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Evernote - what is this program, how to download it. Hotkeys in Evernote

Hello, friends!

Ask yourself how much information you keep in your head.

How much do you add daily? A lot, isn't it?

Although the human brain demonstrates amazing capabilities, why remember everything if you can write it down ?!

Say that notebooks are lost, forgotten, etc.? Have you heard of Evernote?

Today I will tell you how to use Evernote and what it is in general.

What is Evernote?

Evernote is a special Internet service designed to store all kinds of notes. It syncs with iphone, PC, ipad and other devices on which it is installed. If the application is not installed on the device, then you can access the records through.

The main thing in all this is the synchronization of notes.

The product has a large number of versions for all mobile and desktop operating systems, which is one of the main advantages of this product over a large number of similar software. A note that you created on your PC can be easily found and read on a tablet or computer.

In addition to synchronization, the product has a large number of options for creating various records and organizing them for easy storage and use.


Currently, there are many other applications for remembering the necessary information, but Evernote is considered the most convenient and effective. It has a lot of advantages:

1. Availability

You can download free any version of the program for any portable devices on the Developers' Internet resource. In addition, on the site you will find detailed instructions for using this service. The developers regularly add articles to the blog where you can learn about how to use the product, future updates, and other useful things.

2. Multitasking

The program works perfectly with absolutely all types of notes - sound, graphics, text. You no longer need to have multiple applications for each type of information. Evernote allows you to store all the necessary files in one place.

3. Synchronization

As mentioned above, due to the fact that all devices are synchronized with this service, you can view your own recordings from any device.

4. Convenient and simple interface

In this data warehouse, everything is neatly arranged on the shelves, and you can find the information you need in a few seconds. Thanks to a well-designed interface, you can translate audio recordings into text, edit photos, create reminders, and more. With all the abundance of functions, the product is easy to understand, which allows any user to easily understand it.

5. Supported on all devices

Evernote works great on phone, PC, tablet. For different operating systems there is a version of the application. Evernote can be installed on Mac OS and Windows computers. Also, this program will function perfectly on mobile devices based on Windows Phone, Android, iOS, Blackberry.

How to use?

The first step is to install the application from the developer's resource on your device or PC. The software is free, but there is also a premium subscription that opens up more features. It costs 1450 rubles a year.

With your own Evernote account, you can use the service even from those devices that do not have this application. Create and delete entries, set reminders, view and edit notes, and more.

Do you want to master Evernote as soon as possible and to the fullest? Then I recommend that you take a training course called "Evernote-master".

The creator of this course, Evgeny Popov, is the best author of web-based training video courses.

I hope you appreciated the usefulness of Evernote. Tell on social networks to friends and acquaintances about this amazing program - share with them a link to this article.

Subscribe to blog updates and see you in the next edition. See you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Want to see how one Evernote user's day goes? How can Evernote be useful and what can the process of managing cases in the application look like?

If you are interested in learning about my experience and seeing how I use Evernote in my daily life, then read this article.

I'm already in shape, I open the Evernote app on my smartphone. I go to the “Sport” label and choose the option of morning exercises.

The notes under the "Sport" tag contain text, photo materials with sets of physical exercises and links to training videos.

I drink tea and read a book from a smartphone in the eReader Prestigio application (a program for reading e-books and PDF files). I highlight interesting thoughts in the text and copy them into Evernote. Notes with quotes from the book end up in the Inbox of my Evernote account. I use notes to write a summary of a book or quote in my posts and articles.

I am currently working from home. Therefore, a couple of minutes and I'm in the office! I turn on my computer and open the Evernote app.

I start by reviewing my goals. I open notes with goals for the year, month, week and notes with action plans and results for each goal. I place these notes on one screen (while reducing the size of the note window) and analyze the content: the formulation of the goal, the hypotheses of achievement and the results.

I'm making minor adjustments. Once again, I evaluate the choice of the main business of the day, based on the goals set and the results obtained.

Reviewing task lists and calendar events in Evernote. Let's get to the main task of the day.

Time to cook dinner for your family. I take my smartphone and in the Evernote application I open the “Menu of the week” label. I select a sub-tag with the name of the day of the week (today is Friday) - “Friday”.

Before me are 3 notes with recipes for dishes that I plan to cook today.
I have a Recipes tag in Evernote, which contains notes with recipes by category - side dishes, entrees, breakfasts, etc.

Once a week I create a menu of the week. To do this, I drag the selected recipes from the "Recipes" label with the mouse to the labels with the names of the days of the week in the "Menu of the week" parent label. 5-10 minutes and your menu is ready!

I also add notes with a shopping list to the “Menu of the week” label. According to this list, I buy products in the store or send it to my spouse via Viber if I want to delegate this task.

After lunch I have a block for communications. I check the "Waiting" list, which contains a list of tasks and expected events from the environment. Analyzing the list, I supplement the “Calls” list with additional “phone calls” with colleagues, relatives and services.

I go to the “Calls” label and make non-stop all calls from the list.
Then I open the “checklists” label and check my work accounts according to the list of communications: mail, site comments, social networks, etc.

As I go along, I write down new things and ideas in my Evernote Inbox.

Working time with content for the site and social networks.

Today is the time to work on a new article. I open a label with materials on my project and create a new note in it, in which I write the text of the article. I use previously prepared links, photos for the article, notes and ideas, an outline of the article from the project tag notes. I copy, paste, supplement and the draft of the article is ready.

As a rule, the evening is a time for self-education and study of interesting content. Today, according to the plan - a webinar on social networks.

During the webinar, I make notes in a note with the name of the webinar in Evernote on the computer. At the end of the webinar, I add the links that were given by the speaker to the same note. I download additional materials (presentation and PDF documents) for the webinar to my computer and thanks to the import of Evernote folders, they are automatically added to the Inbox of my Evernote account.

Then, during the inbox processing, I will combine all the notes from the webinar with a tag with the name of the webinar and store it in the Notes tag.

I came up with interesting ideas about what I heard at the webinar, I open the XMind program on my computer and make a mind map for implementing the lesson materials. I copy the map to Evernote by pressing just one button.

The map in Evernote is saved in two versions:

  • in the form of a map (for a visual overview);
    in the form of a list of tasks.

I use the second option for saving the map to convert what is written in the map into tasks. To do this, I copy the desired piece of text and paste it into a new note.

Traditional run. Today without headphones and favorite podcasts. You need to think about the information from the webinar.

As I go to the smartphone in the Voice to text messenger application, I slander thoughts and ideas. Voice to text messenger voice recorder with audio to text conversion function.

Running is the best activity in order to sort out everything lived in a day.

Time to sum up the day. I process inboxes in Evernote, mail and other inboxes.

With the help of Web Clipper, I copy letters from the mailbox that require a response, control, and simply useful content of mailing lists. Everything gets into the Inbox notebook and the notes are sorted into lists right there.

Some of the emails get into the "Next actions" list with the context "prepare a response" (for emails that require a response) and with the context "to be viewed" (for useful mailing content), the other part goes into the "Pending" list (for emails that need to be completed). delegated). The result is inboxes at "zero".

I mark completed tasks and review all lists. I make a plan for the next day.

Tomorrow will be a new day…

And also be added to the closed group in

Modern people are surrounded by a lot of useful information. Keeping it in your head is not always possible. If a person does not have a perfect memory, he needs a notebook. Since this is the age of digital technology, ordinary notebooks are no longer relevant. Today, for the safety of various information, the Evernote application is used.

What is evernote

Evernote is a notepad created electronically. You can save various notes in it, but not only. The service helps to work productively with a large amount of information. With this application, the details will always be under control. So, evernote - what is this program? An electronic notepad that will always be there. You can download the program to a laptop or PC, an application to a tablet or phone, after which the data is automatically synchronized with each other if there is an Internet connection. Now there is even on TV: the evernote application.

Why you need an electronic organizer

Once upon a time, you had notebooks where you wrote down ideas, reviews, reports, recipes, phone numbers, to-do lists, and shopping lists. Time passed, one diary replaced another, and the necessary information was lost. In order to find an entry, one had first to remember in which notebook it was entered. How to organize competent storage of notes? The answer is simple: download the evernote computer organizer.

evernote touch is a smart system for organizing and finding the information you need. With it, you will never lose a two-year record, because all data is stored in a structured form. Useful thoughts, new materials or to-do lists are easily transferred from your Android mobile phone to your computer without USB cords. When you find out, evernote - what kind of program it is, you will put things in order in your life, find time to communicate with loved ones.

evernote features

The strongest side of the notebook is its multiplatform nature. The program officially supports Windows, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, as well as a number of solutions from third-party developers. In addition, evernote has updated the web version, which is now available directly from the browser. These are not all features of evernote touch:

  • if you install the Web Clipper extension, you will save individual fragments of text or the entire web page;
  • synchronization occurs between devices and browsers;
  • it is possible to create up to 250 pieces. notebooks, each with countless notes;
  • powerful search, which quickly finds any information.

How to install a note-taking service on a computer

Once you understand evernote - what this new program is, it's time to figure out how to install it. To get started, you need to register. Find an evernote resource on the network, go to the site and press the "Register" button. In the same place, enter your email address and create a password, then click the "Create an account" button. Download the program for Windows or Android, agree to the terms of service, click "Install", wait for the complete installation. Once the download is complete, open your notes online, indicate that you already have an account, and start working.

How to work with evernote

Evernote is free. After installation, take one more step - download the application to the browser. When all the operations have been completed, it's time to learn how to use evernote touch:

  1. In the lower right corner is a green application icon. Click on it.
  2. Create a notebook where all audio, images, and recordings will be saved by default. When there is time, you can scatter this information in separate places.
  3. Set any convenient notepad name, check the box next to the "default" button. You don't need to do this in other notebooks.

Program user interface

At first, the interface of the application may seem complicated, but when you understand evernote - what kind of new program it is, you will quickly figure it out. Open the downloaded app. You will see the following program user interface:

  • left side: list of tags, notebooks, notes and chat;
  • middle part: thumbnails of all documents, notebooks, notes;
  • right side: note with familiar Word tables and fonts.

How to create a note

The main function of the evernote app is to take notes. It could be an email, a text message, a photo, a business idea, or an important file. The program allows you to create up to 100,000 individual notes. The only limit is the size of a single file, which for the free account should not exceed 25 MB, and for the premium version - 100 MB. How to create a note:

When working with text files, the basic version of evernote will suffice. If you need to store photos, videos or other bulky materials, then there are two more types of paid version of the program for this:

  1. A plus. Here you get 1 GB of free space for your records per month. The basic version has 60 MB.
  2. Premium. There is no space for notes. Additional features are available. You can easily find out about them on the official website of the program.

How to expand the capabilities of evernote

When you are looking for information by browsing many sites, then in order not to lose the desired article, there are additional features of evernote. The evernote Web Clipper extension allows you to save interesting materials that you find on the Internet, add your comments and share them with other people. To download the add-on to the browser, go to the official website of the application, click on the "Products" link, which is located at the bottom of the page. Next, find the extension and download it.

The price of the paid version of the program

The service of paid notebooks is very popular in Russia because of its low cost. If you subscribe to the premium version for one month through the App Store, it will cost 317 rubles 50 kopecks. The cost of the program, issued through the official website, will cost almost two times cheaper - 150 rubles / month. To do this, you only need a bank card or a WebMoney wallet. If you buy a premium for a year, then the price of the version will be 1450 rubles.

Video: what is evernote and how to use it

Advanced course on Evernote from Evgeny Popov

Hello everyone, I decided to write today about Evernote as an indispensable tool for those who work a lot with information.


What is Evernote?

Evernote is an online service for saving various kinds of notes and synchronizing them with all devices on which Evernote is installed. Even if the program is not installed, the notes can be accessed through a web browser.

The key here is note sync. Evernote has programs for all popular desktop and mobile operating systems, which makes this service stand out from many others like it. A note created on a computer can be easily found and read on a computer or tablet.

In addition to synchronization, Evernote has a huge ability to create a wide variety of notes and arrange them for easy storage and use. Upon registration, a new user account receives 60 MB per month to store information.

Signing up for Evernote

Notes can be both plain text and handwritten notes, photos, screenshots, audio notes, and even copies of web pages.

Notes can be created on Mac and Windows computers, as well as on mobile devices running on iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch), Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, webOS (Palm Pre and Pixi). At a particular moment, you can use the device that you have at hand.

Note: I want to draw your attention to the fact that Evernote will not be useful to everyone, although the capabilities of this service are universal. I have personal observations on this. The thing is that until your information turnover grows to a certain level, Evernote will seem like an extra tool to you.

It was the same with me. I undertook to use this service four times and abandoned it the same number of times, so do not rush to blame the program, it's just that it's still redundant in terms of functionality for you. Let's now see the main features of Evernote.

How notes are created in Evernote

Working in Evernote starts with creating a note. Notes are the basic element in the Evernote system. They can be both text and contain sounds, files and pictures. In fact, any note initially has either a text format or a handwritten one.

First way. To create a note, you can click on the "New note" button in the program itself and start writing something inside it, add pictures or a sound recording. The button itself "New Note" allows you to create other types of notes, except for text, if you click on its right edge.

The second way. Use the extension " Evernote Web Clipper". The web clipper allows you to save everything you find on the Internet - the content of web pages, the entire page, or just a link to it.

This extension exists for all popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer. You can install it for Google Chrome by going to.

The third way. Create a note using the jump sheet. As a Windows 7 user, I recently discovered the jump lists that appear when you right-click on an application pinned to the taskbar.

So, in Evernote, this pop-up menu allows you to:

  • create a new text note
  • a note from a fragment of the screen
  • a note from the contents of the clipboard
  • search notes

Creating notes from screenshots can be useful for capturing unusual moments on the screen, for example, how I deleted music from my phone, do not think that this is true data:

I want to note that these and even more functions are available from the Evernote context menu in the system tray, but, in my opinion, the jumplist is more convenient to use.

How notes are organized inEvernote

Creating a note is half the battle, you still need to make it convenient to work with them. For these purposes, Evernote provides:

  • Notepads
  • Tags
  • Attributes

Notebook- this is something like a separate notebook for specific purposes. For example, I have a notepad to save information about the movies I want to watch. In it I write down ideas for future articles, designs and everything related to the blog.

Notebooks can be of two types: synchronized and local.

There are two options to choose from: Invite Users or Create a public link. In the first case, a limited number of people will have access to the notebook, and they will not be able to change its contents, only view it. In the second case, the notebook becomes public, and any user can not only view, but also edit the notebook.

Tags- assignment of additional information about notes, for additional convenience in working with them. For a long time I could not find an adequate and real use for labels until recently. Labels should be used to sort notes within a notebook when creating a separate notebook would be impractical. I will give an example of a notebook about the site. Wu already mentioned that in that notebook I have notes about future articles, blog design and various thoughts about it.

So, you need to create separate tags for design, articles and ideas. This will help you better navigate your notes. If you come up with your own ways of using labels, share them in the comments to this article.

Attributes– allow you to find and filter notes by the technical data that each note has. Unlike labels and notebooks, attributes are immutable.

Using attributes, you can search for notes by the date of creation and modification, by content, by source. Attributes somewhat remind me of labels, only pre-created and immutable. For myself, I have not yet found the use of attributes, probably my information turnover is not yet large enough for them.

Ways to use Evernote

For many people, Evernote remains something of a mystery due to the fact that they do not know how to use this tool in everyday life. Here you will learn about the most popular scenarios for using Evernote.

1. Create to-do lists, shopping lists, etc.

There are a lot of ways to use checklists, it all depends on your imagination. For example, you can create shopping lists, daily tasks, future goals, or just a list of movies you want to watch.

2. Create a virtual library - I have a collection of lyrics

You can use notepads to create digital libraries or catalogs of your DVDs, video games, books, and anything else. Take photos of them and add notes to them, or even make notes if you've lent something to your friend. You can do the same with business cards, you don’t even have to sign them - the text on them is automatically recognized and will be available for searching.

3. Use Evernote Web Clipper

Did you see something interesting on the Internet? Use this plugin to save an interesting article, its fragment or just a link to it.

4. Share notes with friends


In order not to overload the text, I have separated the frequently asked questions into a section. If you don't understand something, feel free to ask questions in the comments.

How to delete notepad, note, label

You can delete a notebook using the context menu that appears when you right-click on the desired notebook, note, or tag.

How to delete an account

You can delete your account through the web interface. To do this, sign in to, then go to settings. Then, at the very bottom, select "Deactivate account".

Account deletion occurs through the web interface

Please note that before deactivating an account, you need to delete all notes and notebooks, since Evernote itself does not delete user data.

WhatEvernote Premium

A premium subscription expands on the standard features of Evernote. Its price is 45 usd/year. Here's what you get in addition:

  • Create, save and copy monthly up to 1 GB of new notes
  • Add up to 100MB of ideas, files and web pages to each note
  • Search PDF attachments in notes
  • Offline notepads on Android, iOS and Windows Phone
  • Share notebooks with friends and allow others to edit them
  • Priority recognition of text in images
  • Top Priority Technical Support
  • Ability to set a PIN code when entering the application on iOS and Android
  • View previous versions of notes
  • Ability to turn off advertisements

What are the limitations of a free account

The main limitation is the 60 MB per month limit for creating notes, and the size of the note itself is also limited. Text in pictures is not recognized as quickly as in the premium subscription.

Evernotewithout Internet(offline)

Programs for computers can work without an Internet connection. You can fully work, but without synchronization. In mobile apps, you can only create notes, because notes already created are downloaded from the network as needed, rather than stored on the device. To make all notes available on mobile devices offline, you need to purchase a premium subscription.

Hotkeys inEvernote

Hotkeys will work from another app, as long as Evernote is running. Here they are:


I once wrote a review of one interesting online note-taking service, an alternative to Evernote -. Now it has closed, but there are other interesting options:

  • Microsoft One Note - as close as possible to evernot in terms of functionality
  • - a simple, fast and convenient solution for owners of android smartphones

  • Pocket is a delayed reading service, somewhat similar to evernot, but more highly specialized.

Frequently asked Questions

How to send a note or file to another person by mail?

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Evernote... This word has been used a lot lately. What a miracle is ? I will say right away, in no case do not ignore this lesson, and this the program is absolutely free! It can make your life much easier. Even if you are not a webmaster, be sure to read this lesson, because Evernote will definitely come in handy in your life!

Evernote is something similar to a text editor, where you can store graphic files along with text, as well as audio recordings in one document. I will say right away that I mastered (studied) this program only from the 4th time, that is, I started to master it, did not find a place for application - I deleted it. But in my environment, more and more people began to talk about this program (in particular, in Twitter). And every time I enthusiastically undertook to study this program and deleted it again. As a result, from the 4th time, after all, I understood what it was for! 🙂

I will try to slowly but surely tell you why YOU need it. First I will give a little theory, and then practice. If you still, do not trust me, doubt that you need Evernote, then go straight to the end of the lesson (bypassing the installation / registration process), read how I use Evernote (the paragraph “Areas of my use of Evernote” - namely this part is the most interesting and reveals only a small part of the program's capabilities).

The main idea behind Evernote is to remember everything. That is, the essence of the program is as follows: all ideas, necessary notes, etc. write in Evernote, and then among all this “heap” look for something useful, well, or inspiration :).

Evernote Features

  • This is the main feature of the program, here's what it is: install Evernote on your computer and on your mobile phone (there are applications for almost any phone), I repeat, it's absolutely free. And what you write down (some note), for example, on your phone, will almost instantly appear on the server, then as a result - on your computer.
  • Distribution of notes by notebooks and tags.
    Your Evernote will have a bunch of notes that are arranged randomly. At first it seems that among all this garbage it is very difficult to find something, but it is not. Notes can be scattered into folders (in Evernote they are called notebooks), as well as set labels. Thanks to the quick search, it is very easy to find what you need.
  • Ability to attach media files.
    It is very convenient to save photos taken from the phone and all kinds of voice notes.

Please take 2 minutes of your time and watch this video to understand a bit about Evernote.


Evernote practice

I am almost 90% sure that you have actually understood very little so far. I understand you perfectly, but the material for submission is rather difficult, I don’t know which side to approach. I think it’s better now to give practice, and then advice and recommendations from how to use evernote.

Registering and Installing Evernote

Evernote on mobile

  • If you are the owner of a Symbian phone, then read this topic.

Evernote web clipper in browser

After you have installed the Evernote app on your mobile phone, you need to take the last step, namely install Evernote in browser. Do not deprive yourself of this convenience, be sure to add the Evernote extension to your favorite browser. I will provide links, go one of them by choosing your browser:

How to use Evernote

So, the most difficult process of using the excellent service has passed, namely, the process of registering and installing the program has passed! Congratulations! Now I will tell you how to use Evernote.

1. Double-click on the Evernote icon, which is located in the lower right corner next to the clock (by default, Evernote is automatically loaded when the operating system is loaded):

2. For convenience, create one notebook, which will be the default, that is, all notes, images, audio recordings will be saved in this notebook by default. Then, when you have time, you can “scatter” notes on the necessary notebooks. Believe me, this is very convenient (sometimes there is simply no time to send the written idea “to the right” notebook, pick up the appropriate tags, etc.). This notebook is called “Inbox”.

To create a new notebook in the program window, click on File –> New Notebook…:

Set a name for the notebook (whatever is convenient for you), leave a check mark on the item “Synchronized notebook” and in this case check the box next to “This will be my default notebook”, that is, in other notebooks that you create, you do not need to check the box:

3. Try creating a new note. To do this, click on the “New Note” button (hot key “CTRL+N”):


That's all! A new note has been created. You don’t need to save it (there’s not even a “Save” button as such 🙂), because automatic synchronization is in progress. That is, this note will appear on the server in a few minutes, and as a result, on the mobile phone, when it is synchronized with the server. If you cannot wait, and you urgently need to synchronize notes, then just click on the “Synchronization” button (“hot” key - F9):

You can also change the Evernote sync time. To do this, go to the tab Service –> Settings:

And in the "Synchronization" tab, select the most convenient option for you. For example, I set 15 minutes:

Using the Evernote Web Clipper

Now let's take a look at such a “cool” thing as the Web Clipper. I'll use Google Chrome as an example, since . After installing the Web Clipper for Chrome (download links for your browser are located a little later in this tutorial, see “Evernote Web Clipper in the Browser”), this icon will appear:

By clicking on it for the first time, the following window will open:

Enter your username and password from your Evernote account, check the box next to "Remember me" and click on the "Login" button.

Further, if you see any interesting site or page, you can save its address in Evernote. Just click on the same “elephant” icon in the browser and click on the “Save URL” button, you can also save the entire page:

Very often it happens that you do not need to save the entire page, but only some part of it. For example, some useful advice or an interesting statement. To do this, simply select the desired fragment with the mouse, click on the right mouse button. There, find the “Evernote Web Clipper” item and click on “Save Selection” in the sub-item. And that's it, the selected fragment is now in your Evernote:

If you also use the Chrome browser like me, then I strongly recommend installing another extension. Evernote Clearly(developers promise that Clearly will appear on other browsers very soon).

The essence of the application is as follows: by activating Clearly, you have the opportunity to read the post in its “pure form”, that is, without any advertising, navigation, etc. See, its features:

This was the original page, but here's what happens when you activate Evernote Clearly:

Impressive? Me yes :). Also, this “formatted” page can be immediately added to Evernote by pressing 1 button or sent to print in this form. It is especially convenient when there are a lot of distracting objects on the site (advertising, banners, etc.) or you need to read a rather long text.

If you use Google Chrome, you should definitely download Evernote Clearly.

Using Mail for Evernote

There is another handy feature in Evernote: a special mailbox is created for each account, and after you send an email to this mailbox, the contents of the letter will appear in your Evernote.

Evernote and Twitter

You can also link Evernote to Twitter. Another very interesting feature: you send a private message on Twitter to a certain account, and this message will appear in your Evernote.

How to connect Evernote and Twitter is described in great detail

My Evernote Applications

Hmm, here we come to the most interesting :). I forced you to spend some time on “dealing with this miracle”, but many may have questions: “Why, in fact, do I need this? I have lived without Evernote and will continue to live without it.” Hmm, I'll try to convince you by personal examples that Evernote will make your life much easier and save a lot of time.

1. Documents in Evernote.

So, the first thing I did was put scanned/photographed copies of my documents into Evernote. After turning 21, I still can't remember the serial numbers of my passport. Now, when I need to know them, I open Evernote on my mobile, find the “Documents” notebook, the “Passport” note (or just use the search). That's all, all the "numbers" in full view. Similarly with TIN, student ID, etc.

2. Tourism.

Now, when I go to a city I don't know, I just can't imagine my life without Evernote. I have a “Cities” notebook and there are notebooks in it by the name of cities (yes, in Evernote, a notebook can be “put” into a notebook, similar to a subfolder; I’ll tell you how to do this a little lower).

For example, recently I often travel to Kazan (I liked this city 🙂). Yes, after several trips I more or less find my bearings there, but when I came for the first or second time, this city was a “dark forest” for me :). What I've done? In advance, I found routes to the destination on the computer, took screenshots (photographed the specified area of ​​the monitor) and saved it to Evernote.

Also in Evernote I sent:

  • time of departure/arrival of buses;
  • taxi numbers, hotel numbers (it is inconvenient to store on the phone a dozen numbers that you call 1-2 times a year).
  • sent addresses / phone numbers of cafes, bars.
  • sent photos, names and surnames of bloggers that I would like to meet on . Let me remind you that I attended such events for the first time and did not know anyone. So, on the way to Kazan, on the bus, I “studyed” bloggers (names, surnames, photos, blog addresses) :). I also “picked” and sent their business cards to Evernote so as not to collect “waste paper” in my pockets.

3. Sites.

Of course, I use Evernote a lot for my websites. For example, at the moment I want to change the design for . So, in Evernote I have a notebook called (and so on for each site). In this notebook, I created a note “Design for Zonahelp” and using the Web Clipper (see above for what a Web Clipper is), I put template addresses (URLs) into it, so I have a list.

Also, by going to some sites, you can see “cool things” that I would like to use in the future on my sites, I immediately send such “things” to Evernote. And only then, I sit, study everything, look through the templates, add some comments and ideas that came to me during my trip to the University (I always have my phone with me 🙂). Very comfortably!

4. Useful information.

When I create another blog, I have to repeat the same steps. For example, install the same plugins. But, as you know, some plugins require you to enter php code into the template. Previously, I had to frantically search for those same codes in the lessons or in Yandex, but now I just open Evernote and enter, for example, “Page navigation” in the search.

A note about the WP Page Numbers plugin immediately pops up. It already has a link to mine, a link to download the plugin and php code to display pagination. This is what you need!

Believe me, it's damn convenient! There are more and more such “interesting” codes, all kinds of plug-ins in my Evernote every day.

5. Wallets.

I also have a notebook called “Wallets”. There are various notes called “Webmoney”, “Yandex Money”, “Payment details for Sbercard”, etc. If the numbers of webmoney wallets can still be simply written into the contacts of the phone, but the details for the card are impossible (TIN of the bank, TIN of the recipient, current account, BIC of the bank, etc.).

Since recently (with the purchase of an iPhone) I use mobile mail very often, this notebook is very useful for me.

6. Books.

Like I said, I've been lately. And while reading, a certain paragraph (some interesting thought of the author) just wants to be written down somewhere in order to think about it later. I used to copy what I needed on a piece of paper or in Word. But in both cases, all this was lost, forgotten.

And now I just select this very paragraph and send it to Evernote. Then in the “Books” notebook, there is the name of the note = the name of the book and I read what I need, and anywhere: in transport, before going to bed, on a computer, etc. Isn't it great?

7. Shopping.

I also have a "Buy" notepad. See how I use it: let's say I was going to buy a car. As you know, the choice is not easy, you need to “climb” everywhere, to see what's what. So, looking through hundreds of options and interesting pages, “candidates” that meet my requirements (brand, price, etc.), I send to Evernote (links) in the “Car” notebook.

Or let's take another case. You need to visit the grocery store and buy a bunch of things for the New Year. Remembering everything is simply not realistic. And again Evernote comes to the rescue :).

We create a new note called “Products for the New Year” and write a list that can be “marked as done”:

Then we go to the store, take out the phone, take the cart and put everything we need there :). For example, they put a loaf, ticked the box, and so on down the list. You won't forget anything for sure.

8. Study.

Evernote also helps me a lot in my studies. Previously, when they asked something (some kind of abstract), I wrote it down anywhere, that is, in some kind of notebook, for example. And after a month has passed, it is time to write the same abstract, I start looking in all notebooks for this entry (the topic of the abstract). As a result, a lot of time has been spent and it is not yet known if I gave this notebook to someone. And now everything is simple :).

I also have a notebook called “Diploma”. There I collect all the material for the diploma, write down different ideas that come to me anywhere. And thanks to Evernote, nothing is lost and everything is located in one place!

9. Templates.

It is also very convenient to store letter templates in Evernote, for example. As you remember, most recently my . And in this regard, I began to exchange links with sites that are located in my rubric. So I created a letter template and send offers to site owners.

Guess what I do to avoid duplicate offer letters by accident? That's right, I add the addresses of the sites to which I offered partnership to Evernote :).

10. Future.

I also have a very interesting notebook called “Future”. There I gather ideas for a future house, apartment, car, and finally for a wedding :).

Another useful notepad in my Evernote is a notepad called “Download”. There I throw off the names of films, music, books that you need to download / watch / read. For example, someone in my circle advises me to watch some cool movie, I instantly take out my phone, open Evernote and create a new note (or audio recording).

12. Reflections.

There is another unusual notebook in my Evernote. It is called “Reflections”, where I write down my thoughts. These may be the results of some experiments, etc. Here is an example of one of the notes that is included in this notebook (don't laugh 🙂):

Brought a smile? I am pleased to:). In fact, I began to write such “advice to myself” based on my own observations :). Sometimes before going to bed, I look through them. Or, when I want to meet some charming girl, but something stops (as always excuses, like “she’s too beautiful for me”, “she definitely has a boyfriend”, etc.), I look into Evernote: ). Oddly enough, it works very well. 😉


In general, Evernote can be used in any way and anywhere. If you found tips on using Evernote useful and you want to read more stories about how people use Evernote, go to this link and click on the button “Link to my account":

And then “Connect this notebook”:

Next, open Evernote. In your notes, go to the “Aliens” tab:

The first time you open this notebook, you just need to click on the “OK” button. Wait a little while the notes are downloaded from the server.

And in this general note, you will find a bunch of tips and tricks for using Evernote from ordinary people with different professions (photographers, journalists, bloggers, etc.):

There are also a lot of tips and tricks for using Evernote on the official developer blog What is only one note “Getting ready for the holidays with Evernote”.

Are you still reading? 🙂 Not tired? Congratulations, almost everyone :).

I promised to show how you can “put” a notebook into a notebook.

Just drag the required notebook into another notebook (as if you were dropping a shortcut into a folder):

If you accidentally moved a notebook to the wrong notebook, simply drag it back into Notebooks (at the very top):

A few statistics on my use of Evernote:

  • I've only been using it for about 3 months.
  • Why you need “this miracle” I understood only once from the fourth (and I installed it for the first time back in the spring, in my opinion).
  • 171 notes were created in 3 months;
  • The more I use Evernote, the more and more often notes are created in it.

Now, probably, the question that worries many who have read this far: What is the difference between a paid account and a free version?

In the free version of the account, the amount of data that is transferred to the server per month cannot exceed 60 MB. Believe it or not, it's enough for me. Photos on my phone that I send to Evernote weigh a little, so I still don’t see a lack of a free version.

But I feel, at this rate, I will start using Evernote VERY actively, and these 60 MB per month will not be enough for me and I will have to switch to a paid version. But, believe me, I will not regret $45 a year to pay for such a great program.

Read about all the differences between the paid version and the free version.

If, for example, you want to choose a new header for the site (here, when saving the URL, it will be rather inconvenient to make a choice), you can add images directly to your notes without worrying about megabytes. To do this, simply create an additional LOCAL notebook:

That is, in this way you can store a huge number of images in Evernote. Just notebooks being local WILL NOT SYNC. I doubt that you will view a bunch of headers for the site through the phone. So in this case, a local notepad is what we need.


Friends, believe me - this is not an advertising article, I just want ALL readers of my blog to start using Evernote. If you really start using it, I'm sure that all 100% of those who used it will be grateful to me (if, of course, they learned about this program for the first time from me) :).

If suddenly the program interested you very much and you have little information on this great program, then here is a cool video course on Evernote.

Remember everything! ;).

P.s. I apologize for the fact that there have been few lessons lately: the last session at the university and New Year's corporate parties at work ... And so, I hope the lesson did not tire you too much and turned out to be useful :).

Thank you for your attention, see you in the next lessons!

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