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Form 1 nature bm filling. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Reflection in statistical reports of data on products in physical terms and the balance of production capacities of organizations for its release
The development of data on products in physical terms based on the results for 2013 is carried out in accordance with the economic description "Production of products (according to the established nomenclature), the balance of the production capacity of organizations for its release" (version 2) (Block 2) according to the Nomenclature of products and services formed on the basis of the All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD) for the development of statistical information based on the results for 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Nomenclature of products and services for the development annual accounts) and posted on the website of Rosstat in the heading "Entrepreneurship", subheading "Industrial production".

Instructions for filling in data on production in physical terms 2

Formation of data on the balance of production 4

capacities of organizations for the production of products 4

Product identification 7

Some features of accounting for products in physical terms in certain types of economic activity 8

Logging 8

Fishery products. Processing and preservation of fish and seafood 8

Mining 10

Products of the type of activity "Mining of metal ores" 11

Food products, drinks and tobacco products 11

Textiles and textile products 15

Wood processing and production of wood products 16

Production of pulp, wood pulp, paper, cardboard 16

Products of which 16

Printed products and recorded media 17

Production of petroleum products 17

Chemical production 18

Pharmaceutical production 19

Manufacture of other non-metallic minerals 19

Products 19

Metals and finished metal products 20

Manufacture of certain types of machinery, equipment and 20

Vehicles 20

Manufacture of furniture and other products, not included 21

To other groups 21

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 22

Instructions for working with the Nomenclature of products and services

Pay attention, what per year statistical reporting onform No. 1-nature-BM (sectionI) data should be given for all types of products producedorganization for the reporting year, regardless of whether or not they are taken into account by the Nomenclature of Products and Services for the development of annual reports. Inclusion of the item “other products” in the data on production in physical terms is not allowed.

The development of information in Section II of Form No. 1-nature-BM is carried out only according to the Nomenclature of Products and Services for the development of monthly reporting.

Information Development section III Form No. 1-nature-BM on the balance of capacities is carried out only according to the Nomenclature of products and services for the development of a balance of capacities.

Instructions for filling in data on production in kind

In the data about production specific types of products includes products produced by the organization (regardless of the type of core activity) both from its own raw materials and materials, and from non-paid raw materials and materials of the customer (tolling), intended for distribution to other legal and individuals, to his capital construction and its subdivisions, credited to fixed assets or current assets (for example, overalls, special equipment), issued to its employees on account of wages, and also spent on own production needs, i.e. gross output (with the exception of certain types of products, which are accounted for by commodity output). In addition, enterprises and organizations must reflect in section I the provision of services of an industrial nature (in thousand rubles)

In production data products used for domestic consumption, includes products produced by the organization in reporting year and used this year during further processing as raw materials, materials, components or directed to other production needs this organization (except for products included in the fixed assets or current assets of this organization). Products manufactured by the enterprise in the previous year, but used by it for domestic consumption in the reporting year, are not reflected in the reporting in the form No. 1-nature-BM (I section) for the reporting year.

Products (for example, whole milk, bread and bakery products, etc.) produced by an organization and sent by it to its divisions (for example, to kindergartens, nurseries) are not considered used for internal consumption.

By type products valued(for example, medicines, furniture, etc.), data on production and product balances are given at actual production costs (or at accounting prices). If the specified products are made from give-and-take raw materials, then data on their production and stocks are given at full cost, including the cost of give-and-take raw materials; for shipment - at the cost of services for the processing of such raw materials, i.e. without taking into account the cost of processed raw materials of the customer.

Release data prototypes products can be included in the reporting of products in physical terms, provided that, in accordance with established technology production, they are completely finished, accepted by the service technical control and are provided with a document certifying their quality and compliance with mandatory standards.

Products developed by the population, can be taken into account in the volume of production only in case that, if its manufacturer are individual entrepreneurs, i.e. citizens who have passed the official state registration as an individual entrepreneur (Article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Products manufactured by persons who have not passed such registration cannot be taken into account in the volume of production.

Pay attention, what strict balance ratio of data on indicators of production, shipment and product balances can be observed only if the organization did not transfer the manufactured products to its other divisions during the reporting period, did not include them in its own fixed assets or current assets, and there were no losses of these products (for example, during mining, enrichment, preparation) .

font size

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2003 N 677 "On the all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information in the socio-economic area" (clause 9), economic entities must independently assign codes to objects of classification (types of products) and bear the responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for their incorrect assignment and application.

The list (nomenclature) of types of products (with indication of units of measurement and codes according to the All-Russian classifier of units of measurement OK 015-94 (OKEI)), for which data should be provided, is reported by the state statistics authorities.

If the organization produces types of products that are not listed in the reported list (nomenclature), then data on them should also be given in section I with a clear indication of the name of the type of product produced in accordance with OKPD.

The inclusion of the item "other products" is not allowed.

4. Data on the production of specific types of products in columns 1 and 2 of Section I include products manufactured legal entity(regardless of the type of core activity) both from own raw materials and materials, and from non-paid raw materials and materials of the customer, intended for release to other legal entities and individuals, to its capital construction and its divisions, credited to fixed assets or current assets (for example, overalls, special equipment) issued to their employees on account of wages, as well as spent on their own production needs, i.e. gross output (with the exception of certain types of products, which are accounted for by commodity output).

5. Columns 3 and 4 of Section I provide data on the volumes of products produced by a legal entity for the reporting year, which in the same year were used by it during further processing as raw materials, materials, components or directed to other production needs of this legal entity (except products included in the fixed assets and current assets of this legal entity). Products (for example, whole-milk products, bread and bakery products, etc.) produced by a legal entity and sent to its subdivisions (for example, to kindergartens, nurseries) are not reflected in these columns of the form. Thus, the data in columns 3 and 4 should not exceed the data in columns 1 and 2, respectively.

6. Column 5 of section I reflects data in kind on products of own production (including those produced from raw materials supplied by the customer), actually shipped (transferred) in the reporting period to other legal entities and individuals, as well as issued to their employees as payment labor. Products credited by a legal entity to its own fixed assets are not included in the data on the shipment of products.

7. In columns 6 and 7 of section I, out of the total volume of shipped products, data in kind and value terms on products of own production (excluding products manufactured from give-and-take raw materials) actually shipped (transferred) in the reporting period to other legal entities and individuals, and also issued to its employees on account of wages.

The valuation of specific types of products shipped to other legal entities and individuals (column 7) is carried out at actual selling prices (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments). In the case when for a specific type of product only the prices of the free-carriage of the destination station are applied, then the cost of transporting the product from the departure station to the destination station is excluded from its valuation. If for a specific type of product only ex-works prices are applied by the manufacturer, then the cost volume is estimated at these prices.

Products sold under an exchange agreement (barter), transferred to consumers free of charge or provided to their employees on account of wages, when included in column 7, are valued at the average selling price of the same or similar products.

Products supplied for export are included in column 7 at contract prices, which exclude value added tax, excise tax, similar obligatory payments and transportation costs from the departure station to the export point, and are converted into rubles at the rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on moment of shipment.

8. In columns 8 and 9 of section I, for each specific type of product, in physical terms, the balances of finished products of own production (including those produced from customer-supplied raw materials) located in finished product warehouses or other storage places, respectively, are reflected at the end of the reporting and previous year.

Remains of products manufactured for the period preceding the reporting year, but used for domestic consumption in the reporting year, are not reflected in columns 3 and 4 of section I of the form.

9. For types of products recorded in value terms (for example, medicines, furniture, etc.), data are given in actual prices of the respective years (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments). If the specified products are made from give-and-take raw materials, then data on its production (columns 1 and 2) and residues (columns 8 and 9) are given at full cost, including the cost of give-and-take raw materials; for shipment (column 5) - at the cost of services for the processing of such raw materials, i.e. without taking into account the cost of processed raw materials of the customer. If all products are manufactured by a legal entity from customer-supplied raw materials, then zeros are entered in columns 6 and 7. If the enterprise does not manufacture products from customer-supplied raw materials, then the data in columns 5, 6 and 7 should be the same.

10. In section II of the form for free lines in columns 1 - 12, monthly data on the production of the types of products listed in section I of the form are indicated.

11. The "Reference" section is filled in by budgetary organizations that produce products.

Column A indicates the name of the type of economic activity, column B - its code according to OKVED - 2007.

Columns 1 and 2 reflect information on the volume of shipped goods of own production, work performed and services on their own in actual selling prices (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments). The volume of shipped goods is the cost of those goods that are produced by a legal entity and actually shipped (transferred) in the reporting period to other legal entities and individuals, including goods handed over to the customer on the spot, regardless of whether the money was received on the seller's settlement account or not. The volume of work and services performed on its own is the cost of work and services provided (performed) by the organization to other legal entities and individuals.

12. Data control by form indicators.

Section I:

gr. 1 gr. 3; gr. 2 gr. four.

If gr. 1 = gr. 3, then gr. 8=0; if gr. 2 = gr. 4, then gr. 9=0; if gr. 1 > gr. 5, then gr. 80.

The sum of the data in columns 1 - 12 of section II for specific types of products must be equal to the data in column 1 of section I of the form for the corresponding types of products.

Active Edition from 26.06.2013

Type of documentorder
Host bodyRosstat
Document Number232
Acceptance date26.06.2013
Revision date26.06.2013
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published


Instructions for filling out the form N 1-nature-BM

1. Form of federal statistical observation N 1-nature-BM "Information on the production, shipment of products and the balance of production capacities" is provided by legal entities of all forms of ownership - commercial organizations, as well as non-profit organizations that produce goods for sale to other legal entities and individuals (except for small businesses, with the exception of the indicated below), engaged in the production of products of extractive, manufacturing industries, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, logging, as well as fishing.

Consumer cooperation organizations, repair plants and specialized repair shops, as well as enterprises engaged in the production of logging products, do not fill out section III of the form.

On a general basis, provide reporting on this form with filling in it only section III:

Small businesses and other organizations of all types of activities that have been issued licenses for the production, storage and supply of produced ethyl alcohol, including denatured, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;

Small business entities are research and development organizations that have the capacity to produce small-scale products.

2. A legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial body of Rosstat at its location.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, this form is filled out both for each separate subdivision and for a legal entity without these separate subdivisions.

A separate subdivision of an organization is any subdivision that is territorially separated from it, at the place or from the location of which economic activity is carried out at equipped stationary workplaces.

A separate subdivision of an organization is recognized as such regardless of whether or not its creation is reflected in the constituent or other organizational and administrative documents of the organization, and on the powers vested in the specified subdivision.

Completed forms are provided by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the relevant separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions). In the case when a legal entity (its separate subdivision) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place of actual implementation of its activities.

The head of the legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity.

The address part shall indicate the full name of the reporting entity in accordance with founding documents registered in in due course, and then in parentheses - its short name. On the blank of the form containing information on a separate subdivision of a legal entity, the name of the separate subdivision and the legal entity to which it refers is indicated.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, the legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not match the legal one, then the actual address is also indicated mailing address. For separate divisions that do not have legal address, the postal address with postal code is indicated.

A legal entity affixes the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

For territorially separate subdivisions of a legal entity, it is indicated an identification number, which is set territorial body Rosstat at the location of the territorially separate subdivision.

Temporarily non-working organizations, in which during any period of time of the reporting year production took place, the form is provided on a general basis.

Bankrupt organizations on which bankruptcy administration has been introduced are not exempt from reporting under this form. Only after the decision arbitration court on completion with regard to the organization of bankruptcy proceedings and entering into a single State Register legal entities of the record of its liquidation (clause 3, article 149 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)"), the debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information.

3. On the free lines of section I, information on production, shipment and balances for each type of manufactured product is indicated in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002)) - OKPD, in the unit of measurement according to the All-Russian classifier of units measurements (OKEI).

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2003 N 677 "On All-Russian Classifiers of Technical, Economic and Social Information in the Socio-Economic Field" (clause 9), economic entities must independently assign codes to objects of classification (types of products) and bear the responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for their incorrect assignment and application.

The nomenclature of types of products and services according to the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Types of Economic Activity (with indication of units of measurement and their codes according to the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement), for which data should be provided, is reported by the state statistics authorities.

If the organization produces types of products that are not listed in the reported nomenclature, then data on them should also be given in section I of the form with a clear indication of the names of the types of products produced in accordance with OKPD.

The inclusion of the item "other products" is not allowed.

4. Data on the production of specific types of products in columns 1 and 2 of Section I shall include products manufactured by a legal entity (regardless of the type of main activity) both from its own raw materials and materials, and from non-paid raw materials and materials of the customer, intended for release by other legal entities. and individuals, their capital construction and their divisions, credited to fixed assets or current assets (for example, overalls, special equipment), issued to their employees as wages, and also spent on their own production needs, i.e. gross output (with the exception of certain types of products, which are accounted for by commodity output).

5. Columns 3 and 4 of Section I provide data on the volumes of products produced by a legal entity for the reporting year, which in the same year were used by it during further processing as raw materials, materials, components or directed to other production needs of this legal entity (except products included in the fixed assets and current assets of this legal entity). Products (for example, whole-milk products, bread and bakery products, etc.) produced by a legal entity and sent to its subdivisions (for example, to kindergartens, nurseries) are not reflected in these columns of the form. Thus, the data in columns 3 and 4 should not exceed the data in columns 1 and 2, respectively.

Remains of products manufactured for the period preceding the reporting year, but used for domestic consumption in the reporting year, are not reflected in columns 3 and 4 of section I of the form.

6. Column 5 of section I reflects data in kind on products of own production (including those produced from raw materials supplied by the customer), actually shipped (transferred) in the reporting period to other legal entities and individuals, as well as issued to their employees as payment labor. Products credited by a legal entity to its own fixed assets are not included in the data on the shipment of products.

7. In columns 6 and 7 of section I, out of the total volume of shipped products, data in kind and value terms on products of own production (excluding products manufactured from give-and-take raw materials) actually shipped (transferred) in the reporting period to other legal entities and individuals, and also issued to its employees on account of wages.

The valuation of specific types of products shipped to other legal entities and individuals (column 7) is carried out at actual selling prices (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments). In the case when for a specific type of product only the prices of the free-carriage of the destination station are applied, then the cost of transporting the product from the departure station to the destination station is excluded from its valuation. If for a specific type of product only ex-works prices are applied by the manufacturer, then the cost volume is estimated at these prices.

Products sold under an exchange agreement (barter), transferred to consumers free of charge or provided to their employees on account of wages, when included in column 7, are valued at the average selling price of the same or similar products.

Products supplied for export are included in column 7 at contract prices, which exclude value added tax, excise tax, similar obligatory payments and transportation costs from the departure station to the export point, and are converted into rubles at the rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on moment of shipment.

8. In columns 8 and 9 of section I, for each specific type of product, in physical terms, the balances of finished products of own production (including those produced from customer-supplied raw materials) located in finished product warehouses or other storage places, respectively, are reflected at the end of the reporting and previous year.

9. For types of products recorded in value terms (for example, medicines, furniture, etc.), data on production and product balances are given at actual production costs (or at accounting prices). If the specified products are made from give-and-take raw materials, then data on its production (columns 1 and 2) and residues (columns 8 and 9) are given at full cost, including the cost of give-and-take raw materials; for shipment (column 5) - at the cost of services for the processing of such raw materials, i.e. without taking into account the cost of processed raw materials of the customer. If all products are manufactured by a legal entity from customer-supplied raw materials, then zeros are entered in columns 6 and 7. If the enterprise does not manufacture products from customer-supplied raw materials, then the data in columns 5, 6 and 7 should be the same.

10. In section II of the form for free lines in columns 1 - 12, monthly data on the production of the types of products listed in section I of the form are indicated.

11. The "Reference" section is filled in by budgetary organizations that produce products.

Column A indicates the name of the type of economic activity, column B - its code according to OKVED - 2007.

Columns 1 and 2 reflect information on the volume of shipped goods of own production, work performed and services performed on their own in actual selling prices (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments). The volume of shipped goods is the cost of those goods that are produced by a legal entity and actually shipped (transferred) in the reporting period to other legal entities and individuals, including goods handed over to the customer on the spot, regardless of whether the money was received on the seller's settlement account or not. The volume of work and services performed on its own is the cost of work and services provided (performed) by the organization to other legal entities and individuals.

12. When filling out section III of the form, all equipment of the main production is included in the calculation of production capacity, with the exception of technologically necessary backup equipment, equipment for pilot production and sites manufacturing one or two prototypes, specialized sites for vocational training.

Equipment of the main production, temporarily inactive due to a malfunction, repair, modernization, insufficient load, is taken into account when calculating production capacity.

Equipment installed in auxiliary workshops and in areas similar to the equipment of the main workshops should be included in the calculation of the organization's capacity.

In section III of the form, the names of products and their units of measurement must correspond to those given in section I of the form, with the exception of certain types of products of the type of activity "Production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco", for which capacities are determined "per day" or "per shift" .

In conditions of multi-product production, when several types of products are produced on the same equipment, when determining the production capacity, it is allowed to use the method of reducing the range of goods to one or several types of homogeneous products taken as a unit, using machine time cost factors, as well as other indicators reflecting the specifics of the industry. At the same time, the representative product should have the largest share in the output of products of this group.

Data on the availability and use of leased (short-term or long-term) property are included in the report of the tenant organization of this property.

13. Column A indicates the name of the types of products manufactured in the reporting year.

Column B contains the unit of measurement, columns C and D - product codes in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity (OKPD) and the unit code in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement (OKEI).

In column D, line number 01, 02, 03 or 04 is indicated, for which the following data is provided.

On line 01 in columns 1 - 16 - data on the availability, movement of capacities in the actual nomenclature and assortment of products of the reporting year and the output of products at these capacities.

On line 02 in column 16 - in addition, the actual output of products at non-specialized capacities (at temporary sites, experimental sites), if the calculation of the capacity for them was not carried out, and also if the production facilities of the organization are specialized in the production of one product, but were used during the year for the production of other products, heterogeneous with the power taken into account.

In the case when there is a conversion of capacities, that is, at capacities originally intended for the production of a certain type of product, another type of product is produced, it is necessary to recalculate the production capacity (the recalculation procedure is reflected in the industry instructions for calculating production capacities).

In this case, in columns A, B, C, D, D of the form, the details of the new type of product are entered, in columns 2 and 7 - the amount of increase in capacity for this type of product, and in columns 9 and 10 - the amount of decrease in power for previously manufactured products .

On line 03 in column 16 - output of products during off-peak hours (working time in excess of the established operating mode for this type of equipment - work in the third (second) shift at established mode work in two (one) shifts, work on weekends, increase in the operating time of the equipment by reducing the time for its overhaul, operation of the equipment during its commissioning).

Data on production output given in column 16 on lines 02 and 03 should not be included in column 16 on line 01.

On line 04, column 15 provides data on the number of work shifts per year according to the regime, in column 16 - the actual number of work shifts per year (data on line 04 are filled in only by specialized organizations engaged in the production of meat, meat, dairy and other food products).

14. Column 1 shows the capacity at the beginning of the reporting year, transferred from column 14 of the balance of production capacity for prior year. Cases of discrepancy between the data in column 1 of the balance sheet and the data in column 14 of the balance sheet for the previous year must be explained in the explanatory note attached to the report.

For organizations and facilities put into operation before the reporting year, the capacities of which are under development, column 1 shows their design capacity. In the event that the range and range of manufactured products differ significantly from the design ones, the capacity is determined according to the modified range.

For facilities commissioned in the reporting year, column 1 is not filled in, and the commissioned design capacity is shown in columns 2, 3 and (or) 4, respectively.

Column 2 provides data on the overall increase in capacity in the reporting year.

Columns 3 - 5 reflect data on the increase in production capacities due to the commissioning of new ones, the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing organizations, and the implementation of organizational and technical measures. Data on the commissioning of these capacities are given only for those facilities, the acceptance certificates for which have been drawn up in the prescribed manner.

Under technical re-equipment and carrying out organizational and technical measures, the following types of work are understood:

Improvement of labor tools (modernization and replacement of obsolete and physically worn-out equipment with new, more productive, additional installation new equipment at existing production facilities);

Improving the objects of labor (improving the quality of products or the composition of raw materials, materials and fuel for its production);

Perfection technological processes(improving the parameters of existing technological processes, including through the use of more high speeds, stresses, pressures, temperatures);

Mechanization and automation production processes;

Improving the organization and management of production (expanding cooperation, increasing the level of specialization, increasing the shift work of technological equipment, improving the work of general plant facilities and other measures).

Columns 6 and 12, respectively, indicate data on the amount of production capacity taken and leased. Leased capacities are recorded by the lessor as a reduction in capacity, and by the lessee as an increase.

Columns 7 and 10, respectively, provide data on the increase and decrease in production capacity as a result of a change in the range (range) of products (a decrease or increase in labor intensity).

The calculation of the increase (decrease) in capacity as a result of a change in the nomenclature (range) of products is carried out in cases where the nomenclature of products of the reporting year taken into account in the calculation of production capacity differs significantly from the nomenclature of products manufactured in the previous year.

When determining an increase or decrease in the production capacity of an organization due to a change in the product range, the labor intensity of new products is taken into account in calculations according to technical or design standards. Temporary increase in labor intensity compared to the norms in connection with the development new products not taken into account in production capacity calculations.

Columns 8 and 13 reflect data on changes in production capacity due to other factors: purchase, sale, transfer of facilities, machinery and equipment to other organizations, bankruptcy, liquidation, merger, division of the organization into a number of small organizations and other factors.

For example. When several organizations merge into one, columns 9 and 13 provide data on a decrease in their capacities, and for a combined organization in columns 2 and 8 - on their increase. The capacities of the organization being closed are reflected in columns 9 and 13 as decreasing, and for the organization that was formed on the basis of these capacities - in columns 2 and 8 - as increasing.

Column 9 indicates data on the overall decrease in production capacity.

Column 11 reflects data on the disposal of production facilities due to dilapidation of equipment, the depletion of mineral and timber resources, the deterioration of mining and geological conditions, the transition to other types of raw materials, natural disasters.

Column 14 indicates the value of the organization's production capacity at the end of the reporting year (beginning of the year following the reporting year).

Column 15 shows the value of the average annual power that operated in the reporting year, which is determined by adding the value of the power at the beginning of the year and the value of its average annual increase, minus the value of its average annual decrease.

The average annual increase in capacity due to the commissioning of new, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of existing organizations and carrying out organizational and technical measures, leasing equipment, other factors is calculated by multiplying the amount of increase in capacity due to each of the listed factors by the number of full months of power operation until the end of the reporting year and dividing the result by 12.

The average annual decrease in capacity due to retirement of capacities due to dilapidation, depletion of reserves, their leasing, other factors is calculated by multiplying the amount of retired capacity due to each of the listed factors by the number of full months remaining until the end of the reporting year from the moment of its retirement, and dividing the received result on 12.

When calculating the average annual capacity, the volume of increase (decrease) in capacity due to a change in the range of products (reduction or increase in labor intensity) is taken into account in in full.

The data in column 16 (the sum of lines 01, 02 and 03) for the reporting year should be equal to the data on the production of the relevant products of the organization in its other statements for the same period.

By certain types products related to the type of activity "Production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco", the production capacity of which is determined "per day" or "per shift" (columns 1 - 14), the average annual capacity operating in the reporting year (column 15) , and the output or amount of processed raw materials (column 16) should be given as a whole for the year.

For reference, the mode of operation adopted in the calculation of power for each type of product (shifts or hours of work per day) is given.

15. Data controls on form indicators.

Section I:

gr. 1 gr. 3; gr. 2 gr. four.

If gr. 1 = gr. 3, then gr. 8=0; if gr. 2 = gr. 4, then gr. 9=0; if gr. 1 > gr. 5, then gr. 80.

Under Section II:

The sum of the data in columns 1 - 12 of the section for specific types of products should be equal to the data in column 1 of section I of the form and the data in column 16 (the sum of lines 01, 02, 03) of section III for the corresponding types of products.

Under Section III:

The data in column 1 of the reporting year must correspond to the data in column 14 of the production capacity balance for the previous year.

The data in columns 2 must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 3 - 8; and the data in columns 9 - the sum of the data in columns 10 - 13.

The data of columns 3 - 5 on line 01 must correspond with the reporting data in the form N C-1 "Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures."

The data in column 14 must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 1 and 2 minus the data in column 9.

Appendix No. 2

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