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  • Format Factory is a free Format Factory converter. Format Factory or Format Factory - universal file converter

Format Factory is a free Format Factory converter. Format Factory or Format Factory - universal file converter

Hello everyone Today we will talk about such a program as Format Factory, well, or Format Factory, here, as you like. This program is a kind of free video and audio format converter, as well as pictures. Understands almost all formats, can prepare a file for use on a mobile device. What does this mean? Well, that is, if you have an interesting movie and you want to watch it on your smartphone, then the Format Factory program will help you prepare it for your smartphone: it will reduce the resolution and quality, so that the weight of the movie will decrease and it can be easily downloaded to your smartphone. And the lighter the film, the easier it is to play it on a smartphone, well, this is already, as it were, in theory. The same can be done with music and pictures ...

In general, guys, this is such a format converter, how good it is, I don’t know this, but today I’ll deal with this issue. I can only say this, I personally don’t use converters at all, somehow there’s no need, the maximum that I used was the converter that is in the Aimp player, it seems to be all. It is also pleasing that the Format Factory program supports the Russian language and is completely free.

Well guys, let's get to know her? So you can download the Format Factory program from the official website (by the way, here it is, which I did, now, well, that is, now I will install this program. I downloaded such a file, well, with the name FFInstOnline.exe, here it is at the bottom in the Chrome browser, I right-clicked there and selected the Open item:

Then I got such a window, this is such a security of Windows, then I clicked on Run (you may not have this window):

And then the guys had a little joke, the fact is that it turns out I downloaded not just an installer, but a web installer! Well, when I launched it, the download of the program itself from the Internet began, the firewall built into Windows told me about this, it gave the following message:

Well, as you already understood, I clicked on Allow access so that the program could download safely .. The program itself then swung like this:

That is, there was such a window, there was a strip where it shows how much has already been downloaded, and there was also something like 1 Seeds, of course I'm not sure, but what do you think this means? The fact is that the first thing that came to my mind was that it was a torrent ... Yes, and it’s somehow strange, my Internet is very fast, but it would not download very quickly .. So I think, maybe it really would download like this say by torrent technology? It looks very similar, however ... Well, in general, then when everything was already downloaded, the program installer started, here you can change the installation folder, but it's better not to do it just like that, in general, I click the Install button here:

Well, then the installation went, this is how it will all happen:

Further, after about a few seconds, the installation will end, there will be one checkmark, it is needed so that after installation the Format Factory program starts, in general, I personally do not uncheck this checkbox, but click in the Close window:

So what guys, that's all, we installed the program, now it has started and this is how it looks:

But is it a program? This is not a program, it’s a start window, so to speak, here you also want to install such a program as Picosmos Tools, this is a program for processing pictures, well, like a graphics editor. But personally, I could not make friends with him, but other users say that the program is very good. Well, guys, in this window, at the bottom there is a checkmark just about installing Picosmos Tools, if you don’t need this program, then uncheck this box, as you can see, I did uncheck it

In general, I pressed OK, and ... something blinked and that's it .. As if the program started and immediately closed. Maybe a glitch, or maybe not, I don’t know .. Then I manually launched the program using the Format Factory shortcut on the desktop, after which the following window of the program itself appeared:

Well guys, I can tell you here, I immediately liked the appearance of the program, it seems to say that the program is not buggy and without jambs and in a word, goodness! But is it? Now I’ll try to figure it out at least a little ... So what we see here is that there are buttons at the top of the program, so to speak, the main ones. Well, here there is a button Destination folder, this is necessary in order to open the folder where the result of the program will be placed, well, you understand. So I clicked this button and the following window appeared to me:

Well, it’s clear that it’s empty here, but I haven’t done anything in the program yet. That is, once again, the button Destination folder, this is only to open the folder where the result of the program will be and that's it! By the way, a program with signs of intelligence, in short, it was installed by default on the system drive C, but it placed the final folder on drive D, the folder itself is called FFOutput, these are the pies guys

Then comes the Settings button, well, I think that you already understand, this is where you can configure the program. I clicked this button and then I got this window:

Well, there are no words at all! What am I talking about? And about the fact that everything here is done so stylishly and so, well, damn it, it’s somehow convenient or something, somehow competently, well, I hope you understand what I mean. The Settings tab was immediately opened in the window, that is, the very first tab, here you can change the folder Destination folder, that is, the folder where the result of the work will be placed, so to speak. You can check the box so that the result is immediately in the source folder. You can also check the box so that the file name is more informative, well, there it says the resolution of the video, the format .. Here are the checkboxes, see:

At the bottom of this tab there is also a checkbox Check the new version, well, I don’t know about me, but I don’t like the program to climb into the network just to check if there is a new version ... If you don’t like it either, then uncheck this box

So, now I have opened the Font tab, well, what can I say here, here you can change the font, so to speak, choose for yourself, you can also change the color of the font and frame. But what kind of frame, I don’t really understand, well, in general, here are these settings, see:

Now we go to the Advanced tab, to be honest, I don’t know what these options are, and there are very few of them, so I’ll skip this tab, I think that nothing needs to be changed here. Well, just in case, I'll show you how it looks, here, look:

So, then comes the Photo tab. So what is it in general, there are some two sliders, and the quality is written there, so what is it? Well, guys, what exactly these sliders are for, I don’t quite understand. But I think that the quality of the images is set here when converting. In any case, if anything, there is nothing complicated, here is this tab:

Here, as you can see, there are two sliders, namely JPG Quality and WebP Quality. Well, I can’t say anything for the second, but the first, I know that this is the jpeg format, a very popular format, probably the most popular image format. Well, here you set the quality, you already understood this, but how much to set? I don’t know how the quality is set in this program, but in my program that I use, well, it’s also a graphics editor, and so there I have a jpeg quality of 80, as for me, this is the ideal ratio of quality and size. Well, these are the pies.

So I don’t show you the rest of the tabs, and not because I don’t want to, no, it’s just that there are settings not for the program itself, but for video formats. That is, on the other tabs you can customize the formats to suit your requirements, to be honest, I don’t really rummage about it, well, because as I already wrote, I rarely ever converted anything at all .. A couple of times it was just that, I no longer I remember why I did it .. Look at what settings there are, or rather what formats you can configure:

To rummage well in these formats, it is better to play around with the format settings, and so to speak, in practice, understand what is best for you. The funny thing is that all users have a different concept of quality, for example, it’s quite comfortable for me to watch videos on YouTube in 1080 quality, but for some it’s not at all, because the quality is simply no .. Here’s a joke

Well, that's it, we seem to have sorted out the settings, now we go to the program itself. So that's what I also understood here, you have such a part on the left, where there are tabs, as it were, here you can choose what exactly you want to do. Well, look, I selected the Photo tab here and the functions seemed to me:

Also, well, as I see it, here you can work with ISO files, that is, with disk images. Impressive of course, especially when you consider that the program is completely free. At the very bottom there is a Utilities tab, useful tools are collected here, see which ones:

So what else to show you, well, in terms of the Format Factory program interface, look, there is a Task button at the top, if you press it, the following menu will appear:

As you can see, there are all sorts of buttons here, you can start the task, finish, download, and save. Tasks, it's kind of like a project, well, or am I mistaken? Maybe .. Here, by the way, there is also an item to minimize to tray, maybe it will be convenient for someone. Regarding the tray, by the way, there is an option in the settings. But in order to minimize the window to the tray, you need to click on not a cross, but on a regular minimize button! By the way, the program icon itself looks like this:

Here I chose a dark design, see how the program looks in this design:

Well guys, with the appearance of the Format Factory program, they sort of figured it out, the program is normal, not buggy and all that. Well, now let's try to do the most important thing, it is to convert the video. I have a trailer for one movie, an interesting movie about UFOs, but now it's not about him, let's try to convert it to another format. So I chose the Video tab on the left, now I have buttons here, what are they for? I've made the window full screen, and look, there are even more buttons here:

Guys, I got it. It's just tin how convenient everything is done here! So, here is a step-by-step instruction for you on how to convert video in the Format Factory program, with the help of this instruction you can basically understand how to use this program in general! So here kapets as everything is simple and convenient! So, well, shall we begin? We have a movie trailer, right? That's right, now look, you have selected the Video tab, then you need to select the type of format you want to convert your video to. The format is selected using these buttons:

You can choose any format you need, but I'll choose the first format here, it's Mobile, after which I got this window:

Here you can still configure the format, select the resolution, well, something else to set up here, I don’t even know what, but I think that you will calmly figure it out here, because everything is done here very conveniently. In general, we looked, configured, now press the OK button. Then you will have this window:

What can you do here? First of all, add a file, to do this, click the Add file button, it is in the upper right corner, then select the file. I add a kin trailer, I have it on my desktop, so I choose it:

After that, the selected file should appear here for you, see:

Now a few words about this window, or rather about the settings. So at the top you can click on the Settings button, this is to configure the format again, well, if necessary. You can also add more files to the list to convert several at once. At the bottom there is also the Add folder button, well, this is apparently in order to immediately add a folder with video files, by the way, when I pressed this button, this window appeared:

That is, you can not only specify a folder here, but also enable the All tree option (it seems that it is necessary for all subfolders to be captured too), you can also specify the files of which format you want to add. Well, what can I say here, in general? I am again convinced that the Format Factory program is just super, everything is done clearly, there are no jambs and everything is convenient. Gentlemen, this is a good program. We return to the window, at the bottom of it there is also a checkmark Add title, I checked this box:

Well, where is the Destination folder, then you can also choose where exactly the result will be saved, so to speak. Well, I don’t change anything here, but by the way, when I clicked there, this is the menu that seemed:

Well, that seems to be all .. But no, here's something else, in this window, in the upper left part, that is, there are buttons for managing the list of added video files, here are these buttons:

There you can delete a file or files, you can clear the list, you can play and you can show information about the file or files. As I understand it, for example, in order to apply some action to a file or files in the list, you first need to select them, well, in short, you understand

In general, he told everything, now if everyone here has looked, configured, then press the OK button:

After that, the selected file for conversion will be added to the list of tasks, well, that's what it's called. Look, I now have a kind of one task, here it is:

If you right-click on this task, you will see the following menu:

Well, at the top, well, above the task, there are Stop and Start buttons, well, I think that you understand what they are for? This is to put the task into operation, so to speak. In general, I seem to have already done everything that needs to be done, so I click the Start button here:

Well, all the guys, here the work has begun, look:

And when it was over, I got this message in the lower right corner of the screen:

In the Format Factory program itself, this is what was written:

You look carefully at what the size was, this is the one that comes first, well, the one that is 144 megs and what the size has become, this is the one at the end, and there we have 21 megs, that is, you see how the Format Factory program decently compressed the video!

Well, now, when I clicked on the Destination Folder button, well, the one in the upper left corner, the folder opened and there was the result, so to speak, well, that is, the kin trailer file in the new format, well, see for yourself:

Well, that is, I think that everything is clear to you, you yourself see that everything works very clearly, without glitches, everything here works quickly, there are no dependencies, the buttons are conveniently located and all that. In short, the Format Factory program is good, what else can I say

Well guys, it seems to have told you everything? Now I will write some of my findings.

  1. The program is free and at the same time really high-quality and conveniently made, there are not so many such programs today.
  2. The interface of the program, buttons, the entire menu is very convenient. There is no nonsense, but to be honest, as soon as I installed the program, I did not immediately understand what was happening. But it was very easy to understand!
  3. There are a lot of settings in the program, there are not many settings for the program itself, but if you want to convert something, then in the process you will see that there are many small, but useful options.
  4. I don’t even know what else to say guys, I didn’t check all the functions, of course, but I think that they all work fine there. This program can be added to the list of the best free programs, well, it seems to me.

Well, these are my conclusions about this program. And now it’s time for the guys to show you how to remove it, well, suddenly you don’t like it very much, because everything happens in life .. So look, hold down the Win + R buttons, the Run window will appear, you write the following command there:

Then the Programs and Features window will open, it will contain a list of all installed programs, you need to find FormatFactory here (you understand that there may be another version), then right-click on it and select Delete:

Then you will see such a window, well, here you are asked, do you really want to delete Format Factory? If you have not changed your mind, then click Yes here:

After that, a window will appear, well, it will show that the deletion is in progress, this window hung for me for about two seconds, after which it disappeared

That's all the guys, so you deleted the Format Factory program, and the program is high-quality and worthwhile, I think that I could show you this. By the way, after deleting the FFOutput folder on drive D, I still have it, well, this is just a note to you.

I already wanted to finish, but no, here one thing was drawn ... In short, I sometimes like to check if the program has left any garbage after I deleted it. Well, today I also checked this, opened the system drive C, where the search is, well, the field in the upper right corner, then there I wrote Format Factory and started waiting. Soon I saw that after the program some temporary folder remained, here it is:

Well, guys, I agree that it’s not particularly scary, well, one folder (by the way, there was one file inside it, this is FFSetupLatest.exe), you can clean the computer with CCleaner, well, I understand everything .. I’m just such a person that I’m still manually checking ... Well, there is such a thing in me

I hope guys that everything was clear to you here, but if something is wrong, then you're sorry .. Good luck in life and that you have a good mood


And this is a very good idea - to develop a program that would directly describe the contents of any file byte by byte. At the entrance she has any source. At the output - not only is the reproduction of the contents of this file, this is just not necessary. At the output, most importantly, a byte-by-byte description of all content - you get an excellent tool for analyzing the format and studying it.

It is not necessary, of course, that a file be converted from one format to another. First, this is a narrower task. And secondly, it has already been largely solved, for example, by such programs as Format Factory, one of the best in its class, especially free to distribute.

Format Factory Specifications

The conversation about this tool becomes doubly relevant in light of the recent news - MP3 format developers are giving up the rights to it, will no longer charge a tax for its use, will not support and modify it, in general, they will let it float freely. And this is about MP3, which for many years was considered the leader in the field of sound on the PC. It is no exaggeration to say that any disk on any computer contains hundreds of resources in this format.

Now the value of the Format Factor is further enhanced, as conversion from MP3 to the recommended higher quality AAC is one of the most used features in Format Factory.

In addition, the factory knows the following audio formats (of course, it can convert from one to another): WMA, FLAC, MMF, AMR, M4A, M4R, OGG, MP2, WAV, WavPack.

Among the video formats used by FF, and this is perhaps the most valuable type of conversion, at least more exciting: MP4 (the passion of all lovers of Apple products), AVI (perhaps the most common video format), 3GP, MKV, WMV, MPG, VOB, FLV , SWF (Internet Super Animation Format), MOV, GIF, RMVB, FLL, WebM.

But FF doesn't stop at multimedia formats. She is also subject to many graphics. As a form at factory converter for graphics, the program knows: JPG (the most popular), PNG (brilliant alternative to GIF), ICO, BMP, GIF, TIF, PCX (albeit outdated, but they cannot be ignored), TGA, WebP .

Among other features of the described software, we note:

We also note the environment in which this software was created:

  • developer: Free Time;
  • target working operating system: Windows (but the popularity of the program is so great that it is necessary to expect the appearance of its versions for other systems);
  • availability of versions in 62 languages ​​of the world;
  • the first issue took place on March 1, 2008;
  • version was released on May 1, 2017;
  • nature of distribution: free of charge;
  • developer website:

We work in Format Factory

Here are the program settings:

  • distribution kit name (one file): FFSetup.exe;
  • distribution size: 46 Mb;
  • installation location: C:\Program Files\FormatFactory\;
  • the ability to start: from the Main menu and from the Desktop;
  • volume in the installed version: 154 MB - 147 files - 12 folders;
  • executable file: formatfactory.exe.

Please note that the Picosmos Tools package is also included in the package. It can be downloaded separately or bundled with FormatFactory.

How to work in this program, even a novice user can easily figure it out. Of course, there is a menu, but it is nominal, there are the most common commands - exit, help.

All work is concentrated in the choice of conversion formats on the left, which are grouped:

  1. Video - here the most interesting are the lines "Mobile" and "SWF".
  2. Audio - here we pay attention to "AAC".
  3. Photo - here, among other things, Picosmos Tools tools are also collected (if this application has not been installed before, the procedure for installing it will begin by going to the site for downloading it).
  4. Documents - the program is not specifically designed to work with documents, but the conversion from pdf to html may be of interest to many.
  5. ROM/DVD/CD/ISO - here we convert DVD to Video, Audio CD to files, even ISO to CSO and vice versa, and in addition, Bluray disc to MKV.
  6. Utilities - these special tools are of particular interest, they allow you to combine two videos, sound, one video and one sound file into one; get detailed information about the file.

So, to the question of how to use the program, we answer:

Questions about how to convert video or how to use the format factory are by and large not relevant here at all - everything is done extremely simply and logically.

For example, if we want to merge two audio files into one, and take a piece from both from the middle (and who interferes in this situation, first take 10 seconds (from the 20th to the 30th) from one and the same 10 from the other, get file, then take 10 seconds (from 90th to 100th) from the first and the same 10 from the second, get the file again, and in the end combine these two new received files - the field for editing creativity is boundless, it would be a fantasy) . For this:

  1. Let's go to Utilities.
  2. Select Merge Audio.
  3. Select the file format in the window that opens - you can merge files of the same format.
  4. Select the files themselves - "Add File".
  5. For each of the selected ones, select the merging range - "Set Range".
  6. And then, after exiting the settings window, start the process with the "Start" button. Note that if the transformation sometimes takes a long time, then the merging is a fairly fast process, everything is done literally in 30-40 seconds (although, of course, everything also depends on the duration of the merged pieces).

The Format Factory program is a very useful tool for anyone who is interested in computer audio and video formats, who works with graphics at the transformation level. But it is of particular interest to those who are looking for creativity in their work, but the techniques offered by commercial programs, for example, from Adobe, seem too complicated to him.

Format Factory is a program for converting images, audio and video recordings. Allows you to choose the appropriate format for iOS and Android devices, and at the same time adjust the file size.

Unlike some of the well-known analogs, this application does not involve setting a number of parameters before starting the conversion. By default, the best values ​​are set, so you just need to select the export format and start the conversion process.

You must have come across such formats as 3GP, MP4, FLV or OGG. Working with them is not always comfortable, and not all players will open them. To always be able to change the format, you need the Format Factory app. With it, you can convert photos, songs and video clips with any extension. For convenience, in the menu you will find tabs with the appropriate type of media.

The developers also provided for batch conversion - that is, you can add several files with different extensions to the program at once and en masse overtake them into one format.

In addition, it is possible to use useful additional options - for example, merge two video files into one. Or create an ISO image. Or "rip" the DVD along with the audio CD.


  • conversion of pictures, audio tracks and video clips;
  • batch processing;
  • support for specific formats for iPhone, BlackBerry, PSP;
  • joining two or more files into one;
  • auto shutdown of the PC upon completion of work.


  • change the theme of the interface;
  • creating ISO images and CSOs;
  • copying, audio CD, Blu-ray, DVD;
  • displaying the Format Factory interface in Russian.

Things to work on:

  • startup and processing takes a lot of time.

With this converter, you are unlikely to worry about whether you can upload a video from your phone to YouTube or whether your player can open a movie downloaded from a torrent tracker. Now you do not need to adapt to the formats - make them adapt to you.

A clear interface and a minimum of settings will help you quickly and without errors convert photos, music and videos. Especially worth noting is the possibility of batch conversion of files with different source formats.

Format Factory is a free converter for video, audio and image files. With the help of the Format Factory program (as the name of this program is translated into Russian), you can convert various multimedia files, as well as perform other actions with video, audio and graphic files.

Any user, sooner or later, is faced with the need to convert video files to other formats. It happens that the user needs to change the format and other parameters of the video, or convert the video to another video format for viewing on another, most often, mobile device.

To encode video on your computer, you can use the Format Factory video converter. If you need to extract an audio track from a video file, you can do this using the FormatFactory program.

In the Format Factory program, it will also be possible to convert images to another format, and create a GIF image from a video. You can add a watermark to the image, start converting photos in batch mode.

The multifunctional program Format Factory has the following features:

  • video conversion
  • audio conversion
  • image conversion and processing
  • mobile device support
  • convert DVD disc to other formats
  • creating DVDRip and converting Audio CD to audio
  • creating ISO, CSO images
  • conversion between ISO and CSO

Format Factory supports the following video formats:


The following audio formats are supported:

  • MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, AAC, MMF, ARM, M4A, M4R, OGG, WAV, WavPack, MP2

Image formats supported:


You can download the Format Factory program to your computer from the official website of the Chinese manufacturer of this multimedia converter. Format Factory supports Russian.

format factory download

Installing Format Factory

In the first window that opens, you will need to accept the license agreement. After that, in the next window, click on the "Install" button.

Then, in the window that opens, uncheck the boxes in order not to install third-party software. If Unchecky is installed on your computer, then offers to install third-party software on your computer will be automatically rejected.

Then, in a new window, you will need to click on the "OK" button to install the necessary codecs.

After the installation is completed, the main window of the Format Factory program will open.

In the main window of Format Factory, you can select options for using the program, which are displayed in the sections: "Video", "Audio", "Photo", "ROM Device\DVD\CD\ISO", "Advanced". To open the corresponding section, you will need to click on the section name in the left part of the program window.

Now, let's look at an example of the algorithm of actions in the Format Factory program when converting multimedia files. The procedure for working in the program in different sections will be the same.

Convert video to mobile format

In the "Video" section, you will need to select the desired format, or select a mobile device profile. To convert video for mobile devices, select "Mobile" formats.

Here you can select the desired mobile device. Mobile device profiles are sorted by their respective formats and device names. In each specific profile, there is a video resolution in the name of the profile or format. This makes it very easy to choose the right option for converting files.

It will be possible to leave the settings of the selected profile by default, or change it manually to the required parameters. To change the settings manually, you will need to click on the required parameter in the "Value" column, and then select a new parameter. Here you can manually configure the encoding settings.

After selecting a profile, click on the "OK" button. In the window that opens, click on the "Add file" button. With the help of small buttons on the left side of the program window, you can perform some actions with this file: delete the added file, clear the list, play the added video file, view information about this file.

If necessary, you can add several more files to the program window, but they will be converted individually, to the selected format for each file.

If desired, it will be possible to activate the "Add name" item. In this case, information about the selected profile will be added to the name of the processed file.

Video files, by default, will be saved to the "FFOutput" folder, which is located on the "C" drive. Using the "Change" button, you can select any other folder on your computer.

If you want to convert not the entire video, but only a certain part of the video file, then you will need to click on the "Settings" button.

After that, the video editor window will open for viewing and selecting settings. In the "Set Range" section, you will need to use the "Start Time" and "End Time" buttons to select the start and end points of the video.

In the player window, you can start playing the video. By moving the slider along the scale, you can select the necessary points to save the desired fragment. At this time, you will see individual frames from this video in the player window.

After completing the settings, click on the "OK" button.

If necessary, you can change the profile for video conversion again using the "Configure" button. In this case, you will need to select a profile to encode this video into another format.

After completing all the settings, click on the "OK" button in this window.

The video files selected for converting will be added to the main window of the Format Factory program. By default, the program has the "Use Multi-Threads" mode enabled, in which files are encoded by several threads.

In this example, I have selected two video files with different conversion options.

You can also add files to the Format Factory program window using the mouse, drag and drop files.

To start the conversion process, you will need to click on the "Start" button.

Upon completion of video processing, the program will warn about it with a sound signal (if this setting is not disabled), and will also display information about this in the notification area. In the line with the file name, a comparison of the size of the converted file with the original size will be displayed.

You can open the destination folder with the saved video by right-clicking on the desired file and selecting "Open Destination Folder" from the context menu.

Creating GIF animations in Format Factory

To create an animated GIF image, you will need to open the "Video" section. Click on the "GIF" button, and then in the "GIF" window, paste the video file that you need to convert into an animated image into this window.

If necessary, you can change the encoding settings if you use the "Settings" button to change the program's default settings. Using the "Settings" button, you can select the desired fragment from this video file.

After the conversion is completed, you can open the created animation.

Extract audio from video in Format Factory

With the Format Factory program, you can extract audio from a video file. To do this, you will need to add a video file to the program window, then in the "Audio" section, you will need to select the desired audio format.

Then, in the main window of the FormatFactory program, click on the "Start" button. In this way, you can convert several video files to audio format at once. The files will be converted in batch mode.

Converting Audio to Format Factory

Converting an audio file to another format occurs in the same way as described above when converting a video file to another format. You will need to select one or more audio files to convert them to another audio format.

You can also select only a fragment from an audio file to save after processing this fragment in a different format.

Converting Images to Format Factory

In the "Photo" section, you can change the properties of the image: resize, rotate the image, add a label, insert a watermark into the image.

In this way, you can process not only one image, but several photos at once, converting images in batch mode.

Other features of the Format Factory program

In "ROM Device\DVD\CD\ISO" section, you can convert DVD to video, Audio CD to files, convert DVD/CD to ISO/CSO, convert files between ISO and CSO formats.

When converting DVD video to video format, click on the "DVD to Video" button. In the "DVD to Video" window, select the DVD device: the drive on your computer where the DVD video disc is inserted, or the "VIDEO_TS" folder located on the local disk of your computer.

Next, select the format for saving the video. If necessary, you can change the encoding settings manually by clicking on the "Settings" button. After setting the necessary settings, click on the "Start" button.

You will need to keep in mind that the DVD video conversion process will take a long time. Video processing time will depend on the power of your computer, and on the size of the original file.

Similarly, you can extract audio from Audio CDs by saving the audio files on your computer in the desired format, such as "MP3".

In the Format Factory program, you can create an ISO image from a DVD disc. To do this, first insert a DVD disc into your computer drive, and then select a folder to save, and a format (ISO or CSO) to save the disc image. Then click on the "Start" button.

When converting ISO to CSO (compressed ISO), you will need to select the compression ratio for the image.

In the "Advanced" section, you can merge video files, merge audio files, rename media files, merge video with audio, get detailed information about multimedia file.

Using the "Combine Video" button, you will need to add video to the program window, select settings for converting, and then start the process of merging video files.

Similarly, the process of merging audio files takes place, which is launched using the Merge Audio button.

After clicking on the "Media File Info" button, the "Media File Info" window will open. You can select a specific media file (video, audio or image) on your computer and then view detailed information about that file.

Mixing in the Format Factory

In the "Mux" section (Mixing) you can add an audio track to the video file. In this way, it will be possible to replace the audio track in the video file.

To do this, first select a video file by adding a video in the "Video Stream" field, and then you will need to add an audio track in the "Audio Stream" field.

Select a format for saving the resulting file. Using the "Settings" button, you can cut off unnecessary fragments of added files by first selecting the desired file.

It will even be possible to add an audio track from another video file to the selected video. To do this, add in the "Audio stream" field the video file from which you want to extract the audio track into another video file.

If this video file already had an audio track, then after encoding, the old track will be replaced with a new audio track that you will add to this video.

For example, in this example, I combined video and audio from two different videos. As a result, it will be possible to see one performer on the video, while listening to a completely different one.

Article Conclusions

Freeware Format Factory is a powerful video converter for a large number of supported formats. With the help of the Format Factory it will be possible to convert video, audio, images to other formats, combine video and audio files.

Audio, as well as graphic files.

Let's figure out together with you how this video converter works.

I suggest that you consider such an extension of the format as FLV.

We can say that this file extension is probably the most common on the network, since it is used by many "Video services" (video hosting) and it has a very strong compression and, accordingly, takes up less space on the server.

The most popular and promoted of these video repositories is, of course, YouTube.

Of course, you can upload any file with different formats to YouTube, it will still convert them to FLV format. For convenience, it is advisable to immediately prepare a video file in FLV format.

Overview of Format Factory, how to work with the Format Factory program

1. Appearance of the Format Factory program.

Let's get started with the FLV extension.

To convert the FLV format, click on the icon of your choice. A download or add window will open, there will be a file button, click it, and add your material that you want to convert. This window has a "customize" button,

2. Customize button.

3. Set up your settings.

you can click it and experiment with the settings, or leave everything as default.

The button below "settings", where you can easily crop your video to the desired size.

4. Trim the video file.

If everything is ready, click "OK". your video is added to the general table to start the conversion.

There is a “settings” button in the menu settings, be sure to set the destination folder so that you don’t have to search for your material all over the “C” drive later.

5. Replace the file save folder.

Many mistakenly use the "C" drive to save many files and folders.

In no case do not do this, since the “C” drive is only used to install programs there and store system files there, and saving everything there in a row, you can disrupt the entire system.

Format Factory - universal converter

The same applies to audio formats, and formats that work with photography.

With the help of Format Factory, you can record both from various media and .

Also, using the "advanced" function, you can combine video and audio files into one.

About video formats

SWF Flash animation, 3D graphics support and interactive applications containing animation. You can open this Adobe Flash program.

FLV is a file extension also supported by Adobe Flash. The format is most widely used on the Internet, in particular, it works with YouTube.

MOV - this program extension is made by Apple: Played by Quick Time Player.

VOB - the extension works with MPEG-2 discs, supporting subtitles and audio stream.

MKV - the format of this extension supports some compression algorithms for working with subtitles, and it also works with some audio tracks. Supported by various mobile devices using the Gore Player program.

MPG is a format supported in mobile phones, video players that work with these extensions:

Microsoft Windows Media Player

Apple Quick Time Player

Roxio Easy Media Creator

Cyber ​​Link Power DVD

Cyber ​​Link Power Director

GIF is a format extension that handles Gif (Graphical Interchange Format File) images. How to open this format? Readable by all types of programs that work with images.

WMV is a multimedia file extension that works with all the programs listed for the MPG extension, as well as a playback Web browser with the Windows Media Player module.

RMVB is a video file that supports (variable bitrate). Opens this extension.

Free Time Format Factory

Partially reads Video Lan VLC Media Player

Real Networks Real Player

3GP - Supports the multimedia file extension.

Roxio Easy Media Creator

Apple Quick Time Player

Real Networks Real Player

Video Lan VLC Media Player

Microsoft Mobile 3 GP Converter

The following extensions do not need comments: AVI, MP4, and the topmost extension are all mobile.

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