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Functions of the text editor Microsoft Word. Special text input

Text editor is a program used specifically for entering and editing textual data.

This data can be a program or a document or a book. The edited text is displayed on the screen, and the user can make his own changes in the dialog mode.

Text editors can provide a variety of functions, namely:

editing lines of text;

Possibility to use different character fonts;

copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;

setting arbitrary line spacing;

automatic page numbering;

processing and numbering of footnotes;

creation of tables and charts, etc.

3. Enable transfer mode words. Set alignment in width.

4. Correct the mistakes made a) by automatic means; b) correcting every word.

5. Provide autocorrect MS abbreviations for Microsoft Word.

6. Implement word substitution"editor" to "processor".

7. In footer insert your last name, document name, current date, ensuring that it is updated when printed.

8. Display document in mode preview.

9. Create macro named "List", which creates a bulleted list and works on keypress Ctrl+R.

10. Document split into two pages, with page numbering ( Ctrl+Enter).

11. For the entered list, set one and a half line spacing (Format/Paragraph/Interline…). For the paragraph " Text editors... "set the interval before the paragraph 12 pt. Hide paragraph text. Cancel text hiding.

12. Place an arbitrary figure at the beginning of the text.

13. Word " editor" in body text, make it bold, underline with a double squiggle, highlight in green ( Format/Font/Underline).

14.Paste initial letter at the beginning of the text.

15. Define in the text number of signs(with spaces).

16.Apply a two-column layout to the typed text.

17.Install a non-breaking space in the initials of B. Gates.

18.Insert page numbers ( Insert/Page numbers).

19. Set mirror margins for the document (File/Page setup...).

20. Save password file.

Task 3.4.2

1. Insert a picture of any animal or bird into the document (set RMB Object Format/Position/By contour).

2. Set the following parameters for the picture: height - 5 cm, width - 6 cm; framing: line thickness - 2.25, line color - brown, fill color - light brown; flow around.

3. Insert an inscription at the bottom of the picture and enter text with the name of the picture into it, font size - 14, sparse - 1.7, bold.

4. Using different types of callouts, describe the figure shown in the picture (AutoShapes…).

5. Combine drawing and inscriptions into a single graphic group.

6. Copy the resulting graphic object into a new document.

Task 3.4.3 Making lists

Type the following list: Computer components. System unit. Monitor. Keyboard. Mouse. Software. System programs. Programming languages. Application programs. Computer networks. Local networks. Global networks.

Copy it two more times and arrange it in three different types of lists using the technologies below.

Making a bulleted list

1.1.Select the entire first list.

1.2.Run the command: Format/List/Labeled(Select marker option)/ Change/Font/Size(select 16)/Inscription(select Bold)/OK/OK.

1.3 Select the first sublist.

Run command: Format/List/Labeled(Select marker option)/ Edit/Marker Position/Indent(select 0,5 cm)/ Text Position/Indent(select 1,1 cm)/ Font/Size 12/OK/OK.

1.4. Repeat paragraph 1.3 for the second and third sublists.
You should get the following:

Ø Computer components.

· System unit.


· Keyboard.

Ø Software.

· System programs.

· Programming languages.

· Applied programs.

Ø Computer networks.

· Local networks.

· Global networks.

Numbered list formatting

2.1.Select the line "Computer components".

2.2.On the toolbar in the window Style, where is the word Usual, install Heading 1.

2.3. Repeat clause 2.2 for the lines "Software" and "Computer networks".

2.4 Select all.

2.5.Run command: Format/ List/ Numbered/ Roman Numerals/ Change/ Font/ Size 14/ Style/ Bold/ OK/ OK.

2.6.Select the first sublist, release the button on the toolbar Numbering.

2.7. Repeat item 2.6 for the second and third sublists.
You should get the following:

I. Computer components.

System unit.


II. Software.

System programs.

Programming languages.

Application programs.

III. Computer networks.

Local networks.

Global networks.

3) Making a multilevel list

3.1.Select the line "Computer components".

3.2.On the toolbar, select Format/Styles and Formatting/ in the window Style, where is the word Usual, install Heading 1.

3.3. Repeat clause 3.2 for the lines "Software" and "Computer networks".

3.4 Select the first sublist. Set an option for it Heading 2.

3.5. Repeat item 3.4 for the second and third sublists.

3.6.Run command: Format/List/Multilevel(select desired marking)/Change/Level 2/Number Position/Left by 1cm/Text Position/Indent by 2.5cm/Font/Size 12/Style/Normal.

You should get the following:

1. Computer components.

1.1. System unit.

1.2. Monitor.

1.3. Keyboard.

2. Software.

2.1. System programs.

2.2. Programming languages.

2.3. Application programs.

3. Computer networks.

3.1. Local networks.

3.2. Global networks.

Task 3.4.4

1. Create the following table in several ways.


2. Align the numbers in the table by commas (without spaces).

Task 3.4.5

1.Create a table by setting the font size for the table heading to 12, and for the content - 11. Surnames and salaries can be set arbitrarily.

2. Fill in the empty cells by inserting the necessary formulas:

Column 3= 1% of salary;

Column 4 = 12% of salary - contributions to the Pension Fund;

Column 5 = Salary - Deductions.

3. Get the total data for columns 2-5 by means of automatic summation.

4. In column 1, sort the information alphabetically.

5. Align the information in the table vertically.

6. Frame the table: outer frame - 2.25, inner grid - 1.

7. Indent a few lines down and insert a graph into the text according to the column data.

8. Make two copies of the table and convert one of the tables to text.

Task 3.4.6

1. Enter the following text using tabs for alignment:

Height Men Women

2. Convert the text to a table and add additional lines.

3. Format the table: change the row height and column width, table alignment, text alignment in cells.

3.5 Additional exercises and tasks*

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Education and Science Committee

Administration of the city of Novokuznetsk

Municipal evening (shift) educational institution

"Open (replaceable) secondary school No. 4"

Course work

MSWORD text editor

Completed by: student of the group

"Computer operator" Ageeva Ya.V.

Checked: teacher

Vertysheva E.A.

Novokuznetsk, 2009

Introduction. 3

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification. 4

2. Working with a text editor.. 5

3. Working with text.. 7

4. MSWord text editor interface. 8

5. Displaying the document in the window. nine

6. Editing and formatting text in MSWord. 10

7. Text WordArt. 13

8. Working with text fragments. fourteen

8.1 Selecting fragments of text. fourteen

8.2 Fragment actions .. 14

9. Working with tables. 16

9.1 Paste and Format formatting. 16

9.2 Adding and removing boundaries. 17

9.3 Adding a cell, row or column. 19

10. Work with drawings and diagrams. 22

11. Printing a document. 24

Conclusion. 25

References.. 26


In the process of its development, human society has learned to manage various types of energy, and has entered the era of information.

Until the middle of the 19th century, when the processes of collecting and accumulating information were dominant, the means of informatization were pen, ink and paper; the primitive means of informatization of technology at the end of the 19th century were replaced by mechanical ones.

Only many years later, the information processes of storing and transmitting information were supplemented by processing processes. This made possible the emergence in the second half of the 20th century of information technology as a computer, which laid the foundation for information technology.

MSWORD owes a lot to "Bravo" - a word processor with an original graphical interface.

The first release of WORD for MS-DOS took place at the end of 1983, it was poorly received by the market.

However, the version released in 1985 was widely used.

WORD for DOS was the first text editor capable of displaying text markup while editing.

The first version of WORD for WINDOWS, released in 1989, used standard keyboard shortcuts.

Subsequent versions added features beyond a simple test editor.

1. Text editors. Purpose and classification

A text editor is an application program that allows you to create text documents, view, modify, print, and edit them.

And also a text editor allows you to:

view the contents of documents on the screen

print a document

change document format

A modern text editor is a software product that provides a PC user with the means to create, process and store documents of equal complexity.

Recently, text editors have been supplanted by word processors, which allow not only typing "clean", unformatted text, but also formatting it: arbitrarily placing it on a page, highlighting it with fonts, and so on.


1. Text editors - designed to create editing of simple texts and program texts.

2. Document editors - designed to work with documents structurally consisting of nested sections, pages, paragraphs, and so on.

3. Editors of scientific texts - provide preparation and editing of scientific texts containing a large number of mathematical formulas, graphs, etc.

4. Publishing systems - used to prepare large complex documents (books, albums, magazines, etc.).

The word processor is always in one of two modes - insert or replace.

2. Working with a text editor

Input is the main mode of operation of a text editor.

using the keyboard.

The main modes of operation of text editors:


text editing

spelling control

search by context and replace

working with files

text printing

The text typed on the keyboard is displayed in the editor's desktop on the screen. The place of active influence on the working field is marked with a cursor moving across the screen.

Cursor - a short, usually blinking line, showing the position of the working field, in which the input character or text element will be placed.

Editing is making changes to the typed text.

Editing is performed when the user issues text editor commands.

To delete one or more characters, use the Del and Backspace keys.

The selected fragment can be:



Formatting is the ability of a word processor to style a document.

A paragraph is a piece of text, the input process of which ended by pressing the Enter key.

3. Working with text

When working with a text editor, the screen contains information about its current state - "Status Bar".

Any text editor is characterized by the presence of editor control on the "Command Menu" screen. The menu can have both text and pictographic form.

Operations performed on a document include:

1. creating a new document

2. assigning a unique name to the document

3. typing all text on the keyboard

5. saving the document

6. copying a document from RAM to external memory

7. deleting a document

8. remove the created or loaded document from the screen

9. printout of a document - creation of a hard (paper) copy of a document.

Save operation - writes the edited document in RAM to disk for permanent storage.

Powerful word processors have the ability to merge documents.

To complete this procedure, you must have:

main document containing permanent information;

source document for storing variable information.

4. MSWord text editor interface

MSWORD is an efficient and full-featured text editor that provides all the tools you need to create various types of documents.

Microsoft Word interface

Scrollbars are located at the right border and at the bottom of the Microsoft Word window.

The status bar is the horizontal bar below the document window. It displays information about the operations performed, the position of the cursor, and other contextual information.

The buttons on the Standard toolbar speed up the operations of creating, opening and saving a file, as well as editing a document.

The format bar buttons allow you to format characters and paragraphs.

5. Display the document in the window

Word allows you to view a document in a window in several modes. "Normal" mode is set by default when the window is opened.

The "electronic document" mode is the optimal mode for viewing electronic documents on the screen.

Layout View - allows you to see the page with pictures, multi-column text, footnotes, headers and footers, and margins as it will be printed.

To view two parts of one document at the same time - divide the window into two areas. In each of the areas of the window, you can scroll the document independently of the other area, you can use different scales and viewing modes.

To see all open documents at once, select the Arrange All command

6. Editing and Formatting Text in MSWord

Editing refers to making any changes to the typed text.

There are several ways to change the text color:

Highlight the text you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Text Color button and choose the color you want.

To perform most text processing operations, the edited fragment should first be selected. After selecting a fragment, the operation can be performed in the following ways:

1. using menu commands;

2. using the commands of the context menu;

3. using the buttons on the "Standard" toolbar;

4. using the left mouse button;

5. using the right mouse button;

In order to copy a piece of text to another point in the document, you must:

1. Select a piece of text.

2. On the "Home" tab, select the "Copy" command or click on the "Copy" command button. As a result, a copy of the selected fragment will be placed on the Windows clipboard.

3. Using the cursor keys, place the cursor at the point in the document after which the fragment copied to the clipboard in the previous step should be inserted.

4. On the "Home" tab, select the "Paste" command or click on the "Paste" command button.

The format of printed text refers to the arrangement of lines, margins and page sizes.

Format parameters are set before entering the test, and then automatically maintained by the text editor.

It is also possible to change the format of the text. To do this, set new options and select the Reformat Text command.

Formatting text is to change its appearance, by changing the alignment, using different fonts and their styles.


The Formula Editor can be run as a standalone program or from within Word.

To start the Formula Editor from Word, you must place the input cursor at the place in the document where the formula should be inserted. Then call the command An object from the menu Insert, in the Create New section of the dialog box, in the Object type field, click on Microsoft Equation 3.0 and click OK.

If the toolbar has a formula sign (a button with the ■ icon), you can load the Formula Editor by clicking this button.

After launching the Formula Editor, its application window opens, similar to the Word window. This window, along with known ones, contains special elements that are necessary for efficient work with formulas, for example, symbols menu And template menu.

Below the menu bar is math symbol menu, in it you can select the necessary symbols and enter them into formulas. To do this, you need to fix the mouse pointer on the menu item (field) containing the desired symbol. The full list of symbols available in this field will open. The symbol is selected with the mouse pointer (click).

Via template menu, the formula depicts mathematical operations and such complex objects as an integral, a matrix, expressions in brackets, etc. Inserting templates is done in the same way as inserting mathematical symbols.

When you change the font size, the size of all characters of the same type changes. On the menu Size using the command Define You can set the font size for five different formula elements. The element resizing dialog contains five sizing fields and a preview field.

To change the font size of elements of a certain type, fix the mouse pointer on the field in which the element size is set. The preview field then displays the characters to be changed. Now you can set the desired font size. Typically, the unit of measure is points. To confirm the settings, just press the OK button. .

Command Style > Define allows for formatting individual formula components. For each of the components of the formula, its own design style (font and style) is set.

Launching the MS Graph editor. Call command An object from the menu Insert, in section Create dialog box in the field Object type click on an element Microsoft Graph 5.0 and press the OK button. If the MS Graph editor sign is displayed on the toolbar (button with iconAND)h You can download the MS Graph editor by clicking this button.

After launching the MS Graph editor, its application window opens. It contains a menu, a chart that the editor offers, and a table. In the menu, you need to select the desired type of chart and enter data into the table to build a chart. All data entered into the table is reflected in the chart. Switching between a table and a diagram is a mouse click on the object you need (table or diagram) or on the toolbar button.

To create charts, you need to fill in the table. The top line of the table should contain numbers of quarters, years or other information. To select a cell, you should fix the cursor on it, after which it will take the form of a large cross. When entering characters from the keyboard, the old contents of the cell are automatically destroyed. New characters are entered into the cell in place of the old ones. To select a font, call the Format menu command Font. The transition to the next cell is carried out using the cursor keys or the mouse. After the transition, the contents of the previous cell are reflected in the chart.

The chart at any time corresponds to the data in the table. The user can change the chart type at will. To do this, in the menu Types select the type of chart (linear, histogram, pie, scatter, etc.) and in the dialog box that opens Types diagrams mark the desired diagram. Complete chart selection by pressing the button OK. Font correction may be required. To change the font of the text in the diagram, double-click on it. In the opened window Region Attributes perform a button click Font. After that, the user will be able to set the font, size, style, and so on.

To insert the resulting diagram into a Word document, click outside the diagram and table, the diagram will be inserted into the Word document. By marking the frame, you can change its size directly in the document.

MS Word 2007 allows you to enter, edit, format and format text and correctly place it on the page. With it, you can insert graphics, tables and charts into your document, as well as automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors. The Word text editor has many other features that make it much easier to create and edit documents.

Most commonly used functions:

  • - typing;
  • - cutting out pieces of text, storing them during the current session, as well as in the form of separate files;
  • - inserting pieces in the right place of the text;
  • - replacement of words one by another partially or completely throughout the text;
  • - finding the right words or sentences in the text;
  • - text formatting, i.e., giving it a certain look according to the following parameters: text column width, paragraph, margins on both sides, top and bottom margins, line spacing, line edge alignment;
  • - automatic pagination of text with a specified number of lines;
  • - automatic page numbering;
  • - automatic input of subheadings at the bottom or top of the page;
  • - selection of a part of the text in bold, italic or underlined font;
  • - switching the program to work with another alphabet;
  • - tabulation of lines, i.e., the creation of constant intervals for the presentation of text in the form of columns;
  • - when you enter text, you rest on the end of the line, Word automatically jumps to the next line;
  • - If a typo is made while entering text, the auto-correction function automatically corrects it. And the automatic spell check feature underlines misspelled words with a red wavy line to make them easier to see and correct;
  • - if you use hyphens to highlight list items, use fractions, a trademark sign or other special characters, the autoformatting function will correct them itself;
  • - the ability to insert formulas, tables, figures into the text;
  • - the ability to create multiple text columns on one page;
  • - selection of ready-made styles and templates;
  • - To present text in the form of a table, you can, of course, use the tabulator, but Microsoft Word offers much more efficient means. And if the table contains numerical data, then it is easy to turn them into a chart;
  • - Preview mode allows you to see the document in the form in which it will be printed. In addition, it makes it possible to display all pages at once, which is convenient for making changes before printing.

The program also offers a number of features that save time and effort. Among them:

  • - autotext - for storing and inserting frequently used words, phrases or graphics;
  • - styles - for storing and setting entire sets of formats at once;
  • - merge - to create serial letters, print envelopes and labels;
  • - macros - to execute a sequence of frequently used commands;
  • - “wizards” - for creating professionally designed documents.

Special features of text editors:

  • 1. Text editing:
    • - work with a section of text (selection, deletion, buffering, copying, etc.);
    • - text alignment (left or right, width, center);
    • - auto-hyphenation of words (entirely, according to the rules of hyphenation, organization of columns).
  • 2. Creation of backups at regular intervals;
  • 3. Working with tables (marking, deleting and adding columns and rows, text alignment in cells, frame design);
  • 4. Refusal of last actions and refusal of refusal;
  • 5. Operations on pictures (inserting into text, scaling and stretching along the axes, text wrapping around a picture, etc.);
  • 6. Pagination (automatic, hard, numbering);
  • 7. Use of document templates;
  • 8. Using a set of fonts (proportional fonts, fonts with arbitrarily resizable fonts, various ways of highlighting fonts, etc.);
  • 9. Contextual search and replacement of a given sequence of words in the text;
  • 10. Spell check using the built-in dictionary;
  • 11. Hint of synonyms and antonyms;
  • 12. Grammar check - analysis of the sentence as a whole;
  • 13. Construction of tables of contents, indexes, footnotes;
  • 14. A set of complex formulas (mathematical, physical);
  • 15. Use of information from the DBMS and ET in the text.

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