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Are there real earnings on the Internet. Is it possible to make money on the Internet? Gambling. Casino, poker star, roulette, slot machines

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to devote this note to the answers to several very popular questions, which are often asked not only to me personally, but also to search engines. The most important of them is "is it realistic to make money online?" Usually they also ask in more detail.

Can this be done without investing money? How much can you earn if you devote two hours a day to it? What do you need to know for this? How long does it take to learn this and how long does it take to work to reach, say, 50 thousand rubles a month? Many are interested in the same? Let's talk about all this in order.

Money from the internet

How and who makes money online? This is a key question that plagues many. In addition, most are worried about the issue of investments, because few have the initial capital that they could put into circulation, and not everyone is ready to invest in something that is not yet fully understood and there is no guarantee that you will not be deceived.

In general, all schemes for making money on the Internet can be conditionally divided into free and paid, i.e. with and without attachments. That being said, each of these approaches has its own pros and cons.

If you are ready to invest, then you have quite a few options for earning:

  1. You can
  2. You can engage in serious traffic arbitrage (speculation with the flow of targeted visitors - you take them cheaper than the profit derived from them)
  3. You can quickly (by hiring a team of professionals) create a content project (article site, public on social networks, YouTube channel) and using various paid methods quickly unleash the whole thing
  4. There are still a lot of less popular and obvious, but no less profitable ways to invest money on the Internet (see the article about), in order to earn decent money later ().

But what to do when there is no money or theirs limited quantity? How, in this case, can you make money on the Internet and can you do it at all? Yes, it is possible, but not in the way most beginners imagine it.

This is because the newbie asks the wrong questions to the search engine, which they should. Therefore, he receives the wrong answers that could really be useful to him. But let's talk about everything in order.

If you are a so-called newbie in internet marketing and are looking for ways to make money online, then I advise you to take the information below seriously. For some reason, no one talks about this especially, at least not often. There are two key points to focus on.

Money on the Internet doesn't come out of thin air - it comes from sales

Hence the conclusion - joining this scheme, you either sell something of your own, or something else. Everything is sold on the network - ordinary goods, information, services, etc. The bottom line is that online marketing is always about selling. Moreover, in most cases we are not talking about sales in the literal sense of the word - no one calls anyone and doesn’t sell anything, unless it’s an online store (but there’s nothing without it).

Most often, in order to make a profit on the network, it is enough just one way or another disseminate product information... And they are related to this, i.e. either with advertising or with the dissemination of information about goods or services.

In fact big market, and if you are not selling something of your own here, then you are selling (promoting) something else. And making money on someone else's means using affiliate programs in one form or another.

It turns out that worldwide network Is one big affiliate program. Because if you are paid money, then something has been sold somewhere on the Internet. And you were the reason. It means that a person passed through you and bought something somewhere. Due to ignorance or inexperience, you may not see this, but this is so (as with that gopher, which is not visible, but which is).

Remember this key thought and the world of online business will become much (or a little) clearer for you. If you receive money, it means that someone on the network spent it. There is no other way. Money here (and anywhere else) does not come from nothing. They (money) here are not virtual at all, but just as real (they are not printed on a printer), as elsewhere. To get them, someone has to spend them (buy something).

How and who makes money online?

In this regard, the popular meme sounds surprisingly that it makes no sense to contact affiliate networks on the network, because you can't get a lot of money from this. Well, then sell something of your own - goods, services or your time.

Where you can make money quickly without any investment (selling your time)

I will touch on the latter in a little more detail - selling their time... I wrote about this in detail in the article about. You can sell time for a high price only if you are a pro in any area in demand - then you have a way to or something like that.

If you do not have special skills, then the payment will be significantly lower, but it will be. The ways to make money in this case are quite simple:

  1. well, or something else specific (for example, installation)

All of the above will not require any investment from you and will really bring money. But this is more likely to earn extra money, because there can only be large sums of "pasha like an ox", which few can withstand for a significant period of time. But, if money is needed here and right away, then these methods have no competition.

The one who knows how to attract targeted traffic really makes money online

However, back to the thought of the day - all the money in the network revolves around sales. All interaction is based on the principles of affiliate programs - you bring a client, for which you are paid a commission. The scheme may not be so straightforward, but the essence remains the same.

It's simple. The Internet is always about sales, if we consider it from the point of view of obtaining material benefits. Hence the second main conclusion - if you want to start earning (and not) on the Internet, then you must learn how to attract targeted traffic.

It sounds mysterious, so I'll explain. Targeted traffic refers to interested, ready-to-buy customers (people who potential buyers goods, services, information, etc.). It doesn't matter where you will attract them - for goods, information products, services, websites or online services.

What is good about the Internet and how it differs from offline ( real life)? The fact that here you can quickly find a buyer (target audience), if you know where and how to look for it. And the one who knows how to do it earns.

Guys! This is a "bitter" truth. There are no really working super methods on the network called the "loot button", there are no programs that will work for you (they are sold in abundance on the network) - like, set up, connect and go do your own thing - the Internet will now work for you ... It's all scams that you are so afraid of and for which you are so willing to fall for!

Is passive income possible?

Fully passive earnings on the Internet does not exist. Option partly possible passive receiving income, but only after a lapse of time (and not immediately, as many want), when you have experience and a well-established scheme. Then yes - these schemes work for you.

If you are a beginner webmaster, then you should forget about "quickly" and first of all study the ways to attract targeted traffic and create earning schemes that will feed you later.

There is no other way. All multifaceted business on the Internet is associated with attracting traffic, i.e. people and customers. Because without customers (traffic), there is no sales, and no sales - no money.

And those who know how to attract targeted traffic will be able to make money online on anything and anytime (in any season, on any day of the week). All the salt is in the traffic. Whoever does what (spam, public pages and groups in social networks, article sites, online stores) - all these people have one headache - how to attract targeted traffic.

If there is no traffic, then everything that you do on the Internet you are doing to no avail. All of us here (including me) are busy with one common business - search and extraction of targeted traffic... And the cheaper it is, the better. Until you understand this, you will not be able to make money on the Internet, because you will not understand what is actually happening here (the global goal of this whole process).

So. The Internet is always sales (obvious or disguised). Anything can be a sales object, up to your time (see above). To be “on top” here, you need to learn how to attract traffic. Each product has its own target audience. Moreover, traffic can also be an object of sales (the so-called traffic arbitrage, where it is bought and sold).

Is it possible to earn without investment?

In part, I already answered this question a little higher, when I described several options for exchanging my time for money (for example, VkTarget , Vorkzila , Етхт , Rukapcha , My opinion , Questionnaire, etc.). This allows you to get money without any investment (spending only your time), but does not allow you to seriously scale your profits. It may be enough for life, but this is all unskilled labor with all the ensuing disadvantages and problems.

In general, beginners should to formulate this question differently... In its original version, the “fast, but a little” services described just above, or outright scams, are best suited as an answer. Most often people mean something else - "thoroughly, much and for a long time."

In this case, the question "is it possible to earn without investment" should be replaced by the question "Is it possible to get targeted traffic for free"... And my answer to this question is yes.

Are there free sources of targeted traffic?

Yes, I have. Can they be used? Yes, you can. Almost all methods of earning money that are sold on the Internet are devoted to this very thing - how to attract the target audience for free. The only thing is that some methods are working, while others are not (no longer, or have never been working at all).

The market changes every day, and free ways advertising very quickly identified and blocked by those who are interested in selling such things and making money on it. According to the completely fair logic of the Internet, a person should pay for advertising, and not do it for free. But there are always free methods, although they very quickly become “non-working” (loopholes are closed).

These are just those schemes free receipt traffic, which have already outlived their own, are very actively sold to everyone who wants to "start earning without investment." In fact, these are scams, which are no longer able to bring any profit. Those. A scam is a non-working (and possibly never worked) way to drive traffic (a broken sales pipeline).

Well, how then to attract the target audience for free? If you have a budget, there will be a sea of ​​ways - advertising on social networks, teasers, traffic arbitrage, and much more. There will already be a headache on a different level - how to choose the right one advertising channel and how not to waste the budget. But that's a different story for another article.

But still - is it possible to attract the target audience without money(without attachments)? As I said, you can. But we can’t get away from the common truth:

or you invest money (and then you can count on quick earnings), or you are investing time.

This is an axiom. And if you do not have money, then you will hardly be able to quickly find targeted traffic, quickly attract it and quickly skim the cream off it (there are exceptions to the rules, but they only prove the rules). The more difficult it will be for a beginner without work experience.

Personally, I chose the second path and invested (and continue to invest) my time. As a result, the first significant sums began to drip from this blog only after a year or even two, and before that there was a "pure beggar" and everything was kept on pure "enthusiasm" and "faith in a bright future."

Algorithm for finding free targeted traffic (earnings without investments)

In most cases, the algorithm is simple - we are looking for places on the Internet where this traffic is already available and trying to get some of it for free. What could it be? Well, for example:

  1. search engines... Yes, it costs money, but you can replace it with time according to the above scheme and it is quite possible to receive a free stream of visitors from search engines in sufficient quantities to earn money. In any case, I have been focusing on this for many years. An article site, landing page, or online store can be a good tool for converting this free traffic in hard cash. You just need time and desire to study a dozen articles of this blog on the topic of creating, optimizing and promoting sites ...
  2. Social networks. The good news is that there is probably more traffic here than in search engines. The problem is to highlight your target audience in this stream. Here again you can not pay, but spend your time creating and maintaining your own thematic or groups to attract the necessary target audience(is free).
  3. Bulletin boards (like Avito). They are good because the traffic to them is already "warm", ie. people here anyway came to buy something, so why shouldn't they do it with you. These people are morally ready to part with money. You just have to interest them with your ad.
  4. - this is somewhat more than just a social network, and here they make good money without investment. You can work here from anywhere in the world (unlike the same Avito), you can sell anything (within reason), and it is also possible to eventually reach a semi-passive income when you have your own subscriber base and there is no need to bother too much with promotion of videos.
  5. Spam anywhere - on forums, in comments on blogs, in social networks, various services type "questions and answers" and including by e-mail. Here the flow of visitors is very low-quality and you need to attract a lot of people in order to get at least some profit from this business. Well, and (not potsan, not sporty, if you like).

It will not be possible to describe everything in detail within the framework of the article, but in other publications, I may be able to do it. Unless you will find enough materials on the first paragraph only on this blog - in fact, these are my memoirs.

Once again I want to emphasize and clarify. When I say that you will need to waste time, this does not mean at all that you will simply have to wait for the weather by the sea, lying on the couch.

All this for a long time have to plow like papa Carlo, creak your brains and postpone rest in long box... At the same time, not getting on initial stage nothing in return (except for moral satisfaction). Ready? Then success awaits you ahead. Anyway, you have to believe in it. Why? Because nothing else really remains.

Can you make money online and how much?

People are constantly interested not only in the question of "how", but also "when" and "how" they will be able to earn using one method or another. How many hours a day will need to spend on it? And how long will they need to go to reach the point of interest to them average monthly income... It is possible that while reading this publication, some of these questions are also spinning in your head and are already ready to go off your tongue.

In fact, this is all natural and easy to explain. We transfer all this to online marketing from our real life. When getting a job offline, we discuss all these issues in detail with the employer, and only after receiving a satisfying answer makes a decision whether to get involved with it or not. Why should the Internet be different? Everything is quite logical. But at the same time, it is fundamentally wrong. Why?

Neither I nor anyone else knows and cannot know the answers to all these "ordinary" questions. Anyone who says he knows is most likely a scammer and wants to sell you something. There is no exact answer and. You can speak from your own experience, but all people are so different that it is practically impossible to meet a person completely similar to you.

Online business reveals people - there are no bosses, there are practically no mentors and you are your own commander - you can sleep all day, or you can (like me) drive yourself to work until you are completely exhausted. Who are you by nature - a workaholic or a loaf?

The answers to all the above questions are tied specifically to you and your innate or acquired abilities (already manifested or still latent). Especially this important when starting without investment when it is impossible to lean on a thick wad of money that will help solve a bunch of current problems.

Here it can affect how your natural preferences in the online business itself (it will be easier for someone to cut the money on copywriting, for someone it will be more interesting and easier to run your website, someone is perfect for running a channel on YouTube, someone is a born affiliate, analyst, etc.), and your ability to work at all (without prodding from the outside).

But I don’t know, because I don’t know you. And you may not even have a predisposition to any type of Internet (or any other type) of business, and your entire undertaking in this field in any case will be doomed to failure. Or, on the contrary, everything will burn in your hands and for what you do not take, everything will bring income and a lot of pleasure. These are two extremes, between which there are countless less radical options.

More or less income can be predicted in, which I gave above. There, in fact, there is an employer who pays for certain actions at a certain rate. It is offered there, and to a pensioner, which means that total income depends more on perseverance than on your abilities (although, for example, a competent presentation of thoughts is required, which is not given to everyone). But the income level is not there to satisfy the ambitions of the majority.

When implementing their own schemes for making money on the Internet, there can be no specifics. For example, all the names of courses or cases on earnings like "60 thousand rubles per month for ..." are no more than. Even if the author was able to earn 60 thousand rubles a month on this, it is not a fact that he will repeat everything exactly again - he will get the same result. Over the past time, the conjuncture may change, and the stars may not develop. I'm not even talking about the fact that using his experience another person will earn the same amount. This is far from a fact.

Online business Is primarily a business, which is practically synonymous with the word lottery... If one of the dozens of tested business schemes works, then that's great. Everything else is swept aside and efforts are directed towards a successful option. You, in fact, do not have the ability to test in parallel. different schemes(without financial investments) and you have to choose something specific (often at random), and therefore, even regardless of you, the result can be anything.

So, friends, you shouldn't ask questions about when and how much you can earn on the Internet if you devote two hours a day to it. Because the only correct answer is it all depends on you and from case. At the same time, no one knows you better than you yourself. No one except you knows your abilities, passions, interests and various individual characteristics that can either help or, on the contrary, hinder in such an ambiguous matter as online business.

Everything is always very subjective. Perhaps the only way to find out the answer to these questions is to take it and try it. Someone will not be given this at all, well, in any way. And for someone it will be easy. It all depends on personal characteristics... But until you try (and not once, and not even twice) you will not know it.

I would also advise you to be more careful when you ask such "naive" questions to those who sell courses and methods of earning money. Seeing you as a newbie, they may have an irresistible desire to give you the answer that you are waiting for, if only you bought the product from them.

Fast money on the Internet and my attitude to it

My advice is not to tune in to quick result... Even if the method used is proven and guaranteed. Remember that you are starting to discover a whole new, unfamiliar world of online business. And even if the result is very quick, then let it be a pleasant surprise for you. But do not initially set yourself up for quick money on the Internet - this almost always leads to disappointment.

Although over time (if you don’t quit sooner), you will most likely realize that making money on the Internet is not so difficult (there are jobs that are much more difficult, tedious and unpleasant). But this comes with time and experience. The Internet is the same real life, just with its own specifics, which takes time to understand. Online business is as solid business as any other offline business.

Therefore, take your time, study, delve into, test, enjoy the process and you will definitely succeed. If others succeed, you will succeed. On the Internet, you can earn and raise a lot of money, but this usually happens with those who have experience and knowledge. And most often it just takes time to get them. That's the whole secret of success.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Welcome readers of the "site"! This article will focus on making money on the Internet: how you can make money on the Internet without investments and invitations from 500 -1000 rubles per day and which sites for making money online with the withdrawal of money work without deception.

The information will be useful for everyone:

  • who is looking real ways making money on the Internet;
  • who is attracted by the idea of ​​making money on the Internet without investments and deception;
  • who need money right now, but have no time to study in order to master a new profession.

So, let's begin!

The best ways to make money online right now without investing money, invitations and cheating for a newbie from scratch - in our issue

1. Who is suitable for making money on the Internet?

The opportunity to make money on the Internet opens up endless prospects: now workplace Is the whole world. Moving, having a child, traveling to a distant country will not interfere with work. The main thing is to take a laptop with you and have constant access to global network Internet.

Making money online is suitable for many people:

  • students;
  • schoolchildren;
  • pensioners;
  • housewives;
  • young mothers on maternity leave;
  • people on vacation;
  • workers who need additional cash.

This list can be continued for a long time.

To choose the option that suits you, important familiarize yourself with all the ways to make money on the Internet: in some cases, you will need to acquire certain skills, in others, no special knowledge is required.

It all depends on what exactly the user wants to do in order to receive financial rewards!

2. Earning money on the Internet without investments - is it real?

Let's start with the fact that making money on the Internet without investments is quite real! At the same time, by the concept of "no investment" people mean completely different things:

  • the first want to learn how to make money online without financial investments,
  • second- how to make money on the Internet without investments own forces and time;
  • third- without investing a penny, without spending time and effort, that is, completely "for free."

Information for beginners!

Many people want to receive extra money online, but they are afraid of scammers.

Indeed, there are dishonest people online, just like in real life, but there are more respectable customers.

You shouldn't look for a hidden catch in every online money-making offer.


You can protect yourself from intruders if you know exactly the sites where you need to look for remote work.

Websites for making money on the Internet are given in the same article.

How to make money on the Internet without investments - read about 3 options for making money online right now

3. Options for making money on the Internet without investment

Serious income on an ongoing basis involves having a certain amount of money... In this case, you can really hit the jackpot, for example, at the auction.

Some lucky ones are lucky: they win fortunes. on rates that do sports: football, hockey, tennis, etc. We have already told you where to get free predictions in a separate article.

If a user has his own website, he earns from selling links, own information products or advertising. But he will have to spend money. The site owner will have to be sure that no one will close his Internet resource, so you will need to buy hosting with a domain, as well as order content for copywriters.

But there are ways to make money online without investments. They can be seen as a vehicle to create start-up capital for a future business.

Option number 1. Earnings without costs or with minimal financial investment

Option number 3. Ways to make money online without any investment

Using any of the methods, the user will be able to receive a certain amount, but you can't count on permanent earnings.

You shouldn't quit your main job because of them.

In addition, many methods cannot be called legal in the full sense of the word.

Proven ways to make money online for beginners

4. How to make money online without much investment right now - 11 real ways to make money online for beginners

Internet users spend a lot of time online. Any beginner can start making money if he chooses a really working method without cheating. This does not require a lengthy course of study or effort.

So, it's time to discover the truth about the top earning opportunities on the Internet, which have already been tested in practice.

Method number 1.

Online Games- popular entertainment among Internet users. Fans of online games spend a lot of time in in social networks... Here they play " Gladiators», « World of Tanks" or Dota.

If we turn to statistics, then only one World game of WarCraft play 7.000.000 people all over the world.

Each player must pay a monthly subscription in the amount of 13 euros(over 1.000 rub.). It is not difficult to calculate that developers' profit amounts to several million dollars a month.

How to make money on games is the main point of making money

How to make money on games is the essence of making money

A fan of an online game can invite other players, from whose monthly payments he will be credited with a constant income. No labor is easy.

It is worth thinking about all gamers and not only. The amount of earnings on games can be RUB 300,000

How to make money on Odnoklassniki - the main ways to make money

8 proven ways to make money on Odnoklassniki

  1. The user takes part in the vote.
  2. The profile owner can participate in affiliate programs.
  3. The user creates and promotes his own group.
  4. A businessman is launching an online store on Odnoklassniki.
  5. There is an opportunity to make money on applications or games.
  6. Paid advertising generates good income.
  7. Account holders sell goods and services.
  8. Earning money on the Internet on file hosting - allows you to get good money for the owners of files for the fact that other network users download them.

As you can see, even a beginner is able to make money in

Method number 5. Earnings on vKontakte (

Almost everyone has an account on the popular social network VKontakte. VK has over 70 million users. These are mainly active young people keeping up with the times. They discuss new technologies and gadgets. Creative youth prefers interesting and original entertainment.

Once they start working, they easily reach a monthly income level equal to 5 - 10 thousand rubles... There are also some users who have already promoted their account on "VKontakte". Their monthly earnings range from 50 thousand rubles.

How to make money on Vkontakte - only proven ways

TOP-7 ways to make money on "VKontakte"

Practice shows that you can make good money in the following ways:

  1. buying up traffic with subsequent resale on favorable terms;
  2. provision of various services;
  3. design of groups, their promotion, as well as administration;
  4. trade in Chinese goods;
  5. custom-made crafts and their sale;
  6. creation of public pages to make money on advertising;
  7. manifestation of user activity (writing comments, leaving likes, joining different groups).

Method number 6.

Hundreds of millions of people use a large video hosting site - "YouTube". They find their favorite movies or video clips, enjoy watching entertainment programs or smart shows. Those with a drive to learn can take a closer look at the instructional video.

How you can make money on YouTube - 6 ways

Earning money on the Internet on YouTube can make a person incredible and popular... If you can collect over a million views, then soon there will be proposals from manufacturing companies to place advertisements on a popular resource. This means the profits will be huge.

Affiliate programs allow you to earn RUB 30,000 and more on video reviews.

It's easy to make a video review of a service or a training course. There is no need to buy an additional camcorder.

Any video screen capture program does an excellent job of creating a clip. In addition, the video allows you to sell your training.

What methods to use to make money on Youtube - TOP-6 ways to make money on YouTube

How contextual advertising works

To sell his product, the entrepreneur enters in the following way: he takes 1.000 rub. on the advertising campaign and goes to the search engines "Google" or "Yandex".

Method number 10. Earning money on the Internet from your phone - 5 simple options

If you do not have a computer, then those who want to work on the Internet can use mobile phone.

5 ways how you can make money on your android phone, ios, etc.

Option 1. Surfing sites

If the user has cheap internet then he can make money by surfing the internet. You need to download about 7 Mb... Required to view commercials... After creating an account, you will receive links to it. User task- open all links and watch ads.

The work schedule for the owner of a mobile phone is free. He can surf whenever he wants.

Option 2. Earnings on click-clubs

This method has its own characteristics. Here the user earns credits that are exchanged on the credit exchange.

The disadvantages include the need to add the address of the social network page (for example, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google+, etc.) in order to view ads.

Option 3. Earnings on iOS or Android mobile applications

After registering in one of the services: "TopMission" or "AppCent", the owner of the phone will receive SMS with tasks. After completing them, the user will receive money on his account.

An example of an assignment would be writing a product review.

Withdrawal of money is carried out through the "WebMoney" system or to a cell phone.

Option 4. Advertising in SMS messages

Money is credited to the account for each video viewed or advertising message read.

Option 5. Earn by playing

If you have a mobile phone, you can easily make money in the games section .

It is better to choose a popular game with many participants.

To receive a monetary reward, you need to cope with the following tasks:

  • Install the game on your mobile phone.
  • Create a character.
  • Finish the game.
  • Sell ​​a trained player in the "Announcements" section.

Today, to make money on the Internet, it is enough to have a mobile phone.

Method number 11. Earning money at home on the Internet without investment

There is earnings at home that do not require investment. For example, you can pick mushrooms for the purpose of selling them on the Internet (in social networks, on the forum, etc.). To grow them yourself, you will have to spend a little money.

Each person knows how to do something with his own hands better than others. These unique skills will be useful to other users on the network.

Method number 12. Earnings in social networks

Method number 13. Earnings from watching videos

Watching videos and getting paid is easy. You need to have Internet access and some free time. To receive a cash reward:

  • Registration is required on a special website.
  • Watch the video.
  • Enter captcha.
  • V automatic mode go to the advertiser's website.
  • Get money.

Any of the listed types of making money on the Internet is a great chance to pay for using the Internet and a mobile phone. With some effort and choosing the right path, you can achieve absolutely any amount of income.

The best sites for making money online with withdrawing money

7. Websites for making money on the Internet - a list of TOP-20 sites for beginners and professionals with real money withdrawal

In order not to become a disappointment in the Internet, you need to choose the right website for making money. The main thing is that payment for completed tasks should be received on a regular basis.

1) List of sites for making money in active advertising systems (CAP, postal services, axle boxes, etc.)

CAP or sponsored sitesreliable way to earn money. The advertiser pays for simple actions such as watching a video.

A list of verified resources will be needed by everyone who decided to try to make money on the Internet:

  1. SeoSprint- the best CAP in Runet. In a day, the user receives more 20 letters to read, endless surfing, many paid jobs. You will also receive money for passing simple tests. Minimum amount to log out of the system - 2 rubles.
  2. WMmail- a profitable postal service. There are few sites to browse, but there are dozens of emails to read. You can earn money by completing paid tasks or playing online games.
  3. Wmzona Is a multifunctional sponsor. In addition to the usual earnings on performing easy tasks, users are credited with money for placing links in social networks and on websites. It has an affiliate program and litecoin crunching / mining.

You can also find websites of foreign postal sponsors on the Internet, where they pay in 2-3 times more than Russian speakers. But there are scammers among them, so we recommend working only with those who have positive reviews from real users.

2) Websites for making money on writing texts (copywriting and rewriting)

Writing articles for money can be literate people who can interest the reader. Professional copywriter's income starts from 400 dollars... So if writing is fun, why not get into a job that is guaranteed to bring good profits?

A beginner can start with. More complex activities will take some time to master, but it will be worth it. Copywriting or seo copywriting gives you the opportunity to earn more.

Copywriters start their careers on stock exchanges. Specialized sites provide intermediary services. They help to find orders and guarantee the safety of transactions concluded on the exchange.

To the best text exchanges relate:

  1. Advego;
  2. ETXT;
  4. Textsale;
  5. ContentMonster;

You can post your articles on the exchanges.

Each copywriting exchange has its own distinctive feature:

  • Among ContentMonster not suitable for beginners. There is a very strict test selection here.
  • High-tech exchange Advego suitable for work as a copywriter of any skill level, for each of which there is a variety of work.
  • ETXT It has user-friendly interface... Customers here willingly buy ready-made articles.
  • Textsale confidently in the lead in RuNet in terms of the number of texts sold. The article store is free for copywriters, and you have to pay for access to orders 10 dollars a month.
  • The main advantage Is a service for checking uniqueness.

Those who write articles for sale are better off registering on multiple exchanges at the same time. Once the text is purchased, you must remove it from other sites.

3) Websites for making money on social networks and in various forums

  1. Forumok- a site for registration in which you need an account in social networks. After completing tasks, the user receives money. The earned money can be withdrawn through the "Webmoney" or "LiqPay" systems.
  2. SocialTools- an advertising exchange in social networks. The resource pays well. You can earn real money for likes or reposts. It takes about 5 days to withdraw money from the system.
  3. Prospero- a tool for monetizing your Twitter account. The way to make money on the Internet is suitable for promoted accounts. It is impossible to make money without readers. Income is calculated from the number of sales of advertising tweets.
  4. Linkum- unique Russian language service... Works in semi-automatic mode. Allows you to rent forum space in the signature. How more active user, the more payment. Some forum users receive monthly for one link 10 dollars. To do this, they just communicate.

4) Other sites for making money on the Internet

There are many projects on the Internet that allow you to find a job online and receive timely payments for it.

  1. Depositfiles- a file hosting service that allows you to make money on downloads. The user uploads the file to the hosting and distributes the link on the Internet. Money is charged for each download. The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 10.
  2. Irecommend- a review site provides users with the opportunity to earn money by writing reviews. You can write about any product or resource. 1,000 views of a review is a guaranteed sum of 50 rub. into the account.
  3. Pic4you Is a resource known as image hosting. Visitors see a thumbnail version of the image. As soon as the user clicks on it, the picture opens completely along with the advertisement. Payment is charged for each click.
  4. a resource offering a paid survey. You just need to answer the questions. On average, the price per survey is about 150 rub.

These sites for making money on the Internet do not require investment. They allow users to purchase necessary knowledge and skills that will be useful for working on the open spaces of the Runet.

Questions and Feedback

8. Verified reviews of real people about making money on the Internet

Newbies are always interested in the experience of successful online entrepreneurs. Nobody wants to run into " scam».

Nikolay Chervyakov - designer, freelancer

Even at the institute, I realized that my element is the Internet. I love flexible working hours and personal freedom. I implement creative ideas. I create landing pages, design websites and develop advertising layouts. I carry out complex work on the VK social network.

At the moment I am planning to open my own web studio.

Albert Hanoev - entrepreneur

The last 2 years have been intense. I have traveled to many countries doing activities that make money. I learned how to make money online. Now I am selling physical goods through my own online store.

Mikhail Kozhin - entrepreneur

Online business for me is a highly profitable hobby. Earning money on the Internet is not the only source of income for me.

Several years ago he created the first website with a culinary theme. Now I understand that there are other popular niches that are more profitable. I am currently working on information sites.

Any skill can generate additional income.

9. Frequently asked questions

Question number 1. What is the most profitable earnings on the Internet without investments in 2019?

In 2019, as in previous years, creation of your own sites, Forex, cryptocurrencies, and online stores occupy the leading positions among the ways to make money on the network, but most of them require investment. Do not believe that you can earn something without investing money, effort and time - in fact, this does not happen.

And now about each of them in more detail:

  • If Internet resource already created and promoted, it's time to move on to its monetization. You can start selling links, posting articles, or contextual advertising... Do not forget and about earnings on affiliate programs.
  • Forex will become a real opportunity if you make an effort to study the market and develop your own strategy. A beginner can choose ready-made options. It remains only to test them for own experience... It is also important to choose a reliable forex broker. One of the best is considered this brokerage company.
  • Online store no sales staff required. This resource brings money around the clock. He himself will show the goods to customers and take payment from them.
  • Cryptocurrencies also require investment of money and knowledge. This direction attracts more and more supporters of trading, stock and currency exchanges, as well as beginners and all those who want to quickly increase their capital.

Question number 2. Why is it possible to earn much more with the help of the site than without it?

The Internet resource allows you to conduct an effective advertising campaign, for which the site owner does not have to pay.

There are many ways to make money on your website. By placing an advertisement, the owner can receive money for every click. If you place a pay-per-listen audio ad on your site, you can get 100% conversion with unique leads. This is a good way - they often pay for one visit. at least $ 5.

Question number 3. How much money and in what period of time can a newbie earn on the Internet?

A beginner shouldn't rely on fast receipt high income. He will be able to receive a small income from the first days of work online, and in order to reach a serious income, he will need experience, launch and promotion of his own website.

If things go uphill, then by the end of the first year of work you can start earning from $ 1,000 provided that the newbie will deal with his resource constantly, and not from time to time. This amount cannot be considered indicative. Anyone who reaches a professional level will easily earn and $ 3,000 for 12 months.

Question number 4. How can a beginner make his first money on the Internet without investments quickly and right now?

Using any of the methods mentioned above, you can earn your first dollar almost immediately after registration. However, you should not expect a cash flow from Advego or Seosprint, which will be enough for a trip or purchase of real estate. At first, income can be compared with thin stream.

You can also try different kinds earnings and stop at a few. Should be constantly engaged self-education, so as not to miss important innovations. After all, they can help you make more money.

Watch an educational video about making money on the Internet (7 popular ways):

10. Conclusion + related video

Solid internet money is not for the lazy. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties. You need to constantly work on yourself to improve your skills. We must not forget about time management, which allows you to correctly allocate your time.

There are many sources of useful information on the Internet. Here you can get training and learn how to get traffic to your site, and it's completely free. The most curious will also find materials dedicated to the art of selling. If you need to accelerate the course, take it on the paid basis under the direction of experienced mentor.

Study online business only those who will not do anything will fail.

In conclusion, we suggest watching the video on the topic "How to make money on the Internet without financial investments - only proven ideas":

Since anyone can make money on the Internet without investments, we recommend starting to do it right now, provided that you have the desire and opportunity, and you have already learned all the information about making money on the Internet from this article.

Quite a few people are constantly looking for themselves. Moreover, most often these are beginners who do not have any knowledge in this area. It is to these people that I dedicate this article.

Faced with these or those dubious proposals, beginners are increasingly asking the question: “ Making money on the Internet is a deception and a "scam" or does it exist"? Or maybe there are proven ways to make money on the Internet? It is on this topic that we will talk in detail today. You will learn: how not to get caught in a divorce and save your time, nerves and money from scammers.

If you are new to the Internet to earn money, the information below will be extremely useful for you. After reading about the main methods of deception on the Internet, you will learn to competently and soberly evaluate all the dubious proposals that you will come across more than once on the wide expanses of the World Wide Web.

At the same time, if you are already an experienced person and are familiar with many types of "divorces on the Internet", be sure to read detailed instructions on the most popular types of earnings on the Internet... The article is called: " "? This link provides the most complete step-by-step text and video instructions for all tested and working modern ways making money on the Internet. In particular, are given really useful tips based on many years of practical experience.

I have no doubt that for experienced Internet users (webmasters, Internet merchants, freelancers, etc.) most of the information presented below has been known for a long time, but for people just starting their "path", many tips can be very useful. At the same time, even experienced "gurus" will find something interesting for themselves.

To begin with, let me immediately dispel the myth about easy money on the Internet! If you still think that you can make money quickly and easily on the Internet, then you are a potential "client" for scammers and scammers!

Many have already seen or will see similar offers more than once:

"How to get XXX money tomorrow", "How to make a lot of money here and now!" etc.

Treat such proposals with the utmost skepticism. Such offers are most often a deliberate deception and only in rare cases can you earn something from this. At the same time, if people receive money in such proposals, it is only at the first stage, and this is unlikely to be promising. Personally, I advise you not to pay attention and not waste your time on such proposals. Believe me, there are enough places on the Internet where you can earn good money with your work and not participate in various risky adventures.

Hello everyone!

One of the bitter truths is that 80% of the time you won’t make money, but 20% of your efforts and correct decisions will bring you success, but for them to be correct it takes experience. To begin with, you do not need to be a sucker and clearly understand for yourself 3 simple law making money on the Internet. The laws need not only be known, it is important to observe them, otherwise the picture will be something like this: time was killed, health may have been ruined, scammers were fed, without their pants and dough they were let go of their sins. Then we sobered up and thought yes well it tries ... this internet.

About laws:

First law: Never get fooled by easy money. "Free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap", and the English say: "There are no free breakfasts"

The second law: If the job is simple, you will only earn money

The third law: If you want to receive something - get ready to give or do something

I think it is not necessary to explain the details for each of them, everything is simple and clear. Do not be fooled by “success” trainers and various courses that promise that in a few weeks you will earn 100,000 rubles / month. At the same time, lying on the couch and still sucking money out of you. Study for yourself different ways earnings, or even better, find a mentor or upliner who, in his practice, shows real deeds and results, and will also be happy to advise and support you.

So now let's move on to the main ways to make money on the Internet:

1. Earning money for bread, and maybe more ...
2. Earnings for understanding how you can earn more later

Investment projects, HYIPs

Network companies (MLM) and other matrix projects

3 earnings for serious people



Your website or blog

Partnership programs

Your project on the Internet


Online store

Earnings without investment

To earn, for example, 1000 rubles. a day, you need to sit at the computer for at least 20 hours a day. And even then it is not an option that you will earn, depending on where, of course. In short, you will sit and plow, you will not plow.

If you want to make money on clicks, then most likely you are in trouble. You will click on advertising links, click and click, click and click, you will end up with these damn clicks in your dreams, they will follow you everywhere, and your eyes will start twitching or turn red like a vampire - this is in best case, and at worst they will fall out or burst from stress !!! Oh god ... do you still want to make money like that? Nafig need? We read on.

Polls, forums, reading articles, etc. - all the same, eyes will burst.

Writing articles (not professional copywriting) is a painstaking business, requires the talent of the author, and in order to make good money, you need to write a lot or be in authority. We pass this topic too.

File sharing

The scheme of making money here is approximately the following: we select a file-sharing service on the Internet (for example,, upload some of our files to it, if it is downloaded 1000 times, you get about 5-7 bucks.

The moral of this fable is as follows: without your advertisement, no one will know about this file and will not download it; To earn at least $ 1000 per month, you need to have about 1000 uploaded files, or better, several times more and your site must be mega-popular with a traffic of 20,000 souls a day, try this :)


Forex is a financial market where you can buy or sell currencies. As in any business, you can make decent money in Forex and go bust. Amateurs and even just organic suckers in life are flooding into this niche in a large stream. But it is unrealistic for such comrades to make money on Forex. They won't even really understand why this happened, and then everything incomprehensible will be called a scam. Therefore, those who have burned out in Forex are looking for the cause of their failures not in themselves, not in their knowledge, or in their intellect (after all, everyone secretly considers himself the smartest), but in external reasons and declare Forex a scam. In general, there is only one result - this business needs to be learned and then you will become a trader, or become an investor. It is easier to be an investor, many understand this, but for serious earnings, serious investments and rich experience are needed here, while, like a trader, there will always be a risk of falling into something.

Investment projects, HYIPs

The fact is that investing in such inventions of the human mind is profitable, but also risky. There are strategies, methods, techniques that can significantly increase the number of projects from which it will turn out to get a pretty penny for yourself. Again, the words strategy, techniques, etc. were spoken. therefore, without knowledge and experience, you are again without pants, everything is simple. The word diversification in this type of earnings is often used and it is appropriate, but more important is your experience, activity in attracting partners and sometimes flair. Newbies tend to be negative in most cases. Under favorable circumstances, a lone investor will stand in line for bread in a bakery, and advanced investors in this industry understand and most importantly know how to spread caviar on their bread.

Network companies (MLM)

MLM (network marketing) - this is complete tin.

To understand who actually earns in this business, I will briefly describe its structure.

Any network company consists of three groups of people:

1. The founders of the company are people who created the company and receive the main profit from its turnover

2. Leaders are the first persons on whom the whole company and all its distributors are held. This kind people-people, organizers of various schools, trainings, seminars. They are very powerful in motivating people sitting in the hall, inspiring them and making them want to plow MLM. These are people who get good checks in business, who stand with them on stage with golden smiles and joy on their faces, and everyone else (doomed to failure) stands, claps, stares at them and dreams.

3. Distributors (Doomed to Failure) are 95% of people who fail in business.

Attention, it is important to understand!

Only leaders make big money in MLM (network marketing), everyone else makes crumbs.

There are real leaders who are in contact with the founders of the company and are well versed in this business, they can really teach something.

There are dummy leaders who think of themselves as MLM gods, who teach business to other people, while they themselves are in the ass.

MLM business is based on the circulation of distributors - it came doomed to failure, then left, another came, also then left, etc.

The worst thing for me in this business is that some individuals, in order to earn their money, are engaged in outright lies. Another nasty thing in this area is the application of the principle of zombifying people and the fact that people succumb to this symptom. Do you want to be a zombie? It's up to you to decide, in short, it's enough to write about MLM, who wants to know everything in colors will find out himself.

Go ahead, and I will say an important thing if you immediately think about one of the following ways earnings and make a choice on some of them, then you get to a higher level, you do not waste your time, you will develop in the right direction... You will not be among those who can be called shkolota, zombie people. To be honest, I myself was like that, I had to drop it for some time, distribute my money on the Internet. Think about it, you have to get to this level, to the level of an adequate person who understands that you cannot easily get a fish out of the pond, that you need to invest or do something in order to have a profit.


Copywriting - professional activity on writing advertising and presentation texts. Such can be considered all texts that directly or indirectly advertise a product, company, service or person. Today, copywriting is more often understood as writing unique articles (from the point of view of search engines). You can write to someone directly, with a wealth of experience, you can use the exchange to search for orders ( In this case, you probably need a burning desire to write and you need a talent for a writer, knowledge of SEO (search engine optimization of articles). You can earn in different ways, as an option, in order not to be a writer all your life, you can use this method to earn capital for some of your future projects. This type of income can be attributed to freelancing.


Freelancer is a free worker, a private specialist who can simultaneously fulfill orders for different clients. The meeting place of a freelancer with a customer can be one of the popular resources located at Freelance is remote work through the Internet. It can be website promotion services, development of projects, programs, websites, design work, copyright and much more. In order to make money here, you must be able to do something.

If you want to make a lot of money, you must be a pro, you must have tremendous experience in that business, examples of work, portfolio. People who have already used your services and can recommend you to others should speak well of you ...

In copywriting and freelancing, you can work without financial investments, here the most important thing is professionalism.

Your website or blog

At the first stage, there are two problems - to make a website and promote it. Learn how to do this, the Internet is full of information, if you want and the right choice information, as well as the right approach, you will succeed. You don't have to be a pro in any business, you can learn, put it into practice and write about it on a blog, while you have to show your results. When you have results in your case, you can teach someone or help someone. Promotion is sometimes more difficult than developing a resource, if the site is zero and there is no audience, then you can only earn money on it for a sandwich.

The following things bring income on the site:

Some information on earnings can be found here:

Partnership programs

In affiliate programs, you can work and earn money without having anything at all - neither your own website, nor start-up capital. To make good money in affiliate programs, you need to know certain information on this topic, look for profitable affiliate programs and be among the first to promote any project, product or service. The main point of earning money on affiliate programs is that those comrades who have huge base subscribers or have their own target audience.

Your project on the Internet

To begin with, you need to become a pro in some area, have an excellent understanding of your business, establish contacts with people who are moving in this topic, and then you can already think about your project. It can be some kind of service, exchange, etc. and here, as already said, you need a team - organizers, programmers, promoters and anyone else.


This is earnings on the sale of their information products... Very profitable view earnings, but in order to earn a lot of money in it, you need to be again a professional in some area. The creation of information products (training courses, trainings, books, etc.) is not an easy task. Making a product is one thing, selling it is another.

Online store

Creating an online store, I mean a good online store, this is also a serious level and a team is needed here. A process with many levels of organization - managers, purchasing, warehousing, shipping, registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, etc. if you have interesting ideas in this area, you can try and start small. It will be useful to find training video courses on how to create an online store from scratch.

At the end, I want to summarize and express the idea that no matter what method of earning you choose, it turns out like this: HOW TO DO NOT TURN WITHOUT BLOG, DO NOT DO IT! A blog is one of the important tools for good development your internet business. Who knows how to make money on the Internet, but does not have his own blog, having got it, he earned several times more. Don't be a ZOMBIE like those who spam on social media by e-mail, on skype and offers various super projects. Keep your blog, promote it and people will reach out to you.

Well, we got such a list of make money on the Internet and where the difficult will bring, depends only on the person himself. It is impossible to describe everything in detail within the framework of one article, my goal was to show the main directions, to suggest in which direction you can dig further. I wish you the best in your endeavors. Everything, see you!

17 november 2016

Greetings! The other day I enjoyed watching the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" with Leonardo DiCaprio in starring... Adore . The intensity of passions, a sea of ​​events and emotions, ups and downs - beauty! Agree, in comparison with the heroes of such films, you and I live a terribly boring life.

Is it realistic for a mere mortal to make money on the stock exchange? The answer to this question is not as obvious as it seems. Those who consider the currency, stock or giant scam are wrong. But those who hope to earn thousands of dollars on the MICEX are also mistaken.

The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in between. Let's try to figure it out ...

We will not touch Forex today. The article was just recently. Let's talk about the one where securities are traded.

There are two ways to earn money here. And each has its own pros and cons. "Speculator" or "Investor": which image do you like more?


The speculator focuses on making short-term profits. He can "weld" a few percent in a couple of minutes or a couple of days. Then close the deal and fix the profit.

The speculator does not care what to trade. If only the instrument was more or less volatile. After all, a trader makes money on price fluctuations (a dollar / ruble pair, a barrel of oil, stocks Apple). The speculator is an active player. It searches for trends, uses and analyzes news, signals and forums. And each time it tries to predict where the market will go: up or down.

How much can a speculator earn?

A speculator can double a trading account in just one month! It is possible to get more than 1000 per annum in a couple of days or hours. The speculator's goal is to overtake the market and make serious profits in a short time.

For example, here are the real results of the LPI competition - "The Best Private Investor". The Moscow Exchange holds LPI every year from September 15 to December 15. Anyone can take part in the competition. Within the framework of the competition, you can trade on the stock, derivatives and foreign exchange markets.

For three months, the top three earned 267.98%, 263.95% and 232.81% on the stock market, respectively. Tempting to increase your start-up capital by 2.5 times in just three months? They put $ 10,000 on the account - they took out $ 25,000 ...

Unfortunately, in real trades, everything looks completely different. Most of the traders showed results from 0% to 5%. Slightly less than half - from 0% to -5%. At the end of three months, 50% of all trading accounts were in the red.

It turns out that it is not so profitable to be a speculator. But damn tempting, isn't it? 🙂 By the way, it also refers to speculation.

Do you remember the story of the beginning of 2016 about a private trader from Kazan? On the Internet, the link to this news was circulated on all social networks. In one day, Denis Gromov lost 15.1 million rubles on currency speculation, and owes the bank 9.5 million rubles! The story is, of course, dark, but still ...


Have you noticed that they don't make films or write books about investors? About traders-speculators - please, but about investors - nothing at all!

And all because ... there is nothing special to show. In trading, in a couple of minutes they earn and lose millions, in the frame - a sea of ​​emotions, yachts, limousines and luxurious women. Reviews of the lucky ones excite and make you believe in a miracle.

Investing is quiet, boring, more or less predictable and absolutely not spectacular. Making a film about an ordinary investor is like making an accountant or a tax inspector the protagonist of an action movie. 🙂

Now, seriously. The investor is focused on receiving for a period of two to three years. Unlike a speculator, he buys either, not as a commodity for resale, but as an asset or share in a business. The investor does not assess the general situation in the stock market, but looks at the prospects of a particular organization. He analyzes financial statements companies using multipliers(profit, book value, profitability, and more).

Especially lazy investors don't even do that. They do not waste time analyzing markets, companies or securities, but allocate funds between different classes assets using. This strategy is called Asset Allocation. It takes a minimum of time, and brings profitability above the market.

How does an investor make money? On dividends and growth in the value of a particular business. Unlike speculators, investors do not use stops and shoulders. Investors reduce potential risks in a different way -.

How much can an investor earn?

Investor's goal: to overtake inflation and the market (usually a benchmark in the form) by a few percent over the long term. The Asset Allocation investor is quite satisfied with the market yield.

It is impossible to say how much an investor earns on average. Replace one asset in the portfolio with another, or take the results for two "adjacent" years - and the numbers will already be different.

Let's take a look at two investment vehicles.

Dividends per share

Let's take a stock dividend yield Russian companies at the end of 2015. By the way, there are not so few companies in Russia that pay dividends to shareholders.

  • I receive income even when the share price falls or stands still
  • Regular payments create additional cash flow (every year, half a year or quarter), which can be directed back to investments

Government bonds

OFZ is another good investment option for a passive investor. The instrument is considered the most reliable on the Russian financial market. And the yield on such securities is almost always higher than the interest on bank deposits.

Income on government bonds consists of two parts: income from redemption / sale and. In the summer of 2016, OFZ traded at a yield of 8% to 12%. OFZs can be used to compile a bond portfolio, buy it at and get a tax deduction of 13%.

How to choose OFZ for investment?

If the market is expected to rise interest rates then it is better to buy variable coupon bonds. If the rates go up, so will the coupon yield.

On the background high level inflation, it is worth taking a closer look at OFZ-IN (government bonds with face indexation). Such securities are indexed to consumer inflation. True, OFZ-IN usually offers very low coupon yields.

Amortized bonds are suitable for those looking to generate intense cash flow. OFZ-AD are repaid not once, but in parts according to the schedule. By the way, just yesterday I was ripe.

Who is more profitable to be: a speculator or an investor?

There is no clear answer to this question. It is definitely more difficult to be a speculator. At any moment, he can earn hundreds of thousands and immediately go into negative territory. Plus, the speculator must know and understand the market in which he is trading. And possess such qualities as stress resistance, cold mind and good reaction. The earnings of a speculator can be called neither stable nor.

The investor's income is more predictable and regular (like his life, by the way). Compared to a speculator, his potential income and losses are much more modest. You can be an investor "part-time" without devoting everything to it free time... Required character traits: patience, an analytical mind and a sense of purpose.

As for the answer to the most important question of the article: "Is it realistic to make money on the stock exchange?" - read my blog and see everything with your own eyes, and in real time! 🙂 Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with your friends on social networks!

P.S. If you want to know more about the exchange, investments and trading, I advise you to look this webinar from Dmitry Mikhnov.

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