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Fallout 4 console appearance change. Different mouse movement vertically and horizontally

How to properly configure the graphics subsystem for a comfortable game in Fallout 4? Read the recommendations, enter the optimal options and enjoy the gaming world in all its glory.

How do I change the resolution in Fallout 4?

Gaming corporations are forced to target multiple user segments. On the one hand, this allows them to expand the audience of consumers of their products, on the other hand, it introduces additional costs when implementing software configuration for different platforms. At the same time, games intended for use in game consoles differ from those developed for personal computers. At the same time, PC users have a wider range of graphics settings that need to be configured correctly. For example, in the recently released fallout 4, not everyone succeeds in both changing the resolution and returning it to operating modes.

Meanwhile, the developer has specially included in the distribution kit with the game a special utility that allows you to set the game screen resolution that the user needs because of his preferences and the features of the hardware configuration of the machine.

Changing the permission for a licensed game

There are several ways to work with graphics in the game. Since the resolution problems cannot be fixed directly when Fallout 4 is running, you can use the Fallout4Launcher.exe program for this. After its launch, the "Settings" menu item is selected, and in it it will be possible to adjust the image parameters.

If in Fallout 4 the screen resolution is 1024x768, then there may be problems with the display of some objects in the play space, for example, picking locks are not displayed, as a result of which some locations become inaccessible. In this case, you need to install add-ons from the website and configure them. Instructions can be found at the same resource. After that, resolution problems on square monitors in fallout 4 disappear.

Adjusting the resolution for the pirated copy of the game

The settings described above using the explorer are only suitable for owners of legal copies of the game. Setting the resolution on the fallout4 pirate in this way is impossible, so you will have to work with configuration files. Depending on the method of installing the game, you need to find the folder with the configuration files and open it in a text editor Fallout4Prefs.ini. It contains the lines that are responsible for the screen resolution: ISize H and ISize W, into which the necessary parameters fit. For example, if we want to run fallout 4 with a resolution of 1440x900, then we set ISize H = 900 ISize W = 1440. When running fallout 4 at 2560x1080, change these settings accordingly.

Before changing the screen resolution in fallout 4, you need to make sure that your video card supports them. If the values ​​are incorrect, you may get a black screen with a message about unsupported output instead of an image.

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    I would have such problems!

    Everything is like with the third folly. Everything needs to be filed in the game files yourself.

    Yes, and the third Fall also reminded Oblivion and Skyrim 🙂

    Does this screen resolution change? And then in my full-screen part is cut off, but in the window it is inconvenient.

    they don't cheat on themselves

    How else to solve the problem of a black screen and instant crash on startup

    If the card is from AMD, then it is solved by installing the latest beta-firewood, but first you need to cleanly remove the old ones. It helped me yesterday!

    The same bullshit T_T

    Have you tried disabling MSI Afterburner and other similar programs? There may be departures from them

    Someone says that you need to put windowed + borderless

    MB will be found bypass who will help. I'll leave what I write when crashing:

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application name: Fallout4.exe

    App version:

    Application time stamp: 5627e510

    Fault module name: Fallout4.exe

    Fault module version:

    Error module timestamp: 5627e510

    Exception code: c0000005

    Exception offset: 00000000021787c6

    OS Version: 6.1.7601.

    Additional information 1: 29da

    Additional information 2:

    More info 3: a637

    Additional information 4:

    Gamers have found a way to change the screen resolution, FOV and remove the frame rate limitation in the game Fallout 4

    With the official release Fallout 4 gamers have found that some of the graphical options in the game menu cannot be changed. As it became known to, soon after the release, fans found a way to access advanced settings and thereby eliminate possible problems.

    Frame rate limiting (FPS)

    Some gamers complained about the 30fps limitation, while others talked about the 60fps limitation. And while the reasons for such a gap are unknown, experts suggest simply removing it by editing the Fallout4Pref.ini settings file. Here you need to find the line iPresentInterval = 1 and set the value to 0.

    Mouse acceleration

    In Fallout 4, mouse acceleration is standard. Those who do not like to play with acceleration need to edit the Fallout4.ini file, which can be found in the documents folder. Here you need to find the Controls section and add the line bMouseAcceleration = 0.

    Angle of view (FOV)

    Those who are not satisfied with the standard viewing angle will have to work a little more. First, you need to change the fDefaultWorldFOV and fDefault1stPersonFOV values ​​in the Fallout.ini file to your desired values. Then edit the same lines in the Fallout4Prefs.ini file. After that, you need to go to the Steam client folder, to the steamapps / common / fallout4 / fallout4 directory and find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file, in which you need to add fDefaultWorldFOV = XX and fDefault1stPersonFOV = XX, where XX are the desired viewing angle values.

    Launching the game in full screen

    For gamers who for some reason cannot run the game in full screen, you need to change the Prefs.ini file in the documents / users / mygames / fallout4 folder and the file with the same name at steamapps / common / fallout4. Here you need to set all the values ​​as shown below:

  • bBorderless = 1
  • bFull Screen = 0
  • iSize H = 1080
  • iSize W = 1920
  • You can set your own screen resolution values. And owners of monitors with a resolution of 4: 3 can set the following settings:

  • bFull Screen = 1
  • iSize H = 1200
  • iSize W = 1600
  • Skip splash screen when loading game

    To skip the splash screen, you must delete the GameIntro_V3_B.bk2 file located in the Steam client folder at steamapps / common / fallout4 / data / video. Please note that after deleting a file, it will be possible to return it only after passing the procedure for verifying the integrity of the game files on the Steam network.

    Setting the screen resolution to 21: 9

    Owners of ultra-wide monitors need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the "My Documents" folder to run the game in full screen. The following lines must be edited:

    • bTopMostWindow = 1
    • bMaximizeWindow = 1
    • iSize H = XXXX
    • iSize W = YYYY
    • Terminals stuck bug fix

      You need to change the settings for the Fallout4Prefs file located in the Steam client folder at steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Fallout4. You need to change the following line iPresentInterval = 0.

      Alternatively, the problem can be corrected by switching to screen mode in a window without borders (Window mode, Borderless).

      Eliminate mouse movement lag

      You need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file located in the "My Documents" folder and set the following values:

      Users of Nvidia graphics cards need to right-click on the Nvidia logo on the taskbar in the lower right corner, select "System Preferences", "3D Settings" and add the Fallout.exe file to their programs. Here you also need to change:

    • Enable triple buffering
    • Enable vertical sync
    • Set the maximum number of preprocessing frames to 1 (Max frames to render ahead)
    • Fallout 4 was released with unprecedented success - the game was in second place in the list of the most popular games after Dota 2. The game was released on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC platforms.

      Settings for square monitors

      Instead of XXXX, you need to substitute the horizontal screen resolution, and instead of YYYY - the vertical one. Then the same trick must be done with the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the Steam folder. Both files are easiest to find with a search.

      As an example:

      • iSize H = 1280
      • iSize W = 1024
      • There you expose the permission you need. In borderless mode, everything is fine.
        Now to squares - at normal resolution, the picture is stretched and the entire interface of the same power armor is not displayed.
        Here you need to force the game to go in widescreen mode, you can set it to 720p, but the game will stretch, even if the interface is normal.
        The best resolution for squares, which should be set - 1280 × 800, save, in the nvidia panel - display -> adjust the size and position of the desktop -> do not scale -> select "perform scaling on GPU" -> check the box "Scale mode replacement set for games and programs ".

        If this turns out to be not enough, and the display of locks does not appear, you can add lines to the settings in Fallout4.ini, to a category in a category:

        "FLockPositionY = 100.0000"
        "FUIPowerArmorGeometry_TranslateZ = -18.5000"
        "FUIPowerArmorGeometry_TranslateY = 460.0000"

        I hope this repost of the article will help you as well as me. Have a good game.

        Thank you for the article!

        At "Olympus" this time they did not give a damn about the owners of square monitors. Great! Well, at least the company didn't think that everyone has had virtual reality glasses for a long time.

        In heaped up.
        This sculpted, to put it mildly, misled everyone. Firstly, I confused vertical with horizontal, and secondly, 5 SWF files must be attached to all this, which must be unpacked into a folder. \ Fallout 4 \ Data \ Interface
        And no nVidia needs to be reconfigured.

        P.S. Works on the latest version of the game 1.4.132, just checked it out. Locks and Power Armor UI are displayed correctly.

        Then print fov XX, where XX is the lesser of the value you choose. If you think your peep-boy is too small, press

        Then print fov XX, where XX is the lesser of the value you choose. This FOV will not affect your game, but it will affect the size of your pip-boy. If the key does not work, change the key settings for the console. (console command) Find the right size for you)

        From the moderator: Images larger than 640 * 640 either as previews or as links.

        I can upload my settings to the file sharing service tonight after work and give you a link.

        My settings for a monitor with an extension of 1280 by 1024. There is no soapiness. Locks can be seen - broken open. The interface is normal. Pip-Boy is similar to norms.

        How to change resolution in fallout 4

        I'm going to leave the 17-inch square monitor 1280x1024 (2007-2016 R.I.P.) already in December. On my monitor, the first parts of Fallout's, including Tactics, work without any high-resolution patches. If I go to 1600x900, then I will have very serious problems. What about high resolution? What patch should I put to keep the rest of the game completely original? How will the same Fallout 2 work at 1600x900 (16: 9) in 640x480 or 800x600?

        Hello. As has already been noted many times, at widescreen resolutions (FullHD, from 17 to 24 inches, I simply did not check the larger one), our classic feels comfortable. You put a hi-res patch with a resolution of 1280 * 720 or 1360 * 768 and you are happy. It is also possible without a patch, but too large, pixels are visible.

        Is it the same with Fallout Tactics? If so, thank you very much! After all, because of the resolution on any monitor, "crutches" will have to be installed. Now, on my monitor, I can no longer normally play L.A Noire, Fallout 4, Far Cry 4 without crutches.

        Similarly, hi-res 1.0 is present in the distribution and on the Internet.

        If I go to 1600x900, then I will have very serious problems

        Well, fig knows, for me personally, the black stripes on the sides are not a serious problem. Even with hi-res, I expose 800x600, I don't like to bury my nose at the monitor, but at 768x1366 it turns out like this - everything is too small, especially the text.

        Everything is individual. With a FullHD screen of 17.3 (and not only) - I consider HD resolution (1280 * 720) very comfortable. In the video above, as far as I can see, FullHD is represented with pixel upscaling. (Although I may be wrong)

        Dick 14 Sep 2016

        IMHO at a resolution of more than 800 by 600 everything becomes too small and difficult to distinguish, so I don't even set the resolution higher on a widescreen one.

        Foxx 14 Sep 2016

        Personally, I find it very convenient to play with a resolution of 1280x720. The picture becomes clearer and more beautiful (just like with directx 12). I don't see any problems with small text, everything is quite readable.

        Mr. Stalin Sep 14, 2016

        And at 1366x768, too, will there be no special problems? ?

        It all depends on the size of the monitor

        HD and WXGA are optimal

        LAZER 14 Sep 2016

        and why should they be? at least put FullHD, the main thing is that you feel comfortable playing and reading the text.
        it is possible with pixel enlargement (scalling x2) and with FullHD we will get the equivalent of 1024 * 768, but it seems there might be some troubles. in general, dare and try, then you will write about the selected resolution)

        HD and WXGA are optimal

        wxga - in the picture, however, it is not =)

        Thanks for the picture! I will definitely buy a monitor with a resolution of 1366 × 768, a diagonal of 19.5, an aspect ratio of 16: 9 before the New Year.

      • I do not like

      Pyran 14 Sep 2016

      LAZER 15 Sep 2016

      Well, I would still take 1920 * 1080, more usable space and 21-22 inches, even better with an ips matrix, so that colors are less distorted.
      Go to electronics stores, look at monitors (monitors), ask the price, see the screen resolution live, read reviews.

      And for a fall, you always adjust the game resolution. I think you would be rash to buy a monitor with a low resolution. Here, the budget is more limited to how much you are willing to spend.

      All is good, but LG does not have a DVI connector. I'm going to take a monitor from Asus, because there is a very easy color adjustment (from 2007 to 2015 was their monitor). However, I will definitely not take 1920x1080, since my current HD 7770 will not pull this resolution in new games at maximum / ultra settings. And what shakes my potential RX 470, then at 1920x1080 FPS will not be under 60, as I suppose. I will, of course, watch and study everything live. Thanks!

      Pyran 15 Sep 2016

      Foxx 15 Sep 2016

      The toy can always be launched in a non-native, lower resolution, so that the vidyaha pulls. (Did not suffer from non-native permission in games). All this is purely personal opinion.

      In non-native resolution, the picture becomes not very clear, the "ladder" appears. I have 1920x1080 24 inches, I tried Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 to run from 1600x900 - it looks disgusting (albeit at maximum speed).

      Anjee 17 Sep 2016

      I have an ancient DELL 2209WA 1680x1050 16:10
      In the HRP settings, the resolution is 1280: 800, and such a 22 ′ card looks quite comfortable:

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If your game crashes when you start

For some users, Fallout 4 crashes when starting the game. This can be fixed by running the game in borderless windowed mode. You need to do the following:

Prefs.ini file in documents / users / mygames / fallout4 and in steamapps / common / fallout4
Set the following values ​​(the resolution is what you need):

BMaximizeWindow = 1
bBorderless = 1
bFull Screen = 0
iSize H = 1080
iSize W = 1920
Unlock FPS

For some, the maximum number of frames per second is 30, for others - 60. Below is an instruction on how to unlock FPS. Attention: it is not advised to unlock it above 60, as there were bugs in Skyrim (flying animals, etc.)

Open Fallout4Pref.ini (located in C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \. A backup is optional - if you delete Fallout4Pref.ini, the game will automatically create it the next time you launch it ...

Find the line iPresentInterval = 1 and change it to iPresentInterval = 0

It looks like mouse acceleration is Fallout 4's default setting. To turn it off, we need to do the same thing that we did in Skyrim. Open Fallout4.ini C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \

In the section, add a new line:
bMouseAcceleration = 0

Attention: acceleration will not be removed from various menus, but will be disabled "inside" the game.
How to disable intro when loading a game:

Solution 1:
To skip the intro every time you download Fallout 4, go to the Steam folder where you have steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Data \ Video installed and delete the following file:

Solution 2:
First go to C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ and open Fallout4.ini. In the section add SIntroSequence = 1

Then in the same folder open Fallout4Prefs.ini and add SIntroSequence = 1 again in the section.

You should now have your intro video disabled. Bug with an invisible master key

If you have a bug with an invisible master key, the solution is quite simple, open Fallout4Prefs.ini in the folder (C: \ Users \\ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \) and change below:

ISize W = XXXX
iSize H = YYYY
on the
iSize W = XXXX-1
iSize H = YYYY-1

For example:
For example:
iSize W = 1920
iSize H = 1080
will be replaced by
iSize W = 1919
iSize H = 1079

Then do the same for Fallout4Prefs.ini, which is located in your Fallout 4 Steam folder - steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Fallout 4.

This bug is quite common if you unlock FPS and do not enable vertical sync. Thanks to user Vhailor for help with the bug.
How to change fov.

Unlike Skyrim, Fallout 4 requires a bit more action. It is required to make a change in 3 different files, 2 of them Fallout4Prefs.ini in two different folders, and one is Fallout4.ini

First open Fallout4.ini C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ and in the section add the following lines:

FDefaultWorldFOV = XX
fDefault1stPersonFOV = XX

Then open Fallout4Prefs.ini in C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ and do the same as above:
In the section add the lines:
fDefaultWorldFOV = XX
fDefault1stPersonFOV = XX

Where XX is the desired fov parameter. I think 90 will be fine for most, but that's for your taste.

Then go to your Steam installation folder - steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Fallout4 and open Fallout4Prefs.ini. There also add to the section
fDefaultWorldFOV = XX
fDefault1stPersonFOV = XX

Note that the fov options in the Fallout 4.ini section do not need to be changed.

If you think your pip-boy is too small, press ~, then type fov XX, where XX is the smaller value you choose. This FOV will not affect your game, but it will affect the size of your pip-boy. If the key does not work, change the key settings for the console.

Default Fov (80):
increased fov 110:

How to add support for 21: 9 (ultrawide).

To make your game run at 21: 9 without problems, open Fallout4Prefs.ini in the C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \ folder and change the following lines to the values ​​below:

BTopMostWindow = 1
bMaximizeWindow = 1
bBorderless = 1
bFull Screen = 0
iSize H = XXXX
iSize W = YYYY

Where XXXX is your horizontal resolution and YYYY is your vertical resolution.

The HUD will stretch a bit, but it's a good start.
Unlocking the console:

Some users have reported that the default console doesn't work for them (and nothing happens when you hit the tilde ~). If it works, then you don't need to do anything. To fix this, go to the windows language bar and change the layout to English.

Another solution is to use the @ key.

For now, this might help you.
The mouse in the menu is invisible

The most common solution for this if you have a gamepad connected is to disable it. However, you can solve this in another way:

Open Fallout4Prefs.ini (C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \) and change the following line:
bGamepadEnable = 1
on the
bGamepadEnable = 0
The vertical and horizontal movements of the mouse are different

If you don't like it, you can quickly fix it. Just open Fallout4.ini (C: \ Users \ [name] \ My Documents \ My Games \ Fallout4 \) and change the following:

fMouseHeadingYScale = .021
on the
fMouseHeadingYScale = .03738

This should work at 16: 9 resolutions

For users who want to experiment with graphics - improve or reduce it through the INI settings.

You, most likely, hardly use the "tilde" button and consider it useless. However, in Bethesda games on the Creation engine, this button (~) opens the console, which allows you to customize the game to your desires. You can endow your hero with superpowers, create weapons and monsters out of thin air, speed up time, or even complete the game with one press of the Enter button.

You just need to open the console, enter the required command, close the console and check if this command worked. If the "tilde" (located to the left of the number 1 key) does not work, try pressing the apostrophe key. It depends on the country your keyboard was released in.

Find Item IDs and NPCs

Most of these commands will require you to enter the exact ID of the item, NPC, location, or faction. If you open the console and click on a character, you will see his ID number. Some commands work on the selected characters - that is, on those that you clicked on. It can be difficult to get the ID number displayed on the screen, and in these cases free camera (tfc) mode will help you. You can also search the net for the commands and ID numbers you need ...

help[item name] - Search for items, characters, teams and more. Use the Page Up and Page Down buttons to scroll. Parameter 0 starts an advanced search.

For example: You entered the command “help“ attack dog ”0” and this will show you that there is an NPC in the game named attack dog with ID 000B2BF2. Be sure to use quotation marks when entering two or more words.

coc qasmoke- This command will teleport you to a room with boxes containing all the items found in the game. A bit surreal, but it allows you to find out the ID numbers of all items. To do this, open the console and click on the item, after which its ID number will be displayed. For example, Psina's real name is 0001d162.

Common commands

tgm- Good old god mode.

tcl- No obstacles. Walk through walls. Walk on air. Be free.

tfc- Free camera activation.

tfc 1- The same as the command above, but with all animations frozen.

tm- Turns the menu and user interface on and off. This even turns off the display of the console. In order to return everything to its place, you need to blindly click on the "tilde" and re-enter the tm command.

csb- Resets the effects of blood and damage.

fov- Switch between first and third person view modes.

set timescale to[insert the required number] - Deceleration or acceleration of time. By default, the number 16 is set here. 1 is real time, 10,000 is an insanely fast change of day and night. If you decide to speed up the time, then pay attention to the sky - the sun and the moon literally jump back and forth.

coc- Teleportation to the desired location.

For example: coc RedRocketExt

Character manipulation

showlooksmenu player 1- Opens the hero customization menu, in which you can change the look of your character. It is recommended that at this moment the hero's face is strictly in the center of the screen.

player.setrace- Change of race (for example, ghoul or mutant). Find the race ID using the help command, but keep in mind that in most cases the game will simply crash after changing the race.

For example: player.setrace GhoulRace

player.resethealth- Restores health.

setgs fJumpHeightMin[insert the desired number] - Increases the height of the jumps. The higher the value, the higher your hero jumps, similar to the Hulk. But if you have not turned on god mode, then the landing will be fatal.

tdetect- Enemies do not notice you. You can steal whatever you see.

player.modav[skill] [number] - Improves the skill by the selected number of points. For example, if you enter "player.modav strength 10", then your strength will increase by 10 points. If the game has a terminal that you need to hack, or an NPC that you need to convince, then use this command. And the command below will come in handy to open the perks.

player.setav[characteristic name] [number] - Sets a new value for the selected characteristic. Unlike modav, this command allows you to unlock new perks by changing the characteristics of the character.

player.setav speedmult[enter the desired number] - The number you entered will be a multiplier of your movement speed. If you want to become a real superhero, then use god mode with this and the next command.

player.setlevel[enter number] - Raises your level to the specified one.

player / additem 0000000f[enter number] - Adds the specified number of bottle caps.

player / additem 0000000a[enter number] - Adds the specified number of pins.

player.additem[number] - As you already understood from the two previous commands, you can add ANY item to your inventory, knowing its ID-number (at the beginning of the article it is written how to find this number).

NPC manipulation

tai- Disables AI, as a result of which all characters just stand still with calm faces.

tcai- Disables combat AI. There is peace and quiet in the game. Incredibly boring peace and quiet.

killall- Kills everyone in the area, except for companions and several plot important characters. They will just fall off injured, and only your stimulator can bring them back to normal.

kill[enter ID-number] - Kills the creature corresponding to the ID-number. If you enter "kill 0017fda3", then the wild ghoul on which I tested this function will die wherever it is. There is another way: you can click on an NPC with an open console and just type kill.

resurrect[enter ID-number] - Resurrect the creation with the entered ID. Team "resurrect 0017fda3" will bring the wild ghoul back to life! He's just having an incredible day. You can also click on a dead NPC with an open console and enter the command resurrect. If you resurrect a headless NPC, keep in mind that he will remain headless.

recycleactor- Reloads the character.

setscale[number from 1 to 10] - Makes you or your enemy HUGE. The results can be seen in the screenshot at the beginning of the article.

sexchange- Yes, yes, it's a gender reassignment. Works for anyone, but unique characters can be tricky.

getav CA_affinity- Shows the level of trust of the current companion.

setav CA_affinity[number] - Sets the companion's trust level to a given number.

modav CA_affinity[number] - Increases the level of trust by the specified number. Personally, I have not noticed the effect.

unequipall- The selected NPC loses all of its items.

Faction Commands

player.AddToFaction- Will make you a faction ally. If you hover over an NPC and remove the word player from the command, then this character will either become an ally (0) of the selected faction, or join (1) to it.

For example: The command "player.AddToFaction 00028670 1" will make you a member of the beetle faction.

player.RemoveFromFaction- Will remove you from the selected faction. If you remove the word player from the command and aim at the NPC, then you will remove it from the faction.

removefromallfactions- Removes the selected character from all factions.

setally- Makes two factions friendly (0) or allies (1).

setenemy-Makes two factions neutral (0) or enemies (1).


completeallobjectives- Performs all current tasks in the quest.

resetquest- Restarts the quest.

completequest- Completes the quest.

caqs- Completes each step of the main quest, essentially bringing the story to an end. WARNING: Do not use this command unless you want plot spoilers.

10 November 2015 7:49

How to remove power armor

If you are tired of carrying power armor on yourself and you want to take it off yourself, then you just need to hold the E key for this. Hold it for a while and after a couple of seconds your character will crawl out of power armor.

How do I unlock the frame rate? (FPS)

Some have a locked frame rate of 30 frames per second (FPS) by default, while others have it set to 60. Here's how to unlock the frame rate if you have 30 FPS and want to hit 60.

To unlock the frame rate, open the Fallout4Pref.ini file (located in the C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \ folder). It is worth noting that you do not need to back up this file, as you can simply delete the Fallout4Pref.ini file and the game will automatically generate a new file on its own the next time you start the game.

Find the following line:

And replace it with

Now use the NVIDIA Control Panel Vsync Editor or AMD's equivalent - and enable it to prevent the game from malfunctioning, as the above value simply removes the framerate lock.

Note: Another possible solution is to use borderless windowed mode.

Disable mouse acceleration

It looks like mouse acceleration is set by default in Fallout 4. To remove it, we need to specify roughly the same values ​​as set in Skyrim. Open the Fallout4.ini file (located in the "C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \" folder).

Scroll the contents of the file to the section and under that line add the following:

Note: This change does not apply to menus and other such things, but it will not be in the game itself.

How to turn off the splash screen in Fallout 4 when loading a game

Option 1

To skip the intro every time you download Fallout 4, you need to go to the folder where you have installed Steam, go into it and then follow the following path: steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Data \ Video - here you need to delete the following file:

Option 2

Go to the folder "C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \" and open the Fallout4.ini file. Find the line and after it add:

Then in the same folder find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file and again under the line add the following line:

After these steps, the intro video should no longer be displayed.

How to change the angle of view (FOV) in Fallout 4?

Despite the fact that you may have previously changed the angle of view for Skyrim, Fallout 4 will take a little more work. Changes need to be made in three files, two of which are called Fallout4Prefs.ini and are located in two different locations, and the third is called Fallout4.ini. All three need to be changed as indicated below.

First, find the Fallout4.ini file in the "C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \" folder and under the line add the following lines:

fDefaultWorldFOV = XX
fDefault1stPersonFov = YY

Now go edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the same folder as you were before. Under the line add the following lines:

fDefaultWorldFOV = XX
fDefault1stPersonFov = YY

Where XX is the desired viewing angle. For most, 90 may be fine.
YY is the desired angle of view for your character model (arms and weapons on screen). Change this value as you see fit. The larger it is, the more you will see.

And finally, the last file - open the folder where you have Steam installed, go to it and then head along the following path: steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Fallout4 (note that there is a Fallout4 folder in the Fallout 4 folder). Open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file and again under the line add the following lines:

fDefaultWorldFOV = XX
fDefault1stPersonFov = YY

Where XX is the desired viewing angle. For most, 90 may be fine.
YY is the desired angle of view for your character model (arms and weapons on screen). Change this value as you see fit. The larger it is, the more you will see.

Note that the FOV settings under the section the Fallout4.ini file does not need to be changed while making these changes. After doing all of the above, your viewing angle should change.

If you think your Pip-Boy should be smaller, press "~" and type "fov XX", where XX is the smallest number. This will take several tries and will cause errors, but will not affect the game itself, but will only change the angle of view for your Pip-Boy. If the console button does not work (~), change the keyboard layout to English.

Standard angle of view (80)

Changed angle of view (110)

How to add support for ultra-wide (21: 9) monitors in Fallout 4?

To run the game on a 21: 9 monitor without any problems, simply open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \ folder and change the following lines as shown below:

bTopMostWindow = 1
bMaximizeWindow = 1
bBorderless = 1
bFull Screen = 0
iSize H = XXXX
iSize W = YYYY

Where XXXX is your monitor's horizontal resolution and YYYY is your monitor's vertical resolution

Next, you need to do the same in the second Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the game folder. At the moment, the game interface is stretching, but this is already a good start and it may be possible to fix it in the future. You can see the result in the screenshots below:

How to unlock the console

Some users report that the default console activation in Fallout 4 does not work for them (that is, pressing "~" does nothing). If everything is fine with you, then the information below is not for you. To fix this problem, go to Control Panel and add the US keyboard layout among the languages.

Mouse not visible in Fallout 4 menu

This problem most often appears when using a gamepad connected to a computer. The easiest way to fix this problem is to remove the gamepad from the computer. If you don't want to use a gamepad, but at the same time do not want to constantly turn off the controller, the following entries will help you. Also, if you do not have any gamepad connected, but the cursor is not displayed in the game menu, then you can disable the controller as described below. Open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file (located in the "C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \" folder) and scroll down to the following line:

And replace that with

Different mouse movement vertically and horizontally

Some users did not like the changes made that change the vertical and horizontal movement in Fallout 4. But you can quickly fix it. Just open the Fallout4.ini file (located in the "C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \" folder) and change the following entry:

This option is ideal for monitors with an aspect ratio of 16: 9. In case you have a different aspect ratio, simply multiply the infMouseHeadingYScale value by your monitor's aspect ratio.

Invisible hack bug

If you have problems with invisible hacking, then the solution is quite simple. Open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in your documents folder (C: \ Users \ Username \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout 4 \) and under the section change the following:

iSize W = XXXX-1
iSize H = YYYY-1

for instance

Should be changed to this:

Also change the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the game folder (steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Fallout4) where you have Steam installed.

It seems that this bug appears if you unlock the frame rate and do not activate V-sync.

-1) (_uWnd.alert ("You have already rated this material!", "Error", (w: 270, h: 60, t: 8000)); $ ("# rating_os"). Css ("cursor", "help"). attr ("title", "You have already rated this material"); $ ("# rating_os"). attr ("id", "rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert ("Thanks for rating ! "," You did your job ", (w: 270, h: 60, t: 8000)); var rating = parseInt ($ (" # rating_p "). Html ()); rating = rating + 1; $ ("#rating_p"). html (rating); $ ("# rating_os"). css ("cursor", "help"). attr ("title", "You've already rated this stuff"); $ ("# rating_os "). attr (" id "," rating_dis ");)));"> I like 21

Gamers have found that some of the graphical options in the game menu cannot be changed. As it became known to the site, soon after the release, fans found a way to access advanced settings and thereby eliminate possible problems.

Frame rate limiting (FPS)

Some gamers complained about the 30fps limitation, while others talked about the 60fps limitation. And while the reasons for such a gap are unknown, experts suggest simply removing it by editing the Fallout4Pref.ini settings file. Here you need to find the line iPresentInterval = 1 and set the value to 0.

Mouse acceleration

In Fallout 4, mouse acceleration is standard. Those who do not like to play with acceleration need to edit the Fallout4.ini file, which can be found in the documents folder. Here you need to find the Controls section and add the line bMouseAcceleration = 0.

Angle of view (FOV)

Those who are not satisfied with the standard viewing angle will have to work a little more. First, you need to change the fDefaultWorldFOV and fDefault1stPersonFOV values ​​in the Fallout.ini file to your desired values. Then edit the same lines in the Fallout4Prefs.ini file. After that, you need to go to the Steam client folder, to the steamapps / common / fallout4 / fallout4 directory and find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file, in which you need to add fDefaultWorldFOV = XX and fDefault1stPersonFOV = XX, where XX are the desired viewing angle values.

Launching the game in full screen

For gamers who for some reason cannot run the game in full screen, you need to change the Prefs.ini file in the documents / users / mygames / fallout4 folder and the file with the same name at steamapps / common / fallout4. Here you need to set all the values ​​as shown below:

  • bMaximizeWindow = 1
  • bBorderless = 1
  • bFull Screen = 0
  • iSize H = 1080
  • iSize W = 1920

You can set your own screen resolution values. And owners of monitors with a resolution of 4: 3 can set the following settings:

  • bFull Screen = 1
  • iSize H = 1200
  • iSize W = 1600

Skip splash screen when loading game

To skip the splash screen, you must delete the GameIntro_V3_B.bk2 file located in the Steam client folder at steamapps / common / fallout4 / data / video. Please note that after deleting a file, it will be possible to return it only after passing the procedure for verifying the integrity of the game files on the Steam network.

Setting the screen resolution to 21: 9

Owners of ultra-wide monitors need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the "My Documents" folder to run the game in full screen. The following lines must be edited:

  • bTopMostWindow = 1
  • bMaximizeWindow = 1
  • bBorderless = 1
  • bFull Screen = 0
  • iSize H = XXXX
  • iSize W = YYYY

Instead of XXXX, you need to substitute the horizontal screen resolution, and instead of YYYY - the vertical one. Then the same trick must be done with the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the Steam folder. Both files are easiest to find with a search.

Terminals stuck bug fix

You need to change the settings for the Fallout4Prefs file located in the Steam client folder at steamapps \ common \ Fallout 4 \ Fallout4. You need to change the following line iPresentInterval = 0.

Alternatively, the problem can be corrected by switching to screen mode in a window without borders (Window mode, Borderless).

Eliminate mouse movement lag

You need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file located in the "My Documents" folder and set the following values:

  • iPresentInterval = 0
  • bForceIgnoreSmoothness = 1

Users of Nvidia graphics cards need to right-click on the Nvidia logo on the taskbar in the lower right corner, select "System Preferences", "3D Settings" and add the Fallout.exe file to their programs. Here you also need to change:

  • Enable triple buffering
  • Enable vertical sync
  • Set the maximum number of preprocessing frames to 1 (Max frames to render ahead)

Fallout 4 was released with unprecedented success - the game was in second place in the list of the most popular games after Dota 2. The game was released on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC platforms.

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