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  • Statistical reporting forms. The program "Forms of statistical reporting (enterprise)" was developed for enterprises and organizations that submit statistical reports

Statistical reporting forms. The program "Forms of statistical reporting (enterprise)" was developed for enterprises and organizations that submit statistical reports

The Rosstat organization is usually understood as the state statistics service, which was previously called Goskomstat. This is a federal structure of the executive branch responsible for the creation of statistical data on the current economic, demographic and ecological state of the Russian Federation. Another option is organization of control and supervision in the field of state statistical work on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Rules for interaction with statistics authorities

A large proportion of reporting forms and data are transferred to the territorial authority on the basis of an appropriate request - sent in person, by mail or to electronic format reporting form pre-filled by certain rules... Compound of this document was subject to correction more than once.

For example, within budgetary sphere the changes affected the frequency of reports in the social and scientific fields. Previously, the surrender was carried out every quarter, and now the requirements are in monthly submission of papers... Due to the impressive number of entities under control, Rosstat does not always have the ability to timely send requests to all addressees.

But the absence of such a document does not provide the company with an exemption from mandatory reporting. Neglect of this legislative norm is fraught with administrative responsibility and the accrual of a large fine (regulation - Article 13.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). In order to avoid such an outcome, it is recommended to check the reporting according to the TIN.

Who must submit reports

There is a need to submit this document far from all business entities... According to Art. and Federal Law No. 282 of November 29, 2007, the list of documents submitted to the statistics authorities by individual entrepreneurs and organizations is being determined. There is such a need for following persons:

  • government structures;
  • local government services;
  • legal entities that have passed registration procedure on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • branches, departments, representative offices of Russian firms at the place where the activity is carried out.

Submission of reports is obligatory in this case. absolutely for any separate structures, in which there are stationary jobs. This does not depend on the mention of the organization in the constituent documents and its actual powers. Business entities operating under the simplified taxation system undertake to submit reports to Rosstat within the general framework, according to the status and specifics of the activity.

Reports are sent to departments Russian statistics at the place where the respondent is registered. You can act in the following ways:

  • in a personal order;
  • through the services of an official trustee;
  • by mail;
  • in electronic form.

The rest of the persons do not at all undertake to hand over the reporting papers. But in a number exceptional situations such a right is assigned to them.

List of forms and deadlines for 2019

There are several forms currently in use for the provision of data. In practice, their approximate number is 300 units... However, not all papers are required.

Basic documents

An approximate list of documents looks like in the following way:

Within the framework of a separate procedure, the provision of the following types of forms:

  • №1 according to the basic data on the activities of the company, the deadline is until April 1, 2019, the Rosstat Order No. 541 of 08.21.2017 contains a full set of information on filling out;
  • P-3 involves a description of information about the current financial position of the company, for 2018 the reporting is submitted until 01/30/2019;
  • P-4- within the framework of this document, there is information related to the financial condition of the enterprise, for 2018 reports are submitted no later than the 15th day (i.e., for the last 3 months of 2018, the document is submitted no later than 15.01.2019);
  • P-4 (NZ)- we are talking about the conditions of part-time employment, delivery is carried out until 01/08/2019, if the reporting period is the whole of 2018.

This list is basic, although not exhaustive. There are also a few special shapes worth noticing.

Special forms for delivery

Special shapes are presented the following list:

  • PM- data on basic parameters activities of a small company, delivery is carried out until the 29th of the month period that follows the reporting quarter;
  • PM-PROM- materials about products made within the walls of a small enterprise, delivery is made by all small firms and individual entrepreneurs (16-100 people in the state), delivery is carried out every month until the 4th;
  • 1-IP- data related to the activities of a private entrepreneur, delivery is carried out by all individual entrepreneurs acting as agricultural producers (until March 2);
  • 1-IP (trade area)- a set of data on trade is assumed, the delivery is made by entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade, until October 17th.

Small businesses use the form MP (micro)... Its due date should not exceed 5 February of the year that follows the reporting period. No later than three months from the end of the reporting year, accounting data are submitted, including following documents:

  • balance sheet;
  • reporting related to financial results;
  • a set of applications;
  • reporting on changes in equity;
  • on the movement of DS and their intended use.

Directing industry data is important. They are governed by federal and regional regulations.

The procedure for conducting verification activities

Reporting requires verification using a special algorithm. To implement this event, you will need to complete few steps:

  1. Go to the Rosstat portal.
  2. The choice of the status in which the economic entity is. There are 4 options for the user to choose - legal entity, branches / divisions, individual entrepreneurs, private practitioners.
  3. Entering the relevant details of the enterprise. This will allow you to understand on the official website of the service what kind of reporting you need to submit. If there is no data on the organization's TIN, obtaining information is available through OKPO, OGRN.
  4. Check type code registration. It takes place in the picture directly below the bottom field of the form. At the next stage, it remains to click the "Search" button, and the system will provide the found results in full. Next, you need to select the "List of forms" button and wait for the desired answer. V separate file the formation of the full composition of forms for 2018 will take place. It is this list that the institution undertakes to provide to the state statistics bodies. Along with the list, the exact frequency will be indicated, as well as the timing of reporting, digital codes, forms of the unified type.

Even if the notification has not arrived or is lost, this information may be completely up-to-date.

Responsibility for failure to provide

Within the framework of Federal Law No. 442 of 12/30/2015, the size of the administrative penalty for this offense is as follows:

  • for officials - from 10,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles;
  • for enterprises - from 20,000 rubles. up to 70,000 rubles.

Before officials paid from 3000 to 5000 rubles. Also, the law introduced special liability for repeated disobedience. She threatens to charge a fine of 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. for organizations and 30,000 - 50,000 rubles. for officials.

Thus, the submission of reports to Rosstat is not the responsibility of all persons. There are certain conditions for this procedure.

A training webinar on the main forms of statistical reporting is presented below.

Service users have the opportunity to send reports not only on those forms that are currently implemented directly in the system. The preparation of the statistical reporting file is carried out using the Statistical Reporting Forms program, developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIPI Statinform of Rosstat. The program allows you to connect existing form templates, fill out a report, check it and upload it as a file established format... After that, the file formed in this way can be transferred to the territorial statistics office through the Kontur.Extern system, using the function of sending the finished file.

Installing the Statistical Reporting Forms software

  1. Download installation package programs. .
  2. Extract the content from the downloaded archive.
  3. Start the installation of the program. To do this, open the unpacked folder and click double click mouse (or with the Enter key) per file setup.exe.
  4. Then follow the instructions of the installation wizard. At all stages of installation, successively press the button Further.

At the end of the installation process, click Close.

Connecting form templates

In the future, additional form templates for filling out reports will also be developed by Petrostat and published in this manual.

In order to connect a report template to the "Statistical Reporting Forms" program, you need to do the following:

  1. Download the template file to be connected to the program. To download the template, go to the Rosstat website at the link below, then find the template you want in the list and click on the link Download column XML template:
    • List of XML-templates for submitting reports in electronic form for 2017
    • List of XML-templates for submitting reports in electronic form for 2016
    • List of XML-templates for submitting reports in electronic form for 2015
  2. Extract the content from the downloaded archive (XML file with the name of the form, for example, p4_nz_1.xml).
  3. Copy this file to folder Data which is in the folder with installed program... Default this folder is located along the following path: c: \ Program Files \ NIPIstatinform \ Statistical Reporting Forms \ Data \

In the same way, templates of all forms are connected to the program, which will be further published in this manual.

Automated system to prepare, conduct, process materials and obtain the results of continuous observation of small and medium-sized businesses in 2011

Instructions for filling out electronic forms


This document is an instruction for filling out electronic forms No. MP-sp "Information on the main indicators of a small enterprise in 2010" and No. 1-entrepreneur "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur in 2010".

The instructions describe in detail the process of filling out forms, as well as instructions and comments on entering necessary information in the form.

1.1 General information about program 4

1.2 Creating a statistical report 4

1.3 Opening a previously saved report 5

1.4 Editing a report 5

1.4.1 Working with the directory 6

1.5 Monitoring Report 7

1.5.1 Format control 7

1.5.2 Arithmetic and logic control 8

1.6 Saving a report 9

2 Filling out the online statistical reporting form 10

1.7 Editing a report 10

1.8 Control of the report 10

1.9 Sending a report 11

3 Instructions for filling out the form No. MP-sp 12

1.10 General instructions 12

1.11 Notes on sections 12

4 Instructions for filling out the form No. 1-entrepreneur 14

1.12 General instructions 14

1.13 Notes on sections 14

Scroll legend, abbreviations and terms 17

  1. Filling out the statistical reporting form in offline mode

Filling out the statistical reporting form takes place using the offline client "Statistical reporting form (enterprise)". This software available on the website Territorial authority Federal Service state statistics ”and on the Rosstat website.

1.1 General information about the program

The program "Statistical Reporting Forms (Enterprise)" was developed for enterprises and organizations that submit statistical reports. Reporting is carried out in in electronic format.

The program "Statistical reporting forms (enterprise)" uses statistical reporting forms approved by the Federal State Statistics Service Russian Federation and has the following functionality:

  1. creation and editing of statistical reporting forms from the proposed list;

  2. format control of data entry (color highlighting of incorrectly entered values);

  3. arithmetic and logical data control;

  4. saving the report in an xml file;

  5. the ability to update the statistical reporting forms in accordance with the official change in the form templates.

1.2Creating a statistical report

To create a new statistical report, select the "File-> New Report" menu item or press the Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut. A window for selecting a reporting form will open. (see Figure 1). In this window it is possible to filter the list of forms using the "Filter" input field. Select the required form from the list single press left mouse button on the name of the form. In the shape selection window, press the "OK" key. Next, a window opens for editing the report in the selected form.

Figure 1 - Selecting a form to fill out

1.3Opening a Previously Saved Report

The report can be opened from the report file xml format... To open a saved report, select the "File-> Open Report" menu item or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O. In the window that appears, select the report file and press the "Open" button. Next, a window for editing the saved report opens (see Figure 2).

1.4 Editing a report

The statistical reporting form consists of several sections, which are displayed as tabs in the editing window.

Each section of the form contains tables and fields for entering information. To read the full contents of the "Name" line, move the mouse cursor over the corresponding line.

Figure 2 - Window for editing the report

The values ​​of some fields are filled in from the lookup, next to such a field a button is displayed to open the lookup (see 1.4.1).

Figure 3 - Button for calling the directory

1.4.1 Working with the reference book

Some cells of the report are filled with values ​​from dictionaries. Next to such cells there is a button for calling the directory. (see Figure 3)

Information in the reference book is displayed page by page. The directory allows you to search for information on the entire volume of information - "General search", and current page reference book "Contextual search".

  1. Navigating through pages
In order to move through the pages of the reference book it is necessary to use the "Back" and "Forward" buttons.

  1. General search
General search in the reference book allows you to search across the entire range of values, regardless of which page of the reference book you are on.

In order to fulfill general search according to the reference book, you must enter the search text in the input fields in the "Code" and / or "Name" column and click on the "Search" button

Found values ​​are also displayed page by page

  1. Contextual search
Contextual search allows you to search for information on the current directory page

In order to use the contextual search, you must click on the triangle next to the column name.

An input field will appear. When you enter text in the field that appears, the data on the reference page will be automatically filtered in accordance with the entered value. In this case, the triangle will change color to blue.

1.5 Controlling the report

1.5.1 Format control

Format control is a check of the correctness of filling in the form cells. Checks are of the following types:

  • Checking the type of the entered value (number, string)

  • Validation of the entered value in the specified format

  • Checking the entered value against the lookup

  • Validation of the entered value to the specified range
Format control is carried out in interactive mode when switching from one section of the form to another and when saving the report

If errors are detected during format control, the user is informed about this, the erroneous cells are highlighted and the errors are displayed on the error display panel, indicating the error cells (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Panel for displaying errors

Saving the report is not possible if format control has not been performed.

1.5.2 Arithmetic and logical control

Arithmetic and logical control can be performed automatically when saving the report. In case of errors, information about erroneous controls is displayed on the error display panel.

  1. Performing a manual inspection
Arithmetic and logical checks can be performed independently. To do this, call the Action-> Control menu item.

1.6Saving a report

The report can be saved to an xml file. To save the report, select the "File-> Save" menu item or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S. If the report has not yet been saved, a window for selecting a file to save will open, in which you can select an existing file or specify new file... If the report was saved earlier, then the above sequence of actions will save the report in the previously selected file. If the report was saved earlier, but you want to save it in a new file, select the "File-> Save As" menu item.
  1. Fillingshapestatistical reportingonline

Filling out the online statistical reporting form takes place on the website of the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service and the website of Rosstat.

To submit a statistical report through the statistical reporting collection system, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Log in using the provided username and password;

  2. Choose a form of statistical reporting;

  3. Fill in all the pages of the report sequentially (see paragraph 1.7)

  4. Check the entered data (see paragraph 1.8)

  5. Send a completed report (see clause 1.9)

1.7 Editing a report

The window for editing displays the statistical reporting form developed by Rosstat.

The statistical reporting form consists of several sections. The transition from section to section is carried out using the "Back" and "Forward" buttons on the main toolbar.

Each section of the form contains tables and fields for entering information.

The values ​​of some fields are filled in from the lookup; next to such a field, a button is displayed to open the lookup. The work with the reference book is carried out in the same way as in the program "Statistical reporting forms (enterprise)" (see paragraph 1.4.1).

When moving from section to section, format control is carried out (see paragraph 1.5.1).

1.8 Control of the report

Statistical reporting forms developed by Rosstat contain a set of rules that a report must comply with. These rules are present in the form description in the form of a format control and a set of arithmetic-logical controls.

Format control is described in paragraph 1.5.1.

Arithmetic and logical checks are carried out automatically and manually.

  1. Automatic inspection execution
Arithmetic and logical control can be performed automatically when sending a report. In case of errors, information about erroneous controls is displayed on the error display page. In this case, the user can correct errors or save the report as a draft for later correction and editing.

  1. Performing a manual inspection
Arithmetic and logical checks can be performed independently. To do this, call the "Check" menu item.

1.9Send a report

In order for the information of the completed report to reach the TOGS, it is necessary to send the completed report. To do this, you need to click on the "Send" button.
  1. Instructions for filling out the form No. MP-sp

V this section provided comments and instructions on how to fill in electronic forms №MP-sp.

1.10 General instructions

This electronic form corresponds to the paper form “Form No. MP-sp. Information about the main indicators of the activity of a small enterprise in 2010 ".

1.11 Section instructions

  1. Section 7 "Revenue from the sale of goods (works, services)"
Revenue from sales is determined based on all receipts associated with settlements for goods (work, services) sold or property rights expressed in cash and (or) in kind, excluding the amounts of taxes declared in accordance with the Tax Code by the taxpayer to the buyer (purchaser) of goods ( works, services, property rights) (Article 249, Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

  1. Section 9 "Construction and scientific and technical work"
All costs of work in this section are indicated without VAT, excise taxes and other similar mandatory payments).

  1. Section 11 "Industrial and agricultural production"
It is necessary to indicate the products intended for both internal use, and for implementation on the side.

  1. Section 12 "Number of freight and passenger vehicles"
This number is indicated without taking into account vehicles rented out, leased, but including those used under a lease and / or lease agreement, as well as personal cars used by the organization of hired drivers.

  1. Section 14 " Separate types production costs of goods (works, services)
Cost of raw materials and supplies transferred for processing to other legal entities and individuals is indicated without VAT, excise taxes and other similar payments.

  1. Section 15 Property, Plant and Equipment and Acquisition Costs
Full book value- this is the initial acquisition cost, taking into account its subsequent changes (as a result of revaluation, completion, modernization, etc.), without deduction of depreciation.

Costs incurred in 2010 for the acquisition and creation of property, plant and equipment are indicated without VAT and similar payments.

Residual book value- this is the full book value, reduced by the amount of depreciation accrued during the operation.

  1. Section 17 "Technological, marketing, organizational innovations"
Under technological innovation it implies the presence of the end result of innovation in the form of a new or improved product or service introduced on the market, a new or improved method of production (transfer) of services used in practice.

Under marketing innovation means implemented new or significantly improved methods, covering significant changes in the design and packaging of goods, the use of new methods of sales and presentation of goods, works, services, their provision and promotion to sales markets, the formation of new pricing strategies.

Under organizational innovation implies the implementation of a new method in doing business, organizing jobs or organizing external relations.

  1. Instructions for filling out the form No. 1-entrepreneur

This section provides comments and instructions for filling out electronic forms No. 1-entrepreneur.

1.12 General instructions

This electronic form corresponds to the paper form “Form No. 1-entrepreneur. Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur in 2010 ".

In case of difficulties when filling out a report with the search for OKVED, OKMO, OKPD or OKEI codes, you should leave this field blank, while be sure to fill in the appropriate text boxes.

1.13 Notes by section

  1. Section 1 "General information about your business"
If the entrepreneur is employed by another sole proprietor or legal entity, then to the question "Did you carry out entrepreneurial activities in 2010" in relation to such activities, he must answer "no". If an individual entrepreneur, who is an employee of another individual entrepreneur or legal entity, also carries out entrepreneurial activities on his own, then in this case he fills out this form for all points regarding the activities of his own business.

  1. Section 2 "Address of the place of implementation entrepreneurial activity»
This address should be indicated only if the place of implementation of the main business activity is located on the territory of another settlement than the settlement of your registration as an individual entrepreneur.

  1. Section 4 "Estimated Revenue"
When specifying estimated revenue in 2010 the total volume of all receipts related to settlements for goods (work, services) sold, including taxes (value added tax, excise taxes, and other similar payments) presented to the buyer (purchaser) of goods (works, services), is taken into account. In the event that an individual entrepreneur did not receive payment for goods (works, services) in cash, then the amount of revenue is determined based on the transaction price. If it is impossible to establish the value of the goods (works, services) received, then the amount of proceeds is determined based on the prices that were usually charged for similar goods (works, services) sold under comparable circumstances.

When specifying the approximate share of revenue from individual orders of the population the share of those services that are provided is taken into account individuals for their personal consumption (sales of all types of food and non-food products, catering services are not taken into account). For example, individual tailoring of clothes, shoes, repair household appliances, vehicles, construction and repair of individual houses, hairdressing services, transportation of passengers, their luggage, tutoring, provision of medical services, etc.

  1. Section 5 "Actual types of economic activities"
Examples of economic activities: production of canned meat, sewing dresses, retail trade in vegetables, wholesale trade in construction materials, transportation of goods, growing grain crops, raising pigs, etc.

  1. Section 7 "Carriage of goods and passengers on a commercial basis"
Indicated number of own freight and passenger vehicles, but without rented, used under a leasing and / or lease agreement, personal vehicles of drivers hired.

  1. Section 8 "The number of transported goods and passengers on a commercial basis"
The line "Freight transported" shows volume of transported goods, which is reflected in the transport documentation of the reporting entrepreneur. Determination of the mass of piece (machine tools, refrigerators, etc.), lengthy, as well as bulky goods (firewood, sand, crushed stone, etc.) is carried out by partial weighing or multiplication by the mass of a unit, which are indicated in the technical documentation.

  1. Section 9 "The number of people employed in your business"
Partners are persons participating in the case on the terms of property or other contribution and performing certain work in this case.

Helping family members- persons who work as assistants in a matter owned by a member household or a relative.

Wage-earners- these are persons who perform work for hire for remuneration (in money, in kind) on the basis of a written contract or an oral agreement.

  1. Section 10 "Fixed assets, specially equipped premises, property of your business"
Objects belonging to an entrepreneur, members of his family, but not used by them in whole or in part in entrepreneurial activity - residential buildings, parts of buildings (premises), vehicles, etc. - forms are not reflected in this section).

TO fixed assets include objects that are used repeatedly or continuously over a long period of at least one year, for the production of goods, the provision of market and non-market services, for management needs, or for presentation to other organizations for a fee for temporary possession and use or for temporary use with a value of more than 20 thousand roubles. Costs for land, objects of nature management (water, subsoil and other natural resources).

  1. Section 11 "Specially equipped premises"
The entrepreneur indicates information about specially equipped premises in which he carried out actual business activities. A premise is a building, a part of a building used for business activities. These include production facilities, pavilions, cafes, bars, eateries, service stations, shops, consumer services, offices, etc.

List of symbols, abbreviations and terms



Automated system


All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities


All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Formations


All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity


All-Russian classifier of units of measurement

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