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Federal register of state and municipal services (functions). Germany - knowledge base - standard solutions support portal

Material from the Corporate wiki of the Administration of the city of Volgodonsk

Instruction... to delete a published authority?

Letter to Nosko B.P., Head of the Department of Innovations in the Authorities of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the reasons for deletion.

... how to delete a published service?

Letter to Nosko B.P., Head of the Department of Innovations in the Authorities of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan with identifiers, the name of the service and the reasons for deletion.

... how to get/delete accounts?

Letter in free form to the head of department information technologies Sedovich V.A. with full name, work phone number and e-mail address.

... to organize a correct response to the Cadastral Chamber of the Rostov Region by email. mail

Colleagues from the Cadastral Chamber Rostov region sent to e-mail requests for PPP and other data that are not implemented in the SIR. In order to carry out legally significant actions, they need to receive answers from local self-government bodies, that is, you and me, signed electronic signature responsible official(EP-SP).

In order to send a correct answer by e-mail, signed by the ES, and most importantly, so that colleagues from the Cadastral Chamber can continue to legitimately use it in their work, we do the following:

  1. We create in EDDD "CASE" RKPD with the answer for the Cadastral Chamber. This RCAP should contain ALL without exception, files that you must send to the Cadastral Chamber. Do not forget to include yourself among the recipients, otherwise difficulties may arise.
  2. We endorse and sign this RKPD in the prescribed manner.
  3. After signing, we register the RK document from the RKPD.
  4. After registration, we upload all files signed with an electronic signature from the registered card.
  5. You get a single archive. Here is this archive AS IS, without changes, deletions and additions to files and information files and send it by e-mail to the cadastral chamber. In the body of the e-mail, indicate the number and date of your registered RK and the number and date of the letter of the cadastral chamber to which you are responding.
  6. Important! Make one response per request. Those. Multiple answers at once are not allowed.

AT transition period requests from terr. departments arriving on paper. Answer the same - paper. Later, at the territory departments will take away the right to request information.

If the service was returned for editing, the name was changed in it - saved, but not published, then it is impossible to find such a service before re-publishing on EPGU.

When editing a service to not allow recreating the target of the service, since this changes the code of the target of the FGU and such a service will have to be re-associated with the user.

If the service was created a long time ago and is not normally filled, then it can be published. But after that, the form will crash, even if it is not changed after that. Corrected by filling out the service and re-sending for approval.

Editing "Working papers". In addition to the name of the document itself, use working title document. It is not displayed on the site and to improve the search, you can add it to the Working name of the district, city, settlement, OKTMO code and / or number or name of the service. And then search for it.

Uploading services and their statuses from the registry to a file can be obtained in Telegram on the channel "Register of Public Services RO". The download will contain information on all areas. Some of the records may be duplicated due to the presence of several purposes within the service.

  • The code of the department of the Federal State University can be found in the department card in the right upper corner opposite the field "IDENTIFIER"
  • The German passport code can be found in the service card in the upper right corner opposite the "IDENTIFIER" field
  • The FRGU goal code can be found in the service card in the section "Procedures for interaction with the applicant -> Procedure name -> Goal name -> General information-> Identifier"

It is necessary to make changes to the services within 1 calendar month from the date of entry into force of the regulation.

federal state Information system"Federal Register of State and municipal services(functions)" (hereinafter referred to as the federal register, FRGU) provides maintenance in electronic form register of state and municipal services, functions for the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control(hereinafter - functions), as well as the register of other services in accordance with the list of other services, information about which is placed in the federal register of state and municipal services (functions), approved by the Government Russian Federation.


Below is a high-level functional architectural diagram of the FRGU with an indication of the components included in it:

Description of components ( functional modules) FRGU version 4.1:

Provides identification and authentication of users who have gained access to the FRGU.

2. Module for entering information into the Federal State University

Provides automation of the following processes:

  • Description of services, functions required and compulsory services, other services, authorities, administrative regulations, documents, maps interagency cooperation(hereinafter referred to as CMS), requests for access rights to CMS.
  • Doing auxiliary directories FRGU.
  • Creation of open data sets in accordance with the pre-configured types of open data sets of the Federal State University.
  • Formation of uploads of a data set, including a data passport and an upload structure.
  • Implementation of format-logical control over the completeness and quality of the entered information.
  • Search for services (functions, authorities, documents, legal acts, ARs, etc.).
  • Coordination of the information constituting the description information object FRGU, in accordance with the life cycle.
  • Sending emails to users.
  • Internal user alerts through the user interface.

3. Administration module

Provide automation of the following processes:

  • Administration of intrasystem processes and user management.
  • Monitoring of events taking place in the Federal State University.
  • Setting up the transport subsystem.

4. Report generation module

Provides the formation of analytical reports in a given form based on the aggregate data of the Federal State University, as well as on the statistics of the readiness of the objects of the Federal State University or the work of users.

5. Module for interaction with external systems

Module for integration with systems-consumers and systems-providers of information about services (functions) and authorities (organizations), which provides interaction with external information systems through the following web services:

  • - the service is designed to enable external information systems to receive complete information about the service (function, authority, directories) contained in the FRGU.
  • - the service is designed to provide external information systems with the necessary basic set information about services (functions, authorities). The service allows you to transfer only those information about the services (functions, authorities) that have been requested external systems(configurable list of transmitted information).
  • - the service is designed to interact with external information systems that contain information about executive authorities (local governments) or other organizations providing services (in particular, the MFC).

6. Transport subsystem

Provides information exchange with regional nodes of SPSU ( model registries) regarding the transfer and receipt of information about services (functions, authorities), as well as the transfer and receipt of reference information.

Legal Framework

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2011 .
  • Federal Law of July 27, 2010 .
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. .

Below are the answers to model questions for the provision of information on state (municipal) services to the State Automated System "Upravlenie":

  1. What access rights to the State Automated System "Upravlenie" must be assigned to the user in order to transfer information about state (municipal) services in the "1-GU" and "1-MU" forms?

To transfer reports according to the "1-GU" and "1-MU" forms, the user of the GAS "Management" must be assigned the "Specialist" authority.
The request for access rights is carried out in accordance with Appendix E "" GAS "Management".

  1. Where in the closed part of the GAS "Management" you can find input forms for transfer information on state (municipal) services in the forms "1-GU" and "1-MU"?

A user with access permission with the role of "Specialist" must click on the "Information Services" button. At the end of the list information services select "Monitoring of state (municipal) services".

  1. When entering the monitoring of the State Medical University, an error occurred when searching for the OGRN of the user's authority in the FRGU database. How to fix this error?

Initially, it is recommended to refresh the page by holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons at the same time. If the error remains, then it is necessary to check the presence of the correct PSRN of the authority in the database of the federal register public services(FRGU). For this, it is recommended to contact authorized body authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RGU, as well as sending this information to the Federal State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RGU.

If the OGRN of the authority is absent or incorrectly indicated in the consolidated register of the Federal State University, then it is necessary to correct the relevant information. Updating of data in the GASU from the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the corrected record of the organization is verified and agreed, as a result of which it will receive the status " Published", it is necessary to re-check access to the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services" in the closed part of the SAAU in 1 day.

If after 2 days the error remains, it is recommended to contact the SACU support service regarding this problem. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name, PSRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal State University, and it is also necessary to send a screenshot of the error when entering the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services". In the appeal, you must indicate how much time has passed since editing the organization's record in the Federal State University.

  1. When entering the monitoring of the State Medical University, a message appeared that the user's authority is not responsible for the provision of state (municipal) services. How to fix this error?

Initially, it is recommended to refresh the page by holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons at the same time. If the error remains, then it is necessary to check the presence of registered services provided by the authority in the database of the Federal State University. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RGU, as well as sending this information to the Federal State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RGU.

If in FRGU the authority does not have records of state (municipal) services, then it is necessary to correct the relevant information. Updating data in the SAAU from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the adjusted records of the organization's services are verified and agreed, as a result of which they will receive the status " Published", it is necessary to check again after 1 day whether the records of the state (municipal) services provided to them have appeared in the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services" in the closed part of the SAAU.

If after 2 days the error remains, it is recommended to contact the SACU support service regarding this problem. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name and PSRN of the authority, identifiers of the necessary services in the Federal State University, and you must also send a screenshot of the error when entering the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services". The submission must indicate how much time has passed since the relevant records of services provided by the authority were uploaded to the FGU.

  1. Who should fill in information about state (municipal) services in the State Automated System "Upravlenie"?

Information about the state (municipal) service is filled in by the organization (FOIV, ROIV, OMSU) responsible for providing the service, according to information published on the Federal State University.
Information about the state (municipal) service, which is responsible for the state (municipal) institution, is entered by the parent organization (FOIV, ROIV, LSSU).
If the organization responsible for providing the service does not have technical feasibility work with GAS "Management", then information about state (municipal) services is entered for it by its parent organization.

  1. When entering the monitoring of the GIMU, a message appeared stating that an error occurred while searching for the user's organization, or that the authority was determined, but it displays empty page. How to fix it?

In case of occurrence such a mistake it is recommended to refresh the page by holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons at the same time. If the error remains, then it is necessary to check the presence of the record of the authority in the FRGU database. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RGU, as well as sending this information to the Federal State University.
If the data is entered correctly in the Federal State University, it is recommended to contact the service technical support GASU on this issue. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name, PSRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal State University, and it is also necessary to send a screenshot of the error when entering the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services". In the appeal, you must indicate how much time has passed since the last editing of the record of the authority in the Federal State University.

  1. When you enter the GIMU monitoring, only monitoring filters are displayed. At the same time, no information is displayed under the filters anymore. How to fix this problem?

Most probable cause this problem is used to work with GAS "Management" Internet browser Explorer 8 version. In this case, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the requirements for the browsers used to work with the GAS "Upravlenie", which are given at.

  1. Our authority is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional register of public services (RRGU), as well as for sending information from the RRGU to the federal RGU. How can I get access to the entry forms for the entire list of organizations in the region in the monitoring of the State Medical University in the closed part of the GAS "Upravlenie"?

It is necessary to send information containing the full name of the authority, its PSRN and NLA or a link to the NLA, according to which the relevant powers are assigned to this authority, to the mail of the technical or methodological support service of the SAAU. The appeal must indicate that this authority needs to provide full access to the "Monitoring of public (municipal) services" in the closed part of the SAAU. At the same time, users from this body Authorities still need to issue an access authority with the role "Specialist" in the profile of the authority in the ESIA.

  1. Why are there no lines of sections 1 and 4 in the forms for entering reports for the reporting quarter in the “Monitoring of public (municipal) services” in the closed part of the State Automated System “Upravlenie”?

In accordance with the order of Rosstat No. 217, data on sections 1 and 4 of reporting forms 1-GU and 1-MU are provided only in the annual report. In quarterly reports, only sections 2 and 3 need to be submitted.

  1. In the monitoring of GIMU at the authority, an incomplete list of services provided is displayed. How can this problem be fixed?

It is necessary to check the correctness of the list of registered services provided by the authority in the database of the Federal State University. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RGU, as well as sending this information to the Federal State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RGU.

If in FRGU the authority does not have records of some state (municipal) services, then it is necessary to correct the relevant information in FRGU. Updating data in the SAAU from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the adjusted records of the organization's services are verified and agreed, as a result of which they will receive the status " Published", it is necessary after 1 day to re-check the compliance of the list of services provided by the authority, which are displayed in the SAAU, with the list of registered services provided by the authority, from the Federal State University.

If after 2 days the list has not changed, it is recommended to contact the SACU technical support service on this issue. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name, PSRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal State University. It is also necessary to indicate the identifiers of services in the Federal State University, which are not displayed by the authority in the list in the SACU. The appeal must indicate how much time has passed since the change in the relevant records of services provided by the authority in the FGU.

  1. In the monitoring of GIMU at the authority, the list contains services that are no longer provided. How can this problem be fixed?

In case of occurrence similar problem it is recommended to refresh the page by holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons at the same time. If the problem persists, then it is necessary to check the correctness of the list of registered services provided by the authority in the FRGU database. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RGU, as well as sending this information to the Federal State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RGU.

If in the FRGU the authority has records of state (municipal) services that are no longer provided by this authority, then it is necessary to correct the relevant information in the FRGU. Updating data in the SAAU from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the adjusted records of the organization's services are verified and agreed, as a result of which they will change their status in the consolidated register of the Federal State University from " Published"to status" Removed", it is necessary after 1 day to re-check the compliance of the list of services that are displayed by the authority in the SAAU with the list of registered services provided by the authority from the Federal State University.

If after 2 days the list has not changed, it is recommended to contact the SACU technical support service on this issue. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name, PSRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal State University. It is also necessary to indicate the identifiers of services in the Federal State University, which are displayed in the list in the SAAU, despite the fact that they have the status "Deleted" in the consolidated register of the Federal State University. The appeal must indicate how much time has passed since the change in the relevant records of services provided by the authority in the FGU.

  1. In the monitoring of the State Medical University, the list of organizations contains records of organizations that have not been deleted from the RSU. How can this problem be fixed?

In the event of a similar problem, it is recommended to refresh the page by holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons at the same time. If the problem persists, then it is necessary to check the correctness of the list of organizations in the FRGU database. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RGU, as well as sending this information to the Federal State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RGU.

In FGU, the status of an organization must be "Deleted". If something else is indicated in the status, then it is necessary to correct the corresponding organization record in the FRGU and wait until the organization record status changes to "Deleted". In addition, the services registered in the FRGU for this organization must also have the status "Deleted". Updating data in the SAAU from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the changes in the consolidated register of the Federal State University are checked and agreed, as a result of which the organization's record will change its status to " Removed", after 1 day it is necessary to re-check the compliance of the list of organizations in the SACU with the list of organizations in the Federal State University with the status "Published".

If after 2 days the list has not changed, it is recommended to contact the SACU technical support service on this issue. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full names, OGRN and identifiers in the Federal State University of Organizations of organizations that have the status "Deleted" in the Federal State University, but are displayed in the GASU. The appeal must indicate how much time has passed since the change in the relevant records of organizations in the Federal State University.

  1. For what period is it necessary to provide information on forms 1-GU and 1-MU (urgent, quarterly) for the 3rd quarter of 2015: only for the months of the 3rd quarter of 2015 or on an accrual basis from January 2015 to September 2015?

According to forms 1-GU and 1-MU (urgent, quarterly) for the 3rd quarter of 2015, it is necessary to provide information only for the period from July to September 2015 inclusive.

  1. Is it possible to put a dash in the monitoring input forms of the State Medical University?

According to Rosstat Order No. 217 dated 05/06/2015 (as amended by Rosstat Order No. 342 dated 07/23/2015), in the forms 1-GU and 1-MU (urgent, quarterly) dashes are placed only in lines 1-11 of section 1, as well as in lines 46-56 of section 4. All other indicators (ie lines of sections 2 and 3) in the quarterly forms must be filled in, dashes in these sections are not allowed.

  1. Only integer values ​​can be specified in the monitoring input forms of the GIMU. Why can't I put down decimal places?

According to Rosstat Order No. 217 of 05/06/2015 (as amended by Rosstat Order No. 342 of 07/23/2015), in forms 1-GU and 1-MU, all indicators must be filled in in whole numbers without a decimal sign.

  1. In what units of measurement (day, hour, minute) is it necessary to indicate the value in the 40th line of the monitoring input forms of the State Medical University?

According to Rosstat Order No. 217 dated May 6, 2015 (as amended by Rosstat Order No. 342 dated July 23, 2015), in the forms 1-GU and 1-MU, line 40 indicates the average number hours provision of public services. In this case, the value in line 40 is calculated as a weighted average of the total array of information on the line and greater than or equal to the value of line 41. If the actual period for the provision of public services, established by the administrative regulation, is calculated in days, when filling in the value of the indicator a day must be counted as 24 hours. If the actual term for the provision of a public service, established by the administrative regulation, is calculated in minutes, it must be taken into account that an hour is 60 minutes; thus, the value of the indicator when filling must be divided by 60.

OGRN and OGRNIP - numbers that can provide enough information about their owners.

Let's figure out what information is contained in these personal identifiers.

Companies and individuals who decide to take up entrepreneurial activity, you will invariably have to deal with various documentation to which codes are assigned. One of the most important personal numbers is PSRN, because it must be indicated in all statements and declarations without exception.

OGRN - an identifier that carries important information about its owner. Understanding which one means avoiding a lot of problems in the process of doing business.

OGRNIP - what is it and where to get it? Let's find out in the article.

What is OGRN

Number of enterprises in modern Russia large enough.

With the development of various organizational and legal forms for doing business, it became not enough for controlling organizations to identify a legal entity by TIN.

After all an identification number of the taxpayer only testifies to the number under which this or that enterprise was registered and to which tax office it is assigned.

In order to comprehensively control the activities of legal entities, in 2001 a federal law was developed that regulates the mandatory state registration of companies. For this, the concept of OGRN was introduced. The main state registration number should be understood as a specific numerator containing a set of data on the date of creation, legal entity, form of ownership, region, as well as information about the tax office in charge of the enterprise.

Unified State Register legal entities sets as its goal the systematization of economic entities operating in Russia. , what types of extracts exist and why it may be needed, read the article.

You will learn about the main differences between IP and LLC.

You have probably heard about VAT more than once. If you want to know more about what this tax is and who is required to pay it, read this article. Let's talk about VAT in simple terms.

Code decryption

Let us consider in detail the technique that allows deciphering the OGRN. First, let's figure out how many digits the OGRNIP contains. For example, the OGRN of a company looks like this: 1-14-77-49-50378-5. That is, only 13 digits. The 13-digit dialing format is: S-YY-KK-NN-XXXXX-H. Let's decode them:

  1. The first digit indicates what type the enterprise belongs to:
  • 1 - legal entity;
  • 2 - state organization;
  • 3 - individual entrepreneur.
  1. The next two digits (14 in our example) indicate the date the company was founded.
  2. The fourth and fifth digits reflect the region of registration of the enterprise. For example, the company we are considering is located in the capital of Russia. Number 77 is assigned to Moscow.
  3. The sixth and seventh digits reflect the number of the IFTS, to which the enterprise is assigned. Inter-district inspection in the example - 49.
  4. The numbers from eight to 12 are the number of the decision that was "given life" specific enterprise. This number (50378) is unique.
  5. The last digit allows you to quick check OGRN. To do this, all the numbers are added up and divided by 11. It is the remainder of the division (5 in our example) that is recorded in the OGRN as the 13th digit. If it is 10, then 0 is indicated.

Thus, it becomes clear that there are no two identical numbers, therefore, reliable information about the company can be obtained quickly. Just look at her personal number OGRN.

OGRN for individual entrepreneurs

What is OGRNIP for IP? In fact, this is the same identifier, only intended for private individuals doing business.

It is assigned to everyone and cannot be changed. OGRNIP is indicated on all documents that are used in the work of the IP, as well as all government papers.

For IP, this number is used as registration number affairs.

OGRNIP is needed to systematize IP in the All-Russian database. The identifier allows the regulatory authorities to:

  • find out information about the counterparty;
  • check the integrity of the activities of entrepreneurs;
  • track the volume of registration of new IP.

OGRNIP consists of 13 digits. It uses the formula: S-YY-KK-ХХХХХХХХХ-Ч.

An example of a certificate of state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur indicating the PSRN number

It is deciphered a little differently:

  1. The number of the decision on the formation of a new IP consists of 9 digits (6-14). It's connected with large quantity decisions than in the case of legal entities.
  2. The reliability of the OGRNIP is checked by dividing the sum of the first 14 digits by 13. The remainder obtained as a result of the division is multiplied by 13 and compared with the last digit in the number. If they are identical - OGRNIP is correct.

How to check OGRNIP differently? You can use the corresponding online service (for example, You will need to enter the number itself, after which a message will be generated indicating its authenticity.

How to find out OGRNIP by TIN

The interconnection of all the details assigned to a company or a private entrepreneur makes it possible to search for one code in a different way.

For example, you can determine the OGRNIP by TIN as follows:

Order an extract from USRIP. An appropriate request is submitted to the tax authorities. Accelerated consideration of the issue allows you to receive the required document within 1 working day. day. Usually the procedure lasts 3-5 days. days. The amount that must be paid as a state duty depends on the timing.

There are cases when two OGRNIP numbers are indicated in the received extract. There is no error in this. The reason is that the entrepreneur submitted changed data to the tax office, for example, the address of a new place of residence. It is important to note that the number given during the initial registration is recognized as valid. The following is only relevant as inside information for the regulatory body.

  1. Use the help of intermediaries. There are a number of individuals who similar service. They have access to this kind of information. You can find them on specialized forums. For example, on the site you can find a lot useful links to specialized services and thematic forums, where they will surely help you.
  2. Use a web-based database. The correctness of the TIN is checked free of charge. Full information about the IP you are interested in is provided on a paid basis.

Business involves cooperation with contractors. Before making a deal, it is important to make sure that you are not a scammer. It is easy to check the reality of the existence of a company or individual entrepreneur. It is enough to verify the authenticity of his personal data. In addition, knowing the PSRNIP or PSRN, you will be provided with information about other points that are no less important for doing business.

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In 2011, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 on the creation of a single resource "Federal Register of State and Municipal Services (Functions)" was approved. The Federal State University was created to control the provision of services to the population by the administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, educational and medical institutions, off-budget funds and other departments.

List sections

The summary information system consists of four sections:

  • federal services;
  • services of subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • municipal services;
  • reference materials.

The list is regulated by legislative and other regulatory legal acts (NLA), including administrative regulations of local authorities.

Each section contains information about the activities of the relevant departments. The reference block part contains information about the location of the organization providing assistance to citizens.

To maintain the FRGU (Federal Register of State and Municipal Services), the Government of the Russian Federation has determined an authorized representative office to fill in the information register. Placement and updating of data is carried out by responsible employees of the department.

To provide citizens with access to the functions of various departments, regional lists and web portals are being created.


FRGU must contain the following data about the service provided:

  • name of the body;
  • legal act;
  • delivery method;
  • delivery time;
  • applicant's documents;
  • intradepartmental and interdepartmental procedures.

The register was created to solve the following tasks:

  • reduced regulation by the state;
  • improving the quality of public services;
  • increasing the efficiency of administrations;
  • information openness for citizens.

Thanks to the creation of the FRGU, uniform requirements appeared for the structure and content of legal acts regulating the procedure for exercising powers on the part of the authorities.

Reference: main goal The creation of the Federal State University was the transfer of state and municipal services to electronic form.

Who has access rights

Login to web portal information society not everyone can. Only registered users who are responsible for entering information into the Federal State University and who have digital key received in a specific order.

To provide assistance to citizens, the portal has been created, which is directly linked to the Federal List.

Regional registry

The administrative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can create regional registers of state and municipal services, as well as local web portals of public services. Structural subdivisions responsible for the formation of the list have been appointed in each region. The information published in the RGU is checked by an authorized representative for compliance with legal acts. It also undergoes automatic formally logical reconciliation within one day. If violations are detected, the data is sent for revision.

These RGUs contain information about the services provided by the local government. The composition and placement procedure are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation. Administrative regulations adopted at the regional level must be published on the official website of the region.

Principles of interaction in the exchange of information

To ensure the functionality of the portal, the Government of the Russian Federation from among federal bodies management appoints:

  • joint registry operator;
  • responsible for maintaining the reference resource;
  • authorized organization in the field of EDS.

Each structure has certain functions. Operator:

  • posting information;
  • provides round-the-clock, uninterrupted access for citizens;
  • is a member of the commission for the development of methodological recommendations;
  • protects information from unauthorized access.

The agency responsible for maintaining information portal, provides:

  • verification of the entered data;
  • development of methodological recommendations;
  • monitoring and analysis of the functions of the authorities.

The organization responsible for issuing EDS certificates generates and publishes on the State Services the names and addresses of certification centers that citizens can contact to obtain a digital signature key.

Important to know: The beneficiaries of assistance from the municipal authorities are individuals and legal entities.

What is transferred to "Public Services"

After the function was introduced into the Federal or regional registry, it must be transferred to the public services portal within three days. The Public Service contains the following information:

  • registry number;
  • Name;
  • executive authority;
  • category of applicants;
  • Required documents;
  • information about compensation;
  • delivery time;
  • result;
  • reasons for refusal;
  • place of delivery;
  • application forms;
  • contacts.

In addition, each function prescribes the procedure for pre-trial challenging of the actions of officials.

In addition to information from the consolidated list, the operator has the right to publish on the Internet resource background information determined by the Ministry of Communications and mass communications RF.


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