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Apple Gadgets You've Probably Never Heard Of.

Apple has been a huge success among consumers, and only a couple of them have failed.

1. Apple 2, 1977 One of the first personal computers The mass-produced Apple 2 had 4 KB of RAM, a five-inch disk drive, and a monitor that displayed an image in green. In the photo we see the founder Apple Computer Inc. Steve Jobs. In 1977 he represented new Apple 2 in Capertino, California.

2. Macintosh 2, 1987 John Scully, board member of Apple Compute Inc., demonstrates new computer Macintosh 2 in Los Angeles.

3. Newton MessagePad, 1993 It was electronic organizer, which was able to recognize human handwriting. But it was bulky and expensive and was quickly discontinued.

4. Power Macintosh 6500, 1997 This new product from Apple sold well at the time. It was one of several computers in Apple's Performa line.

5 iMac, 1998 This novelty came out during the second rise of Apple under Steve Jobs. He returned to the company at the end of 1996 and became a temporary CEO corporations in 1997.

In the photo, visitors to the electronics exhibition in Tokyo, who are curiously examining color iMacs.

6. G4 Cube, 2001 This invention was a small personal computer in the form of a cube, which was sold without a monitor. Despite the innovative design, many found this product to be too expensive and underpowered. Many also complained that the hull cracked quickly. Apple discontinued this model in 2001.

7. iPod, 2001 Early iPod users could download a thousand lousy CD-quality songs onto HDD 5 GB. The iPod currently runs on Apple's proprietary operating system and also uses the latest computer music player, iTunes 2.

8 iMac, 2002 Steve Jobs unveils the new iMac in San Francisco in 2002. The new and improved model is equipped with technology that allows you to move the screen, as well as a device for DVD recording disks.

9. iTunes Store, 2003 Apple has opened iTunes store to make it easier for iPod users to buy music online. The store currently offers over 200,000 songs to customers for 99 cents per download, which is roughly $10 per album.

10. iPod Mini, 2004. Apple was aiming to expand its share of the growing market for digital music players. In 2004, the company released a smaller and cheaper version of its iPod.

11. iPhone, 2007. This device combines the functions of a mobile phone and iPod with e-mail, video, games and wireless Internet.

12. Macbook Air, 2008 This model is sold as the most slim laptop in the world. It weighs about 1.3 kg and its thickness is only a couple of centimeters. In the photo we see Mr. Jobs, who presents another novelty of the company.

13. iPad, January 2009. This model was developed in an attempt to blur the line between laptops and smartphones. The iPad combines all the features of a smartphone with a more "friendly" relationship with the Internet. The width of the device is 1.5 cm, and the diagonal of its screen is 9.7 inches.

14. iPhone 4 for Verizon, 2011. Though popular smartphone AT&T was released in 2010, Verizon users were only able to purchase it starting February 10, 2011. In the photo, we see shoppers in a Beechwood, Ohio store paying for their purchases.

15. iPad 2, 2011 Workers paste the Apple logo on a wall at the Yerba Buena Art Center in San Francisco.

Wednesday, March 2, chapter Apple Steve Jobs, who is on indefinite leave for health reasons, spent

Think Apple only had hit products? Then watch this collection.

Send material to Yabloko who are not capable of critical thinking or use examples from the text in a dispute with them. You see, they will have nothing to oppose.


Release date: 1995 in Japan, 1996 in the USA

Running on a stripped-down version of Mac OS, the console was designed as an inexpensive solution for gaming, multimedia, and web surfing. The latter was provided by a built-in modem and the ability Microsoft installations Internet Explorer. I'm sure Jobs would not have allowed such an intervention. However, like Pippin himself.

Apple did not release the console itself: instead, the company sold the license to other manufacturers. However, only Bandai got involved in a dubious enterprise. The Japanese invested about 100 million dollars and released the first and only version of Pippin. The console received a 4-speed CD-ROM drive, video output and X-PCI connector for peripherals.

Instead of the 300,000 pieces that Bandai expected to sell in the first year, the company sold different sources, from 12 to 42 thousand Pippin.

There are several reasons for the devastating failure:

- Strange positioning. Pippin was advertised as a cheap computer, not game console;
- "Igor is drowning." Less than 20 games and programs, most of which were released by Bandai itself;
Poor performance. Technically, Pippin lost to the Nintendo 64, PlayStation and Sega Saturn, and the inadequate price tag left the device no chance.

In 2006, Pippin was deservedly named one of the 25 worst games by PC World Magazine. technical products for all the time.

Apple mice (all)

For the best touchpads in the world, God out of the car took Apple's talent for making mice. What, if not divine intervention, explains the company's chronically uncomfortable controllers?

And it all started with Hockey Puck - a complete mouse for iMac G3, really reminiscent of a hockey puck. For an unusual design, the user paid with inconvenience: a completely round, tiny controller disgustingly lay in the palm of your hand, and pressing the buttons required excessive effort. More than others, designers and artists have screwed up grief. Already in the late 90s, the creators preferred Apple technology, but the phenomenally uncomfortable Hockey Puck shook warm feelings.

Several generations follow: Pro Mouse, Mighty Mouse, Wireless Mouse and finally Magic Mouse, released in 2009.

When you are suspected of wanting to buy this mouse, get ready for a well of emotional comments. Magic Mouse is a rare occurrence in modern history Apple, when even ardent fans of the company dissuade from buying.

It is curious that when asked to list the shortcomings of the accessory, familiar tech bloggers mumbled, but still advised using the touchpad. Basically, the complaints come down to an uncomfortable body shape and useless multi-touch gestures.

With Magic Mouse 2 (released in 2015), Apple improved ergonomics, appearance, switched from AA batteries to a built-in rechargeable battery. Work on the bugs was crossed out by one design decision. The ability to use and charge the mouse at the same time was considered optional in the company, so they moved the charging port to the underside of the mouse. The public reacted in different ways: from mild bewilderment to Spanish shame.

Apple III

Release date: 1985
Price:$4,340 to $7,800 ($12,615 to $22,672 today)

After the success of the Apple II, Steve Jobs decided not to modify the computer. Instead, the founder of the company led a separate team of engineers and set about development by Apple III from scratch. It is noteworthy that Steve Wozniak was not included in the initiative group.

Jobs was obsessed with the idea quiet computer, because of which the fans were abandoned in the design. The heat sink took on a thick aluminium case, however, Apple miscalculated with this idea. According to Wozniak, the first revision of 14,000 computers was 100% defective. Of these, 20% did not turn on at all: when transporting computers, the boards jumped out of the slots. "Survivors" in the transportation of Apple III did not please the owners for long - strong heating melted tracks on microcircuits.

Jobs said that repairing all the defective Apple IIIs cost the company an "infinite" amount. Later it was calculated - about 60 million dollars. After the failure, almost the entire engineering team mentioned left Apple.

iPhone 5c

D exit date: year 2013
Price: from $549

Not the loudest, but indicative failure. For several years, they demanded a “budget” iPhone from Apple, and when they got it, they were upset. The iPhone 5C was released at the same time as the iPhone 5S, but the filling did not differ from last year's "five". In addition to the “second freshness” iron, Apple saved the case and dressed smartphones in multi-colored plastic cases.

That's just "cheap" 5C has become only relative to other "iPhones". For a motley, plastic smartphone with 16 GB of memory, the company asked for $ 549. iPhone 5S with the same amount of memory is only $ 100 more expensive, but for a surcharge, the buyer received best iron, camera, Touch ID and all this in metal case. Apparently at this moment people remembered that they love Apple technology not for budget.

I don't consider the iPhone 5C a failure. I still see these colorful plastic smartphones in the hands of young people. But arguing with the facts is stupid: frail sales forced Apple to first reduce the price, and soon completely curtail production and take a three-year pause to rethink the concept of the “inexpensive iPhone”.

Mac Pro (2013)

Release date: year 2013
Price: from 199 990 rubles

Everyone who watched the presentation of the Mac Pro in 2013 remembers Phil Schiller's loud statement: "Can't innovate anymore, my ass." Four years later, one cannot treat this phrase without irony.

In 2017, in an interview for Western media, Schiller, along with Craig Federighi, admitted failure powerful computer for professionals. After all, behind a complete restart in 2013, there was a futuristic-looking glossy "urn" without the possibility of an upgrade from the owner and even minor updates to the filling from Apple. According to Schiller, engineers are working on another reimagining of the Mac Pro, which we won't see until 2018.

Again, not the worst Apple gadget, but the ease with which the company "forgot" about its own expensive computer, designed for a loyal audience of creators, makes you ask rhetorical questions. For example: “Which device will they target next?”.

Apple Adjustable Keyboard

Release date: 1993

A few years before Jobs' second coming, Apple released the Adjustable Keyboard. Selling an accessory was supposed to be able to “break” it in half for ease of printing. For dubious comfort, the buyer was charged $219 (about $369 today). Expensive, even for an Apple keyboard.

eMate 300

Release date: 1997

One of the last products before Apple's revival was the eMate 300, a budget PDA with touch screen and Apple Newton OS as operating system.

Inside: 25 MHz processor, black and white screen 6.8-inch diagonal with a resolution of 480 x 320 pixels, 1 MB of RAM and 2 MB of internal memory. The computer was intended for typing and editing text, as well as creating sketches. The company valued all this at $799 and tried to sell it to educational institutions.

eMate 300 production canceled as Jobs returns to office Apple CEOs, and all the forces were thrown into the development of the iMac.

Bags from Apple Stores

Release date: 2011
Price: is free

What is Apple? Today this brand is probably one of the most recognizable in the world. Apple became one of the first manufacturers of personal computers. It has always been famous, first of all, for the quality of its products and innovative technologies. There were quite a few cases when Apple released some gadget, which almost instantly gained immense popularity and all competitors immediately tried to copy this device.

Apple products

Apple began its history with the release of personal computers, but today, one of the most famous gadgets is the iPhone. However, this company still has a lot of products that have won the hearts of fans with their quality “ apple gadgets". Today, a huge number of devices are produced under the Apple brand: mobile iPhone phones, iPads, macbook laptops, iMacs, iPods, TVs Apple set-top boxes TV, mice, keyboards and other devices. There are also various gadgets for Apple that add new functionality, gadgets for the iPhone, as well as gadgets for the iPad and MacBook are especially popular.


All owners of Apple devices know that they always use the operating system of their own development, so it's on the phones iOS, on macbooks - MacOS, but not so long ago, a new operating system appeared, called OS X. Most likely, new gadgets will be equipped with this particular OS. Apple also has iTtunes, not loved by many, only with its help you can upload your favorite music to your iPod. Also this trademark has its own store App name Store, where you can buy or download many interesting applications and games for free. Free Applications, there are not as many as we would like, but, nevertheless, they are.

Plans for the future

Apple is the most innovative company in the field high tech technologies and she has many more new ideas that are slowly being implemented. What are only one of the latest innovations from apple - smart watch Apple Watch . With this gadget, you can receive calls, shop online, monitor your health (thanks to the fitness tracker function), set various applications etc.

And not so long ago, photos of the first car from Apple appeared on the network, they called it iCar. While official sources do not confirm this information. But who knows, maybe soon the first iCar will appear on the highways and we will be able to enjoy it live.

If you love quality and interesting gadgets, then Apple gadgets will certainly appeal to you, and in this section of the site you will definitely find something interesting for yourself.

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Almost everyone knows about the modern Cupertino product line, however, this is not surprising, because on this moment Apple is one of the most popular brands in the world. In addition, for Lately the Cupertino company several times became the largest in the world by market capitalization.

However, some time ago, under the Apple brand, several rather unusual devices were released that did not become as popular as the creators would like, and it is about them that we want to tell you today.

Apple III - doomed to failure

Even before the release Macintosh computers, the Cupertinos introduced a line of Apple computers, which became incredibly popular due to original design, as well as an incredibly convenient form factor. Unfortunately, the Apple III was not able to meet the expectations of users and, in fact, differed from the Apple II in the increased amount of RAM, as well as new version operating system called SOS. One of key factors The $7,800 price tag was a big hit in the consumer market (because now some people say their Macs are too expensive).

Apple IIGS - updated Apple II with GUI

After failure of Apple III, Cupertino decided to release updated version popular Apple computer II, hoping to repeat the success of its predecessor, and also trying to keep its share of the market. Unfortunately, this model was not popular among consumers due to the arrival of the Macintosh line of computers, which were many times more powerful and also more perfect in all respects.

This $999 computer was discontinued in 1992.

Apple Interactive Television Box - the progenitor of Apple TV

Yes, dear readers, it didn’t seem to you - for the first time, an analogue of such a popular Apple TV was developed by the Cupertino team back in 1990. Unfortunately, this gadget was never allowed for serial production due to the insufficient development of the subscription service, with the help of which video content was viewed.

Per user interface answered an unmodified version of Mac OS 7, which by that time was already significantly outdated. The development of this prototype was stopped in 1995, and after 11 years of Apple released Apple TV. It is likely that it was the Apple Interactive Television Box that served as the progenitor of this set-top box.

The Macintosh TV - let's watch TV?

Recently, a huge number of rumors have appeared on the network regarding the allegedly developed Apple TV, which is due to be presented this summer. Many insiders say that the Cupertinos are going to release a TV panel with Mac OS X on board. However, some of you may know that already in 1994, the first "Apple TV" was introduced, which is essentially a modified computer, the monitor of which had a TV cable connector.

Production of "The Macintosh TV" was discontinued in 1994, less than a year after the start of sales.

Apple QuickTake - one of the first soap dishes

In the distant 90s, Cupertino released a lot of entertaining gadgets, and Apple QuickTake can definitely be attributed to them - a kind of camera, which, in fact, was one of the first "soap boxes".

The Apple QuickTake Camera was introduced in 1992 and featured built-in memory that could store as many as 8 shots. After the built-in memory was full, the user could connect Apple QuickTake to his Mac (support Windows computers was added later, as well as some other functions in the form of the ability to save photos to a memory card) using a special cable.

Apple QuickTake was discontinued in 1997 when Steve Jobs announced a total change in the company's priorities.

Apple PowerCD - player without speakers

Even before the release of the conquered world iPod player, Cupertino produced a CD player, which was quite popular in the United States.

Last year pleased with a lot of novelties among gadgets. Below are the most notable ones.

Ricoh Theta S

This device is a miniature camera that allows you to shoot 25-minute videos at an angle of 360 degrees. If you wish, you can directly broadcast live streaming video.


If you place your fingers on the MOCAheart gadget for 25 seconds, you can get accurate data regarding heart rate, blood oxygen levels and information about the state of the circulatory process. A tiny device can be synchronized with a smartphone and constantly monitor the work of your heart.


The device allows you to track fertility cycles and control hormone levels. Headphones measure basal body temperature and help you determine the best period of the female cycle for pregnancy. Temperature tracking is more accurate and reliable than ovulation monitoring.

Smart Battery Roost

Wi-Fi device helps to control the operation of the smoke detector. Using the gadget, you can turn off the siren, as well as find out information about the charge level of the device.

Microsoft Surface Book

Microsoft's innovative tablet/laptop hybrid. The device has high power laptop, but its keyboard is placed on the screen, which makes the gadget surprisingly light, like a tablet.

Smart suitcase Trunkster

An ultra-modern suitcase from a Swiss company. It can charge the phone, weigh itself, and also send a signal to the smartphone in case of luggage loss.

Polyera Display Bracelet

The gadget is a long rectangular display that can be used as a wristband. At the moment there is only a prototype, but very soon this technology will appear on the market.

T-Mobile Mini Tower Router

The device is designed for the home and allows you to have a high-quality uninterrupted 4G connection over a fairly large area.

Batteroo Batteriser - a device that extends battery life

Thanks to this gadget, you can increase the battery life up to eight times. When a battery stops working, it actually still contains about 80% of its capacity. This small device allows you to use this stock and save on the purchase of new batteries.

TV Sharp LV-85001

The world's first 8K TV with a resolution of 7680 by 4320 pixels. This results in an amazingly clear image.

Microsoft HoloLens glasses

Glasses allow you to fully immerse yourself in virtual reality by blocking the outside world. They are transparent, so the virtual image is superimposed on the real one, due to which a special visual sensation arises. Points are currently only available to software developers.

Phone Droid Turbo 2 from Motorola

Motorola introduced unique smartphone with unbreakable screen. The gadget is a marvel of engineering. The shield is made up of five separate layers, each designed to absorb shock.

SenseMorph touchpad

The device is a super sensitive touch panel. With it, you can write, move the cursor, manipulate objects, etc. The most amazing feature is that the gadget can be used as a variety of objects: piano, keyboard, remote control, etc.

Intel Compute Stick

The gadget is the smallest computer. The thumb-sized device can be connected to any TV or monitor and used as a fully functional computer.

BlackBerry Priv Phone

First blackberry phone which works on Android. The price of the phone is a bit high, but it's worth it.

Phone Case by Nikola Labs

The case allows you to collect and reuse the energy that your phone creates in the process of searching WiFi networks. This allows you to extend the battery life of the phone by a third.

Roku 4 player

Tiny player for streaming video, which supports 4K format. The device is different high performance and ease of use.

Epson EcoTank Printer

Epson EcoTank series printers are expensive, but cartridge refills are enough to print 4,000 black and 6,500 color pages. This is enough for more than a year of regular use of the printer. After the cartridge runs out, refilling it will be quite inexpensive.

Apple Watch

Smart watch from Apple. The gadget is quite expensive and has some limitations, but it is without a doubt one of the most remarkable smart watch last year.

Brain Improvement Device - Thync

The gadget calms a person and gives him energy. All you need is to place the device on your head and use it for 5 minutes.

Google Chromecast

New video streaming player from Google. The device improves image quality, especially for giant screens. At the same time, the gadget is the cheapest player for streaming video in the world.

Amazon Echo

The device is a smart robot assistant that you can communicate with using voice commands. The gadget can be placed on the kitchen table and used to control many processes, as well as search the network.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge phone

A new smartphone from Samsung with an impressive curved screen. In addition to this, the phone has an improved camera and an aluminum body.

Apple TV

Apple's new TV allows you to search for movies using a virtual Siri assistant. In addition, the device has an impressive appearance and a new interface.

Moto X Pure Edition phone

Great smartphone with great design powerful battery, excellent camera, opportunity fast charging and attractive price.

Tag Heuer Connected

Most smartwatches look terrible. However, the same cannot be said for the Tag Heuer Connected watch, which has an elegant Swiss design.

Apple MacBook

At the moment it is the thinnest and light laptop in the world. To achieve this result, the engineers had to really work hard.


The gadget allows you to learn how to play the guitar. The training itself is like a video game. The only downside is that only owners of the iOS operating system can use it.

OnHub Router by Google

Wi-Fi routers work best in open spaces. Unfortunately, they look a little ugly, so many people hide them behind walls and plants. However, this router should not be hidden. The gadget combines high tech and great design.

Phone Apple iPhone 6S

The coolest iPhone feature 6S is the presence of a 3D touchpad that measures how hard you press the screen. This gives rise to a function similar to the action right button computer mouse.

Dell Chromebook 13

The laptop has a 12 hour battery life. Core processor i5 Intel and boots in just six seconds.

Synaptics SmartBar

The technology allows you to place the touchpad on the space bar and use it as a mouse.

Phone Huawei Nexus 6P

New smartphone from Google. It has a 12.3 megapixel camera, a new USB-C port, as well as a fast fingerprint sensor.

Fairphone 2

Fairphone offers smartphones whose parts are made from special materials. Also, the minimum amount of waste is used in the manufacture, which has a positive effect on the environment.

Smart electrocardiograph from Google

An experimental device that could help doctors track the health of patients. For this, a special wristband is used.

Piano McCarthy

This device will help you learn to play the piano with the help of special backlighting of the keys and the presence of sound feedback.

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