers - how exactly you won't be able to make money
  5. Conclusion

1. How realistic is it to earn 30,000 rubles. in 2 weeks

This is absolutely real, tested on our own experience! However, nothing happens just like that and you have to work really well, somewhere with your head, somewhere with your hands and feet, but the result is worth it.

In this article, we will only talk about legal and normal from the point of view of moral methods of relatively quick earnings.

Let me immediately give you guidelines on which areas (with the exception of standard work) you should pay attention to in order to quickly make a lot of money:

  • selling unnecessary things from home;
  • earnings on mediation;
  • generating income through the Internet;
  • turning your hobby into a business;
  • counseling (teaching);
  • provision of paid services.

One way or another, I will talk about all these areas of earning in an article with examples and recommendations. During my experiments on making money using the above methods, I managed to make a profit in the amount of more than 1,000,000 rubles! I would especially like to emphasize that I earned this money not on a classic job, but doing business.

In what ways did I earn this money:

  1. Opened a business on the Internet. With a partner, I created my own profitable website on the Internet -
  2. Provided paid services. I created websites and computer designs to order with my friend Vitaly (if you want to repeat our success, read my article "How to make money on creating websites to order")
  3. He was engaged in mediation. He sold goods and services through Avito's electronic bulletin board ( and found customers for familiar apartment renovation contractors.

These methods were quite enough for me to earn decent money by the standards of the provincial city of Stavropol, in which I live.

2. What you need to know to make a lot of money

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Find out which ways of making money work and which don't. In the article I will talk specifically about the working methods. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article.
  2. Take advantage of the experience of people who are already making money and repeat what they are doing. It's always easier to walk the beaten path than reinvent the wheel. Moreover, we are talking about how to make money in 2 weeks.
  3. Begin to act immediately after obtaining PRACTICAL knowledge. After all, your financial success depends only on you. If you are not lazy and understand this, then it is worth proving at least to yourself that you are capable of making money, and not just complaining about fate.

That's all. Let's get to practice!

3. How to make money fast - 7 real ways

The methods described below are suitable for people with absolutely average abilities.

Some of them will be connected to the Internet and some will not. Therefore, possessing a computer at the level of a confident user will give you great advantages.

Method 1. Sell unnecessary things (ours and others)

Have you ever thought that you can make good money on old things you don't need?

If you carry out a general cleaning of your apartment (house, office), as well as the garage and basement, you will find a lot of "rubbish". In your opinion, these things may not have value, but someone really needs them and you can quickly make money on this.

Old tires, broken household appliances, unnecessary furniture, accessories that you are tired of - these are thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of rubles!

Until such things have depreciated at all, let's implement them and replenish our budget.

Someone will say that he does not have many old things to sell. This usually happens because you simply did not audit your property.

Personally, I found all sorts of things at home for more than 40,000 rubles.

Among them:

  1. Professional costume of Santa Claus, which was made to order. Used cost - 10,000 rubles
  2. The clothes, including very good ones, are almost new. The cost in a used condition is about 8,000 rubles.
  3. Car tires with disks for VAZ. The cost in a used condition is about 5,000 rubles.
  4. Unnecessary electronics and household appliances (laptop, camera, juicer, food processor). The cost of all together in a used condition is about 15,000 rubles.
  5. Accessories, figurines, old furniture. The used cost of these things is about 10,000 rubles.

How to quickly sell unnecessary things and earn 30,000 rubles from it in 2 weeks? - further we are talking about the methods tested by me personally.

Method 1. We hand over old things to a thrift store in our city

In almost every city there are so-called "commission shops" (commission shops), where you can bring a lot of things at once and sell them in a fairly short time.

In this case, the store will charge you a percentage for making money with it. Usually shop commission is 20%.

By the way, there are industry commission stores, for example, computer or furniture stores, where they deal only with certain categories of goods. Accordingly, here they will be able to evaluate your things more objectively.

Method 2. We give free ads to local newspapers

Each locality has its own free newspapers like "Everything for You" or "From Hand to Hand".

You can submit ads there in several ways: call, come to the office and fill out an application, place your ad in the newspaper via the Internet.

Method 3. Making a posting with ads in the district

This is one of the best ways to sell old furniture, refrigerator, washing machine, piano, bicycle, and other relatively large items.

Since the person who saw the ad and became interested in your offer can immediately come to you and look at this thing.

If you have good presentation skills and are pleasant to talk to, then most likely you can easily find a buyer and sell your product at a bargain price.

Method 4. The best way is to sell things through free Internet boards

I single out this method as the best, since it has almost all the advantages of the previous ones, and at the same time has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The site audience is already looking for your product. Unlike newspapers, where the reader sees all the ads in a row, the user of the site (electronic bulletin board) specially goes there and goes to a certain category, where you place your ad.
  • Expanded positioning of your offer. If newspapers often have a limit on the number of characters, and adding photographs is generally a problem, then here all these possibilities are fully available to you.
  • Huge audience. Every day more and more people are looking for information on the Internet, and newspapers and magazines are fading into the background, becoming obsolete. By placing your ad on the site, you greatly increase the chances of selling your product.

The Avito website ( is best suited for selling things. This is the most popular free classifieds electronic board in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

I promised to periodically give examples from personal experience.

So, with the help of the Avito website, I managed to earn 10,000 rubles in 1 week.

I have already written a detailed article on how to make money on Avito. You can also repeat my result, and maybe this method will answer you the question of how to make a lot of money quickly.

Register on the site and write good selling text for your ads. To get the maximum response and a large number of calls, create an effective ad copy for your ad.

Trick for writing a good ad

Be sure to write a short emotional story: how well this item served you faithfully and why you decided to sell it, describe all the advantages and benefits of your product.

All this will set your offer apart from others and help you quickly find a buyer.

Then, take a photo of your item in good lighting. Photos must be alive, that is, yours and not factory (computer) ones.

Now it remains to place your ad on the Internet.

By the way, if you are going to start your own business in this way and make money professionally with the help of electronic bulletin boards, then this is a really good idea.

This is a good option to start your own business with practically no start-up capital: I have already talked about opening a business without investment in one of my popular articles.

Method 2. We earn fast money through mediation

This method is a logical continuation of the first. It is suitable for outgoing and active people.

After all, as the famous businessman Bill Gates said: "Between the sofa and the booty, the dollar will not crawl" 🙂

Take a look around, how many different proposals surround us. Almost everyone is selling something!

Someone around the corner offers car service services in their garage, someone wants to rent out their apartment or house, and someone is going to change an old car for a new one.

So why not offer all these people your client-finding services for a percentage?

After all, every business, every seller or entrepreneur needs clients. And if you help them in this, then all these guys will willingly share their profits with you.

By the way, if we are talking about services, then in some cases, people or companies that provide them will be ready to give you HALF of their income.

From my experience I know that it is very profitable to sell the services of builders and finishing teams. I do this myself from time to time, since there are trusted people (contractors).

The scheme is the same:

  1. Give advertisements (newspapers, Internet, posting).
  2. Taking calls.
  3. Redirect a potential client to a specialist.

That is, you just create a stream of incoming calls from potential customers. This is called lead generation.

When you get a call on an ad, you will find out the name of a person, find out his needs and say that the master (specialist) will call him back and your client will continue to work with him.

Remember, maybe you have acquaintance entrepreneurs who are selling something and negotiate a percentage of the sales with them if you find a client for them.

You can also negotiate with third-party firms, the leaders of which you did not know before. Become their freelance sales manager and you’ll make your first money in a couple of days.

Method 3. We sell things made by your own hands - "Handmade"

As you know, our people are creative and for some people making handicrafts, souvenirs, gifts with their own hands is a hobby on which you can quickly earn quite a lot of money.

You've probably seen ads like:

  • "Making bouquets of sweets and soft toys"
  • "Original gifts to order" and others

This type of earnings is especially popular among girls. It is possible that you are also into hand-making *.

Hand-made (from the English "Handmade") - made by hand. Crafts and other handicrafts.

I have a friend, his name is Yura, who makes custom-made designer watches, bracelets and other popular accessories.

Another friend of mine, Anna Belan, is engaged in teaching children needlework and makes handicrafts to order. I even interviewed her and posted it on the site.

So Anya turned her hobby into a good business. Our local Stavropol television even filmed several stories about this girl.

Here is one of these videos about Anya:

Therefore, guys, if you have a craving for creativity and a desire to create something with your own hands, feel free to start making money in this way.

You can also become a middleman by selling handicrafts from familiar artisans. These people can be found on the Internet, because here a huge number of "handy" creators hang out on the handmade forums.

Offer them to sell their crafts for a percentage, I'm sure they will not refuse.

Moving on to an overview of the next way to make money fast.

Method 4. We train (consult) people for money

If you are professionally versed in something and can teach it to others, then why not make money in this way?

You can organize your own paid courses, advise people on an individual basis, or become a private tutor, like my friend Alexey, who helped me learn English. This young man teaches languages ​​on Skype with his wife, adults and children study with them.

That is, you can make money without leaving your home and you can start it quickly - new technologies will only help you.

So, think, maybe your knowledge can be "monetized" too.

By starting small and learning how to make the first money from your talents, you can make the world wide web for yourself the main source of high income. If you are interested in this topic, then see how to make money on the Internet without investment. This is a dream of many people and a modern trend, especially among young people.

Method 5. Borrowing money (against your income or property)

If you need money very urgently, and you know that you can give it back in the near future, then you can borrow it. And even if this is not a way to make money, but rather a way to get money, it still solves the problem of their absence. You can also read our article on "where to get money", it describes the most popular methods.

A loan is one of the ways to get money quickly. But how to do that?

There are several ways to do this:

Method 1. Take a consumer loan

Usually, such a loan is issued without any problems to people with a permanent job from 6 months. Loan interest ranges from 15% to 30% in different banks.

Here, your salary income will act as the guarantor of loan payments. By the way, if you have some passive income, then it will also be taken into account by the bank and will positively affect the decision to grant you a loan.

What kind of income is this and how to become the proud owner of it, you will find out by reading my article "How to create passive income".

Method 2. Take advantage of quick loans

This is the same loan, only it is issued much faster and often according to one document - a passport, and the income from the place of work does not need to be confirmed.

Unlike banks, quick loans are issued by so-called microfinance companies.

However, this method of making money has its own small drawback - an overstated percentage, which is usually tens of percent per year.

Such loans are just designed for citizens who are about to receive a salary or sell something.

Method 3. Borrow money secured by property

If you have any property: an apartment, car, garage, retail space or equipment, then most banks will willingly give you a loan secured by it.

To do this, you must have documents confirming ownership of such property.

Naturally, in any case, the property, against the security of which you want to take out a loan, should not itself be burdened with a loan.


Try to return the money borrowed from the bank in time, because if you do not return it or if you are late in payments on the loan, then you face legal proceedings and financial penalties for your creditors.
In addition, you will have a bad credit history, which means that your chances of getting a loan in the future will be much less.

Method 6. Finding a part-time job on the Internet

Making money on the Internet will suit people who are good at computers, since some of the ways to earn money will require special technical knowledge.

Just like in real life, there are tons of ways to make money on the Internet:

  • Provide paid services. If you are a designer, programmer or writer (copywriter), register on remote work sites such as Freelance ( and Workzilla (, take orders, complete them and get your honestly earned money for completing them.
  • Start your online business. In this case, you will not make a profit the very next day, but in the long term, your income will be large and stable.
  • Engage in the reselling of advertisements, websites and information on the Internet. By becoming an intermediary on the global web, you can make money from anywhere in the world with a computer and the Internet. Again, I checked this way of earning myself. My personal result: 28,000 rubles per month. I earned this money on affiliate programs. By the way, for most of the ways to make money through online mediation, it is not even necessary to have your own website.

Ways to make money on the Internet through mediation:

Method 1. Selling links

This is a whole market that you can become an intermediary. Sell ​​links on major sites for a percentage. To do this, write to the owners of such sites with an offer of cooperation. By selling multiple links a day, you can make money fast. Moreover, the cost of one link on good sites starts from 3000 rubles.

It is quite possible to agree on your commission of 20% or more. So from the sale of one link, you can earn from 600 rubles.

Method 2. Selling banners

The situation is the same with banner sales. There are sites for which the price of banners is tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month.

That is, for 1 transaction you can earn from several hundred rubles to several tens of thousands!

Imagine, it's like realtors (intermediaries in real estate). We rented some real estate or sold it - they made good money on it. Only a realtor needs to move around the city all the time, and this is a big cost.

You can even mediate online advertising from home, and your income can be comparable to that of real estate brokers.

Method 3. Mediation in the field of selling sites

Relatively recently, the market for buying and selling websites as a ready-made business began to form. A good site can bring its owner no less money than a large store in a city with a million population.

And as you know, where there is money, over time, people appear who want to get it.

In the previous method, I already compared a person in Internet mediation with a realtor. The situation is exactly the same here.

Match sellers and buyers of sites and get your percentage. On average, it is 10% of the cost of the site. If you think that these are mere pennies, then I assure you that they are not.

If the site brings its owner an income of 30,000 rubles, then it can already be sold for 750,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. Calculate how much you will earn on this if you find a buyer for such a site with your commission of 10%.

This method will suit you if you are pretty good at sites and can correctly calculate their cost, based on the average monthly income of the project and other important indicators that affect the cost of the site.

Method 4. Participation in affiliate programs

Now on the network, many products and services have their own affiliate program. This is an opportunity for you to make good money.

And you can do it like this. You register in the affiliate program and receive a special link.

In different affiliate programs, they range from 10% to 90%.

All payments and settlements are carried out automatically. That is, you can even sleep at the moment when someone orders something through your affiliate link, and in the morning you wake up and receive a letter that you have been charged a commission in such and such an amount.

I recently wrote a very detailed article where there is all the technology of making money on affiliate programs, be sure to study it "How to make money on affiliate programs."

How to find affiliate programs - there are 2 ways:

  1. Use search engines by entering "affiliate programs for earnings" or "aggregators of affiliate programs" in the search bar.
  2. Use well-known and proven partner programs from the service (partner programs of information goods and services) or the largest Internet megamarket on the Russian Internet,

Method 7. We hand over valuable items to the pawnshop (jewelry, electronics, car)

Another way to get money quickly is the urgent sale of valuable items at a pawnshop. Getting money here for jewelry, digital and household appliances, and even a car is not a problem now.

If some time ago, the pawnshop meant organizations that bought gold, silver and precious stones, now industry pawnshops are gaining more and more popularity: car pawnshops, pawnshops of household appliances and electronics. Here you can literally make money for your iPhone, computer or LCD TV in just 10 minutes.

At your discretion, you can either get a loan secured by your valuables, or just sell the thing. At the same time, you must understand that the pawnshop will evaluate your thing below its real market value. But you will receive your money quickly. To do this, it will be enough to present a passport. This is how the pawnshop insures itself against transactions with stolen goods.

This completes the review of the main ways to make quick money, below I will talk about how not to fall into the hands of scammers, and then I will summarize the entire article.

4. Scams and scammers - how exactly you won't be able to make money

In search of an answer to the question "How to make a lot of money quickly", people unwittingly become victims of scammers who play on our greed and naivety.

Earn "fast and a lot" - under this motto, dishonest people are trying to get money out of us.

Be careful! Especially where you are asked to invest something, promising quick and big earnings.

The saddest thing is that almost all scams are not visited by the richest people who are so badly in need of money that they are ready to give the scammers their last savings.

Especially often our citizens fall into the so-called financial pyramids. And if the times of their mass distribution in real life fell on the 90s, now they are increasingly appearing on the Internet.

You've probably heard about various MMMs and other similar projects.

It is known that only the organizers and the lucky ones who managed to withdraw their money before the collapse of the pyramid make money in them.

Now the matter is complicated by the fact that pyramid schemes began to skillfully disguise themselves as network marketing companies and it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish a decent network company from a disguised scam.

  • Before investing your money somewhere, study this project carefully.
  • Understand where the promised profit will come from and only then make an informed decision.
  • Remember that the risks are always proportional to the profitability, the higher the potential dividends, the higher the chance of losing your investment!

Do not gamble or buy techniques to beat the casino. Often these "magic pills" are distributed by the organizers of sweepstakes and other fraudulent projects.

5. Conclusion

In this article, I made an overview of the most affordable ways to earn money in all respects.

I am sure that the most ordinary person can earn at least half of the described methods.

You just have to work out the most common ones:

  • mediation;
  • provision of services;
  • earnings with the help of the Internet.

Hope you now know how to make money fast. In the article, I gave many examples with specific numbers that prove that you can earn 30,000 rubles. in 2 weeks is quite realistic.

I wish you all good luck and high income!

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